Drop unnecessary toJSONs

It seems that the .= combinator already turns the RHS into JSON, so this
was converting it into JSON and then converting that value into
JSON (essentially 'id', may have even been erased by GHC).
This commit is contained in:
Michael Xavier 2015-03-17 08:54:22 -07:00
parent e773b5b6d9
commit 34af7bff1e
2 changed files with 163 additions and 162 deletions

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Network.HTTP.Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as NHTM
@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ mkReplicaCount n
emptyBody :: L.ByteString
emptyBody = L.pack ""
dispatch :: MonadBH m => Method -> String -> Maybe L.ByteString
dispatch :: MonadBH m => Method -> Text -> Maybe L.ByteString
-> m Reply
dispatch dMethod url body = do
initReq <- liftIO $ parseUrl url
@ -147,10 +148,10 @@ dispatch dMethod url body = do
mgr <- bhManager <$> getBHEnv
liftIO $ httpLbs req mgr
joinPath' :: [String] -> String
joinPath' = intercalate "/"
joinPath' :: [Text] -> Text
joinPath' = T.intercalate "/"
joinPath :: MonadBH m => [String] -> m String
joinPath :: MonadBH m => [Text] -> m Text
joinPath ps = do
Server s <- bhServer <$> getBHEnv
return $ joinPath' (s:ps)
@ -170,15 +171,15 @@ withBH ms s f = withManager ms $ \mgr -> do
runBH env f
-- Shortcut functions for HTTP methods
delete :: MonadBH m => String -> m Reply
delete :: MonadBH m => Text -> m Reply
delete = flip (dispatch NHTM.methodDelete) Nothing
get :: MonadBH m => String -> m Reply
get :: MonadBH m => Text -> m Reply
get = flip (dispatch NHTM.methodGet) Nothing
head :: MonadBH m => String -> m Reply
head :: MonadBH m => Text -> m Reply
head = flip (dispatch NHTM.methodHead) Nothing
put :: MonadBH m => String -> Maybe L.ByteString -> m Reply
put :: MonadBH m => Text -> Maybe L.ByteString -> m Reply
put = dispatch NHTM.methodPost
post :: MonadBH m => String -> Maybe L.ByteString -> m Reply
post :: MonadBH m => Text -> Maybe L.ByteString -> m Reply
post = dispatch NHTM.methodPost
-- indexDocument s ix name doc = put (root </> s </> ix </> name </> doc) (Just encode doc)
@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ statusCodeIs n resp = NHTS.statusCode (responseStatus resp) == n
respIsTwoHunna :: Reply -> Bool
respIsTwoHunna = statusCodeIs 200
existentialQuery :: MonadBH m => String -> m (Reply, Bool)
existentialQuery :: MonadBH m => Text -> m (Reply, Bool)
existentialQuery url = do
reply <- head url
return (reply, respIsTwoHunna reply)
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ refreshIndex (IndexName indexName) =
bindM2 post url (return Nothing)
where url = joinPath [indexName, "_refresh"]
stringifyOCIndex :: OpenCloseIndex -> String
stringifyOCIndex :: OpenCloseIndex -> Text
stringifyOCIndex oci = case oci of
OpenIndex -> "_open"
CloseIndex -> "_close"
@ -360,7 +361,7 @@ encodeBulkOperations stream = collapsed where
mash :: Builder -> V.Vector L.ByteString -> Builder
mash = V.foldl' (\b x -> b `mappend` (byteString "\n") `mappend` (lazyByteString x))
mkBulkStreamValue :: Text -> String -> String -> String -> Value
mkBulkStreamValue :: Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Value
mkBulkStreamValue operation indexName mappingName docId =
object [operation .=
object [ "_index" .= indexName
@ -422,7 +423,7 @@ documentExists (IndexName indexName)
return exists
where url = joinPath [indexName, mappingName, docId]
dispatchSearch :: MonadBH m => String -> Search -> m Reply
dispatchSearch :: MonadBH m => Text -> Search -> m Reply
dispatchSearch url search = post url (Just (encode search))
-- | 'searchAll', given a 'Search', will perform that search against all indexes

View File

@ -457,22 +457,22 @@ newtype ReplicaCount = ReplicaCount Int deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
{-| 'Server' is used with the client functions to point at the ES instance
newtype Server = Server String deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Server = Server Text deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'IndexName' is used to describe which index to query/create/delete
newtype IndexName = IndexName String deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
newtype IndexName = IndexName Text deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
{-| 'MappingName' is part of mappings which are how ES describes and schematizes
the data in the indices.
newtype MappingName = MappingName String deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
newtype MappingName = MappingName Text deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
{-| 'DocId' is a generic wrapper value for expressing unique Document IDs.
