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synced 2025-01-05 21:36:03 +03:00
WIP testing restore API
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ module Database.Bloodhound.Client
, createSnapshot
, getSnapshots
, deleteSnapshot
, restoreSnapshot
, encodeBulkOperations
, encodeBulkOperation
-- * Authentication
@ -361,7 +362,11 @@ createSnapshot (SnapshotRepoName repoName)
, Just ("ignore_global_state" .= snapIncludeGlobalState)
, Just ("partial" .= snapPartial)
renderIndices (i :| is) = T.intercalate "," (renderIndex <$> (i:is))
renderIndices :: NonEmpty IndexName -> Text
renderIndices (i :| is) = T.intercalate "," (renderIndex <$> (i:is))
renderIndex (IndexName n) = n
@ -400,6 +405,37 @@ deleteSnapshot (SnapshotRepoName repoName) (SnapshotName snapName) =
url = joinPath ["_snapshot", repoName, snapName]
-- | Restore a snapshot to the cluster See
-- <https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.7/modules-snapshots.html#_restore>
-- for more details.
:: MonadBH m
=> SnapshotRepoName
-> SnapshotName
-> SnapshotRestoreSettings
-- ^ Start with 'defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings' and customize
-- from there for reasonable defaults.
-> m Reply
restoreSnapshot (SnapshotRepoName repoName)
(SnapshotName snapName)
SnapshotRestoreSettings {..} = bindM2 put url (return (Just body))
url = addQuery params <$> joinPath ["_snapshot", repoName, snapName, "_restore"]
params = [("wait_for_completion", Just (boolQP snapRestoreWaitForCompletion))]
body = encode (object prs)
prs = catMaybes [ ("indices" .=) . renderIndices <$> snapRestoreIndices
, Just ("ignore_unavailable" .= snapRestoreIgnoreUnavailable)
, Just ("include_global_state" .= snapRestoreIncludeGlobalState)
, ("rename_pattern" .=) <$> snapRestoreRenamePattern
, ("rename_replacement" .=) . renderTokens <$> snapRestoreRenameReplacement
, Just ("include_aliases" .= snapRestoreIncludeAliases)
renderTokens (t :| ts) = mconcat (renderToken <$> (t:ts))
renderToken (RRTLit t) = t
renderToken RRSubWholeMatch = "$0"
renderToken (RRSubGroup g) = T.pack (show (rrGroupRefNum g))
-- | 'createIndex' will create an index given a 'Server', 'IndexSettings', and an 'IndexName'.
-- >>> response <- runBH' $ createIndex defaultIndexSettings (IndexName "didimakeanindex")
@ -484,7 +520,7 @@ optimizeIndex ixs IndexOptimizationSettings {..} =
indexSelectionName :: IndexSelection -> Text
indexSelectionName (IndexList names) = T.intercalate "," [n | IndexName n <- toList names]
indexSelectionName (IndexList names) = renderIndices names
indexSelectionName AllIndexes = "_all"
deepMerge :: [Object] -> Object
@ -260,6 +260,13 @@ module Database.Bloodhound.Types
, SnapshotInfo(..)
, SnapshotName(..)
, SnapshotState(..)
, SnapshotRestoreSettings(..)
, defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings
, RestoreRenamePattern(..)
, RestoreRenameToken(..)
, RRGroupRefNum
, rrGroupRefNum
, mkRRGroupRefNum
, Aggregation(..)
, Aggregations
@ -3831,23 +3838,23 @@ instance Exception SnapshotRepoConversionError
data SnapshotCreateSettings = SnapshotCreateSettings {
snapWaitForCompletion :: Bool
snapWaitForCompletion :: Bool
-- ^ Should the API call return immediately after initializing
-- the snapshot or wait until completed. Note that if this is
-- the snapshot or wait until completed? Note that if this is
-- enabled it could wait a long time, so you should adjust your
-- 'ManagerSettings' accordingly to set long timeouts or
-- explicitly handle timeouts.
, snapIndices :: Maybe (NonEmpty IndexName)
, snapIndices :: Maybe (NonEmpty IndexName)
-- ^ Nothing will snapshot all indices. Just [] is permissable and
-- will essentially be a no-op snapshot.
, snapIgnoreUnavailable :: Bool
, snapIgnoreUnavailable :: Bool
-- ^ If set to True, any matched indices that don't exist will be
-- ignored. Otherwise it will be an error and fail.
, snapIncludeGlobalState :: Bool
, snapPartial :: Bool
, snapPartial :: Bool
-- ^ If some indices failed to snapshot (e.g. if not all primary
-- shards are available), should the process proceed?
