This commit is contained in:
Michael Xavier 2018-03-20 13:43:36 -07:00
parent e841fb2dab
commit 5b6c05f6ea
6 changed files with 447 additions and 441 deletions

View File

@ -46,11 +46,21 @@ library
Database.V5.Bloodhound.Internal.Sort Database.V5.Bloodhound.Internal.Sort
Database.V5.Bloodhound.Internal.StringlyTyped Database.V5.Bloodhound.Internal.StringlyTyped
Database.V5.Bloodhound.Internal.Suggest Database.V5.Bloodhound.Internal.Suggest
Database.V1.Bloodhound Database.V1.Bloodhound
Database.V1.Bloodhound.Client Database.V1.Bloodhound.Client
Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types
Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types.Class Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types.Class
-- Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Aggregation
-- Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Analysis
-- Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Client
-- Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Highlight
-- Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Newtypes
-- Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Query
-- Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Sort
-- Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Suggest
other-modules: Bloodhound.Import other-modules: Bloodhound.Import
Database.Bloodhound.Common.Script Database.Bloodhound.Common.Script
hs-source-dirs: src hs-source-dirs: src

View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
module Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Aggregation where
import Bloodhound.Import
import Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text as T
type Aggregations = M.Map Text Aggregation
emptyAggregations :: Aggregations
emptyAggregations = M.empty
mkAggregations :: Text -> Aggregation -> Aggregations
mkAggregations name aggregation = M.insert name aggregation emptyAggregations
data Aggregation = TermsAgg TermsAggregation
| CardinalityAgg CardinalityAggregation
| DateHistogramAgg DateHistogramAggregation
| ValueCountAgg ValueCountAggregation
| FilterAgg FilterAggregation
| DateRangeAgg DateRangeAggregation
| MissingAgg MissingAggregation
| TopHitsAgg TopHitsAggregation
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
instance ToJSON Aggregation where
toJSON (TermsAgg (TermsAggregation term include exclude order minDocCount size shardSize collectMode executionHint termAggs)) =
omitNulls ["terms" .= omitNulls [ toJSON' term,
"include" .= include,
"exclude" .= exclude,
"order" .= order,
"min_doc_count" .= minDocCount,
"size" .= size,
"shard_size" .= shardSize,
"collect_mode" .= collectMode,
"execution_hint" .= executionHint
"aggs" .= termAggs ]
toJSON' x = case x of { Left y -> "field" .= y; Right y -> "script" .= y }
toJSON (CardinalityAgg (CardinalityAggregation field precisionThreshold)) =
object ["cardinality" .= omitNulls [ "field" .= field,
"precisionThreshold" .= precisionThreshold
toJSON (DateHistogramAgg (DateHistogramAggregation field interval format preZone postZone preOffset postOffset dateHistoAggs)) =
omitNulls ["date_histogram" .= omitNulls [ "field" .= field,
"interval" .= interval,
"format" .= format,
"pre_zone" .= preZone,
"post_zone" .= postZone,
"pre_offset" .= preOffset,
"post_offset" .= postOffset
"aggs" .= dateHistoAggs ]
toJSON (ValueCountAgg a) = object ["value_count" .= v]
where v = case a of
(FieldValueCount (FieldName n)) -> object ["field" .= n]
(ScriptValueCount (Script s)) -> object ["script" .= s]
toJSON (FilterAgg (FilterAggregation filt ags)) =
omitNulls [ "filter" .= filt
, "aggs" .= ags]
toJSON (DateRangeAgg a) = object [ "date_range" .= a
toJSON (MissingAgg (MissingAggregation{..})) =
object ["missing" .= object ["field" .= maField]]
toJSON (TopHitsAgg (TopHitsAggregation mfrom msize msort)) =
omitNulls ["top_hits" .= omitNulls [ "size" .= msize
, "from" .= mfrom
, "sort" .= msort
data TopHitsAggregation = TopHitsAggregation
{ taFrom :: Maybe From
, taSize :: Maybe Size
, taSort :: Maybe Sort
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data MissingAggregation = MissingAggregation
{ maField :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data TermsAggregation = TermsAggregation { term :: Either Text Text
, termInclude :: Maybe TermInclusion
, termExclude :: Maybe TermInclusion
, termOrder :: Maybe TermOrder
, termMinDocCount :: Maybe Int
, termSize :: Maybe Int
, termShardSize :: Maybe Int
, termCollectMode :: Maybe CollectionMode
, termExecutionHint :: Maybe ExecutionHint
, termAggs :: Maybe Aggregations
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data CardinalityAggregation = CardinalityAggregation { cardinalityField :: FieldName,
precisionThreshold :: Maybe Int
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data DateHistogramAggregation = DateHistogramAggregation { dateField :: FieldName
, dateInterval :: Interval
, dateFormat :: Maybe Text
-- pre and post deprecated in 1.5
, datePreZone :: Maybe Text
, datePostZone :: Maybe Text
, datePreOffset :: Maybe Text
, datePostOffset :: Maybe Text
, dateAggs :: Maybe Aggregations
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data DateRangeAggregation = DateRangeAggregation { draField :: FieldName
, draFormat :: Maybe Text
, draRanges :: NonEmpty DateRangeAggRange
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data DateRangeAggRange = DateRangeFrom DateMathExpr
| DateRangeTo DateMathExpr
| DateRangeFromAndTo DateMathExpr DateMathExpr deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | See <> for more information.
