* Implement internal vs external traces

* Fixup tests

* Move some errors around

* ToBehavior -> SubtreeLevel

* minor fixes

* Fixed server

* integrated anyOfSubtreeAt into anyOfAt

Co-authored-by: iko <ilyakooo0@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
mniip 2021-05-14 12:25:57 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 7df8b85623
commit 8687e5fbac
No known key found for this signature in database
38 changed files with 956 additions and 818 deletions

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@ -98,15 +98,16 @@ library
import: common-options
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: Data.HList
, OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
, OpenAPI.Checker.Formula
, OpenAPI.Checker.Memo
, OpenAPI.Checker.Options
, OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans
, OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
, OpenAPI.Checker.PathsPrefixTree
, OpenAPI.Checker.References
, OpenAPI.Checker.Run
, OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
, OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
, OpenAPI.Checker.TracePrefixTree
, OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
, OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.OpenApi
, OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Operation

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
module OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
( BehaviorLevel (..)
, Behavable (..)
, Issuable (..)
, Behavior
, AnIssue (..)
) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Kind
import Data.Text as T
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
-- | Kind
data BehaviorLevel
= APILevel
| ServerLevel
| SecurityRequirementLevel
| PathLevel
| OperationLevel
| PathFragmentLevel
| RequestLevel
| ResponseLevel
| HeaderLevel
| -- | either request or response data
| SchemaLevel
| TypedSchemaLevel
class (Ord (Behave a b), Show (Behave a b))
=> Behavable (a :: BehaviorLevel) (b :: BehaviorLevel) where
data Behave a b
class (Ord (Issue l), Show (Issue l)) => Issuable (l :: BehaviorLevel) where
data Issue l :: Type
describeIssue :: Issue l -> Text
describeIssue = T.pack . show -- TODO: remove this default
issueIsUnsupported :: Issue l -> Bool
-- | A set of interactions having common unifying features
type Behavior = Paths Behave 'APILevel
instance Issuable l => ToJSON (Issue l) where
toJSON = toJSON . describeIssue
data AnIssue (l :: BehaviorLevel) where
AnIssue :: Issuable l => Issue l -> AnIssue l
deriving stock instance Eq (AnIssue l)
deriving stock instance Ord (AnIssue l)
instance ToJSON (AnIssue l) where
toJSON (AnIssue issue) = toJSON issue

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@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Formula
import Data.Kind
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import qualified OpenAPI.Checker.TracePrefixTree as T
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import qualified OpenAPI.Checker.PathsPrefixTree as P
type VarRef = Int
@ -21,30 +21,30 @@ type VarRef = Int
-- formulas involving variables, conjunctions, and disjunctions. These
-- operations (and the generated algebra) are monotonous. This ensures that
-- fixpoints always exist, i.e. that @x = f x@ has at least one solution.
data FormulaF (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) (a :: Type) where
Result :: a -> FormulaF f r a
Errors :: !(T.TracePrefixTree f r) -> FormulaF f r a
data FormulaF (q :: k -> k -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) (a :: Type) where
Result :: a -> FormulaF q f r a
Errors :: !(P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) -> FormulaF q f r a
-- ^ invariant: never empty
Apply :: FormulaF f r (b -> c) -> FormulaF f r b -> (c -> a) -> FormulaF f r a
Apply :: FormulaF q f r (b -> c) -> FormulaF q f r b -> (c -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
-- ^ invariant: at least one of LHS and RHS is not 'Errors', and they are
-- both not 'Result'
SelectFirst :: NE.NonEmpty (SomeFormulaF b)
-> !(AnItem f r) -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF f r a
-> !(AnItem q f r) -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
-- ^ invariant: the list doesn't contain any 'Result's, 'Errors' or
-- 'SelectFirst'
Variable :: !VarRef -> a -> FormulaF f r a
Variable :: !VarRef -> a -> FormulaF q f r a
mkApply :: FormulaF f r (b -> c) -> FormulaF f r b -> (c -> a) -> FormulaF f r a
mkApply :: FormulaF q f r (b -> c) -> FormulaF q f r b -> (c -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
mkApply (Result f) x h = h . f <$> x
mkApply f (Result x) h = h . ($ x) <$> f
mkApply (Errors e1) (Errors e2) _ = Errors (e1 <> e2)
mkApply f x h = Apply f x h
mkSelectFirst :: [SomeFormulaF b] -> AnItem f r -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF f r a
mkSelectFirst :: [SomeFormulaF b] -> AnItem q f r -> (b -> a) -> FormulaF q f r a
mkSelectFirst fs allE h = case foldMap check fs of
(First (Just x), _) -> Result (h x)
(First Nothing, x:xs) -> SelectFirst (x NE.:| xs) allE h
(First Nothing, []) -> Errors $ T.singleton allE
(First Nothing, []) -> Errors $ P.singleton allE
check (SomeFormulaF (Result x)) = (First (Just x), mempty)
check (SomeFormulaF (Errors _)) = (mempty, mempty)
@ -53,20 +53,20 @@ mkSelectFirst fs allE h = case foldMap check fs of
check x = (mempty, [x])
data SomeFormulaF (a :: Type) where
SomeFormulaF :: FormulaF f r a -> SomeFormulaF a
SomeFormulaF :: FormulaF q f r a -> SomeFormulaF a
anError :: AnItem f r -> FormulaF f r a
anError e = Errors $ T.singleton e
anError :: AnItem q f r -> FormulaF q f r a
anError e = Errors $ P.singleton e
errors :: T.TracePrefixTree f r -> FormulaF f r ()
errors :: P.PathsPrefixTree q f r -> FormulaF q f r ()
errors t
| T.null t = Result ()
| P.null t = Result ()
| otherwise = Errors t
variable :: VarRef -> FormulaF f r ()
variable :: VarRef -> FormulaF q f r ()
variable v = Variable v ()
instance Functor (FormulaF f r) where
instance Functor (FormulaF q f r) where
fmap f (Result x) = Result (f x)
fmap _ (Errors e) = Errors e
fmap f (Apply g x h) = Apply g x (f . h)
@ -76,14 +76,14 @@ instance Functor (FormulaF f r) where
instance Functor SomeFormulaF where
fmap f (SomeFormulaF x) = SomeFormulaF (fmap f x)
instance Applicative (FormulaF f r) where
instance Applicative (FormulaF q f r) where
pure = Result
f <*> x = mkApply f x id
eitherOf :: [FormulaF f' r' a] -> AnItem f r -> FormulaF f r a
eitherOf :: [FormulaF q' f' r' a] -> AnItem q f r -> FormulaF q f r a
eitherOf fs allE = mkSelectFirst (map SomeFormulaF fs) allE id
calculate :: FormulaF f r a -> Either (T.TracePrefixTree f r) a
calculate :: FormulaF q f r a -> Either (P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) a
calculate (Result x) = Right x
calculate (Errors e) = Left e
calculate (Apply f x h) = case calculate f of
@ -98,15 +98,15 @@ calculate (SelectFirst xs e h) = go (NE.toList xs)
go (SomeFormulaF r:rs) = case calculate r of
Left _ -> go rs
Right x -> Right (h x)
go [] = Left $ T.singleton e
go [] = Left $ P.singleton e
calculate (Variable i _) = error $ "Unknown variable " <> show i
-- Approximate for now. Answers yes/no correctly, but the error lists aren't
-- super accurate. TODO: improve
maxFixpoint :: VarRef -> FormulaF f r () -> FormulaF f r ()
maxFixpoint :: VarRef -> FormulaF q f r () -> FormulaF q f r ()
maxFixpoint i = go
go :: FormulaF f r a -> FormulaF f r a
go :: FormulaF q f r a -> FormulaF q f r a
go (Result x) = Result x
go (Errors e) = Errors e
go (Apply f x h) = mkApply (go f) (go x) h

View File

@ -1,21 +1,13 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans (Step (..)) where
module OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans () where
import Control.Comonad.Env
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as IOHM
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
deriving newtype instance Ord Reference
instance Typeable a => Steppable (Referenced a) a where
data Step (Referenced a) a
= InlineStep
| ReferencedStep Reference
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock instance Ord a => Ord (Referenced a)
deriving stock instance Ord Schema
deriving stock instance Ord AdditionalProperties

View File

@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
-- | Utilities for traversing heterogeneous trees. A heterogeneous tree is a
-- collection of datatypes that "contain" eachother in some form of tree
-- structure.
module OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
( Steppable (..)
, Trace (..)
, DiffTrace (..)
, catDiffTrace
, _DiffTrace
module OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
( NiceQuiver
, Paths (..)
, DiffPaths (..)
, catDiffPaths
, _DiffPaths
, AnItem (..)
, step
, Traced
, Traced'
, traced
-- * Reexports
, (>>>)
, (<<<)
, extract
, ask
, asks
, local
@ -31,53 +24,50 @@ import Data.Type.Equality
import Type.Reflection
import Prelude hiding ((.))
(Typeable a, Typeable b, Ord (Step a b), Show (Step a b)) =>
Steppable (a :: k) (b :: k)
-- | How to get from an @a@ node to a @b@ node
data Step (a :: k) (b :: k) :: Type
type NiceQuiver q a b = (Typeable q, Typeable a, Typeable b, Ord (q a b), Show (q a b))
-- | How to get from an @a@ node to a @b@ node in possibly multiple steps. Like
-- a list, but indexed. The list is in reverse because in practice we append
-- | All the possible ways to navigate between nodes in a heterogeneous tree
-- form a quiver. The hom-sets of the free category constructed from this quiver
-- are the sets of various multi-step paths between nodes. This is similar to a
-- list, but indexed. The list is in reverse because in practice we append
-- items at the end one at a time.
data Trace (a :: k) (b :: k) where
Root :: Trace a a
Snoc :: Steppable b c => Trace a b -> !(Step b c) -> Trace a c
deriving stock instance Show (Trace a b)
data Paths (q :: k -> k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k) where
Root :: Paths q a a
Snoc :: NiceQuiver q b c => Paths q a b -> !(q b c) -> Paths q a c
infixl 5 `Snoc`
step :: Steppable a b => Step a b -> Trace a b
deriving stock instance Show (Paths q a b)
step :: NiceQuiver q a b => q a b -> Paths q a b
step s = Root `Snoc` s
instance Category Trace where
instance Category (Paths q) where
id = Root
Root . xs = xs
(Snoc ys y) . xs = Snoc (ys . xs) y
typeRepRHS :: Typeable b => Trace a b -> TypeRep b
typeRepRHS :: Typeable b => Paths q a b -> TypeRep b
typeRepRHS _ = typeRep
typeRepLHS :: Typeable b => Trace a b -> TypeRep a
typeRepLHS :: Typeable b => Paths q a b -> TypeRep a
typeRepLHS Root = typeRep
typeRepLHS (Snoc xs _) = typeRepLHS xs
instance TestEquality (Trace a) where
instance TestEquality (Paths q a) where
testEquality Root Root = Just Refl
testEquality Root (Snoc ys _) = testEquality (typeRepLHS ys) typeRep
testEquality (Snoc xs _) Root = testEquality typeRep (typeRepLHS xs)
testEquality (Snoc _ _) (Snoc _ _) = testEquality typeRep typeRep
instance Eq (Trace a b) where
instance Eq (Paths q a b) where
Root == Root = True
Snoc xs x == Snoc ys y
| Just Refl <- testEquality (typeRepRHS xs) (typeRepRHS ys) =
xs == ys && x == y
_ == _ = False
instance Ord (Trace a b) where
instance Ord (Paths q a b) where
compare Root Root = EQ
compare Root (Snoc _ _) = LT
compare (Snoc _ _) Root = GT
@ -87,29 +77,29 @@ instance Ord (Trace a b) where
Nothing -> compare (someTypeRep xs) (someTypeRep ys)
-- | Like a differece list, but indexed.
newtype DiffTrace (a :: k) (b :: k)
= DiffTrace (forall c. Trace c a -> Trace c b)
newtype DiffPaths (q :: k -> k -> Type) (a :: k) (b :: k)
= DiffPaths (forall c. Paths q c a -> Paths q c b)
catDiffTrace :: DiffTrace a b -> DiffTrace b c -> DiffTrace a c
catDiffTrace (DiffTrace f) (DiffTrace g) = DiffTrace (g . f)
catDiffPaths :: DiffPaths q a b -> DiffPaths q b c -> DiffPaths q a c
catDiffPaths (DiffPaths f) (DiffPaths g) = DiffPaths (g . f)
_DiffTrace :: Iso (DiffTrace a b) (DiffTrace c d) (Trace a b) (Trace c d)
_DiffTrace = dimap (\(DiffTrace f) -> f Root) $
fmap $ \xs -> DiffTrace (>>> xs)
_DiffPaths :: Iso (DiffPaths q a b) (DiffPaths q c d) (Paths q a b) (Paths q c d)
_DiffPaths = dimap (\(DiffPaths f) -> f Root) $
fmap $ \xs -> DiffPaths (>>> xs)
-- | An item related to some path relative to the root @r@.
data AnItem (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) where
AnItem :: Ord (f a) => Trace r a -> !(f a) -> AnItem f r
data AnItem (q :: k -> k -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) where
AnItem :: Ord (f a) => Paths q r a -> !(f a) -> AnItem q f r
-- the Ord is yuck but we need it and it should be fine in monomorphic cases
instance Eq (AnItem f r) where
instance Eq (AnItem q f r) where
AnItem xs fx == AnItem ys fy
| Just Refl <- testEquality xs ys =
xs == ys && fx == fy
_ == _ = False
instance Typeable r => Ord (AnItem f r) where
instance Typeable r => Ord (AnItem q f r) where
compare (AnItem xs fx) (AnItem ys fy) =
case testEquality xs ys of
Just Refl -> compare xs ys <> compare fx fy
@ -120,10 +110,3 @@ instance Typeable r => Ord (AnItem f r) where
Snoc _ _ -> case ys of
Root -> compare (someTypeRep xs) (someTypeRep ys)
Snoc _ _ -> compare (someTypeRep xs) (someTypeRep ys)
type Traced r a = Traced' r a a
type Traced' r a b = Env (Trace r a) b
traced :: Trace r a -> b -> Traced' r a b
traced = env