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)
-- | Reasonable defaults for snapshot creation
@ -3858,8 +3865,13 @@ data SnapshotCreateSettings = SnapshotCreateSettings {
-- * snapIncludeGlobalState True
-- * snapPartial False
defaultSnapshotCreateSettings :: SnapshotCreateSettings
defaultSnapshotCreateSettings =
SnapshotCreateSettings False Nothing False True False
defaultSnapshotCreateSettings = SnapshotCreateSettings {
snapWaitForCompletion = False
, snapIndices = Nothing
, snapIgnoreUnavailable = False
, snapIncludeGlobalState = True
, snapPartial = False
data SnapshotSelection = SnapshotList (NonEmpty SnapshotPattern)
@ -3938,3 +3950,94 @@ instance FromJSON SnapshotState where
newtype SnapshotName = SnapshotName { snapshotName :: Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
data SnapshotRestoreSettings = SnapshotRestoreSettings {
snapRestoreWaitForCompletion :: Bool
-- ^ Should the API call return immediately after initializing
-- the restore or wait until completed? Note that if this is
-- enabled, it could wait a long time, so you should adjust your
-- 'ManagerSettings' accordingly to set long timeouts or
-- explicitly handle timeouts.
, snapRestoreIndices :: Maybe (NonEmpty IndexName)
-- ^ Nothing will restore all indices in the snapshot. Just [] is
-- permissable and will essentially be a no-op restore.
, snapRestoreIgnoreUnavailable :: Bool
-- ^ If set to True, any indices that do not exist will be ignored
-- during snapshot rather than failing the restore.
, snapRestoreIncludeGlobalState :: Bool
-- ^ If set to false, will ignore any global state in the snapshot
-- and will not restore it.
, snapRestoreRenamePattern :: Maybe RestoreRenamePattern
-- ^ A regex pattern for matching indices. Used with
-- 'snapRestoreRenameReplacement', the restore can reference the
-- matched index and create a new index name upon restore.
, snapRestoreRenameReplacement :: Maybe (NonEmpty RestoreRenameToken)
-- ^ Expression of how index renames should be constructed.
, snapRestorePartial :: Bool
-- ^ If some indices fail to restore, should the process proceed?
, snapRestoreIncludeAliases :: Bool
-- ^ Should the restore also restore the aliases captured in the
-- snapshot.
} deriving (Eq, Generic, Show, Typeable)
--TODO: temporary settings changes
-- | Regex-stype pattern, e.g. "index_(.+)" to match index names
newtype RestoreRenamePattern = RestoreRenamePattern { rrPattern :: Text }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Ord, ToJSON)
-- | A single token in a index renaming scheme for a restore. These
-- are concatenated into a string before being sent to
-- ElasticSearch. Check out these Java
-- <https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/Matcher.html
-- docs> to find out more if you're into that sort of thing.
data RestoreRenameToken = RRTLit Text
-- ^ Just a literal string of characters
| RRSubWholeMatch
-- ^ Equivalent to $0. The entire matched pattern, not any subgroup
| RRSubGroup RRGroupRefNum
-- ^ A specific reference to a group number
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Typeable)
-- | A group number for regex matching. Only values from 1-9 are
-- supported. Construct with mkRRGroupRefNum
newtype RRGroupRefNum = RRGroupRefNum { rrGroupRefNum :: Int }
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Typeable, Ord)
instance Bounded RRGroupRefNum where
minBound = RRGroupRefNum 1
maxBound = RRGroupRefNum 9
-- | Only allows valid group number references (0-9).
mkRRGroupRefNum :: Int -> Maybe RRGroupRefNum
mkRRGroupRefNum i
| i >= (rrGroupRefNum minBound) && i <= (rrGroupRefNum maxBound) =
Just $ RRGroupRefNum i
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Reasonable defaults for snapshot restores
-- * snapRestoreWaitForCompletion False
-- * snapRestoreIndices Nothing
-- * snapRestoreIgnoreUnavailable False
-- * snapRestoreIncludeGlobalState True
-- * snapRestoreRenamePattern Nothing
-- * snapRestoreRenameReplacement Nothing
-- * snapRestorePartial False
-- * snapRestoreIncludeAliases True
defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings :: SnapshotRestoreSettings
defaultSnapshotRestoreSettings = SnapshotRestoreSettings {
snapRestoreWaitForCompletion = False
, snapRestoreIndices = Nothing
, snapRestoreIgnoreUnavailable = False
, snapRestoreIncludeGlobalState = True
, snapRestoreRenamePattern = Nothing
, snapRestoreRenameReplacement = Nothing
, snapRestorePartial = False
, snapRestoreIncludeAliases = True
@ -1487,6 +1487,9 @@ main = hspec $ do
Right snaps -> expectationFailure ("Expected 1 snapshot but got" <> show (length snaps))
Left e -> expectationFailure (show e)
describe "snapshot restore" $ do
it "can restore a snapshot that we create" pending
describe "Enum DocVersion" $ do
it "follows the laws of Enum, Bounded" $ do
evaluate (succ maxBound :: DocVersion) `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
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