Can be set by the user or created by ES itself. Often used in client
functions for poking at specific documents.
newtype DocId = DocId String deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
newtype DocId = DocId Text deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
{-| 'QueryString' is used to wrap query text bodies, be they human written or not.
@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ newtype MaxDocFrequency = MaxDocFrequency Int deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
{-| 'unpackId' is a silly convenience function that gets used once.
unpackId :: DocId -> String
unpackId :: DocId -> Text
unpackId (DocId docId) = docId
type TrackSortScores = Bool
@ -1252,29 +1252,29 @@ instance Show TimeInterval where
instance ToJSON Aggregation where
toJSON (TermsAgg (TermsAggregation term include exclude order minDocCount size shardSize collectMode executionHint termAggs)) =
omitNulls ["terms" .= omitNulls [ toJSON' term,
"include" .= toJSON include,
"exclude" .= toJSON exclude,
"order" .= toJSON order,
"min_doc_count" .= toJSON minDocCount,
"size" .= toJSON size,
"shard_size" .= toJSON shardSize,
"collect_mode" .= toJSON collectMode,
"execution_hint" .= toJSON executionHint
"include" .= include,
"exclude" .= exclude,
"order" .= order,
"min_doc_count" .= minDocCount,
"size" .= size,
"shard_size" .= shardSize,
"collect_mode" .= collectMode,
"execution_hint" .= executionHint
"aggs" .= toJSON termAggs ]
"aggs" .= termAggs ]
toJSON' x = case x of { Left y -> "field" .= toJSON y; Right y -> "script" .= toJSON y }
toJSON' x = case x of { Left y -> "field" .= y; Right y -> "script" .= y }
toJSON (DateHistogramAgg (DateHistogramAggregation field interval format preZone postZone preOffset postOffset dateHistoAggs)) =
omitNulls ["date_histogram" .= omitNulls [ "field" .= toJSON field,
"interval" .= toJSON interval,
"format" .= toJSON format,
"pre_zone" .= toJSON preZone,
"post_zone" .= toJSON postZone,
"pre_offset" .= toJSON preOffset,
"post_offset" .= toJSON postOffset
omitNulls ["date_histogram" .= omitNulls [ "field" .= field,
"interval" .= interval,
"format" .= format,
"pre_zone" .= preZone,
"post_zone" .= postZone,
"pre_offset" .= preOffset,
"post_offset" .= postOffset
"aggs" .= toJSON dateHistoAggs ]
"aggs" .= dateHistoAggs ]
type AggregationResults = M.Map Text Value
@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
toJSON (NotFilter notFilter cache) =
object ["not" .=
object ["filter" .= toJSON notFilter
object ["filter" .= notFilter
, "_cache" .= cache]]
toJSON (IdentityFilter) =
@ -1368,26 +1368,26 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
["field" .= fieldName]]
toJSON (BoolFilter boolMatch) =
object ["bool" .= toJSON boolMatch]
object ["bool" .= boolMatch]
toJSON (GeoBoundingBoxFilter bbConstraint) =
object ["geo_bounding_box" .= toJSON bbConstraint]
object ["geo_bounding_box" .= bbConstraint]
toJSON (GeoDistanceFilter (GeoPoint (FieldName distanceGeoField) geoDistLatLon)
distance distanceType optimizeBbox cache) =
object ["geo_distance" .=
object ["distance" .= toJSON distance
, "distance_type" .= toJSON distanceType
object ["distance" .= distance
, "distance_type" .= distanceType
, "optimize_bbox" .= optimizeBbox
