This commit is contained in:
Chris Allen 2014-04-11 18:13:19 -05:00
parent 94604c565f
commit cbc2f23b50
2 changed files with 174 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ data FieldDefinition =
FieldDefinition { fieldType :: FieldType } deriving (Eq, Show)
data MappingField =
MappingField { fieldName :: Text
MappingField { mappingFieldName :: FieldName
, fieldDefinition :: FieldDefinition } deriving (Eq, Show)
data Mapping = Mapping { typeName :: Text
@ -308,79 +308,177 @@ searchByType (Server server) indexName mappingName search = dispatchSearch url s
url = joinPath [server, indexName, mappingName, "_search"]
data Search = Search { queryBody :: Maybe Query
, filterBody :: Maybe Filter } deriving (Eq, Show)
, filterBody :: Maybe Filter
, sortBody :: Maybe Sort
-- default False
, trackSortScores :: Bool
, from :: Int
, size :: Int} deriving (Eq, Show)
pageSearch :: Int -> Int -> Search -> Search
pageSearch from size search = search { from = from, size = size }
-- defaultFieldMaybeJSON :: Text -> Maybe a ->
maybeJson field (Just value) = [field .= toJSON value]
maybeJson _ _ = []
maybeJsonF field (Just value) = [field .= fmap toJSON value]
maybeJsonF _ _ = []
instance ToJSON Search where
toJSON (Search query filters) = object [--"query" .= fmap toJSON query,
"filter" .= fmap toJSON filters]
toJSON (Search query filter sort trackSortScores from size) =
object merged where
lQuery = maybeJson "query" query
lFilter = maybeJson "filter" filter
lSort = maybeJsonF "sort" sort
merged = mconcat [[ "from" .= from
, "size" .= size
, "track_scores" .= trackSortScores]
, lQuery
, lFilter
, lSort]
type Sort = [SortSpec]
data SortSpec = DefaultSortSpec DefaultSort
| GeoDistanceSortSpec SortOrder GeoPoint deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON SortSpec where
toJSON (DefaultSortSpec
(DefaultSort (FieldName sortFieldName) sortOrder ignoreUnmapped
sortMode missingSort nestedFilter)) =
object [sortFieldName .= object merged] where
base = ["order" .= toJSON sortOrder
, "ignore_unmapped" .= ignoreUnmapped]
lSortMode = maybeJson "mode" sortMode
lMissingSort = maybeJson "missing" missingSort
lNestedFilter = maybeJson "nested_filter" nestedFilter
merged = mconcat [base, lSortMode, lMissingSort, lNestedFilter]
instance ToJSON SortOrder where
toJSON Ascending = String "asc"
toJSON Descending = String "desc"
instance ToJSON SortMode where
toJSON SortMin = String "min"
toJSON SortMax = String "max"
toJSON SortSum = String "sum"
toJSON SortAvg = String "avg"
instance ToJSON Missing where
toJSON LastMissing = String "_last"
toJSON FirstMissing = String "_first"
toJSON (CustomMissing txt) = String txt
data DefaultSort =
DefaultSort { sortFieldName :: FieldName
, sortOrder :: SortOrder
-- default False
, ignoreUnmapped :: Bool
, sortMode :: Maybe SortMode
, missingSort :: Maybe Missing
, nestedFilter :: Maybe Filter } deriving (Eq, Show)
data SortOrder = Ascending
| Descending deriving (Eq, Show)
data Missing = LastMissing
| FirstMissing
| CustomMissing Text deriving (Eq, Show)
data SortMode = SortMin
| SortMax
| SortSum
| SortAvg deriving (Eq, Show)
type QueryString = Text
-- status:active
-- author:"John Smith"
-- for book.title and containing quick OR brown, book.\*:(quick brown)
-- field title has no value or doesn't exist, _missing_:title
-- field title has any non-null value, _exists:title
data BooleanOperator = AND | OR deriving (Eq, Show)
-- type DisMax = Bool -- "use_dis_max"
-- newtype TieBreaker = TieBreaker Int deriving (Eq, Show)
-- data QueryField = DefaultField Text
-- | Fields [Text] DisMax TieBreaker deriving (Eq, Show)
type DisMax = Bool -- "use_dis_max"
newtype TieBreaker = TieBreaker Int deriving (Eq, Show)
data QueryField = DefaultField Text
| Fields [Text] DisMax TieBreaker deriving (Eq, Show)
-- -- this is will go away later
-- this is will go away later
type Query = QueryStringQuery
-- data QueryStringQuery =
-- QueryStringQuery { query :: Text
-- -- default _all
-- , field :: Maybe QueryField
-- -- default OR
-- , defaultOperator :: Maybe BooleanOperator
-- -- analyzer name
-- , analyzer :: Maybe Text
-- -- default true