data ValueCountAggregation = FieldValueCount FieldName
| ScriptValueCount Script deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | Single-bucket filter aggregations. See <> for more information.
data FilterAggregation = FilterAggregation { faFilter :: Filter
, faAggs :: Maybe Aggregations} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
mkTermsAggregation :: Text -> TermsAggregation
mkTermsAggregation t = TermsAggregation (Left t) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkTermsScriptAggregation :: Text -> TermsAggregation
mkTermsScriptAggregation t = TermsAggregation (Right t) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkDateHistogram :: FieldName -> Interval -> DateHistogramAggregation
mkDateHistogram t i = DateHistogramAggregation t i Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkCardinalityAggregation :: FieldName -> CardinalityAggregation
mkCardinalityAggregation t = CardinalityAggregation t Nothing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
module Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Client where
import Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Client
{-| Common environment for Elasticsearch calls. Connections will be
pipelined according to the provided HTTP connection manager.
data BHEnv = BHEnv { bhServer :: Server
, bhManager :: Manager
, bhRequestHook :: Request -> IO Request
-- ^ Low-level hook that is run before every request is sent. Used to implement custom authentication strategies. Defaults to 'return' with 'mkBHEnv'.
instance (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadIO m) => MonadBH (ReaderT BHEnv m) where
getBHEnv = ask
{-| 'Server' is used with the client functions to point at the ES instance
newtype Server = Server Text deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable, FromJSON)
{-| All API calls to Elasticsearch operate within
. The idea is that it can be easily embedded in your
own monad transformer stack. A default instance for a ReaderT and
alias 'BH' is provided for the simple case.
class (Functor m, A.Applicative m, MonadIO m) => MonadBH m where
getBHEnv :: m BHEnv
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Database.V1.Bloodhound
-- >>> let testServer = (Server "http://localhost:9200")
-- >>> let testIndex = IndexName "twitter"
-- >>> let testMapping = MappingName "tweet"
-- >>> let defaultIndexSettings = IndexSettings (ShardCount 3) (ReplicaCount 2)
-- defaultIndexSettings is exported by Database.Bloodhound as well
-- no trailing slashes in servers, library handles building the path.
-- | Create a 'BHEnv' with all optional fields defaulted. HTTP hook
-- will be a noop. You can use the exported fields to customize it further, e.g.:
-- >> (mkBHEnv myServer myManager) { bhRequestHook = customHook }
mkBHEnv :: Server -> Manager -> BHEnv
mkBHEnv s m = BHEnv s m return
newtype BH m a = BH {
unBH :: ReaderT BHEnv m a
} deriving ( Functor
, A.Applicative
, Monad
, MonadIO
, MonadState s
, MonadWriter w
, MonadError e
, Alternative
, MonadPlus
, MonadFix
, MonadThrow
, MonadCatch
, MonadMask)
instance MonadTrans BH where
lift = BH . lift
instance (MonadReader r m) => MonadReader r (BH m) where
ask = lift ask
local f (BH (ReaderT m)) = BH $ ReaderT $ \r ->
local f (m r)
instance (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadIO m) => MonadBH (BH m) where
getBHEnv = BH getBHEnv
runBH :: BHEnv -> BH m a -> m a
runBH e f = runReaderT (unBH f) e
{-| 'Version' is embedded in 'Status' -}
data Version = Version { number :: VersionNumber
, build_hash :: BuildHash
, build_timestamp :: UTCTime
, build_snapshot :: Bool
, lucene_version :: VersionNumber } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | Traditional software versioning number
newtype VersionNumber = VersionNumber { versionNumber :: Vers.Version
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, Ord)
{-| 'Status' is a data type for describing the JSON body returned by
Elasticsearch when you query its status. This was deprecated in 1.2.0.
