Fix quickcheck failure due to ambiguous parse

Due to the way node attr filters are serialized (attr name as an object
key), its possible to express a value in haskell that will parse
ambiguously. If we wanted to move the invariant into the types we could
use a map I guess but whatever.

I ran this updated test through 100,000 tests and we're all green.
This commit is contained in:
Michael Xavier 2016-11-02 19:37:03 -07:00
parent f43b7764a9
commit d93e0d51ea

View File

@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ is v = getServerVersion >>= \x -> return $ x == Just v
when' :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
when' b f = b >>= \x -> when x f
(==~) :: (ApproxEq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Property
a ==~ b = counterexample (show a ++ " !=~ " ++ show b) (a =~ b)
(==~) :: (ApproxEq a) => a -> a -> Property
a ==~ b = counterexample (showApproxEq a ++ " !=~ " ++ showApproxEq b) (a =~ b)
propJSON :: forall a. (Arbitrary a, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, Show a, ApproxEq a, Typeable a) => Proxy a -> Spec
propJSON _ = prop testName $ \(a :: a) ->
@ -451,14 +451,18 @@ class ApproxEq a where
default (=~) :: (Generic a, GApproxEq (Rep a)) => a -> a -> Bool
a =~ b = gApproxEq (G.from a) (G.from b)
showApproxEq :: a -> String
default showApproxEq :: (Show a) => a -> String
showApproxEq = show
instance ApproxEq NominalDiffTime where (=~) = (==)
instance ApproxEq UTCTime where (=~) = (==)
instance ApproxEq Text where (=~) = (==)
instance ApproxEq Bool where (=~) = (==)
instance ApproxEq Int where (=~) = (==)
instance ApproxEq Double where (=~) = (==)
instance ApproxEq a => ApproxEq (NonEmpty a)
instance ApproxEq a => ApproxEq (Maybe a)
instance (ApproxEq a, Show a) => ApproxEq (NonEmpty a)
instance (ApproxEq a, Show a) => ApproxEq (Maybe a)
instance ApproxEq GeoPoint
instance ApproxEq Regexp
instance ApproxEq RangeValue
@ -575,12 +579,14 @@ instance ApproxEq AllocationPolicy
instance ApproxEq Char
instance ApproxEq Vers.Version where
(=~) = (==)
instance ApproxEq a => ApproxEq [a] where
instance (ApproxEq a, Show a) => ApproxEq [a] where
as =~ bs = and (zipWith (=~) as bs)
instance (ApproxEq l, ApproxEq r) => ApproxEq (Either l r) where
instance (ApproxEq l, Show l, ApproxEq r, Show r) => ApproxEq (Either l r) where
Left a =~ Left b = a =~ b
Right a =~ Right b = a =~ b
_ =~ _ = False
showApproxEq (Left x) = "Left " <> showApproxEq x
showApproxEq (Right x) = "Right " <> showApproxEq x
instance ApproxEq NodeAttrFilter
instance ApproxEq NodeAttrName
instance ApproxEq BuildHash
@ -595,6 +601,10 @@ instance ApproxEq UpdatableIndexSetting where
RoutingAllocationRequire a =~ RoutingAllocationRequire b =
NE.sort a =~ NE.sort b
a =~ b = a == b
showApproxEq (RoutingAllocationInclude xs) = show (RoutingAllocationInclude (NE.sort xs))
showApproxEq (RoutingAllocationExclude xs) = show (RoutingAllocationExclude (NE.sort xs))
showApproxEq (RoutingAllocationRequire xs) = show (RoutingAllocationRequire (NE.sort xs))
showApproxEq x = show x
noDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
@ -892,6 +902,21 @@ $(derive makeArbitrary ''CompoundFormat)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''FsSnapshotRepo)
$(derive makeArbitrary ''SnapshotRepoName)
newtype UpdatableIndexSetting' = UpdatableIndexSetting' UpdatableIndexSetting
deriving (Show, Eq, ToJSON, FromJSON, ApproxEq)
instance Arbitrary UpdatableIndexSetting' where
arbitrary = do
settings <- arbitrary
return $ UpdatableIndexSetting' $ case settings of
RoutingAllocationInclude xs -> RoutingAllocationInclude (dropDuplicateAttrNames xs)
RoutingAllocationExclude xs -> RoutingAllocationExclude (dropDuplicateAttrNames xs)
RoutingAllocationRequire xs -> RoutingAllocationRequire (dropDuplicateAttrNames xs)
x -> x
dropDuplicateAttrNames = NE.fromList . L.nubBy sameAttrName . NE.toList
sameAttrName a b = nodeAttrFilterName a == nodeAttrFilterName b
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
@ -1808,7 +1833,7 @@ main = hspec $ do
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Term)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy MultiMatchQuery)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy IndexSettings)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy UpdatableIndexSetting)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy UpdatableIndexSetting')
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy ReplicaBounds)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy Bytes)
propJSON (Proxy :: Proxy AllocationPolicy)