mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 08:47:36 +03:00
WIP: add initial types for nodes API
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ module Database.Bloodhound.Types
, mkBHEnv
, MonadBH(..)
, Version(..)
, VersionNumber(..)
, BuildHash(..)
, Status(..)
, Existence(..)
, NullValue(..)
@ -252,6 +254,31 @@ module Database.Bloodhound.Types
, SnapshotNodeVerification(..)
, FullNodeId(..)
, NodeName(..)
, ClusterName(..)
, NodesInfo(..)
, EsAddress(..)
, PluginName(..)
, NodeInfo(..)
, NodePluginInfo(..)
, NodeHTTPInfo(..)
, NodeTransportInfo(..)
, BoundTransportAddress(..)
, NodeNetworkInfo(..)
, MacAddress(..)
, NetworkInterfaceName(..)
, NodeNetworkInterface(..)
, NodeThreadPoolsInfo(..)
, NodeThreadPoolInfo(..)
, ThreadPoolSize(..)
, ThreadPoolType(..)
, NodeJVMInfo(..)
, JVMMemoryPool(..)
, JVMGCCollector(..)
, JVMMemoryInfo(..)
, PID(..)
, NodeOSInfo(..)
, CPUInfo(..)
, NodeProcessInfo(..)
, FsSnapshotRepo(..)
, SnapshotCreateSettings(..)
, defaultSnapshotCreateSettings
@ -323,7 +350,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Char
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (foldl', nub)
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate, nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), toList)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
@ -336,10 +363,12 @@ import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Traversable as DT
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Version as Vers
import GHC.Enum
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as NHTM
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP
import qualified Text.Read as TR
import Database.Bloodhound.Types.Class
@ -395,11 +424,15 @@ runBH :: BHEnv -> BH m a -> m a
runBH e f = runReaderT (unBH f) e
{-| 'Version' is embedded in 'Status' -}
data Version = Version { number :: Text
, build_hash :: Text
data Version = Version { number :: VersionNumber
, build_hash :: BuildHash
, build_timestamp :: UTCTime
, build_snapshot :: Bool
, lucene_version :: Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
, lucene_version :: VersionNumber } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | Traditional software versioning number
newtype VersionNumber = VersionNumber { versionNumber :: Vers.Version
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, Ord)
{-| 'Status' is a data type for describing the JSON body returned by
Elasticsearch when you query its status. This was deprecated in 1.2.0.
@ -1735,6 +1768,17 @@ instance FromJSON Version where
<*> o .: "build_snapshot"
<*> o .: "lucene_version"
instance ToJSON VersionNumber where
toJSON = toJSON . Vers.showVersion . versionNumber
instance FromJSON VersionNumber where
parseJSON = withText "VersionNumber" (parse . T.unpack)
parse s = case filter (null . snd)(RP.readP_to_S Vers.parseVersion s) of
[(v, _)] -> pure (VersionNumber v)
[] -> fail ("Invalid version string " ++ s)
xs -> fail ("Ambiguous version string " ++ s ++ " (" ++ intercalate ", " (Vers.showVersion . fst <$> xs) ++ ")")
instance ToJSON TermOrder where
toJSON (TermOrder termSortField termSortOrder) = object [termSortField .= termSortOrder]
@ -3767,6 +3811,183 @@ newtype FullNodeId = FullNodeId { fullNodeId :: Text }
newtype NodeName = NodeName { nodeName :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show, Typeable, FromJSON)
newtype ClusterName = ClusterName { clusterName :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show, Typeable, FromJSON)
data NodesInfo = NodesInfo {
nodesInfo :: [NodeInfo]
, nodesClusterName :: ClusterName
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | A quirky address format used throughout ElasticSearch. An example
-- would be inet[/]. inet may be a placeholder for a
-- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fully_qualified_domain_name FQDN>.
newtype EsAddress = EsAddress { esAddress :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show, Typeable, FromJSON)
-- | Typically a 7 character hex string.
newtype BuildHash = BuildHash { buildHash :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Read, Show, Typeable, FromJSON, ToJSON)
newtype PluginName = PluginName { pluginName :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show, Typeable, FromJSON)
data NodeInfo = NodeInfo {
nodeInfoHTTPAddress :: EsAddress --TODO: better name
, nodeInfoBuild :: BuildHash
, nodeInfoESVersion :: VersionNumber --TODO: distribution provides this
, nodeInfoIP :: Server
, nodeInfoHost :: Server
, nodeInfoTransportAddress :: EsAddress
, nodeInfoName :: NodeName
, nodeInfoFullId :: FullNodeId
, nodeInfoPlugins :: [NodePluginInfo]
, nodeInfoHTTP :: NodeHTTPInfo
, nodeInfoTransport :: NodeTransportInfo
, nodeInfoNetwork :: NodeNetworkInfo
, nodeInfoThreadPool :: NodeThreadPoolsInfo
, nodeInfoJVM :: NodeJVMInfo
, nodeInfoProcess :: NodeProcessInfo
, nodeInfoOS :: NodeOSInfo
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data NodePluginInfo = NodePluginInfo {
nodePluginSite :: Bool
-- ^ Is this a site plugin?
