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synced 2025-01-05 21:36:03 +03:00
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.HashMap.Strict (fromList)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day (..))
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime (..), secondsToDiffTime)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Database.Bloodhound
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Client
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as NHTS
import Prelude hiding (filter, putStrLn)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop)
import Test.QuickCheck
testServer :: Server
testServer = Server "http://localhost:9200"
testIndex :: IndexName
testIndex = IndexName "bloodhound-tests-twitter-1"
testMapping :: MappingName
testMapping = MappingName "tweet"
validateStatus :: Response body -> Int -> Expectation
validateStatus resp expected =
(NHTS.statusCode $ responseStatus resp)
`shouldBe` (expected :: Int)
createExampleIndex :: IO Reply
createExampleIndex = createIndex testServer defaultIndexSettings testIndex
deleteExampleIndex :: IO Reply
deleteExampleIndex = deleteIndex testServer testIndex
data ServerVersion = ServerVersion Int Int Int deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
es14 :: ServerVersion
es14 = ServerVersion 1 4 0
es13 :: ServerVersion
es13 = ServerVersion 1 3 0
es12 :: ServerVersion
es12 = ServerVersion 1 2 0
es11 :: ServerVersion
es11 = ServerVersion 1 1 0
es10 :: ServerVersion
es10 = ServerVersion 1 0 0
serverBranch :: ServerVersion -> ServerVersion
serverBranch (ServerVersion majorVer minorVer patchVer) =
ServerVersion majorVer minorVer patchVer
mkServerVersion :: [Int] -> Maybe ServerVersion
mkServerVersion [majorVer, minorVer, patchVer] =
Just (ServerVersion majorVer minorVer patchVer)
mkServerVersion _ = Nothing
getServerVersion :: Server -> IO (Maybe ServerVersion)
getServerVersion s = liftM extractVersion (getStatus s)
version' = T.splitOn "." . number . version
toInt = read . T.unpack
parseVersion v = map toInt (version' v)
extractVersion = join . liftM (mkServerVersion . parseVersion)
testServerBranch :: IO (Maybe ServerVersion)
testServerBranch = getServerVersion testServer >>= \v -> return $ liftM serverBranch v
atleast :: ServerVersion -> IO Bool
atleast v = testServerBranch >>= \x -> return $ x >= Just (serverBranch v)
atmost :: ServerVersion -> IO Bool
atmost v = testServerBranch >>= \x -> return $ x <= Just (serverBranch v)
is :: ServerVersion -> IO Bool
is v = testServerBranch >>= \x -> return $ x == Just (serverBranch v)
when' :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
when' b f = b >>= \x -> when x f
data Location = Location { lat :: Double
, lon :: Double } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
data Tweet = Tweet { user :: Text
, postDate :: UTCTime
, message :: Text
, age :: Int
, location :: Location }
deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON Tweet
instance FromJSON Tweet
instance ToJSON Location
instance FromJSON Location
data TweetMapping = TweetMapping deriving (Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON TweetMapping where
toJSON TweetMapping =
object ["tweet" .=
object ["properties" .=
object ["location" .= object ["type" .= ("geo_point" :: Text)]]]]
exampleTweet :: Tweet
exampleTweet = Tweet { user = "bitemyapp"
, postDate = UTCTime
(ModifiedJulianDay 55000)
(secondsToDiffTime 10)
, message = "Use haskell!"
, age = 10000
, location = Location 40.12 (-71.34) }
otherTweet :: Tweet
otherTweet = Tweet { user = "notmyapp"
, postDate = UTCTime
(ModifiedJulianDay 55000)
(secondsToDiffTime 11)
, message = "Use haskell!"
