
This commit is contained in:
Chris Allen 2014-12-12 00:28:32 -06:00
parent d3fa352115
commit 8a5c4b46f8
5 changed files with 114 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: bloodhound
synopsis: ElasticSearch client library for Haskell
description: ElasticSearch made awesome for Haskell hackers
homepage: https://github.com/bitemyapp/bloodhound

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@ -1,9 +1,21 @@
* Fixed and changed TermsQuery (This caused the major bump)
* Removed benchmarks from travis.yml
* Added doctests, examples for Database.Bloodhound.Client. Haddocks should be much nicer.
* Various fixes, reformatting
* Term and date aggregation - thanks to Christopher Guiney! (@chrisguiney)
Following three thanks to Liam Atkins (@latkins)
* omitNulls changed to exclude empty lists and null values
* BoolQuery must/mustNot/Should changed from Maybe (Query|[Query]) to [Query] thanks to @latkins

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@ -108,12 +108,22 @@ import Database.Bloodhound.Types
--instance ToJSON BulkTest
-- :}
-- | 'mkShardCount' is a straight-forward smart constructor for 'ShardCount'
-- which rejects 'Int' values below 1 and above 1000.
-- >>> mkShardCount 10
-- Just (ShardCount 10)
mkShardCount :: Int -> Maybe ShardCount
mkShardCount n
| n < 1 = Nothing
| n > 1000 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (ShardCount n)
-- | 'mkReplicaCount' is a straight-forward smart constructor for 'ReplicaCount'
-- which rejects 'Int' values below 1 and above 1000.
-- >>> mkReplicaCount 10
-- Just (ReplicaCount 10)
mkReplicaCount :: Int -> Maybe ReplicaCount
mkReplicaCount n
| n < 1 = Nothing
@ -152,14 +162,17 @@ post = dispatch NHTM.methodPost
-- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/http-client-lens-0.1.0/docs/Network-HTTP-Client-Lens.html
-- https://github.com/supki/libjenkins/blob/master/src/Jenkins/Rest/Internal.hs
-- | 'getStatus' fetches the 'Status' of a 'Server'
-- >>> getStatus testServer
-- Just (Status {ok = Nothing, status = 200, name = "Arena", version = Version {number = "1.4.1", build_hash = "89d3241d670db65f994242c8e8383b169779e2d4", build_timestamp = 2014-11-26 15:49:29 UTC, build_snapshot = False, lucene_version = "4.10.2"}, tagline = "You Know, for Search"})
getStatus :: Server -> IO (Maybe Status)
getStatus (Server server) = do
request <- parseUrl $ joinPath [server]
response <- withManager defaultManagerSettings $ httpLbs request
return $ decode (responseBody response)
-- | createIndex will create an index given a 'Server',
-- 'IndexSettings', and an 'IndexName'
-- | 'createIndex' will create an index given a 'Server', 'IndexSettings', and an 'IndexName'.
-- >>> response <- createIndex testServer defaultIndexSettings (IndexName "didimakeanindex")
-- >>> respIsTwoHunna response
@ -172,8 +185,7 @@ createIndex (Server server) indexSettings (IndexName indexName) =
where url = joinPath [server, indexName]
body = Just $ encode indexSettings
-- | deleteIndex will delete an index given a 'Server',
-- and an 'IndexName'
-- | 'deleteIndex' will delete an index given a 'Server', and an 'IndexName'.
-- >>> response <- createIndex testServer defaultIndexSettings (IndexName "didimakeanindex")
-- >>> response <- deleteIndex testServer (IndexName "didimakeanindex")
@ -196,6 +208,10 @@ existentialQuery url = do
reply <- head url
return (reply, respIsTwoHunna reply)
-- | 'indexExists' enables you to check if an index exists. Returns 'Bool'
-- in IO
-- >>> exists <- indexExists testServer testIndex
indexExists :: Server -> IndexName -> IO Bool
indexExists (Server server) (IndexName indexName) = do
(_, exists) <- existentialQuery url
@ -223,9 +239,17 @@ openOrCloseIndexes oci (Server server) (IndexName indexName) =
where ociString = stringifyOCIndex oci
url = joinPath [server, indexName, ociString]
-- | 'openIndex' opens an index given a 'Server' and an 'IndexName'. Explained in further detail at
-- http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-open-close.html
-- >>> reply <- openIndex testServer testIndex
openIndex :: Server -> IndexName -> IO Reply
openIndex = openOrCloseIndexes OpenIndex
-- | 'closeIndex' closes an index given a 'Server' and an 'IndexName'. Explained in further detail at
-- http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-open-close.html
-- >>> reply <- closeIndex testServer testIndex
closeIndex :: Server -> IndexName -> IO Reply
closeIndex = openOrCloseIndexes CloseIndex
@ -361,6 +385,10 @@ getDocument (Server server) (IndexName indexName)
(MappingName mappingName) (DocId docId) =
get $ joinPath [server, indexName, mappingName, docId]
-- | 'documentExists' enables you to check if a document exists. Returns 'Bool'
-- in IO
-- >>> exists <- documentExists testServer testIndex testMapping (DocId "1")
documentExists :: Server -> IndexName -> MappingName
-> DocId -> IO Bool
documentExists (Server server) (IndexName indexName)
@ -372,27 +400,75 @@ documentExists (Server server) (IndexName indexName)
dispatchSearch :: String -> Search -> IO Reply
dispatchSearch url search = post url (Just (encode search))
-- | 'searchAll', given a 'Search', will perform that search against all indexes
-- on an Elasticsearch server. Try to avoid doing this if it can be helped.