, distanceGeoField .= toJSON geoDistLatLon
, distanceGeoField .= geoDistLatLon
, "_cache" .= cache]]
toJSON (GeoDistanceRangeFilter (GeoPoint (FieldName gddrField) drLatLon)
(DistanceRange geoDistRangeDistFrom drDistanceTo)) =
object ["geo_distance_range" .=
object ["from" .= toJSON geoDistRangeDistFrom
, "to" .= toJSON drDistanceTo
, gddrField .= toJSON drLatLon]]
object ["from" .= geoDistRangeDistFrom
, "to" .= drDistanceTo
, gddrField .= drLatLon]]
toJSON (GeoPolygonFilter (FieldName geoPolygonFilterField) latLons) =
object ["geo_polygon" .=
@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
toJSON (IdsFilter (MappingName mappingName) values) =
object ["ids" .=
object ["type" .= mappingName
, "values" .= fmap (T.pack . unpackId) values]]
, "values" .= fmap unpackId values]]
toJSON (LimitFilter limit) =
object ["limit" .= object ["value" .= limit]]
@ -1416,7 +1416,7 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
toJSON (RangeFilter (FieldName fieldName) rangeValue rangeExecution cache) =
object ["range" .=
object [ fieldName .= object (rangeValueToPair rangeValue)
, "execution" .= toJSON rangeExecution
, "execution" .= rangeExecution
, "_cache" .= cache]]
toJSON (RegexpFilter (FieldName fieldName)
@ -1424,14 +1424,14 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
object ["regexp" .=
object [fieldName .=
object ["value" .= regexText
, "flags" .= toJSON flags]
, "flags" .= flags]
, "_name" .= cacheName
, "_cache" .= cache
, "_cache_key" .= cacheKey]]
instance ToJSON GeoPoint where
toJSON (GeoPoint (FieldName geoPointField) geoPointLatLon) =
object [ geoPointField .= toJSON geoPointLatLon ]
object [ geoPointField .= geoPointLatLon ]
instance ToJSON Query where
@ -1451,82 +1451,82 @@ instance ToJSON Query where
getTermValue (Term _ v) = v
toJSON (IdsQuery idsQueryMappingName docIds) =
object [ "ids" .= object conjoined ]
where conjoined = [ "type" .= toJSON idsQueryMappingName
where conjoined = [ "type" .= idsQueryMappingName
, "values" .= fmap toJSON docIds ]
toJSON (QueryQueryStringQuery qQueryStringQuery) =
object [ "query_string" .= toJSON qQueryStringQuery ]
object [ "query_string" .= qQueryStringQuery ]
toJSON (QueryMatchQuery matchQuery) =
object [ "match" .= toJSON matchQuery ]
object [ "match" .= matchQuery ]
toJSON (QueryMultiMatchQuery multiMatchQuery) =
toJSON multiMatchQuery
toJSON (QueryBoolQuery boolQuery) =
object [ "bool" .= toJSON boolQuery ]
object [ "bool" .= boolQuery ]
toJSON (QueryBoostingQuery boostingQuery) =
object [ "boosting" .= toJSON boostingQuery ]
object [ "boosting" .= boostingQuery ]
toJSON (QueryCommonTermsQuery commonTermsQuery) =
object [ "common" .= toJSON commonTermsQuery ]
object [ "common" .= commonTermsQuery ]
toJSON (ConstantScoreFilter csFilter boost) =
object [ "constant_score" .= toJSON csFilter
, "boost" .= toJSON boost]
object [ "constant_score" .= csFilter
, "boost" .= boost]
toJSON (ConstantScoreQuery query boost) =
object [ "constant_score" .= toJSON query
, "boost" .= toJSON boost]
object [ "constant_score" .= query
, "boost" .= boost]
toJSON (QueryDisMaxQuery disMaxQuery) =
object [ "dis_max" .= toJSON disMaxQuery ]
object [ "dis_max" .= disMaxQuery ]
toJSON (QueryFilteredQuery qFilteredQuery) =
