lib/customization: Improve callPackage error message for missing args

This uses the levenshtein distance to look through all possible
arguments to find ones that are close to what was requested:

  error: Function in /home/infinisil/src/nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/text/ripgrep/default.nix
    called without required argument "fetchFromGithub",
    did you mean "fetchFromGitHub" or "fetchFromGitLab"?

With (in current nixUnstable) the error
message becomes even better, adding line location info
This commit is contained in:
Silvan Mosberger 2020-07-25 19:54:37 +02:00 committed by Profpatsch
parent f8c1aee5da
commit 1c00bf3948

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@ -117,8 +117,55 @@ rec {
callPackageWith = autoArgs: fn: args:
f = if lib.isFunction fn then fn else import fn;
auto = builtins.intersectAttrs (lib.functionArgs f) autoArgs;
in makeOverridable f (auto // args);
fargs = lib.functionArgs f;
# All arguments that will be passed to the function
# This includes automatic ones and ones passed explicitly
allArgs = builtins.intersectAttrs fargs autoArgs // args;
# A list of argument names that the function requires, but
# wouldn't be passed to it
missingArgs = lib.attrNames
# Filter out arguments that have a default value
(lib.filterAttrs (name: value: ! value)
# Filter out arguments that would be passed
(removeAttrs fargs (lib.attrNames allArgs)));
# Get a list of suggested argument names for a given missing one
getSuggestions = arg: lib.pipe (autoArgs // args) [
# Only use ones that are at most 2 edits away. While mork would work,
# levenshteinAtMost is only fast for 2 or less.
(lib.filter (lib.strings.levenshteinAtMost 2 arg))
# Put strings with shorter distance first
(lib.sort (x: y: lib.strings.levenshtein x arg < lib.strings.levenshtein y arg))
# Only take the first couple results
(lib.take 3)
# Quote all entries
(map (x: "\"" + x + "\""))
prettySuggestions = suggestions:
if suggestions == [] then ""
else if lib.length suggestions == 1 then ", did you mean ${lib.elemAt suggestions 0}?"
else ", did you mean ${lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.init suggestions)} or ${lib.last suggestions}?";
errorForArg = arg:
loc = builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos arg fargs;
# loc' can be removed once lib/minver.nix is >2.3.4, since that includes
# which makes loc be non-null
loc' = if loc != null then loc.file + ":" + toString loc.line
else if ! lib.isFunction fn then
toString fn + lib.optionalString (lib.sources.pathIsDirectory fn) "/default.nix"
else "<unknown location>";
in "Function called without required argument \"${arg}\" at "
+ "${loc'}${prettySuggestions (getSuggestions arg)}";
# Only show the error for the first missing argument
error = errorForArg (lib.head missingArgs);
in if missingArgs == [] then makeOverridable f allArgs else throw error;
/* Like callPackage, but for a function that returns an attribute