, nodePluginJVM :: Bool
-- ^ Is this plugin running on the JVM
, nodePluginDescription :: Text
, nodePluginVersion :: VersionNumber
, nodePluginName :: PluginName
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data NodeHTTPInfo = NodeHTTPInfo {
nodeHTTPMaxContentLength :: Bytes
, nodeHTTPTransportAddress :: BoundTransportAddress
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data NodeTransportInfo = NodeTransportInfo {
nodeTransportProfiles :: [BoundTransportAddress] --TODO: bound transport/publish addresses, paper over NULL meaning []
, nodeTransportAddress :: BoundTransportAddress
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data BoundTransportAddress = BoundTransportAddress {
publicAddress :: EsAddress
, boundAddress :: EsAddress
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data NodeNetworkInfo = NodeNetworkInfo {
nodeNetworkPrimaryInterface :: NodeNetworkInterface
, nodeNetworkRefreshInterval :: NominalDiffTime
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
newtype MacAddress = MacAddress { macAddress :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show, Typeable, FromJSON)
newtype NetworkInterfaceName = NetworkInterfaceName { networkInterfaceName :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic, Show, Typeable, FromJSON)
data NodeNetworkInterface = NodeNetworkInterface {
nodeNetIfaceMacAddress :: MacAddress
, nodeNetIfaceName :: NetworkInterfaceName
, nodeNetIfaceAddress :: Server
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data NodeThreadPoolsInfo = NodeThreadPoolsInfo {
nodeThreadPoolsRefresh :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsManagement :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsPercolate :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsListener :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsFetchShardStarted :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsSearch :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsFlush :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsWarmer :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsOptimize :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsBulk :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsSuggest :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsMerge :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsSnapshot :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsGet :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsFetchShardStore :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsIndex :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
, nodeThreadPoolsGeneric :: NodeThreadPoolInfo
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data NodeThreadPoolInfo = NodeThreadPoolInfo {
nodeThreadPoolQueueSize :: ThreadPoolSize
, nodeThreadPoolKeepalive :: Maybe NominalDiffTime
, nodeThreadPoolMin :: Maybe Int
, nodeThreadPoolMax :: Maybe Int
, nodeThreadPoolType :: ThreadPoolType
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data ThreadPoolSize = ThreadPoolLimited Int
| ThreadPoolUnbounded
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data ThreadPoolType = ThreadPoolScaling
| ThreadPoolFixed
| ThreadPoolCached --TODO: are there others
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data NodeJVMInfo = NodeJVMInfo {
nodeJVMInfoMemoryPools :: [JVMMemoryPool]
, nodeJVMInfoMemoryPoolsGCCollectors :: [JVMGCCollector]
, nodeJVMInfoMemoryInfo :: JVMMemoryInfo
, nodeJVMInfoStartTime :: UTCTime
, nodeJVMInfoVMVendor :: Text
, nodeJVMVMVersion :: VersionNumber
-- ^ JVM doesn't seme to follow normal version conventions
, nodeJVMVMName :: Text
, nodeJVMVersion :: VersionNumber --TODO: normalize underscores
, nodeJVMPID :: PID
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data JVMMemoryInfo = JVMMemoryInfo {
jvmMemoryInfoDirectMax :: Bytes
, jvmMemoryInfoNonHeapMax :: Bytes
, jvmMemoryInfoNonHeapInit :: Bytes
, jvmMemoryInfoHeapMax :: Bytes