-- >>> let query = TermQuery (Term "user" "bitemyapp") Nothing
-- >>> let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
-- >>> reply <- searchAll testServer search
searchAll :: Server -> Search -> IO Reply
searchAll (Server server) = dispatchSearch url where
url = joinPath [server, "_search"]
-- | 'searchByIndex', given a 'Search' and an 'IndexName', will perform that search
-- against all mappings within an index on an Elasticsearch server.
-- >>> let query = TermQuery (Term "user" "bitemyapp") Nothing
-- >>> let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
-- >>> reply <- searchByIndex testServer testIndex search
searchByIndex :: Server -> IndexName -> Search -> IO Reply
searchByIndex (Server server) (IndexName indexName) = dispatchSearch url where
url = joinPath [server, indexName, "_search"]
-- | 'searchByType', given a 'Search', 'IndexName', and 'MappingName', will perform that
-- search against a specific mapping within an index on an Elasticsearch server.
-- >>> let query = TermQuery (Term "user" "bitemyapp") Nothing
-- >>> let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
-- >>> reply <- searchByType testServer testIndex testMapping search
searchByType :: Server -> IndexName -> MappingName -> Search -> IO Reply
searchByType (Server server) (IndexName indexName)
(MappingName mappingName) = dispatchSearch url where
url = joinPath [server, indexName, mappingName, "_search"]
-- | 'mkSearch' is a helper function for defaulting additional fields of a 'Search'
-- to Nothing in case you only care about your 'Query' and 'Filter'. Use record update
-- syntax if you want to add things like aggregations or highlights while still using
-- this helper function.
-- >>> let query = TermQuery (Term "user" "bitemyapp") Nothing
-- >>> mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
-- Search {queryBody = Just (TermQuery (Term {termField = "user", termValue = "bitemyapp"}) Nothing), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = 0, size = 10}
mkSearch :: Maybe Query -> Maybe Filter -> Search
mkSearch query filter = Search query filter Nothing Nothing Nothing False 0 10
-- | 'mkAggregateSearch' is a helper function that defaults everything in a 'Search' except for
-- the 'Query' and the 'Aggregation'.
-- >>> let terms = TermsAgg $ (mkTermsAggregation "user") { termCollectMode = Just BreadthFirst }
-- >>> terms
-- TermsAgg (TermsAggregation {term = Left "user", termInclude = Nothing, termExclude = Nothing, termOrder = Nothing, termMinDocCount = Nothing, termSize = Nothing, termShardSize = Nothing, termCollectMode = Just BreadthFirst, termExecutionHint = Nothing, termAggs = Nothing})
-- >>> let myAggregation = mkAggregateSearch Nothing $ mkAggregations "users" terms
mkAggregateSearch :: Maybe Query -> Aggregations -> Search
mkAggregateSearch query mkSearchAggs = Search query Nothing Nothing (Just mkSearchAggs) Nothing False 0 0
-- | 'mkHighlightSearch' is a helper function that defaults everything in a 'Search' except for
-- the 'Query' and the 'Aggregation'.
-- >>> let query = QueryMatchQuery $ mkMatchQuery (FieldName "_all") (QueryString "haskell")
-- >>> let testHighlight = Highlights Nothing [FieldHighlight (FieldName "message") Nothing]
-- >>> let search = mkHighlightSearch (Just query) testHighlight
mkHighlightSearch :: Maybe Query -> Highlights -> Search
mkHighlightSearch query searchHighlights = Search query Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just searchHighlights) False 0 10
-- | 'pageSearch' is a helper function that takes a search and assigns the page from and to
-- fields for the search.
