mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 21:36:03 +03:00
WIP: fix several bugs with parsers, more to go
Also caught a bug in one of the existing ToJSON instances
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ library
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite tests
@ -68,7 +69,9 @@ test-suite tests
unordered-containers >= && <0.3,
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite doctests
@ -251,6 +251,7 @@ import Data.Aeson.Types (Pair, Parser, emptyObject,
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Char
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (foldl', nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), toList)
@ -266,6 +267,8 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as NHTM
import Debug.Trace
import Database.Bloodhound.Types.Class
-- $setup
@ -711,8 +714,6 @@ newtype BoostTerms =
newtype MinimumMatch =
MinimumMatch Int deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
newtype MinimumMatchText =
MinimumMatchText Text deriving (Eq, Show, ToJSON, FromJSON)
newtype DisableCoord =
DisableCoord Bool deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
newtype IgnoreTermFrequency =
@ -1722,18 +1723,24 @@ instance FromJSON Filter where
<*> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
orFilter o = OrFilter <$> o .: "filters"
<*> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
notFilter o = NotFilter <$> o .: "filters"
notFilter o = NotFilter <$> o .: "filter"
<*> o .: "_cache" .!= defaultCache
identityFilter () = pure IdentityFilter
identityFilter :: Object -> Parser Filter
identityFilter m
| HM.null m = pure IdentityFilter
| otherwise = fail ("Identityfilter expected empty object but got " <> show m)
boolFilter = pure . BoolFilter
existsFilter o = ExistsFilter <$> o .: "field"
geoBoundingBoxFilter = pure . GeoBoundingBoxFilter
geoDistanceFilter o = flip fieldTagged o $ \fn o' -> do
gp <- GeoPoint fn <$> parseJSON (Object o')
GeoDistanceFilter gp <$> o .: "distance"
<*> o .: "distance_type"
<*> o .: "optimize_bbox"
<*> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
geoDistanceFilter o = do
case HM.toList (deleteSeveral ["distance", "distance_type", "optimize_bbox", "_cache"] o) of
[(fn, v)] -> do
gp <- GeoPoint (FieldName fn) <$> parseJSON v
GeoDistanceFilter gp <$> o .: "distance"
<*> o .: "distance_type"
<*> o .: "optimize_bbox"
<*> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
_ -> fail "Could not find GeoDistanceFilter field name"
geoDistanceRangeFilter o = flip fieldTagged o $ \fn o' -> do
gp <- GeoPoint fn <$> parseJSON (Object o')
rng <- DistanceRange <$> o .: "from" <*> o .: "to"
@ -1745,21 +1752,27 @@ instance FromJSON Filter where
missingFilter o = MissingFilter <$> o .: "field"
<*> o .: "existence"
<*> o .: "null_value"
prefixFilter o = flip fieldTagged o $ \fn o' -> PrefixFilter fn <$> parseJSON (Object o')
<*> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
prefixFilter o = case HM.toList (HM.delete "_cache" o) of
[(fn, String v)] -> PrefixFilter (FieldName fn) v <$> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
_ -> fail "Could not parse PrefixFilter"
queryFilter q = pure (QueryFilter q False)
fqueryFilter o = QueryFilter <$> o .: "query" <*> pure True
rangeFilter o = flip fieldTagged o $ \fn o' -> RangeFilter fn <$> parseJSON (Object o')
<*> o .: "execution"
<*> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
rangeFilter o = case HM.toList (deleteSeveral ["execution", "_cache"] o) of
[(fn, v)] -> RangeFilter (FieldName fn)
<$> parseJSON v
<*> o .: "execution"
<*> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
_ -> fail "Could not find field name for RangeFilter"
regexpFilter = fieldTagged $ \fn o -> RegexpFilter fn <$> o .: "value"
<*> o .: "flags"
<*> o .: "_name"
<*> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
<*> o .: "_cache_key"
termFilter o = flip fieldTagged o $ \(FieldName fn) o' -> do
trm <- Term fn <$> parseJSON (Object o')
TermFilter trm <$> o .: "_cache" .!= defaultCache
termFilter o = case HM.toList (HM.delete "_cache" o) of
[(termField, String termVal)] -> TermFilter (Term termField termVal)
<$> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
_ -> fail "Could not find term field for TermFilter"
fieldTagged :: Monad m => (FieldName -> Object -> m a) -> Object -> m a
fieldTagged f o = case HM.toList o of
@ -1866,13 +1879,13 @@ instance ToJSON Query where
object [ "simple_query_string" .= query ]
instance FromJSON Query where
parseJSON = withObject "Query" parse
parseJSON v = withObject "Query" parse v
where parse o = termQuery `taggedWith` "term"
<|> termsQuery `taggedWith` "terms"
<|> idsQuery `taggedWith` "ids"
<|> queryQueryStringQuery `taggedWith` "query_string"
<|> queryMatchQuery `taggedWith` "match"
<|> queryMultiMatchQuery o --TODO: is this a precedence issue?