data Status = Status { ok :: Maybe Bool
, status :: Int
, name :: Text
, version :: Version
, tagline :: Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)
{-| 'IndexSettings' is used to configure the shards and replicas when you create
an Elasticsearch Index.
data IndexSettings =
IndexSettings { indexShards :: ShardCount
, indexReplicas :: ReplicaCount } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
{-| 'defaultIndexSettings' is an 'IndexSettings' with 3 shards and 2 replicas. -}
defaultIndexSettings :: IndexSettings
defaultIndexSettings = IndexSettings (ShardCount 3) (ReplicaCount 2)
{-| 'IndexOptimizationSettings' is used to configure index optimization. See
for more info.
data IndexOptimizationSettings =
IndexOptimizationSettings { maxNumSegments :: Maybe Int
-- ^ Number of segments to optimize to. 1 will fully optimize the index. If omitted, the default behavior is to only optimize if the server deems it necessary.
, onlyExpungeDeletes :: Bool
-- ^ Should the optimize process only expunge segments with deletes in them? If the purpose of the optimization is to free disk space, this should be set to True.
, flushAfterOptimize :: Bool
-- ^ Should a flush be performed after the optimize.
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
{-| 'defaultIndexOptimizationSettings' implements the default settings that
ElasticSearch uses for index optimization. 'maxNumSegments' is Nothing,
'onlyExpungeDeletes' is False, and flushAfterOptimize is True.
defaultIndexOptimizationSettings :: IndexOptimizationSettings
defaultIndexOptimizationSettings = IndexOptimizationSettings Nothing False True
{-| 'UpdatableIndexSetting' are settings which may be updated after an index is created.
data UpdatableIndexSetting = NumberOfReplicas ReplicaCount
-- ^ The number of replicas each shard has.
| AutoExpandReplicas ReplicaBounds
| BlocksReadOnly Bool
-- ^ Set to True to have the index read only. False to allow writes and metadata changes.
| BlocksRead Bool
-- ^ Set to True to disable read operations against the index.
| BlocksWrite Bool
-- ^ Set to True to disable write operations against the index.
| BlocksMetaData Bool
-- ^ Set to True to disable metadata operations against the index.
| RefreshInterval NominalDiffTime
-- ^ The async refresh interval of a shard
| IndexConcurrency Int
| FailOnMergeFailure Bool
| TranslogFlushThresholdOps Int
-- ^ When to flush on operations.
| TranslogFlushThresholdSize Bytes
-- ^ When to flush based on translog (bytes) size.
| TranslogFlushThresholdPeriod NominalDiffTime
-- ^ When to flush based on a period of not flushing.
| TranslogDisableFlush Bool
-- ^ Disables flushing. Note, should be set for a short interval and then enabled.
| CacheFilterMaxSize (Maybe Bytes)
-- ^ The maximum size of filter cache (per segment in shard).
| CacheFilterExpire (Maybe NominalDiffTime)
-- ^ The expire after access time for filter cache.
| GatewaySnapshotInterval NominalDiffTime
-- ^ The gateway snapshot interval (only applies to shared gateways).
| RoutingAllocationInclude (NonEmpty NodeAttrFilter)
-- ^ A node matching any rule will be allowed to host shards from the index.
| RoutingAllocationExclude (NonEmpty NodeAttrFilter)
-- ^ A node matching any rule will NOT be allowed to host shards from the index.
| RoutingAllocationRequire (NonEmpty NodeAttrFilter)
-- ^ Only nodes matching all rules will be allowed to host shards from the index.
| RoutingAllocationEnable AllocationPolicy
-- ^ Enables shard allocation for a specific index.
| RoutingAllocationShardsPerNode ShardCount
-- ^ Controls the total number of shards (replicas and primaries) allowed to be allocated on a single node.
| RecoveryInitialShards InitialShardCount
-- ^ When using local gateway a particular shard is recovered only if there can be allocated quorum shards in the cluster.
| GCDeletes NominalDiffTime
| TTLDisablePurge Bool
-- ^ Disables temporarily the purge of expired docs.
| TranslogFSType FSType
| IndexCompoundFormat CompoundFormat
| IndexCompoundOnFlush Bool
| WarmerEnabled Bool
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data AllocationPolicy = AllocAll
-- ^ Allows shard allocation for all shards.
| AllocPrimaries
-- ^ Allows shard allocation only for primary shards.
| AllocNewPrimaries
-- ^ Allows shard allocation only for primary shards for new indices.
| AllocNone
-- ^ No shard allocation is allowed
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data ReplicaBounds = ReplicasBounded Int Int
| ReplicasLowerBounded Int
| ReplicasUnbounded
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | A measure of bytes used for various configurations. You may want
-- to use smart constructors like 'gigabytes' for larger values.
