Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into expose-overlay

This commit is contained in:
John Ericson 2020-03-30 17:30:43 -04:00
commit 2e3d492c43
118 changed files with 4901 additions and 1851 deletions

.github/ vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<!-- Provide a clear overview of your changes. -->
I have:
- [ ] Based work on latest `develop` branch
- [ ] Looked for lint in my changes with `hlint .` (lint found code you did not write can be left alone)
- [ ] Run the test suite: `$(nix-build -A selftest --no-out-link)`
- [ ] (Optional) Run CI tests locally: `nix-build release.nix -A build.x86_64-linux --no-out-link` (or `x86_64-darwin` on macOS)

.gitignore vendored
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@ -2,14 +2,13 @@

.hlint.yaml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# HLint configuration file
# This file contains a template configuration file, which is typically
# placed as .hlint.yaml in the root of your project
# Specify additional command line arguments
# - arguments: [--color, --cpp-simple, -XQuasiQuotes]
# Control which extensions/flags/modules/functions can be used
# - extensions:
# - default: false # all extension are banned by default
# - name: [PatternGuards, ViewPatterns] # only these listed extensions can be used
# - {name: CPP, within: CrossPlatform} # CPP can only be used in a given module
# - flags:
# - {name: -w, within: []} # -w is allowed nowhere
# - modules:
# - {name: [Data.Set, Data.HashSet], as: Set} # if you import Data.Set qualified, it must be as 'Set'
# - {name: Control.Arrow, within: []} # Certain modules are banned entirely
# - functions:
# - {name: unsafePerformIO, within: []} # unsafePerformIO can only appear in no modules
# Add custom hints for this project
# Will suggest replacing "wibbleMany [myvar]" with "wibbleOne myvar"
# - error: {lhs: "wibbleMany [x]", rhs: wibbleOne x}
# Turn on hints that are off by default
# Ban "module X(module X) where", to require a real export list
# - warn: {name: Use explicit module export list}
# Replace a $ b $ c with a . b $ c
# - group: {name: dollar, enabled: true}
# Generalise map to fmap, ++ to <>
# - group: {name: generalise, enabled: true}
# Ignore some builtin hints
- ignore: {name: Redundant do}
- ignore: {name: Redundant flip}
- ignore: {name: Use <$>}
- ignore: {name: Use camelCase}
- ignore: {name: Use if}
- ignore: {name: Use unless}
# - ignore: {name: Use const, within: SpecialModule} # Only within certain modules
# Define some custom infix operators
# - fixity: infixr 3 ~^#^~
# To generate a suitable file for HLint do:
# $ hlint --default > .hlint.yaml

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@ -1,9 +1,79 @@
## Contributing to Obelisk
# Contribution Guide
Thanks for taking the time to contribute!
Contributions and issue reports are encouraged and appreciated!
Before submitting a pull request, please run the tests:
- [Opening Issues](#opening-issues)
- [Submitting Changes](#submitting-changes)
- [Guidelines for Commit Messages](#guidelines-for-commit-messages)
- [Guidelines for Pull Requests](#guidelines-for-pull-requests)
- [Code Quality](#code-quality)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
## Opening Issues
Before opening an issue, please check whether your issue has already been reported. Assuming it has not:
* Describe the issue you're encountering or the suggestion you're making
* Include any relevant steps to reproduce or code samples you can. It's always easier for us to debug if we have something that demonstrates the error.
* Let us know what version of this project you were using. If you're using a github checkout, provide the git hash.
## Submitting Changes
Most pull requests should target the `develop` branch. `master` is the release branch. `develop` is periodically merged into master after a period of testing.
### Guidelines for Commit Messages
#### Summary Line
The summary line of your commit message should summarize the changes being made. Commit messages should be written in the imperative mood and should describe what happens when the commit is applied. If your commit modifies one of the in-tree haskell packages (found in `./lib`), please prefix your commit summary with the name of the package being modified.
One way to think about it is that your commit message should be able to complete the sentence:
"When applied, this commit will..."
##### Note on bumping dependencies
Commits that update a dependency should include some information about why the dependency was updated in the commit message.
#### Body
For breaking changes, new features, refactors, or other major changes, the body of the commit message should describe the motivation behind the change in greater detail and may include references to the issue tracker. The body shouldn't repeat code/comments from the diff.
### Guidelines for Pull Requests
Wherever possible, pull requests should add a single feature or fix a single bug. Pull requests should not bundle several unrelated changes.
### Code Quality
#### Warnings
Your pull request should add no new warnings to the project. It should also generally not disable any warnings.
#### Build and Test
Make sure the project builds and that the tests pass! This will generally also be checked by CI before merge, but trying it yourself first means you'll catch problems earlier and your contribution can be merged that much sooner!
You can run the tests like this:
$(nix-build -A selftest --no-out-link)
To test that your changes build across platforms, you can also try to build release.nix, like this:
nix-build release.nix
Note, however, that to build release.nix you must accept the android license agreement and your machine must be configured to build both ios and android executables (usually via remote builders).
### Documentation
#### In the code
We're always striving to improve documentation. Please include [haddock]( documentation for any added code, and update the documentation for any code you modify.
#### In the [Changelog](
Add an entry to the changelog when your PR:
* Adds a feature
* Deprecates something
* Includes a breaking change
* Makes any other change that will impact users
#### In the [Readme](
The readme is the first place a lot of people look for information about the repository. Update any parts of the readme that are affected by your PR.

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# Revision history for obelisk
This project's release branch is `master`. This log is written from the perspective of the release branch: when changes hit `master`, they are considered released, and the date should reflect that release.
## v0.7.0.1
* Fix the version number for `ob` the command-line tool. ([#679](
## v0.7.0.0
* Fully support HTTP [Range]( requests on static assets to support Safari. ([#664](
* Support non-EC2 deployments. ([#658](
* Fix `ob deploy test android` to work. ([#645](
* Fix vulnerability where Android deployments would leave signing keys in the nix store which is world readable. ([#645]( (Thanks to [kmicklas]( for the report.)
* Add `Obelisk.Backend.runBackendWith` to allow several customizations. ([#668](, [#644](
* Add `ob profile` command to run Obelisk projects with profiling. `ob profile` works like `ob run`, but instead of using `ghci`, it builds an executable that is built with profiling enabled. ([#654](
* Obelisk's `default.nix` now exposes `mkAssets` function which is used to construct the assets served by an Obelisk application. ([#651](
* Bump reflex-platform to v0.5.2.0. ([#671](
## v0.6.0.0 - 2020-02-21
* Fix a bug in `Obelisk.Route.Frontend` where `routeLink`, `routeLinkDynAttr`, and `dynRouteLink` would not behave exactly like `<a href="...">` when run by JavaScript. These functions now scroll to the top of the page when the link is clicked. ([#540](
* Fix a bug in `ob run`/`ob watch`/`ob repl` where nested Obelisk projects would also be loaded into the session. These are now ignored. ([#652](
* Improve behavior of `ob run`/`ob watch`/`ob repl` when multiple packages with the same name are encountered. Obelisk now issues a warning and tells you which one it will use. ([#653](
* Removed `Obelisk.Backend.mkRouteToUrl` since it is easily written in terms of `Obelisk.Route.renderObeliskRoute`:
mkRouteToUrl validFullEncoder (k :/ v) = renderObeliskRoute validFullEncoder (FullRoute_Frontend (ObeliskRoute_App k) :/ v)
* Add `Obelisk.Backend.renderAllJsPath` to expose URL path to `ghcjs/all.js`. ([#545](
* Add argument to `serveDefaultObeliskApp`, `serveObeliskApp`, and `serveGhcjsApp` to take the path to `all.js` instead of hard-coding it. ([#545](
## v0.5.0.0 - 2020-02-07
* Add `Obelisk.Route.(?/)`, a convenience function for constructing routes nested in `Maybe`. ([#457](
* Add local unpacked packages to the `ob run`, `ob watch`, and `ob repl` sessions. Any `.cabal` or hpack package inside the current obelisk project will be loaded into the session. For `ob run`/`ob watch` this means the session will automatically reload when you save a source file in any of those packages. For `ob repl` it means that `:r` will reload changes to any of those packages. There are some edge cases where this integration is still rough. Report any issues you encounter. ([#489](
* Add `ob hoogle` command to start a local [Hoogle]( server for the project. ([#628](
* `ob thunk pack` will now attempt to automatically detect if the thunk is a private or public repo. To avoid this detection, specify `--private` or `--public` manually. ([#607](
* Fix a bug in the plain git thunk loader for thunks marked as 'private' when the revision is not in the default branch. ([#648](
* Improve handling of runtime nix dependencies. This may fix some issues encountered particularly by users on systems other than NixOS.
## v0.4.0.0 - 2020-01-10
* Bump reflex-platform which, notably, bumps nixpkgs to 19.09. ([#585](
* Add new thunk loader for Git repositories that supports `file://` Git remotes and supports private repositories via `builtins.fetchGit` for private repositories (when the `git.json` file specifies `"private": true`). ([#594](
* Add a new thunk loader for GitHub repositories that uses `builtins.fetchTarball` for public repositories to increase loader performance and uses `fetchFromGitHub` for private repositories (when the `github.json` file specifies `"private": true`). Note that `fetchFromGitHub` requires some Nix configuration for the Nix builder to access the repository. If `ob thunk pack` fails in this case, use `-v` to see Nix's helpful message. ([#594](
* Add `--public`/`--private` options to `ob thunk pack` to specify if a repository should be treated as a public or private. ([#594](
* Improve error messaging when a dependency doesn't have the expected `.cabal` or `package.yaml` file. ([#597](
* Improve the skeleton in small ways. ([#593](, [#589](
* Fix `ob` commands to again support running from any subdirectory of an obelisk project ([#591](
* Add `reflex-platform-func` argument to Obelisk's `default.nix`. It defaults to it's prior behavior of using the reflex-platform in in `dep`. ([#612](
## v0.3.0.0 - 2019-12-20
* Change the structure of Obelisk routes to use a designated
`FullRoute` type. This combines frontend and backend routes into one
structure. This is a **breaking** change which requires Obelisk apps
to take specific migrations. They are:
* Rewrite the implementation of `_backend_routeEncoder` in
`Backend` to use `mkFullRouteEncoder` instead of
`handleEncoder`. Specifically, the backend and frontend cases of
the top-level `pathComponentEncoder` become the second and third
arguments of `mkFullRouteEncoder` respectively, while the
missing route becomes the first argument. An example of how to
do this is available in [a reflex-examples
* Replace type constructions of `InL` with `FullRoute_Backend` and
`InR` with `FullRoute_Frontend`.
* Generalised `pathSegmentEncoder`, added `pathFieldEncoder`.
* Added some `Prism`s to the encoder library for manipulating `DSum`s.
* Add `ob doc` command, which lists paths to haddock documentation for specified packages.
* Bump reflex-platform so that obelisk now uses GHC 8.6.5 and the nixos-19.03 nixpkgs set.
* Add support in `obelisk-route` for single parameters in URL paths.
* Bump reflex-platform so that obelisk now uses reflex-dom
* Use a `--pure` nix shell in `ob run` for parity with `ob repl` and more resilience against "works on my machine".
* Pin usages of `<nixpkgs>` in obelisk thunks, etc. to the nixpkgs used by the project's obelisk impl.
* Backport ACMEv2 support in obelisk server to regain LetsEncrypt account creation.
* Enable HTTPS in `ob run`.
* `ob run` now handles `ghci` errors better, and includes a custom `ghcid`
version. As a result, you no longer need to have ghcid installed to
use `ob run`, as we provide one for you.
* `ob` commands now complain less on systems with umasks other than `0022`.
* Ignore package environment files in `ob run` and `ob repl`.
* Add `Obelisk.Route.Frontend.routeLinkDynAttr`.
## v0.2.0.0 - 2019-8-17
* Configs become ByteStrings.
* FrontendConfigsT has been changed into ConfigsT and configs are made available via getConfig/getConfigs
* The frontend will still only have access to configs that are placed in config/frontend and config/common, while the backend has access to the entire contents of the config directory via `Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup.getConfigs`.
* The backend no longer runs in BackendConfigsT.
* Add tabulation package. See Data.Tabulation for details.
* Add encoders for `DMap`, `HasFields` (cf. Data.Tabulation), and JSON.
* Use IP address for nginx proxy pass instead of localhost
## v0.1.1.0 - 2019-05-17
* Fix crashes of Android apps on 32-bit ARM devices.
* Provide a way to indicate acceptance of the Android SDK license by passing `config.android_sdk.accept_license = true;` in the arguments to the import of `.obelisk/impl` in the project's `default.nix`.
* Add `COMPLETE` pragma to `(:/)`. Using this pattern synonym should no longer generate spurious warnings about non-exhaustive pattern matching.
* Make asset path hashing strict (see `Obelisk.Asset.Gather`)
* Add the `ob shell` command to enter a nix shell for an obelisk project
* Allow skeleton's obelisk to be overridden. This changes the skeleton's default.nix interface: the arguments that it used to take are now part of the new "obelisk" argument.
* Removed `MonadIO` from `ObeliskWidget` to prevent accidental IO during prerendering. If you need to do IO in a widget it should be on the right hand side of a `prerender`.
* Significantly changed the interface to the "executable config" packages. `obelisk-executable-config-lookup` is a new internal package which looks up all configs in a platform-specific way. `obelisk-executable-frontend` and `obelisk-executable-backend` provide MTL-style monad classes (`HasFrontendConfigs` and `HasBackendConfigs`) which the frontend and backend, respectively, can use to look up configs. This replaces the old `get` function which ran in `IO`.
* Add a flag to force thunk packing even if there are unpushed changes in the unpacked thunk.
## v0.1.0.0 - 2019-03-29
* Use reflex-dom's `HydrationDomBuilder` to "hydrate" statically rendered DOM served by the Obelisk backend (rather than re-creating DOM and replacing it all).
* Add `HasCookies` and `CookiesT` to allow `ObeliskWidget`s to access cookies during static and "hydrated" DOM rendering.

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# Frequently Asked Questions
1. [How do I fix invalid entitlements? ](#how-do-i-fix-invalid-entitlements)
1. [`ob thunk update` or `ob deploy update` fails](#ob-thunk-update-or-ob-deploy-update-fails)
1. [How do I fix `Ambiguous module name` errors?](#how-do-i-fix-ambiguous-module-name-errors)
1. [What does `ob run` actually do?](#what-does-ob-run-actually-do)
### How do I fix invalid entitlements?
@ -13,3 +16,107 @@ When this happens you'll see an error something like this:
Fixing the value of `ios.bundleIdentifier` should fix the error.
### `ob thunk update` or `ob deploy update` fails
Whenever an `ob` command fails, try re-running it with `-v`.
If you're using a private repo, and you get a failure in nix-prefetch-url, you may need to unpack and repack the thunk. Here's some example output that shows this issue:
Starting Obelisk </nix/store/j8wls8a89xr6s1a47lg6g83gnbdrfd0l-obelisk-command-0.1/bin/.ob-wrapped> args=["deploy","update","-v"] logging-level=Debug
Creating process: 'nix-build' './.obelisk/impl' '-A' 'command' '--no-out-link'
✔ Built on ./.obelisk/impl [command]
Handing off to /nix/store/j8wls8a89xr6s1a47lg6g83gnbdrfd0l-obelisk-command-0.1/bin/ob
Starting Obelisk </nix/store/j8wls8a89xr6s1a47lg6g83gnbdrfd0l-obelisk-command-0.1/bin/.ob-wrapped> args=["--no-handoff","deploy","update","-v"] logging-level=Debug
Creating process: 'git' 'ls-remote' '--exit-code' '--symref' '' 'refs/heads/master'
git ls-remote maps: (fromList [],fromList [(GitRef_Branch "master","8546dfc8be9653f20bb26214e0991dbb957cb290")])
Latest commit in branch master from remote repo is 8546dfc8be9653f20bb26214e0991dbb957cb290
Creating process: 'nix-prefetch-url' '--unpack' '--type' 'sha256' ''
error: unable to download '': HTTP error 404
Process exited with code 1; 'nix-prefetch-url' '--unpack' '--type' 'sha256' ''
nix-prefetch-url: Failed to determine sha256 hash of URL
✖ Updating thunk ./src to latest
And here's how you can fix it:
ob thunk unpack $SOME_THUNK
ob thunk pack $SOME_THUNK
Substitute the directory of your thunk for `$SOME_THUNK`. In the case of `ob deploy update`, `$SOME_THUNK` will be `src` in the deployment directory.
(Based on issue #351).
### How do I fix `Ambiguous module name` errors?
Since obelisk places the common/backend/frontend modules packages into the same ghci, and ghci doesn't "sandbox" them, it is possible to have conflicting module errors inside `ob repl/watch/run` that do not appear when doing a cabal build.
You can disambiguate this via [PackageImports]( For instance, if you see
Ambiguous module name Crypto.Hash:
it was found in multiple packages:
cryptohash-0.11.9 cryptonite-0.25
then specify the package you want in the import, e.g:
`import "cryptonite" Crypto.Hash`
### What does `ob run` actually do?
#### Short version:
`ob run` starts a [`ghcid`]( process which
tries to build your project within a carefully crafted `nix-shell` with all the
project's dependencies and,
* either displays compilation errors/warnings,
* or starts the Obelisk server, which serves:
* your backend's route handlers,
* the static assets,
* the [JSaddle]( frontend code (while opening its websocket).
#### Longer version:
Assuming we are in a project created with `ob init`, `ob run` calls (see
nix-shell --pure -A shells.ghc --run 'ob --no-handoff internal run-static-io <real-run-function>'
* `shells.ghc` is defined in `./default.nix` by importing `./.obelisk/impl/default.nix` which
is `default.nix` in the present (Obelisk) repository,
* `run-static-io` is a logging-enabled command wrapper
(cf. `runObelisk` in `lib/command/src/Obelisk/App.hs`).
In this case, it runs the function `` (defined in
* It creates a GHCi config from a Nix expression which:
* loads three packages: `backend`, `common`, `frontend`,
* obtains a free port number.
* Then runs `ghcid`
* with a command that reruns `` at each restart (option
It is defined in `lib/run/src/Obelisk/Run.hs`:
* It creates a thread which starts the main backend.
This runs `runSnapWithCommandLineArgs` and passes routes:
* to the backend (result of the `_backend_run` field of your
implementation of the `Backend fullRoute frontendRoute` record),
* or to `serveDefaultObeliskApp` (`lib/backend/src/Obelisk/Backend.hs`) to
serve static assets.
* Starts `runWidget`
which itself runs
(the *“TCP listen loop”*):
* it binds to TCP socket, and
* creates the HTTP connection manager
( [`newManager`](
* calls `obeliskApp` which
* has a route to serve the [JSaddle]( frontend,
* runs the frontend (*on* the server), to produce pre-rendered pages,
* starts the JSaddle web-socket,
* “falls back” to proxying the backend (`fallbackProxy`).

LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Obsidian Systems
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Elliot Cameron nor the names of other
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

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@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
# Obelisk
[![Haskell Programming Language](](
[![BSD3 License](](
Obelisk provides an easy way to develop and deploy your [Reflex]( project as web apps and as mobile apps.
- [Installing Obelisk](#installing-obelisk)
- [Developing an Obelisk project](#developing-an-obelisk-project)
- [Adding Packages](#adding-packages)
- [Adding Package Overrides](#adding-package-overrides)
- [Running over https](#running-over-https)
- [Deploying](#deploying)
- [Locally](#locally)
- [EC2](#ec2)
- [Default EC2 Deployment](#default-ec2-deployment)
- [Custom Non-EC2 Deployment](#custom-non-ec2-deployment)
- [VirtualBox Deployment](#virtualbox-deployment)
- [From macOS](#from-macos)
- [Deploying an updated version](#deploying-an-updated-version)
- [Mobile](#mobile)
@ -19,13 +28,15 @@ Obelisk provides an easy way to develop and deploy your [Reflex](https://github.
1. Set up nix caches
1. If you are running NixOS, add this to `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix`:
nix.binaryCaches = [ "" "" ];
nix.binaryCaches = [ "" ];
nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [ "" ];
and rebuild your NixOS configuration (e.g. `sudo nixos-rebuild switch`).
1. If you are using another operating system or linux distribution, ensure that these lines are present in your Nix configuration file (`/etc/nix/nix.conf` on most systems; [see full list](
substituters =
trusted-public-keys =
binary-caches =
binary-cache-public-keys =
binary-caches-parallel-connections = 40
* other Linux: enable sandboxing (see these [issue172]( or [issue6]( if you run into build problems)
@ -46,16 +57,38 @@ Obelisk provides an easy way to develop and deploy your [Reflex](https://github.
When developing on obelisk itself you may launch `ghcid` for the corresponding project as follows. For example to launch ghcid for `lib/backend` project:
nix-shell -A obeliskEnvs.obelisk-backend --run "cd lib/backend && ghcid -c 'cabal new-repl'"
Or to launch ghcid for `lib/command` project:
nix-shell -A obeliskEnvs.obelisk-command --run "cd lib/command && ghcid -c 'cabal new-repl'"
To re-install `ob` from source do
nix-env -f /path/to/obelisk -iA command
Note that `ob` will defer to the version found in your project's `.obelisk/impl` directory. To update that version specifically:
ob thunk unpack ./.obelisk/impl
cd ./.obelisk/impl
# apply your changes
If you want to commit your changes, first push them to your fork of obelisk and then
cd /your/project/root
ob thunk pack .obelisk/impl
git add .obelisk/impl
git commit -m "Bump obelisk"
### Accessing private repositories
To allow the Nix builder to access private git repositories, you must be set up
@ -69,44 +102,103 @@ access to:
To create a new Obelisk project, go to an empty directory and run:
ob init
Obelisk leverages ghcid to provide a live-reloading server that handles both frontend and backend. To run your Obelisk app and monitor the source for changes:
ob run
Now go to http://localhost:8000 (or the port specified in `config/common/route`) to access your app.
Now, with an appropriate browser, go to http://localhost:8000 (or the address/port specified in `config/common/route`) to access your app.
Firefox will not be able to properly run the development website due to [issue 460]( Fortunately, this problem does not occur on a fully built website.
Every time you change the Haskell source files in frontend, common or backend, `ob run` will automatically recompile the modified files and reload the server. Furthermore, it will display on screen compilation errors and warnings if any.
### Adding packages
In order to add package dependencies, declare them under the build-depends field in the appropriate cabal files (backend, common, and frontend each have their own). The corresponding Nix packages will automatically be selected when building.
### Adding package overrides
To add a version override to any Haskell package, or to add a Haskell package that doesn't exist in the nixpkgs used by Obelisk, use the `overrides` attribute in your project's `default.nix`. For example, to use a specific version of the `aeson` package fetched from GitHub and a specific version of the `waargonaut` package fetched from Hackage, your `default.nix` will look like:
# ...
project ./. ({ pkgs, ... }: {
# ...
overrides = self: super: let
aesonSrc = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "obsidiansystems";
repo = "aeson-gadt-th";
rev = "ed573c2cccf54d72aa6279026752a3fecf9c1383";
sha256 = "08q6rnz7w9pn76jkrafig6f50yd0f77z48rk2z5iyyl2jbhcbhx3";
aeson = self.callCabal2nix "aeson" aesonSrc {};
waargonaut = self.callHackageDirect {
pkg = "waargonaut";
ver = "";
sha256 = "1zv28np3k3hg378vqm89v802xr0g8cwk7gy3mr77xrzy5jbgpa39";
} {};
# ...
For further information see [the Haskell section]( of nixpkgs Contributors Guide.
### Adding extra local packages
If the standard packages (`frontend`, `backend`, and `common`) are not
enough, to add more local Haskell packages, define them with the
`packages` parameter. The sources of these packages will be
automatically reloaded by `ob run`.
# ...
project ./. ({ pkgs, ... }: {
# ...
packages = {
another = ./another;
# ...
### Running over HTTPS
To run your app locally over https, update the protocol in `config/common/route` to `https`, and then use `ob run` as normal.
Since Obelisk generates a self-signed certificate for running https, the browser will issue a warning about using an invalid certificate. On Chrome, you can go to `chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost` to enable invalid certificates for localhost.
## Deploying
### Locally
Build everything:
nix-build -A exe -o result-exe
nix-build -A exe --no-out-link
Run the server:
Copy the result to a new directory, add configuration, and run!
cd result-exe
mkdir test-app
ln -s $(nix-build -A exe --no-out-link)/* test-app/
cp -r config test-app
(cd test-app && ./backend)
### EC2
### Default EC2 Deployment
In this section we will demonstrate how to deploy your Obelisk app to an Amazon EC2 instance.
In this section we will demonstrate how to deploy your Obelisk app to an Amazon EC2 instance. Obelisk deployments are configured for EC2 by default (see [Custom Non-EC2 Deployment](#custom-non-ec2-deployment)).
First create a new EC2 instance:
1. Launch a NixOS 17.09 EC2 instance (we recommend [this AMI](
1. Launch a NixOS 19.09 EC2 instance (we recommend [this AMI](
1. In the instance configuration wizard ensure that your instance has at least 1GB RAM and 10GB disk space.
1. When prompted save your AWS private key (`~/myaws.pem`) somewhere safe. We'll need it later during deployment.
1. Go to "Security Groups", select your instance's security group and under "Inbound" tab add a new rule for HTTP port 80 and 443.
@ -129,9 +221,11 @@ ob deploy init \
NOTE: HTTPS is enabled by default; to disable https, pass `--disable-https` to the `ob deploy init` command above.
HTTPS is enabled by default; to disable HTTPS pass `--disable-https` to the `ob deploy init` command above.
Then go to that created deployment configuration directory, and initiate the deployment:
This step will also require that you manually verify the authenticity of the host `$SERVER`. Obelisk will save the fingerprint in a deployment-specific configuration. **Obelisk deployments do *not* rely on the `known_hosts` of your local machine.** This is because, in the event that you need to switch from one deploy machine / bastion host to another, you want to be absolutely sure that you're still connecting to the machines you think you are, even if that deploy machine / bastion host has never connected to them before. Obelisk explicitly avoids a workflow that encourages people to accept host keys without checking them, since that could result in leaking production secrets to anyone who manages to MITM you, e.g. via DNS spoofing or cache poisoning. (Note that an active attack is a circumstance where you may need to quickly switch bastion hosts, e.g. because the attacker has taken one down or you have taken it down in case it was compromised. In this circumstance you might need to deploy to production to fix an exploit or rotate keys, etc.) When you run `ob deploy` later it will rely on the saved verification in this step.
Next, go to the deployment directory that you just initialized and deploy!
cd ~/code/myapp-deploy
@ -142,6 +236,26 @@ ob deploy push
At this point you are done. Your app will be accessible at `${ROUTE}`. The currently deployed version - the git commit hash of the source repo - can be found at `${ROUTE}/version`.
### Custom Non-EC2 Deployment
By default Obelisk deployments are configured for NixOS machines running on AWS EC2. To provide your own configuration, you need to write a custom `module.nix` in the deployment repository. This still requires that your server is running NixOS.
`module.nix` must contain a Nix *function* that produces a [NixOS module function]( The top-level function takes deployment configuration as arguments: `hostName`, `adminEmail`, `routeHost`, `enableHttps`, `version`, `exe`, `nixosPkgs`. Most of these are the values you specified during `ob deploy init` and are stored in the deployment repository. `version` is a `git` hash for the app that you're deploying. `exe` is the Linux build of the app (as seen in [Deploying Locally](#locally)). `nixosPkgs` is the package set used to construct the NixOS VM.
The [VirtualBox Deployment](#virtualbox-deployment) section provides an example.
#### VirtualBox Deployment
Here's a `module.nix` that is configured for deployment to a VirtualBox VM (running NixOS):
{ nixosPkgs, ... }: {...}: {
imports = [ (nixosPkgs.path + /nixos/modules/virtualisation/virtualbox-image.nix) ];
The `{...}:` and following is the [NixOS module]( definition.
### From macOS
Deploying from macOS requires some extra setup:
@ -155,7 +269,7 @@ Running `ob deploy push` will give you additional setup instructions.
If you'd like to deploy an updated version (with new commits) of your Obelisk app: simply go to the configuration directory, update the source thunk and push:
cd ~/code/myapp-deploy
ob deploy update
ob deploy push
@ -181,14 +295,14 @@ These versions will work out of the box but iOS SDKs prior to 11.3 should also w
More recent Xcodes should also work, as long as one of the SDKs mentioned above has been used.
To add another SDK to your current Xcode, [download]( the corresponding Xcode, extract it and copy its SDK folder next to the installed one, e.g.
open -W Xcode_9.2.xip
sudo cp -R /Applications/
You can verify that you have correct versions by running
xcodebuild -showsdks
@ -214,7 +328,7 @@ Ensure that `bundleIdentifier` matches the App ID of the development profile, or
1. Connect the registered iPhone.
1. Find your Apple Team ID in the [developer portal](
1. Run the deploy command with your Team ID:
result-ios/bin/deploy [TEAM_ID]
# or in debug mode via lldb:
result-ios/bin/deploy [TEAM_ID] -d
@ -224,7 +338,7 @@ result-ios/bin/deploy [TEAM_ID] -d
1. Go to [developer portal - distribution profiles](
Create and download a distribution profile.
1. Run the package script with your TEAM ID and your distribution profile to create a `.ipa`:
result-ios/bin/package [TEAM_ID] /path/to/output/.ipa /path/to/profile/file
@ -237,7 +351,10 @@ It's also possible to inspect iOS WkWebView apps once they are installed in the
### Android
NOTE: Currently Android builds are only supported on Linux.
1. In your project's `default.nix` set a suitable value for `android.applicationId` and `android.displayName`.
1. In your project's `default.nix` pass `config.android_sdk.accept_license = true;` in the arguments to the import of of `.obelisk/impl` to indicate your acceptance of the [Android Software Development Kit License Agreement](, which is required to build Android apps.
1. Run `nix-build -A android.frontend -o result-android` to build the Android app.
1. A debug version of the app should be generated at `result-android/android-app-debug.apk`
@ -254,9 +371,9 @@ This command will accomplish the following:
1. Build a Signed Android apk for your application
1. Deploy the Signed apk to your connected Android device
In the event that you change your key or keystore password, you will have to update your credentials within the JSON object found in `android_keytool_config.json`
In the event that you change your key or keystore password, you will have to update your credentials within the JSON object found in `android_keytool_config.json`.
Additional documentation on java key stores can be found [here] (
Additional documentation on Java key stores can be found [here](
This should copy over and install the application on your device (if you see a "*signatures do not match*" error, simply uninstall the previous app from the device before retrying the deploy). The name of the installed application will be what you have specified for `android.displayName` in the `default.nix`.

all-builds.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
{ self-args ? {
config.android_sdk.accept_license = true;
iosSdkVersion = "10.2";
, local-self ? import ./. self-args
, supportedSystems ? [ builtins.currentSystem ]
inherit (local-self.nixpkgs) lib runCommand nix;
cacheBuildSystems = supportedSystems;
obeliskPackagesCommon = [
obeliskPackagesBackend = obeliskPackagesCommon ++ [
pnameToAttrs = pkgsSet: pnames:
lib.listToAttrs (map
(name: { inherit name; value = pkgsSet.${name}; })
collect = v:
if lib.isDerivation v then [v]
else if lib.isAttrs v then lib.concatMap collect (builtins.attrValues v)
else if lib.isList v then lib.concatMap collect v
else [];
perPlatform = lib.genAttrs cacheBuildSystems (system: let
reflex-platform = import ./dep/reflex-platform { inherit system; };
mkPerProfiling = profiling: let
obelisk = import ./. (self-args // { inherit system profiling; });
ghc = pnameToAttrs
ghcjs = pnameToAttrs
command = obelisk.command;
skeleton = import ./skeleton { inherit obelisk; };
serverSkeletonExe = skeleton.exe;
# TODO fix nixpkgs so it doesn't try to run the result of haskell shells as setup hooks.
serverSkeletonShell = local-self.nixpkgs.runCommand "shell-safe-for-dep" {} ''
touch "$out"
echo "return" >> "$out"
cat "${skeleton.shells.ghc}" >> "$out"
androidSkeleton = (import ./skeleton { inherit obelisk; }).android.frontend;
iosSkeleton = (import ./skeleton { inherit obelisk; }).ios.frontend;
nameSuffix = if profiling then "profiled" else "unprofiled";
packages = {
skeletonProfiledObRun = skeleton.__unstable__.profiledObRun;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (!profiling) {
} // lib.optionalAttrs reflex-platform.androidSupport {
inherit androidSkeleton;
} // lib.optionalAttrs reflex-platform.iosSupport {
inherit iosSkeleton;
in packages // {
cache = reflex-platform.pinBuildInputs
(collect packages);
perProfiling = {
profiled = mkPerProfiling true;
unprofiled = mkPerProfiling false;
in perProfiling // {
cache = reflex-platform.pinBuildInputs
(map (p: p.cache) (builtins.attrValues perProfiling));
metaCache = local-self.reflex-platform.pinBuildInputs
(map (a: a.cache) (builtins.attrValues perPlatform));
in perPlatform // { inherit metaCache; }

all-tests.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
supportedSystems ? [ builtins.currentSystem ]
nginxRoot = "/run/nginx";
obelisk = import ./default.nix {};
# Get NixOS a pre-release 20.03 that contains the python based tests and recursive nix
pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball {};
sshKeys = import (pkgs.path + /nixos/tests/ssh-keys.nix) pkgs;
make-test = import (pkgs.path + /nixos/tests/make-test-python.nix);
obelisk-everywhere = (import ./all-builds.nix { inherit supportedSystems; }).x86_64-linux.cache;
snakeOilPrivateKey = sshKeys.snakeOilPrivateKey.text;
snakeOilPublicKey = sshKeys.snakeOilPublicKey;
make-test ({...}: {
name = "obelisk";
nodes = {
githost = {
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 80 ];
services.openssh = {
enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = [
users.users.root.openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [
client = {
imports = [
(pkgs.path + /nixos/modules/installer/cd-dvd/channel.nix)
nix.useSandbox = false;
nix.binaryCaches = [];
environment.systemPackages = [
testScript =
privateKeyFile = pkgs.writeText "id_rsa" ''${snakeOilPrivateKey}'';
thunkableSample = pkgs.writeText "default.nix" ''
let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in pkgs.git
invalidThunkableSample = pkgs.writeText "default.nix" ''
let pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {}; in pkgtypo.git
sshConfigFile = pkgs.writeText "ssh_config" ''
Host *
StrictHostKeyChecking no
in ''
with subtest("test obelisk is installed"):
client.succeed("ob --help")
with subtest("test the client can access the server via ssh"):
client.succeed("mkdir -p ~/.ssh/")
"cp ${privateKeyFile} ~/.ssh/id_rsa"
client.succeed("chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa")
"ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa githost true"
"cp ${sshConfigFile} ~/.ssh/config"
client.wait_until_succeeds("ssh githost true")
with subtest("test a remote bare repo can be started"):
githost.succeed("mkdir -p ~/myorg/myapp.git")
githost.succeed("cd ~/myorg/myapp.git && git init --bare")
with subtest("test a git project can be configured with a remote using ssh"):
client.succeed("mkdir -p ~/code/myapp")
client.succeed("cd ~/code/myapp && git init")
"cp ${thunkableSample} ~/code/myapp/default.nix"
client.succeed("cd ~/code/myapp && git add .")
client.succeed('git config --global ""')
client.succeed('git config --global "Your Name"')
client.succeed('cd ~/code/myapp && git commit -m "Initial"')
"cd ~/code/myapp && git remote add origin root@githost:/root/myorg/myapp.git"
with subtest("test pushing code to the remote"):
client.succeed("cd ~/code/myapp && git push -u origin master")
client.succeed("cd ~/code/myapp && git status")
with subtest("test obelisk can pack"):
client.succeed("ob -v thunk pack ~/code/myapp")
client.succeed("grep -qF 'git' ~/code/myapp/default.nix")
client.succeed("grep -qF 'myorg' ~/code/myapp/git.json")
client.succeed("ob -v thunk unpack ~/code/myapp")
with subtest("test obelisk can set the public / private flag"):
client.succeed("ob -v thunk pack ~/code/myapp --private")"""grep -qF '"private": practice' ~/code/myapp/git.json""")
client.succeed("""grep -qF '"private": true' ~/code/myapp/git.json""")
client.succeed("nix-build ~/code/myapp")
client.succeed("ob -v thunk unpack ~/code/myapp")
client.succeed("ob -v thunk pack ~/code/myapp --public")
client.succeed("""grep -qF '"private": false' ~/code/myapp/git.json""")
client.succeed("nix-build ~/code/myapp")
client.succeed("ob -v thunk unpack ~/code/myapp")
with subtest("test building an invalid thunk fails"):
client.succeed("cd ~/code/myapp && git checkout -b bad")
"cp ${invalidThunkableSample} ~/code/myapp/default.nix"
client.succeed("cd ~/code/myapp && git add .")
client.succeed('git config --global ""')
client.succeed('git config --global "Your Name"')
client.succeed('cd ~/code/myapp && git commit -m "Bad commit"')
client.succeed("cd ~/code/myapp && git push -u origin bad")
client.succeed("ob -v thunk pack ~/code/myapp --public")"nix-build ~/code/myapp")
client.succeed("ob -v thunk unpack ~/code/myapp")
client.succeed("cd ~/code/myapp && git checkout master")
with subtest("test obelisk can detect private repos"):
client.succeed("ob -v thunk pack ~/code/myapp")
client.succeed("""grep -qF '"private": true' ~/code/myapp/git.json""")
client.succeed("ob -v thunk unpack ~/code/myapp")
}) {}