, age = 1000
, location = Location 40.12 (-71.34) }
insertData :: IO ()
insertData = do
_ <- deleteExampleIndex
_ <- createExampleIndex
_ <- putMapping testServer testIndex testMapping TweetMapping
_ <- indexDocument testServer testIndex testMapping exampleTweet (DocId "1")
_ <- refreshIndex testServer testIndex
return ()
insertOther :: IO ()
insertOther = do
_ <- indexDocument testServer testIndex testMapping otherTweet (DocId "2")
_ <- refreshIndex testServer testIndex
return ()
searchTweet :: Search -> IO (Either String Tweet)
searchTweet search = do
reply <- searchByIndex testServer testIndex search
let result = eitherDecode (responseBody reply) :: Either String (SearchResult Tweet)
let myTweet = fmap (hitSource . head . hits . searchHits) result
return myTweet
searchExpectNoResults :: Search -> IO ()
searchExpectNoResults search = do
reply <- searchByIndex testServer testIndex search
let result = eitherDecode (responseBody reply) :: Either String (SearchResult Tweet)
let emptyHits = fmap (hits . searchHits) result
emptyHits `shouldBe` Right []
searchExpectAggs :: Search -> IO ()
searchExpectAggs search = do
reply <- searchAll testServer search
let isEmpty x = return (M.null x)
let result = decode (responseBody reply) :: Maybe (SearchResult Tweet)
(result >>= aggregations >>= isEmpty) `shouldBe` Just False
searchValidBucketAgg :: (BucketAggregation a, FromJSON a, Show a) => Search -> Text -> (Text -> AggregationResults -> Maybe (Bucket a)) -> IO ()
searchValidBucketAgg search aggKey extractor = do
reply <- searchAll testServer search
let bucketDocs = docCount . head . buckets
let result = decode (responseBody reply) :: Maybe (SearchResult Tweet)
let count = result >>= aggregations >>= extractor aggKey >>= \x -> return (bucketDocs x)
count `shouldBe` Just 1
searchTermsAggHint :: [ExecutionHint] -> IO ()
searchTermsAggHint hints = do
let terms hint = TermsAgg $ (mkTermsAggregation "user") { termExecutionHint = Just hint }
let search hint = mkAggregateSearch Nothing $ mkAggregations "users" $ terms hint
forM_ hints $ searchExpectAggs . search
forM_ hints (\x -> searchValidBucketAgg (search x) "users" toTerms)
searchTweetHighlight :: Search -> IO (Either String (Maybe HitHighlight))
searchTweetHighlight search = do
reply <- searchByIndex testServer testIndex search
let result = eitherDecode (responseBody reply) :: Either String (SearchResult Tweet)
let myHighlight = fmap (hitHighlight . head . hits . searchHits) result
return myHighlight
data BulkTest = BulkTest { name :: Text } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)
instance FromJSON BulkTest
instance ToJSON BulkTest
noDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
noDuplicates xs = nub xs == xs
instance Arbitrary RegexpFlags where
arbitrary = oneof [ pure AllRegexpFlags
, pure NoRegexpFlags
, SomeRegexpFlags <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NonEmpty a) where
arbitrary = liftA2 (:|) arbitrary arbitrary
instance Arbitrary RegexpFlag where
arbitrary = oneof [ pure AnyString
, pure Automaton
, pure Complement
, pure Empty
, pure Intersection
, pure Interval
main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
describe "index create/delete API" $ do
it "creates and then deletes the requested index" $ do
-- priming state.