object [ "filtered" .= toJSON qFilteredQuery ]
object [ "filtered" .= qFilteredQuery ]
toJSON (QueryFuzzyLikeThisQuery fuzzyQuery) =
object [ "fuzzy_like_this" .= toJSON fuzzyQuery ]
object [ "fuzzy_like_this" .= fuzzyQuery ]
toJSON (QueryFuzzyLikeFieldQuery fuzzyFieldQuery) =
object [ "fuzzy_like_this_field" .= toJSON fuzzyFieldQuery ]
object [ "fuzzy_like_this_field" .= fuzzyFieldQuery ]
toJSON (QueryFuzzyQuery fuzzyQuery) =
object [ "fuzzy" .= toJSON fuzzyQuery ]
object [ "fuzzy" .= fuzzyQuery ]
toJSON (QueryHasChildQuery childQuery) =
object [ "has_child" .= toJSON childQuery ]
object [ "has_child" .= childQuery ]
toJSON (QueryHasParentQuery parentQuery) =
object [ "has_parent" .= toJSON parentQuery ]
object [ "has_parent" .= parentQuery ]
toJSON (QueryIndicesQuery qIndicesQuery) =
object [ "indices" .= toJSON qIndicesQuery ]
object [ "indices" .= qIndicesQuery ]
toJSON (MatchAllQuery boost) =
object [ "match_all" .= omitNulls [ "boost" .= boost ] ]
toJSON (QueryMoreLikeThisQuery query) =
object [ "more_like_this" .= toJSON query ]
object [ "more_like_this" .= query ]
toJSON (QueryMoreLikeThisFieldQuery query) =
object [ "more_like_this_field" .= toJSON query ]
object [ "more_like_this_field" .= query ]
toJSON (QueryNestedQuery query) =
object [ "nested" .= toJSON query ]
object [ "nested" .= query ]
toJSON (QueryPrefixQuery query) =
object [ "prefix" .= toJSON query ]
object [ "prefix" .= query ]
toJSON (QueryRangeQuery query) =
object [ "range" .= toJSON query ]
object [ "range" .= query ]
toJSON (QueryRegexpQuery query) =
object [ "regexp" .= toJSON query ]
object [ "regexp" .= query ]
toJSON (QuerySimpleQueryStringQuery query) =
object [ "simple_query_string" .= toJSON query ]
object [ "simple_query_string" .= query ]
omitNulls :: [(Text, Value)] -> Value
@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ omitNulls = object . filter notNull where
instance ToJSON SimpleQueryStringQuery where
toJSON SimpleQueryStringQuery {..} =
omitNulls (base ++ maybeAdd)
where base = [ "query" .= toJSON simpleQueryStringQuery ]
where base = [ "query" .= simpleQueryStringQuery ]
maybeAdd = [ "fields" .= simpleQueryStringField
, "default_operator" .= simpleQueryStringOperator
, "analyzer" .= simpleQueryStringAnalyzer
@ -1575,7 +1575,7 @@ instance ToJSON RegexpQuery where
rqQueryBoost) =
object [ rqQueryField .= omitNulls base ]
where base = [ "value" .= regexpQueryQuery
, "flags" .= toJSON rqQueryFlags
, "flags" .= rqQueryFlags
, "boost" .= rqQueryBoost ]
@ -1591,7 +1591,7 @@ instance ToJSON QueryStringQuery where
qsLenient qsLocale) =
omitNulls base
base = [ "query" .= toJSON qsQueryString
base = [ "query" .= qsQueryString
, "default_field" .= qsDefaultField
, "default_operator" .= qsOperator
, "analyzer" .= qsAnalyzer
@ -1613,21 +1613,21 @@ instance ToJSON QueryStringQuery where
instance ToJSON RangeQuery where
toJSON (RangeQuery (FieldName fieldName) range boost) =
object [ fieldName .= conjoined ]
where conjoined = [ "boost" .= toJSON boost ] ++ (rangeValueToPair range)
where conjoined = [ "boost" .= boost ] ++ (rangeValueToPair range)
instance ToJSON PrefixQuery where
toJSON (PrefixQuery (FieldName fieldName) queryValue boost) =