View File

@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
{ system ? builtins.currentSystem
, profiling ? false
, iosSdkVersion ? "10.2"
, __useLegacyCompilers ? false
, config ? {}
, reflex-platform-func ? import ./dep/reflex-platform
reflex-platform = getReflexPlatform { inherit system; };
inherit (reflex-platform) hackGet nixpkgs;
pkgs = nixpkgs;
getReflexPlatform = getReflexPlatform' __useLegacyCompilers;
getReflexPlatform' = __useLegacyCompilers: sys: import ./dep/reflex-platform {
inherit iosSdkVersion __useLegacyCompilers;
system = sys;
enableLibraryProfiling = profiling;
inherit (import dep/gitignore.nix { inherit (nixpkgs) lib; }) gitignoreSource;
getReflexPlatform = { system, enableLibraryProfiling ? profiling }: reflex-platform-func {
inherit iosSdkVersion config system enableLibraryProfiling;
nixpkgsOverlays = [
(import ./nixpkgs-overlays)
haskellOverlays = [
(import ./haskell-overlays/misc-deps.nix)
(import ./haskell-overlays/misc-deps.nix { inherit hackGet; })
(import ./haskell-overlays/obelisk.nix)
(import ./haskell-overlays/tighten-ob-exes.nix)
reflex-platform = getReflexPlatform' false system;
inherit (reflex-platform) hackGet nixpkgs;
pkgs = nixpkgs;
# The haskell environment used to build Obelisk itself, e.g. the 'ob' command
ghcObelisk = reflex-platform.ghc;
@ -43,19 +43,18 @@ in rec {
pathGit = ./.; # Used in CI by the migration graph hash algorithm to correctly ignore files.
path = reflex-platform.filterGit ./.;
obelisk = ghcObelisk;
obeliskEnvs = ghcObeliskEnvs;
obeliskEnvs = pkgs.lib.filterAttrs (k: _: pkgs.lib.strings.hasPrefix "obelisk-" k) ghcObeliskEnvs;
command = ghcObelisk.obelisk-command;
shell = pinBuildInputs "obelisk-shell" ([command] ++ command.commandRuntimeDeps) [];
shell = pinBuildInputs "obelisk-shell" ([command] ++ command.commandRuntimeDeps);
selftest = pkgs.writeScript "selftest" ''
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
export OBELISK_IMPL="${hackGet ./.}"
cd ${./.}
"${ghcObelisk.obelisk-selftest}/bin/obelisk-selftest" +RTS -N -RTS "$@"
#TODO: Why can't I build ./skeleton directly as a derivation? `nix-build -E ./.` doesn't work
skeleton = pkgs.runCommand "skeleton" {
dir = builtins.filterSource (path: type: builtins.trace path (baseNameOf path != ".obelisk")) ./skeleton;
} ''
@ -74,27 +73,42 @@ in rec {
obelisk-asset-manifest-generate "$src" "$haskellManifest" ${packageName} ${moduleName} "$symlinked"
compressedJs = frontend: optimizationLevel: pkgs.runCommand "compressedJs" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.closurecompiler ]; } ''
compressedJs = frontend: optimizationLevel: pkgs.runCommand "compressedJs" {} ''
mkdir $out
cd $out
# TODO profiling + static shouldn't break and need an ad-hoc workaround like that
ln -s "${haskellLib.justStaticExecutables frontend}/bin/frontend.jsexe/all.js" all.unminified.js
closure-compiler --externs "${reflex-platform.ghcjsExternsJs}" -O ${optimizationLevel} --jscomp_warning=checkVars --create_source_map="" --source_map_format=V3 --js_output_file="all.js" all.unminified.js
echo "//#" >> all.js
${if optimizationLevel == null then ''
ln -s all.unminified.js all.js
'' else ''
${pkgs.closurecompiler}/bin/closure-compiler --externs "${reflex-platform.ghcjsExternsJs}" -O ${optimizationLevel} --jscomp_warning=checkVars --create_source_map="" --source_map_format=V3 --js_output_file="all.js" all.unminified.js
echo "//#" >> all.js
serverModules = {
mkBaseEc2 = { hostName, routeHost, enableHttps, adminEmail, ... }: {...}: {
mkBaseEc2 = { nixosPkgs, ... }: {...}: {
imports = [
(pkgs.path + /nixos/modules/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix)
(nixosPkgs.path + /nixos/modules/virtualisation/amazon-image.nix)
ec2.hvm = true;
mkDefaultNetworking = { adminEmail, enableHttps, hostName, routeHost, ... }: {...}: {
networking = {
inherit hostName;
firewall.allowedTCPPorts = if enableHttps then [ 80 443 ] else [ 80 ];
# `amazon-image.nix` already sets these but if the user provides their own module then
# forgetting these can cause them to lose access to the server!
services.openssh.enable = true;
services.openssh.permitRootLogin = "prohibit-password";
security.acme.certs = if enableHttps then {
"${routeHost}".email = adminEmail;
} else {};
ec2.hvm = true;
mkObeliskApp =
@ -115,7 +129,8 @@ in rec {
enableACME = enableHttps;
forceSSL = enableHttps;
locations.${baseUrl} = {
proxyPass = "http://localhost:" + toString internalPort;
proxyPass = "" + toString internalPort;
proxyWebsockets = true;
@ -123,10 +138,11 @@ in rec {
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "" ];
restartIfChanged = true;
path = [ pkgs.gnutar ];
script = ''
ln -sft . '${exe}'/*
mkdir -p log
exec ./backend ${backendArgs} >>backend.out 2>>backend.err </dev/null
exec ./backend ${backendArgs} </dev/null
serviceConfig = {
User = user;
@ -149,119 +165,184 @@ in rec {
inherit mkAssets;
serverExe = backend: frontend: assets: optimizationLevel: version:
pkgs.runCommand "serverExe" {} ''
mkdir $out
set -eux
ln -s "${haskellLib.justStaticExecutables backend}"/bin/* $out/
ln -s "${if profiling then backend else haskellLib.justStaticExecutables backend}"/bin/* $out/
ln -s "${mkAssets assets}" $out/static.assets
ln -s ${mkAssets (compressedJs frontend optimizationLevel)} $out/frontend.jsexe.assets
echo ${version} > $out/version
server = { exe, hostName, adminEmail, routeHost, enableHttps, version }@args:
server = { exe, hostName, adminEmail, routeHost, enableHttps, version, module ? serverModules.mkBaseEc2 }@args:
nixos = import (pkgs.path + /nixos);
in nixos {
system = "x86_64-linux";
configuration = {
imports = [
(serverModules.mkBaseEc2 args)
(module { inherit exe hostName adminEmail routeHost enableHttps version; nixosPkgs = pkgs; })
(serverModules.mkDefaultNetworking args)
(serverModules.mkObeliskApp args)
# An Obelisk project is a reflex-platform project with a predefined layout and role for each component
project = base: projectDefinition:
let projectOut = sys: (getReflexPlatform sys).project (args@{ nixpkgs, ... }:
let mkProject = { android ? null #TODO: Better error when missing
, ios ? null #TODO: Better error when missing
, packages ? {}
, overrides ? _: _: {}
, staticFiles ? base + /static
, tools ? _: []
, shellToolOverrides ? _: _: {}
, withHoogle ? false # Setting this to `true` makes shell reloading far slower
, __closureCompilerOptimizationLevel ? "ADVANCED"
let frontendName = "frontend";
backendName = "backend";
commonName = "common";
staticName = "obelisk-generated-static";
staticFilesImpure = if lib.isDerivation staticFiles then staticFiles else toString staticFiles;
processedStatic = processAssets { src = staticFiles; };
# The packages whose names and roles are defined by this package
predefinedPackages = lib.filterAttrs (_: x: x != null) {
${frontendName} = nullIfAbsent (base + "/frontend");
${commonName} = nullIfAbsent (base + "/common");
${backendName} = nullIfAbsent (base + "/backend");
combinedPackages = predefinedPackages // packages;
projectOverrides = self: super: {
${staticName} = haskellLib.dontHaddock (self.callCabal2nix staticName processedStatic.haskellManifest {});
${backendName} = haskellLib.addBuildDepend super.${backendName} self.obelisk-run;
totalOverrides = lib.composeExtensions projectOverrides overrides;
inherit (lib.strings) hasPrefix;
privateConfigDirs = ["config/backend"];
injectableConfig = builtins.filterSource (path: _:
!(lib.lists.any (x: hasPrefix (toString base + "/" + toString x) (toString path)) privateConfigDirs)
__android = configPath: {
${if android == null then null else frontendName} = {
executableName = "frontend";
${if builtins.pathExists staticFiles then "assets" else null} = (injectableConfig configPath) processedStatic.symlinked;
} // android;
__ios = configPath: {
${if ios == null then null else frontendName} = {
executableName = "frontend";
${if builtins.pathExists staticFiles then "staticSrc" else null} =
nixpkgs.obeliskExecutableConfig.platforms.ios.inject (injectableConfig configPath) processedStatic.symlinked;
} // ios;
in {
inherit shellToolOverrides tools withHoogle;
overrides = totalOverrides;
packages = combinedPackages;
shells = {
${if android == null && ios == null then null else "ghcSavedSplices"} = (lib.filter (x: lib.hasAttr x combinedPackages) [
ghc = (lib.filter (x: lib.hasAttr x combinedPackages) [
ghcjs = lib.filter (x: lib.hasAttr x combinedPackages) [
project = base': projectDefinition:
projectOut = { system, enableLibraryProfiling ? profiling }: let reflexPlatformProject = (getReflexPlatform { inherit system enableLibraryProfiling; }).project; in reflexPlatformProject (args@{ nixpkgs, ... }:
inherit (lib.strings) hasPrefix;
mkProject =
{ android ? null #TODO: Better error when missing
, ios ? null #TODO: Better error when missing
, packages ? {}
, overrides ? _: _: {}
, staticFiles ? null
, tools ? _: []
, shellToolOverrides ? _: _: {}
, withHoogle ? false # Setting this to `true` makes shell reloading far slower
, __closureCompilerOptimizationLevel ? "ADVANCED" # Set this to `null` to skip the closure-compiler step
allConfig = nixpkgs.lib.makeExtensible (self: {
base = base';
inherit args;
userSettings = {
inherit android ios packages overrides tools shellToolOverrides withHoogle __closureCompilerOptimizationLevel;
staticFiles = if staticFiles == null then self.base + /static else staticFiles;
android = __android null;
ios = __ios null;
passthru = { inherit android ios packages overrides tools shellToolOverrides withHoogle staticFiles staticFilesImpure __closureCompilerOptimizationLevel processedStatic __ios __android; };
in mkProject (projectDefinition args));
serverOn = sys: version: serverExe
(projectOut sys).ghc.backend
(projectOut system).ghcjs.frontend
(projectOut sys).passthru.staticFiles
(projectOut sys).passthru.__closureCompilerOptimizationLevel
frontendName = "frontend";
backendName = "backend";
commonName = "common";
staticName = "obelisk-generated-static";
staticFilesImpure = let fs = self.userSettings.staticFiles; in if lib.isDerivation fs then fs else toString fs;
processedStatic = processAssets { src = self.userSettings.staticFiles; };
# The packages whose names and roles are defined by this package
predefinedPackages = lib.filterAttrs (_: x: x != null) {
${self.frontendName} = nullIfAbsent (self.base + "/frontend");
${self.commonName} = nullIfAbsent (self.base + "/common");
${self.backendName} = nullIfAbsent (self.base + "/backend");
shellPackages = {};
combinedPackages = self.predefinedPackages // self.userSettings.packages // self.shellPackages;
projectOverrides = self': super': {
${self.staticName} = haskellLib.dontHaddock (self'.callCabal2nix self.staticName self.processedStatic.haskellManifest {});
${self.backendName} = haskellLib.addBuildDepend super'.${self.backendName} self'.obelisk-run;
totalOverrides = lib.composeExtensions self.projectOverrides self.userSettings.overrides;
privateConfigDirs = ["config/backend"];
injectableConfig = builtins.filterSource (path: _:
!(lib.lists.any (x: hasPrefix (toString self.base + "/" + toString x) (toString path)) self.privateConfigDirs)
__androidWithConfig = configPath: {
${if == null then null else self.frontendName} = {
executableName = "frontend";
${if builtins.pathExists self.userSettings.staticFiles then "assets" else null} =
(self.injectableConfig configPath)
} //;
__iosWithConfig = configPath: {
${if self.userSettings.ios == null then null else self.frontendName} = {
executableName = "frontend";
${if builtins.pathExists self.userSettings.staticFiles then "staticSrc" else null} =
(self.injectableConfig configPath)
} // self.userSettings.ios;
shells-ghc = builtins.attrNames (self.predefinedPackages // self.shellPackages);
shells-ghcjs = [
shells-ghcSavedSplices = [
project = reflexPlatformProject ({...}: self.projectConfig);
projectConfig = {
inherit (self.userSettings) shellToolOverrides tools withHoogle;
overrides = self.totalOverrides;
packages = self.combinedPackages;
shells = {
${if == null && self.userSettings.ios == null then null else "ghcSavedSplices"} =
lib.filter (x: lib.hasAttr x self.combinedPackages) self.shells-ghcSavedSplices;
ghc = lib.filter (x: lib.hasAttr x self.combinedPackages) self.shells-ghc;
ghcjs = lib.filter (x: lib.hasAttr x self.combinedPackages) self.shells-ghcjs;
android = self.__androidWithConfig (self.base + "/config");
ios = self.__iosWithConfig (self.base + "/config");
passthru = {
__unstable__.self = allConfig;
inherit (self)
staticFilesImpure processedStatic
__iosWithConfig __androidWithConfig
inherit (self.userSettings)
android ios overrides packages shellToolOverrides staticFiles tools withHoogle
in allConfig;
in (mkProject (projectDefinition args)).projectConfig);
mainProjectOut = projectOut { inherit system; };
serverOn = projectInst: version: serverExe
linuxExe = serverOn "x86_64-linux";
linuxExe = serverOn (projectOut { system = "x86_64-linux"; });
dummyVersion = "Version number is only available for deployments";
in projectOut system // {
in mainProjectOut // {
__unstable__.profiledObRun = let
profiled = projectOut { inherit system; enableLibraryProfiling = true; };
exeSource = builtins.toFile "ob-run.hs" ''
module Main where
import Control.Exception
import Reflex.Profiled
import System.Environment
import qualified Obelisk.Run
import qualified Frontend
import qualified Backend
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let port = read $ args !! 0
assets = args !! 1
profileFile = (args !! 2) <> ".rprof" port (Obelisk.Run.runServeAsset assets) Backend.backend Frontend.frontend `finally` writeProfilingData profileFile
in nixpkgs.runCommand "ob-run" {
buildInputs = [ (profiled.ghc.ghcWithPackages (p: [ p.backend p.frontend])) ];
} ''
mkdir -p $out/bin/
ghc -x hs -prof -fno-prof-auto -threaded ${exeSource} -o $out/bin/ob-run
linuxExeConfigurable = linuxExe;
linuxExe = linuxExe dummyVersion;
exe = serverOn system dummyVersion;
server = args@{ hostName, adminEmail, routeHost, enableHttps, version }:
exe = serverOn mainProjectOut dummyVersion;
server = args@{ hostName, adminEmail, routeHost, enableHttps, version, module ? serverModules.mkBaseEc2 }:
server (args // { exe = linuxExe version; });
obelisk = import (base + "/.obelisk/impl") {};
obelisk = import (base' + "/.obelisk/impl") {};
haskellPackageSets = {
inherit (reflex-platform) ghc ghcjs;

dep/.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@

dep/ghcid/default.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import ((import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub (
let json = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json);
in { inherit (json) owner repo rev sha256;
private = json.private or false;

dep/ghcid/github.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"owner": "ndmitchell",
"repo": "ghcid",
"branch": "master",
"rev": "f572318f32b1617f6054248e5888af68222f8e50",
"sha256": "1icg3r70lg2kmd9gdc024ih1n9nrja98yav74z9nvykqygvv5w0n"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
let fetch = { private ? false, fetchSubmodules ? false, owner, repo, rev, sha256, ... }:
if !fetchSubmodules && !private then builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; inherit sha256;
} else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub {
inherit owner repo rev sha256 fetchSubmodules private;
in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"owner": "hercules-ci",
"repo": "gitignore.nix",
"branch": "master",
"private": false,
"rev": "7415c4feb127845553943a3856cbc5cb967ee5e0",
"sha256": "1zd1ylgkndbb5szji32ivfhwh04mr1sbgrnvbrqpmfb67g2g3r9i"

dep/hnix/default.nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
import ((import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub (
let json = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json);
in { inherit (json) owner repo rev sha256;
private = json.private or false;

dep/hnix/github.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"owner": "haskell-nix",
"repo": "hnix",
"branch": "master",
"rev": "6c9c7c310c54372b3db0fdf5a0137b395cde1bdb",
"sha256": "1i5903b7lxqn2s3jarb14h6wdq8bxiik1hp0xy43w5w1hgvvq0g5"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import ((import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub (
let json = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json);
in { inherit (json) owner repo rev sha256;
private = json.private or false;
let fetch = { private ? false, fetchSubmodules ? false, owner, repo, rev, sha256, ... }:
if !fetchSubmodules && !private then builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; inherit sha256;
} else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub {
inherit owner repo rev sha256 fetchSubmodules private;
in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json)))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
"owner": "reflex-frp",
"repo": "reflex-platform",
"branch": "develop",
"rev": "a7cd9a23e7faa9c2545a4c111229e28208e42351",
"sha256": "0y52rfrhk4zszgprpyni51l0pgq18dg695k5bmpd62c3zxar5mvm"
"branch": "master",
"private": false,
"rev": "41be4d952b75515a037318aa344dd6b13ad29cfe",
"sha256": "132yqzyzd3c5fjy7wwnwa5d6pjxv5ap2xz0swwbv3h5pwi8jwv0a"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
let fetch = { private ? false, fetchSubmodules ? false, owner, repo, rev, sha256, ... }:
if !fetchSubmodules && !private then builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; inherit sha256;
} else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub {
inherit owner repo rev sha256 fetchSubmodules private;
in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json)))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"owner": "obsidiansystems",
"repo": "snap-core",
"branch": "ts-expose-fileserve-internals",
"private": false,
"rev": "e015fc484e38dd9389c58b277b1884395e553bdf",
"sha256": "1793x1h4lw9vnrii5akhfxx1x9yrgxf3052jf6bs8f1mhaic6mxx"