<|> queryMultiMatchQuery --TODO: is this a precedence issue?
<|> queryBoolQuery `taggedWith` "bool"
<|> queryBoostingQuery `taggedWith` "boosting"
<|> queryCommonTermsQuery `taggedWith` "common"
@ -1895,8 +1908,8 @@ instance FromJSON Query where
<|> queryRegexpQuery `taggedWith` "regexp"
<|> querySimpleQueryStringQuery `taggedWith` "simple_query_string"
where taggedWith parser k = parser =<< o .: k
termQuery o = TermQuery <$> parseJSON (Object o)
<*> o .:? "boost"
termQuery = fieldTagged $ \(FieldName fn) o ->
TermQuery <$> (Term fn <$> o .: "value") <*> o .:? "boost"
termsQuery o = case HM.toList o of
[(fn, vs)] -> do vals <- parseJSON vs
case vals of
@ -1907,7 +1920,7 @@ instance FromJSON Query where
<*> o .: "values"
queryQueryStringQuery = pure . QueryQueryStringQuery
queryMatchQuery = pure . QueryMatchQuery
queryMultiMatchQuery = undefined
queryMultiMatchQuery = QueryMultiMatchQuery <$> parseJSON v
queryBoolQuery = pure . QueryBoolQuery
queryBoostingQuery = pure . QueryBoostingQuery
queryCommonTermsQuery = pure . QueryCommonTermsQuery
@ -2071,7 +2084,7 @@ instance FromJSON QueryStringQuery where
instance ToJSON RangeQuery where
toJSON (RangeQuery (FieldName fieldName) range boost) =
object [ fieldName .= conjoined ]
object [ fieldName .= object conjoined ]
where conjoined = [ "boost" .= boost ] ++ (rangeValueToPair range)
instance FromJSON RangeQuery where
@ -2312,7 +2325,7 @@ instance ToJSON FuzzyLikeThisQuery where
instance FromJSON FuzzyLikeThisQuery where
parseJSON = withObject "FuzzyLikeThisQuery" parse
where parse o = FuzzyLikeThisQuery
<$> o .: "fields"
<$> o .:? "fields" .!= []
<*> o .: "like_text"
<*> o .: "max_query_terms"
<*> o .: "ignore_tf"
@ -2342,7 +2355,7 @@ instance ToJSON DisMaxQuery where
instance FromJSON DisMaxQuery where
parseJSON = withObject "DisMaxQuery" parse
where parse o = DisMaxQuery
<$> o .: "queries"
<$> o .:? "queries" .!= []
<*> o .: "tie_breaker"
<*> o .:? "boost"
@ -2467,6 +2480,20 @@ instance ToJSON MultiMatchQuery where
, "max_expansions" .= maxEx
, "lenient" .= lenient ]
instance FromJSON MultiMatchQuery where
parseJSON = withObject "MultiMatchQuery" parse
where parse raw = do o <- raw .: "multi_match"
<$> o .:? "fields" .!= []
<*> o .: "query"
<*> o .: "operator"
<*> o .: "zero_terms_query"
<*> o .:? "tiebreaker"
<*> o .:? "type"
<*> o .:? "cutoff_frequency"
<*> o .:? "analyzer"
<*> o .:? "max_expansions"
<*> o .:? "lenient"
instance ToJSON MultiMatchQueryType where
toJSON MultiMatchBestFields = "best_fields"
@ -2603,12 +2630,16 @@ instance FromJSON AliasRouting where
parseJSON = withObject "AliasRouting" parse
where parse o = parseAll o <|> parseGranular o
parseAll o = AllAliasRouting <$> o .: "routing"
parseGranular o = GranularAliasRouting <$> o .:? "search_routing"
<*> o .:? "index_routing"