-- >>> gigabytes 9
-- Bytes 9000000000
-- >>> megabytes 9
-- Bytes 9000000
-- >>> kilobytes 9
-- Bytes 9000
newtype Bytes = Bytes Int deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, Ord, ToJSON, FromJSON)
gigabytes :: Int -> Bytes
gigabytes n = megabytes (1000 * n)
megabytes :: Int -> Bytes
megabytes n = kilobytes (1000 * n)
kilobytes :: Int -> Bytes
kilobytes n = Bytes (1000 * n)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
module Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.StringlyTyped where

View File

@ -378,250 +378,53 @@ module Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types
, EsPassword(..) , EsPassword(..)
) where ) where
import Control.Applicative as A import Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader (..), import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader (..),
ReaderT (..)) ReaderT (..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState)
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter) import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter)
import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair, Parser, import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair, Parser,
emptyObject, emptyObject,
parseEither, parseMaybe, parseEither,
typeMismatch) parseMaybe,
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L typeMismatch)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Char import Data.Char
import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate, import Data.List (foldl', intercalate,
nub) nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), toList) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), toList)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe import Data.Maybe
import Data.Scientific (Scientific) import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Semigroup import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime, import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime,
UTCTime) UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import qualified Data.Traversable as DT import qualified Data.Traversable as DT
import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Version as Vers import qualified Data.Version as Vers
import GHC.Enum import GHC.Enum
import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Client import Network.HTTP.Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as NHTM import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as NHTM
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP as RP
import qualified Text.Read as TR import qualified Text.Read as TR
import Database.V1.Bloodhound.Internal.Client
import Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types.Class import Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types.Class
import Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types.Internal import Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types.Internal
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Database.V1.Bloodhound
-- >>> let testServer = (Server "http://localhost:9200")
-- >>> let testIndex = IndexName "twitter"
-- >>> let testMapping = MappingName "tweet"
-- >>> let defaultIndexSettings = IndexSettings (ShardCount 3) (ReplicaCount 2)
-- defaultIndexSettings is exported by Database.Bloodhound as well
-- no trailing slashes in servers, library handles building the path.
-- | Create a 'BHEnv' with all optional fields defaulted. HTTP hook
-- will be a noop. You can use the exported fields to customize it further, e.g.:
-- >> (mkBHEnv myServer myManager) { bhRequestHook = customHook }
mkBHEnv :: Server -> Manager -> BHEnv
mkBHEnv s m = BHEnv s m return
newtype BH m a = BH {
unBH :: ReaderT BHEnv m a
} deriving ( Functor
, A.Applicative
, Monad
, MonadIO
, MonadState s
, MonadWriter w
, MonadError e
, Alternative
, MonadPlus
, MonadFix
, MonadThrow
, MonadCatch
, MonadMask)
instance MonadTrans BH where
lift = BH . lift
instance (MonadReader r m) => MonadReader r (BH m) where
ask = lift ask
local f (BH (ReaderT m)) = BH $ ReaderT $ \r ->
local f (m r)
instance (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadIO m) => MonadBH (BH m) where
getBHEnv = BH getBHEnv
runBH :: BHEnv -> BH m a -> m a
runBH e f = runReaderT (unBH f) e
{-| 'Version' is embedded in 'Status' -}
data Version = Version { number :: VersionNumber
, build_hash :: BuildHash
, build_timestamp :: UTCTime
, build_snapshot :: Bool
, lucene_version :: VersionNumber } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | Traditional software versioning number
newtype VersionNumber = VersionNumber { versionNumber :: Vers.Version
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, Ord)
{-| 'Status' is a data type for describing the JSON body returned by
Elasticsearch when you query its status. This was deprecated in 1.2.0.
data Status = Status { ok :: Maybe Bool
, status :: Int
, name :: Text
, version :: Version
, tagline :: Text } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic)
{-| 'IndexSettings' is used to configure the shards and replicas when you create
an Elasticsearch Index.
data IndexSettings =
IndexSettings { indexShards :: ShardCount
, indexReplicas :: ReplicaCount } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
{-| 'defaultIndexSettings' is an 'IndexSettings' with 3 shards and 2 replicas. -}
defaultIndexSettings :: IndexSettings
defaultIndexSettings = IndexSettings (ShardCount 3) (ReplicaCount 2)
{-| 'IndexOptimizationSettings' is used to configure index optimization. See
for more info.
data IndexOptimizationSettings =
IndexOptimizationSettings { maxNumSegments :: Maybe Int
-- ^ Number of segments to optimize to. 1 will fully optimize the index. If omitted, the default behavior is to only optimize if the server deems it necessary.
