mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 06:30:29 +03:00
Clean up script fields.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1044,7 +1044,7 @@ scanSearch indexName mappingName search = do
-- >>> mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
-- Search {queryBody = Just (TermQuery (Term {termField = "user", termValue = "bitemyapp"}) Nothing), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = From 0, size = Size 10, searchType = SearchTypeQueryThenFetch, fields = Nothing, source = Nothing}
mkSearch :: Maybe Query -> Maybe Filter -> Search
mkSearch query filter = Search query filter Nothing Nothing Nothing False (From 0) (Size 10) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkSearch query filter = Search query filter Nothing Nothing Nothing False (From 0) (Size 10) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- | 'mkAggregateSearch' is a helper function that defaults everything in a 'Search' except for
-- the 'Query' and the 'Aggregation'.
@ -1054,7 +1054,7 @@ mkSearch query filter = Search query filter Nothing Nothing Nothing False (From
-- TermsAgg (TermsAggregation {term = Left "user", termInclude = Nothing, termExclude = Nothing, termOrder = Nothing, termMinDocCount = Nothing, termSize = Nothing, termShardSize = Nothing, termCollectMode = Just BreadthFirst, termExecutionHint = Nothing, termAggs = Nothing})
-- >>> let myAggregation = mkAggregateSearch Nothing $ mkAggregations "users" terms
mkAggregateSearch :: Maybe Query -> Aggregations -> Search
mkAggregateSearch query mkSearchAggs = Search query Nothing Nothing (Just mkSearchAggs) Nothing False (From 0) (Size 0) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkAggregateSearch query mkSearchAggs = Search query Nothing Nothing (Just mkSearchAggs) Nothing False (From 0) (Size 0) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- | 'mkHighlightSearch' is a helper function that defaults everything in a 'Search' except for
-- the 'Query' and the 'Aggregation'.
@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ mkAggregateSearch query mkSearchAggs = Search query Nothing Nothing (Just mkSear
-- >>> let testHighlight = Highlights Nothing [FieldHighlight (FieldName "message") Nothing]
-- >>> let search = mkHighlightSearch (Just query) testHighlight
mkHighlightSearch :: Maybe Query -> Highlights -> Search
mkHighlightSearch query searchHighlights = Search query Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just searchHighlights) False (From 0) (Size 10) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkHighlightSearch query searchHighlights = Search query Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just searchHighlights) False (From 0) (Size 10) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- | 'pageSearch' is a helper function that takes a search and assigns the from
-- and size fields for the search. The from parameter defines the offset
@ -151,6 +151,12 @@ module Database.V5.Bloodhound.Types
, RegexpFlag(..)
, FieldName(..)
, Script(..)
, ScriptLanguage(..)
, ScriptInline(..)
, ScriptId(..)
, ScriptParams(..)
, ScriptParamName
, ScriptParamValue
, IndexName(..)
, IndexSelection(..)
, NodeSelection(..)
@ -186,12 +192,6 @@ module Database.V5.Bloodhound.Types
, FunctionScoreFunctions(..)
, ComponentFunctionScoreFunction(..)
, FunctionScoreFunction(..)
, FunctionScoreScript(..)
, FunctionScoreScriptInline(..)
, FunctionScoreScriptId(..)
, FunctionScoreScriptParams(..)
, FunctionScoreScriptParamName
, FunctionScoreScriptParamValue
, Weight(..)
, Seed(..)
, FieldValueFactor(..)
@ -1013,11 +1013,30 @@ newtype QueryString = QueryString Text deriving (Eq, Generic, Read, Show, ToJSON
newtype FieldName = FieldName Text deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Typeable)
type ScriptFieldName = Text
{-| 'Script' is often used in place of 'FieldName' to specify more
complex ways of extracting a value from a document.
newtype Script = Script { scriptText :: Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data Script =
Script { scriptLanguage :: Maybe ScriptLanguage
, scriptInline :: Maybe ScriptInline
, scriptStored :: Maybe ScriptId
, scriptParams :: Maybe ScriptParams
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
newtype ScriptLanguage =
ScriptLanguage Text deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
newtype ScriptInline =
ScriptInline Text deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
newtype ScriptId =
ScriptId Text deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
newtype ScriptParams =
ScriptParams (HM.HashMap ScriptParamName ScriptParamValue)
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
type ScriptParamName = Text
type ScriptParamValue = Value
{-| 'CacheName' is used in 'RegexpFilter' for describing the
'CacheKey' keyed caching behavior.
@ -1138,6 +1157,7 @@ data Search = Search { queryBody :: Maybe Query
, size :: Size
, searchType :: SearchType
, fields :: Maybe [FieldName]
, scriptFields :: Maybe (HM.HashMap ScriptFieldName Script)
, source :: Maybe Source
, suggestBody :: Maybe Suggest -- ^ Only one Suggestion request / response per Search is supported.
