Baptiste Devessier 729c990546
Activate/Deactivate workflow and Discard Draft (#7022)
## Setup

This PR can be tested only if some feature flags have specific values:

- `IsWorkflowEnabled` equals `true`
- `IsQueryRunnerTwentyORMEnabled` equals `false`

These feature flags weren't committed to don't break other branches.

## What this PR brings

- Display buttons to activate and deactivate a workflow version and a
button to discard the current draft version. I also scaffolded a "Test"
button, which doesn't do anything for now.
- Wired the activate, deactivate and discard draft buttons to the
- Made it possible to "edit" active and deactivated versions by
automatically creating a new draft version when the user tries to edit
the version.
- Hide the "Discard Draft", button if the current version is not a draft
or is the first version ever created.
- On the backend, don't consider discarded drafts when checking if a new
draft version can be created.
- On the backend, disallow deleting the first created workflow version.
Otherwise, we will end up with a blank canvas in the front end, and it
will be impossible to recover from it.
- On the backend, disallow running deactivation steps if the workflow
version is not currently active. Previously, we were throwing, which is
unnecessary as it's a valid case.

## Spotted bugs that we must dive into

### Duplicate workflow versions in Apollo cache


Co-authored-by: Charles Bochet <>
2024-09-25 18:09:31 +02:00

48 lines
1.2 KiB

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