, onlyExpungeDeletes :: Bool
-- ^ Should the optimize process only expunge segments with deletes in them? If the purpose of the optimization is to free disk space, this should be set to True.
, flushAfterOptimize :: Bool
-- ^ Should a flush be performed after the optimize.
} deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
{-| 'defaultIndexOptimizationSettings' implements the default settings that
ElasticSearch uses for index optimization. 'maxNumSegments' is Nothing,
'onlyExpungeDeletes' is False, and flushAfterOptimize is True.
defaultIndexOptimizationSettings :: IndexOptimizationSettings
defaultIndexOptimizationSettings = IndexOptimizationSettings Nothing False True
{-| 'UpdatableIndexSetting' are settings which may be updated after an index is created.
data UpdatableIndexSetting = NumberOfReplicas ReplicaCount
-- ^ The number of replicas each shard has.
| AutoExpandReplicas ReplicaBounds
| BlocksReadOnly Bool
-- ^ Set to True to have the index read only. False to allow writes and metadata changes.
| BlocksRead Bool
-- ^ Set to True to disable read operations against the index.
| BlocksWrite Bool
-- ^ Set to True to disable write operations against the index.
| BlocksMetaData Bool
-- ^ Set to True to disable metadata operations against the index.
| RefreshInterval NominalDiffTime
-- ^ The async refresh interval of a shard
| IndexConcurrency Int
| FailOnMergeFailure Bool
| TranslogFlushThresholdOps Int
-- ^ When to flush on operations.
| TranslogFlushThresholdSize Bytes
-- ^ When to flush based on translog (bytes) size.
| TranslogFlushThresholdPeriod NominalDiffTime
-- ^ When to flush based on a period of not flushing.
| TranslogDisableFlush Bool
-- ^ Disables flushing. Note, should be set for a short interval and then enabled.
| CacheFilterMaxSize (Maybe Bytes)
-- ^ The maximum size of filter cache (per segment in shard).
| CacheFilterExpire (Maybe NominalDiffTime)
-- ^ The expire after access time for filter cache.
| GatewaySnapshotInterval NominalDiffTime
-- ^ The gateway snapshot interval (only applies to shared gateways).
| RoutingAllocationInclude (NonEmpty NodeAttrFilter)
-- ^ A node matching any rule will be allowed to host shards from the index.
| RoutingAllocationExclude (NonEmpty NodeAttrFilter)
-- ^ A node matching any rule will NOT be allowed to host shards from the index.
| RoutingAllocationRequire (NonEmpty NodeAttrFilter)
-- ^ Only nodes matching all rules will be allowed to host shards from the index.
| RoutingAllocationEnable AllocationPolicy
-- ^ Enables shard allocation for a specific index.
| RoutingAllocationShardsPerNode ShardCount
-- ^ Controls the total number of shards (replicas and primaries) allowed to be allocated on a single node.
| RecoveryInitialShards InitialShardCount
-- ^ When using local gateway a particular shard is recovered only if there can be allocated quorum shards in the cluster.
| GCDeletes NominalDiffTime
| TTLDisablePurge Bool
-- ^ Disables temporarily the purge of expired docs.
| TranslogFSType FSType
| IndexCompoundFormat CompoundFormat
| IndexCompoundOnFlush Bool
| WarmerEnabled Bool
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data AllocationPolicy = AllocAll
-- ^ Allows shard allocation for all shards.
| AllocPrimaries
-- ^ Allows shard allocation only for primary shards.
| AllocNewPrimaries
-- ^ Allows shard allocation only for primary shards for new indices.
| AllocNone
-- ^ No shard allocation is allowed
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data ReplicaBounds = ReplicasBounded Int Int
| ReplicasLowerBounded Int
| ReplicasUnbounded
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | A measure of bytes used for various configurations. You may want
-- to use smart constructors like 'gigabytes' for larger values.