guides/app-deploy/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
# Obelisk Application Deployment Guide
This document serves two purposes, the first one is to guide new users that want to deploy Obelisk/Reflex apps and the second one to provide a walk-through for test driving Obelisk releases.
> **Note:** To complete this *entire* guide you need access to a macOS machine running the latest OSX release, a Linux machine (can be a VM on that mac) with Nix installed, an iPhone or iPad, and a recent Android device. It also assumes that you have Nix correctly set up and that your system is set up to fetch from binary caches instead of building everything on your machine. If you notice any of the commands below takes more than 5 minutes, then caches are not likely enabled.
> Refer to the [Obelisk Installation Documentation]( for instructions on configuring the binary caches for any Nix-compatible setup.
## a) Get Obelisk
There are several ways to install Obelisk, but the one we are going to use here allows us to test a single version of Obelisk in different ways. The approach is to clone Obelisk from it's GitHub repository and start a project that uses that local check out.
Open a terminal and run the following:
export WORKDIR=~/obelisk-guide
mkdir -p "$WORKDIR"
Then let's get Obelisk from GitHub using a specific branch:
export OBELISK_BRANCH=develop
git clone -b "$OBELISK_BRANCH" "$WORKDIR/obelisk"
Once you have an Obelisk check out, you can build it using Nix and make a shortcut (alias) for the rest of the terminal session. With this you will be able to type `ob` anywhere as long as you do not close the terminal.
alias ob=$(nix-build "$WORKDIR/obelisk" -A command --no-out-link)/bin/ob
In order to start an Obelisk project, we need initialize it in a new directory. Let's call it `myapp`:
mkdir -p "$WORKDIR/myapp"
cd "$WORKDIR/myapp"
ob init --branch "$OBELISK_BRANCH"
> **Note:** If the `--branch` parameter is not used, then Obelisk sets your project up to look at the `master` branch from GitHub. This is quite handy for real life projects but distracting for our test drive since we want to make sure any changes we do to the Obelisk codebase (like testing a pull request) are immediately picked up.
## b) Run the Obelisk app on localhost
Let's test that we can run a server on localhost. This is quite easy:
cd "$WORKDIR/myapp"
ob run
Now open a browser and point it to http://localhost:8000 (or just click on this link). You should see the following:
## c) Deploy the web app on a remote machine
### Import the NixOS VirtualBox appliance
Install [VirtualBox]( on your machine.
On NixOS, do this by adding the following line to your `/etc/nixos/configuration.nix` before the last line containing `}`:
```nix = true;
then `sudo nixos-rebuild switch`.
The NixOS [download page]( has a section called "VirtualBox appliances". Download that as the target system. The author used the 19.09 `.ova` file.
With the downloaded file, open VirtualBox and import the `.ova` file:
Leave the default settings and finish the import. That will take a few minutes:
You should now see a NixOS machine in the dashboard:
If you are on a network with DHCP on your wireless or network card then select right-click on the "NixOS" image and click "Settings". Go to the "Network" section and make "Attached to:" set to "Bridged Adapter".
Finally, double-click on the "NixOS" machine and wait for it boot up. If it asks for a password, use `demo`.
### Configure the virtual machine for SSH
Inside the virtual machine open up "Konsole" by clicking on the start menu in the bottom left corner and typing in "Konsole" until you see it as an option in the menu. Then click on it to open it.
Change the system configuration using `sudo` to enable SSH access:
sudo nano /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
This will ask you to enter your password. Enter `demo`.
You need to add the following snippet right before the final line containing `}`.
services.openssh.enable = true;
services.openssh.permitRootLogin = "yes";
Save and close the editor by typing <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>O</kbd>, <kbd>Enter</kbd>, and then <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>X</kbd>.
Now run `sudo nixos-rebuild switch` (if it asks for a password, again use `demo`) and then set the root password using `sudo passwd root`. Pick a simple password like `root`. You'll need to use it again.
To get the virtual machine's IP address go back to the terminal on your *host* machine (not the virtual machine) and run:
export VM_ID=$(VBoxManage list runningvms | grep "NixOS" | awk -F'[{}]' '{print $2}')
echo "$VM_ID"
You should see a single identifier that looks like `388bbbe5-e0a2-4b20-9c76-bbaa5746682e`. If you see anything else then you likely you have multiple NixOS machines running. Stop any other machines and run this command again. (Of course, if you're a power user, just change the `grep` to pick out right VM.)
Now get the IP address for that machine:
export VM_IP=$(VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate "$VM_ID" | grep /V4/IP | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/,//')
echo "$VM_IP"
You should see an IP like ``.
With that you will be able to SSH into that machine from a terminal, using the username `root`.
ssh root@$VM_IP echo "Access granted"
This may ask if you want to trust the fingerprint for this server. Answer `yes`. It will ask you for a password. Enter the one you specified above. You should see `Access granted` printed after you type your password and hit <kbd>Enter</kbd>.
> **Note:** If instead you see an error like this
> ```
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
> Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
> It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
> ```
> you need to remove the old fingerprint for this IP. Run the following:
> ```bash
> sed -i "/^$VM_IP /d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts
> ```
> and then try the previous `ssh` command again.
Now we'll allow access with an SSH key instead of a password. Create a new SSH key with `ssh-keygen`:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f "$WORKDIR/obkey" -P ""
Now copy your local SSH key to the server:
ssh-copy-id -i "$WORKDIR/" root@$VM_IP
This will ask you for your password again.
Now test login with your key instead:
ssh -i "$WORKDIR/obkey" root@$VM_IP echo "Access granted"
This should print `Access granted` *without* asking for a password.
### Configure the git remote
Before the project can be deployed, it needs to be a valid `git` repository.
> **Note:** You need `git` installed and configured. You can do that with:
> ```bash
> nix-env -i git
> git config --global "John Doe"
> git config --global
> ```
git init --bare "$WORKDIR/myapp-git-remote"
cd "$WORKDIR/myapp"
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin "$WORKDIR/myapp-git-remote"
git push -u origin master
### Deploy
With that, we can come back to the Obelisk app and initialize the deployment:
cd "$WORKDIR/myapp"
ob deploy init --ssh-key "$WORKDIR/obkey" --admin-email a@a.a --hostname $VM_IP --route https://$VM_IP "$WORKDIR/myappdeploy" --disable-https
Then configure the deployment for VirtualBox:
echo '{nixosPkgs, ...}: {...}: { imports = [ (nixosPkgs.path + /nixos/modules/virtualisation/virtualbox-image.nix) ]; }' > "$WORKDIR/myappdeploy/module.nix"
And deploy:
cd "$WORKDIR/myappdeploy"
ob deploy push -v
Once that is complete, open the webpage with
xdg-open http://$VM_IP
If that fails, just get the URL by running
echo http://$VM_IP
and copy/paste that URL into your browser navigation input.
It should look like this:
Congratulations! You have deployed an Obelisk application to a remote server via SSH.
## d) Deploy an Android app (Linux host only)
> **Note:** This section requires that you be running a Linux *host*.
Modify `$WORKDIR/myapp/default.nix` to set `config.android_sdk.accept_license = true;` and then update your app.
cd "$WORKDIR/myapp"
sed -i 's/# config.android_sdk.accept_license = false;/config.android_sdk.accept_license = true;/g' default.nix
git add default.nix
git commit -m"Accept license"
git push
Make sure *USB debugging* is enabled in your Android device ([instructions here]( and connect the device using USB. Be sure to confirm any security prompts on the device.
Now update your deployment and deploy to Android:
cd "$WORKDIR/myappdeploy"
ob deploy update
ob deploy test android -v
This deployment will ask you to create a password (at least 6 characters long) and then ask you a series of questions. You can pick arbitrary answers. If the deployment fails, try using different USB ports on your computer and running `ob deploy test android -v` again. The USB cable you use can also make a difference.
When connecting your Android device you may be asked to "Allow USB debugging". You need to allow it.
When the deployment is complete opening the app should look something like
Congratulations! You have deployed an Obelisk Android app via USB.
## e) Deploy an iOS app (macOS host only)
> **Note:** This section requires that you be running a macOS *host*.
Verify that you can see the device from XCode and you have installed a Provisioning profile that links your Apple Developer Id and the Device identifier. The workflow depends on whether or not you are an independent developer or part of an organization and is out of scope for this manual.
Find your `Team ID` at the following URL (Apple Developer Membership details):
It will be something like `5B445B3WY1`. With that, you can start the deployment workflow after plugging in an iPhone or iPad via USB and setting it to trust the computer:
cd "$WORKDIR/myappdeploy"
ob deploy test ios <TEAM-ID> # Use your Team ID here
If there are no errors and the last line says `100% Installed Package` you can open the device and look for the Obelisk app:
Congratulations, you have deployed an Obelisk app on an iOS device.
You are now ready to create your own multi-platform application using Obelisk!

Binary file not shown.


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View File

@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
{ hackGet }:
# Fix misc upstream packages
self: super:
pkgs = self.callPackage ({ pkgs }: pkgs) {};
haskellLib = pkgs.haskell.lib;
hnix = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck (self.callCabal2nix "hnix" (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "haskell-nix";
repo = "hnix";
rev = "42afdc21da5d9e076eab57eaa42bfdde938192b8";
sha256 = "0psw384dx9bw2dp93xrzw8rd9amvcwgzn64jzzwby7sfspj6k349";
}) {});
# Need 8.0.2 build support
# PR:
universe-template = self.callCabal2nix "universe-template" (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "obsidiansystems";
repo = "universe";
rev = "6a71119bfa5db2b9990a2491c941469ff8ef5d13";
sha256 = "0z8smyainnlzcglv3dlx6x1n9j6d2jv48aa8f2421iayfkxg3js5";
} + /template) {};
hnix = haskellLib.dontCheck (haskellLib.doJailbreak (self.callCabal2nix "hnix" (hackGet ../dep/hnix) {}));
hnix-store-core = self.callHackage "hnix-store-core" "" {};
ghcid = self.callCabal2nix "ghcid" (hackGet ../dep/ghcid) {};
# Exports more internals
snap-core = haskellLib.dontCheck (self.callCabal2nix "snap-core" (hackGet ../dep/snap-core) {});
shelly = self.callHackage "shelly" "1.9.0" {};

View File

@ -1,23 +1,42 @@
# Add obelisk packages
self: super:
pkgs = self.callPackage ({ pkgs }: pkgs) {};
inherit (pkgs) cleanHaskellSource;
inherit (pkgs) obeliskCleanSource;
haskellLib = pkgs.haskell.lib;
onLinux = pkg: f: if pkgs.stdenv.isLinux then f pkg else pkg;
obelisk-executable-config = pkgs.obeliskExecutableConfig.haskellPackage self;
obelisk-executable-config-inject = pkgs.obeliskExecutableConfig.platforms.web.inject self;
obelisk-asset-manifest = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-asset-manifest" ../lib/asset/manifest {};
obelisk-asset-serve-snap = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-asset-serve-snap" ../lib/asset/serve-snap {};
obelisk-backend = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-backend" (cleanHaskellSource ../lib/backend) {};
obelisk-cliapp = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-cliapp" (cleanHaskellSource ../lib/cliapp) {};
obelisk-command = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-command" (cleanHaskellSource ../lib/command) {};
obelisk-frontend = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-frontend" (cleanHaskellSource ../lib/frontend) {};
obelisk-run = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-run" (cleanHaskellSource ../lib/run) {};
obelisk-route = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-route" (cleanHaskellSource ../lib/route) {};
obelisk-selftest = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-selftest" (cleanHaskellSource ../lib/selftest) {};
obelisk-snap-extras = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-snap-extras" (cleanHaskellSource ../lib/snap-extras) {};
obelisk-asset-manifest = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-asset-manifest" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/asset/manifest) {};
obelisk-asset-serve-snap = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-asset-serve-snap" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/asset/serve-snap) {};
obelisk-backend = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-backend" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/backend) {};
obelisk-cliapp = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-cliapp" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/cliapp) {};
obelisk-command = haskellLib.overrideCabal (self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-command" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/command) {}) {
librarySystemDepends = [
(haskellLib.justStaticExecutables self.ghcid)
obelisk-frontend = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-frontend" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/frontend) {};
obelisk-run = onLinux (self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-run" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/run) {}) (pkg:
haskellLib.overrideCabal pkg (drv: { librarySystemDepends = [ pkgs.iproute ]; })
obelisk-route = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-route" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/route) {};
obelisk-selftest = haskellLib.overrideCabal (self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-selftest" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/selftest) {}) {
librarySystemDepends = [
obelisk-snap-extras = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-snap-extras" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/snap-extras) {};
tabulation = self.callCabal2nix "tabulation" (obeliskCleanSource ../lib/tabulation) {};

View File

@ -3,26 +3,7 @@ self: super:
pkgs = self.callPackage ({ pkgs }: pkgs) {};
haskellLib = pkgs.haskell.lib;
#TODO: Upstream
# Modify a Haskell package to add completion scripts for the given
# executable produced by it. These completion scripts will be picked up
# automatically if the resulting derivation is installed, e.g. by
# `nix-env -i`.
addOptparseApplicativeCompletionScripts = exeName: pkg: haskellLib.overrideCabal pkg (drv: {
postInstall = (drv.postInstall or "") + ''
mkdir -p "$BASH_COMP_DIR"
"$out/bin/${exeName}" --bash-completion-script "$out/bin/${exeName}" >"$BASH_COMP_DIR/ob"
mkdir -p "$ZSH_COMP_DIR"
"$out/bin/${exeName}" --zsh-completion-script "$out/bin/${exeName}" >"$ZSH_COMP_DIR/_ob"
mkdir -p "$FISH_COMP_DIR"
"$out/bin/${exeName}" --fish-completion-script "$out/bin/${exeName}" >"$FISH_COMP_DIR/"
commandRuntimeDeps = with pkgs; [
@ -35,17 +16,17 @@ in
# Dynamic linking with split objects dramatically increases startup time (about
# 0.5 seconds on a decent machine with SSD), so we do `justStaticExecutables`.
obelisk-command = haskellLib.overrideCabal
(addOptparseApplicativeCompletionScripts "ob"
(haskellLib.justStaticExecutables super.obelisk-command))
(drv: {
buildTools = (drv.buildTools or []) ++ [ pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper ];
postFixup = ''
${drv.postFixup or ""}
# Make `ob` reference its runtime dependencies.
wrapProgram "$out"/bin/ob --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.lib.makeBinPath commandRuntimeDeps}
passthru = { inherit commandRuntimeDeps; };
(haskellLib.generateOptparseApplicativeCompletion "ob"
(haskellLib.justStaticExecutables super.obelisk-command))
(drv: {
buildTools = (drv.buildTools or []) ++ [ pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper ];
postFixup = ''
${drv.postFixup or ""}
# Make `ob` reference its runtime dependencies.
wrapProgram "$out"/bin/ob --prefix PATH : ${pkgs.lib.makeBinPath commandRuntimeDeps}
passthru = { inherit commandRuntimeDeps; };
obelisk-selftest = haskellLib.justStaticExecutables super.obelisk-selftest;

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
{ prs }:
self = import ./. {};
pkgs = self.nixpkgs;
mkFetchGithub = value: {
inherit value;
type = "git";
emailresponsible = false;
with pkgs.lib;
defaults = jobs: {
inherit (jobs) description;
enabled = 1;
hidden = false;
keepnr = 10;
schedulingshares = 100;
checkinterval = 120;
enableemail = false;
emailoverride = "";
nixexprinput = "obelisk";
nixexprpath = "release.nix";
inputs = jobs.inputs // {
nixpkgs = {
type = "git";
value = " nixos-unstable";
emailresponsible = false;
branchJobset = branch: defaults {
description = "obelisk-${branch}";
inputs = {
obelisk = {
value = " ${branch}";
type = "git";
emailresponsible = false;
makePr = num: info: {
name = "obelisk-pr-${num}";
value = defaults {
description = "#${num}: ${info.title}";
inputs = {
obelisk = {
#NOTE: This should really use "pull/${num}/merge"; however, GitHub's
#status checks only operate on PR heads. This creates a race
#condition, which can currently only be solved by requiring PRs to be
#up to date before they're merged. See
value = " pull/${num}/head";
type = "git";
emailresponsible = false;
processedPrs = mapAttrs' makePr (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile prs));
jobsetsAttrs = processedPrs //
genAttrs ["master"] branchJobset;
in {
jobsets = pkgs.writeText "spec.json" (builtins.toJSON jobsetsAttrs);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
## obelisk-asset
The 'assets.nix' file contains nix expressions that are a mutually
recursive set of attributes used to create static asset directories
The 'assets.nix' file contains nix expressions that are a mutually
recursive set of attributes used to create static asset directories
with hashable file encodings. This file should be incorporated within
your project's 'default.nix' file. (See ./example/default.nix , line 2)
@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ your project's 'default.nix' file. (See ./example/default.nix , line 2)
The 'mkAssets' and 'mkAssetsWith' functions within 'assets.nix' only
need to be passed an encoding('zopfliEncodings', 'gzipEncodings',
need to be passed an encoding('zopfliEncodings', 'gzipEncodings',
'noEncodings') and a static directory of your choice as arguments.
In this example, 'mkAssets' is used on a directory that has a .png
In this example, 'mkAssets' is used on a directory that has a .png
file inside of it. (See ./example/default.nix, line 11)
myAssets = assets.mkAssets ./static;
myAssets = assets.mkAssets ./static;
Once you have successfully incorporated 'assets.nix' into your
project's nix file(s), use nix-build to generate a symlink of
your 'mkAssets' expression. The following command from
example/run-example (line 3) will generate an immutable symlink
that holds hashed static assets.
Once you have successfully incorporated 'assets.nix' into your
project's nix file(s), use nix-build to generate a symlink of
your 'mkAssets' expression. The following command from
example/run-example (line 3) will generate an immutable symlink
that holds hashed static assets.
nix-build -o static.assets -A myAssets

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ library
, bytestring
, containers
, deepseq
, directory
, filepath

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- | Functions for collecting up files to be processed by the asset pipeline
module Obelisk.Asset.Gather
( gatherHashedPaths
, toHashedPath
) where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ gatherHashedPaths root = go ""
let relativePath = subdir </> sub
isFile <- doesFileExist $ root </> relativePath
if isFile
then do hashedRelativePath <- toHashedPath root relativePath
then do !hashedRelativePath <- force <$> toHashedPath root relativePath
return $ Map.singleton relativePath hashedRelativePath
else go relativePath
@ -47,7 +49,8 @@ toHashedPath root relativePath = do
contents <- LBS.readFile path
let hashPrefix = T.unpack $ decodeUtf8 $ LBS.toStrict $ toNixBase32 $ bytestringDigest $ sha256 contents
(dir, filename) = splitFileName relativePath