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.TracePrefixTree
( TracePrefixTree
module OpenAPI.Checker.PathsPrefixTree
( PathsPrefixTree
, empty
, singleton
, fromList
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.TracePrefixTree
, foldWith
, toList
, filter
, embed
@ -24,22 +25,22 @@ import Data.Type.Equality
import qualified Data.TypeRepMap as TRM
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified GHC.Exts as TRM
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import Type.Reflection
import Prelude hiding (filter, null)
-- | A list of @AnItem r f@, but optimized into a prefix tree.
data TracePrefixTree (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) = TracePrefixTree
data PathsPrefixTree (q :: k -> k -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) = PathsPrefixTree
{ rootItems :: !(ASet (f r))
, snocItems :: !(TRM.TypeRepMap (AStep f r))
, snocItems :: !(TRM.TypeRepMap (AStep q f r))
instance (forall a. ToJSON (f a)) => ToJSON (TracePrefixTree f r) where
instance (forall a. ToJSON (f a)) => ToJSON (PathsPrefixTree q f r) where
toJSON =
Object . getMergableObject
. foldWith (\t x -> MergableObject . traceObject t $ toJSON x)
deriving instance Eq (TracePrefixTree f a)
deriving instance Eq (PathsPrefixTree q f a)
-- Kind of orphan. Treat the map as an infinite tuple of @Maybe (f a)@'s, where
-- the components are ordered by the @SomeTypeRep@ of the @a@.
@ -69,8 +70,8 @@ compareTRM s1 s2 =
[(someTypeRep x, w) | w@(TRM.WrapTypeable x) <- TRM.toList s]
instance Ord (TracePrefixTree f a) where
compare (TracePrefixTree r1 s1) (TracePrefixTree r2 s2) =
instance Ord (PathsPrefixTree q f a) where
compare (PathsPrefixTree r1 s1) (PathsPrefixTree r2 s2) =
compare r1 r2 <> compareTRM s1 s2
data ASet (a :: Type) where
@ -97,75 +98,80 @@ deriving instance Ord (ASet a)
instance Monoid (ASet a) where
mempty = AnEmptySet
data AStep (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) (a :: k) where
data AStep (q :: k -> k -> Type) (f :: k -> Type) (r :: k) (a :: k) where
:: Steppable r a =>
!(M.Map (Step r a) (TracePrefixTree f a))
-> AStep f r a
:: NiceQuiver q r a =>
!(M.Map (q r a) (PathsPrefixTree q f a))
-> AStep q f r a
deriving instance Eq (AStep f r a)
deriving instance Eq (AStep q f r a)
deriving instance Ord (AStep f r a)
deriving instance Ord (AStep q f r a)
singleton :: AnItem f r -> TracePrefixTree f r
singleton (AnItem ys v) = go ys $ TracePrefixTree (ASet $ S.singleton v) TRM.empty
singleton :: AnItem q f r -> PathsPrefixTree q f r
singleton (AnItem ys v) = go ys $ PathsPrefixTree (ASet $ S.singleton v) TRM.empty
go :: Trace r a -> TracePrefixTree f a -> TracePrefixTree f r
go :: Paths q r a -> PathsPrefixTree q f a -> PathsPrefixTree q f r
go Root !t = t
go (Snoc xs x) !t =
go xs $
TracePrefixTree AnEmptySet $
PathsPrefixTree AnEmptySet $
TRM.one $
AStep $ M.singleton x t
instance Semigroup (TracePrefixTree f r) where
TracePrefixTree r1 s1 <> TracePrefixTree r2 s2 =
TracePrefixTree (r1 <> r2) (TRM.unionWith joinSteps s1 s2)
instance Semigroup (PathsPrefixTree q f r) where
PathsPrefixTree r1 s1 <> PathsPrefixTree r2 s2 =
PathsPrefixTree (r1 <> r2) (TRM.unionWith joinSteps s1 s2)
joinSteps (AStep m1) (AStep m2) = AStep $ M.unionWith (<>) m1 m2
instance Monoid (TracePrefixTree f r) where
mempty = TracePrefixTree mempty TRM.empty
instance Monoid (PathsPrefixTree q f r) where
mempty = PathsPrefixTree mempty TRM.empty
empty :: TracePrefixTree f r
empty :: PathsPrefixTree q f r
empty = mempty
fromList :: [AnItem f r] -> TracePrefixTree f r
fromList :: [AnItem q f r] -> PathsPrefixTree q f r
fromList = foldMap singleton
null :: TracePrefixTree f r -> Bool
null (TracePrefixTree AnEmptySet s) = TRM.size s == 0
null :: PathsPrefixTree q f r -> Bool
null (PathsPrefixTree AnEmptySet s) = TRM.size s == 0
null _ = False
:: forall f m r.
:: forall q f m r.
Monoid m
=> (forall a. Ord (f a) => Trace r a -> f a -> m)
-> TracePrefixTree f r
=> (forall a. Ord (f a) => Paths q r a -> f a -> m)
-> PathsPrefixTree q f r
-> m
foldWith k = goTPT Root
goTPT :: forall a. Trace r a -> TracePrefixTree f a -> m
goTPT :: forall a. Paths q r a -> PathsPrefixTree q f a -> m
goTPT xs t = goASet xs (rootItems t) <> goTRM xs (snocItems t)
goASet :: forall a. Trace r a -> ASet (f a) -> m
goASet :: forall a. Paths q r a -> ASet (f a) -> m
goASet _ AnEmptySet = mempty
goASet xs (ASet rs) = foldMap (k xs) rs
goTRM :: forall a. Trace r a -> TRM.TypeRepMap (AStep f a) -> m
goTRM :: forall a. Paths q r a -> TRM.TypeRepMap (AStep q f a) -> m
goTRM xs s = foldMap (\(TRM.WrapTypeable f) -> goAStep xs f) $ TRM.toList s
goAStep :: forall a b. Trace r a -> AStep f a b -> m
goAStep :: forall a b. Paths q r a -> AStep q f a b -> m
goAStep xs (AStep m) =
M.foldrWithKey (\x t -> (goTPT (Snoc xs x) t <>)) mempty m
toList :: TracePrefixTree f r -> [AnItem f r]
toList :: PathsPrefixTree q f r -> [AnItem q f r]
toList t = appEndo (foldWith (\xs f -> Endo (AnItem xs f :)) t) []
-- | Select a subtree by prefix
filter :: Trace r a -> TracePrefixTree f r -> TracePrefixTree f a
filter :: Paths q r a -> PathsPrefixTree q f r -> PathsPrefixTree q f a
filter Root t = t
filter (Snoc xs x) t =
foldMap (\(AStep m) -> fold $ M.lookup x m) $
TRM.lookup $ snocItems $ filter xs t
-- | Embed a subtree in a larger tree with given prefix
embed :: Paths q r a -> PathsPrefixTree q f a -> PathsPrefixTree q f r
embed Root t = t
embed (Snoc xs x) t = embed xs $ PathsPrefixTree AnEmptySet $ TRM.one $ AStep $ M.singleton x t
newtype MergableObject = MergableObject {getMergableObject :: Object}
instance Semigroup MergableObject where
@ -183,7 +189,7 @@ instance Semigroup MergableObject where
instance Monoid MergableObject where
mempty = MergableObject mempty
traceObject :: Trace r a -> Value -> Object
traceObject :: Paths q r a -> Value -> Object
traceObject Root (Object o) = o
traceObject Root v = HM.singleton "root" v
traceObject (root `Snoc` s) v =

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@ -1,26 +1,32 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.References
( TracedReferences
( Step (..)
, dereference
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as IOHM
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Typeable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
type TracedReferences root a = Map Reference (Traced root a)
instance Typeable a => Steppable (Referenced a) a where
data Step (Referenced a) a = InlineStep
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Typeable a => Steppable (Definitions a) a where
data Step (Definitions a) a = ReferencedStep Reference
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
:: Typeable a
=> Definitions a
-> Traced r (Referenced a)
-> Traced r a
=> Traced (Definitions a)
-> Traced (Referenced a)
-> Traced a
dereference defs x = case extract x of
Inline a
-> traced (ask x >>> step InlineStep) a
Ref r@(Reference ref)
-> traced (ask x >>> step (ReferencedStep r)) (fromJust $ IOHM.lookup ref defs)
-> traced (ask defs >>> step (ReferencedStep r)) (fromJust $ IOHM.lookup ref $ extract defs)

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Data.HList
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import OpenAPI.Checker.Options
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.OpenApi ()
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ runChecker = do
Right s -> pure s
a <- traced Root <$> parseSchema (clientFile opts)
b <- traced Root <$> parseSchema (serverFile opts)
let report = runCompatFormula $ checkCompatibility HNil (ProdCons a b)
let report = runCompatFormula $ checkCompatibility HNil Root (ProdCons a b)
BSC.putStrLn $ Yaml.encode report