-- >>> gigabytes 9
-- Bytes 9000000000
-- >>> megabytes 9
-- Bytes 9000000
-- >>> kilobytes 9
-- Bytes 9000
newtype Bytes = Bytes Int deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable, Ord, ToJSON, FromJSON)
gigabytes :: Int -> Bytes
gigabytes n = megabytes (1000 * n)
megabytes :: Int -> Bytes
megabytes n = kilobytes (1000 * n)
kilobytes :: Int -> Bytes
kilobytes n = Bytes (1000 * n)
data FSType = FSSimple data FSType = FSSimple
@ -1739,13 +1542,6 @@ readMay s = case reads s of
parseReadText :: Read a => Text -> Parser a parseReadText :: Read a => Text -> Parser a
parseReadText = maybe mzero return . readMay . T.unpack parseReadText = maybe mzero return . readMay . T.unpack
type Aggregations = M.Map Text Aggregation
emptyAggregations :: Aggregations
emptyAggregations = M.empty
mkAggregations :: Text -> Aggregation -> Aggregations
mkAggregations name aggregation = M.insert name aggregation emptyAggregations
data TermOrder = TermOrder{ termSortField :: Text data TermOrder = TermOrder{ termSortField :: Text
, termSortOrder :: SortOrder } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable) , termSortOrder :: SortOrder } deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
@ -1778,62 +1574,6 @@ data Interval = Year
| Second | Second
| FractionalInterval Float TimeInterval deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable) | FractionalInterval Float TimeInterval deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data Aggregation = TermsAgg TermsAggregation
| CardinalityAgg CardinalityAggregation
| DateHistogramAgg DateHistogramAggregation
| ValueCountAgg ValueCountAggregation
| FilterAgg FilterAggregation
| DateRangeAgg DateRangeAggregation
| MissingAgg MissingAggregation
| TopHitsAgg TopHitsAggregation
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data TopHitsAggregation = TopHitsAggregation
{ taFrom :: Maybe From
, taSize :: Maybe Size
, taSort :: Maybe Sort
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data MissingAggregation = MissingAggregation
{ maField :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data TermsAggregation = TermsAggregation { term :: Either Text Text
, termInclude :: Maybe TermInclusion
, termExclude :: Maybe TermInclusion
, termOrder :: Maybe TermOrder
, termMinDocCount :: Maybe Int
, termSize :: Maybe Int
, termShardSize :: Maybe Int
, termCollectMode :: Maybe CollectionMode
, termExecutionHint :: Maybe ExecutionHint
, termAggs :: Maybe Aggregations
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data CardinalityAggregation = CardinalityAggregation { cardinalityField :: FieldName,
precisionThreshold :: Maybe Int
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data DateHistogramAggregation = DateHistogramAggregation { dateField :: FieldName
, dateInterval :: Interval
, dateFormat :: Maybe Text
-- pre and post deprecated in 1.5
, datePreZone :: Maybe Text
, datePostZone :: Maybe Text
, datePreOffset :: Maybe Text
, datePostOffset :: Maybe Text
, dateAggs :: Maybe Aggregations
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data DateRangeAggregation = DateRangeAggregation { draField :: FieldName
, draFormat :: Maybe Text
, draRanges :: NonEmpty DateRangeAggRange
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data DateRangeAggRange = DateRangeFrom DateMathExpr
| DateRangeTo DateMathExpr
| DateRangeFromAndTo DateMathExpr DateMathExpr deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | See <> for more information. -- | See <> for more information.
data DateMathExpr = DateMathExpr DateMathAnchor [DateMathModifier] deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable) data DateMathExpr = DateMathExpr DateMathAnchor [DateMathModifier] deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
@ -1855,26 +1595,6 @@ data DateMathUnit = DMYear
| DMMinute | DMMinute
| DMSecond deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable) | DMSecond deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | See <> for more information.
data ValueCountAggregation = FieldValueCount FieldName
| ScriptValueCount Script deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
-- | Single-bucket filter aggregations. See <> for more information.
