mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 21:21:53 +03:00
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ library
import: common-options
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: OpenAPI.Checker.Aux
, OpenAPI.Checker.Formula
, OpenAPI.Checker.Memo
, OpenAPI.Checker.Report
, OpenAPI.Checker.Run
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
module OpenAPI.Checker.Formula
( FormulaF
, VarRef
, anyOf
, anError
, calculate
) where
import Data.Kind
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import qualified OpenAPI.Checker.TracePrefixTree as T
type VarRef = Int
-- | The type @FormulaF f r ()@ describes (modulo contents of errors) boolean
-- formulas involving variables, conjunctions, and disjunctions. These
-- operations (and the generated algebra) are monotonous. This ensures that
-- there always exist fixpoints, i.e. that @x = f x@ has at least one solution.
data FormulaF (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) (a :: Type) where
Result :: a -> FormulaF f r a
Errors :: !(T.TracePrefixTree f r) -> FormulaF f r a
-- ^ invariant: never empty
Apply :: FormulaF f r (b -> c) -> FormulaF f r b -> (c -> a) -> FormulaF f r a
-- ^ invariant: LHS and RHS are never 'Result' nor 'Errors'
SelectFirst :: NE.NonEmpty (FormulaF f r b)
-> !(AnItem f r) -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF f r a
-- ^ invariant: the list doesn't contain any 'Result's or 'Errors'.
Variable :: !VarRef -> FormulaF f r a
anError :: AnItem f r -> FormulaF f r a
anError e = Errors $ T.singleton e
instance Functor (FormulaF f r) where
fmap f (Result x) = Result (f x)
fmap _ (Errors e) = Errors e
fmap f (Apply g x h) = Apply g x (f . h)
fmap f (SelectFirst xs e h) = SelectFirst xs e (f . h)
fmap _ (Variable r) = Variable r
instance Applicative (FormulaF f r) where
pure = Result
Result f <*> x = f <$> x
Errors e <*> Result _ = Errors e
Errors e1 <*> Errors e2 = Errors (e1 <> e2)
f <*> x = Apply f x id
anyOf :: [FormulaF f r a] -> AnItem f r -> FormulaF f r a
anyOf fs allE = case foldMap check fs of
(First (Just x), _) -> Result x
(First Nothing, (x:xs)) -> SelectFirst (x NE.:| xs) allE id
(First Nothing, []) -> Errors $ T.singleton allE
check (Result x) = (First (Just x), mempty)
check (Errors _) = (mempty, mempty)
check (SelectFirst xs _ h) = (mempty, NE.toList (fmap (fmap h) xs))
check x = (mempty, [x])
calculate :: FormulaF f r a -> Either (T.TracePrefixTree f r) a
calculate (Result x) = Right x
calculate (Errors e) = Left e
calculate (Apply f x h) = case calculate f of
Left e1 -> case calculate x of
Left e2 -> Left (e1 <> e2)
Right _ -> Left e1
Right f' -> case calculate x of
Left e2 -> Left e2
Right x' -> Right (h (f' x'))
calculate (SelectFirst xs e h) = go (calculate <$> NE.toList xs)
go (Left _ : rs) = go rs
go (Right x : _) = Right (h x)
go [] = Left $ T.singleton e
calculate (Variable i) = error $ "Unknown variable " <> show i
@ -1,70 +1,125 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
-- | Utilities for effectfully memoizing other, more effectful functions.
module OpenAPI.Checker.Memo
( Progress(..)
, MonadMemo
( MonadMemo
, MemoState
, runMemo
, tryMemo
, tryMemoWithTag
, modifyMemoNonce
, KnotTier(..)
, unknot
, memoWithKnot
, memoTaggedWithKnot
) where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Dynamic
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Tagged
import Data.Void
import qualified Data.TypeRepMap as T
import Type.Reflection
-- | A computation has either 'Finished', or it is 'InProgress'.
data Progress a = Finished a | InProgress
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Progress a = Finished a | Started | TyingKnot Dynamic
data MemoMap a where
MemoMap :: !(M.Map k (Progress v)) -> MemoMap (k, v)
newtype MemoState = MemoState (T.TypeRepMap MemoMap)
data MemoState s = MemoState s (T.TypeRepMap MemoMap)
-- | An effectful memoization monad.
type MonadMemo m = MonadState MemoState m
type MonadMemo s m = MonadState (MemoState s) m
:: forall k v. (Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k)
=> k -> MemoState -> Maybe (Progress v)
memoStateLookup k (MemoState t) = case T.lookup @(k, v) t of
:: forall k v s. (Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k)
=> k -> MemoState s -> Maybe (Progress v)
memoStateLookup k (MemoState _ t) = case T.lookup @(k, v) t of
Just (MemoMap m) -> M.lookup k m
Nothing -> Nothing
:: forall k v. (Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k)
=> k -> Progress v -> MemoState -> MemoState
memoStateInsert k x (MemoState t) = MemoState $ T.insert (MemoMap m'') t
:: forall k v s. (Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k)
=> k -> Progress v -> MemoState s -> MemoState s
memoStateInsert k x (MemoState s t) = MemoState s $ T.insert (MemoMap m'') t
m'' = M.insert k x m'
m' = case T.lookup @(k, v) t of
Just (MemoMap m) -> m
Nothing -> M.empty
-- | Run a memoized computation.
runMemo :: Monad m => StateT MemoState m a -> m a
runMemo = (`evalStateT` MemoState T.empty)
modifyMemoNonce :: MonadMemo s m => (s -> s) -> m s
modifyMemoNonce f = do
MemoState s t <- get
put $ MemoState (f s) t
pure s
-- | Try to call a function whilst memoizing its result. If we are already
-- inside an evaluation of some function with these arguments, this returns
-- @InProgress@. Beware of different functions that have the same type.
:: forall k v m. (Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k, MonadMemo m)
=> (k -> m v) -> k -> m (Progress v)
tryMemo f k = memoStateLookup k <$> get >>= \case
Just x -> pure x
-- | Run a memoized computation.
runMemo :: Monad m => s -> StateT (MemoState s) m a -> m a
runMemo s = (`evalStateT` MemoState s T.empty)
-- | A description of how to effectfully tie knots in type @v@, using the @m@
-- monad, and by sharing some @d@ data among the recursive instances.
data KnotTier v d m = KnotTier
{ onKnotFound :: m d -- ^ Create some data that will be connected to this knot
, onKnotUsed :: d -> m v -- ^ This is what the knot will look like as a value
-- to the inner computations
, tieKnot :: d -> v -> m v -- ^ Once we're done and we're outside, tie the
-- knot using the datum
unknot :: KnotTier v Void m
unknot = KnotTier
{ onKnotFound = error "Recursion detected"
, onKnotUsed = absurd
, tieKnot = absurd
-- | Run a potentially recursive computation. The provided key will be used to
-- refer to the result of this computation. If during the computation, another
-- attempt to run the computation with the same key is made, we run a
-- tying-the-knot procedure.
-- If another attempt to run the computation with the same key is made
-- *after we're done*, we will return the memoized value.
:: forall k v d m s.
(Typeable k, Typeable v, Typeable d, Ord k, MonadMemo s m)
=> KnotTier v d m
-> m v -- ^ the computation to memoize
-> k -- ^ key for memoization
-> m v
memoWithKnot tier f k = memoStateLookup @k @v k <$> get >>= \case
Just (Finished v) -> pure v
Just Started -> do
d <- onKnotFound tier
modify $ memoStateInsert @k @v k (TyingKnot $ toDyn d)
onKnotUsed tier d
Just (TyingKnot dyn) -> case fromDynamic dyn of
Just d -> onKnotUsed tier d
Nothing -> error $ "Type mismatch when examining the knot of "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v)) <> ": expected " <> show (typeRep @d)
<> ", got " <> show (dynTypeRep dyn)
Nothing -> do
modify $ memoStateInsert k (InProgress @v)
result <- Finished <$> f k
modify $ memoStateInsert k result
pure result
modify $ memoStateInsert @k @v k Started
v <- f
v' <- memoStateLookup @k @v k <$> get >>= \case
Just Started -> pure v
Just (TyingKnot dyn) -> case fromDynamic dyn of
Just d -> tieKnot tier d v
Nothing -> error $ "Type mismatch when tying the knot of "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v)) <> ": expected " <> show (typeRep @d)
<> ", got " <> show (dynTypeRep dyn)
Just (Finished _) -> error $ "Unexpected Finished when memoizing "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v))
Nothing -> error $ "No key found when memoizing "
<> show (typeRep @(k -> v))
modify $ memoStateInsert @k @v k (Finished v')
pure v'
-- | Disambiguate memoized computations with an arbitrary tag.
:: forall t k v m. (Typeable t, Typeable k, Typeable v, Ord k, MonadMemo m)
=> (k -> m v) -> k -> m (Progress v)
tryMemoWithTag f k = withTypeable (typeRepKind $ typeRep @t) $
tryMemo (f . unTagged) (Tagged @t k)
:: forall t k v d m s.
( Typeable t, Typeable k, Typeable v, Typeable d
, Ord k, MonadMemo s m )
=> KnotTier v d m -> m v -> k -> m v
memoTaggedWithKnot tier f k = withTypeable (typeRepKind $ typeRep @t) $
memoWithKnot tier f (Tagged @t k)
@ -2,27 +2,24 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
( APIStep(..)
, Subtree(..)
, CompatM(..)
, runCompatM
, CompatFormula
, runCompatFormula
, localM
, local'
, warnIssue
, throwIssue
, warnIssueAt
, throwIssueAt
, throwWarnings
, warnIssues
, issueAtTrace
, issueAt
, memo
) where
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict (WriterT, runWriterT)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Kind
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Text
import Data.Typeable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Formula
import OpenAPI.Checker.Memo
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import qualified OpenAPI.Checker.TracePrefixTree as T
@ -48,64 +45,60 @@ data TracedEnv t = TracedEnv
newtype CompatM t a = CompatM
{ unCompatM ::
ReaderT (ProdCons (TracedEnv t))
(ExceptT (T.TracePrefixTree CheckIssue OpenApi)
(WriterT (T.TracePrefixTree CheckIssue OpenApi)
(StateT MemoState Identity))) a
(StateT (MemoState VarRef) Identity) a
} deriving newtype
( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadReader (ProdCons (TracedEnv t))
, MonadError (T.TracePrefixTree CheckIssue OpenApi)
, MonadWriter (T.TracePrefixTree CheckIssue OpenApi)
, MonadState (MemoState VarRef)
class (Ord t, Ord (CheckIssue t)) => Subtree (t :: Type) where
type CompatFormula t = Compose (CompatM t) (FormulaF CheckIssue OpenApi)
class (Typeable t, Ord t, Ord (CheckIssue t)) => Subtree (t :: Type) where
type family CheckEnv t :: Type
data family CheckIssue t :: Type
checkCompatibility :: ProdCons t -> CompatM t a
-- | If we ever followed a reference, reroute the path through "components"
normalizeTrace :: Trace OpenApi t -> Trace OpenApi t
checkCompatibility :: ProdCons t -> CompatFormula t ()
runCompatM :: ProdCons (TracedEnv t) -> CompatM t a ->
( Either (T.TracePrefixTree CheckIssue OpenApi) a -- unrecovarable errors
, T.TracePrefixTree CheckIssue OpenApi ) -- warnings
runCompatM env = runIdentity . runMemo . runWriterT
. runExceptT . (`runReaderT` env) . unCompatM
:: ProdCons (TracedEnv t)
-> Compose (CompatM t) (FormulaF f r) a
-> Either (T.TracePrefixTree f r) a
runCompatFormula env (Compose f)
= calculate . runIdentity . runMemo 0 . (`runReaderT` env) . unCompatM $ f
:: ProdCons (Trace a b)
-> (ProdCons (CheckEnv a) -> ProdCons (CheckEnv b))
-> CompatM b x
-> CompatM a x
local' xs wrapEnv (CompatM k) = CompatM $ ReaderT $ \env ->
localM xs wrapEnv (CompatM k) = CompatM $ ReaderT $ \env ->
runReaderT k $ TracedEnv
<$> (catTrace <$> (getTrace <$> env) <*> xs)
<*> wrapEnv (getEnv <$> env)
warnIssue :: Subtree t => Trace OpenApi t -> CheckIssue t -> CompatM t ()
warnIssue xs issue = tell $ T.singleton $ AnItem xs issue
:: ProdCons (Trace a b)
-> (ProdCons (CheckEnv a) -> ProdCons (CheckEnv b))
-> Compose (CompatM b) (FormulaF f r) x
-> Compose (CompatM a) (FormulaF f r) x
local' xs wrapEnv (Compose h) = Compose (localM xs wrapEnv h)
throwIssue :: Subtree t => Trace OpenApi t -> CheckIssue t -> CompatM t a
throwIssue xs issue = throwError $ T.singleton $ AnItem xs issue
:: Subtree t => Trace OpenApi t -> CheckIssue t -> CompatFormula t a
issueAtTrace xs issue = Compose $ pure $ anError $ AnItem xs issue
:: Subtree t
=> (forall x. ProdCons x -> x)
-> CheckIssue t
-> CompatM t ()
warnIssueAt f issue = do
-> CompatFormula t a
issueAt f issue = Compose $ do
xs <- asks $ getTrace . f
warnIssue xs issue
pure $ anError $ AnItem xs issue
:: Subtree t
=> (forall x. ProdCons x -> x)
-> CheckIssue t
-> CompatM t a
throwIssueAt f issue = do
xs <- asks $ getTrace . f
throwIssue xs issue
throwWarnings :: CompatM t a -> CompatM t a
throwWarnings k = listen k >>= \case
(x, issues) -> if T.null issues then pure x else throwError issues
warnIssues :: CompatM t a -> CompatM t (Maybe a)
warnIssues k = catchError (Just <$> k) (\issues -> Nothing <$ tell issues)
memo :: (Subtree t, Typeable a) => CompatFormula t a -> CompatFormula t a
memo (Compose f) = Compose $ do
pxs <- asks (normalizeTrace . getTrace <$>)
memoWithKnot unknot f pxs
@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ import Data.Type.Equality
-- | A list of @AnItem r f@, but optimized into a prefix tree.
data TracePrefixTree (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) = TracePrefixTree
{ rootItems :: !(ASet (f r))
, snocItems :: !(T.TypeRepMap (AStep f r))
{ rootItems :: !(ASet (f r))
, snocItems :: !(T.TypeRepMap (AStep f r))
deriving instance Eq (TracePrefixTree f a)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user