, jvmMemoryInfoHeapInit :: Bytes
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
newtype JVMMemoryPool = JVMMemoryPool {
jvmMemoryPool :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable, FromJSON)
newtype JVMGCCollector = JVMGCCollector {
jvmGCCollector :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable, FromJSON)
newtype PID = PID {
pid :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable, FromJSON)
data NodeOSInfo = NodeOSInfo {
nodeOSSwap :: Bytes
, nodeOSMem :: Bytes
, nodeOSCPUInfo :: CPUInfo
, nodeOSAvailableProcessors :: Int
, nodeOSRefreshInterval :: NominalDiffTime
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data CPUInfo = CPUInfo {
cpuCacheSize :: Bytes
, cpuCoresPerSocket :: Int
, cpuTotalSockets :: Int
, cpuTotalCores :: Int
, cpuMHZ :: Int
, cpuModel :: Text
, cpuVendor :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data NodeProcessInfo = NodeProcessInfo {
nodeProcessMLockAll :: Bool
-- ^ See <https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-configuration.html>
, nodeProcessMaxFileDescriptors :: Int
, nodeProcessId :: PID
, nodeProcessRefreshInterval :: NominalDiffTime
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data SnapshotRepoUpdateSettings = SnapshotRepoUpdateSettings {
repoUpdateVerify :: Bool
@ -3923,9 +4144,9 @@ instance FromJSON SnapshotInfo where
<*> o .: "snapshot"
data SnapshotShardFailure = SnapshotShardFailure {
snapShardFailureIndex :: IndexName
, snapShardFailureNodeId :: Maybe NodeName -- I'm not 100% sure this isn't actually 'FullNodeId'
, snapShardFailureReason :: Text
snapShardFailureIndex :: IndexName
, snapShardFailureNodeId :: Maybe NodeName -- I'm not 100% sure this isn't actually 'FullNodeId'
, snapShardFailureReason :: Text
, snapShardFailureShardId :: ShardId
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
@ -3984,37 +4205,37 @@ newtype SnapshotName = SnapshotName { snapshotName :: Text }
data SnapshotRestoreSettings = SnapshotRestoreSettings {
snapRestoreWaitForCompletion :: Bool
snapRestoreWaitForCompletion :: Bool
-- ^ Should the API call return immediately after initializing
-- the restore or wait until completed? Note that if this is
-- enabled, it could wait a long time, so you should adjust your
-- 'ManagerSettings' accordingly to set long timeouts or
-- explicitly handle timeouts.
, snapRestoreIndices :: Maybe IndexSelection
, snapRestoreIndices :: Maybe IndexSelection
-- ^ Nothing will restore all indices in the snapshot. Just [] is
-- permissable and will essentially be a no-op restore.
, snapRestoreIgnoreUnavailable :: Bool
, snapRestoreIgnoreUnavailable :: Bool
-- ^ If set to True, any indices that do not exist will be ignored
-- during snapshot rather than failing the restore.
, snapRestoreIncludeGlobalState :: Bool
, snapRestoreIncludeGlobalState :: Bool
-- ^ If set to false, will ignore any global state in the snapshot
-- and will not restore it.
, snapRestoreRenamePattern :: Maybe RestoreRenamePattern
, snapRestoreRenamePattern :: Maybe RestoreRenamePattern
-- ^ A regex pattern for matching indices. Used with
-- 'snapRestoreRenameReplacement', the restore can reference the
-- matched index and create a new index name upon restore.
, snapRestoreRenameReplacement :: Maybe (NonEmpty RestoreRenameToken)
, snapRestoreRenameReplacement :: Maybe (NonEmpty RestoreRenameToken)
-- ^ Expression of how index renames should be constructed.
, snapRestorePartial :: Bool
, snapRestorePartial :: Bool
-- ^ If some indices fail to restore, should the process proceed?
, snapRestoreIncludeAliases :: Bool
, snapRestoreIncludeAliases :: Bool
-- ^ Should the restore also restore the aliases captured in the
-- snapshot.
, snapRestoreIndexSettingsOverrides :: Maybe RestoreIndexSettings
-- ^ Settings to apply during the restore process. __NOTE:__ This
-- option is not supported in ES < 1.5 and should be set to
-- Nothing in that case.