data FilterAggregation = FilterAggregation { faFilter :: Filter
, faAggs :: Maybe Aggregations} deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
mkTermsAggregation :: Text -> TermsAggregation
mkTermsAggregation t = TermsAggregation (Left t) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkTermsScriptAggregation :: Text -> TermsAggregation
mkTermsScriptAggregation t = TermsAggregation (Right t) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkDateHistogram :: FieldName -> Interval -> DateHistogramAggregation
mkDateHistogram t i = DateHistogramAggregation t i Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
mkCardinalityAggregation :: FieldName -> CardinalityAggregation
mkCardinalityAggregation t = CardinalityAggregation t Nothing
instance ToJSON Version where instance ToJSON Version where
toJSON Version {..} = object ["number" .= number toJSON Version {..} = object ["number" .= number
,"build_hash" .= build_hash ,"build_hash" .= build_hash
@ -1950,56 +1670,6 @@ instance Read TimeInterval where
f 's' = return Seconds f 's' = return Seconds
f _ = fail "TimeInterval expected one of w, d, h, m, s" f _ = fail "TimeInterval expected one of w, d, h, m, s"
instance ToJSON Aggregation where
toJSON (TermsAgg (TermsAggregation term include exclude order minDocCount size shardSize collectMode executionHint termAggs)) =
omitNulls ["terms" .= omitNulls [ toJSON' term,
"include" .= include,
"exclude" .= exclude,
"order" .= order,
"min_doc_count" .= minDocCount,
"size" .= size,
"shard_size" .= shardSize,
"collect_mode" .= collectMode,
"execution_hint" .= executionHint
"aggs" .= termAggs ]
toJSON' x = case x of { Left y -> "field" .= y; Right y -> "script" .= y }
toJSON (CardinalityAgg (CardinalityAggregation field precisionThreshold)) =
object ["cardinality" .= omitNulls [ "field" .= field,
"precisionThreshold" .= precisionThreshold
toJSON (DateHistogramAgg (DateHistogramAggregation field interval format preZone postZone preOffset postOffset dateHistoAggs)) =
omitNulls ["date_histogram" .= omitNulls [ "field" .= field,
"interval" .= interval,
"format" .= format,
"pre_zone" .= preZone,
"post_zone" .= postZone,
"pre_offset" .= preOffset,
"post_offset" .= postOffset
"aggs" .= dateHistoAggs ]
toJSON (ValueCountAgg a) = object ["value_count" .= v]
where v = case a of
(FieldValueCount (FieldName n)) -> object ["field" .= n]
(ScriptValueCount (Script s)) -> object ["script" .= s]
toJSON (FilterAgg (FilterAggregation filt ags)) =
omitNulls [ "filter" .= filt
, "aggs" .= ags]
toJSON (DateRangeAgg a) = object [ "date_range" .= a
toJSON (MissingAgg (MissingAggregation{..})) =
object ["missing" .= object ["field" .= maField]]
toJSON (TopHitsAgg (TopHitsAggregation mfrom msize msort)) =
omitNulls ["top_hits" .= omitNulls [ "size" .= msize
, "from" .= mfrom
, "sort" .= msort
instance ToJSON DateRangeAggregation where instance ToJSON DateRangeAggregation where
toJSON DateRangeAggregation {..} = toJSON DateRangeAggregation {..} =
@ -5358,7 +5028,7 @@ instance FromJSON Suggest where
let dropTextList = HM.toList $ HM.filterWithKey (\x _ -> x /= "text") o let dropTextList = HM.toList $ HM.filterWithKey (\x _ -> x /= "text") o
suggestName' <- case dropTextList of suggestName' <- case dropTextList of
[(x, _)] -> return x [(x, _)] -> return x
_ -> fail "error parsing Suggest field name" _ -> fail "error parsing Suggest field name"
suggestType' <- o .: suggestName' suggestType' <- o .: suggestName'
return $ Suggest suggestText' suggestName' suggestType' return $ Suggest suggestText' suggestName' suggestType'
parseJSON x = typeMismatch "Suggest" x parseJSON x = typeMismatch "Suggest" x
@ -5428,7 +5098,7 @@ mkPhraseSuggester fName =
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing [] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing []
data PhraseSuggesterHighlighter = data PhraseSuggesterHighlighter =
PhraseSuggesterHighlighter { phraseSuggesterHighlighterPreTag :: Text PhraseSuggesterHighlighter { phraseSuggesterHighlighterPreTag :: Text
, phraseSuggesterHighlighterPostTag :: Text , phraseSuggesterHighlighterPostTag :: Text
} }
deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Read, Typeable) deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Read, Typeable)
@ -5469,9 +5139,9 @@ instance FromJSON PhraseSuggesterCollate where
parseJSON x = typeMismatch "PhraseSuggesterCollate" x parseJSON x = typeMismatch "PhraseSuggesterCollate" x
data SuggestOptions = data SuggestOptions =
SuggestOptions { suggestOptionsText :: Text SuggestOptions { suggestOptionsText :: Text
, suggestOptionsScore :: Double , suggestOptionsScore :: Double
, suggestOptionsFreq :: Maybe Int , suggestOptionsFreq :: Maybe Int
, suggestOptionsHighlighted :: Maybe Text , suggestOptionsHighlighted :: Maybe Text
} }
deriving (Eq, Read, Show) deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
@ -5485,9 +5155,9 @@ instance FromJSON SuggestOptions where
<*> o .:? "highlighted" <*> o .:? "highlighted"
data SuggestResponse = data SuggestResponse =
SuggestResponse { suggestResponseText :: Text SuggestResponse { suggestResponseText :: Text
, suggestResponseOffset :: Int , suggestResponseOffset :: Int
, suggestResponseLength :: Int , suggestResponseLength :: Int
