Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into boost-in-match-query

This commit is contained in:
Thomas van Noort 2015-08-18 11:21:18 +02:00
commit 2d6b668c34
4 changed files with 79 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: bloodhound
synopsis: ElasticSearch client library for Haskell
description: ElasticSearch made awesome for Haskell hackers

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- |
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ module Database.Bloodhound.Client
, searchAll
, searchByIndex
, searchByType
, scanSearch
, refreshIndex
, mkSearch
, mkAggregateSearch
@ -171,6 +172,18 @@ joinPath ps = do
Server s <- bhServer <$> getBHEnv
return $ joinPath' (s:ps)
appendSearchTypeParam :: Text -> SearchType -> Text
appendSearchTypeParam originalUrl st = addQuery [(keyEq, Just stParams)] originalUrl
where keyEq = "search_type="
| st == SearchTypeDfsQueryThenFetch = "dfs_query_then_fetch"
| st == SearchTypeCount = "count"
| st == SearchTypeScan = "scan&scroll=1m"
| st == SearchTypeQueryAndFetch = "query_and_fetch"
| st == SearchTypeDfsQueryAndFetch = "dfs_query_and_fetch"
-- used to catch 'SearchTypeQueryThenFetch', which is also the default
| otherwise = "query_then_fetch"
-- | Severely dumbed down query renderer. Assumes your data doesn't
-- need any encoding
addQuery :: [(Text, Maybe Text)] -> Text -> Text
@ -180,11 +193,10 @@ addQuery q u = u <> rendered
T.decodeUtf8 $ BB.toByteString $ NHTU.renderQueryText prependQuestionMark q
prependQuestionMark = True
bindM2 :: (Applicative m, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
bindM2 f ma mb = join (f <$> ma <*> mb)
-- | Convenience function that sets up a mananager and BHEnv and runs
-- | Convenience function that sets up a manager and BHEnv and runs
-- the given set of bloodhound operations. Connections will be
-- pipelined automatically in accordance with the given manager
-- settings in IO. If you've got your own monad transformer stack, you
@ -496,7 +508,8 @@ documentExists (IndexName indexName)
where url = joinPath [indexName, mappingName, docId]
dispatchSearch :: MonadBH m => Text -> Search -> m Reply
dispatchSearch url search = post url (Just (encode search))
dispatchSearch url search = post url' (Just (encode search))
where url' = appendSearchTypeParam url (searchType search)
-- | 'searchAll', given a 'Search', will perform that search against all indexes
-- on an Elasticsearch server. Try to avoid doing this if it can be helped.
@ -530,6 +543,40 @@ searchByType (IndexName indexName)
(MappingName mappingName) = bindM2 dispatchSearch url . return
where url = joinPath [indexName, mappingName, "_search"]
scanSearch' :: MonadBH m => Search -> m (Maybe ScrollId)
scanSearch' search = do
let url = joinPath ["_search"]
search' = search { searchType = SearchTypeScan }
resp' <- bindM2 dispatchSearch url (return search')
let msr = decode' $ responseBody resp' :: Maybe (SearchResult ())
msid = maybe Nothing scrollId msr
return msid
scroll' :: (FromJSON a, MonadBH m) => Maybe ScrollId -> m ([Hit a], Maybe ScrollId)
scroll' Nothing = return ([], Nothing)
scroll' (Just sid) = do
url <- joinPath ["_search/scroll?scroll=1m"]
resp' <- post url (Just . L.fromStrict $ T.encodeUtf8 sid)
let msr = decode' $ responseBody resp' :: FromJSON a => Maybe (SearchResult a)
resp = case msr of
Just sr -> (hits $ searchHits sr, scrollId sr)
_ -> ([], Nothing)
return resp
simpleAccumilator :: (FromJSON a, MonadBH m) => [Hit a] -> ([Hit a], Maybe ScrollId) -> m ([Hit a], Maybe ScrollId)
simpleAccumilator oldHits (newHits, Nothing) = return (oldHits ++ newHits, Nothing)
simpleAccumilator oldHits ([], _) = return (oldHits, Nothing)
simpleAccumilator oldHits (newHits, msid) = do
(newHits', msid') <- scroll' msid
simpleAccumilator (oldHits ++ newHits) (newHits', msid')
scanSearch :: (FromJSON a, MonadBH m) => Search -> m [Hit a]
scanSearch search = do
msid <- scanSearch' search
(hits, msid') <- scroll' msid
(totalHits, _) <- simpleAccumilator [] (hits, msid')
return totalHits