_ <- deleteExampleIndex
resp <- createExampleIndex
deleteResp <- deleteExampleIndex
validateStatus resp 200
validateStatus deleteResp 200
describe "document API" $ do
it "indexes, gets, and then deletes the generated document" $ do
_ <- insertData
docInserted <- getDocument testServer testIndex testMapping (DocId "1")
let newTweet = eitherDecode
(responseBody docInserted) :: Either String (EsResult Tweet)
fmap _source newTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
describe "bulk API" $ do
it "inserts all documents we request" $ do
_ <- insertData
let firstTest = BulkTest "blah"
let secondTest = BulkTest "bloo"
let firstDoc = BulkIndex testIndex
testMapping (DocId "2") (toJSON firstTest)
let secondDoc = BulkCreate testIndex
testMapping (DocId "3") (toJSON secondTest)
let stream = V.fromList [firstDoc, secondDoc]
_ <- bulk testServer stream
_ <- refreshIndex testServer testIndex
fDoc <- getDocument testServer testIndex testMapping (DocId "2")
sDoc <- getDocument testServer testIndex testMapping (DocId "3")
let maybeFirst = eitherDecode $ responseBody fDoc :: Either String (EsResult BulkTest)
let maybeSecond = eitherDecode $ responseBody sDoc :: Either String (EsResult BulkTest)
fmap _source maybeFirst `shouldBe` Right firstTest
fmap _source maybeSecond `shouldBe` Right secondTest
describe "query API" $ do
it "returns document for term query and identity filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let query = TermQuery (Term "user" "bitemyapp") Nothing
let filter = IdentityFilter <&&> IdentityFilter
let search = mkSearch (Just query) (Just filter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for match query" $ do
_ <- insertData
let query = QueryMatchQuery $ mkMatchQuery (FieldName "user") (QueryString "bitemyapp")
let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for multi-match query" $ do
_ <- insertData
let fields = [FieldName "user", FieldName "message"]
let query = QueryMultiMatchQuery $ mkMultiMatchQuery fields (QueryString "bitemyapp")
let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for bool query" $ do
_ <- insertData
let innerQuery = QueryMatchQuery $
mkMatchQuery (FieldName "user") (QueryString "bitemyapp")
let query = QueryBoolQuery $
mkBoolQuery [innerQuery] [] []
let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for boosting query" $ do
_ <- insertData
let posQuery = QueryMatchQuery $ mkMatchQuery (FieldName "user") (QueryString "bitemyapp")
let negQuery = QueryMatchQuery $ mkMatchQuery (FieldName "user") (QueryString "notmyapp")
let query = QueryBoostingQuery $ BoostingQuery posQuery negQuery (Boost 0.2)
let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for common terms query" $ do
_ <- insertData
let query = QueryCommonTermsQuery $
CommonTermsQuery (FieldName "user")
(QueryString "bitemyapp")
(CutoffFrequency 0.0001)
Or Or Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
let search = mkSearch (Just query) Nothing
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
describe "sorting" $ do
it "returns documents in the right order" $ do
_ <- insertData
_ <- insertOther
let sortSpec = DefaultSortSpec $ mkSort (FieldName "age") Ascending
let search = Search Nothing
(Just IdentityFilter) (Just [sortSpec]) Nothing Nothing
False 0 10
reply <- searchByIndex testServer testIndex search
let result = eitherDecode (responseBody reply) :: Either String (SearchResult Tweet)
let myTweet = fmap (hitSource . head . hits . searchHits) result
myTweet `shouldBe` Right otherTweet
describe "filtering API" $ do
it "returns document for composed boolmatch and identity" $ do
_ <- insertData
let queryFilter = BoolFilter (MustMatch (Term "user" "bitemyapp") False)
<&&> IdentityFilter
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just queryFilter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for term filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let termFilter = TermFilter (Term "user" "bitemyapp") False
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just termFilter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for existential filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just (ExistsFilter (FieldName "user")))
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for geo boundingbox filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let box = GeoBoundingBox (LatLon 40.73 (-74.1)) (LatLon 40.10 (-71.12))