, suggestResponseOptions :: [SuggestOptions] , suggestResponseOptions :: [SuggestOptions]
} }
deriving (Eq, Read, Show) deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
@ -5501,7 +5171,7 @@ instance FromJSON SuggestResponse where
<*> o .: "options" <*> o .: "options"
data NamedSuggestionResponse = data NamedSuggestionResponse =
NamedSuggestionResponse { nsrName :: Text NamedSuggestionResponse { nsrName :: Text
, nsrResponses :: [SuggestResponse] , nsrResponses :: [SuggestResponse]
} }
deriving (Eq, Read, Show) deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
@ -5524,7 +5194,7 @@ data DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes = DirectGeneratorSuggestModeMissing
instance ToJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes where instance ToJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes where
toJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeMissing = "missing" toJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeMissing = "missing"
toJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModePopular = "popular" toJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModePopular = "popular"
toJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeAlways = "always" toJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeAlways = "always"
instance FromJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes where instance FromJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes where
parseJSON = withText "DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes" parse parseJSON = withText "DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes" parse
@ -5534,17 +5204,17 @@ instance FromJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes where
parse f = fail ("Unexpected DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes: " <> show f) parse f = fail ("Unexpected DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes: " <> show f)
data DirectGenerators = DirectGenerators data DirectGenerators = DirectGenerators
{ directGeneratorsField :: FieldName { directGeneratorsField :: FieldName
, directGeneratorsSize :: Maybe Int , directGeneratorsSize :: Maybe Int
, directGeneratorSuggestMode :: DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes , directGeneratorSuggestMode :: DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes
, directGeneratorMaxEdits :: Maybe Double , directGeneratorMaxEdits :: Maybe Double
, directGeneratorPrefixLength :: Maybe Int , directGeneratorPrefixLength :: Maybe Int
, directGeneratorMinWordLength :: Maybe Int , directGeneratorMinWordLength :: Maybe Int
, directGeneratorMaxInspections :: Maybe Int , directGeneratorMaxInspections :: Maybe Int
, directGeneratorMinDocFreq :: Maybe Double , directGeneratorMinDocFreq :: Maybe Double
, directGeneratorMaxTermFreq :: Maybe Double , directGeneratorMaxTermFreq :: Maybe Double
, directGeneratorPreFilter :: Maybe Text , directGeneratorPreFilter :: Maybe Text
, directGeneratorPostFilter :: Maybe Text , directGeneratorPostFilter :: Maybe Text
} }
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic, Typeable) deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic, Typeable)
@ -5579,4 +5249,4 @@ instance FromJSON DirectGenerators where
<*> o .:? "post_filter" <*> o .:? "post_filter"
mkDirectGenerators :: FieldName -> DirectGenerators mkDirectGenerators :: FieldName -> DirectGenerators
mkDirectGenerators fn = DirectGenerators fn Nothing DirectGeneratorSuggestModeMissing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing mkDirectGenerators fn = DirectGenerators fn Nothing DirectGeneratorSuggestModeMissing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- |
-- Module : Database.Bloodhound.Types.Internal
-- Copyright : (C) 2014 Chris Allen
-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Chris Allen <>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : DeriveGeneric, RecordWildCards
-- Internal data types for Bloodhound. These types may change without
-- notice so import at your own risk.
module Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types.Internal
( BHEnv(..)
, Server(..)
, MonadBH(..)
) where
import Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Client
{-| Common environment for Elasticsearch calls. Connections will be
pipelined according to the provided HTTP connection manager.
data BHEnv = BHEnv { bhServer :: Server
, bhManager :: Manager
, bhRequestHook :: Request -> IO Request
-- ^ Low-level hook that is run before every request is sent. Used to implement custom authentication strategies. Defaults to 'return' with 'mkBHEnv'.
instance (Functor m, Applicative m, MonadIO m) => MonadBH (ReaderT BHEnv m) where
getBHEnv = ask
{-| 'Server' is used with the client functions to point at the ES instance
newtype Server = Server Text deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, Typeable, FromJSON)
{-| All API calls to Elasticsearch operate within
. The idea is that it can be easily embedded in your
own monad transformer stack. A default instance for a ReaderT and
alias 'BH' is provided for the simple case.
class (Functor m, A.Applicative m, MonadIO m) => MonadBH m where
getBHEnv :: m BHEnv