
120 lines
5.7 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.List (foldl')
main :: IO()
main = do
txt <- T.readFile "data/ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.html"
let assocs = extract txt
let haskell=generate assocs
T.writeFile "src/Data/CountryCodes/ISO31661.hs" haskell
return ()
extract :: T.Text -> [(T.Text,T.Text)]
extract txt =
let tts=parseTags txt
ps1=partitions (~== TagOpen ("span"::T.Text) [("id","Officially_assigned_code_elements")]) tts
in case ps1 of
[] -> error "No span with id 'Officially_assigned_code_elements' found"
(p1 : _) ->
let ps2=partitions (~== TagOpen ("table"::T.Text) [("class","wikitable sortable")]) p1
in case ps2 of
[] -> error "No wikitable found"
(p2 : _) ->
let rows= partitions (~== TagOpen ("tr" :: T.Text) []) p2
in mapMaybe (\r ->
let tds=partitions (~== TagOpen ("td"::T.Text) []) r
in if null tds || null (head tds)
then Nothing
let cid = fromAttrib "id" $ head $ head tds
name = fromAttrib "title" $ head $ head $ partitions (~== TagOpen ("a" :: T.Text) []) r
in Just (cid,name)
) rows
generate :: [(T.Text,T.Text)] -> T.Text
generate assocs =
header = "{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, OverloadedStrings, NoImplicitPrelude, PatternGuards #-}" <> nl <>
"-- | This file is generated from the Wikipedia page" <> nl <>
"-- <>" <> nl <>
"module Data.CountryCodes.ISO31661 (" <> nl <>
" CountryCode(..)" <> nl <>
" , fromMText" <> nl <>
" , fromText" <> nl <>
" , fromMName" <> nl <>
" , fromName" <> nl <>
" , toText" <> nl <>
" , toName" <> nl <>
") where" <> nl <>
nl <>
"import Control.Applicative (pure)" <> nl <>
"import Data.Aeson" <> nl <>
"import Data.Typeable" <> nl <>
"import qualified Data.Text as T" <> nl <>
"import Prelude (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,error,($),(++),Maybe(..),(.),fail)" <> nl <>
cons = snd (foldl' constructor (True, header) assocs) <> nl <>
" deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Typeable)"
fromMTexts = foldl' fromText (cons <> nl <> nl <>
"-- | Maybe get the CountryCode from the text code." <> nl <>
"fromMText :: T.Text -> Maybe CountryCode") assocs <> nl <>
"fromMText _ = Nothing"
fromTexts = fromMTexts <> nl <> nl <>
"-- | Get the CountryCode from the text code. Errors if the code is unknown" <> nl <>
"fromText :: T.Text -> CountryCode" <> nl <>
"fromText c = case fromMText c of" <> nl <>
" Just cc -> cc" <> nl <>
" _ -> error $ \"fromText: Unknown country code:\" ++ T.unpack c"
toTexts = foldl' toText (fromTexts <> nl <> nl <>
"-- | Get the code as text." <> nl <>
"toText :: CountryCode -> T.Text") assocs
fromMNames = foldl' fromName (toTexts <> nl <> nl <>
"-- | Maybe get the code from the user readable name." <> nl <>
"fromMName :: T.Text -> Maybe CountryCode") assocs <> nl <>
"fromMName _ = Nothing"
fromNames = fromMNames <> nl <> nl <>
"-- | Get the CountryCode from the user readable name. Errors if the name is unknown" <> nl <>
"fromName:: T.Text -> CountryCode" <> nl <>
"fromName c = case fromMName c of" <> nl <>
" Just cc -> cc" <> nl <>
" _ -> error $ \"fromName: Unknown country code:\" ++ T.unpack c"
toNames = foldl' toName (fromNames <> nl <> nl <>
"-- | Get the user readable name." <> nl <>
"toName :: CountryCode -> T.Text") assocs
json = toNames <>
"-- | to json: as a simple string" <> nl <>
"instance ToJSON CountryCode where" <> nl <>
" toJSON =toJSON . toText" <> nl <>
nl <>
"-- | from json: as a simple string" <> nl <>
"instance FromJSON CountryCode where" <> nl <>
" parseJSON (String s)" <> nl <>
" | Just a <- fromMText s=pure a" <> nl <>
" parseJSON _ =fail \"CountryCode\"" <> nl
in json
constructor :: (Bool,T.Text) -> (T.Text,T.Text) -> (Bool,T.Text)
constructor (True,acc) (i,_) = (False,acc <> "data CountryCode = " <> nl <> " " <> i)
constructor (False,acc) (i,_) = (False,acc <> nl <> " | " <> i)
fromText :: T.Text -> (T.Text,T.Text) -> T.Text
fromText acc (i,_) = acc <> nl <> "fromMText \"" <> i <> "\" = Just " <> i
toText :: T.Text -> (T.Text,T.Text) -> T.Text
toText acc (i,_) = acc <> nl <> "toText " <> i <> " = \"" <> i <> "\""
fromName :: T.Text -> (T.Text,T.Text) -> T.Text
fromName acc (i,n) = acc <> nl <> "fromMName \"" <> n <> "\" = Just " <> i
toName :: T.Text -> (T.Text,T.Text) -> T.Text
toName acc (i,n) = acc <> nl <> "toName " <> i <> " = \"" <> n <> "\""
nl :: T.Text
nl = "\n"