-- , allowLeadingWildcard :: Maybe Bool
-- -- default true
-- , lowercaseExpandedTerms :: Maybe Bool
-- -- default true
-- , enablePositionIncrements :: Maybe Bool
-- -- default 50
-- , fuzzyMaxExpansions :: Maybe Int
-- -- Fuzziness -- default AUTO, add type later
-- , fuzziness :: Maybe Text
-- , fuzzyPrefixLength :: Maybe Int -- default 0
-- -- default 0, 0 means exact phrase matches
-- , phraseSlop :: Maybe Int
-- -- default 1.0
-- , boost :: Maybe Double
-- -- default false, true forces wildcard analysis
-- , analyzeWildcard :: Maybe Bool
-- -- default false
-- , autoGeneratePhraseQueries :: Maybe Bool
-- -- # "should" clauses in the boolean query should match
-- , minimumShouldMatch :: Maybe Text
-- -- Text to handle weird % and other cases. Needs type
-- -- default false, true shuts off format based failures
-- , lenient :: Maybe Bool
-- -- default ROOT, locale used for string conversions
-- , locale :: Maybe Text
-- } deriving (Eq, Show)
data QueryStringQuery =
QueryStringQuery { query :: QueryString
-- default _all
, field :: Maybe QueryField
-- default OR
, defaultOperator :: Maybe BooleanOperator
-- analyzer name
, analyzer :: Maybe Text
-- default true
, allowLeadingWildcard :: Maybe Bool
-- default true
, lowercaseExpandedTerms :: Maybe Bool
-- default true
, enablePositionIncrements :: Maybe Bool
-- default 50
, fuzzyMaxExpansions :: Maybe Int
-- Fuzziness -- default AUTO, add type later
, fuzziness :: Maybe Text
, fuzzyPrefixLength :: Maybe Int -- default 0
-- default 0, 0 means exact phrase matches
, phraseSlop :: Maybe Int
-- default 1.0
, boost :: Maybe Double
-- default false, true forces wildcard analysis
, analyzeWildcard :: Maybe Bool
-- default false
, autoGeneratePhraseQueries :: Maybe Bool
-- # "should" clauses in the boolean query should match
, minimumShouldMatch :: Maybe Text
-- Text to handle weird % and other cases. Needs type
-- default false, true shuts off format based failures
, lenient :: Maybe Bool
-- default ROOT, locale used for string conversions
, locale :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- emptyQueryStringQuery = QueryStringQuery "" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
-- queryStringQuery query = emptyQueryStringQuery { query = query }
emptyQueryStringQuery = QueryStringQuery "" Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
queryStringQuery query = emptyQueryStringQuery { query = query }
type FieldName = Text
-- type FieldName = Text
type Cache = Bool -- caching on/off
type CacheName = Text
type CacheKey = Text
defaultCache = False
type Existence = Bool
type NullValue = Bool
type PrefixValue = Text
data BooleanOperator = And | Or deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype QueryString = QueryString Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype FieldName = FieldName Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype CacheName = CacheName Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype CacheKey = CacheKey Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Existence = Existence Bool deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype NullValue = NullValue Bool deriving (Eq, Show)
-- data QueryType = BooleanQueryType
-- | PhraseQueryType
-- | PhrasePrefixQueryType deriving (Eq, Show)
type Boost = Double
data Query = TermQuery Term (Maybe Boost)
| ConstantScoreFilter Filter Boost
| ConstantScoreQuery Query Boost
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON Query where
toJSON (TermQuery (Term termField termValue) boost) =
object ["term" .=
object [termField .= object merged]]
base = ["value" .= termValue]
boosted = case boost of
(Just boostValue) -> ["boost" .= boostValue]
Nothing -> []
merged = mappend base boosted
data Filter = AndFilter [Filter] Cache
| OrFilter [Filter] Cache
| NotFilter Filter Cache
@ -432,7 +530,7 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
toJSON (IdentityFilter) =
object ["match_all" .= object []]
toJSON (ExistsFilter fieldName) =
toJSON (ExistsFilter (FieldName fieldName)) =
object ["exists" .= object
["field" .= fieldName]]
@ -443,7 +541,7 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