object [ fieldName .= omitNulls base ]
where base = [ "value" .= toJSON queryValue
where base = [ "value" .= queryValue
, "boost" .= boost ]
instance ToJSON NestedQuery where
toJSON (NestedQuery nqPath nqScoreType nqQuery) =
object [ "path" .= toJSON nqPath
, "score_mode" .= toJSON nqScoreType
, "query" .= toJSON nqQuery ]
object [ "path" .= nqPath
, "score_mode" .= nqScoreType
, "query" .= nqQuery ]
instance ToJSON MoreLikeThisFieldQuery where
@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ instance ToJSON MoreLikeThisFieldQuery where
percent mtf mqt stopwords mindf maxdf
minwl maxwl boostTerms boost analyzer) =
object [ fieldName .= omitNulls base ]
where base = [ "like_text" .= toJSON text
where base = [ "like_text" .= text
, "percent_terms_to_match" .= percent
, "min_term_freq" .= mtf
, "max_query_terms" .= mqt
@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ instance ToJSON MoreLikeThisQuery where
mtf mqt stopwords mindf maxdf
minwl maxwl boostTerms boost analyzer) =
omitNulls base
where base = [ "like_text" .= toJSON text
where base = [ "like_text" .= text
, "fields" .= fields
, "percent_terms_to_match" .= percent
, "min_term_freq" .= mtf
@ -1671,34 +1671,34 @@ instance ToJSON MoreLikeThisQuery where
instance ToJSON IndicesQuery where
toJSON (IndicesQuery indices query noMatch) =
omitNulls [ "indices" .= toJSON indices
, "no_match_query" .= toJSON noMatch
, "query" .= toJSON query ]
omitNulls [ "indices" .= indices
, "no_match_query" .= noMatch
, "query" .= query ]
instance ToJSON HasParentQuery where
toJSON (HasParentQuery queryType query scoreType) =
omitNulls [ "parent_type" .= toJSON queryType
, "score_type" .= toJSON scoreType
, "query" .= toJSON query ]
omitNulls [ "parent_type" .= queryType
, "score_type" .= scoreType
, "query" .= query ]
instance ToJSON HasChildQuery where
toJSON (HasChildQuery queryType query scoreType) =
omitNulls [ "query" .= toJSON query
, "score_type" .= toJSON scoreType
, "type" .= toJSON queryType ]
omitNulls [ "query" .= query
, "score_type" .= scoreType
, "type" .= queryType ]
instance ToJSON FuzzyQuery where
toJSON (FuzzyQuery (FieldName fieldName) queryText
prefixLength maxEx fuzziness boost) =
object [ fieldName .= omitNulls base ]
where base = [ "value" .= toJSON queryText
, "fuzziness" .= toJSON fuzziness
, "prefix_length" .= toJSON prefixLength
, "boost" .= toJSON boost
, "max_expansions" .= toJSON maxEx ]
where base = [ "value" .= queryText
, "fuzziness" .= fuzziness
, "prefix_length" .= prefixLength
, "boost" .= boost
, "max_expansions" .= maxEx ]
instance ToJSON FuzzyLikeFieldQuery where
@ -1706,41 +1706,41 @@ instance ToJSON FuzzyLikeFieldQuery where
fieldText maxTerms ignoreFreq fuzziness prefixLength
boost analyzer) =
object [ fieldName .=
omitNulls [ "like_text" .= toJSON fieldText
, "max_query_terms" .= toJSON maxTerms
, "ignore_tf" .= toJSON ignoreFreq
, "fuzziness" .= toJSON fuzziness
, "prefix_length" .= toJSON prefixLength
, "analyzer" .= toJSON analyzer
, "boost" .= toJSON boost ]]
omitNulls [ "like_text" .= fieldText
, "max_query_terms" .= maxTerms
, "ignore_tf" .= ignoreFreq
, "fuzziness" .= fuzziness
, "prefix_length" .= prefixLength
, "analyzer" .= analyzer
, "boost" .= boost ]]
instance ToJSON FuzzyLikeThisQuery where
