Actually include some modified files in the commit

This commit is contained in:
Josh Berman 2017-12-11 14:36:16 +02:00
parent 624b07bfb8
commit 8272db68e4
3 changed files with 75 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: bloodhound
synopsis: ElasticSearch client library for Haskell
description: ElasticSearch made awesome for Haskell hackers

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@ -336,6 +336,8 @@ module Database.V5.Bloodhound.Types
, SuggestOptions(..)
, SuggestResponse(..)
, NamedSuggestionResponse(..)
, DirectGenerators(..)
, DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes (..)
, Aggregation(..)
, Aggregations
@ -5293,6 +5295,7 @@ data PhraseSuggester =
, phraseSuggesterShardSize :: Maybe Int
, phraseSuggesterHighlight :: Maybe PhraseSuggesterHighlighter
, phraseSuggesterCollate :: Maybe PhraseSuggesterCollate
, phraseSuggesterCandidateGenerators :: Maybe [DirectGenerators]
deriving (Show, Generic, Eq, Read)
@ -5308,6 +5311,7 @@ instance ToJSON PhraseSuggester where
, "shard_size" .= phraseSuggesterShardSize
, "highlight" .= phraseSuggesterHighlight
, "collate" .= phraseSuggesterCollate
, "direct_generator" .= phraseSuggesterCandidateGenerators
instance FromJSON PhraseSuggester where
@ -5324,11 +5328,12 @@ instance FromJSON PhraseSuggester where
<*> o .:? "shard_size"
<*> o .:? "highlight"
<*> o .:? "collate"
<*> o .:? "direct_generator"
mkPhraseSuggester :: FieldName -> PhraseSuggester
mkPhraseSuggester fName =
PhraseSuggester fName Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
data PhraseSuggesterHighlighter =
PhraseSuggesterHighlighter { phraseSuggesterHighlighterPreTag :: Text
@ -5418,3 +5423,65 @@ instance FromJSON NamedSuggestionResponse where
return $ NamedSuggestionResponse suggestionName' suggestionResponses'
parseJSON x = typeMismatch "NamedSuggestionResponse" x
data DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes = DirectGeneratorSuggestModeMissing
| DirectGeneratorSuggestModePopular
| DirectGeneratorSuggestModeAlways
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic)
instance ToJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes where
toJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeMissing = "missing"
toJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModePopular = "popular"
toJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeAlways = "always"
instance FromJSON DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes where
parseJSON = withText "DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes" parse
where parse "missing" = pure DirectGeneratorSuggestModeMissing
parse "popular" = pure DirectGeneratorSuggestModePopular
parse "always" = pure DirectGeneratorSuggestModeAlways
parse f = fail ("Unexpected DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes: " <> show f)
data DirectGenerators = DirectGenerators
{ directGeneratorsField :: Text
, directGeneratorsSize :: Maybe Int
, directGeneratorSuggestMode :: DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes
, directGeneratorMaxEdits :: Maybe Double
, directGeneratorPrefixLength :: Maybe Int
, directGeneratorMinWordLength :: Maybe Int
, directGeneratorMaxInspections :: Maybe Int
, directGeneratorMinDocFreq :: Maybe Double
, directGeneratorMaxTermFreq :: Maybe Double
, directGeneratorPreFilter :: Maybe Text
, directGeneratorPostFilter :: Maybe Text
deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic)
instance ToJSON DirectGenerators where
toJSON DirectGenerators{..} = omitNulls [ "field" .= directGeneratorsField
, "size" .= directGeneratorsSize
, "suggest_mode" .= directGeneratorSuggestMode
, "max_edits" .= directGeneratorMaxEdits
, "prefix_length" .= directGeneratorPrefixLength
, "min_word_length" .= directGeneratorMinWordLength
, "max_inspections" .= directGeneratorMaxInspections
, "min_doc_freq" .= directGeneratorMinDocFreq
, "max_term_freq" .= directGeneratorMaxTermFreq
, "pre_filter" .= directGeneratorPreFilter
, "post_filter" .= directGeneratorPostFilter
instance FromJSON DirectGenerators where
parseJSON = withObject "DirectGenerators" parse
where parse o = DirectGenerators
<$> o .: "field"
<*> o .:? "size"
<*> o .: "suggest_mode"
<*> o .:? "max_edits"
<*> o .:? "prefix_length"
<*> o .:? "min_word_length"
<*> o .:? "max_inspections"
<*> o .:? "min_doc_freq"
<*> o .:? "max_term_freq"
<*> o .:? "pre_filter"
<*> o .:? "post_filter"

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@ -619,6 +619,8 @@ instance ApproxEq PhraseSuggesterCollate
instance ApproxEq PhraseSuggester
instance ApproxEq SuggestType
instance ApproxEq Suggest
instance ApproxEq DirectGenerators
instance ApproxEq DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes
-- | Due to the way nodeattrfilters get serialized here, they may come
-- out in a different order, but they are morally equivalent
@ -929,6 +931,8 @@ instance Arbitrary Size where arbitrary = sopArbitrary; shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary PhraseSuggester where arbitrary = sopArbitrary; shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary SuggestType where arbitrary = sopArbitrary; shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Suggest where arbitrary = sopArbitrary; shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary DirectGenerators where arbitrary = sopArbitrary; shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes where arbitrary = sopArbitrary; shrink = genericShrink
newtype UpdatableIndexSetting' = UpdatableIndexSetting' UpdatableIndexSetting
deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ApproxEq, Typeable)
@ -1793,6 +1797,8 @@ main = hspec $ do
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy CompoundFormat)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy TemplateQueryInline)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Suggest)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy DirectGenerators)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy DirectGeneratorSuggestModeTypes)
-- Temporary solution for lacking of generic derivation of Arbitrary
-- We use generics-sop, as it's much more concise than directly using GHC.Generics