mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 06:30:29 +03:00
fix sub-aggs and add top_hits agg
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ module Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types
, toMissing
, toTerms
, toDateHistogram
, toTopHits
, omitNulls
, BH(..)
, runBH
@ -340,6 +341,7 @@ module Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types
, DateMathAnchor(..)
, DateMathModifier(..)
, DateMathUnit(..)
, TopHitsAggregation(..)
, Highlights(..)
, FieldHighlight(..)
@ -357,6 +359,7 @@ module Database.V1.Bloodhound.Types
, TermsResult(..)
, DateHistogramResult(..)
, DateRangeResult(..)
, TopHitResult(..)
, EsUsername(..)
, EsPassword(..)
@ -1722,7 +1725,15 @@ data Aggregation = TermsAgg TermsAggregation
| ValueCountAgg ValueCountAggregation
| FilterAgg FilterAggregation
| DateRangeAgg DateRangeAggregation
| MissingAgg MissingAggregation deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
| MissingAgg MissingAggregation
| TopHitsAgg TopHitsAggregation
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data TopHitsAggregation = TopHitsAggregation
{ taFrom :: Maybe From
, taSize :: Maybe Size
, taSort :: Maybe Sort
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data MissingAggregation = MissingAggregation
{ maField :: Text
@ -1923,6 +1934,13 @@ instance ToJSON Aggregation where
toJSON (MissingAgg (MissingAggregation{..})) =
object ["missing" .= object ["field" .= maField]]
toJSON (TopHitsAgg (TopHitsAggregation mfrom msize msort)) =
omitNulls ["top_hits" .= omitNulls [ "size" .= msize
, "from" .= mfrom
, "sort" .= msort
instance ToJSON DateRangeAggregation where
toJSON DateRangeAggregation {..} =
omitNulls [ "field" .= draField
@ -1967,6 +1985,9 @@ data BucketValue = TextValue Text
data MissingResult = MissingResult { missingDocCount :: Int } deriving (Show)
data TopHitResult a = TopHitResult { tarHits :: (SearchHits a)
} deriving Show
data TermsResult = TermsResult { termKey :: BucketValue
, termsDocCount :: Int
, termsAggs :: Maybe AggregationResults } deriving (Read, Show)
@ -1993,6 +2014,9 @@ toDateHistogram = toAggResult
toMissing :: Text -> AggregationResults -> Maybe MissingResult
toMissing = toAggResult
toTopHits :: (FromJSON a) => Text -> AggregationResults -> Maybe (TopHitResult a)
toTopHits = toAggResult
toAggResult :: (FromJSON a) => Text -> AggregationResults -> Maybe a
toAggResult t a = M.lookup t a >>= deserialize
where deserialize = parseMaybe parseJSON
@ -2028,10 +2052,10 @@ instance FromJSON MissingResult where
where parse v = MissingResult <$> v .: "doc_count"
instance FromJSON TermsResult where
parseJSON (Object v) = TermsResult <$>
parseJSON (Object v) = TermsResult <$>
v .: "key" <*>
v .: "doc_count" <*>
v .:? "aggregations"
(pure $ getNamedSubAgg v ["key", "doc_count"])
parseJSON _ = mempty
instance FromJSON DateHistogramResult where
@ -2039,7 +2063,11 @@ instance FromJSON DateHistogramResult where
v .: "key" <*>
v .:? "key_as_string" <*>
v .: "doc_count" <*>
v .:? "aggregations"
(pure $ getNamedSubAgg v [ "key"
, "doc_count"
, "key_as_string"
parseJSON _ = mempty
instance FromJSON DateRangeResult where
@ -2051,13 +2079,25 @@ instance FromJSON DateRangeResult where
(fmap posixMS <$> v .:? "to") <*>
v .:? "to_as_string" <*>
v .: "doc_count" <*>
v .:? "aggregations"
(pure $ getNamedSubAgg v [ "key"
, "from"
, "from_as_string"
, "to"
, "to_as_string"
, "doc_count"
instance FromJSON POSIXMS where
parseJSON = withScientific "POSIXMS" (return . parse)
where parse n = let n' = truncate n :: Integer
in POSIXMS (posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromInteger (n' `div` 1000)))
instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (TopHitResult a) where
parseJSON (Object v) = TopHitResult <$>
v .: "hits"
parseJSON _ = fail "Failure in FromJSON (TopHitResult a)"
instance Monoid Filter where
mempty = IdentityFilter
mappend a b = AndFilter [a, b] defaultCache
@ -2250,6 +2290,15 @@ fieldTagged f o = case HM.toList o of
[(k, Object o')] -> f (FieldName k) o'
_ -> fail "Expected object with 1 field-named key"
-- Try to get an AggregationResults when we don't know the
-- field name. We filter out the known keys to try to minimize the noise.
getNamedSubAgg :: Object -> [Text] -> Maybe AggregationResults
getNamedSubAgg o knownKeys = maggRes
where unknownKeys = HM.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `notElem` knownKeys) o
| HM.null unknownKeys = Nothing
| otherwise = Just . M.fromList $ HM.toList unknownKeys
instance ToJSON GeoPoint where
toJSON (GeoPoint (FieldName geoPointField) geoPointLatLon) =
object [ geoPointField .= geoPointLatLon ]
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ module Database.V5.Bloodhound.Types
, toMissing
, toTerms
, toDateHistogram
, toTopHits
, omitNulls
, BH(..)