toJSON (FuzzyLikeThisQuery fields text maxTerms
ignoreFreq fuzziness prefixLength boost analyzer) =
omitNulls base
where base = [ "fields" .= toJSON fields
, "like_text" .= toJSON text
, "max_query_terms" .= toJSON maxTerms
, "ignore_tf" .= toJSON ignoreFreq
, "fuzziness" .= toJSON fuzziness
, "prefix_length" .= toJSON prefixLength
, "analyzer" .= toJSON analyzer
, "boost" .= toJSON boost ]
where base = [ "fields" .= fields
, "like_text" .= text
, "max_query_terms" .= maxTerms
, "ignore_tf" .= ignoreFreq
, "fuzziness" .= fuzziness
, "prefix_length" .= prefixLength
, "analyzer" .= analyzer
, "boost" .= boost ]
instance ToJSON FilteredQuery where
toJSON (FilteredQuery query fFilter) =
object [ "query" .= toJSON query
, "filter" .= toJSON fFilter ]
object [ "query" .= query
, "filter" .= fFilter ]
instance ToJSON DisMaxQuery where
toJSON (DisMaxQuery queries tiebreaker boost) =
omitNulls base
where base = [ "queries" .= toJSON queries
, "boost" .= toJSON boost
, "tie_breaker" .= toJSON tiebreaker ]
where base = [ "queries" .= queries
, "boost" .= boost
, "tie_breaker" .= tiebreaker ]
instance ToJSON CommonTermsQuery where
@ -1748,38 +1748,38 @@ instance ToJSON CommonTermsQuery where
(QueryString query) cf lfo hfo msm
boost analyzer disableCoord) =
object [fieldName .= omitNulls base ]
where base = [ "query" .= toJSON query
, "cutoff_frequency" .= toJSON cf
, "low_freq_operator" .= toJSON lfo
, "minimum_should_match" .= toJSON msm
, "boost" .= toJSON boost
, "analyzer" .= toJSON analyzer
, "disable_coord" .= toJSON disableCoord
, "high_freq_operator" .= toJSON hfo ]
where base = [ "query" .= query
, "cutoff_frequency" .= cf
, "low_freq_operator" .= lfo
, "minimum_should_match" .= msm
, "boost" .= boost
, "analyzer" .= analyzer
, "disable_coord" .= disableCoord
, "high_freq_operator" .= hfo ]
instance ToJSON CommonMinimumMatch where
toJSON (CommonMinimumMatch mm) = toJSON mm
toJSON (CommonMinimumMatchHighLow (MinimumMatchHighLow lowF highF)) =
object [ "low_freq" .= toJSON lowF
, "high_freq" .= toJSON highF ]
object [ "low_freq" .= lowF
, "high_freq" .= highF ]
instance ToJSON BoostingQuery where
toJSON (BoostingQuery bqPositiveQuery bqNegativeQuery bqNegativeBoost) =
object [ "positive" .= toJSON bqPositiveQuery
, "negative" .= toJSON bqNegativeQuery
, "negative_boost" .= toJSON bqNegativeBoost ]
object [ "positive" .= bqPositiveQuery
, "negative" .= bqNegativeQuery
, "negative_boost" .= bqNegativeBoost ]
instance ToJSON BoolQuery where
toJSON (BoolQuery mustM notM shouldM bqMin boost disableCoord) =
omitNulls base
where base = [ "must" .= toJSON mustM
, "must_not" .= toJSON notM
, "should" .= toJSON shouldM
, "minimum_should_match" .= toJSON bqMin
, "boost" .= toJSON boost
, "disable_coord" .= toJSON disableCoord ]
where base = [ "must" .= mustM
, "must_not" .= notM
, "should" .= shouldM
, "minimum_should_match" .= bqMin
, "boost" .= boost
, "disable_coord" .= disableCoord ]
instance ToJSON MatchQuery where
@ -1789,13 +1789,13 @@ instance ToJSON MatchQuery where
analyzer maxExpansions lenient) =
object [ fieldName .= omitNulls base ]
where base = [ "query" .= mqQueryString
, "operator" .= toJSON booleanOperator
, "zero_terms_query" .= toJSON zeroTermsQuery