return $ normalise $ dir </> (hashPrefix <> "-" <> filename)
!hashedRelativePath = force $ normalise $ dir </> (hashPrefix <> "-" <> filename)
return hashedRelativePath
-- | Convert a ByteString to base 32 in the way that Nix does
toNixBase32 :: LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString

View File

@ -136,16 +136,16 @@ qvalue = do
skipMany lws
q0 <|> q1
where q0 = do
char '0'
_ <- char '0'
decimals <- option [] $ do
char '.'
_ <- char '.'
starRule (Just 0) (Just numAllowedDigits) digit
return $ QValue $ MkFixed $ fromIntegral $ (read ('0' : decimals) :: Int) * 10 ^ (numAllowedDigits - length decimals)
q1 = do
char '1'
_ <- char '1'
option () $ do
char '.'
starRule (Just 0) (Just numAllowedDigits) $ char '0'
_ <- char '.'
_ <- starRule (Just 0) (Just numAllowedDigits) $ char '0'
return ()
return $ QValue 1
numAllowedDigits :: Int
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ hashRule minNum maxNum element = do
lws :: Parser ()
lws = do
option () $ cr >> lf
starRule (Just 1) Nothing $ sp <|> ht
_ <- starRule (Just 1) Nothing $ sp <|> ht
return ()
-- | See

View File

@ -12,13 +12,15 @@ import Obelisk.Asset.Accept (Encoding (..), acceptEncodingBody, chooseEncoding,
import Obelisk.Snap.Extras
import Snap
(MonadSnap, getHeader, getsRequest, modifyResponse, pass, redirect, sendFile, setContentLength, setContentType, setHeader, setResponseCode)
(MonadSnap, getHeader, getRequest, getsRequest, modifyResponse, pass, redirect, sendFile, setContentLength, setContentType, setHeader, setResponseCode)
import Snap.Util.FileServe (defaultMimeTypes, fileType, getSafePath, serveFile)
import Snap.Internal.Util.FileServe (checkRangeReq)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Exception (handleJust, try, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (forM, liftM)
import Control.Monad (forM, liftM, unless)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (parseOnly, endOfInput)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ import System.Posix (getFileStatus, fileSize)
-- current version of the asset
-- (e.g. @0rx5yvkkgkig2pcqf4ngi1l7vh89qqajdzc6aiayaibyhvj0d853-test.png@). Hashed
-- asset names will be sent with permanent caching headers.
serveAssets :: MonadSnap m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAssets :: (MonadSnap m, MonadFail m) => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAssets = serveAssets' True
-- | Serve static assets from an asset directory generated via @assets.nix@ or, failing that, from a regular directory.
@ -47,15 +49,15 @@ serveAssets = serveAssets' True
-- browser for the logical asset name (e.g. @test.png@) but instead the current
-- version of the asset with to point the browser at the unique filename for the
-- current version of the asset.
serveAssetsInPlace :: MonadSnap m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAssetsInPlace :: (MonadSnap m, MonadFail m) => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAssetsInPlace = serveAssets' False
-- | Like 'serveAssets', but only serves a single specified asset
serveAsset :: MonadSnap m => FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAsset :: (MonadSnap m, MonadFail m) => FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAsset = serveAsset' True
-- | Like 'serveAssetsInPlace', but only serves a single specified asset
serveAssetInPlace :: MonadSnap m => FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAssetInPlace :: (MonadSnap m, MonadFail m) => FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAssetInPlace = serveAsset' False
-- | Serve static assets from an asset directory generated via @assets.nix@ or, failing that, from a regular directory.
@ -63,13 +65,13 @@ serveAssetInPlace = serveAsset' False
-- For assets generated from @assets.nix@, the @Bool@ argument @doRedirect@ controls whether redirects will be sent to the browser if a request is made for
-- an unhashed asset name, e.g. @test.png@. For @True@, a redirect will be sent, yielding more round trips to the server but better caching behavior if the
-- asset doesn't change often. Conversely for @False@, the asset will be served "in place" but made uncacheable.
serveAssets' :: MonadSnap m => Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAssets' :: (MonadSnap m, MonadFail m) => Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAssets' doRedirect base fallback = do
pRaw <- getSafePath
serveAsset' doRedirect base fallback $ if "/" `isSuffixOf` pRaw || pRaw == "" then pRaw <> "index.html" else pRaw
-- | Serve a single static asset from an asset directory generated via @assets.nix@ or, failing that, from a regular directory.
serveAsset' :: MonadSnap m => Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAsset' :: (MonadFail m, MonadSnap m) => Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
serveAsset' doRedirect base fallback p = do
assetType <- liftIO $ try $ BS.readFile $ base </> p </> "type"
case assetType of
@ -93,8 +95,17 @@ serveAsset' doRedirect base fallback p = do
let finalFilename = base </> p </> "encodings" </> T.unpack (decodeUtf8 e)
stat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus finalFilename
modifyResponse $ setHeader "Last-Modified" "Thu, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"
modifyResponse $ setResponseCode 200 . setContentLength (fromIntegral $ fileSize stat) . setContentType (fileType defaultMimeTypes p)
sendFile finalFilename
. setHeader "Accept-Ranges" "bytes"
. setContentType (fileType defaultMimeTypes p)
let size = fromIntegral $ fileSize stat
req <- getRequest
-- Despite the name, this function actually does all of the work for
-- responding to range requests. We only need to handle *none* range
-- requests ourselves.
wasRange <- checkRangeReq req finalFilename size
unless wasRange $ do
modifyResponse $ setResponseCode 200 . setContentLength size
sendFile finalFilename
Just _ -> cachePermanently >> modifyResponse (setResponseCode 304)
Right "redirect" -> do
mtarget <- liftIO $ getAssetTarget $ base </> p

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ library
build-depends: base,
@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ library

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
@ -6,62 +8,112 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Obelisk.Backend
( Backend (..)
, BackendConfig (..)
, defaultBackendConfig
, StaticAssets (..)
, defaultStaticAssets
-- * Running a backend
, runBackend
, runBackendWith
-- * Configuration of backend
, GhcjsWidgets(..)
, defaultGhcjsWidgets
-- * all.js script loading functions
, deferredGhcjsScript
, delayedGhcjsScript
-- * all.js preload functions
, preloadGhcjs
, renderAllJsPath
-- * Re-exports
, Default (def)
, getPageName
, getRouteWith
, runSnapWithCommandLineArgs
, runSnapWithConfig
, serveDefaultObeliskApp
, prettifyOutput
, runBackend
, staticRenderContentType
, mkRouteToUrl
, getPublicConfigs
) where
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Categorical.Bifunctor
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8
import Data.Default (Default (..))
import Data.Dependent.Sum
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Obelisk.Asset.Serve.Snap (serveAsset)
import Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Inject (injectExecutableConfigs)
import qualified Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup as Lookup
import Obelisk.Frontend
import Obelisk.Route
import Obelisk.Snap.Extras (doNotCache, serveFileIfExistsAs)
import Reflex.Dom
import Snap (MonadSnap, Snap, commandLineConfig, defaultConfig, getsRequest, httpServe, modifyResponse
, rqPathInfo, rqQueryString, setContentType, writeBS, writeText)
, rqPathInfo, rqQueryString, setContentType, writeBS, writeText
, rqCookies, Cookie(..) , setHeader)
import Snap.Internal.Http.Server.Config (Config (accessLog, errorLog), ConfigLog (ConfigIoLog))
import System.IO (BufferMode (..), hSetBuffering, stderr, stdout)
data Backend backendRoute frontendRoute = Backend
{ _backend_routeEncoder :: Encoder (Either Text) Identity (R (Sum backendRoute (ObeliskRoute frontendRoute))) PageName
{ _backend_routeEncoder :: Encoder (Either Text) Identity (R (FullRoute backendRoute frontendRoute)) PageName
, _backend_run :: ((R backendRoute -> Snap ()) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
} deriving (Generic)
data BackendConfig frontendRoute = BackendConfig
{ _backendConfig_runSnap :: !(Snap () -> IO ()) -- ^ Function to run the snap server
, _backendConfig_staticAssets :: !StaticAssets -- ^ Static assets
, _backendConfig_ghcjsWidgets :: !(GhcjsWidgets (Text -> FrontendWidgetT (R frontendRoute) ()))
-- ^ Given the URL of all.js, return the widgets which are responsible for
-- loading the script.
} deriving (Generic)
-- | The static assets provided must contain a compiled GHCJS app that corresponds exactly to the Frontend provided
data GhcjsApp route = GhcjsApp
{ _ghcjsApp_compiled :: !StaticAssets
, _ghcjsApp_value :: !(Frontend route)
} deriving (Generic)
-- | Widgets used to load all.js on the frontend
data GhcjsWidgets a = GhcjsWidgets
{ _ghcjsWidgets_preload :: a
-- ^ A preload widget, placed in the document head
, _ghcjsWidgets_script :: a
-- ^ A script widget, placed in the document body
} deriving (Functor, Generic)
-- | Given the URL of all.js, return the widgets which are responsible for
-- loading the script. Defaults to 'preloadGhcjs' and 'deferredGhcjsScript'.
defaultGhcjsWidgets :: GhcjsWidgets (Text -> FrontendWidgetT r ())
defaultGhcjsWidgets = GhcjsWidgets
{ _ghcjsWidgets_preload = preloadGhcjs
, _ghcjsWidgets_script = deferredGhcjsScript
-- | Serve a frontend, which must be the same frontend that Obelisk has built and placed in the default location
--TODO: The frontend should be provided together with the asset paths so that this isn't so easily breakable; that will probably make this function obsolete
serveDefaultObeliskApp :: MonadSnap m => (R appRoute -> Text) -> ([Text] -> m ()) -> Frontend (R appRoute) -> R (ObeliskRoute appRoute) -> m ()
serveDefaultObeliskApp urlEnc serveStaticAsset frontend = serveObeliskApp urlEnc serveStaticAsset frontendApp
:: (MonadSnap m, HasCookies m, MonadFail m)
=> (R appRoute -> Text)
-> GhcjsWidgets (FrontendWidgetT (R appRoute) ())
-> ([Text] -> m ())
-> Frontend (R appRoute)
-> Map Text ByteString
-> R (ObeliskRoute appRoute)
-> m ()
serveDefaultObeliskApp urlEnc ghcjsWidgets serveStaticAsset frontend =
serveObeliskApp urlEnc ghcjsWidgets serveStaticAsset frontendApp
where frontendApp = GhcjsApp
{ _ghcjsApp_compiled = defaultFrontendGhcjsAssets
, _ghcjsApp_value = frontend
@ -86,45 +138,56 @@ defaultFrontendGhcjsAssets = StaticAssets
, _staticAssets_unprocessed = "frontend.jsexe"
runSnapWithCommandLineArgs :: Snap () -> IO ()
runSnapWithCommandLineArgs a = do
-- Get the web server configuration from the command line
cmdLineConf <- commandLineConfig defaultConfig
let httpConf = cmdLineConf
runSnapWithConfig :: MonadIO m => Config Snap a -> Snap () -> m ()
runSnapWithConfig conf a = do
let httpConf = conf
{ accessLog = Just $ ConfigIoLog BSC8.putStrLn
, errorLog = Just $ ConfigIoLog BSC8.putStrLn
-- Start the web server
httpServe httpConf a
liftIO $ httpServe httpConf a
-- Get the web server configuration from the command line
runSnapWithCommandLineArgs :: MonadIO m => Snap () -> m ()
runSnapWithCommandLineArgs s = liftIO (commandLineConfig defaultConfig) >>= \c ->
runSnapWithConfig c s
getPageName :: (MonadSnap m) => m PageName
getPageName = do
p <- getsRequest rqPathInfo
q <- getsRequest rqQueryString
let pageNameEncoder' :: Encoder Identity Identity PageName (String, String)
pageNameEncoder' = bimap
(unpackTextEncoder . pathSegmentsTextEncoder . listToNonEmptyEncoder)
(unpackTextEncoder . queryParametersTextEncoder . toListMapEncoder)
return $ decode pageNameEncoder' (T.unpack (decodeUtf8 p), T.unpack (decodeUtf8 q))
return $ byteStringsToPageName p q
getRouteWith :: (MonadSnap m) => Encoder Identity parse route PageName -> m (parse route)
getRouteWith e = do
pageName <- getPageName
return $ tryDecode e pageName
serveObeliskApp :: MonadSnap m => (R appRoute -> Text) -> ([Text] -> m ()) -> GhcjsApp (R appRoute) -> R (ObeliskRoute appRoute) -> m ()
serveObeliskApp urlEnc serveStaticAsset frontendApp = \case
ObeliskRoute_App appRouteComponent :=> Identity appRouteRest -> serveGhcjsApp urlEnc frontendApp $ GhcjsAppRoute_App appRouteComponent :/ appRouteRest
renderAllJsPath :: Encoder Identity Identity (R (FullRoute a b)) PageName -> Text
renderAllJsPath validFullEncoder =
renderObeliskRoute validFullEncoder $ FullRoute_Frontend (ObeliskRoute_Resource ResourceRoute_Ghcjs) :/ ["all.js"]
:: (MonadSnap m, HasCookies m, MonadFail m)
=> (R appRoute -> Text)
-> GhcjsWidgets (FrontendWidgetT (R appRoute) ())
-> ([Text] -> m ())
-> GhcjsApp (R appRoute)
-> Map Text ByteString
-> R (ObeliskRoute appRoute)
-> m ()
serveObeliskApp urlEnc ghcjsWidgets serveStaticAsset frontendApp config = \case
ObeliskRoute_App appRouteComponent :=> Identity appRouteRest -> serveGhcjsApp urlEnc ghcjsWidgets frontendApp config $ GhcjsAppRoute_App appRouteComponent :/ appRouteRest
ObeliskRoute_Resource resComponent :=> Identity resRest -> case resComponent :=> Identity resRest of
ResourceRoute_Static :=> Identity pathSegments -> serveStaticAsset pathSegments
ResourceRoute_Ghcjs :=> Identity pathSegments -> serveGhcjsApp urlEnc frontendApp $ GhcjsAppRoute_Resource :/ pathSegments
ResourceRoute_Ghcjs :=> Identity pathSegments -> serveGhcjsApp urlEnc ghcjsWidgets frontendApp config $ GhcjsAppRoute_Resource :/ pathSegments
ResourceRoute_JSaddleWarp :=> Identity _ -> do
let msg = "Error: Obelisk.Backend received jsaddle request"
liftIO $ putStrLn $ T.unpack msg
writeText msg
ResourceRoute_Version :=> Identity () -> doNotCache >> serveFileIfExistsAs "text/plain" "version"
serveStaticAssets :: MonadSnap m => StaticAssets -> [Text] -> m ()
serveStaticAssets :: (MonadSnap m, MonadFail m) => StaticAssets -> [Text] -> m ()
serveStaticAssets assets pathSegments = serveAsset (_staticAssets_processed assets) (_staticAssets_unprocessed assets) $ T.unpack $ T.intercalate "/" pathSegments
data StaticAssets = StaticAssets
@ -141,35 +204,95 @@ staticRenderContentType :: ByteString
staticRenderContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
--TODO: Don't assume we're being served at "/"
serveGhcjsApp :: MonadSnap m => (R appRouteComponent -> Text) -> GhcjsApp (R appRouteComponent) -> R (GhcjsAppRoute appRouteComponent) -> m ()
serveGhcjsApp urlEnc app = \case
:: (MonadSnap m, HasCookies m, MonadFail m)
=> (R appRouteComponent -> Text)
-> GhcjsWidgets (FrontendWidgetT (R appRouteComponent) ())
-> GhcjsApp (R appRouteComponent)
-> Map Text ByteString
-> R (GhcjsAppRoute appRouteComponent)
-> m ()
serveGhcjsApp urlEnc ghcjsWidgets app config = \case
GhcjsAppRoute_App appRouteComponent :=> Identity appRouteRest -> do
modifyResponse $ setContentType staticRenderContentType
writeBS <=< liftIO $ renderGhcjsFrontend urlEnc (appRouteComponent :/ appRouteRest) $ _ghcjsApp_value app
modifyResponse $ setHeader "Cache-Control" "no-store private"
writeBS <=< renderGhcjsFrontend urlEnc ghcjsWidgets (appRouteComponent :/ appRouteRest) config $ _ghcjsApp_value app
GhcjsAppRoute_Resource :=> Identity pathSegments -> serveStaticAssets (_ghcjsApp_compiled app) pathSegments
runBackend :: Backend fullRoute frontendRoute -> Frontend (R frontendRoute) -> IO ()
runBackend backend frontend = case checkEncoder $ _backend_routeEncoder backend of
-- | Default obelisk backend configuration.
defaultBackendConfig :: BackendConfig frontendRoute
defaultBackendConfig = BackendConfig runSnapWithCommandLineArgs defaultStaticAssets defaultGhcjsWidgets
-- | Run an obelisk backend with the default configuration.
runBackend :: Backend backendRoute frontendRoute -> Frontend (R frontendRoute) -> IO ()
runBackend = runBackendWith defaultBackendConfig
-- | Run an obelisk backend with the given configuration.
:: BackendConfig frontendRoute
-> Backend backendRoute frontendRoute
-> Frontend (R frontendRoute)
-> IO ()
runBackendWith (BackendConfig runSnap staticAssets ghcjsWidgets) backend frontend = case checkEncoder $ _backend_routeEncoder backend of
Left e -> fail $ "backend error:\n" <> T.unpack e
Right validFullEncoder -> _backend_run backend $ \serveRoute -> do
runSnapWithCommandLineArgs $ do
getRouteWith validFullEncoder >>= \case
Identity r -> case r of
InL backendRoute :=> Identity a -> serveRoute $ backendRoute :/ a
InR obeliskRoute :=> Identity a ->
serveDefaultObeliskApp (mkRouteToUrl validFullEncoder) (serveStaticAssets defaultStaticAssets) frontend $ obeliskRoute :/ a
Right validFullEncoder -> do
publicConfigs <- getPublicConfigs
_backend_run backend $ \serveRoute ->
runSnap $
getRouteWith validFullEncoder >>= \case
Identity r -> case r of
FullRoute_Backend backendRoute :/ a -> serveRoute $ backendRoute :/ a
FullRoute_Frontend obeliskRoute :/ a ->
serveDefaultObeliskApp routeToUrl (($ allJsUrl) <$> ghcjsWidgets) (serveStaticAssets staticAssets) frontend publicConfigs $
obeliskRoute :/ a
routeToUrl (k :/ v) = renderObeliskRoute validFullEncoder $ FullRoute_Frontend (ObeliskRoute_App k) :/ v
allJsUrl = renderAllJsPath validFullEncoder
mkRouteToUrl :: Encoder Identity parse (R (Sum f (ObeliskRoute r))) PageName -> R r -> Text
mkRouteToUrl validFullEncoder =
let pageNameEncoder' :: Encoder Identity (Either Text) PageName PathQuery = pageNameEncoder
in \(k :/ v) -> T.pack . uncurry (<>) . encode pageNameEncoder' . encode validFullEncoder $ (InR $ ObeliskRoute_App k) :/ v
:: (MonadSnap m, HasCookies m)
=> (route -> Text)
-> GhcjsWidgets (FrontendWidgetT route ())
-> route
-> Map Text ByteString
-> Frontend route
-> m ByteString
renderGhcjsFrontend urlEnc ghcjsWidgets route configs f = do
cookies <- askCookies
renderFrontendHtml configs cookies urlEnc route f (_ghcjsWidgets_preload ghcjsWidgets) (_ghcjsWidgets_script ghcjsWidgets)
-- | Preload all.js in a link tag.
-- This is the default preload method.
preloadGhcjs :: Text -> FrontendWidgetT r ()
preloadGhcjs allJsUrl = elAttr "link" ("rel" =: "preload" <> "as" =: "script" <> "href" =: allJsUrl) blank
renderGhcjsFrontend :: MonadIO m => (route -> Text) -> route -> Frontend route -> m ByteString
renderGhcjsFrontend urlEnc route f = do
let baseTag = elAttr "base" ("href" =: "/") blank --TODO: Figure out the base URL from the routes
ghcjsPreload = elAttr "link" ("rel" =: "preload" <> "as" =: "script" <> "href" =: "ghcjs/all.js") blank
ghcjsScript = elAttr "script" ("language" =: "javascript" <> "src" =: "ghcjs/all.js" <> "defer" =: "defer") blank
liftIO $ renderFrontendHtml urlEnc route
(_frontend_head f >> injectExecutableConfigs >> baseTag >> ghcjsPreload)
(_frontend_body f >> ghcjsScript)
-- | Load the script from the given URL in a deferred script tag.
-- This is the default method.
deferredGhcjsScript :: Text -> FrontendWidgetT r ()
deferredGhcjsScript allJsUrl = elAttr "script" ("type" =: "text/javascript" <> "src" =: allJsUrl <> "defer" =: "defer") blank
-- | An all.js script which is loaded after waiting for some time to pass. This
-- is useful to ensure any CSS animations on the page can play smoothly before
-- blocking the UI thread by running all.js.
:: Int -- ^ The number of milliseconds to delay loading by
-> Text -- ^ URL to GHCJS app JavaScript
-> FrontendWidgetT r ()
delayedGhcjsScript n allJsUrl = elAttr "script" ("type" =: "text/javascript") $ text $ T.unlines
[ "setTimeout(function() {"
, " var all_js_script = document.createElement('script');"
, " all_js_script.type = 'text/javascript';"
, " all_js_script.src = '" <> allJsUrl <> "';"
, " document.body.appendChild(all_js_script);"
, "}, " <> T.pack (show n) <> ");"
instance HasCookies Snap where
askCookies = map (\c -> (cookieName c, cookieValue c)) <$> getsRequest rqCookies
-- | Get configs from the canonical "public" locations (i.e., locations that obelisk expects to make available
-- to frontend applications, and hence visible to end users).
getPublicConfigs :: IO (Map Text ByteString)
getPublicConfigs = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> isMemberOf k ["common", "frontend"]) <$> Lookup.getConfigs
isMemberOf k = any (`T.isPrefixOf` k)

View File

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ cabal-version: >=1.2
hs-source-dirs: src
, ansi-terminal
, base
, bytestring
, containers
, exceptions
, io-streams
, lens
@ -23,11 +25,11 @@ library
, transformers
ghc-options: -Wall -fobject-code

View File

@ -33,16 +33,25 @@ module Obelisk.CliApp
, Severity (..)
-- .Process
, ProcessFailure (..)
, AsProcessFailure (..)
, readProcessAndLogStderr
, readProcessAndLogOutput
, readCreateProcessWithExitCode
, ProcessFailure (..)
, ProcessSpec (..)
, callCommand
, callProcess
, callProcessAndLogOutput
, createProcess_
, callProcess
, callCommand
, overCreateProcess
, proc
, readCreateProcessWithExitCode
, readProcessAndLogOutput
, readProcessAndLogStderr