-- >>> let query = QueryMatchQuery $ mkMatchQuery (FieldName "_all") (QueryString "haskell")
-- >>> let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
-- >>> search
-- Search {queryBody = Just (QueryMatchQuery (MatchQuery {matchQueryField = FieldName "_all", matchQueryQueryString = QueryString "haskell", matchQueryOperator = Or, matchQueryZeroTerms = ZeroTermsNone, matchQueryCutoffFrequency = Nothing, matchQueryMatchType = Nothing, matchQueryAnalyzer = Nothing, matchQueryMaxExpansions = Nothing, matchQueryLenient = Nothing})), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = 0, size = 10}
-- >>> pageSearch 10 100 search
-- Search {queryBody = Just (QueryMatchQuery (MatchQuery {matchQueryField = FieldName "_all", matchQueryQueryString = QueryString "haskell", matchQueryOperator = Or, matchQueryZeroTerms = ZeroTermsNone, matchQueryCutoffFrequency = Nothing, matchQueryMatchType = Nothing, matchQueryAnalyzer = Nothing, matchQueryMaxExpansions = Nothing, matchQueryLenient = Nothing})), filterBody = Nothing, sortBody = Nothing, aggBody = Nothing, highlight = Nothing, trackSortScores = False, from = 10, size = 100}
pageSearch :: Int -> Int -> Search -> Search
pageSearch pageFrom pageSize search = search { from = pageFrom, size = pageSize }

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@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair, emptyObject, parseMaybe)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), toList)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ data HighlightTag = TagSchema Text
data Query =
TermQuery Term (Maybe Boost)
| TermsQuery [Term] MinimumMatch
| TermsQuery (NonEmpty Term)
| QueryMatchQuery MatchQuery
| QueryMultiMatchQuery MultiMatchQuery
| QueryBoolQuery BoolQuery
@ -1380,12 +1380,12 @@ instance ToJSON Query where
boosted = maybe [] (return . ("boost" .=)) boost
merged = mappend base boosted
toJSON (TermsQuery terms termsQueryMinimumMatch) =
toJSON (TermsQuery terms) =
object [ "terms" .= object conjoined ]
where conjoined =
[ "tags" .= fmap toJSON terms
, "minimum_should_match" .= toJSON termsQueryMinimumMatch ]
where conjoined = [ getTermsField terms .=
fmap (toJSON . getTermValue) (toList terms)]
getTermsField ((Term f _ ) :| _) = f
getTermValue (Term _ v) = v
toJSON (IdsQuery idsQueryMappingName docIds) =
object [ "ids" .= object conjoined ]
where conjoined = [ "type" .= toJSON idsQueryMappingName

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@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HashMap.Strict (fromList)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -269,6 +270,14 @@ main = hspec $ do
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for terms query and identity filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let query = TermsQuery (NE.fromList [(Term "user" "bitemyapp")])
let filter = IdentityFilter <&&> IdentityFilter
let search = mkSearch (Just query) (Just filter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for match query" $ do
_ <- insertData
let query = QueryMatchQuery $ mkMatchQuery (FieldName "user") (QueryString "bitemyapp")
@ -542,19 +551,19 @@ main = hspec $ do
it "checks that omitNulls drops list elements when it should" $
let dropped = omitNulls $ [ "test1" .= (toJSON ([] :: [Int]))
, "test2" .= (toJSON ("some value" :: Text))]
in dropped `shouldBe` Object (fromList [("test2", String "some value")])
in dropped `shouldBe` Object (HM.fromList [("test2", String "some value")])
it "checks that omitNulls doesn't drop list elements when it shouldn't" $
let notDropped = omitNulls $ [ "test1" .= (toJSON ([1] :: [Int]))
, "test2" .= (toJSON ("some value" :: Text))]
in notDropped `shouldBe` Object (fromList [ ("test1", Array (V.fromList [Number 1.0]))
in notDropped `shouldBe` Object (HM.fromList [ ("test1", Array (V.fromList [Number 1.0]))
, ("test2", String "some value")])
it "checks that omitNulls drops non list elements when it should" $
let dropped = omitNulls $ [ "test1" .= (toJSON Null)
, "test2" .= (toJSON ("some value" :: Text))]
in dropped `shouldBe` Object (fromList [("test2", String "some value")])
in dropped `shouldBe` Object (HM.fromList [("test2", String "some value")])
it "checks that omitNulls doesn't drop non list elements when it shouldn't" $
let notDropped = omitNulls $ [ "test1" .= (toJSON (1 :: Int))
, "test2" .= (toJSON ("some value" :: Text))]
in notDropped `shouldBe` Object (fromList [ ("test1", Number 1.0)
in notDropped `shouldBe` Object (HM.fromList [ ("test1", Number 1.0)
, ("test2", String "some value")])