, runBH
@ -339,6 +340,7 @@ module Database.V5.Bloodhound.Types
, DateMathAnchor(..)
, DateMathModifier(..)
, DateMathUnit(..)
, TopHitsAggregation(..)
, Highlights(..)
, FieldHighlight(..)
@ -356,6 +358,7 @@ module Database.V5.Bloodhound.Types
, TermsResult(..)
, DateHistogramResult(..)
, DateRangeResult(..)
, TopHitResult(..)
, EsUsername(..)
, EsPassword(..)
@ -1705,7 +1708,15 @@ data Aggregation = TermsAgg TermsAggregation
| ValueCountAgg ValueCountAggregation
| FilterAgg FilterAggregation
| DateRangeAgg DateRangeAggregation
| MissingAgg MissingAggregation deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
| MissingAgg MissingAggregation
| TopHitsAgg TopHitsAggregation
deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Generic, Typeable)
data TopHitsAggregation = TopHitsAggregation
{ taFrom :: Maybe From
, taSize :: Maybe Size
, taSort :: Maybe Sort
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
data MissingAggregation = MissingAggregation
{ maField :: Text
@ -1905,6 +1916,13 @@ instance ToJSON Aggregation where
toJSON (MissingAgg (MissingAggregation{..})) =
object ["missing" .= object ["field" .= maField]]
toJSON (TopHitsAgg (TopHitsAggregation mfrom msize msort)) =
omitNulls ["top_hits" .= omitNulls [ "size" .= msize
, "from" .= mfrom
, "sort" .= msort
instance ToJSON DateRangeAggregation where
toJSON DateRangeAggregation {..} =
omitNulls [ "field" .= draField
@ -1949,6 +1967,9 @@ data BucketValue = TextValue Text
data MissingResult = MissingResult { missingDocCount :: Int } deriving (Show)
data TopHitResult a = TopHitResult { tarHits :: (SearchHits a)
} deriving Show
data TermsResult = TermsResult { termKey :: BucketValue
, termsDocCount :: Int
, termsAggs :: Maybe AggregationResults } deriving (Read, Show)
@ -1975,6 +1996,9 @@ toDateHistogram = toAggResult
toMissing :: Text -> AggregationResults -> Maybe MissingResult
toMissing = toAggResult
toTopHits :: (FromJSON a) => Text -> AggregationResults -> Maybe (TopHitResult a)
toTopHits = toAggResult
toAggResult :: (FromJSON a) => Text -> AggregationResults -> Maybe a
toAggResult t a = M.lookup t a >>= deserialize
where deserialize = parseMaybe parseJSON
@ -2010,10 +2034,10 @@ instance FromJSON MissingResult where
where parse v = MissingResult <$> v .: "doc_count"
instance FromJSON TermsResult where
parseJSON (Object v) = TermsResult <$>
parseJSON (Object v) = TermsResult <$>
v .: "key" <*>
v .: "doc_count" <*>
v .:? "aggregations"
(pure $ getNamedSubAgg v ["key", "doc_count"])
parseJSON _ = mempty
instance FromJSON DateHistogramResult where
@ -2021,7 +2045,11 @@ instance FromJSON DateHistogramResult where
v .: "key" <*>
v .:? "key_as_string" <*>
v .: "doc_count" <*>
v .:? "aggregations"
(pure $ getNamedSubAgg v [ "key"
, "doc_count"
, "key_as_string"
parseJSON _ = mempty
instance FromJSON DateRangeResult where
@ -2033,18 +2061,39 @@ instance FromJSON DateRangeResult where
(fmap posixMS <$> v .:? "to") <*>
v .:? "to_as_string" <*>
v .: "doc_count" <*>
v .:? "aggregations"
(pure $ getNamedSubAgg v [ "key"
, "from"
, "from_as_string"
, "to"
, "to_as_string"
, "doc_count"
instance FromJSON POSIXMS where
parseJSON = withScientific "POSIXMS" (return . parse)
where parse n = let n' = truncate n :: Integer
in POSIXMS (posixSecondsToUTCTime (fromInteger (n' `div` 1000)))
instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (TopHitResult a) where
parseJSON (Object v) = TopHitResult <$>
v .: "hits"
parseJSON _ = fail "Failure in FromJSON (TopHitResult a)"
fieldTagged :: Monad m => (FieldName -> Object -> m a) -> Object -> m a
fieldTagged f o = case HM.toList o of
[(k, Object o')] -> f (FieldName k) o'
_ -> fail "Expected object with 1 field-named key"
-- Try to get an AggregationResults when we don't know the
-- field name. We filter out the known keys to try to minimize the noise.
getNamedSubAgg :: Object -> [Text] -> Maybe AggregationResults
getNamedSubAgg o knownKeys = maggRes
where unknownKeys = HM.filterWithKey (\k _ -> k `notElem` knownKeys) o
| HM.null unknownKeys = Nothing
| otherwise = Just . M.fromList $ HM.toList unknownKeys
instance ToJSON GeoPoint where
toJSON (GeoPoint (FieldName geoPointField) geoPointLatLon) =
object [ geoPointField .= geoPointLatLon ]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user