, readProcessJSONAndLogStderr
, reconstructCommand
, setCwd
, setDelegateCtlc
, setEnvOverride
, shell
, waitForProcess
) where
import Control.Monad.Log (Severity (..))

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Obelisk.CliApp.Demo where
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Process (proc)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadMask)
import Obelisk.CliApp
:: ( MonadIO m, MonadMask m
, CliLog m, HasCliConfig e m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e, AsUnstructuredError e)
=> m ()
cliDemo = withSpinner "CLI Demo" $ do
putLog Notice "This demo will showcase the CLI library functionality"
_ <- withSpinner' "Searching long for something" (Just $ \c -> "Discovered " <> T.pack (show c) <> " objects") $ do
withSpinner "Nested task" $ do
putLog Notice "In nested task"
-- This is a 'no trail' spinner that won't leave a trail (even its sub spinners)
withSpinnerNoTrail "In between, doing something temporary" $ do
withSpinner "Runnning something deep inside" $ do
putLog Notice "You can still log from inside no-trail spinners"
putLog Error "Top nested task finished"
putLog Error "Some user error while spinning"
putLog Notice "This is some info mesage"
putLog Warning "And now a warning as well"
return (42 :: Integer)
putLog Notice "Now we start a 2nd spinner, run a couple of process, the last of which fails:"
withSpinner "Looking around" $ do
output <- readProcessAndLogStderr Notice $ proc "ls" ["-l", "/"]
putLog Notice $ "Output was: " <> output
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $ proc "ls" ["-l", "/does-not-exist"]
failWith "Something dangerous happened"
delay = liftIO $ threadDelay 1000000

View File

@ -43,13 +43,15 @@ import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import GHC.IO.Encoding.Types
import System.Console.ANSI (Color (Red, Yellow), ColorIntensity (Vivid),
ConsoleIntensity (FaintIntensity), ConsoleLayer (Foreground),
SGR (SetColor, SetConsoleIntensity), clearLine)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import System.IO (BufferMode (NoBuffering), hFlush, hReady, hSetBuffering, stderr, stdin, stdout)
import System.IO
import qualified Obelisk.CliApp.TerminalString as TS
import Obelisk.CliApp.Theme
import Obelisk.CliApp.Types
@ -63,7 +65,11 @@ newCliConfig sev noColor noSpinner errorLogExitCode = do
lock <- newMVar False
tipDisplayed <- newIORef False
stack <- newIORef ([], [])
return $ CliConfig level noColor noSpinner lock tipDisplayed stack errorLogExitCode
textEncoding <- hGetEncoding stdout
let theme = if maybe False supportsUnicode textEncoding
then unicodeTheme
else noUnicodeTheme
return $ CliConfig level noColor noSpinner lock tipDisplayed stack errorLogExitCode theme
runCli :: MonadIO m => CliConfig e -> CliT e m a -> m a
runCli c =
@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ handleLog' noColor output = do
hFlush stdout
Output_Overwrite ts -> liftIO $ do
width <- TS.getTerminalWidth
T.putStr $ "\r" <> (TS.render (not noColor) width ts)
T.putStr $ "\r" <> TS.render (not noColor) width ts
hFlush stdout
Output_ClearLine -> liftIO $ do
-- Go to the first column and clear the whole line
@ -172,14 +178,16 @@ withExitFailMessage msg f = f `catch` \(e :: ExitCode) -> do
-- | Write log to stdout, with colors (unless `noColor`)
writeLog :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Bool -> Bool -> WithSeverity Text -> m ()
writeLog withNewLine noColor (WithSeverity severity s)
| noColor && severity <= Warning = liftIO $ putFn $ T.pack (show severity) <> ": " <> s
| not noColor && severity <= Error = TS.putStrWithSGR errorColors h withNewLine s
| not noColor && severity <= Warning = TS.putStrWithSGR warningColors h withNewLine s
| not noColor && severity >= Debug = TS.putStrWithSGR debugColors h withNewLine s
| otherwise = liftIO $ putFn s
writeLog withNewLine noColor (WithSeverity severity s) = if T.null s then pure () else write
putFn = if withNewLine then (T.hPutStrLn h) else (T.hPutStr h)
| noColor && severity <= Warning = liftIO $ putFn $ T.pack (show severity) <> ": " <> s
| not noColor && severity <= Error = TS.putStrWithSGR errorColors h withNewLine s
| not noColor && severity <= Warning = TS.putStrWithSGR warningColors h withNewLine s
| not noColor && severity >= Debug = TS.putStrWithSGR debugColors h withNewLine s
| otherwise = liftIO $ putFn s
putFn = if withNewLine then T.hPutStrLn h else T.hPutStr h
h = if severity <= Error then stderr else stdout
errorColors = [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red]
warningColors = [SetColor Foreground Vivid Yellow]
@ -226,3 +234,20 @@ fork :: (HasCliConfig e m, MonadIO m) => CliT e IO () -> m ThreadId
fork f = do
c <- getCliConfig
liftIO $ forkIO $ runCli c f
-- | Conservatively determines whether the encoding supports Unicode.
-- Currently this uses a whitelist of known-to-work encodings. In principle it
-- could test dynamically by opening a file with this encoding, but it doesn't
-- look like base exposes any way to determine this in a pure fashion.
supportsUnicode :: TextEncoding -> Bool
supportsUnicode enc = any ((textEncodingName enc ==) . textEncodingName)
[ utf8
, utf8_bom
, utf16
, utf16be
, utf16le
, utf32
, utf32be
, utf32le

View File

@ -9,43 +9,81 @@
-- | An extension of `System.Process` that integrates with logging (`Obelisk.CLI.Logging`)
-- and is thus spinner friendly.
module Obelisk.CliApp.Process
( ProcessFailure (..)
, AsProcessFailure (..)
, readProcessAndLogStderr
, readProcessAndLogOutput
, readCreateProcessWithExitCode
( AsProcessFailure (..)
, ProcessFailure (..)
, ProcessSpec (..)
, callCommand
, callProcess
, callProcessAndLogOutput
, createProcess
, createProcess_
, callProcess
, callCommand
, overCreateProcess
, proc
, readCreateProcessWithExitCode
, readProcessAndLogOutput
, readProcessAndLogStderr
, readProcessJSONAndLogStderr
, reconstructCommand
, setCwd
, setDelegateCtlc
, setEnvOverride
, shell
, waitForProcess
) where
import Control.Monad ((<=<), join, void)
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Control.Lens (Prism', review)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error (lenientDecode)
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import System.IO (Handle)
import System.IO.Streams (InputStream, handleToInputStream)
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import System.IO.Streams.Concurrent (concurrentMerge)
import System.Process (CreateProcess, ProcessHandle, StdStream (CreatePipe), cmdspec, std_err, std_out,
import System.Process (CreateProcess, ProcessHandle, StdStream (CreatePipe), std_err, std_out)
import qualified System.Process as Process
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Control.Monad.Log (Severity (..))
import Obelisk.CliApp.Logging (putLog, putLogRaw)
import Obelisk.CliApp.Types (CliLog, CliThrow)
data ProcessSpec = ProcessSpec
{ _processSpec_createProcess :: !CreateProcess
, _processSpec_overrideEnv :: !(Maybe (Map String String -> Map String String))
proc :: FilePath -> [String] -> ProcessSpec
proc cmd args = ProcessSpec (Process.proc cmd args) Nothing
shell :: String -> ProcessSpec
shell cmd = ProcessSpec ( cmd) Nothing
setEnvOverride :: (Map String String -> Map String String) -> ProcessSpec -> ProcessSpec
setEnvOverride f p = p { _processSpec_overrideEnv = Just f }
overCreateProcess :: (CreateProcess -> CreateProcess) -> ProcessSpec -> ProcessSpec
overCreateProcess f (ProcessSpec p x) = ProcessSpec (f p) x
setDelegateCtlc :: Bool -> ProcessSpec -> ProcessSpec
setDelegateCtlc b = overCreateProcess (\p -> p { Process.delegate_ctlc = b })
setCwd :: Maybe FilePath -> ProcessSpec -> ProcessSpec
setCwd fp = overCreateProcess (\p -> p { Process.cwd = fp })
-- TODO put back in `Obelisk.CliApp.Process` and use prisms for extensible exceptions
data ProcessFailure = ProcessFailure Process.CmdSpec Int -- exit code
deriving Show
@ -59,18 +97,32 @@ instance AsProcessFailure ProcessFailure where
asProcessFailure = id
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e)
=> Severity -> CreateProcess -> m Text
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e, MonadFail m)
=> Severity -> ProcessSpec -> m Text
readProcessAndLogStderr sev process = do
(out, _err) <- withProcess process $ \_out err -> do
streamToLog =<< liftIO (streamHandle sev err)
liftIO $ T.decodeUtf8 <$> BS.hGetContents out
liftIO $ T.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode <$> BS.hGetContents out
:: (Aeson.FromJSON a, MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e, MonadFail m)
=> Severity -> ProcessSpec -> m a
readProcessJSONAndLogStderr sev process = do
(out, _err) <- withProcess process $ \_out err -> do
streamToLog =<< liftIO (streamHandle sev err)
json <- liftIO $ BS.hGetContents out
case Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict json of
Right a -> pure a
Left err -> do
putLog Error $ "Could not decode process output as JSON: " <> T.pack err
throwError $ review asProcessFailure $ ProcessFailure (Process.cmdspec $ _processSpec_createProcess process) 0
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e)
=> CreateProcess -> m (ExitCode, String, String)
readCreateProcessWithExitCode process = do
putLog Debug $ "Creating process: " <> reconstructCommand (cmdspec process)
=> ProcessSpec -> m (ExitCode, String, String)
readCreateProcessWithExitCode procSpec = do
process <- mkCreateProcess procSpec
putLog Debug $ "Creating process: " <> reconstructProcSpec procSpec
liftIO $ Process.readCreateProcessWithExitCode process ""
-- | Like `System.Process.readProcess` but logs the combined output (stdout and stderr)
@ -81,22 +133,22 @@ readCreateProcessWithExitCode process = do
-- which case it is advisable to call it with a non-Error severity for stderr, like
-- `callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Debug)`.
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e)
=> (Severity, Severity) -> CreateProcess -> m Text
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e, MonadFail m)
=> (Severity, Severity) -> ProcessSpec -> m Text
readProcessAndLogOutput (sev_out, sev_err) process = do
(_, Just out, Just err, p) <- createProcess $ process
{ std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = CreatePipe }
(_, Just out, Just err, p) <- createProcess $ overCreateProcess
(\p -> p { std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = CreatePipe }) process
-- TODO interleave stdout and stderr in log correctly
streamToLog =<< liftIO (streamHandle sev_err err)
outText <- liftIO $ T.decodeUtf8 <$> BS.hGetContents out
outText <- liftIO $ T.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode <$> BS.hGetContents out
putLogRaw sev_out outText
liftIO (waitForProcess p) >>= \case
waitForProcess p >>= \case
ExitSuccess -> pure outText
ExitFailure code -> throwError $ review asProcessFailure $ ProcessFailure (cmdspec process) code
ExitFailure code -> throwError $ review asProcessFailure $ ProcessFailure (Process.cmdspec $ _processSpec_createProcess process) code
-- | Like `System.Process.callProcess` but logs the combined output (stdout and stderr)
-- | Like 'System.Process.callProcess' but logs the combined output (stdout and stderr)
-- with the corresponding severity.
-- Usually this function is called as `callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error)`. However
@ -104,9 +156,8 @@ readProcessAndLogOutput (sev_out, sev_err) process = do
-- which case it is advisable to call it with a non-Error severity for stderr, like
-- `callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Debug)`.
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e)
=> (Severity, Severity) -> CreateProcess -> m ()
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e, MonadFail m)
=> (Severity, Severity) -> ProcessSpec -> m ()
callProcessAndLogOutput (sev_out, sev_err) process =
void $ withProcess process $ \out err -> do
stream <- liftIO $ join $ combineStream
@ -116,21 +167,31 @@ callProcessAndLogOutput (sev_out, sev_err) process =
combineStream s1 s2 = concurrentMerge [s1, s2]
-- | Like `System.Process.createProcess` but also logs (debug) the process being run
-- | Like 'System.Process.createProcess' but also logs (debug) the process being run
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m)
=> CreateProcess -> m (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle)
createProcess p = do
putLog Debug $ "Creating process: " <> reconstructCommand (cmdspec p)
=> ProcessSpec -> m (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle)
createProcess procSpec = do
p <- mkCreateProcess procSpec
putLog Debug $ "Creating process: " <> reconstructProcSpec procSpec
liftIO $ Process.createProcess p
-- | Like `System.Process.createProcess_` but also logs (debug) the process being run
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m)
=> String -> CreateProcess -> m (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle)
createProcess_ name p = do
putLog Debug $ "Creating process " <> T.pack name <> ": " <> reconstructCommand (cmdspec p)
liftIO $ Process.createProcess p
=> String -> ProcessSpec -> m (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, ProcessHandle)
createProcess_ name procSpec = do
p <- mkCreateProcess procSpec
putLog Debug $ "Creating process " <> T.pack name <> ": " <> reconstructProcSpec procSpec
liftIO $ Process.createProcess_ name p
mkCreateProcess :: MonadIO m => ProcessSpec -> m Process.CreateProcess
mkCreateProcess (ProcessSpec p override') = do
case override' of
Nothing -> pure p
Just override -> do
procEnv <- Map.fromList <$> maybe (liftIO getEnvironment) pure (Process.env p)
pure $ p { Process.env = Just $ Map.toAscList (override procEnv) }
-- | Like `System.Process.callProcess` but also logs (debug) the process being run
@ -149,18 +210,18 @@ callCommand cmd = do
liftIO $ Process.callCommand cmd
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e)
=> CreateProcess -> (Handle -> Handle -> m ()) -> m (Handle, Handle)
:: (MonadIO m, CliLog m, CliThrow e m, AsProcessFailure e, MonadFail m)
=> ProcessSpec -> (Handle -> Handle -> m ()) -> m (Handle, Handle)
withProcess process f = do -- TODO: Use bracket.
-- FIXME: Using `withCreateProcess` here leads to something operating illegally on closed handles.
(_, Just out, Just err, p) <- createProcess $ process
{ std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = CreatePipe }
(_, Just out, Just err, p) <- createProcess $ overCreateProcess
(\x -> x { std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = CreatePipe }) process
f out err -- Pass the handles to the passed function
liftIO (waitForProcess p) >>= \case
waitForProcess p >>= \case
ExitSuccess -> return (out, err)
ExitFailure code -> throwError $ review asProcessFailure $ ProcessFailure (cmdspec process) code
ExitFailure code -> throwError $ review asProcessFailure $ ProcessFailure (Process.cmdspec $ _processSpec_createProcess process) code
-- Create an input stream from the file handle, associating each item with the given severity.
streamHandle :: Severity -> Handle -> IO (InputStream (Severity, BSC.ByteString))
@ -173,12 +234,20 @@ streamToLog
streamToLog stream = fix $ \loop -> do
liftIO ( stream) >>= \case
Nothing -> return ()
Just (sev, line) -> putLogRaw sev (T.decodeUtf8 line) >> loop
Just (sev, line) -> putLogRaw sev (T.decodeUtf8With lenientDecode line) >> loop
-- | Wrapper around `System.Process.waitForProcess`
waitForProcess :: MonadIO m => ProcessHandle -> m ExitCode
waitForProcess = liftIO . Process.waitForProcess
-- | Pretty print a 'CmdSpec'
reconstructCommand :: Process.CmdSpec -> Text
reconstructCommand (Process.ShellCommand str) = T.pack str
reconstructCommand (Process.RawCommand c as) = processToShellString c as
reconstructCommand p = case p of
Process.ShellCommand str -> T.pack str
Process.RawCommand c as -> processToShellString c as
processToShellString cmd args = T.unwords $ map quoteAndEscape (cmd : args)
quoteAndEscape x = "'" <> T.replace "'" "'\''" (T.pack x) <> "'"
reconstructProcSpec :: ProcessSpec -> Text
reconstructProcSpec = reconstructCommand . Process.cmdspec . _processSpec_createProcess

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import System.Console.ANSI (Color (Blue, Cyan, Green, Red))
import Obelisk.CliApp.Logging (allowUserToMakeLoggingVerbose, fork, putLog)
import Obelisk.CliApp.TerminalString (TerminalString (..), enquiryCode)
import Obelisk.CliApp.Theme
import Obelisk.CliApp.Types (CliLog, CliConfig (..), HasCliConfig, Output (..), getCliConfig)
-- | Run an action with a CLI spinner.
@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ withSpinner'
-> m a
-> m a
withSpinner' msg mkTrail action = do
noSpinner <- _cliConfig_noSpinner <$> getCliConfig
cliConf <- getCliConfig
let noSpinner = _cliConfig_noSpinner cliConf
if noSpinner
then putLog Notice msg >> action
else bracket' run cleanup $ const action
@ -61,8 +63,11 @@ withSpinner' msg mkTrail action = do
modifyStack pushSpinner >>= \case
True -> do -- Top-level spinner; fork a thread to manage output of anything on the stack
ctrleThread <- fork $ allowUserToMakeLoggingVerbose enquiryCode
cliConf <- getCliConfig
let theme = _cliConfig_theme cliConf
spinner = coloredSpinner $ _cliTheme_spinner theme
spinnerThread <- fork $ runSpinner spinner $ \c -> do
logs <- renderSpinnerStack c . snd <$> readStack
logs <- renderSpinnerStack theme c . snd <$> readStack
logMessage $ Output_Overwrite logs
pure [ctrleThread, spinnerThread]
False -> -- Sub-spinner; nothing to do.
@ -70,13 +75,15 @@ withSpinner' msg mkTrail action = do
cleanup tids resultM = do
liftIO $ mapM_ killThread tids
logMessage Output_ClearLine
logsM <- modifyStack $ popSpinner $ case resultM of
cliConf <- getCliConfig
let theme = _cliConfig_theme cliConf
logsM <- modifyStack $ (popSpinner theme) $ case resultM of
Nothing ->
( TerminalString_Colorized Red ""
( TerminalString_Colorized Red $ _cliTheme_failed $ _cliConfig_theme cliConf
, Just msg -- Always display final message if there was an exception.
Just result ->
( TerminalString_Colorized Green ""
( TerminalString_Colorized Green $ _cliTheme_done $ _cliConfig_theme cliConf
, mkTrail <*> pure result
-- Last message, finish off with newline.
@ -87,10 +94,10 @@ withSpinner' msg mkTrail action = do
isTemporary = isNothing mkTrail
popSpinner (mark, trailMsgM) (flag, old) =
popSpinner theme (mark, trailMsgM) (flag, old) =
( (newFlag, new)
-- With final trail spinner message to render
, renderSpinnerStack mark . (: new) . TerminalString_Normal <$> (
, renderSpinnerStack theme mark . (: new) . TerminalString_Normal <$> (
if inTemporarySpinner then Nothing else trailMsgM
@ -102,19 +109,19 @@ withSpinner' msg mkTrail action = do
=<< fmap _cliConfig_spinnerStack getCliConfig
modifyStack f = liftIO . flip atomicModifyIORef' f
=<< fmap _cliConfig_spinnerStack getCliConfig
spinner = coloredSpinner defaultSpinnerTheme
-- | How nested spinner logs should be displayed
:: TerminalString -- ^ That which comes before the final element in stack
:: CliTheme
-> TerminalString -- ^ That which comes before the final element in stack
-> [TerminalString] -- ^ Spinner elements in reverse order
-> [TerminalString]
renderSpinnerStack mark = L.intersperse space . go . L.reverse
renderSpinnerStack theme mark = L.intersperse space . go . L.reverse
go [] = []
go (x:[]) = mark : [x]
go (x:xs) = arrow : x : go xs
arrow = TerminalString_Colorized Blue ""
arrow = TerminalString_Colorized Blue $ _cliTheme_arrow theme
space = TerminalString_Normal " "
-- | A spinner is simply an infinite list of strings that supplant each other in a delayed loop, creating the
@ -130,18 +137,6 @@ runSpinner spinner f = forM_ spinner $ f >=> const delay
delay = liftIO $ threadDelay 100000 -- A shorter delay ensures that we update promptly.
type SpinnerTheme = [Text]
-- Find more spinners at
_spinnerCircleHalves :: SpinnerTheme
_spinnerCircleHalves = ["", "", "", ""]
spinnerMoon :: SpinnerTheme
spinnerMoon = ["🌑", "🌒", "🌓", "🌔", "🌕", "🌖", "🌗", "🌘"]
defaultSpinnerTheme :: SpinnerTheme
defaultSpinnerTheme = spinnerMoon
-- | Like `bracket` but the `release` function can know whether an exception was raised
bracket' :: MonadMask m => m a -> (a -> Maybe c -> m b) -> (a -> m c) -> m c
bracket' acquire release use = mask $ \unmasked -> do

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Obelisk.CliApp.Theme where
import Data.Text (Text)
data CliTheme = CliTheme
{ _cliTheme_done :: Text
, _cliTheme_failed :: Text
, _cliTheme_arrow :: Text
, _cliTheme_spinner :: SpinnerTheme
type SpinnerTheme = [Text]
unicodeTheme :: CliTheme
unicodeTheme = CliTheme
{ _cliTheme_done = ""
, _cliTheme_failed = ""
, _cliTheme_arrow = ""
, _cliTheme_spinner = ["", "", "", ""]
noUnicodeTheme :: CliTheme
noUnicodeTheme = CliTheme
{ _cliTheme_done = "DONE"
, _cliTheme_failed = "FAILED"
, _cliTheme_arrow = "->"
, _cliTheme_spinner = ["|", "/", "-", "\\"]

View File