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
@ -1475,30 +1495,11 @@ data ComponentFunctionScoreFunction =
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data FunctionScoreFunction =
FunctionScoreFunctionScript FunctionScoreScript
FunctionScoreFunctionScript Script
| FunctionScoreFunctionRandom Seed
| FunctionScoreFunctionFieldValueFactor FieldValueFactor
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data FunctionScoreScript =
FunctionScoreScript { functionScoreScriptInline :: Maybe FunctionScoreScriptInline
, functionScoreScriptStored :: Maybe FunctionScoreScriptId
, functionScoreScriptParams :: Maybe FunctionScoreScriptParams
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
newtype FunctionScoreScriptInline =
FunctionScoreScriptInline Text deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
newtype FunctionScoreScriptId =
FunctionScoreScriptId Text deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
newtype FunctionScoreScriptParams =
FunctionScoreScriptParams (HM.HashMap FunctionScoreScriptParamName FunctionScoreScriptParamValue)
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
type FunctionScoreScriptParamName = Text
type FunctionScoreScriptParamValue = Value
newtype Weight =
Weight Float deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
@ -1814,6 +1815,7 @@ data Hit a =
, hitDocId :: DocId
, hitScore :: Score
, hitSource :: Maybe a
, hitFields :: Maybe (HM.HashMap Text [Value])
, hitHighlight :: Maybe HitHighlight } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data ShardResult =
@ -2092,7 +2094,7 @@ instance ToJSON Aggregation where
toJSON (ValueCountAgg a) = object ["value_count" .= v]
where v = case a of
(FieldValueCount (FieldName n)) -> object ["field" .= n]
(ScriptValueCount (Script s)) -> object ["script" .= s]
(ScriptValueCount s) -> object ["script" .= s]
toJSON (FilterAgg (FilterAggregation filt ags)) =
omitNulls [ "filter" .= filt
, "aggs" .= ags]
@ -2955,27 +2957,29 @@ parseFunctionScoreFunction o =
singleRandom o' = FunctionScoreFunctionRandom <$> o' .: "seed"
singleFieldValueFactor = pure . FunctionScoreFunctionFieldValueFactor
instance ToJSON FunctionScoreScript where
toJSON (FunctionScoreScript inline stored params) =
instance ToJSON Script where
toJSON (Script lang inline stored params) =
object [ "script" .= omitNulls base ]
where base = [ "inline" .= inline
where base = [ "lang" .= lang
, "inline" .= inline
, "stored" .= stored
, "params" .= params ]
instance FromJSON FunctionScoreScript where
parseJSON = withObject "FunctionScoreScript" parse
instance FromJSON Script where
parseJSON = withObject "Script" parse
where parse o = o .: "script" >>= \o' ->
<$> o' .:? "inline"
<$> o' .:? "lang"
<*> o' .:? "inline"
<*> o' .:? "stored"
<*> o' .:? "params"
instance ToJSON FunctionScoreScriptParams where
toJSON (FunctionScoreScriptParams x) = Object x
instance ToJSON ScriptParams where
toJSON (ScriptParams x) = Object x
instance FromJSON FunctionScoreScriptParams where
parseJSON (Object o) = pure (FunctionScoreScriptParams o)
parseJSON _ = fail "error parsing FunctionScoreScriptParams"
instance FromJSON ScriptParams where
parseJSON (Object o) = pure (ScriptParams o)
parseJSON _ = fail "error parsing ScriptParams"
instance ToJSON FieldValueFactor where
toJSON (FieldValueFactor field factor modifier missing) =
@ -3551,17 +3555,18 @@ instance FromJSON SearchAliasRouting where
where parse t = SearchAliasRouting <$> parseNEJSON (String <$> T.splitOn "," t)
instance ToJSON Search where
toJSON (Search mquery sFilter sort searchAggs highlight sTrackSortScores sFrom sSize _ sFields sSource sSuggest) =
omitNulls [ "query" .= query'
, "sort" .= sort
, "aggregations" .= searchAggs
, "highlight" .= highlight
, "from" .= sFrom
, "size" .= sSize
, "track_scores" .= sTrackSortScores
, "fields" .= sFields
, "_source" .= sSource
, "suggest" .= sSuggest]
toJSON (Search mquery sFilter sort searchAggs highlight sTrackSortScores sFrom sSize _ sFields sScriptFields sSource sSuggest) =
omitNulls [ "query" .= query'
, "sort" .= sort
, "aggregations" .= searchAggs
, "highlight" .= highlight
, "from" .= sFrom
, "size" .= sSize
, "track_scores" .= sTrackSortScores
, "fields" .= sFields
, "script_fields" .= sScriptFields
, "_source" .= sSource
, "suggest" .= sSuggest]
where query' = case sFilter of
Nothing -> mquery
@ -3931,7 +3936,8 @@ instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Hit a) where
v .: "_type" <*>
v .: "_id" <*>
v .: "_score" <*>
v .:? "_source" <*>
v .:? "_source" <*>
v .:? "fields" <*>
v .:? "highlight"
parseJSON _ = empty
Reference in New Issue
Block a user