-- | 'mkSearch' is a helper function for defaulting additional fields of a 'Search'
-- to Nothing in case you only care about your 'Query' and 'Filter'. Use record update
-- syntax if you want to add things like aggregations or highlights while still using
@ -537,9 +584,9 @@ searchByType (IndexName indexName)
-- >>> let query = TermQuery (Term "user" "bitemyapp") Nothing
-- >>> mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
-- Search {queryBody = Just (TermQuery (Term {termField = "user", termValue = "bitemyapp"}) Nothing), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = From 0, size = Size 10, fields = Nothing}
-- Search {queryBody = Just (TermQuery (Term {termField = "user", termValue = "bitemyapp"}) Nothing), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = From 0, size = Size 10, searchType = SearchTypeQueryThenFetch, fields = Nothing}
mkSearch :: Maybe Query -> Maybe Filter -> Search
mkSearch query filter = Search query filter Nothing Nothing Nothing False (From 0) (Size 10) Nothing
mkSearch query filter = Search query filter Nothing Nothing Nothing False (From 0) (Size 10) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing
-- | 'mkAggregateSearch' is a helper function that defaults everything in a 'Search' except for
-- the 'Query' and the 'Aggregation'.
@ -549,7 +596,7 @@ mkSearch query filter = Search query filter Nothing Nothing Nothing False (From
-- TermsAgg (TermsAggregation {term = Left "user", termInclude = Nothing, termExclude = Nothing, termOrder = Nothing, termMinDocCount = Nothing, termSize = Nothing, termShardSize = Nothing, termCollectMode = Just BreadthFirst, termExecutionHint = Nothing, termAggs = Nothing})
-- >>> let myAggregation = mkAggregateSearch Nothing $ mkAggregations "users" terms
mkAggregateSearch :: Maybe Query -> Aggregations -> Search
mkAggregateSearch query mkSearchAggs = Search query Nothing Nothing (Just mkSearchAggs) Nothing False (From 0) (Size 0) Nothing
mkAggregateSearch query mkSearchAggs = Search query Nothing Nothing (Just mkSearchAggs) Nothing False (From 0) (Size 0) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing
-- | 'mkHighlightSearch' is a helper function that defaults everything in a 'Search' except for
-- the 'Query' and the 'Aggregation'.
@ -558,7 +605,7 @@ mkAggregateSearch query mkSearchAggs = Search query Nothing Nothing (Just mkSear
-- >>> let testHighlight = Highlights Nothing [FieldHighlight (FieldName "message") Nothing]
-- >>> let search = mkHighlightSearch (Just query) testHighlight
mkHighlightSearch :: Maybe Query -> Highlights -> Search
mkHighlightSearch query searchHighlights = Search query Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just searchHighlights) False (From 0) (Size 10) Nothing
mkHighlightSearch query searchHighlights = Search query Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just searchHighlights) False (From 0) (Size 10) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing
-- | 'pageSearch' is a helper function that takes a search and assigns the from
-- and size fields for the search. The from parameter defines the offset
@ -568,9 +615,9 @@ mkHighlightSearch query searchHighlights = Search query Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- >>> let query = QueryMatchQuery $ mkMatchQuery (FieldName "_all") (QueryString "haskell")
-- >>> let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
-- >>> search
-- Search {queryBody = Just (QueryMatchQuery (MatchQuery {matchQueryField = FieldName "_all", matchQueryQueryString = QueryString "haskell", matchQueryOperator = Or, matchQueryZeroTerms = ZeroTermsNone, matchQueryCutoffFrequency = Nothing, matchQueryMatchType = Nothing, matchQueryAnalyzer = Nothing, matchQueryMaxExpansions = Nothing, matchQueryLenient = Nothing, matchQueryBoost = Nothing})), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = From 0, size = Size 10, fields = Nothing}