object ["geo_bounding_box" .= toJSON bbConstraint
, "type" .= toJSON filterType]
toJSON (GeoDistanceFilter (GeoPoint geoField latLon)
toJSON (GeoDistanceFilter (GeoPoint (FieldName geoField) latLon)
distance distanceType optimizeBbox cache) =
object ["geo_distance" .=
object ["distance" .= toJSON distance
@ -452,14 +550,14 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
, geoField .= toJSON latLon
, "_cache" .= cache]]
toJSON (GeoDistanceRangeFilter (GeoPoint geoField latLon)
toJSON (GeoDistanceRangeFilter (GeoPoint (FieldName geoField) latLon)
(DistanceRange distanceFrom distanceTo)) =
object ["geo_distance_range" .=
object ["from" .= toJSON distanceFrom
, "to" .= toJSON distanceTo
, geoField .= toJSON latLon]]
toJSON (GeoPolygonFilter geoField latLons) =
toJSON (GeoPolygonFilter (FieldName geoField) latLons) =
object ["geo_polygon" .=
object [geoField .=
object ["points" .= fmap toJSON latLons]]]
@ -472,18 +570,18 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
toJSON (LimitFilter limit) =
object ["limit" .= object ["value" .= limit]]
toJSON (MissingFilter fieldName existence nullValue) =
toJSON (MissingFilter (FieldName fieldName) (Existence existence) (NullValue nullValue)) =
object ["missing" .=
object ["field" .= fieldName
, "existence" .= existence
, "null_value" .= nullValue]]
toJSON (PrefixFilter fieldName fieldValue cache) =
toJSON (PrefixFilter (FieldName fieldName) fieldValue cache) =
object ["prefix" .=
object [fieldName .= fieldValue
, "_cache" .= cache]]
toJSON (RangeFilter fieldName (Left halfRange) rangeExecution cache) =
toJSON (RangeFilter (FieldName fieldName) (Left halfRange) rangeExecution cache) =
object ["range" .=
object [fieldName .=
object [key .= val]
@ -492,7 +590,7 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
(key, val) = halfRangeToKV halfRange
toJSON (RangeFilter fieldName (Right range) rangeExecution cache) =
toJSON (RangeFilter (FieldName fieldName) (Right range) rangeExecution cache) =
object ["range" .=
object [fieldName .=
object [lessKey .= lessVal
@ -502,7 +600,8 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
(lessKey, lessVal, greaterKey, greaterVal) = rangeToKV range
toJSON (RegexpFilter fieldName (Regexp regexText) flags cacheName cache cacheKey) =
toJSON (RegexpFilter (FieldName fieldName)
(Regexp regexText) flags (CacheName cacheName) cache (CacheKey cacheKey)) =
object ["regexp" .=
object [fieldName .=
object ["value" .= regexText
@ -512,7 +611,7 @@ instance ToJSON Filter where
, "_cache_key" .= cacheKey]]
instance ToJSON GeoPoint where
toJSON (GeoPoint geoField latLon) =
toJSON (GeoPoint (FieldName geoField) latLon) =
object [geoField .= toJSON latLon]
showText :: Show a => a -> Text
@ -546,7 +645,7 @@ instance ToJSON OptimizeBbox where
toJSON (OptimizeGeoFilterType gft) = toJSON gft
instance ToJSON GeoBoundingBoxConstraint where
toJSON (GeoBoundingBoxConstraint geoBBField constraintBox cache) =
toJSON (GeoBoundingBoxConstraint (FieldName geoBBField) constraintBox cache) =
object [geoBBField .= toJSON constraintBox
, "_cache" .= cache]
@ -721,16 +820,16 @@ data ShardResult =
instance (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => FromJSON (SearchResult a) where
parseJSON (Object v) = SearchResult <$>
v .: "took" <*>
v .: "took" <*>
v .: "timed_out" <*>
v .: "_shards" <*>
v .: "_shards" <*>
v .: "hits"
parseJSON _ = empty
instance (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => FromJSON (SearchHits a) where
parseJSON (Object v) = SearchHits <$>
v .: "total" <*>
v .: "max_score" <*>
v .: "total" <*>
v .: "max_score" <*>
v .: "hits"
parseJSON _ = empty
@ -738,7 +837,7 @@ instance (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => FromJSON (Hit a) where
parseJSON (Object v) = Hit <$>
v .: "_index" <*>
v .: "_type" <*>
v .: "_id" <*>
v .: "_id" <*>
v .: "_score" <*>
v .: "_source"
parseJSON _ = empty

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@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
*** Script based sorting
*** Runtime checking for cycles in data structures
check for n > 1 occurrences in DFS: