Merge pull request #63 from bermanjosh/scanType

url query encoding bug
This commit is contained in:
Chris Allen 2015-08-23 12:16:33 -05:00
commit 2034616f2d
3 changed files with 31 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: bloodhound
synopsis: ElasticSearch client library for Haskell
description: ElasticSearch made awesome for Haskell hackers

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@ -173,16 +173,16 @@ joinPath ps = do
return $ joinPath' (s:ps)
appendSearchTypeParam :: Text -> SearchType -> Text
appendSearchTypeParam originalUrl st = addQuery [(keyEq, Just stParams)] originalUrl
where keyEq = "search_type="
| st == SearchTypeDfsQueryThenFetch = "dfs_query_then_fetch"
| st == SearchTypeCount = "count"
| st == SearchTypeScan = "scan&scroll=1m"
| st == SearchTypeQueryAndFetch = "query_and_fetch"
| st == SearchTypeDfsQueryAndFetch = "dfs_query_and_fetch"
appendSearchTypeParam originalUrl st = addQuery params originalUrl
where stText = "search_type"
| st == SearchTypeDfsQueryThenFetch = [(stText, Just "dfs_query_then_fetch")]
| st == SearchTypeCount = [(stText, Just "count")]
| st == SearchTypeScan = [(stText, Just "scan"), ("scroll", Just "1m")]
| st == SearchTypeQueryAndFetch = [(stText, Just "query_and_fetch")]
| st == SearchTypeDfsQueryAndFetch = [(stText, Just "dfs_query_and_fetch")]
-- used to catch 'SearchTypeQueryThenFetch', which is also the default
| otherwise = "query_then_fetch"
| otherwise = [(stText, Just "query_then_fetch")]
-- | Severely dumbed down query renderer. Assumes your data doesn't
-- need any encoding
@ -543,9 +543,9 @@ searchByType (IndexName indexName)
(MappingName mappingName) = bindM2 dispatchSearch url . return
where url = joinPath [indexName, mappingName, "_search"]
scanSearch' :: MonadBH m => Search -> m (Maybe ScrollId)
scanSearch' search = do
let url = joinPath ["_search"]
scanSearch' :: MonadBH m => IndexName -> MappingName -> Search -> m (Maybe ScrollId)
scanSearch' (IndexName indexName) (MappingName mappingName) search = do
let url = joinPath [indexName, mappingName, "_search"]
search' = search { searchType = SearchTypeScan }
resp' <- bindM2 dispatchSearch url (return search')
let msr = decode' $ responseBody resp' :: Maybe (SearchResult ())
@ -570,9 +570,11 @@ simpleAccumilator oldHits (newHits, msid) = do
(newHits', msid') <- scroll' msid
simpleAccumilator (oldHits ++ newHits) (newHits', msid')
scanSearch :: (FromJSON a, MonadBH m) => Search -> m [Hit a]
scanSearch search = do
msid <- scanSearch' search
-- | 'scanSearch' uses the 'scan&scroll' API of elastic,
-- for a given 'IndexName' and 'MappingName',
scanSearch :: (FromJSON a, MonadBH m) => IndexName -> MappingName -> Search -> m [Hit a]
scanSearch indexName mappingName search = do
msid <- scanSearch' indexName mappingName search
(hits, msid') <- scroll' msid
(totalHits, _) <- simpleAccumilator [] (hits, msid')
return totalHits

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@ -762,3 +762,16 @@ main = hspec $ do
enumFrom (pred maxBound :: DocVersion) `shouldBe` [pred maxBound, maxBound]
enumFrom (pred maxBound :: DocVersion) `shouldBe` [pred maxBound, maxBound]
enumFromThen minBound (pred maxBound :: DocVersion) `shouldBe` [minBound, pred maxBound]
describe "scan&scroll API" $ do
it "returns documents using the scan&scroll API" $ withTestEnv $ do
_ <- insertData
_ <- insertOther
let search = (mkSearch (Just $ MatchAllQuery Nothing) Nothing) { size = (Size 1) }
regular_search <- searchTweet search
scan_search' <- scanSearch testIndex testMapping search :: BH IO [Hit Tweet]
let scan_search = map hitSource scan_search'
liftIO $
regular_search `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet -- Check that the size restrtiction is being honored
liftIO $
scan_search `shouldMatchList` [exampleTweet, otherTweet]