parseGranular o = do
sr <- o .:? "search_routing"
ir <- o .:? "index_routing"
if isNothing sr && isNothing ir
then fail "Both search_routing and index_routing can't be blank"
else return (GranularAliasRouting sr ir)
instance FromJSON IndexAliasCreate where
parseJSON v = withObject "IndexAliasCreate" parse v
where parse o = IndexAliasCreate <$> parseJSON v
where parse o = IndexAliasCreate <$> optional (parseJSON v)
<*> o .:? "filter"
instance ToJSON SearchAliasRouting where
@ -2700,6 +2731,9 @@ fastVectorHighPairs (Just
++ commonHighlightPairs fvCom
++ nonPostingsToPairs fvNonPostSettings
deleteSeveral :: (Eq k, Hashable k) => [k] -> HM.HashMap k v -> HM.HashMap k v
deleteSeveral ks hm = foldr HM.delete hm ks
commonHighlightPairs :: Maybe CommonHighlight -> [Pair]
commonHighlightPairs Nothing = []
commonHighlightPairs (Just (CommonHighlight chScore chForceSource chTag chEncoder
@ -2778,10 +2812,10 @@ instance ToJSON ScoreType where
instance FromJSON ScoreType where
parseJSON = withText "ScoreType" parse
where parse "max" = pure ScoreTypeMax
parse "avg" = pure ScoreTypeAvg
parse "sum" = pure ScoreTypeSum
parse "non" = pure ScoreTypeNone
where parse "max" = pure ScoreTypeMax
parse "avg" = pure ScoreTypeAvg
parse "sum" = pure ScoreTypeSum
parse "none" = pure ScoreTypeNone
parse t = fail ("Unexpected ScoreType: " <> show t)
instance ToJSON Distance where
@ -2795,7 +2829,12 @@ instance FromJSON Distance where
parseJSON = withText "Distance" parse
where parse t = Distance <$> parseCoeff nT
<*> parseJSON (String unitT)
where (nT, unitT) = T.span isNumber t
where (nT, unitT) = T.span validForNumber t
-- may be a better way to do this
validForNumber '-' = True
validForNumber '.' = True
validForNumber 'e' = True
validForNumber c = isNumber c
parseCoeff "" = fail "Empty string cannot be parsed as number"
parseCoeff s = return (read (T.unpack s))
@ -2857,11 +2896,12 @@ instance ToJSON GeoBoundingBoxConstraint where
instance FromJSON GeoBoundingBoxConstraint where
parseJSON = withObject "GeoBoundingBoxConstraint" parse
where parse o = flip fieldTagged o $ \fn o' ->
GeoBoundingBoxConstraint fn
<$> parseJSON (Object o')
<*> o .:? "cache" .!= defaultCache
<*> o .: "type"
where parse o = case HM.toList (deleteSeveral ["type", "_cache"] o) of
[(fn, v)] -> GeoBoundingBoxConstraint (FieldName fn)
<$> parseJSON v
<*> o .:? "_cache" .!= defaultCache
<*> o .: "type"
_ -> fail "Could not find field name for GeoBoundingBoxConstraint"
instance ToJSON GeoFilterType where
toJSON GeoFilterMemory = String "memory"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Main where
@ -9,21 +10,25 @@ import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseEither)
import Data.DeriveTH
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day (..))