-- Search {queryBody = Just (QueryMatchQuery (MatchQuery {matchQueryField = FieldName "_all", matchQueryQueryString = QueryString "haskell", matchQueryOperator = Or, matchQueryZeroTerms = ZeroTermsNone, matchQueryCutoffFrequency = Nothing, matchQueryMatchType = Nothing, matchQueryAnalyzer = Nothing, matchQueryMaxExpansions = Nothing, matchQueryLenient = Nothing, matchQueryBoost = Nothing})), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = From 0, size = Size 10, searchType = SearchTypeQueryThenFetch, fields = Nothing}
-- >>> pageSearch (From 10) (Size 100) search
-- Search {queryBody = Just (QueryMatchQuery (MatchQuery {matchQueryField = FieldName "_all", matchQueryQueryString = QueryString "haskell", matchQueryOperator = Or, matchQueryZeroTerms = ZeroTermsNone, matchQueryCutoffFrequency = Nothing, matchQueryMatchType = Nothing, matchQueryAnalyzer = Nothing, matchQueryMaxExpansions = Nothing, matchQueryLenient = Nothing, matchQueryBoost = Nothing})), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = From 10, size = Size 100, fields = Nothing}
-- Search {queryBody = Just (QueryMatchQuery (MatchQuery {matchQueryField = FieldName "_all", matchQueryQueryString = QueryString "haskell", matchQueryOperator = Or, matchQueryZeroTerms = ZeroTermsNone, matchQueryCutoffFrequency = Nothing, matchQueryMatchType = Nothing, matchQueryAnalyzer = Nothing, matchQueryMaxExpansions = Nothing, matchQueryLenient = Nothing, matchQueryBoost = Nothing})), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = From 10, size = Size 100, searchType = SearchTypeQueryThenFetch, fields = Nothing}
pageSearch :: From -- ^ The result offset
-> Size -- ^ The number of results to return
-> Search -- ^ The current seach

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@ -68,7 +68,9 @@ module Database.Bloodhound.Types
, IndexDocumentSettings(..)
, Query(..)
, Search(..)
, SearchType(..)
, SearchResult(..)
, ScrollId
, SearchHits(..)
, TrackSortScores
, From(..)
@ -731,9 +733,18 @@ data Search = Search { queryBody :: Maybe Query
-- default False
, trackSortScores :: TrackSortScores
, from :: From
, size :: Size
, size :: Size
, searchType :: SearchType
, fields :: Maybe [FieldName] } deriving (Eq, Show)
data SearchType = SearchTypeQueryThenFetch
| SearchTypeDfsQueryThenFetch
| SearchTypeCount
| SearchTypeScan
| SearchTypeQueryAndFetch
| SearchTypeDfsQueryAndFetch
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Highlights = Highlights { globalsettings :: Maybe HighlightSettings
, highlightFields :: [FieldHighlight]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -1246,7 +1257,10 @@ data SearchResult a =
, timedOut :: Bool
, shards :: ShardResult
, searchHits :: SearchHits a
, aggregations :: Maybe AggregationResults } deriving (Eq, Show)
, aggregations :: Maybe AggregationResults
, scrollId :: Maybe ScrollId } deriving (Eq, Show)
type ScrollId = Text -- Fixme: Newtype
type Score = Maybe Double
@ -2096,7 +2110,7 @@ instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (EsResultFound a) where
parseJSON _ = empty
instance ToJSON Search where
toJSON (Search query sFilter sort searchAggs highlight sTrackSortScores sFrom sSize sFields) =
toJSON (Search query sFilter sort searchAggs highlight sTrackSortScores sFrom sSize _ sFields) =
omitNulls [ "query" .= query
, "filter" .= sFilter
, "sort" .= sort
@ -2325,7 +2339,8 @@ instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (SearchResult a) where
v .: "timed_out" <*>
v .: "_shards" <*>
v .: "hits" <*>
v .:? "aggregations"
v .:? "aggregations" <*>
v .:? "_scroll_id"
parseJSON _ = empty
instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (SearchHits a) where

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@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ main = hspec $ do
let sortSpec = DefaultSortSpec $ mkSort (FieldName "age") Ascending
let search = Search Nothing
(Just IdentityFilter) (Just [sortSpec]) Nothing Nothing
False (From 0) (Size 10) Nothing
False (From 0) (Size 10) SearchTypeQueryThenFetch Nothing
result <- searchTweets search
let myTweet = fmap (hitSource . head . hits . searchHits) result
liftIO $