@ -6,12 +6,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Obelisk.CliApp.Types where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Log (LoggingT, MonadLog, Severity (..), WithSeverity (..), logMessage)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Monad.Log (LoggingT(..), MonadLog, Severity (..), WithSeverity (..), logMessage)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadIO, ReaderT (..), MonadReader (..), ask, mapReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT)
@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitWith)
import Obelisk.CliApp.TerminalString (TerminalString)
import Obelisk.CliApp.Theme (CliTheme)
@ -44,9 +47,11 @@ type CliThrow e m = MonadError e m
putLog :: CliLog m => Severity -> Text -> m ()
putLog sev = logMessage . Output_Log . WithSeverity sev
deriving instance MonadFail m => MonadFail (LoggingT Output m)
newtype DieT e m a = DieT { unDieT :: ReaderT (e -> (Text, Int)) (LoggingT Output m) a }
( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO
( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadFail
, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask
, MonadLog Output
@ -88,6 +93,8 @@ data CliConfig e = CliConfig
_cliConfig_spinnerStack :: IORef ([Bool], [TerminalString])
, -- | Failure handler. How to log error and what exit status to use.
_cliConfig_errorLogExitCode :: e -> (Text, Int)
, -- | Theme strings for spinners
_cliConfig_theme :: CliTheme
class Monad m => HasCliConfig e m | m -> e where
@ -111,7 +118,7 @@ newtype CliT e m a = CliT
{ unCliT :: ReaderT (CliConfig e) (DieT e m) a
( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO
( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadFail
, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask
, MonadLog Output -- CliLog
, MonadError e -- CliThrow

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: obelisk-command
version: 0.1
cabal-version: >= 1.8
build-type: Simple
@ -7,35 +7,33 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src
, ansi-terminal
, Cabal
, aeson-pretty
, ansi-terminal
, base
, base16-bytestring
, binary
, bytestring
, obelisk-cliapp
, Cabal
, containers
, data-default
, directory
, either
, errors
, exceptions
, filepath
, git
, github
, here
, hit
, hnix
, hpack
, io-streams
, exceptions
, logging-effect
, lens
, logging-effect
, megaparsec
, modern-uri
, monad-loops
, mtl
, megaparsec
, network
, network-uri
, obelisk-cliapp
, optparse-applicative
, placeholders
, process
@ -46,6 +44,7 @@ library
, transformers
, unix
, unordered-containers
, which
, yaml
@ -57,8 +56,8 @@ library
-- -fobject-code is so that the StaticPointers extension can work in ghci
ghc-options: -Wall -fobject-code
ghc-options: -Wall
executable ob
main-is: src-bin/ob.hs

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ module Obelisk.App where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadIO, ReaderT (..), ask, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT)
@ -61,10 +62,11 @@ newtype ObeliskT m a = ObeliskT
{ unObeliskT :: ReaderT Obelisk (CliT ObeliskError m) a
( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask
( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask, MonadFail
, MonadLog Output -- CliLog
, MonadError ObeliskError -- CliThrow ObeliskError
, HasCliConfig ObeliskError)
, HasCliConfig ObeliskError
instance MonadTrans ObeliskT where
lift = ObeliskT . lift . lift
@ -104,6 +106,7 @@ type MonadInfallibleObelisk m =
type MonadObelisk m =
( MonadInfallibleObelisk m
, CliThrow ObeliskError m
, MonadFail m
getObeliskUserStateDir :: IO FilePath

View File

@ -3,22 +3,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Obelisk.Command where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Bool (bool)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16 as Base16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import GHC.StaticPtr
import Options.Applicative
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty (text, (<$$>))
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
@ -28,13 +22,12 @@ import System.Posix.Process (executeFile)
import Obelisk.App
import Obelisk.CliApp
import Obelisk.CliApp.Demo (cliDemo)
import Obelisk.Command.Deploy
import Obelisk.Command.Project
import Obelisk.Command.Run
import Obelisk.Command.Thunk
import Obelisk.Command.Utils
import qualified Obelisk.Command.VmBuilder as VmBuilder
import qualified Obelisk.Command.Preprocessor as Preprocessor
data Args = Args
@ -88,50 +81,43 @@ data ObCommand
= ObCommand_Init InitSource Bool
| ObCommand_Deploy DeployCommand
| ObCommand_Run
| ObCommand_Profile String [String]
| ObCommand_Thunk ThunkCommand
| ObCommand_Repl
| ObCommand_Watch
| ObCommand_Shell ShellOpts
| ObCommand_Doc String [String] -- shell and list of packages
| ObCommand_Hoogle String Int -- shell and port
| ObCommand_Internal ObInternal
deriving Show
data ObInternal
= ObInternal_RunStaticIO StaticKey
| ObInternal_CLIDemo
-- the preprocessor argument syntax is also handled outside
-- optparse-applicative, but it shouldn't ever conflict with another syntax
= ObInternal_ApplyPackages String String String [String]
deriving Show
inNixShell' :: MonadObelisk m => StaticPtr (ObeliskT IO ()) -> m ()
inNixShell' p = withProjectRoot "." $ \root -> do
cmd <- liftIO $ unwords <$> mkCmd -- TODO: shell escape instead of unwords
projectShell root False "ghc" cmd
mkCmd = do
argsCfg <- getArgsConfig
myArgs <- getArgs
obArgs <- parseCLIArgs argsCfg myArgs
progName <- getObeliskExe
return $ progName : catMaybes
[ Just "--no-handoff"
, bool Nothing (Just "--verbose") $ _args_verbose obArgs
, Just "internal"
, Just "run-static-io"
, Just $ encodeStaticKey $ staticKey p
obCommand :: ArgsConfig -> Parser ObCommand
obCommand cfg = hsubparser
[ command "init" $ info (ObCommand_Init <$> initSource <*> initForce) $ progDesc "Initialize an Obelisk project"
, command "deploy" $ info (ObCommand_Deploy <$> deployCommand cfg) $ progDesc "Prepare a deployment for an Obelisk project"
, command "run" $ info (pure ObCommand_Run) $ progDesc "Run current project in development mode"
, command "thunk" $ info (ObCommand_Thunk <$> thunkCommand) $ progDesc "Manipulate thunk directories"
, command "repl" $ info (pure ObCommand_Repl) $ progDesc "Open an interactive interpreter"
, command "watch" $ info (pure ObCommand_Watch) $ progDesc "Watch current project for errors and warnings"
<|> subparser
[ internal
, command "internal" (info (ObCommand_Internal <$> internalCommand) mempty)
[ command "init" $ info (ObCommand_Init <$> initSource <*> initForce) $ progDesc "Initialize an Obelisk project"
, command "deploy" $ info (ObCommand_Deploy <$> deployCommand cfg) $ progDesc "Prepare a deployment for an Obelisk project"
, command "run" $ info (pure ObCommand_Run) $ progDesc "Run current project in development mode"
, command "profile" $ info (uncurry ObCommand_Profile <$> profileCommand) $ progDesc "Run current project with profiling enabled"
, command "thunk" $ info (ObCommand_Thunk <$> thunkCommand) $ progDesc "Manipulate thunk directories"
, command "repl" $ info (pure ObCommand_Repl) $ progDesc "Open an interactive interpreter"
, command "watch" $ info (pure ObCommand_Watch) $ progDesc "Watch current project for errors and warnings"
, command "shell" $ info (ObCommand_Shell <$> shellOpts) $ progDesc "Enter a shell with project dependencies"
, command "doc" $ info (ObCommand_Doc <$> shellFlags <*> packageNames) $
progDesc "List paths to haddock documentation for specified packages"
<> footerDoc (Just $
text "Hint: To open the documentation you can pipe the output of this command like"
<$$> text "ob doc reflex reflex-dom-core | xargs -n1 xdg-open")
, command "hoogle" $ info (ObCommand_Hoogle <$> shellFlags <*> portOpt 8080) $ progDesc "Run a hoogle server locally for your project's dependency tree"
packageNames :: Parser [String]
packageNames = some (strArgument (metavar "PACKAGE-NAME..."))
deployCommand :: ArgsConfig -> Parser DeployCommand
deployCommand cfg = hsubparser $ mconcat
@ -143,7 +129,7 @@ deployCommand cfg = hsubparser $ mconcat
platformP = hsubparser $ mconcat
[ command "android" $ info (pure (Android, [])) mempty
, command "ios" $ info ((,) <$> pure IOS <*> (fmap pure $ strArgument (metavar "TEAMID" <> help "Your Team ID - found in the Apple developer portal"))) mempty
, command "ios" $ info ((,) <$> pure IOS <*> fmap pure (strArgument (metavar "TEAMID" <> help "Your Team ID - found in the Apple developer portal"))) mempty
remoteBuilderParser :: Parser (Maybe RemoteBuilder)
@ -165,8 +151,8 @@ deployCommand cfg = hsubparser $ mconcat
deployInitOpts :: Parser DeployInitOpts
deployInitOpts = DeployInitOpts
<$> strArgument (action "directory" <> metavar "DEPLOYDIR" <> help "Path to a directory that it will create")
<*> strOption (long "ssh-key" <> action "file" <> metavar "SSHKEY" <> help "Path to an ssh key that it will symlink to")
<$> strArgument (action "directory" <> metavar "DEPLOYDIR" <> help "Path to a directory where the deployment repository will be initialized")
<*> strOption (long "ssh-key" <> action "file" <> metavar "SSHKEY" <> help "Path to an SSH key that will be *copied* to the deployment repository")
<*> some (strOption (long "hostname" <> metavar "HOSTNAME" <> help "hostname of the deployment target"))
<*> strOption (long "route" <> metavar "PUBLICROUTE" <> help "Publicly accessible URL of your app")
<*> strOption (long "admin-email" <> metavar "ADMINEMAIL" <> help "Email address where administrative alerts will be sent")
@ -193,11 +179,24 @@ data DeployInitOpts = DeployInitOpts
deriving Show
internalCommand :: Parser ObInternal
internalCommand = subparser $ mconcat
[ command "run-static-io" $ info (ObInternal_RunStaticIO <$> argument (eitherReader decodeStaticKey) (action "static-key")) mempty
, command "clidemo" $ info (pure ObInternal_CLIDemo) mempty
profileCommand :: Parser (String, [String])
profileCommand = (,)
<$> strOption
( long "output"
<> short 'o'
<> help "Base output to use for profiling output. Suffixes are added to this based on the profiling type. Defaults to a timestamped path in the profile/ directory in the project's root."
<> metavar "PATH"
<> value "profile/%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
<> showDefault
<*> (words <$> strOption
( long "rts-flags"
<> help "RTS Flags to pass to the executable."
<> value "-p -hc"
<> metavar "FLAGS"
<> showDefault
--TODO: Result should provide normalised path and also original user input for error reporting.
thunkDirectoryParser :: Parser FilePath
@ -207,33 +206,70 @@ thunkDirectoryParser = fmap (dropTrailingPathSeparator . normalise) . strArgumen
, help "Path to directory containing thunk data"
thunkConfig :: Parser ThunkConfig
thunkConfig = ThunkConfig
( flag' (Just True) (long "private" <> help "Mark thunks as pointing to a private repository")
<|> flag' (Just False) (long "public" <> help "Mark thunks as pointing to a public repository")
<|> pure Nothing
thunkUpdateConfig :: Parser ThunkUpdateConfig
thunkUpdateConfig = ThunkUpdateConfig
<$> optional (strOption (long "branch" <> metavar "BRANCH" <> help "Use the given branch when looking for the latest revision"))
<*> thunkConfig
thunkPackConfig :: Parser ThunkPackConfig
thunkPackConfig = ThunkPackConfig
<$> switch (long "force" <> short 'f' <> help "Force packing thunks even if there are branches not pushed upstream, uncommitted changes, stashes. This will cause changes that have not been pushed upstream to be lost; use with care.")
<*> thunkConfig
data ThunkCommand
= ThunkCommand_Update [FilePath] (Maybe String)
= ThunkCommand_Update [FilePath] ThunkUpdateConfig
| ThunkCommand_Unpack [FilePath]
| ThunkCommand_Pack [FilePath]
| ThunkCommand_Pack [FilePath] ThunkPackConfig
deriving Show
thunkCommand :: Parser ThunkCommand
thunkCommand = hsubparser $ mconcat
[ command "update" $ info (ThunkCommand_Update <$> some thunkDirectoryParser <*> optional (strOption (long "branch" <> metavar "BRANCH"))) $ progDesc "Update thunk to latest revision available"
[ command "update" $ info (ThunkCommand_Update <$> some thunkDirectoryParser <*> thunkUpdateConfig) $ progDesc "Update thunk to latest revision available"
, command "unpack" $ info (ThunkCommand_Unpack <$> some thunkDirectoryParser) $ progDesc "Unpack thunk into git checkout of revision it points to"
, command "pack" $ info (ThunkCommand_Pack <$> some thunkDirectoryParser) $ progDesc "Pack git checkout into thunk that points at the current branch's upstream"
, command "pack" $ info (ThunkCommand_Pack <$> some thunkDirectoryParser <*> thunkPackConfig) $ progDesc "Pack git checkout into thunk that points at the current branch's upstream"
data ShellOpts
= ShellOpts
{ _shellOpts_shell :: String
, _shellOpts_command :: Maybe String
deriving Show
shellFlags :: Parser String
shellFlags =
flag' "ghc" (long "ghc" <> help "Enter a shell environment having ghc (default)")
<|> flag "ghc" "ghcjs" (long "ghcjs" <> help "Enter a shell having ghcjs rather than ghc")
<|> strOption (short 'A' <> long "argument" <> metavar "NIXARG" <> help "Use the environment specified by the given nix argument of `shells'")
shellOpts :: Parser ShellOpts
shellOpts = ShellOpts
<$> shellFlags
<*> optional (strArgument (metavar "COMMAND"))
portOpt :: Int -> Parser Int
portOpt dfault = option auto (long "port" <> short 'p' <> help "Port number for server" <> showDefault <> value dfault <> metavar "INT")
parserPrefs :: ParserPrefs
parserPrefs = defaultPrefs
{ prefShowHelpOnEmpty = True
parseCLIArgs :: ArgsConfig -> [String] -> IO Args
parseCLIArgs cfg as = pure as >>= handleParseResult . execParserPure parserPrefs (argsInfo cfg)
-- | Create an Obelisk config for the current process.
mkObeliskConfig :: IO Obelisk
mkObeliskConfig = do
cliArgs <- getArgs
-- This function should not use argument parser (full argument parsing happens post handoff)
let logLevel = toLogLevel $ "-v" `elem` cliArgs
-- TODO: See if we can use the argument parser with a subset of the parsers to get logging level out.
let logLevel = toLogLevel $ any (`elem` ["-v", "--verbose"]) cliArgs
notInteractive <- not <$> isInteractiveTerm
cliConf <- newCliConfig logLevel notInteractive notInteractive $ \case
ObeliskError_ProcessError (ProcessFailure p code) ann ->
@ -298,6 +334,9 @@ main' argsCfg = do
liftIO $ executeFile impl False ("--no-handoff" : myArgs) Nothing
case myArgs of
"--no-handoff" : as -> go as -- If we've been told not to hand off, don't hand off
| preprocessorName == preprocessorIdentifier && any (\c -> c == '.' || c == pathSeparator) origPath ->
ob $ ObCommand_Internal $ ObInternal_ApplyPackages origPath inPath outPath packagePaths
a:as -- Otherwise bash completion would always hand-off even if the user isn't trying to
| "--bash-completion" `isPrefixOf` a
&& "--no-handoff" `elem` as -> go (a:as)
@ -324,14 +363,13 @@ ob = \case
Right (ThunkData_Packed ptr) -> return ptr
Right (ThunkData_Checkout (Just ptr)) -> return ptr
Right (ThunkData_Checkout Nothing) ->
getThunkPtr' False root
getThunkPtr False root Nothing
let sshKeyPath = _deployInitOpts_sshKey deployOpts
hostname = _deployInitOpts_hostname deployOpts
route = _deployInitOpts_route deployOpts
adminEmail = _deployInitOpts_adminEmail deployOpts
enableHttps = _deployInitOpts_enableHttps deployOpts
deployInit thunkPtr (root </> "config") deployDir
sshKeyPath hostname route adminEmail enableHttps
deployInit thunkPtr deployDir sshKeyPath hostname route adminEmail enableHttps
DeployCommand_Push remoteBuilder -> do
deployPath <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath "."
deployPush deployPath $ case remoteBuilder of
@ -339,35 +377,33 @@ ob = \case
Just RemoteBuilder_ObeliskVM -> (:[]) <$> VmBuilder.getNixBuildersArg
DeployCommand_Update -> deployUpdate "."
DeployCommand_Test (platform, extraArgs) -> deployMobile platform extraArgs
ObCommand_Run -> inNixShell' $ static run
-- inNixShell ($(mkClosure 'ghcidAction) ())
ObCommand_Run -> run
ObCommand_Profile basePath rtsFlags -> profile basePath rtsFlags
ObCommand_Thunk tc -> case tc of
ThunkCommand_Update thunks mBranch -> mapM_ ((flip updateThunkToLatest) mBranch) thunks
ThunkCommand_Unpack thunks -> mapM_ unpackThunk thunks
ThunkCommand_Pack thunks -> forM_ thunks packThunk
ThunkCommand_Update thunks config -> for_ thunks (updateThunkToLatest config)
ThunkCommand_Unpack thunks -> for_ thunks unpackThunk
ThunkCommand_Pack thunks config -> for_ thunks (packThunk config)
ObCommand_Repl -> runRepl
ObCommand_Watch -> inNixShell' $ static runWatch
ObCommand_Watch -> runWatch
ObCommand_Shell so -> withProjectRoot "." $ \root ->
projectShell root False (_shellOpts_shell so) (_shellOpts_command so)
ObCommand_Doc shell' pkgs -> withProjectRoot "." $ \root ->
projectShell root False shell' (Just $ haddockCommand pkgs)
ObCommand_Hoogle shell' port -> withProjectRoot "." $ \root -> do
nixShellWithHoogle root True shell' $ Just $ "hoogle server -p " <> show port <> " --local"
ObCommand_Internal icmd -> case icmd of
ObInternal_RunStaticIO k -> liftIO (unsafeLookupStaticPtr @(ObeliskT IO ()) k) >>= \case
Nothing -> failWith $ "ObInternal_RunStaticIO: no such StaticKey: " <> T.pack (show k)
Just p -> do
c <- getObelisk
liftIO $ runObelisk c $ deRefStaticPtr p
ObInternal_CLIDemo -> cliDemo
ObInternal_ApplyPackages origPath inPath outPath packagePaths -> do
liftIO $ Preprocessor.applyPackages origPath inPath outPath packagePaths
haddockCommand :: [String] -> String
haddockCommand pkgs = unwords
[ "for p in"
, unwords [getHaddockPath p ++ "/index.html" | p <- pkgs]
, "; do echo $p; done"
where getHaddockPath p = "$(ghc-pkg field " ++ p ++ " haddock-html --simple-output)"
--TODO: Clean up all the magic strings throughout this codebase
getArgsConfig :: IO ArgsConfig
getArgsConfig = pure $ ArgsConfig { _argsConfig_enableVmBuilderByDefault = System.Info.os == "darwin" }
encodeStaticKey :: StaticKey -> String
encodeStaticKey = T.unpack . decodeUtf8 . Base16.encode . LBS.toStrict . Binary.encode
-- TODO: Use failWith in place of fail to be consistent.
decodeStaticKey :: String -> Either String StaticKey
decodeStaticKey s = case Base16.decode $ encodeUtf8 $ T.pack s of
(b, "") -> case Binary.decodeOrFail $ LBS.fromStrict b of
Right ("", _, a) -> pure a
Right _ -> fail "decodeStaticKey: Binary.decodeOrFail didn't consume all input"
Left (_, _, e) -> fail $ "decodeStaticKey: Binary.decodeOrFail failed: " <> show e
_ -> fail $ "decodeStaticKey: could not decode hex string: " <> show s

View File

@ -4,92 +4,101 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Obelisk.Command.Deploy where
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch (Exception (displayException), MonadThrow, throwM, try, bracket_)
import Control.Monad.Catch (Exception (displayException), MonadThrow, bracket, throwM, try)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, encode, eitherDecode)
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import GHC.Generics
import Nix.Convert
import Nix.Pretty
import Nix.Value
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Process (delegate_ctlc, env, proc, cwd)
import Text.URI (URI)
import qualified Text.URI as URI
import Text.URI.Lens
import Obelisk.App (MonadObelisk)
import Obelisk.CliApp (Severity (..), callProcessAndLogOutput, failWith, putLog, withSpinner)
import Obelisk.CliApp (
Severity (..), callProcessAndLogOutput, failWith, proc, putLog,
setCwd, setDelegateCtlc, setEnvOverride, withSpinner)
import Obelisk.Command.Nix
import Obelisk.Command.Project
import Obelisk.Command.Thunk
import Obelisk.Command.Utils
:: MonadObelisk m
=> ThunkPtr
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> [String] -- ^ hostnames
-> String -- ^ route
-> String -- ^ admin email
-> Bool -- ^ enable https
-> m ()
deployInit thunkPtr configDir deployDir sshKeyPath hostnames route adminEmail enableHttps = do
(hasConfigDir, localKey) <- withSpinner ("Preparing " <> T.pack deployDir) $ do
hasConfigDir <- liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True deployDir
doesDirectoryExist configDir
deployInit thunkPtr deployDir sshKeyPath hostnames route adminEmail enableHttps = do
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True deployDir
localKey <- withSpinner ("Preparing " <> T.pack deployDir) $ do
localKey <- liftIO (doesFileExist sshKeyPath) >>= \case
False -> failWith $ T.pack $ "ob deploy init: file does not exist: " <> sshKeyPath
True -> pure $ deployDir </> "ssh_key"
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $
proc "cp" [sshKeyPath, localKey]
proc cp [sshKeyPath, localKey]
liftIO $ setFileMode localKey $ ownerReadMode .|. ownerWriteMode
return $ (hasConfigDir, localKey)
return localKey
withSpinner "Validating configuration" $ do
void $ getHostFromRoute enableHttps route -- make sure that hostname is present
forM_ hostnames $ \hostname -> do
putLog Notice $ "Verifying host keys (" <> T.pack hostname <> ")"
-- Note: we can't use a spinner here as this function will prompt the user.
verifyHostKey (deployDir </> "backend_known_hosts") localKey hostname