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..),
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Database.Bloodhound
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client hiding (Proxy)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as NHTS
import Prelude hiding (filter)
import Test.Hspec
@ -31,6 +36,7 @@ import Test.QuickCheck.Property.Monoid (T (..), eq, prop_Monoid)
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
testServer :: Server
testServer = Server "http://localhost:9200"
@ -101,6 +107,12 @@ is v = testServerBranch >>= \x -> return $ x == Just (serverBranch v)
when' :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
when' b f = b >>= \x -> when x f
propJSON :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, Show a, Eq a, Typeable a) => Proxy a -> Spec
propJSON _ = prop testName $ \(a :: a) ->
parseEither parseJSON (toJSON a) === Right a
where testName = show ty <> " FromJSON/ToJSON roundtrips"
ty = typeOf (undefined :: a)
data Location = Location { lat :: Double
, lon :: Double } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
@ -265,42 +277,12 @@ instance ToJSON BulkTest where
noDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
noDuplicates xs = nub xs == xs
instance Arbitrary RegexpFlags where
arbitrary = oneof [ pure AllRegexpFlags
, pure NoRegexpFlags
, SomeRegexpFlags <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NonEmpty a) where
arbitrary = liftA2 (:|) arbitrary arbitrary
instance Arbitrary RegexpFlag where
arbitrary = oneof [ pure AnyString
, pure Automaton
, pure Complement
, pure Empty
, pure Intersection
, pure Interval
arbitraryScore :: Gen Score
arbitraryScore = fmap getPositive <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary Text where
arbitrary = T.pack <$> arbitrary
instance (Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v, Ord k) => Arbitrary (M.Map k v) where
arbitrary = M.fromList <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary IndexName where
arbitrary = IndexName <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary MappingName where
arbitrary = MappingName <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary DocId where
arbitrary = DocId <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Hit a) where
arbitrary = Hit <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
@ -327,6 +309,135 @@ grabFirst r =
(Right Nothing) -> Left "Source was missing"
(Right (Just x)) -> Right x
arbitraryAlphaNum :: Gen Char
arbitraryAlphaNum = oneof [choose ('a', 'z')
,choose ('A','Z')
, choose ('0', '9')]
instance Arbitrary RoutingValue where
arbitrary = RoutingValue . T.pack <$> listOf1 arbitraryAlphaNum
instance Arbitrary AliasRouting where
arbitrary = oneof [allAlias
where one = GranularAliasRouting
<$> (Just <$> arbitrary)
<*> pure Nothing
theOther = GranularAliasRouting Nothing
<$> (Just <$> arbitrary)
both = GranularAliasRouting
<$> (Just <$> arbitrary)
<*> (Just <$> arbitrary)
allAlias = AllAliasRouting <$> arbitrary
$(derive makeArbitrary ''IndexName)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''FieldName)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MappingName)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''DocId)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Version)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''IndexAliasRouting)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''ShardCount)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''ReplicaCount)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''TemplateName)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''TemplatePattern)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''QueryString)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''CacheName)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''CacheKey)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Existence)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''CutoffFrequency)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Analyzer)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MaxExpansions)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Lenient)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Tiebreaker)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Boost)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''BoostTerms)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MinimumMatch)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''DisableCoord)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''IgnoreTermFrequency)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MinimumTermFrequency)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MaxQueryTerms)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Fuzziness)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''PrefixLength)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''TypeName)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''PercentMatch)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''StopWord)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''QueryPath)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''AllowLeadingWildcard)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''LowercaseExpanded)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''EnablePositionIncrements)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''AnalyzeWildcard)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''GeneratePhraseQueries)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Locale)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MaxWordLength)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MinWordLength)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''PhraseSlop)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MinDocFrequency)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MaxDocFrequency)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Regexp)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Filter)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Query)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''SimpleQueryStringQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''FieldOrFields)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''SimpleQueryFlag)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''RegexpQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''QueryStringQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''RangeQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''RangeValue)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''PrefixQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''NestedQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MoreLikeThisFieldQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MoreLikeThisQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''IndicesQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''HasParentQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''HasChildQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''FuzzyQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''FuzzyLikeFieldQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''FuzzyLikeThisQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''FilteredQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''DisMaxQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''CommonTermsQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''DistanceRange)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MultiMatchQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''LessThanD)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''LessThanEqD)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''GreaterThanD)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''GreaterThanEqD)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''LessThan)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''LessThanEq)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''GreaterThan)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''GreaterThanEq)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''GeoPoint)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''NullValue)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MinimumMatchHighLow)