, "cutoff_frequency" .= toJSON cutoffFrequency
, "type" .= toJSON matchQueryType
, "analyzer" .= toJSON analyzer
, "max_expansions" .= toJSON maxExpansions
, "lenient" .= toJSON lenient ]
, "operator" .= booleanOperator
, "zero_terms_query" .= zeroTermsQuery
, "cutoff_frequency" .= cutoffFrequency
, "type" .= matchQueryType
, "analyzer" .= analyzer
, "max_expansions" .= maxExpansions
, "lenient" .= lenient ]
instance ToJSON MultiMatchQuery where
@ -1804,14 +1804,14 @@ instance ToJSON MultiMatchQuery where
object ["multi_match" .= omitNulls base]
where base = [ "fields" .= fmap toJSON fields
, "query" .= query
, "operator" .= toJSON boolOp
, "zero_terms_query" .= toJSON ztQ
, "tiebreaker" .= toJSON tb
, "type" .= toJSON mmqt
, "cutoff_frequency" .= toJSON cf
, "analyzer" .= toJSON analyzer
, "max_expansions" .= toJSON maxEx
, "lenient" .= toJSON lenient ]
, "operator" .= boolOp
, "zero_terms_query" .= ztQ
, "tiebreaker" .= tb
, "type" .= mmqt
, "cutoff_frequency" .= cf
, "analyzer" .= analyzer
, "max_expansions" .= maxEx
, "lenient" .= lenient ]
instance ToJSON MultiMatchQueryType where
@ -1923,7 +1923,7 @@ instance ToJSON FieldHighlight where
instance ToJSON Highlights where
toJSON (Highlights global fields) =
omitNulls (("fields" .= toJSON fields)
omitNulls (("fields" .= fields)
: highlightSettingsPairs global)
instance ToJSON HighlightSettings where
@ -2001,16 +2001,16 @@ instance ToJSON SortSpec where
(DefaultSort (FieldName dsSortFieldName) dsSortOrder dsIgnoreUnmapped
dsSortMode dsMissingSort dsNestedFilter)) =
object [dsSortFieldName .= omitNulls base] where
base = [ "order" .= toJSON dsSortOrder
base = [ "order" .= dsSortOrder
, "ignore_unmapped" .= dsIgnoreUnmapped
, "mode" .= dsSortMode
, "missing" .= dsMissingSort
, "nested_filter" .= dsNestedFilter ]
toJSON (GeoDistanceSortSpec gdsSortOrder (GeoPoint (FieldName field) gdsLatLon) units) =
object [ "unit" .= toJSON units
, field .= toJSON gdsLatLon
, "order" .= toJSON gdsSortOrder ]
object [ "unit" .= units
, field .= gdsLatLon
, "order" .= gdsSortOrder ]
instance ToJSON SortOrder where
@ -2072,7 +2072,7 @@ instance ToJSON OptimizeBbox where
instance ToJSON GeoBoundingBoxConstraint where
toJSON (GeoBoundingBoxConstraint
(FieldName gbbcGeoBBField) gbbcConstraintBox cache type') =
object [gbbcGeoBBField .= toJSON gbbcConstraintBox
object [gbbcGeoBBField .= gbbcConstraintBox
, "_cache" .= cache
, "type" .= type']
@ -2084,8 +2084,8 @@ instance ToJSON GeoFilterType where
instance ToJSON GeoBoundingBox where
toJSON (GeoBoundingBox gbbTopLeft gbbBottomRight) =
object ["top_left" .= toJSON gbbTopLeft
, "bottom_right" .= toJSON gbbBottomRight]
object ["top_left" .= gbbTopLeft
, "bottom_right" .= gbbBottomRight]
instance ToJSON LatLon where
@ -2118,9 +2118,9 @@ instance ToJSON Term where
instance ToJSON BoolMatch where
toJSON (MustMatch term cache) = object ["must" .= toJSON term,
toJSON (MustMatch term cache) = object ["must" .= term,
"_cache" .= cache]
toJSON (MustNotMatch term cache) = object ["must_not" .= toJSON term,
toJSON (MustNotMatch term cache) = object ["must_not" .= term,
"_cache" .= cache]
toJSON (ShouldMatch terms cache) = object ["should" .= fmap toJSON terms,
"_cache" .= cache]