let bbConstraint = GeoBoundingBoxConstraint (FieldName "tweet.location") box False GeoFilterMemory
let geoFilter = GeoBoundingBoxFilter bbConstraint
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just geoFilter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "doesn't return document for nonsensical boundingbox filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let box = GeoBoundingBox (LatLon 0.73 (-4.1)) (LatLon 0.10 (-1.12))
let bbConstraint = GeoBoundingBoxConstraint (FieldName "tweet.location") box False GeoFilterMemory
let geoFilter = GeoBoundingBoxFilter bbConstraint
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just geoFilter)
searchExpectNoResults search
it "returns document for geo distance filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let geoPoint = GeoPoint (FieldName "tweet.location") (LatLon 40.12 (-71.34))
let distance = Distance 10.0 Miles
let optimizeBbox = OptimizeGeoFilterType GeoFilterMemory
let geoFilter = GeoDistanceFilter geoPoint distance SloppyArc optimizeBbox False
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just geoFilter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for geo distance range filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let geoPoint = GeoPoint (FieldName "tweet.location") (LatLon 40.12 (-71.34))
let distanceRange = DistanceRange (Distance 0.0 Miles) (Distance 10.0 Miles)
let geoFilter = GeoDistanceRangeFilter geoPoint distanceRange
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just geoFilter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "doesn't return document for wild geo distance range filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let geoPoint = GeoPoint (FieldName "tweet.location") (LatLon 40.12 (-71.34))
let distanceRange = DistanceRange (Distance 100.0 Miles) (Distance 1000.0 Miles)
let geoFilter = GeoDistanceRangeFilter geoPoint distanceRange
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just geoFilter)
searchExpectNoResults search
it "returns document for geo polygon filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let points = [LatLon 40.0 (-70.00),
LatLon 40.0 (-72.00),
LatLon 41.0 (-70.00),
LatLon 41.0 (-72.00)]
let geoFilter = GeoPolygonFilter (FieldName "tweet.location") points
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just geoFilter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "doesn't return document for bad geo polygon filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let points = [LatLon 40.0 (-70.00),
LatLon 40.0 (-71.00),
LatLon 41.0 (-70.00),
LatLon 41.0 (-71.00)]
let geoFilter = GeoPolygonFilter (FieldName "tweet.location") points
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just geoFilter)
searchExpectNoResults search
it "returns document for ids filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let filter = IdsFilter (MappingName "tweet") [DocId "1"]
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just filter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for range filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let filter = RangeFilter (FieldName "age")
(Right (RangeLtGt (LessThan 100000.0) (GreaterThan 1000.0)))
RangeExecutionIndex False
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just filter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "returns document for regexp filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let filter = RegexpFilter (FieldName "user") (Regexp "bite.*app")
AllRegexpFlags (CacheName "test") False (CacheKey "key")
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just filter)
myTweet <- searchTweet search
myTweet `shouldBe` Right exampleTweet
it "doesn't return document for non-matching regexp filter" $ do
_ <- insertData
let filter = RegexpFilter (FieldName "user")
(Regexp "boy") AllRegexpFlags
(CacheName "test") False (CacheKey "key")
let search = mkSearch Nothing (Just filter)
searchExpectNoResults search
describe "Aggregation API" $ do
it "returns term aggregation results" $ do
_ <- insertData
let terms = TermsAgg $ mkTermsAggregation "user"
let search = mkAggregateSearch Nothing $ mkAggregations "users" terms
searchExpectAggs search
searchValidBucketAgg search "users" toTerms
