began expansion of docs

This commit is contained in:
Chris Allen 2014-05-10 20:29:28 -05:00
parent 74dfb7eb6d
commit e5a9884f51
3 changed files with 90 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ post = dispatch NHTM.methodPost
getStatus :: Server -> IO (Maybe (Status Version))
getStatus :: Server -> IO (Maybe Status)
getStatus (Server server) = do
request <- parseUrl $ joinPath [server]
response <- withManager $ httpLbs request

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@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-| Data types for describing actions and data structures performed to interact with
Elasticsearch. The two main buckets your queries against Elasticsearch will fall
into are 'Query's and 'Filter's. 'Filter's are more like traditional database
constraints and often have preferable performance properties. 'Query's support
human-written textual queries, such as fuzzy queries.
module Database.Bloodhound.Types
( defaultCache
, defaultIndexSettings
@ -131,31 +138,48 @@ import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Conduit
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Method as NHTM
{-| 'Version' is embedded in 'Status' -}
data Version = Version { number :: Text
, build_hash :: Text
, build_timestamp :: UTCTime
, build_snapshot :: Bool
, lucene_version :: Text } deriving (Show, Generic)
, lucene_version :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
data Status a = Status { ok :: Bool
, status :: Int
, name :: Text
, version :: a
, tagline :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'Status' is a data type for describing the JSON body returned by Elasticsearch when you
query its status. This was deprecated in 1.2.0.
data Status = Status { ok :: Bool
, status :: Int
, name :: Text
, version :: Version
, tagline :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'IndexSettings' is used to configure the shards and replicas when you create
an Elasticsearch Index.
data IndexSettings =
IndexSettings { indexShards :: ShardCount
, indexReplicas :: ReplicaCount } deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'defaultIndexSettings' is an 'IndexSettings' with 3 shards and 2 replicas. -}
defaultIndexSettings :: IndexSettings
defaultIndexSettings = IndexSettings (ShardCount 3) (ReplicaCount 2)
data Strategy = RoundRobinStrat | RandomStrat | HeadStrat deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'Reply' and 'Method' are type synonyms from 'Network.HTTP.Types.Method' -}
type Reply = Network.HTTP.Conduit.Response L.ByteString
type Method = NHTM.Method
{-| 'OpenCloseIndex' is a sum type for opening and closing indices.
data OpenCloseIndex = OpenIndex | CloseIndex deriving (Eq, Show)
data FieldType = GeoPointType
@ -173,15 +197,24 @@ data MappingField =
MappingField { mappingFieldName :: FieldName
, fieldDefinition :: FieldDefinition } deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| Support for type reification of 'Mapping's is currently incomplete, for now the mapping API verbiage expects a 'ToJSON'able blob. -}
data Mapping = Mapping { typeName :: TypeName
, mappingFields :: [MappingField] } deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'BulkOperation' is a sum type for expressing the four kinds of bulk operation index,
create, delete, and update. 'BulkIndex' behaves like an "upsert", 'BulkCreate' will fail
if a document already exists at the DocId.
data BulkOperation =
BulkIndex IndexName MappingName DocId Value
| BulkCreate IndexName MappingName DocId Value
| BulkDelete IndexName MappingName DocId
| BulkUpdate IndexName MappingName DocId Value deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'EsResult' describes the standard wrapper JSON document that you see in successful Elasticsearch responses.
data EsResult a = EsResult { _index :: Text
, _type :: Text
, _id :: Text
@ -189,11 +222,22 @@ data EsResult a = EsResult { _index :: Text
, found :: Maybe Bool
, _source :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'Sort' is a synonym for a list of 'SortSpec's. Sort behavior is order dependent with later sorts acting as tie-breakers for earlier sorts.
type Sort = [SortSpec]
{-| The two main kinds of 'SortSpec' are 'DefaultSortSpec' and 'GeoDistanceSortSpec'. The latter takes a 'SortOrder', 'GeoPoint', and 'DistanceUnit' to express "nearness" to a single geographical point as a sort specification.
data SortSpec = DefaultSortSpec DefaultSort
| GeoDistanceSortSpec SortOrder GeoPoint DistanceUnit deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'DefaultSort' is usually the kind of 'SortSpec' you'll want. There's a 'mkSort' convenience
function for when you want to specify only the most common parameters.
data DefaultSort =
DefaultSort { sortFieldName :: FieldName
, sortOrder :: SortOrder
@ -203,37 +247,72 @@ data DefaultSort =
, missingSort :: Maybe Missing
, nestedFilter :: Maybe Filter } deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'SortOrder' is 'Ascending' or 'Descending', as you might expect. These get encoded into "asc" or "desc" when turned into JSON.
data SortOrder = Ascending
| Descending deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'Missing' prescribes how to handle missing fields. A missing field can be sorted last, first, or using a custom value as a substitute.
data Missing = LastMissing
| FirstMissing
| CustomMissing Text deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'SortMode' prescribes how to handle sorting array/multi-valued fields.
data SortMode = SortMin
| SortMax
| SortSum
| SortAvg deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'mkSort' defaults everything but the 'FieldName' and the 'SortOrder' so that you can concisely describe the usual kind of 'SortSpec's you want.
mkSort :: FieldName -> SortOrder -> DefaultSort
mkSort fieldName sOrder = DefaultSort fieldName sOrder False Nothing Nothing Nothing
{-| 'Cache' is for telling ES whether it should cache a 'Filter' not.
'Query's cannot be cached.
type Cache = Bool -- caching on/off
defaultCache :: Cache
defaultCache = False
{-| 'PrefixValue' is used in 'PrefixQuery' as the main query component. -}
type PrefixValue = Text
{-| 'BooleanOperator' is the usual And/Or operators with an ES compatible
JSON encoding baked in. Used all over the place.
data BooleanOperator = And | Or deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'ShardCount' is part of 'IndexSettings' -}
newtype ShardCount = ShardCount Int deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
{-| 'ReplicaCount' is part of 'IndexSettings' -}
newtype ReplicaCount = ReplicaCount Int deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
{-| 'Server' is used with the client functions to point at the ES instance -}
newtype Server = Server String deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'IndexName' is used to describe which index to query/create/delete -}
newtype IndexName = IndexName String deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
{-| 'MappingName' is part of mappings which are how ES describes and schematizes
the data in the indices. -}
newtype MappingName = MappingName String deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
{-| 'DocId' is a generic wrapper value for expressing unique Document IDs. Can be set
by the user or created by ES itself. Often used in client functions for poking
at specific documents. -}
newtype DocId = DocId String deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
{-| 'QueryString' is used to wrap query text bodies, be they human written or not. -}
newtype QueryString = QueryString Text deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'FieldName' is used all over the place wherever a specific field within a document
needs to be specified, usually in 'Query's or 'Filter's. -}
newtype FieldName = FieldName Text deriving (Eq, Show)
{-| 'CacheName' is used in 'RegexpQuery' and 'RegexpFilter' for describing the
'CacheKey' keyed caching behavior. -}
newtype CacheName = CacheName Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype CacheKey = CacheKey Text deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Existence = Existence Bool deriving (Eq, Show)

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@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ instance FromJSON MappingName
instance FromJSON DocId
instance (FromJSON a) => FromJSON (Status a) where
instance FromJSON Status where
parseJSON (Object v) = Status <$>
v .: "ok" <*>
v .: "status" <*>