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''CommonMinimumMatch)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''BoostingQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''BoolQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MatchQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MultiMatchQueryType)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''BooleanOperator)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''ZeroTermsQuery)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''MatchQueryType)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''IndexAliasCreate)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''SearchAliasRouting)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''ScoreType)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Distance)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''DistanceUnit)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''DistanceType)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''OptimizeBbox)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''GeoBoundingBoxConstraint)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''GeoFilterType)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''GeoBoundingBox)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''LatLon)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''RangeExecution)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''RegexpFlags)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''RegexpFlag)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''BoolMatch)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''Term)
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
@ -869,3 +980,100 @@ main = hspec $ do
regular_search `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet -- Check that the size restrtiction is being honored
liftIO $
scan_search `shouldMatchList` [Just exampleTweet, Just otherTweet]
describe "JSON instances" $ do
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Version)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy IndexName)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MappingName)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy DocId)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy IndexAliasRouting)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy RoutingValue)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy ShardCount)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy ReplicaCount)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy TemplateName)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy TemplatePattern)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy QueryString)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy FieldName)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy CacheName)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy CacheKey)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Existence)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy CutoffFrequency)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Analyzer)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MaxExpansions)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Lenient)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Tiebreaker)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Boost)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy BoostTerms)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MaxExpansions)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MinimumMatch)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy DisableCoord)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy IgnoreTermFrequency)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MinimumTermFrequency)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MaxQueryTerms)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Fuzziness)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy PrefixLength)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy TypeName)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy PercentMatch)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy StopWord)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy QueryPath)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy AllowLeadingWildcard)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy LowercaseExpanded)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy EnablePositionIncrements)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy AnalyzeWildcard)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy GeneratePhraseQueries)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Locale)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MaxWordLength)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MinWordLength)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy PhraseSlop)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MinDocFrequency)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MaxDocFrequency)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Filter)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Query)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy SimpleQueryStringQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy FieldOrFields)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy SimpleQueryFlag)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy RegexpQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy QueryStringQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy RangeQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy PrefixQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy NestedQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MoreLikeThisFieldQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MoreLikeThisQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy IndicesQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy HasParentQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy HasChildQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy FuzzyQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy FuzzyLikeFieldQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy FuzzyLikeThisQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy FilteredQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy DisMaxQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy CommonTermsQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy CommonMinimumMatch)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy BoostingQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy BoolQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MatchQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MultiMatchQueryType)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy BooleanOperator)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy ZeroTermsQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MatchQueryType)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy AliasRouting)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy IndexAliasCreate)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy SearchAliasRouting)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy ScoreType)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Distance)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy DistanceUnit)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy DistanceType)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy OptimizeBbox)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy GeoBoundingBoxConstraint)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy GeoFilterType)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy GeoBoundingBox)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy LatLon)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy RangeExecution)
prop "RegexpFlags FromJSON/ToJSON roundtrips, removing dups " $ \rfs ->
let expected = case rfs of
SomeRegexpFlags fs -> SomeRegexpFlags (NE.fromList (nub (NE.toList fs)))
x -> x
in parseEither parseJSON (toJSON rfs) === Right expected
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy BoolMatch)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Term)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MultiMatchQuery)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user