it "can give collection hint parameters to term aggregations" $ when' (atleast es13) $ do
_ <- insertData
let terms = TermsAgg $ (mkTermsAggregation "user") { termCollectMode = Just BreadthFirst }
let search = mkAggregateSearch Nothing $ mkAggregations "users" terms
searchExpectAggs search
searchValidBucketAgg search "users" toTerms
it "can give execution hint paramters to term aggregations" $ when' (atmost es11) $ do
_ <- insertData
searchTermsAggHint [Map, Ordinals]
it "can give execution hint paramters to term aggregations" $ when' (is es12) $ do
_ <- insertData
searchTermsAggHint [GlobalOrdinals, GlobalOrdinalsHash, GlobalOrdinalsLowCardinality, Map, Ordinals]
it "can give execution hint paramters to term aggregations" $ when' (atleast es12) $ do
_ <- insertData
searchTermsAggHint [GlobalOrdinals, GlobalOrdinalsHash, GlobalOrdinalsLowCardinality, Map]
it "returns date histogram aggregation results" $ do
_ <- insertData
let histogram = DateHistogramAgg $ mkDateHistogram (FieldName "postDate") Minute
let search = mkAggregateSearch Nothing (mkAggregations "byDate" histogram)
searchExpectAggs search
searchValidBucketAgg search "byDate" toDateHistogram
it "returns date histogram using fractional date" $ do
_ <- insertData
let periods = [Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second]
let fractionals = map (FractionalInterval 1.5) [Weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds]
let intervals = periods ++ fractionals
let histogram = mkDateHistogram (FieldName "postDate")
let search interval = mkAggregateSearch Nothing $ mkAggregations "byDate" $ DateHistogramAgg (histogram interval)
let expect interval = searchExpectAggs (search interval)
let valid interval = searchValidBucketAgg (search interval) "byDate" toDateHistogram
forM_ intervals expect
forM_ intervals valid
describe "Highlights API" $ do
it "returns highlight from query when there should be one" $ do
_ <- insertData
_ <- insertOther
let query = QueryMatchQuery $ mkMatchQuery (FieldName "_all") (QueryString "haskell")
let testHighlight = Highlights Nothing [FieldHighlight (FieldName "message") Nothing]
let search = mkHighlightSearch (Just query) testHighlight
myHighlight <- searchTweetHighlight search
myHighlight `shouldBe` Right (Just (M.fromList [("message",["Use <em>haskell</em>!"])]))
it "doesn't return highlight from a query when it shouldn't" $ do
_ <- insertData
_ <- insertOther
let query = QueryMatchQuery $ mkMatchQuery (FieldName "_all") (QueryString "haskell")
let testHighlight = Highlights Nothing [FieldHighlight (FieldName "user") Nothing]
let search = mkHighlightSearch (Just query) testHighlight
myHighlight <- searchTweetHighlight search
myHighlight `shouldBe` Right Nothing
describe "ToJSON RegexpFlags" $ do
it "generates the correct JSON for AllRegexpFlags" $
toJSON AllRegexpFlags `shouldBe` String "ALL"
it "generates the correct JSON for NoRegexpFlags" $
toJSON NoRegexpFlags `shouldBe` String "NONE"
it "generates the correct JSON for SomeRegexpFlags" $
let flags = AnyString :| [ Automaton
, Complement
, Empty
, Intersection
, Interval ]
prop "removes duplicates from flags" $ \(flags :: RegexpFlags) ->
let String str = toJSON flags
flagStrs = T.splitOn "|" str
in noDuplicates flagStrs
describe "omitNulls" $ do
it "checks that omitNulls drops list elements when it should" $
let dropped = omitNulls $ [ "test1" .= (toJSON ([] :: [Int]))
, "test2" .= (toJSON ("some value" :: Text))]
in dropped `shouldBe` Object (fromList [("test2", String "some value")])
it "checks that omitNulls doesn't drop list elements when it shouldn't" $
let notDropped = omitNulls $ [ "test1" .= (toJSON ([1] :: [Int]))
, "test2" .= (toJSON ("some value" :: Text))]
in notDropped `shouldBe` Object (fromList [ ("test1", Array (V.fromList [Number 1.0]))
, ("test2", String "some value")])
it "checks that omitNulls drops non list elements when it should" $
let dropped = omitNulls $ [ "test1" .= (toJSON Null)
, "test2" .= (toJSON ("some value" :: Text))]
in dropped `shouldBe` Object (fromList [("test2", String "some value")])
it "checks that omitNulls doesn't drop non list elements when it shouldn't" $
let notDropped = omitNulls $ [ "test1" .= (toJSON (1 :: Int))
, "test2" .= (toJSON ("some value" :: Text))]
in notDropped `shouldBe` Object (fromList [ ("test1", Number 1.0)
, ("test2", String "some value")])