, snapRestoreIgnoreIndexSettings :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)
, snapRestoreIgnoreIndexSettings :: Maybe (NonEmpty Text)
-- ^ This type could be more rich but it isn't clear which
-- settings are allowed to be ignored during restore, so we're
-- going with including this feature in a basic form rather than
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, UTCTime (..),
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Version as Vers
import Database.Bloodhound
import GHC.Generics as G
import Network.HTTP.Client hiding (Proxy)
@ -76,42 +77,28 @@ createExampleIndex = createIndex (IndexSettings (ShardCount 1) (ReplicaCount 0))
deleteExampleIndex :: (MonadBH m) => m Reply
deleteExampleIndex = deleteIndex testIndex
data ServerVersion = ServerVersion Int Int Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
es13 :: Vers.Version
es13 = Vers.Version [1, 3, 0] []
es13 :: ServerVersion
es13 = ServerVersion 1 3 0
es12 :: Vers.Version
es12 = Vers.Version [1, 2, 0] []
es12 :: ServerVersion
es12 = ServerVersion 1 2 0
es11 :: Vers.Version
es11 = Vers.Version [1, 1, 0] []
es11 :: ServerVersion
es11 = ServerVersion 1 1 0
es14 :: Vers.Version
es14 = Vers.Version [1, 4, 0] []
es14 :: ServerVersion
es14 = ServerVersion 1 4 0
es15 :: Vers.Version
es15 = Vers.Version [1, 5, 0] []
es15 :: ServerVersion
es15 = ServerVersion 1 5 0
es16 :: Vers.Version
es16 = Vers.Version [1, 6, 0] []
es16 :: ServerVersion
es16 = ServerVersion 1 6 0
serverBranch :: ServerVersion -> ServerVersion
serverBranch (ServerVersion majorVer minorVer patchVer) =
ServerVersion majorVer minorVer patchVer
mkServerVersion :: [Int] -> Maybe ServerVersion
mkServerVersion [majorVer, minorVer, patchVer] =
Just (ServerVersion majorVer minorVer patchVer)
mkServerVersion _ = Nothing
getServerVersion :: IO (Maybe ServerVersion)
getServerVersion = liftM extractVersion (withTestEnv getStatus)
getServerVersion :: IO (Maybe Vers.Version)
getServerVersion = fmap extractVersion <$> withTestEnv getStatus
version' = T.splitOn "." . number . version
toInt = read . T.unpack
parseVersion v = map toInt (version' v)
extractVersion = join . liftM (mkServerVersion . parseVersion)
extractVersion = versionNumber . number . version
-- | Get configured repo paths for snapshotting. Note that by default
-- this is not enabled and if we are over es 1.5, we won't be able to
@ -140,17 +127,14 @@ canSnapshot = do
repoPaths <- getRepoPaths
return (not caresAboutRepos || not (null (repoPaths)))
testServerBranch :: IO (Maybe ServerVersion)
testServerBranch = getServerVersion >>= \v -> return $ liftM serverBranch v
atleast :: Vers.Version -> IO Bool
atleast v = getServerVersion >>= \x -> return $ x >= Just v
atleast :: ServerVersion -> IO Bool
atleast v = testServerBranch >>= \x -> return $ x >= Just (serverBranch v)
atmost :: Vers.Version -> IO Bool
atmost v = getServerVersion >>= \x -> return $ x <= Just v
atmost :: ServerVersion -> IO Bool
atmost v = testServerBranch >>= \x -> return $ x <= Just (serverBranch v)
is :: ServerVersion -> IO Bool
is v = testServerBranch >>= \x -> return $ x == Just (serverBranch v)
is :: Vers.Version -> IO Bool
is v = getServerVersion >>= \x -> return $ x == Just v
when' :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
when' b f = b >>= \x -> when x f
@ -473,6 +457,7 @@ instance ApproxEq RegexpFlag
instance ApproxEq RegexpFlags
instance ApproxEq NullValue
instance ApproxEq Version
instance ApproxEq VersionNumber
instance ApproxEq DistanceRange
instance ApproxEq IndexName
instance ApproxEq MappingName
@ -570,6 +555,8 @@ instance ApproxEq MultiMatchQuery
instance ApproxEq IndexSettings
instance ApproxEq AllocationPolicy
instance ApproxEq Char
instance ApproxEq Vers.Version where
(=~) = (==)
instance ApproxEq a => ApproxEq [a] where
as =~ bs = and (zipWith (=~) as bs)
instance (ApproxEq l, ApproxEq r) => ApproxEq (Either l r) where
@ -578,6 +565,7 @@ instance (ApproxEq l, ApproxEq r) => ApproxEq (Either l r) where
_ =~ _ = False
instance ApproxEq NodeAttrFilter
instance ApproxEq NodeAttrName
instance ApproxEq BuildHash
-- | Due to the way nodeattrfilters get serialized here, they may come
-- out in a different order, but they are morally equivalent
@ -767,10 +755,16 @@ instance Arbitrary NodeAttrFilter where
let ts = T.pack <$> s :| ss
return (NodeAttrFilter n ts)
instance Arbitrary VersionNumber where
arbitrary = mk . fmap getPositive . getNonEmpty <$> arbitrary
mk versions = VersionNumber (Vers.Version versions [])
$(derive makeArbitrary ''IndexName)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MappingName)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''DocId)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Version)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''BuildHash)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''IndexAliasRouting)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''ShardCount)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''ReplicaCount)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user