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synced 2024-12-03 07:14:38 +03:00
This PR is the second part of https://github.com/twentyhq/twenty/pull/5693. It optimizes all remaining field types. The observed improvements are : - x2 loading time improvement on table rows - more consistent render time Here's a summary of measured improvements, what's given here is the average of hundreds of renders with a React Profiler component. (in our Storybook performance stories) | Component | Before (µs) | After (µs) | | ----- | ------------- | --- | | TextFieldDisplay | 127 | 83 | | EmailFieldDisplay | 117 | 83 | | NumberFieldDisplay | 97 | 56 | | DateFieldDisplay | 240 | 52 | | CurrencyFieldDisplay | 236 | 110 | | FullNameFieldDisplay | 131 | 85 | | AddressFieldDisplay | 118 | 81 | | BooleanFieldDisplay | 130 | 100 | | JSONFieldDisplay | 248 | 49 | | LinksFieldDisplay | 1180 | 140 | | LinkFieldDisplay | 140 | 78 | | MultiSelectFieldDisplay | 770 | 130 | | SelectFieldDisplay | 230 | 87 |
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import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { ThemeProvider } from '@emotion/react';
import { Preview } from '@storybook/react';
import { initialize, mswDecorator } from 'msw-storybook-addon';
import { useDarkMode } from 'storybook-dark-mode';
import { THEME_DARK, THEME_LIGHT, ThemeContextProvider } from 'twenty-ui';
import { RootDecorator } from '../src/testing/decorators/RootDecorator';
import { mockedUserJWT } from '../src/testing/mock-data/jwt';
import 'react-loading-skeleton/dist/skeleton.css';
onUnhandledRequest: async (request: Request) => {
const fileExtensionsToIgnore =
if (fileExtensionsToIgnore.test(request.url)) {
const requestBody = await request.json();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.warn(`Unhandled ${request.method} request to ${request.url}
with payload ${JSON.stringify(requestBody)}\n
This request should be mocked with MSW`);
const preview: Preview = {
decorators: [
(Story) => {
const theme = useDarkMode() ? THEME_DARK : THEME_LIGHT;
useEffect(() => {
document.documentElement.className =
theme.name === 'dark' ? 'dark' : 'light';
}, [theme]);
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<ThemeContextProvider theme={theme}>
<Story />
parameters: {
actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },
controls: {
matchers: {
color: /(background|color)$/i,
date: /Date$/,
options: {
storySort: {
order: ['UI', 'Modules', 'Pages'],
cookie: {
tokenPair: `{%22accessToken%22:{%22token%22:%22${mockedUserJWT}%22%2C%22expiresAt%22:%222023-07-18T15:06:40.704Z%22%2C%22__typename%22:%22AuthToken%22}%2C%22refreshToken%22:{%22token%22:%22${mockedUserJWT}%22%2C%22expiresAt%22:%222023-10-15T15:06:41.558Z%22%2C%22__typename%22:%22AuthToken%22}%2C%22__typename%22:%22AuthTokenPair%22}`,
export default preview;