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@ -1,45 +1,67 @@
module OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
( APIStep (..)
( Steppable (..)
, Trace
, Traced
, Traced'
, pattern Traced
, traced
, Subtree (..)
, CompatM (..)
, CompatFormula'
, CompatFormula
, ProdCons (..)
, anyOfSubtreeAt
, HasUnsupportedFeature (..)
, swapProdCons
, SubtreeCheckIssue (..)
, runCompatFormula
, anyOfM
, anyOfAt
, issueAtTrace
, issueAt
, tracedIssue
, anyOfAt
, memo
-- * Reexports
, (>>>)
, (<<<)
, extract
, ask
, local
, step
import Control.Comonad.Env
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.HList
import Data.Kind
import Data.Monoid
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Text
import Data.Typeable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Formula
import OpenAPI.Checker.Memo
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import qualified OpenAPI.Checker.TracePrefixTree as T
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import qualified OpenAPI.Checker.PathsPrefixTree as P
(Subtree a, Subtree b, Steppable a b) =>
APIStep (a :: Type) (b :: Type)
(Typeable a, Typeable b, Ord (Step a b), Show (Step a b)) =>
Steppable (a :: Type) (b :: Type)
describeStep :: Step a b -> Text
-- | How to get from an @a@ node to a @b@ node
data Step a b :: Type
type Trace = Paths Step OpenApi
type Traced' a b = Env (Trace a) b
type Traced a = Traced' a a
pattern Traced :: Trace a -> b -> Traced' a b
pattern Traced t x = EnvT t (Identity x)
{-# COMPLETE Traced #-}
traced :: Trace a -> a -> Traced a
traced = env
data ProdCons a = ProdCons
{ producer :: a
@ -56,7 +78,7 @@ instance Applicative ProdCons where
newtype CompatM a = CompatM
{ unCompatM
:: (StateT (MemoState VarRef) Identity) a
:: StateT (MemoState VarRef) Identity a
deriving newtype
( Functor
@ -65,29 +87,21 @@ newtype CompatM a = CompatM
, MonadState (MemoState VarRef)
type CompatFormula' f r = Compose CompatM (FormulaF f r)
type CompatFormula' q f r = Compose CompatM (FormulaF q f r)
type CompatFormula = CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue OpenApi
type CompatFormula = CompatFormula' Behave AnIssue 'APILevel
class (Typeable t, Ord (CheckIssue t), Show (CheckIssue t)) => Subtree (t :: Type) where
class (Typeable t, Issuable (SubtreeLevel t)) => Subtree (t :: Type) where
type CheckEnv t :: [Type]
data CheckIssue t :: Type
issueIsUnsupported :: CheckIssue t -> Bool
issueIsUnsupported = const False
-- | If we ever followed a reference, reroute the path through "components"
normalizeTrace :: Trace OpenApi t -> Trace OpenApi t
normalizeTrace = id
type SubtreeLevel t :: BehaviorLevel
:: HasAll (CheckEnv t) xs
=> HList xs
-> ProdCons (Traced OpenApi t)
-> Behavior (SubtreeLevel t)
-> ProdCons (Traced t)
-> CompatFormula ()
{-# WARNING normalizeTrace "It must be refactored. Does nothing for now" #-}
class HasUnsupportedFeature x where
hasUnsupportedFeature :: x -> Bool
@ -101,87 +115,41 @@ instance
hasUnsupportedFeature (Left x) = hasUnsupportedFeature x
hasUnsupportedFeature (Right x) = hasUnsupportedFeature x
instance Subtree t => HasUnsupportedFeature (CheckIssue t) where
instance Issuable l => HasUnsupportedFeature (Issue l) where
hasUnsupportedFeature = issueIsUnsupported
instance HasUnsupportedFeature (AnIssue l) where
hasUnsupportedFeature (AnIssue issue) = hasUnsupportedFeature issue
(forall x. HasUnsupportedFeature (f x))
=> HasUnsupportedFeature (T.TracePrefixTree f r)
=> HasUnsupportedFeature (P.PathsPrefixTree q f r)
hasUnsupportedFeature =
getAny . T.foldWith (\_ fa -> Any $ hasUnsupportedFeature fa)
data SubtreeCheckIssue t where
SubtreeCheckIssue :: Subtree t => CheckIssue t -> SubtreeCheckIssue t
deriving stock instance Eq (SubtreeCheckIssue t)
deriving stock instance Ord (SubtreeCheckIssue t)
instance Subtree t => ToJSON (CheckIssue t) where
toJSON = toJSON . show
instance HasUnsupportedFeature (SubtreeCheckIssue t) where
hasUnsupportedFeature (SubtreeCheckIssue i) = hasUnsupportedFeature i
instance ToJSON (SubtreeCheckIssue t) where
toJSON (SubtreeCheckIssue i) = toJSON i
getAny . P.foldWith (\_ fa -> Any $ hasUnsupportedFeature fa)
:: CompatFormula' f r a
-> Either (T.TracePrefixTree f r) a
:: CompatFormula' q f r a
-> Either (P.PathsPrefixTree q f r) a
runCompatFormula (Compose f) =
calculate . runIdentity . runMemo 0 . unCompatM $ f
:: Subtree t
=> Trace r t
-> CheckIssue t
-> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r a
issueAtTrace xs issue = Compose $ pure $ anError $ AnItem xs $ SubtreeCheckIssue issue
:: (Subtree t, ComonadEnv (Trace r t) w)
=> w x
-> CheckIssue t
-> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r a
issueAt x = issueAtTrace (ask x)
:: (Subtree t, ComonadEnv (Trace r t) w)
=> w (CheckIssue t)
-> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r a
tracedIssue x = issueAtTrace (ask x) (extract x)
:: Subtree t
=> Trace r t
-> CheckIssue t
-> [CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r a]
-> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r a
anyOfM xs issue fs =
Compose $ (`eitherOf` AnItem xs (SubtreeCheckIssue issue)) <$> sequenceA (getCompose <$> fs)
issueAt :: Issuable l => Paths q r l -> Issue l -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a
issueAt xs issue = Compose $ pure $ anError $ AnItem xs $ AnIssue issue
:: (Subtree t, ComonadEnv (Trace r t) w)
=> w x
-> CheckIssue t
-> [CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r a]
-> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r a
anyOfAt x = anyOfM (ask x)
:: (Subtree t, ComonadEnv (Trace r t) w)
=> w x
-> CheckIssue t
-> [CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r a]
-> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r a
anyOfSubtreeAt _ _ [x] = x
anyOfSubtreeAt f i fs = anyOfAt f i fs
:: Issuable l
=> Paths q r l
-> Issue l
-> [CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a]
-> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r a
anyOfAt _ _ [x] = x
anyOfAt xs issue fs =
Compose $ (`eitherOf` AnItem xs (AnIssue issue)) <$> sequenceA (getCompose <$> fs)
:: MonadState (MemoState VarRef) m
=> KnotTier (FormulaF f r ()) VarRef m
=> KnotTier (FormulaF q f r ()) VarRef m
fixpointKnot =
{ onKnotFound = modifyMemoNonce succ
@ -190,8 +158,8 @@ fixpointKnot =
:: (Typeable r, Subtree t)
=> (ProdCons (Traced r t) -> CompatFormula ())
-> (ProdCons (Traced r t) -> CompatFormula ())
:: (Typeable q, Typeable f, NiceQuiver p r t)
=> (ProdCons (Env (Paths p r t) t) -> CompatFormula' q f r ())
-> (ProdCons (Env (Paths p r t) t) -> CompatFormula' q f r ())
memo f pc = Compose $ do
memoWithKnot fixpointKnot (getCompose $ f pc) (ask <$> pc)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
( CheckIssue(..)
( Issue(..)
, Behave(..)
) where
import Control.Lens
@ -12,30 +13,42 @@ import Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.HTTP.Media (MediaType, mainType, subType)
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Products
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Schema ()
tracedSchema :: Traced r MediaTypeObject -> Maybe (Traced r (Referenced Schema))
tracedSchema :: Traced MediaTypeObject -> Maybe (Traced (Referenced Schema))
tracedSchema mto = _mediaTypeObjectSchema (extract mto) <&> traced (ask mto >>> step MediaTypeSchema)
tracedEncoding :: Traced r MediaTypeObject -> InsOrdHashMap Text (Traced r Encoding)
tracedEncoding :: Traced MediaTypeObject -> InsOrdHashMap Text (Traced Encoding)
tracedEncoding mto = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask mto >>> step (MediaTypeParamEncoding k)))
$ _mediaTypeObjectEncoding $ extract mto
instance Subtree MediaTypeObject where
type CheckEnv MediaTypeObject =
'[ MediaType
, ProdCons (Definitions Schema)
data CheckIssue MediaTypeObject
= RequestMediaTypeNotFound
| ResponseMediaTypeMissing
instance Issuable 'PayloadLevel where
data Issue 'PayloadLevel
= PayloadMediaTypeNotFound
| MediaEncodingIncompat
| MediaTypeSchemaRequired
| MediaEncodingMissing Text
| EncodingNotSupported
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility env prodCons@(ProdCons p c) = do
issueIsUnsupported = \case
EncodingNotSupported -> True
_ -> False
instance Behavable 'PayloadLevel 'SchemaLevel where
data Behave 'PayloadLevel 'SchemaLevel
= PayloadSchema
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree MediaTypeObject where
type SubtreeLevel MediaTypeObject = 'PayloadLevel
type CheckEnv MediaTypeObject =
'[ MediaType
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons@(ProdCons p c) = do
if | "multipart" == mainType mediaType -> checkEncoding
| "application" == mainType mediaType &&
"x-www-form-urlencoded" == subType mediaType -> checkEncoding
@ -44,8 +57,9 @@ instance Subtree MediaTypeObject where
-- request
for_ (tracedSchema c) $ \consRef ->
case tracedSchema p of
Nothing -> issueAt p MediaTypeSchemaRequired
Just prodRef -> checkCompatibility env $ ProdCons prodRef consRef
Nothing -> issueAt beh MediaTypeSchemaRequired
Just prodRef -> checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step PayloadSchema)
$ ProdCons prodRef consRef
pure ()
mediaType = getH @MediaType env
@ -56,22 +70,19 @@ instance Subtree MediaTypeObject where
$ (IOHM.toList $ tracedEncoding mt) <&> \(k, enc) ->
( k
, ProductLike
{ tracedValue = enc
{ productValue = enc
, required = True } )
encProdCons = getEncoding <$> prodCons
in checkProducts (const MediaEncodingMissing)
(const $ checkCompatibility HNil) encProdCons
in checkProducts beh MediaEncodingMissing
(const $ checkCompatibility HNil beh) encProdCons
instance Subtree Encoding where
type SubtreeLevel Encoding = 'PayloadLevel
type CheckEnv Encoding = '[]
data CheckIssue Encoding
= MediaEncodingMissing
| EncodingNotSupported
-- FIXME: Support only JSON body for now. Then Encoding is checked only for
-- multipart/form-url-encoded
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility _env pc =
issueAt (producer pc) EncodingNotSupported
checkCompatibility _env beh _pc =
issueAt beh EncodingNotSupported
instance Steppable MediaTypeObject (Referenced Schema) where
data Step MediaTypeObject (Referenced Schema) = MediaTypeSchema
@ -80,3 +91,20 @@ instance Steppable MediaTypeObject (Referenced Schema) where
instance Steppable MediaTypeObject Encoding where
data Step MediaTypeObject Encoding = MediaTypeParamEncoding Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Behavable 'OperationLevel 'ResponseLevel where
data Behave 'OperationLevel 'ResponseLevel
= WithStatusCode HttpStatusCode
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Issuable 'OperationLevel where
data Issue 'OperationLevel
= ResponseCodeNotFound HttpStatusCode
| CallbacksNotSupported
| ParamNotMatched Text
| PathFragmentNotMatched Int
| NoRequestBody
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported = \case
CallbacksNotSupported -> True
_ -> False

View File

@ -10,31 +10,78 @@ where
import Data.HList
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as IOHM
import Data.OpenApi
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.ProcessedPathItem
tracedPaths :: Traced r OpenApi -> Traced r ProcessedPathItems
tracedPaths :: Traced OpenApi -> Traced ProcessedPathItems
tracedPaths oa = traced (ask oa >>> step OpenApiPathsStep)
(processPathItems . IOHM.toList . _openApiPaths . extract $ oa)
tracedRequestBodies :: Traced OpenApi -> Traced (Definitions RequestBody)
tracedRequestBodies oa = traced (ask oa >>> step ComponentsRequestBody)
(_componentsRequestBodies . _openApiComponents . extract $ oa)
tracedParameters :: Traced OpenApi -> Traced (Definitions Param)
tracedParameters oa = traced (ask oa >>> step ComponentsParam)
(_componentsParameters . _openApiComponents . extract $ oa)
tracedSecuritySchemes :: Traced OpenApi -> Traced (Definitions SecurityScheme)
tracedSecuritySchemes oa = traced (ask oa >>> step ComponentsSecurityScheme)
(_componentsSecuritySchemes . _openApiComponents . extract $ oa)
tracedResponses :: Traced OpenApi -> Traced (Definitions Response)
tracedResponses oa = traced (ask oa >>> step ComponentsResponse)
(_componentsResponses . _openApiComponents . extract $ oa)
tracedHeaders :: Traced OpenApi -> Traced (Definitions Header)
tracedHeaders oa = traced (ask oa >>> step ComponentsHeader)
(_componentsHeaders . _openApiComponents . extract $ oa)
tracedSchemas :: Traced OpenApi -> Traced (Definitions Schema)
tracedSchemas oa = traced (ask oa >>> step ComponentsSchema)
(_componentsSchemas . _openApiComponents . extract $ oa)
instance Subtree OpenApi where
type SubtreeLevel OpenApi = 'APILevel
type CheckEnv OpenApi = '[]
data CheckIssue OpenApi
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility _ prodCons = do
let cs = _openApiComponents . extract <$> prodCons
checkCompatibility _ beh prodCons = do
checkCompatibility @ProcessedPathItems
((_componentsRequestBodies <$> cs)
`HCons` (_componentsParameters <$> cs)
`HCons` (_componentsSecuritySchemes <$> cs)
`HCons` (_componentsResponses <$> cs)
`HCons` (_componentsHeaders <$> cs)
`HCons` (_componentsSchemas <$> cs)
((tracedRequestBodies <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedParameters <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedSecuritySchemes <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedResponses <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedHeaders <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (tracedSchemas <$> prodCons)
`HCons` (_openApiServers . extract <$> prodCons)
`HCons` HNil)
(tracedPaths <$> prodCons)
beh (tracedPaths <$> prodCons)
instance Steppable OpenApi ProcessedPathItems where
data Step OpenApi ProcessedPathItems = OpenApiPathsStep
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable OpenApi (Definitions RequestBody) where
data Step OpenApi (Definitions RequestBody) = ComponentsRequestBody
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable OpenApi (Definitions Param) where
data Step OpenApi (Definitions Param) = ComponentsParam
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable OpenApi (Definitions SecurityScheme) where
data Step OpenApi (Definitions SecurityScheme) = ComponentsSecurityScheme
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable OpenApi (Definitions Response) where
data Step OpenApi (Definitions Response) = ComponentsResponse
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable OpenApi (Definitions Header) where
data Step OpenApi (Definitions Header) = ComponentsHeader
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable OpenApi (Definitions Schema) where
data Step OpenApi (Definitions Schema) = ComponentsSchema
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Operation
( MatchedOperation (..)
, CheckIssue (..)
, OperationMethod(..)
, pathItemMethod
) where
@ -17,21 +16,21 @@ import Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Text (Text)
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.References
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Param
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.PathFragment
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Products
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.RequestBody
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.RequestBody ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Responses ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Server ()
data MatchedOperation = MatchedOperation
{ operation :: !Operation
, pathParams :: ![Traced OpenApi Param]
, pathParams :: ![Traced Param]
-- ^ Params from the PathItem
, getPathFragments :: !([Traced OpenApi Param] -> [Traced OpenApi PathFragmentParam])
, getPathFragments :: !([Traced Param] -> [Traced PathFragmentParam])
-- ^ Path fragments traced from PathItem. Takes full list of
-- operation-specific parameters
@ -41,20 +40,20 @@ type ParamKey = (ParamLocation, Text)
paramKey :: Param -> ParamKey
paramKey param = (_paramIn param, _paramName param)
tracedParameters :: Traced r MatchedOperation -> [Traced r (Referenced Param)]
tracedParameters :: Traced MatchedOperation -> [Traced (Referenced Param)]
tracedParameters oper =
[ traced (ask oper >>> step (OperationParamsStep i)) x
| (i, x) <- zip [0..] $ _operationParameters . operation $ extract oper
tracedRequestBody :: Traced r MatchedOperation -> Maybe (Traced r (Referenced RequestBody))
tracedRequestBody :: Traced MatchedOperation -> Maybe (Traced (Referenced RequestBody))
tracedRequestBody oper = _operationRequestBody (operation $ extract oper) <&> traced (ask oper >>> step OperationRequestBodyStep)
tracedResponses :: Traced r MatchedOperation -> Traced r Responses
tracedResponses :: Traced MatchedOperation -> Traced Responses
tracedResponses oper = traced (ask oper >>> step OperationResponsesStep)
$ _operationResponses . operation $ extract oper
tracedSecurity :: Traced r MatchedOperation -> [Traced r SecurityRequirement]
tracedSecurity :: Traced MatchedOperation -> [Traced SecurityRequirement]
tracedSecurity oper =
[ traced (ask oper >>> step (OperationSecurityRequirementStep i)) x
| (i, x) <- zip [0..] $ _operationSecurity . operation $ extract oper
@ -63,29 +62,37 @@ tracedSecurity oper =
-- FIXME: https://github.com/typeable/openapi-diff/issues/28
:: [Server] -- ^ Servers from env
-> Traced r MatchedOperation
-> Traced r [Server]
-> Traced MatchedOperation
-> Traced [Server]
tracedServers env oper =
traced (ask oper >>> step OperationServersStep) $
case _operationServers . operation $ extract oper of
[] -> env
ss -> ss
instance Behavable 'OperationLevel 'PathFragmentLevel where
data Behave 'OperationLevel 'PathFragmentLevel
= InParam Text
| InFragment Int
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Behavable 'OperationLevel 'RequestLevel where
data Behave 'OperationLevel 'RequestLevel
= InRequest
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree MatchedOperation where
type SubtreeLevel MatchedOperation = 'OperationLevel
type CheckEnv MatchedOperation =
'[ ProdCons (Definitions Param)
, ProdCons (Definitions RequestBody)
, ProdCons (Definitions SecurityScheme)
, ProdCons (Definitions Response)
, ProdCons (Definitions Header)
, ProdCons (Definitions Schema)
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions RequestBody))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions SecurityScheme))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons [Server]
data CheckIssue MatchedOperation
= OperationMissing OperationMethod
| CallbacksNotSupported
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility env prodCons = do
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
@ -98,30 +105,29 @@ instance Subtree MatchedOperation where
-- Merged parameters got from Operation and PathItem in one
-- place. First element is path params, second is non-path params
tracedParams :: ProdCons ([Traced OpenApi Param], [Traced OpenApi Param])
tracedParams :: ProdCons ([Traced Param], [Traced Param])
tracedParams = getParams <$> paramDefs <*> prodCons
getParams defs mp =
operationParamsMap :: Map ParamKey (Traced OpenApi Param)
operationParamsMap :: Map ParamKey (Traced Param)
operationParamsMap = M.fromList $ do
paramRef <- tracedParameters mp
param = dereference defs paramRef
key = paramKey . extract $ param
pure (key, param)
pathParamsMap :: Map ParamKey (Traced OpenApi Param)
pathParamsMap :: Map ParamKey (Traced Param)
pathParamsMap = M.fromList $ do
param <- pathParams . extract $ mp
pure (paramKey . extract $ param, param)
params = M.elems $ M.union operationParamsMap pathParamsMap
-- We prefer params from Operation
params = M.elems $ M.union operationParamsMap pathParamsMap -- We prefer params from Operation
splitted = L.partition
(\p -> (_paramIn . extract $ p) == ParamPath) params
in splitted
checkNonPathParams $ snd <$> tracedParams
checkPathParams $ fst <$> tracedParams
pure ()
checkNonPathParams :: ProdCons [Traced OpenApi Param] -> CompatFormula ()
checkNonPathParams :: ProdCons [Traced Param] -> CompatFormula ()
checkNonPathParams params = do
elements = getEls <$> params
@ -130,30 +136,30 @@ instance Subtree MatchedOperation where
k = (_paramIn . extract $ p, _paramName . extract $ p)
v = ProductLike
{ tracedValue = p
{ productValue = p
, required = fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ p
pure (k, v)
check param = do
checkCompatibility @Param (singletonH schemaDefs) param
checkProducts (ParamNotMatched . snd) (const check) elements
checkPathParams :: ProdCons [Traced OpenApi Param] -> CompatFormula ()
check (_, name) param = do
checkCompatibility @Param (singletonH schemaDefs) (beh >>> step (InParam name)) param
checkProducts beh (ParamNotMatched . snd) check elements
checkPathParams :: ProdCons [Traced Param] -> CompatFormula ()
checkPathParams pathParams = do
fragments :: ProdCons [Traced OpenApi PathFragmentParam]
fragments :: ProdCons [Traced PathFragmentParam]
fragments = getFragments <$> pathParams <*> prodCons
getFragments params mop = getPathFragments (extract mop) params
-- Feed path parameters to the fragments getter
check frags = checkCompatibility @PathFragmentParam env frags
check idx frags = checkCompatibility @PathFragmentParam env (beh >>> step (InFragment idx)) frags
elements = fragments <&> \frags -> M.fromList $ zip [0 :: Int ..] $ do
frag <- frags
pure $ ProductLike
{ tracedValue = frag
{ productValue = frag
, required = True }
checkProducts (const PathFragmentNotMatched) (const check) elements
checkProducts beh PathFragmentNotMatched check elements
checkRequestBodies = do
check reqBody = checkCompatibility @RequestBody env reqBody
check reqBody = checkCompatibility @RequestBody env (beh >>> step InRequest) reqBody
elements = getReqBody <$> bodyDefs <*> prodCons
getReqBody bodyDef mop = M.fromList $ do
bodyRef <- F.toList . tracedRequestBody $ mop
@ -161,31 +167,31 @@ instance Subtree MatchedOperation where
body = dereference bodyDef bodyRef
-- Single element map
pure ((), ProductLike
{ tracedValue = body
{ productValue = body
, required = fromMaybe False . _requestBodyRequired . extract $ body
checkProducts (const NoRequestBody) (const check) elements
checkProducts beh (const NoRequestBody) (const check) elements
checkResponses = do
respEnv = HCons (swapProdCons respDefs)
$ HCons (swapProdCons headerDefs)
$ HCons (swapProdCons schemaDefs) HNil
resps = tracedResponses <$> prodCons
checkCompatibility respEnv $ swapProdCons resps
checkCompatibility respEnv beh $ swapProdCons resps
-- FIXME: https://github.com/typeable/openapi-diff/issues/27
checkCallbacks = pure () -- (error "FIXME: not implemented")
-- FIXME: https://github.com/typeable/openapi-diff/issues/28
checkOperationSecurity = pure () -- (error "FIXME: not implemented")
checkServers =
checkCompatibility env $
checkCompatibility env beh $
tracedServers <$> getH @(ProdCons [Server]) env <*> prodCons
bodyDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Definitions RequestBody)) env
respDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Definitions Response)) env
headerDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Definitions Header)) env
schemaDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Definitions Schema)) env
paramDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Definitions Param)) env
bodyDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions RequestBody))) env
respDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))) env
headerDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))) env
schemaDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))) env
paramDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))) env
data OperationMethod =
data OperationMethod =
| PutMethod
| PostMethod
@ -196,7 +202,7 @@ data OperationMethod =
| TraceMethod
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
pathItemMethod :: OperationMethod -> PathItem -> Maybe Operation
pathItemMethod :: OperationMethod -> PathItem -> Maybe Operation
pathItemMethod = \case
GetMethod -> _pathItemGet
PutMethod -> _pathItemPut
@ -209,22 +215,22 @@ pathItemMethod = \case
instance Steppable MatchedOperation (Referenced Param) where
data Step MatchedOperation (Referenced Param) = OperationParamsStep Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable MatchedOperation (Referenced RequestBody) where
data Step MatchedOperation (Referenced RequestBody) = OperationRequestBodyStep
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable MatchedOperation Responses where
data Step MatchedOperation Responses = OperationResponsesStep
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable MatchedOperation SecurityRequirement where
data Step MatchedOperation SecurityRequirement = OperationSecurityRequirementStep Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable MatchedOperation [Server] where
data Step MatchedOperation [Server]
= OperationServersStep
data Step MatchedOperation [Server]
= OperationServersStep
| EnvServerStep
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

