Merge pull request #85 from MailOnline/master

Add updateDocument
This commit is contained in:
Chris Allen 2015-12-27 07:32:10 -06:00
commit 3fe391f4ad
2 changed files with 51 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ module Database.Bloodhound.Client
, putMapping
, deleteMapping
, indexDocument
, updateDocument
, getDocument
, documentExists
, deleteDocument
@ -474,6 +475,20 @@ deleteMapping (IndexName indexName)
-- erroneously. The correct API call is: "/INDEX/_mapping/MAPPING_NAME"
delete =<< joinPath [indexName, "_mapping", mappingName]
versionCtlParams :: IndexDocumentSettings -> [(Text, Maybe Text)]
versionCtlParams cfg =
case idsVersionControl cfg of
NoVersionControl -> []
InternalVersion v -> versionParams v "internal"
ExternalGT (ExternalDocVersion v) -> versionParams v "external_gt"
ExternalGTE (ExternalDocVersion v) -> versionParams v "external_gte"
ForceVersion (ExternalDocVersion v) -> versionParams v "force"
vt = T.pack . show . docVersionNumber
versionParams v t = [ ("version", Just $ vt v)
, ("version_type", Just t)
-- | 'indexDocument' is the primary way to save a single document in
-- Elasticsearch. The document itself is simply something we can
-- convert into a JSON 'Value'. The 'DocId' will function as the
@ -488,22 +503,23 @@ indexDocument (IndexName indexName)
(MappingName mappingName) cfg document (DocId docId) =
bindM2 put url (return body)
where url = addQuery params <$> joinPath [indexName, mappingName, docId]
versionCtlParams = case idsVersionControl cfg of
NoVersionControl -> []
InternalVersion v -> versionParams v "internal"
ExternalGT (ExternalDocVersion v) -> versionParams v "external_gt"
ExternalGTE (ExternalDocVersion v) -> versionParams v "external_gte"
ForceVersion (ExternalDocVersion v) -> versionParams v "force"
vt = T.pack . show . docVersionNumber
versionParams v t = [ ("version", Just $ vt v)
, ("version_type", Just t)
parentParams = case idsParent cfg of
Nothing -> []
Just (DocumentParent (DocId p)) -> [ ("parent", Just p) ]
params = versionCtlParams ++ parentParams
params = versionCtlParams cfg ++ parentParams
body = Just (encode document)
-- | 'updateDocument' provides a way to perform an partial update of a
-- an already indexed document.
updateDocument :: (ToJSON patch, MonadBH m) => IndexName -> MappingName
-> IndexDocumentSettings -> patch -> DocId -> m Reply
updateDocument (IndexName indexName)
(MappingName mappingName) cfg patch (DocId docId) =
bindM2 post url (return body)
where url = addQuery (versionCtlParams cfg) <$>
joinPath [indexName, mappingName, docId, "_update"]
body = Just (encode $ object ["doc" .= toJSON patch])
-- | 'deleteDocument' is the primary way to delete a single document.
-- >>> _ <- runBH' $ deleteDocument testIndex testMapping (DocId "1")

View File

@ -180,6 +180,21 @@ exampleTweet = Tweet { user = "bitemyapp"
, age = 10000
, location = Location 40.12 (-71.34) }
newAge :: Int
newAge = 31337
newUser :: Text
newUser = "someotherapp"
tweetPatch :: Value
tweetPatch =
object [ "age" .= newAge
, "user" .= newUser
patchedTweet :: Tweet
patchedTweet = exampleTweet{age = newAge, user = newUser}
otherTweet :: Tweet
otherTweet = Tweet { user = "notmyapp"
, postDate = UTCTime
@ -207,6 +222,12 @@ insertData' ids = do
_ <- refreshIndex testIndex
return r
updateData :: BH IO Reply
updateData = do
r <- updateDocument testIndex testMapping defaultIndexDocumentSettings tweetPatch (DocId "1")
_ <- refreshIndex testIndex
return r
insertOther :: BH IO ()
insertOther = do
_ <- indexDocument testIndex testMapping defaultIndexDocumentSettings otherTweet (DocId "2")
@ -761,12 +782,13 @@ main = hspec $ do
liftIO (errorResp `shouldBe` Right (EsError 404 "IndexMissingException[[bogus] missing]"))
describe "document API" $ do
it "indexes, gets, and then deletes the generated document" $ withTestEnv $ do
it "indexes, updates, gets, and then deletes the generated document" $ withTestEnv $ do
_ <- insertData
_ <- updateData
docInserted <- getDocument testIndex testMapping (DocId "1")
let newTweet = eitherDecode
(responseBody docInserted) :: Either String (EsResult Tweet)
liftIO $ (fmap getSource newTweet `shouldBe` Right (Just exampleTweet))
liftIO $ (fmap getSource newTweet `shouldBe` Right (Just patchedTweet))
it "indexes, gets, and then deletes the generated document with a DocId containing a space" $ withTestEnv $ do
_ <- insertWithSpaceInId