View File

@ -2,17 +2,18 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Param
( CheckIssue (..)
( Behave (..)
, Issue (..)
) where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Text
import OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans
import Data.Text as T
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Schema ()
-- | The type is normalized encoding style of the parameter. If two encoding
@ -42,14 +43,12 @@ paramEncoding p = EncodingStyle
ParamQuery -> Just $ fromMaybe False $ _paramAllowReserved p
_ -> Nothing
tracedSchema :: Traced r Param -> Maybe (Traced r (Referenced Schema))
tracedSchema :: Traced Param -> Maybe (Traced (Referenced Schema))
tracedSchema par = _paramSchema (extract par) <&> traced (ask par >>> step ParamSchema)
instance Subtree Param where
type CheckEnv Param = '[ProdCons (Definitions Schema)]
data CheckIssue Param
= ParamNotMatched Text
| ParamNameMismatch
instance Issuable 'PathFragmentLevel where
data Issue 'PathFragmentLevel
= ParamNameMismatch
-- ^ Params have different names
| ParamEmptinessIncompatible
-- ^ Consumer requires non-empty param, but producer gives emptyable
@ -60,28 +59,39 @@ instance Subtree Param where
-- ^ Params encoded in different styles
| ParamSchemaMismatch
-- ^ One of schemas not presented
| PathFragmentsDontMatch Text Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility env pc@(ProdCons p c) = do
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Behavable 'PathFragmentLevel 'SchemaLevel where
data Behave 'PathFragmentLevel 'SchemaLevel
= InParamSchema
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree Param where
type SubtreeLevel Param = 'PathFragmentLevel
type CheckEnv Param = '[ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))]
checkCompatibility env beh pc@(ProdCons p c) = do
when (_paramName (extract p) /= _paramName (extract c))
$ issueAt p ParamNameMismatch
$ issueAt beh ParamNameMismatch
when ((fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ c) &&
not (fromMaybe False . _paramRequired . extract $ p))
$ issueAt p ParamRequired
$ issueAt beh ParamRequired
case (_paramIn . extract $ p, _paramIn . extract $ c) of
(ParamQuery, ParamQuery) -> do
-- Emptiness is only for query params
when ((fromMaybe False . _paramAllowEmptyValue . extract $ p)
&& not (fromMaybe False . _paramAllowEmptyValue . extract $ c))
$ issueAt p ParamEmptinessIncompatible
$ issueAt beh ParamEmptinessIncompatible
(a, b) | a == b -> pure ()
_ -> issueAt p ParamPlaceIncompatible
_ -> issueAt beh ParamPlaceIncompatible
unless (paramEncoding (extract p) == paramEncoding (extract c))
$ issueAt p ParamStyleMismatch
$ issueAt beh ParamStyleMismatch
case tracedSchema <$> pc of
ProdCons (Just prodSchema) (Just consSchema) -> do
checkCompatibility env $ ProdCons prodSchema consSchema
checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step InParamSchema) $ ProdCons prodSchema consSchema
ProdCons Nothing Nothing -> pure ()
ProdCons Nothing (Just _consSchema) -> issueAt p ParamSchemaMismatch
ProdCons Nothing (Just _consSchema) -> issueAt beh ParamSchemaMismatch
ProdCons (Just _prodSchema) Nothing -> pure ()
-- If consumer doesn't care then why we should?
pure ()

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.PathFragment
( parsePath
, PathFragment (..)
, PathFragmentParam
, CheckIssue (..)
@ -11,9 +10,9 @@ import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Param ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Param
-- TODO: templates can be only part of the PathFragment. Currently only supports templates as full PathFragment.
-- https://github.com/typeable/openapi-diff/issues/23
@ -35,13 +34,13 @@ data PathFragment param
| DynamicPath param
deriving stock (Eq, Ord)
type PathFragmentParam = PathFragment (Traced OpenApi Param)
type PathFragmentParam = PathFragment (Traced Param)
instance (Typeable param) => Steppable (PathFragment param) Param where
data Step (PathFragment param) Param = StaticPathParam Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
tracedPathFragmentParam :: Traced OpenApi PathFragmentParam -> Traced OpenApi Param
tracedPathFragmentParam :: Traced PathFragmentParam -> Traced Param
tracedPathFragmentParam pfp = case extract pfp of
StaticPath s -> traced (ask pfp >>> step (StaticPathParam s))
$ mempty
@ -61,16 +60,13 @@ staticStringSchema t =
instance Subtree PathFragmentParam where
type SubtreeLevel PathFragmentParam = 'PathFragmentLevel
type CheckEnv PathFragmentParam =
'[ ProdCons (Definitions Schema) ]
data CheckIssue PathFragmentParam
= PathFragmentNotMatched
| PathFragmentsDontMatch Text Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema)) ]
-- This case isn't strictly needed. It is here for optimization.
checkCompatibility _ (ProdCons (extract -> StaticPath x) c@(extract -> StaticPath y))
checkCompatibility _ beh (ProdCons (extract -> StaticPath x) (extract -> StaticPath y))
= if x == y
then pure ()
else issueAt c (PathFragmentsDontMatch x y)
checkCompatibility env prodCons = do
checkCompatibility env (tracedPathFragmentParam <$> prodCons)
else issueAt beh (PathFragmentsDontMatch x y)
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
checkCompatibility env beh (tracedPathFragmentParam <$> prodCons)

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.ProcessedPathItem
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Comonad.Env
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable as F
@ -19,9 +20,11 @@ import Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Text as T
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import OpenAPI.Checker.References
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Operation
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.PathFragment
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Sums
@ -38,23 +41,32 @@ processPathItems = ProcessedPathItems . fmap (uncurry ProcessedPathItem)
newtype ProcessedPathItems =
ProcessedPathItems {unProcessedPathItems :: [ProcessedPathItem]}
instance Subtree ProcessedPathItems where
CheckEnv ProcessedPathItems =
'[ ProdCons (Definitions Param)
, ProdCons (Definitions RequestBody)
, ProdCons (Definitions SecurityScheme)
, ProdCons (Definitions Response)
, ProdCons (Definitions Header)
, ProdCons (Definitions Schema)
, ProdCons [Server]
data CheckIssue ProcessedPathItems
instance Issuable 'APILevel where
data Issue 'APILevel
= NoPathsMatched FilePath
| AllPathsFailed FilePath
-- When several paths match given but all checks failed
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility env pc@(ProdCons p c) = do
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Behavable 'APILevel 'PathLevel where
data Behave 'APILevel 'PathLevel
= AtPath (ProdCons FilePath) -- TODO: why are there two?
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree ProcessedPathItems where
type SubtreeLevel ProcessedPathItems = 'APILevel
CheckEnv ProcessedPathItems =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions RequestBody))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions SecurityScheme))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons [Server]
checkCompatibility env beh pc@(ProdCons p c) = do
-- Each path generated by producer must be handled by consumer with exactly
-- one way
for_ (unProcessedPathItems . extract $ p) $ \ prodItem -> do
@ -65,11 +77,11 @@ instance Subtree ProcessedPathItems where
matched <- F.toList $ matchingPathItems $ ProdCons prodItem consItem
return matched
case matchedItems of
[] -> issueAt p $ NoPathsMatched prodPath
[match] -> checkCompatibility env (retraced <$> pc <*> match)
matches -> anyOfAt c (AllPathsFailed prodPath) $ do
[] -> issueAt beh $ NoPathsMatched prodPath
[match] -> checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step (AtPath $ matchedPath <$> match)) (retraced <$> pc <*> match)
matches -> anyOfAt beh (AllPathsFailed prodPath) $ do
match <- matches
pure $ checkCompatibility env (retraced <$> pc <*> match)
pure $ checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step (AtPath $ matchedPath <$> match)) (retraced <$> pc <*> match)
retraced pc mpi = traced (ask pc >>> step (MatchedPathStep $ matchedPath mpi)) mpi
@ -106,14 +118,14 @@ data MatchedPathItem = MatchedPathItem
-- ^ Pre-parsed path from PathItem
tracedParameters :: Traced r MatchedPathItem -> [Traced r (Referenced Param)]
tracedParameters :: Traced MatchedPathItem -> [Traced (Referenced Param)]
tracedParameters mpi =
[ traced (ask mpi >>> step (PathItemParam i)) x
| (i, x) <- L.zip [0..] $ _pathItemParameters . pathItem $ extract mpi
-- TODO: simplify?
tracedFragments :: Traced r MatchedPathItem -> [Env (Trace r PathFragmentParam) (PathFragment Text)]
tracedFragments :: Traced MatchedPathItem -> [Env (Trace PathFragmentParam) (PathFragment Text)]
tracedFragments mpi =
[ env (ask mpi >>> step (PathFragmentStep i)) x
| (i, x) <- L.zip [0..] $ pathFragments $ extract mpi
@ -121,30 +133,40 @@ tracedFragments mpi =
:: OperationMethod
-> Traced r MatchedPathItem
-> Maybe (Env (Trace r MatchedOperation) Operation)
-> Traced MatchedPathItem
-> Maybe (Traced' MatchedOperation Operation)
tracedMethod s mpi = env (ask mpi >>> step (OperationMethodStep s)) <$> (pathItemMethod s . pathItem . extract $ mpi)
instance Issuable 'PathLevel where
data Issue 'PathLevel
= OperationMissing OperationMethod
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Behavable 'PathLevel 'OperationLevel where
data Behave 'PathLevel 'OperationLevel
= InOperation OperationMethod
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree MatchedPathItem where
type SubtreeLevel MatchedPathItem = 'PathLevel
type CheckEnv MatchedPathItem =
'[ ProdCons (Definitions Param)
, ProdCons (Definitions RequestBody)
, ProdCons (Definitions SecurityScheme)
, ProdCons (Definitions Response)
, ProdCons (Definitions Header)
, ProdCons (Definitions Schema)
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions RequestBody))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions SecurityScheme))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
, ProdCons [Server]
data CheckIssue MatchedPathItem
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility env prodCons = do
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
paramDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Definitions Param)) env
paramDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Param))) env
pathTracedParams = getPathParams <$> paramDefs <*> prodCons
:: Definitions Param
-> Traced r MatchedPathItem
-> [Traced r Param]
:: Traced (Definitions Param)
-> Traced MatchedPathItem
-> [Traced Param]
getPathParams defs mpi = do
paramRef <- tracedParameters mpi
pure $ dereference defs paramRef
@ -153,7 +175,7 @@ instance Subtree MatchedPathItem where
-- operationParams will be known on Operation check stage, so we give a
-- function, returning fragments
paramsMap :: Map Text (Traced OpenApi Param)
paramsMap :: Map Text (Traced Param)
paramsMap = M.fromList $ do
tracedParam <- operationParams
let pname = _paramName . extract $ tracedParam
@ -166,16 +188,16 @@ instance Subtree MatchedPathItem where
in tracedFragments mpi <&> fmap convertFragment
operations = getOperations <$> pathTracedParams <*> pathTracedFragments <*> prodCons
getOperations pathParams getPathFragments mpi = M.fromList $ do
(i, getOp) <- (\m -> (m, tracedMethod m)) <$>
(name, getOp) <- (id &&& tracedMethod) <$>
[GetMethod, PutMethod, PostMethod, DeleteMethod, OptionsMethod, HeadMethod, PatchMethod, DeleteMethod]
operation <- F.toList $ getOp mpi
-- Got only Justs here
let retraced = \op -> MatchedOperation { operation = op, pathParams, getPathFragments }
pure (i, retraced <$> operation)
check pc = checkCompatibility @MatchedOperation env pc
pure (name, retraced <$> operation)
check name pc = checkCompatibility @MatchedOperation env (beh >>> step (InOperation name)) pc
-- Operations are sum-like entities. Use step to operation as key because
-- why not
checkSums OperationMissing (const check) operations
checkSums beh OperationMissing check operations
instance Steppable ProcessedPathItems MatchedPathItem where

View File

@ -20,30 +20,30 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Products
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
-- | Some entity which is product-like
data ProductLike root a = ProductLike
{ tracedValue :: Traced root a
data ProductLike a = ProductLike
{ productValue :: a
, required :: Bool
:: forall k r t
. (Subtree t, Ord k)
=> (k -> CheckIssue t)
:: (Ord k, Issuable l)
=> Paths q r l
-> (k -> Issue l)
-- ^ No required element found
-> (k -> ProdCons (Traced r t) -> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r ())
-> ProdCons (Map k (ProductLike r t))
-> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r ()
checkProducts noElt check (ProdCons p c) = for_ (M.toList c) $ \(key, consElt) ->
-> (k -> ProdCons t -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ())
-> ProdCons (Map k (ProductLike t))
-> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ()
checkProducts xs noElt check (ProdCons p c) = for_ (M.toList c) $ \(key, consElt) ->
case M.lookup key p of
Nothing -> case required consElt of
True -> issueAt (tracedValue consElt) $ noElt key
True -> issueAt xs $ noElt key
False -> pure ()
Just prodElt -> do
elts :: ProdCons (ProductLike r t)
elts = ProdCons prodElt consElt
check key (tracedValue <$> elts)
check key (productValue <$> elts)

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.RequestBody
( CheckIssue (..)
( Issue (..)
@ -11,33 +11,42 @@ import Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import Network.HTTP.Media (MediaType)
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Sums
tracedContent :: Traced r RequestBody -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap MediaType (Traced r MediaTypeObject)
tracedContent :: Traced RequestBody -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap MediaType (Traced MediaTypeObject)
tracedContent resp = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (RequestMediaTypeObject k)))
$ _requestBodyContent $ extract resp
instance Issuable 'RequestLevel where
data Issue 'RequestLevel
= RequestBodyRequired
| RequestMediaTypeNotFound MediaType
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Behavable 'RequestLevel 'PayloadLevel where
data Behave 'RequestLevel 'PayloadLevel
= InPayload
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree RequestBody where
type SubtreeLevel RequestBody = 'RequestLevel
type CheckEnv RequestBody =
'[ ProdCons (Definitions Schema) ]
data CheckIssue RequestBody
= NoRequestBody
| RequestBodyRequired
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility env prodCons@(ProdCons p c) =
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema)) ]
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons@(ProdCons p c) =
if not (fromMaybe False . _requestBodyRequired . extract $ p)
&& (fromMaybe False . _requestBodyRequired . extract $ c)
then issueAt p RequestBodyRequired
then issueAt beh RequestBodyRequired
-- Media type object are sums-like entities.
check mediaType pc = checkCompatibility @MediaTypeObject (HCons mediaType env) pc
check mediaType pc = checkCompatibility @MediaTypeObject (HCons mediaType env) (beh >>> step InPayload) pc
sumElts = getSum <$> prodCons
getSum rb = M.fromList . IOHM.toList $ tracedContent rb
in checkSums (const RequestMediaTypeNotFound) check sumElts
in checkSums beh RequestMediaTypeNotFound check sumElts
instance Steppable RequestBody MediaTypeObject where
data Step RequestBody MediaTypeObject = RequestMediaTypeObject MediaType

View File

@ -14,56 +14,70 @@ import Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OpenApi
import Network.HTTP.Media (MediaType)
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.References
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Products
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Schema ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Sums
tracedResponses :: Traced r Responses -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap HttpStatusCode (Traced r (Referenced Response))
tracedResponses :: Traced Responses -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap HttpStatusCode (Traced (Referenced Response))
tracedResponses resp = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (ResponseCodeStep k)))
$ _responsesResponses $ extract resp
instance Subtree Responses where
type SubtreeLevel Responses = 'OperationLevel
type CheckEnv Responses =
'[ ProdCons (Definitions Response)
, ProdCons (Definitions Header)
, ProdCons (Definitions Schema)
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
data CheckIssue Responses
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- Roles are already swapped. Producer is a server and consumer is a
-- client. Response codes are sum-like entity because we can answer with only
-- one element
checkCompatibility env prodCons = do
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
defs = getH @(ProdCons (Definitions Response)) env
check resps = checkCompatibility @Response env resps
defs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Response))) env
check code resps = checkCompatibility @Response env (beh >>> step (WithStatusCode code)) resps
elements = getEls <$> defs <*> prodCons
getEls respDef resps = M.fromList $ do
(code, respRef) <- IOHM.toList $ tracedResponses resps
pure (code, dereference respDef respRef)
checkSums (const ResponseCodeNotFound) (const check) elements
checkSums beh ResponseCodeNotFound check elements
tracedContent :: Traced r Response -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap MediaType (Traced r MediaTypeObject)
tracedContent :: Traced Response -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap MediaType (Traced MediaTypeObject)
tracedContent resp = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (ResponseMediaObject k)))
$ _responseContent $ extract resp
tracedHeaders :: Traced r Response -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap HeaderName (Traced r (Referenced Header))
tracedHeaders :: Traced Response -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap HeaderName (Traced (Referenced Header))
tracedHeaders resp = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask resp >>> step (ResponseHeader k)))
$ _responseHeaders $ extract resp
instance Issuable 'ResponseLevel where
data Issue 'ResponseLevel
= ResponseMediaTypeMissing MediaType
| ResponseHeaderMissing HeaderName
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Behavable 'ResponseLevel 'PayloadLevel where
data Behave 'ResponseLevel 'PayloadLevel
= ResponsePayload
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Behavable 'ResponseLevel 'HeaderLevel where
data Behave 'ResponseLevel 'HeaderLevel
= InHeader HeaderName
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree Response where
type SubtreeLevel Response = 'ResponseLevel
type CheckEnv Response =
'[ ProdCons (Definitions Header)
, ProdCons (Definitions Schema)
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))
, ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))
data CheckIssue Response
= ResponseCodeNotFound
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility env prodCons = do
checkCompatibility env beh prodCons = do
-- Roles are already swapped. Producer is a server and consumer is a client
@ -74,60 +88,68 @@ instance Subtree Response where
check mediaType mtObj =
let mtEnv = HCons mediaType $ env
in checkCompatibility @MediaTypeObject mtEnv mtObj
in checkCompatibility @MediaTypeObject mtEnv (beh >>> step ResponsePayload) mtObj
elements = getEls <$> prodCons
getEls resp = M.fromList . IOHM.toList $ tracedContent resp
checkSums (const ResponseMediaTypeMissing) check elements
checkSums beh ResponseMediaTypeMissing check elements
checkHeaders = do
-- Headers are product-like entities
check hdrs = checkCompatibility @Header env hdrs
check name hdrs = checkCompatibility @Header env (beh >>> step (InHeader name)) hdrs
elements = getEls <$> headerDefs <*> prodCons
getEls headerDef resp = M.fromList $ do
(hname, headerRef) <- IOHM.toList $ tracedHeaders resp
let header = dereference headerDef headerRef
pure (hname, ProductLike
{ tracedValue = header
{ productValue = header
, required = fromMaybe False . _headerRequired . extract $ header
checkProducts (const ResponseHeaderMissing) (const check) elements
headerDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Definitions Header)) env
checkProducts beh ResponseHeaderMissing check elements
headerDefs = getH @(ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Header))) env
tracedSchema :: Traced r Header -> Maybe (Traced r (Referenced Schema))
tracedSchema :: Traced Header -> Maybe (Traced (Referenced Schema))
tracedSchema hdr = _headerSchema (extract hdr) <&> traced (ask hdr >>> step HeaderSchema)
instance Subtree Header where
type CheckEnv Header = '[ProdCons (Definitions Schema)]
data CheckIssue Header
= ResponseHeaderMissing
| RequiredHeaderMissing
instance Issuable 'HeaderLevel where
data Issue 'HeaderLevel
= RequiredHeaderMissing
| NonEmptyHeaderRequired
| HeaderSchemaRequired
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility env (ProdCons p c) = do
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Behavable 'HeaderLevel 'SchemaLevel where
data Behave 'HeaderLevel 'SchemaLevel
= InSchema
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree Header where
type SubtreeLevel Header = 'HeaderLevel
type CheckEnv Header = '[ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))]
checkCompatibility env beh (ProdCons p c) = do
if (fromMaybe False $ _headerRequired $ extract c) && not (fromMaybe False $ _headerRequired $ extract p)
then issueAt p RequiredHeaderMissing else pure ()
then issueAt beh RequiredHeaderMissing else pure ()
if not (fromMaybe False $ _headerAllowEmptyValue $ extract c) && (fromMaybe False $ _headerAllowEmptyValue $ extract p)
then issueAt p NonEmptyHeaderRequired else pure ()
then issueAt beh NonEmptyHeaderRequired else pure ()
for_ (tracedSchema c) $ \consRef ->
case tracedSchema p of
Nothing -> issueAt p HeaderSchemaRequired
Just prodRef -> checkCompatibility env (ProdCons prodRef consRef)
Nothing -> issueAt beh HeaderSchemaRequired
Just prodRef -> checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step InSchema) (ProdCons prodRef consRef)
pure ()
instance Steppable Responses (Referenced Response) where
data Step Responses (Referenced Response) = ResponseCodeStep HttpStatusCode
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable Header (Referenced Schema) where
data Step Header (Referenced Schema) = HeaderSchema
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable Response (Referenced Header) where
data Step Response (Referenced Header) = ResponseHeader HeaderName
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable Response MediaTypeObject where
data Step Response MediaTypeObject = ResponseMediaObject MediaType
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

View File

@ -39,11 +39,12 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T hiding (singleton)
import Data.Typeable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Orphans ()
import OpenAPI.Checker.References
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import qualified OpenAPI.Checker.PathsPrefixTree as P
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import qualified OpenAPI.Checker.TracePrefixTree as T
-- | Type of a JSON value
data JsonType
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ data JsonType
| String
| Array
| Object
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | A 'A.Value' whose type we know
data TypedValue :: JsonType -> Type where
@ -88,8 +89,8 @@ instance Ord a => Ord (Bound a) where
data Property = Property
{ propRequired :: Bool
, propFormula :: ForeachType (JsonFormula OpenApi)
, propRefSchema :: Traced OpenApi (Referenced Schema)
, propFormula :: ForeachType JsonFormula
, propRefSchema :: Traced (Referenced Schema)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
@ -106,17 +107,17 @@ data Condition :: JsonType -> Type where
Pattern :: !Pattern -> Condition 'String
StringFormat :: !Format -> Condition 'String
:: !(ForeachType (JsonFormula OpenApi))
-> !(Traced OpenApi (Referenced Schema))
:: !(ForeachType JsonFormula)
-> !(Traced (Referenced Schema))
-> Condition 'Array
MaxItems :: !Integer -> Condition 'Array
MinItems :: !Integer -> Condition 'Array
UniqueItems :: Condition 'Array
:: !(M.Map Text Property)
-> !(ForeachType (JsonFormula OpenApi))
-> !(ForeachType JsonFormula)
-- ^ formula for additional properties
-> !(Maybe (Traced OpenApi (Referenced Schema)))
-> !(Maybe (Traced (Referenced Schema)))
-- ^ schema for additional properties, Nothing means bottom
-> Condition 'Object
MaxProperties :: !Integer -> Condition 'Object
@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ deriving stock instance Ord (Condition t)
deriving stock instance Show (Condition t)
data SomeCondition where
SomeCondition :: Typeable t => Traced OpenApi (Condition t) -> SomeCondition
SomeCondition :: Typeable t => Condition t -> SomeCondition
instance Eq SomeCondition where
SomeCondition x == SomeCondition y = case cast x of
@ -175,26 +176,24 @@ deriving stock instance Show SomeCondition
-- | A boolean formula (without "not") of 'Condition's. Represented as a
-- Disjunctive Normal Form: the formula is a disjunction of a set of conjuncts,
-- each of which is a conjunction of a set of 'Condition's.
newtype JsonFormula r t
= DNF (S.Set (M.Map (Condition t) (Trace r (Condition t))))
newtype JsonFormula t
= DNF (S.Set (S.Set (Condition t)))
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
:: JsonFormula r t
-> M.Map (Condition t) (Trace r (Condition t))
-> JsonFormula r t
:: JsonFormula t
-> S.Set (Condition t)
-> JsonFormula t
disjAdd (DNF yss) xs
| any (`isMapSubsetOf` xs) yss = DNF yss
| otherwise = DNF $ S.insert xs $ S.filter (not . isMapSubsetOf xs) yss
isMapSubsetOf a b = M.keysSet a `S.isSubsetOf` M.keysSet b
| any (`S.isSubsetOf` xs) yss = DNF yss
| otherwise = DNF $ S.insert xs $ S.filter (not . S.isSubsetOf xs) yss
instance Lattice (JsonFormula r t) where
instance Lattice (JsonFormula t) where
xss \/ DNF yss = S.foldl' disjAdd xss yss
DNF xss /\ DNF yss = F.foldl' disjAdd bottom $
liftA2 M.union (S.toList xss) (S.toList yss)
liftA2 S.union (S.toList xss) (S.toList yss)
pattern BottomFormula :: JsonFormula r t
pattern BottomFormula :: JsonFormula t
pattern BottomFormula <- DNF (S.null -> True)
where BottomFormula = DNF S.empty
@ -203,35 +202,35 @@ isSingleton s
| S.size s == 1 = S.lookupMin s
| otherwise = Nothing
pattern Conjunct :: [Traced r (Condition t)] -> M.Map (Condition t) (Trace r (Condition t))
pattern Conjunct xs <- (map (uncurry $ flip traced) . M.toList -> xs)
where Conjunct xs = M.fromList $ (extract &&& ask) <$> xs
pattern Conjunct :: [Condition t] -> S.Set (Condition t)
pattern Conjunct xs <- (S.toList -> xs)
where Conjunct = S.fromList
{-# COMPLETE Conjunct #-}
pattern SingleConjunct :: [Traced r (Condition t)] -> JsonFormula r t
pattern SingleConjunct :: [Condition t] -> JsonFormula t
pattern SingleConjunct xs <- DNF (isSingleton -> Just (Conjunct xs))
where SingleConjunct xs = DNF $ S.singleton $ Conjunct xs
pattern TopFormula :: JsonFormula r t
pattern TopFormula <- DNF (isSingleton -> Just (M.null -> True))
where TopFormula = DNF $ S.singleton M.empty
pattern TopFormula :: JsonFormula t
pattern TopFormula <- DNF (isSingleton -> Just (S.null -> True))
where TopFormula = DNF $ S.singleton S.empty
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice (JsonFormula r t) where
instance BoundedJoinSemiLattice (JsonFormula t) where
bottom = BottomFormula
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice (JsonFormula r t) where
instance BoundedMeetSemiLattice (JsonFormula t) where
top = TopFormula
:: BoundedLattice l
=> (Traced r (Condition t) -> l)
-> JsonFormula r t
=> (Condition t -> l)
-> JsonFormula t
-> l
foldLattice f (DNF xss) = S.foldl' (\z w ->
z \/ M.foldlWithKey' (\x y t -> x /\ f (traced t y)) top w) bottom xss
z \/ S.foldl' (\x y -> x /\ f y) top w) bottom xss
satisfiesFormula :: TypedValue t -> JsonFormula r t -> Bool
satisfiesFormula val = foldLattice (satisfiesTyped val . extract)
satisfiesFormula :: TypedValue t -> JsonFormula t -> Bool
satisfiesFormula val = foldLattice (satisfiesTyped val)
data ForeachType (f :: JsonType -> Type) = ForeachType
{ forNull :: f 'Null
@ -242,7 +241,7 @@ data ForeachType (f :: JsonType -> Type) = ForeachType
, forObject :: f 'Object
satisfies :: A.Value -> ForeachType (JsonFormula r) -> Bool
satisfies :: A.Value -> ForeachType JsonFormula -> Bool
satisfies val p = case val of
A.Null -> satisfiesFormula TNull $ forNull p
A.Bool b -> satisfiesFormula (TBool b) $ forBoolean p
@ -257,27 +256,27 @@ deriving stock instance (forall x. Typeable x => Show (f x)) => Show (ForeachTyp
:: Monoid m
=> (forall x. Typeable x => (ForeachType f -> f x) -> m)
=> (forall x. Typeable x => JsonType -> (ForeachType f -> f x) -> m)
-> m
foldType k =
k forNull <>
k forBoolean <>
k forNumber <>
k forString <>
k forArray <>
k forObject
k Null forNull <>
k Boolean forBoolean <>
k Number forNumber <>
k String forString <>
k Array forArray <>
k Object forObject
:: Applicative m
=> (forall x. Typeable x => (ForeachType f -> f x) -> m ())
=> (forall x. Typeable x => JsonType -> (ForeachType f -> f x) -> m ())
-> m ()
forType_ k = do
k forNull
k forBoolean
k forNumber
k forString
k forArray
k forObject
k Null forNull
k Boolean forBoolean
k Number forNumber
k String forString
k Array forArray
k Object forObject
pure ()
instance (forall x. Lattice (f x)) => Lattice (ForeachType f) where
@ -320,6 +319,7 @@ instance (forall x. BoundedMeetSemiLattice (f x))
, forObject = top
{- TODO: remove
instance Typeable t => Steppable Schema (Condition t) where
data Step Schema (Condition t)
= EnumField
@ -340,6 +340,11 @@ instance Typeable t => Steppable Schema (Condition t) where
| NullableField
| IntegerType -- type=integer
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Behavable 'SchemaLevel 'SchemaLevel where
data Behave 'SchemaLevel 'SchemaLevel
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Steppable Schema (Referenced Schema) where
data Step Schema (Referenced Schema)
@ -352,44 +357,42 @@ instance Steppable Schema (Referenced Schema) where
| PropertiesStep Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type ProcessM = ReaderT (Definitions Schema) (Writer (T.TracePrefixTree SubtreeCheckIssue OpenApi))
type ProcessM = ReaderT (Traced (Definitions Schema)) (Writer (P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'SchemaLevel))
:: (Subtree t, ComonadEnv (Trace OpenApi t) w)
=> w x -> CheckIssue t -> ProcessM ()
warn t issue = tell $ T.singleton $ AnItem (ask t) $ SubtreeCheckIssue issue
warn :: Issue 'SchemaLevel -> ProcessM ()
warn issue = tell $ P.singleton $ AnItem Root $ AnIssue issue
:: Traced OpenApi (Referenced Schema)
-> ProcessM (ForeachType (JsonFormula OpenApi))
:: Traced (Referenced Schema)
-> ProcessM (ForeachType JsonFormula)
processRefSchema x = do
defs <- R.ask
processSchema $ dereference defs x
tracedAllOf :: Traced r Schema -> Maybe [Traced r (Referenced Schema)]
tracedAllOf :: Traced Schema -> Maybe [Traced (Referenced Schema)]
tracedAllOf sch = _schemaAllOf (extract sch) <&> \xs ->
[ traced (ask sch >>> step (AllOfStep i)) x | (i, x) <- zip [0..] xs ]
tracedAnyOf :: Traced r Schema -> Maybe [Traced r (Referenced Schema)]
tracedAnyOf :: Traced Schema -> Maybe [Traced (Referenced Schema)]
tracedAnyOf sch = _schemaAnyOf (extract sch) <&> \xs ->
[ traced (ask sch >>> step (AnyOfStep i)) x | (i, x) <- zip [0..] xs ]
tracedOneOf :: Traced r Schema -> Maybe [Traced r (Referenced Schema)]
tracedOneOf :: Traced Schema -> Maybe [Traced (Referenced Schema)]
tracedOneOf sch = _schemaOneOf (extract sch) <&> \xs ->
[ traced (ask sch >>> step (OneOfStep i)) x | (i, x) <- zip [0..] xs ]
tracedItems :: Traced r Schema -> Maybe (Either (Traced r (Referenced Schema)) [Traced r (Referenced Schema)])
tracedItems :: Traced Schema -> Maybe (Either (Traced (Referenced Schema)) [Traced (Referenced Schema)])
tracedItems sch = _schemaItems (extract sch) <&> \case
OpenApiItemsObject x -> Left $ traced (ask sch >>> step ItemsObjectStep) x
OpenApiItemsArray xs -> Right
[ traced (ask sch >>> step (ItemsArrayStep i)) x | (i, x) <- zip [0..] xs ]
tracedAdditionalProperties :: Traced r Schema -> Maybe (Either Bool (Traced r (Referenced Schema)))
tracedAdditionalProperties :: Traced Schema -> Maybe (Either Bool (Traced (Referenced Schema)))
tracedAdditionalProperties sch = _schemaAdditionalProperties (extract sch) <&> \case
AdditionalPropertiesAllowed b -> Left b
AdditionalPropertiesSchema x -> Right $ traced (ask sch >>> step AdditionalPropertiesStep) x
tracedProperties :: Traced r Schema -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap Text (Traced r (Referenced Schema))
tracedProperties :: Traced Schema -> IOHM.InsOrdHashMap Text (Traced (Referenced Schema))
tracedProperties sch = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask sch >>> step (PropertiesStep k)))
$ _schemaProperties $ extract sch
@ -397,35 +400,35 @@ tracedProperties sch = IOHM.mapWithKey (\k -> traced (ask sch >>> step (Properti
-- for every possible type of a JSON value. The conditions are independent, and
-- are thus checked independently.
:: Traced OpenApi Schema
-> ProcessM (ForeachType (JsonFormula OpenApi))
:: Traced Schema
-> ProcessM (ForeachType JsonFormula)
processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema{..}) = do
singletonFormula :: Typeable t => Step Schema (Condition t) -> Condition t -> JsonFormula OpenApi t
singletonFormula t f = SingleConjunct [traced (ask sch >>> step t) f]
singletonFormula :: Condition t -> JsonFormula t
singletonFormula f = SingleConjunct [f]
allClauses <- case tracedAllOf sch of
Nothing -> pure []
Just [] -> [] <$ warn sch (InvalidSchema "no items in allOf")
Just [] -> [] <$ warn (InvalidSchema "no items in allOf")
Just xs -> mapM processRefSchema xs
anyClause <- case tracedAnyOf sch of
Nothing -> pure top
Just [] -> bottom <$ warn sch (InvalidSchema "no items in anyOf")
Just [] -> bottom <$ warn (InvalidSchema "no items in anyOf")
Just xs -> joins <$> mapM processRefSchema xs
oneClause <- case tracedOneOf sch of
Nothing -> pure top
Just [] -> bottom <$ warn sch (InvalidSchema "no items in oneOf")
Just [] -> bottom <$ warn (InvalidSchema "no items in oneOf")
Just xs -> do
checkOneOfDisjoint xs >>= \case
True -> pure ()
False -> warn sch (NotSupported "Could not determine that oneOf branches are disjoint")
False -> warn (NotSupported "Could not determine that oneOf branches are disjoint")
joins <$> mapM processRefSchema xs
case _schemaNot of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just _ -> warn sch (NotSupported "not clause is unsupported")
Just _ -> warn (NotSupported "not clause is unsupported")
typeClause = case _schemaType of
@ -437,7 +440,7 @@ processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema{..}) = do
Just OpenApiNumber -> bottom
{ forBoolean = top }
Just OpenApiInteger -> bottom
{ forNumber = singletonFormula IntegerType $ MultipleOf 1 }
{ forNumber = singletonFormula $ MultipleOf 1 }
Just OpenApiString -> bottom
{ forString = top }
Just OpenApiArray -> bottom
@ -447,27 +450,27 @@ processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema{..}) = do
valueEnum A.Null = bottom
{ forNull = singletonFormula EnumField $ Exactly TNull }
{ forNull = singletonFormula $ Exactly TNull }
valueEnum (A.Bool b) = bottom
{ forBoolean = singletonFormula EnumField $ Exactly $ TBool b }
{ forBoolean = singletonFormula $ Exactly $ TBool b }
valueEnum (A.Number n) = bottom
{ forNumber = singletonFormula EnumField $ Exactly $ TNumber n }
{ forNumber = singletonFormula $ Exactly $ TNumber n }
valueEnum (A.String s) = bottom
{ forString = singletonFormula EnumField $ Exactly $ TString s }
{ forString = singletonFormula $ Exactly $ TString s }
valueEnum (A.Array a) = bottom
{ forArray = singletonFormula EnumField $ Exactly $ TArray a }
{ forArray = singletonFormula $ Exactly $ TArray a }
valueEnum (A.Object o) = bottom
{ forObject = singletonFormula EnumField $ Exactly $ TObject o }
{ forObject = singletonFormula $ Exactly $ TObject o }
enumClause <- case _schemaEnum of
Nothing -> pure top
Just [] -> bottom <$ warn sch (InvalidSchema "no items in enum")
Just [] -> bottom <$ warn (InvalidSchema "no items in enum")
Just xs -> pure $ joins (valueEnum <$> xs)
maximumClause = case _schemaMaximum of
Nothing -> top
Just n -> top
{ forNumber = singletonFormula MaximumFields $ Maximum $
{ forNumber = singletonFormula $ Maximum $
case _schemaExclusiveMaximum of
Just True -> Exclusive n
_ -> Inclusive n }
@ -475,7 +478,7 @@ processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema{..}) = do
minimumClause = case _schemaMinimum of
Nothing -> top
Just n -> top
{ forNumber = singletonFormula MinimumFields $ Minimum $ Down $
{ forNumber = singletonFormula $ Minimum $ Down $
case _schemaExclusiveMinimum of
Just True -> Exclusive $ Down n
_ -> Inclusive $ Down n }
@ -483,53 +486,53 @@ processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema{..}) = do
multipleOfClause = case _schemaMultipleOf of
Nothing -> top
Just n -> top
{ forNumber = singletonFormula MultipleOfField $ MultipleOf n }
{ forNumber = singletonFormula $ MultipleOf n }
formatClause <- case _schemaFormat of
Nothing -> pure top
Just f | f `elem` ["int32", "int64", "float", "double"] -> pure top
{ forNumber = singletonFormula FormatField $ NumberFormat f }
{ forNumber = singletonFormula $ NumberFormat f }
Just f | f `elem` ["byte", "binary", "date", "date-time", "password"] -> pure top
{ forString = singletonFormula FormatField $ StringFormat f }
Just f -> top <$ warn sch (NotSupported $ "Unknown format: " <> f)
{ forString = singletonFormula $ StringFormat f }
Just f -> top <$ warn (NotSupported $ "Unknown format: " <> f)
maxLengthClause = case _schemaMaxLength of
Nothing -> top
Just n -> top
{ forString = singletonFormula MaxLengthField $ MaxLength n }
{ forString = singletonFormula $ MaxLength n }
minLengthClause = case _schemaMinLength of
Nothing -> top
Just n -> top
{ forString = singletonFormula MinLengthField $ MinLength n }
{ forString = singletonFormula $ MinLength n }
patternClause = case _schemaPattern of
Nothing -> top
Just p -> top
{ forString = singletonFormula PatternField $ Pattern p }
{ forString = singletonFormula $ Pattern p }
itemsClause <- case tracedItems sch of
Nothing -> pure top
Just (Left rs) -> do
f <- processRefSchema rs
pure top { forArray = singletonFormula ItemsField $ Items f rs }
Just (Right _) -> top <$ warn sch (NotSupported "array in items is not supported")
pure top { forArray = singletonFormula $ Items f rs }
Just (Right _) -> top <$ warn (NotSupported "array in items is not supported")
maxItemsClause = case _schemaMaxItems of
Nothing -> top
Just n -> top
{ forArray = singletonFormula MaxItemsField $ MaxItems n }
{ forArray = singletonFormula $ MaxItems n }
minItemsClause = case _schemaMinItems of
Nothing -> top
Just n -> top
{ forArray = singletonFormula MinItemsField $ MinItems n }
{ forArray = singletonFormula $ MinItems n }
uniqueItemsClause = case _schemaUniqueItems of
Just True -> top
{ forArray = singletonFormula UniqueItemsField UniqueItems }
{ forArray = singletonFormula UniqueItems }
_ -> top
(addProps, addPropSchema) <- case tracedAdditionalProperties sch of
@ -546,10 +549,10 @@ processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema{..}) = do
in pure (addProps, fromMaybe fakeSchema addPropSchema)
pure (k, Property (k `elem` _schemaRequired) f psch)
allBottom f = getAll $ foldType $ \ty -> case ty f of
allBottom f = getAll $ foldType $ \_ ty -> case ty f of
BottomFormula -> All True
_ -> All False
allTop f = getAll $ foldType $ \ty -> case ty f of
allTop f = getAll $ foldType $ \_ ty -> case ty f of
TopFormula -> All True
_ -> All False
-- remove optional fields whose schemata match that of additional props
@ -561,21 +564,21 @@ processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema{..}) = do
= top -- if all fields are optional and have trivial schemata
| otherwise
= top
{ forObject = singletonFormula PropertiesFields $ Properties propMap addProps addPropSchema }
{ forObject = singletonFormula $ Properties propMap addProps addPropSchema }
maxPropertiesClause = case _schemaMaxProperties of
Nothing -> top
Just n -> top
{ forObject = singletonFormula MaxPropertiesField $ MaxProperties n }
{ forObject = singletonFormula $ MaxProperties n }
minPropertiesClause = case _schemaMinProperties of
Nothing -> top
Just n -> top
{ forObject = singletonFormula MinPropertiesField $ MinProperties n }
{ forObject = singletonFormula $ MinProperties n }
| Just True <- _schemaNullable = bottom
{ forNull = singletonFormula NullableField $ Exactly TNull }
{ forNull = singletonFormula $ Exactly TNull }
| otherwise = bottom
pure $ nullableClause \/ meets (allClauses <>
@ -585,24 +588,24 @@ processSchema sch@(extract -> Schema{..}) = do
, uniqueItemsClause, propertiesClause, maxPropertiesClause, minPropertiesClause])
{- TODO: ReadOnly/WriteOnly -}
checkOneOfDisjoint :: [Traced OpenApi (Referenced Schema)] -> ProcessM Bool
checkOneOfDisjoint :: [Traced (Referenced Schema)] -> ProcessM Bool
checkOneOfDisjoint = const $ pure True -- TODO
:: Definitions Schema
-> Traced OpenApi Schema
-> (ForeachType (JsonFormula OpenApi), T.TracePrefixTree SubtreeCheckIssue OpenApi)
:: Traced (Definitions Schema)
-> Traced Schema
-> (ForeachType JsonFormula, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'SchemaLevel)
schemaToFormula defs rs = runWriter . (`runReaderT` defs) $ processSchema rs
:: HasAll (CheckEnv Schema) xs
=> HList xs
-> Trace OpenApi Schema
-> ProdCons (ForeachType (JsonFormula OpenApi), T.TracePrefixTree SubtreeCheckIssue OpenApi)
-> Behavior 'SchemaLevel
-> ProdCons (ForeachType JsonFormula, P.PathsPrefixTree Behave AnIssue 'SchemaLevel)
-> CompatFormula ()
checkFormulas env tr (ProdCons (fp, ep) (fc, ec)) =
case T.toList ep ++ T.toList ec of
issues@(_:_) -> F.for_ issues $ \(AnItem t (SubtreeCheckIssue e)) -> issueAtTrace t e
checkFormulas env beh (ProdCons (fp, ep) (fc, ec)) =
case P.toList ep ++ P.toList ec of
issues@(_:_) -> F.for_ issues $ \(AnItem t (AnIssue e)) -> issueAt (beh >>> t) e
[] -> do
-- We have the following isomorphisms:
-- (A ⊂ X Y) = (A ⊂ X) \/ (A ⊂ Y)
@ -631,120 +634,122 @@ checkFormulas env tr (ProdCons (fp, ep) (fc, ec)) =
-- (_i ⋂_j A[i,j]) ⊂ ∅ = /\_i (⋂_j A[i,j]) ⊂ ∅
-- where we again delegate (⋂_j A[j]) ⊂ ∅ to a heuristic, though here the
-- shortcut of \/_j A[j] ⊂ ∅ hardly helps.
forType_ $ \ty ->
forType_ $ \tyName ty -> do
let beh' = beh >>> step (OfType tyName)
case (ty fp, ty fc) of
(DNF pss, BottomFormula) -> F.for_ pss $ \(Conjunct ps) -> checkContradiction tr ps
(DNF pss, BottomFormula) -> F.for_ pss $ \(Conjunct ps) -> checkContradiction beh' ps
(DNF pss, SingleConjunct cs) -> F.for_ pss $ \(Conjunct ps) -> do
F.for_ cs $ checkImplication env ps -- avoid disjuntion if there's only one conjunct
F.for_ cs $ checkImplication env beh' ps -- avoid disjuntion if there's only one conjunct
(DNF pss, DNF css) -> F.for_ pss $ \(Conjunct ps) -> do
anyOfM tr (NoMatchingCondition $ SomeCondition <$> ps)
[F.for_ cs $ checkImplication env ps | Conjunct cs <- S.toList css]
anyOfAt beh' (NoMatchingCondition $ SomeCondition <$> ps)
[F.for_ cs $ checkImplication env beh' ps | Conjunct cs <- S.toList css]
:: Trace OpenApi Schema
-> [Traced OpenApi (Condition t)]
:: Behavior 'TypedSchemaLevel
-> [Condition t]
-> CompatFormula ()
checkContradiction tr _ = issueAtTrace tr NoContradiction -- TODO
checkContradiction beh _ = issueAt beh NoContradiction -- TODO
:: (HasAll (CheckEnv Schema) xs, Typeable t)
:: (HasAll (CheckEnv Schema) xs)
=> HList xs
-> [Traced OpenApi (Condition t)]
-> Traced OpenApi (Condition t)
-> Behavior 'TypedSchemaLevel
-> [Condition t]
-> Condition t
-> CompatFormula ()
checkImplication env prods cons = case findExactly prods of
checkImplication env beh prods cons = case findExactly prods of
Just e
| all (satisfiesTyped e) (extract <$> prods) ->
if satisfiesTyped e $ extract cons then pure ()
else issueAt cons (EnumDoesntSatisfy e)
| all (satisfiesTyped e) prods ->
if satisfiesTyped e cons then pure ()
else issueAt beh (EnumDoesntSatisfy $ untypeValue e)
| otherwise -> pure () -- vacuously true
Nothing -> case extract cons of
Nothing -> case cons of
-- the above code didn't catch it, so there's no Exactly condition on the lhs
Exactly e -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingEnum e)
Exactly e -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingEnum $ untypeValue e)
Maximum m -> case findRelevant min (\case Maximum m' -> Just m'; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just m' -> if m' <= m then pure ()
else issueAt cons (MatchingMaximumWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingMaximum m)
else issueAt beh (MatchingMaximumWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingMaximum m)
Minimum m -> case findRelevant max (\case Minimum m' -> Just m'; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just m' -> if m' >= m then pure ()
else issueAt cons (MatchingMinimumWeak (coerce m) (coerce m'))
Nothing -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingMinimum (coerce m))
else issueAt beh (MatchingMinimumWeak (coerce m) (coerce m'))
Nothing -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingMinimum (coerce m))
MultipleOf m -> case findRelevant lcmScientific (\case MultipleOf m' -> Just m'; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just m' -> if lcmScientific m m' == m' then pure ()
else issueAt cons (MatchingMultipleOfWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingMultipleOf m)
NumberFormat f -> if any (\case NumberFormat f' -> f == f'; _ -> False) $ extract <$> prods
then pure () else issueAt cons (NoMatchingFormat f)
else issueAt beh (MatchingMultipleOfWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingMultipleOf m)
NumberFormat f -> if any (\case NumberFormat f' -> f == f'; _ -> False) prods
then pure () else issueAt beh (NoMatchingFormat f)
MaxLength m -> case findRelevant min (\case MaxLength m' -> Just m'; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just m' -> if m' <= m then pure ()
else issueAt cons (MatchingMaxLengthWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingMaxLength m)
else issueAt beh (MatchingMaxLengthWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingMaxLength m)
MinLength m -> case findRelevant max (\case MinLength m' -> Just m'; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just m' -> if m' >= m then pure ()
else issueAt cons (MatchingMinLengthWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingMinLength m)
Pattern p -> if any (\case Pattern p' -> p == p'; _ -> False) $ extract <$> prods
then pure () else issueAt cons (NoMatchingPattern p)
StringFormat f -> if any (\case StringFormat f' -> f == f'; _ -> False) $ extract <$> prods
then pure () else issueAt cons (NoMatchingFormat f)
else issueAt beh (MatchingMinLengthWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingMinLength m)
Pattern p -> if any (\case Pattern p' -> p == p'; _ -> False) prods
then pure () else issueAt beh (NoMatchingPattern p) -- TODO: regex comparison
StringFormat f -> if any (\case StringFormat f' -> f == f'; _ -> False) prods
then pure () else issueAt beh (NoMatchingFormat f)
Items _ cons' -> case findRelevant (<>) (\case Items _ rs -> Just (rs NE.:| []); _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just (rs NE.:| []) -> checkCompatibility env $ ProdCons rs cons'
Just (rs NE.:| []) -> checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step InItems) $ ProdCons rs cons'
Just rs -> do
let sch = Inline mempty { _schemaAllOf = Just . NE.toList $ extract <$> rs }
checkCompatibility env $ ProdCons (traced (ask $ NE.head rs) sch) cons' -- TODO: bad trace
Nothing -> issueAt cons NoMatchingItems
checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step InItems) $ ProdCons (traced (ask $ NE.head rs) sch) cons' -- TODO: bad trace
Nothing -> issueAt beh NoMatchingItems
MaxItems m -> case findRelevant min (\case MaxItems m' -> Just m'; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just m' -> if m' <= m then pure ()
else issueAt cons (MatchingMaxItemsWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingMaxItems m)
else issueAt beh (MatchingMaxItemsWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingMaxItems m)
MinItems m -> case findRelevant max (\case MinItems m' -> Just m'; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just m' -> if m' >= m then pure ()
else issueAt cons (MatchingMinItemsWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingMinItems m)
UniqueItems -> if any (== UniqueItems) $ extract <$> prods then pure ()
else issueAt cons NoMatchingUniqueItems
else issueAt beh (MatchingMinItemsWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingMinItems m)
UniqueItems -> if any (== UniqueItems) $ prods then pure ()
else issueAt beh NoMatchingUniqueItems
Properties props _ madd -> case findRelevant (<>) (\case Properties props' _ madd' -> Just $ (props', madd') NE.:| []; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just ((props', madd') NE.:| []) -> do
F.for_ (S.fromList $ M.keys props <> M.keys props') $ \k -> do
let go sch sch' = checkCompatibility env (ProdCons sch sch')
let go sch sch' = checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step (InProperty k)) (ProdCons sch sch')
case (M.lookup k props', madd', M.lookup k props, madd) of
(Nothing, Nothing, _, _) -> pure () -- vacuously
(_, _, Nothing, Nothing) -> issueAt cons (UnexpectedProperty k)
(_, _, Nothing, Nothing) -> issueAt beh (UnexpectedProperty k)
(Just p', _, Just p, _) -> go (propRefSchema p') (propRefSchema p)
(Nothing, Just add', Just p, _) -> go add' (propRefSchema p)
(Just p', _, Nothing, Just add) -> go (propRefSchema p') add
(Nothing, Just _, Nothing, Just _) -> pure ()
case (maybe False propRequired $ M.lookup k props', maybe False propRequired $ M.lookup k props) of
(False, True) -> issueAt cons (PropertyNowRequired k)
(False, True) -> issueAt beh (PropertyNowRequired k)
_ -> pure ()
pure ()
case (madd', madd) of
(Nothing, _) -> pure () -- vacuously
(_, Nothing) -> issueAt cons NoAdditionalProperties
(Just add', Just add) -> checkCompatibility env (ProdCons add' add)
(_, Nothing) -> issueAt beh NoAdditionalProperties
(Just add', Just add) -> checkCompatibility env (beh >>> step InAdditionalProperty) (ProdCons add' add)
pure ()
Nothing -> issueAt cons NoMatchingProperties
Nothing -> issueAt beh NoMatchingProperties
MaxProperties m -> case findRelevant min (\case MaxProperties m' -> Just m'; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just m' -> if m' <= m then pure ()
else issueAt cons (MatchingMaxPropertiesWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingMaxProperties m)
else issueAt beh (MatchingMaxPropertiesWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingMaxProperties m)
MinProperties m -> case findRelevant max (\case MinProperties m' -> Just m'; _ -> Nothing) prods of
Just m' -> if m' >= m then pure ()
else issueAt cons (MatchingMinPropertiesWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt cons (NoMatchingMinProperties m)
else issueAt beh (MatchingMinPropertiesWeak m m')
Nothing -> issueAt beh (NoMatchingMinProperties m)
findExactly ((extract -> Exactly x):_) = Just x
findExactly (Exactly x:_) = Just x
findExactly (_:xs) = findExactly xs
findExactly [] = Nothing
findRelevant combine extr
= fmap (foldr1 combine) . NE.nonEmpty . mapMaybe (extr . extract)
= fmap (foldr1 combine) . NE.nonEmpty . mapMaybe extr
lcmScientific (toRational -> a) (toRational -> b)
= fromRational $ lcm (numerator a) (numerator b) % gcd (denominator a) (denominator b)
instance Typeable t => Subtree (Condition t) where
data CheckIssue (Condition t)
= EnumDoesntSatisfy (TypedValue t)
| NoMatchingEnum (TypedValue t)
instance Issuable 'TypedSchemaLevel where
data Issue 'TypedSchemaLevel
= EnumDoesntSatisfy A.Value
| NoMatchingEnum A.Value
| NoMatchingMaximum (Bound Scientific)
| MatchingMaximumWeak (Bound Scientific) (Bound Scientific)
| NoMatchingMinimum (Bound Scientific)
@ -771,29 +776,42 @@ instance Typeable t => Subtree (Condition t) where
| MatchingMaxPropertiesWeak Integer Integer
| NoMatchingMinProperties Integer
| MatchingMinPropertiesWeak Integer Integer
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
type CheckEnv (Condition t) = CheckEnv Schema
normalizeTrace = undefined
checkCompatibility env pc = checkImplication env [producer pc] (consumer pc)
instance Subtree Schema where
data CheckIssue Schema
= NotSupported Text
| InvalidSchema Text
| NoMatchingCondition [SomeCondition]
| NoContradiction
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
type CheckEnv Schema = '[ProdCons (Definitions Schema)]
checkCompatibility env schs = do
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Issuable 'SchemaLevel where
data Issue 'SchemaLevel
= NotSupported Text
| InvalidSchema Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = True
instance Behavable 'SchemaLevel 'TypedSchemaLevel where
data Behave 'SchemaLevel 'TypedSchemaLevel
= OfType JsonType
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Behavable 'TypedSchemaLevel 'SchemaLevel where
data Behave 'TypedSchemaLevel 'SchemaLevel
= InItems
| InProperty Text
| InAdditionalProperty
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree Schema where
type SubtreeLevel Schema = 'SchemaLevel
type CheckEnv Schema = '[ProdCons (Traced (Definitions Schema))]
checkCompatibility env beh schs = do
let defs = getH env
checkFormulas env (ask $ producer schs) $ schemaToFormula <$> defs <*> schs
checkFormulas env beh $ schemaToFormula <$> defs <*> schs
instance Subtree (Referenced Schema) where
data CheckIssue (Referenced Schema)
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
type SubtreeLevel (Referenced Schema) = 'SchemaLevel
type CheckEnv (Referenced Schema) = CheckEnv Schema
checkCompatibility env refs = do
checkCompatibility env beh refs = do
defs = getH env
schs = dereference <$> defs <*> refs
checkFormulas env (ask $ producer schs) $ schemaToFormula <$> defs <*> schs
checkFormulas env beh $ schemaToFormula <$> defs <*> schs

View File

@ -1,18 +1,23 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.SecurityRequirement
( CheckIssue (..)
( Issue (..)
) where
import Data.OpenApi
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
instance Issuable 'SecurityRequirementLevel where
data Issue 'SecurityRequirementLevel
= SecurityRequirementNotMet
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Subtree SecurityRequirement where
type SubtreeLevel SecurityRequirement = 'SecurityRequirementLevel
CheckEnv SecurityRequirement =
'[ ProdCons (Definitions SecurityScheme)
'[ ProdCons (Traced (Definitions SecurityScheme))
data CheckIssue SecurityRequirement
= SecurityRequirementNotMet
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility = undefined

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Server
( CheckIssue (..)
( Issue (..)
@ -20,41 +20,51 @@ import Data.OpenApi
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Traversable
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.MediaTypeObject
import Prelude as P
:: Traced' r [Server] Server
-> Traced' r ProcessedServer (Either (CheckIssue ProcessedServer) ProcessedServer)
:: Server
-> Either (Issue 'ServerLevel) ProcessedServer
tracedParsedServerUrlParts s =
let rawURL = _serverUrl $ extract s
parsedUrl = parseServerUrl rawURL
serverVariables = _serverVariables $ extract s
in traced (ask s >>> step (ServerStep rawURL)) $
& (traverse . traverse)
(\var -> case IOHM.lookup var serverVariables of
Nothing -> Left VariableNotDefined
Just x -> Right x)
let parsedUrl = parseServerUrl $ _serverUrl s
lookupVar var = case IOHM.lookup var (_serverVariables s) of
Nothing -> Left $ ServerVariableNotDefined var
Just x -> Right x
in (traverse @[] . traverse @ServerUrlPart) lookupVar parsedUrl
instance Behavable 'OperationLevel 'ServerLevel where
data Behave 'OperationLevel 'ServerLevel
= InServer Text
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree [Server] where
type SubtreeLevel [Server] = 'OperationLevel
type CheckEnv [Server] = '[]
data CheckIssue [Server]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility env pcServer = do
checkCompatibility env beh pcServer = do
let (ProdCons (pErrs, pUrls) (cErrs, cUrls)) =
pcServer <&> partitionEithers . fmap (bicosequence . tracedParsedServerUrlParts) . sequence
bicosequence :: Comonad f => f (Either a b) -> Either (f a) (f b)
bicosequence x = case extract x of
Left e -> Left $ x $> e
Right a -> Right $ x $> a
throwAllErrors = traverse_ tracedIssue
throwAllErrors pErrs
throwAllErrors cErrs
for_ pUrls $ \cUrl -> do
let potentiallyCompatible = P.filter ((staticCompatible `on` extract) cUrl) cUrls
anyOfSubtreeAt cUrl ServerNotMatched $ potentiallyCompatible <&> (checkCompatibility env . ProdCons cUrl)
<&> partitionEithers
. fmap
(\(Traced t s) ->
let bhv = beh >>> step (InServer $ _serverUrl s)
in case tracedParsedServerUrlParts s of
Left e -> Left $ issueAt bhv e
Right u -> Right (bhv, Traced (t >>> step (ServerStep $ _serverUrl s)) u))
. sequence
sequenceA_ pErrs
sequenceA_ cErrs
for_ pUrls $ \(bhv, pUrl) -> do
let potentiallyCompatible = P.filter ((staticCompatible `on` extract) pUrl) $ fmap snd cUrls
[ checkCompatibility env bhv (ProdCons pUrl cUrl)
| cUrl <- potentiallyCompatible
pure ()
type ProcessedServer = [ServerUrlPart ServerVariable]
@ -108,22 +118,26 @@ instance Steppable [Server] ProcessedServer where
data Step [Server] ProcessedServer = ServerStep Text
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Subtree ProcessedServer where
type CheckEnv ProcessedServer = '[]
data CheckIssue ProcessedServer
= VariableNotDefined
| ServerNotMatched
| EnumValueNotConsumed Int Text
instance Issuable 'ServerLevel where
data Issue 'ServerLevel
= EnumValueNotConsumed Int Text
| ConsumerNotOpen Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
checkCompatibility _ pc@(ProdCons p _) =
| ServerVariableNotDefined Text
| ServerNotMatched
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
issueIsUnsupported _ = False
instance Subtree ProcessedServer where
type SubtreeLevel ProcessedServer = 'ServerLevel
type CheckEnv ProcessedServer = '[]
checkCompatibility _ beh pc =
-- traversing here is fine because we have already filtered for length
for_ (zip [0 ..] $ zipProdCons . fmap (fmap unifyPart . extract) $ pc) $ \(i, pcPart) -> case pcPart of
(Just x, Just y) -> for_ x $ \v -> unless (v `IOHS.member` y) (issueAt p $ EnumValueNotConsumed i v)
(Just x, Just y) -> for_ x $ \v -> unless (v `IOHS.member` y) (issueAt beh $ EnumValueNotConsumed i v)
-- Consumer can consume anything
(_, Nothing) -> pure ()
-- Producer can produce anythings, but consumer has a finite enum ;(
(Nothing, Just _) -> issueAt p (ConsumerNotOpen i)
(Nothing, Just _) -> issueAt beh (ConsumerNotOpen i)
zipProdCons :: ProdCons [a] -> [(a, a)]
zipProdCons (ProdCons x y) = zip x y

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@ -5,22 +5,20 @@ module OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.Sums
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import OpenAPI.Checker.Behavior
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
:: forall k r t
. (Ord k, Subtree t)
=> (k -> CheckIssue t)
-> (k -> ProdCons (Traced r t) -> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r ())
-> ProdCons (Map k (Traced r t))
-> CompatFormula' SubtreeCheckIssue r ()
checkSums noElt check (ProdCons p c) = for_ (M.toList p) $ \(key, prodElt) ->
:: (Ord k, Issuable l)
=> Paths q r l
-> (k -> Issue l)
-> (k -> ProdCons t -> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ())
-> ProdCons (Map k t)
-> CompatFormula' q AnIssue r ()
checkSums xs noElt check (ProdCons p c) = for_ (M.toList p) $ \(key, prodElt) ->
case M.lookup key c of
Nothing -> issueAt prodElt $ noElt key
Nothing -> issueAt xs $ noElt key
Just consElt ->
sumElts :: ProdCons (Traced r t)
sumElts = ProdCons prodElt consElt
let sumElts = ProdCons prodElt consElt
in check key sumElts

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Control.Category
import Data.HList
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml
import OpenAPI.Checker.Subtree
import OpenAPI.Checker.Trace
import OpenAPI.Checker.Paths
import OpenAPI.Checker.Validate.OpenApi ()
import Spec.Golden.Extra
import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ tests =
("a.yaml", "b.yaml")
(runCompatFormula . checkCompatibility HNil . fmap (traced Root) . uncurry ProdCons)
(runCompatFormula . checkCompatibility HNil Root . fmap (traced Root) . uncurry ProdCons)

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@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
RequestMediaTypeObject application/json:
ReferencedStep (Reference {getReference = "Test"}):
MaximumFields: MatchingMaximumWeak (Inclusive 2.0) (Inclusive 3.0)
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
OfType Number: MatchingMaximumWeak (Inclusive 2.0) (Inclusive 3.0)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
OperationParamsStep 0:
InlineStep: ParamEmptinessIncompatible
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
InParam "test1": ParamEmptinessIncompatible

View File

@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
OperationParamsStep 0:
InlineStep: NoContradiction
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
InParam "test":
OfType String: NoContradiction

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
OperationParamsStep 0:
InlineStep: ParamRequired
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
InParam "test1": ParamRequired

View File

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
OperationParamsStep 1:
InlineStep: ParamNotMatched "test2"
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod: ParamNotMatched "test2"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
RequestMediaTypeObject application/json:
InlineStep: NoContradiction
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
OfType String: NoContradiction

View File

@ -1,7 +1,4 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
RequestMediaTypeObject application/x-www-form-urlencoded: RequestMediaTypeNotFound
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
InRequest: RequestMediaTypeNotFound application/x-www-form-urlencoded

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
InlineStep: RequestBodyRequired
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
InRequest: RequestBodyRequired

View File

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
ResponseCodeStep 500:
InlineStep: ResponseCodeNotFound
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod: ResponseCodeNotFound 500

View File

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
ResponseCodeStep 200:
ResponseHeader "Test2":
InlineStep: ResponseHeaderMissing
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
WithStatusCode 200: ResponseHeaderMissing "Test2"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,4 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
ResponseCodeStep 200:
ResponseMediaObject application/x-www-form-urlencoded: ResponseMediaTypeMissing
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
WithStatusCode 200: ResponseMediaTypeMissing application/x-www-form-urlencoded

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
ResponseCodeStep 200:
ResponseMediaObject application/json:
InlineStep: NoContradiction
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
WithStatusCode 200:
OfType Boolean: NoContradiction

View File

@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
ResponseCodeStep 200:
ResponseMediaObject application/json:
ReferencedStep (Reference {getReference = "Test"}):
PropertiesFields: PropertyNowRequired "property2"
RequestMediaTypeObject application/json:
ReferencedStep (Reference {getReference = "Test"}):
PropertiesFields: UnexpectedProperty "property2"
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
OfType Object: UnexpectedProperty "property2"
WithStatusCode 200:
OfType Object: PropertyNowRequired "property2"

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
MatchedPathStep "/test":
OperationMethodStep PostMethod:
RequestMediaTypeObject application/json:
ReferencedStep (Reference {getReference = "Test"}):
PropertiesFields: PropertyNowRequired "property2"
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/test", consumer = "/test"}):
InOperation PostMethod:
OfType Object: PropertyNowRequired "property2"

View File

@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
MatchedPathStep "/pets":
OperationMethodStep GetMethod:
ServerStep "http://missing.url": ServerNotMatched
ServerStep "http://{x}variable.path/{y}/{openVariable1}/{openVariable2}":
- EnumValueNotConsumed 1 "a"
- ConsumerNotOpen 7
AtPath (ProdCons {producer = "/pets", consumer = "/pets"}):
InOperation GetMethod:
InServer "http://{x}variable.path/{y}/{openVariable1}/{openVariable2}":
- EnumValueNotConsumed 1 "a"
- ConsumerNotOpen 7
InServer "http://missing.url": ServerNotMatched