when hasConfigDir $ withSpinner "Importing project configuration" $ do
--IMPORTANT: We cannot copy config directory from the development project to
--the deployment directory. If we do, it's very likely someone will
--accidentally create a production deployment that uses development
--credentials to connect to some resources. This could result in, e.g.,
--production data backed up to a dev environment.
withSpinner "Creating project configuration directories" $ do
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $
proc "cp" [ "-r" , "-T" , configDir , deployDir </> "config"]
proc "mkdir" [ "-p"
, deployDir </> "config" </> "backend"
, deployDir </> "config" </> "common"
, deployDir </> "config" </> "frontend"
let srcDir = deployDir </> "src"
withSpinner ("Creating source thunk (" <> T.pack (makeRelative deployDir srcDir) <> ")") $ liftIO $ do
createThunk srcDir thunkPtr
setupObeliskImpl deployDir
withSpinner "Writing deployment configuration" $ do
writeDeployConfig deployDir "backend_hosts" $ unlines hostnames
writeDeployConfig deployDir "enable_https" $ show enableHttps
writeDeployConfig deployDir "admin_email" adminEmail
writeDeployConfig deployDir ("config" </> "common" </> "route") $ route
withSpinner "Creating source thunk (./src)" $ liftIO $ do
createThunk (deployDir </> "src") thunkPtr
setupObeliskImpl deployDir
writeDeployConfig deployDir ("config" </> "common" </> "route") route
writeDeployConfig deployDir "module.nix" $
"(import " <> toNixPath (makeRelative deployDir srcDir) <> " {}).obelisk.serverModules.mkBaseEc2"
withSpinner ("Initializing git repository (" <> T.pack deployDir <> ")") $
initGit deployDir
setupObeliskImpl :: FilePath -> IO ()
setupObeliskImpl deployDir = do
let implDir = toImplDir deployDir
implDir = toImplDir deployDir
goBackUp = foldr (</>) "" $ (".." <$) $ splitPath $ makeRelative deployDir implDir
createDirectoryIfMissing True implDir
writeFile (implDir </> "default.nix") "(import ../../src {}).obelisk"
writeFile (implDir </> "default.nix") $ "(import " <> toNixPath (goBackUp </> "src") <> " {}).obelisk"
deployPush :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m [String] -> m ()
deployPush deployPath getNixBuilders = do
@ -103,11 +112,13 @@ deployPush deployPath getNixBuilders = do
Right (ThunkData_Packed ptr) -> return ptr
Right (ThunkData_Checkout _) -> do
checkGitCleanStatus srcPath True >>= \case
True -> packThunk srcPath
True -> packThunk (ThunkPackConfig False (ThunkConfig Nothing)) srcPath
False -> failWith $ T.pack $ "ob deploy push: ensure " <> srcPath <> " has no pending changes and latest is pushed upstream."
Left err -> failWith $ "ob deploy push: couldn't read src thunk: " <> T.pack (show err)
let version = show . _thunkRev_commit $ _thunkPtr_rev thunkPtr
builders <- getNixBuilders
let moduleFile = deployPath </> "module.nix"
moduleFileExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist moduleFile
buildOutputByHost <- ifor (Map.fromSet (const ()) hosts) $ \host () -> do
--TODO: What does it mean if this returns more or less than 1 line of output?
[result] <- fmap lines $ nixCmd $ NixCmd_Build $ def
@ -117,13 +128,13 @@ deployPush deployPath getNixBuilders = do
, _target_expr = Nothing
& nixBuildConfig_outLink .~ OutLink_None
& nixCmdConfig_args .~
& nixCmdConfig_args .~ (
[ strArg "hostName" host
, strArg "adminEmail" adminEmail
, strArg "routeHost" routeHost
, strArg "version" version
, boolArg "enableHttps" enableHttps
] <> [rawArg "module" ("import " <> toNixPath moduleFile) | moduleFileExists ])
& nixCmdConfig_builders .~ builders
pure result
let knownHostsPath = deployPath </> "backend_known_hosts"
@ -131,7 +142,7 @@ deployPush deployPath getNixBuilders = do
withSpinner "Uploading closures" $ ifor_ buildOutputByHost $ \host outputPath -> do
(Map.fromList [("NIX_SSHOPTS", unwords sshOpts)])
"nix-copy-closure" ["-v", "--to", "root@" <> host, "--gzip", outputPath]
"nix-copy-closure" ["-v", "--to", "--use-substitutes", "root@" <> host, "--gzip", outputPath]
withSpinner "Uploading config" $ ifor_ buildOutputByHost $ \host _ -> do
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Warning) $
proc "rsync"
@ -153,7 +164,7 @@ deployPush deployPath getNixBuilders = do
isClean <- checkGitCleanStatus deployPath True
when (not isClean) $ do
withSpinner "Commiting changes to Git" $ do
withSpinner "Committing changes to Git" $ do
callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error) $ proc "git"
["-C", deployPath, "add", "."]
callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error) $ proc "git"
@ -161,25 +172,11 @@ deployPush deployPath getNixBuilders = do
putLog Notice $ "Deployed => " <> T.pack route
callProcess' envMap cmd args = do
processEnv <- Map.toList . (envMap <>) . Map.fromList <$> liftIO getEnvironment
let p = (proc cmd args) { delegate_ctlc = True, env = Just processEnv }
let p = setEnvOverride (envMap <>) $ setDelegateCtlc True $ proc cmd args
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Notice) p
deployUpdate :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m ()
deployUpdate deployPath = updateThunkToLatest (deployPath </> "src") Nothing
keytoolToAndroidConfig :: KeytoolConfig -> HM.HashMap Text (NValueNF Identity)
keytoolToAndroidConfig conf = runIdentity $ do
path <- toValue $ Path $ _keytoolConfig_keystore conf
storepass <- toValue $ T.pack $ _keytoolConfig_storepass conf
alias <- toValue $ T.pack $ _keytoolConfig_alias conf
keypass <- toValue $ T.pack $ _keytoolConfig_keypass conf
return $ HM.fromList
[ ("storeFile", path)
, ("storePassword", storepass)
, ("keyAlias", alias)
, ("keyPassword", keypass)
deployUpdate deployPath = updateThunkToLatest (ThunkUpdateConfig Nothing (ThunkConfig Nothing)) (deployPath </> "src")
data PlatformDeployment = Android | IOS
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -189,13 +186,13 @@ renderPlatformDeployment = \case
Android -> "android"
IOS -> "ios"
deployMobile :: MonadObelisk m => PlatformDeployment -> [String] -> m ()
deployMobile :: forall m. MonadObelisk m => PlatformDeployment -> [String] -> m ()
deployMobile platform mobileArgs = withProjectRoot "." $ \root -> do
let srcDir = root </> "src"
configDir = root </> "config"
exists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist srcDir
unless exists $ failWith "ob test should be run inside of a deploy directory"
nixBuildTarget <- case platform of
(nixBuildTarget, extraArgs) <- case platform of
Android -> do
let keystorePath = root </> "android_keystore.jks"
keytoolConfPath = root </> "android_keytool_config.json"
@ -214,48 +211,60 @@ deployMobile platform mobileArgs = withProjectRoot "." $ \root -> do
, _keytoolConfig_storepass = keyStorePassword
, _keytoolConfig_keypass = keyStorePassword
createKeystore root $ keyToolConf
createKeystore root keyToolConf
liftIO $ BSL.writeFile keytoolConfPath $ encode keyToolConf
checkKeytoolConfExist <- liftIO $ doesFileExist keytoolConfPath
unless checkKeytoolConfExist $ failWith "Missing android KeytoolConfig"
keytoolConfContents <- liftIO $ BSL.readFile keytoolConfPath
liftIO $ putStrLn $ show keytoolConfContents
releaseKey <- case eitherDecode keytoolConfContents of
keyArgs <- case eitherDecode keytoolConfContents :: Either String KeytoolConfig of
Left err -> failWith $ T.pack err
Right conf -> do
let nvset = toValue @(HM.HashMap Text (NValueNF Identity)) @Identity @(NValueNF Identity) $ keytoolToAndroidConfig conf
return $ printNix $ runIdentity nvset
Right conf -> pure
[ "--sign"
, "--store-file", _keytoolConfig_keystore conf
, "--store-password", _keytoolConfig_storepass conf
, "--key-alias", _keytoolConfig_alias conf
, "--key-password", _keytoolConfig_keypass conf
let expr = mconcat
[ "with (import ", srcDir, " {});"
, "android.frontend.override (drv: { "
, "releaseKey = (if builtins.isNull drv.releaseKey then {} else drv.releaseKey) // " <> releaseKey <> "; "
, "staticSrc = (passthru.__android ", configDir, ").frontend.staticSrc;"
[ "with (import ", toNixPath srcDir, " {});"
, "android.frontend.override (drv: {"
, "isRelease = true;"
, "staticSrc = (passthru.__androidWithConfig ", configDir, ").frontend.staticSrc;"
, "assets = (passthru.__androidWithConfig ", configDir, ").frontend.assets;"
, "})"
return $ Target
return (Target
{ _target_path = Nothing
, _target_attr = Nothing
, _target_expr = Just expr
}, keyArgs)
IOS -> do
let expr = mconcat
[ "with (import ", srcDir, " {});"
, "ios.frontend.override (_: { staticSrc = (passthru.__ios ", configDir, ").frontend.staticSrc; })"
[ "with (import ", toNixPath srcDir, " {});"
, "ios.frontend.override (_: { staticSrc = (passthru.__iosWithConfig ", toNixPath configDir, ").frontend.staticSrc; })"
return $ Target
return (Target
{ _target_path = Nothing
, _target_attr = Nothing
, _target_expr = Just expr
}, [])
result <- nixCmd $ NixCmd_Build $ def
& nixBuildConfig_outLink .~ OutLink_None
& nixCmdConfig_target .~ nixBuildTarget
putLog Notice $ T.pack $ "Your recently built android apk can be found at the following path: " <> (show result)
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $ proc (result </> "bin" </> "deploy") mobileArgs
let mobileArtifact = case platform of
IOS -> "iOS App"
Android -> "Android APK"
putLog Notice $ T.pack $ unwords ["Your recently built", mobileArtifact, "can be found at the following path:", show result]
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $ proc (result </> "bin" </> "deploy") (mobileArgs ++ extraArgs)
withEcho showEcho f = do
prevEcho <- hGetEcho stdin
bracket_ (hSetEcho stdin showEcho) (hSetEcho stdin prevEcho) f
withEcho showEcho f = bracket
prevEcho <- hGetEcho stdin
hSetEcho stdin showEcho
pure prevEcho
(hSetEcho stdin)
(const f)
data KeytoolConfig = KeytoolConfig
{ _keytoolConfig_keystore :: FilePath
@ -268,19 +277,16 @@ instance FromJSON KeytoolConfig
instance ToJSON KeytoolConfig
createKeystore :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> KeytoolConfig -> m ()
createKeystore root config = do
let expr = "with (import " <> toImplDir root <> ").reflex-platform.nixpkgs; pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ pkgs.jdk ]; }"
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice,Notice) $ (proc "nix-shell" ["-E" , expr, "--run" , keytoolCmd]) { cwd = Just root }
keytoolCmd = processToShellString "keytool"
[ "-genkeypair", "-noprompt"
, "-keystore", _keytoolConfig_keystore config
, "-keyalg", "RSA", "-keysize", "2048"
, "-validity", "1000000000"
, "-storepass", _keytoolConfig_storepass config
, "-alias", _keytoolConfig_alias config
, "-keypass", _keytoolConfig_keypass config
createKeystore root config =
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Notice) $ setCwd (Just root) $ proc jreKeyToolPath
[ "-genkeypair", "-noprompt"
, "-keystore", _keytoolConfig_keystore config
, "-keyalg", "RSA", "-keysize", "2048"
, "-validity", "1000000"
, "-storepass", _keytoolConfig_storepass config
, "-alias", _keytoolConfig_alias config
, "-keypass", _keytoolConfig_keypass config
-- | Simplified deployment configuration mechanism. At one point we may revisit this.
writeDeployConfig :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> m ()

View File

@ -9,22 +9,33 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Obelisk.Command.Nix
( nixCmd
, NixCmd (..)
, nixCmdConfig_target
, nixCmdConfig_args
, nixCmdConfig_builders
( Arg (..)
, NixBuildConfig (..)
, nixBuildConfig_common
, nixBuildConfig_outLink
, NixCmd (..)
, nixCmdConfig_args
, nixCmdConfig_builders
, nixCmdConfig_target
, NixCommonConfig (..)
, NixInstantiateConfig (..)
, nixInstantiateConfig_eval
, NixCommonConfig (..)
, Target (..)
, NixShellConfig (..)
, nixShellConfig_common
, nixShellConfig_pure
, nixShellConfig_run
, OutLink (..)
, Arg (..)
, Target (..)
, target_attr
, target_expr
, target_path
, boolArg
, nixCmd
, nixCmdProc
, nixCmdProc'
, rawArg
, runNixShellConfig
, strArg
) where
@ -37,7 +48,6 @@ import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Process (proc)
import Obelisk.App (MonadObelisk)
import Obelisk.CliApp
@ -63,10 +73,10 @@ data Arg
deriving (Eq, Show)
strArg :: String -> String -> Arg
strArg k = Arg_Str k
strArg = Arg_Str
rawArg :: String -> String -> Arg
rawArg k = Arg_Expr k
rawArg = Arg_Expr
boolArg :: String -> Bool -> Arg
boolArg k = Arg_Expr k . bool "false" "true"
@ -86,7 +96,7 @@ makeClassy ''NixCommonConfig
instance Default NixCommonConfig where
def = NixCommonConfig def mempty mempty
runNixCommonConfig :: NixCommonConfig -> [FilePath]
runNixCommonConfig :: NixCommonConfig -> [String]
runNixCommonConfig cfg = mconcat [maybeToList path, attrArg, exprArg, args, buildersArg]
path = _target_path $ _nixCmdConfig_target cfg
@ -124,7 +134,7 @@ instance HasNixCommonConfig NixBuildConfig where
instance Default NixBuildConfig where
def = NixBuildConfig def def
runNixBuildConfig :: NixBuildConfig -> [FilePath]
runNixBuildConfig :: NixBuildConfig -> [String]
runNixBuildConfig cfg = mconcat
[ runNixCommonConfig $ cfg ^. nixCommonConfig
, case _nixBuildConfig_outLink cfg of
@ -145,12 +155,26 @@ instance HasNixCommonConfig NixInstantiateConfig where
instance Default NixInstantiateConfig where
def = NixInstantiateConfig def False
runNixInstantiateConfig :: NixInstantiateConfig -> [FilePath]
runNixInstantiateConfig :: NixInstantiateConfig -> [String]
runNixInstantiateConfig cfg = mconcat
[ runNixCommonConfig $ cfg ^. nixCommonConfig
, "--eval" <$ guard (_nixInstantiateConfig_eval cfg)
data NixShellConfig = NixShellConfig
{ _nixShellConfig_common :: NixCommonConfig
, _nixShellConfig_pure :: Bool
, _nixShellConfig_run :: Maybe String
makeLenses ''NixShellConfig
instance HasNixCommonConfig NixShellConfig where
nixCommonConfig = nixShellConfig_common
instance Default NixShellConfig where
def = NixShellConfig def False Nothing
data NixCmd
= NixCmd_Build NixBuildConfig
| NixCmd_Instantiate NixInstantiateConfig
@ -158,27 +182,43 @@ data NixCmd
instance Default NixCmd where
def = NixCmd_Build def
nixCmd :: MonadObelisk m => NixCmd -> m FilePath
nixCmd cmdCfg = withSpinner' ("Running " <> cmd <> desc) (Just $ const $ "Built " <> desc) $ do
output <- readProcessAndLogStderr Debug $ proc (T.unpack cmd) $ options
-- Remove final newline that Nix appends
Just (outPath, '\n') <- pure $ T.unsnoc output
pure $ T.unpack outPath
runNixShellConfig :: NixShellConfig -> [String]
runNixShellConfig cfg = mconcat
[ runNixCommonConfig $ cfg ^. nixCommonConfig
, [ "--pure" | cfg ^. nixShellConfig_pure ]
] ++ mconcat [
["--run", run] | run <- maybeToList $ cfg ^. nixShellConfig_run
nixCmdProc :: NixCmd -> ProcessSpec
nixCmdProc = fst . nixCmdProc'
nixCmdProc' :: NixCmd -> (ProcessSpec, T.Text)
nixCmdProc' cmdCfg = (proc (T.unpack cmd) options, cmd)
(cmd, options, commonCfg) = case cmdCfg of
(cmd, options) = case cmdCfg of
NixCmd_Build cfg' ->
( "nix-build"
, runNixBuildConfig cfg'
, cfg' ^. nixCommonConfig
NixCmd_Instantiate cfg' ->
( "nix-instantiate"
, runNixInstantiateConfig cfg'
, cfg' ^. nixCommonConfig
nixCmd :: MonadObelisk m => NixCmd -> m FilePath
nixCmd cmdCfg = withSpinner' ("Running " <> cmd <> desc) (Just $ const $ "Built " <> desc) $ do
output <- readProcessAndLogStderr Debug cmdProc
-- Remove final newline that Nix appends
Just (outPath, '\n') <- pure $ T.unsnoc output
pure $ T.unpack outPath
(cmdProc, cmd) = nixCmdProc' cmdCfg
commonCfg = case cmdCfg of
NixCmd_Build cfg' -> cfg' ^. nixCommonConfig
NixCmd_Instantiate cfg' -> cfg' ^. nixCommonConfig
path = commonCfg ^. nixCmdConfig_target . target_path
desc = T.pack $ mconcat $ catMaybes
[ (" on " <>) <$> path
[ ("on " <>) <$> path
, (\a -> " [" <> a <> "]") <$> (commonCfg ^. nixCmdConfig_target . target_attr)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Obelisk.Command.Preprocessor where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as BU
import Data.List (intersperse, isPrefixOf, sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor (..))
import Language.Haskell.Extension (Extension (..), Language(..))
import System.IO (IOMode (..), hClose, hPutStrLn, openFile, stderr)
import System.FilePath (hasTrailingPathSeparator, joinPath, normalise, splitPath)
import Obelisk.Command.Run (CabalPackageInfo (..), parseCabalPackage')
applyPackages :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
applyPackages origPath inPath outPath packagePaths = do
-- This code is intended to be executed via ghci's -pgmF preprocessor option
-- The command line arguments are passed in via ghc, which dictates the first three options and meanings
-- In order for this code to execute, origPath must contain either a '.' character or a '/' character.
-- (This is to avoid the possibility of the command line syntax conflicting with another ob command)
-- We do have control over the remaining arguments, but they must be the same for all files.
-- Thus, the fourth command line argument must be "apply-packages", which has already been handled.
-- We assume all the remaining arguments passed in are paths to cabal or hpack package specifications.
outFile <- openFile outPath WriteMode
let hPutTextBuilder h = BU.hPutBuilder h . TL.encodeUtf8Builder . TL.toLazyText
-- putStr "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
-- print args
-- putStr "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
-- Thus we must select among the packagePaths for the file we are going to parse.
let takeDirs = takeWhile hasTrailingPathSeparator
packageDirs = sortOn (negate . length . takeDirs) $ map (splitPath . normalise) packagePaths
origDir = splitPath $ normalise origPath
matches = [ joinPath d | d <- packageDirs, takeDirs d `isPrefixOf` origDir ]
-- So the first element of matches is going to be the deepest path to a package spec that contains
-- our file as a subdirectory.
case matches of
[] -> hPutTextBuilder outFile (lineNumberPragma origPath) -- TODO: probably should produce a warning
(packagePath:_) -> do
parseCabalPackage' packagePath >>= \case
Left err ->
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Error: Unable to parse cabal package " <> packagePath <> "; Skipping preprocessor on " <> origPath <> ". Error was " <> show err
Right (_warnings, packageInfo) ->
hPutTextBuilder outFile (generateHeader origPath packageInfo)
BL.readFile inPath >>= BL.hPut outFile
hClose outFile
-- I'm pretty sure there's a certain amount of oversimplification in CabalPackageInfo, so I doubt this is fully robust.
generateHeader :: FilePath -> CabalPackageInfo -> TL.Builder
generateHeader origPath packageInfo =
hsExtensions <> ghcOptions <> lineNumberPragma origPath
hsExtensions =
if not (null extList)
then TL.fromText "{-# LANGUAGE "
<> mconcat (intersperse (TL.fromText ", ") extList)
<> TL.fromText " #-}\n"
else mempty
extList = addDefaultLanguage $ concatMap showExt $ _cabalPackageInfo_defaultExtensions packageInfo
addDefaultLanguage =
case _cabalPackageInfo_defaultLanguage packageInfo of
Nothing -> id
Just x -> case x of
UnknownLanguage ext -> ( TL.fromString ext :)
ext -> ( TL.fromString (show ext) :)
showExt = \case
EnableExtension ext -> [TL.fromString (show ext)]
DisableExtension _ -> []
UnknownExtension ext -> [TL.fromString ext]
ghcOptions =
if not (null optList)
then TL.fromText "{-# OPTIONS_GHC "
<> mconcat (intersperse (TL.fromText " ") optList)
<> TL.fromText " #-}\n"
else mempty
optList = map TL.fromString
$ filter (\x -> not (isPrefixOf "-O" x))
$ fromMaybe []
$ lookup GHC (_cabalPackageInfo_compilerOptions packageInfo)
lineNumberPragma :: FilePath -> TL.Builder
lineNumberPragma origPath =
TL.fromText "{-# LINE 1 \"" <> TL.fromString origPath <> TL.fromText "\" #-}\n"

View File

@ -3,37 +3,55 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Obelisk.Command.Project
( InitSource (..)
, initProject
, findProjectObeliskCommand
, findProjectRoot
, withProjectRoot
, inProjectShell
, inImpureProjectShell
, findProjectAssets
, initProject
, nixShellRunConfig
, nixShellRunProc
, nixShellWithHoogle
, nixShellWithPkgs
, obeliskDirName
, projectShell
, toObeliskDir
, toImplDir
, toNixPath
, toObeliskDir
, withProjectRoot
) where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar, newMVar, withMVarMasked)
import Control.Lens ((.~), (?~), (<&>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Aeson as Json
import Data.Bits
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Function ((&), on)
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Posix (FileStatus, UserID, deviceID, fileID, fileMode, fileOwner, getFileStatus, getRealUserID)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Posix (FileStatus, FileMode, CMode (..), UserID, deviceID, fileID, fileMode, fileOwner, getFileStatus, getRealUserID)
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Process (CreateProcess, cwd, proc, waitForProcess, delegate_ctlc)
import GitHub.Data.GitData (Branch)
import GitHub.Data.Name (Name)
import Obelisk.App (MonadObelisk)
import Obelisk.CliApp
import Obelisk.Command.Nix
import Obelisk.Command.Thunk
import Obelisk.Command.Utils (nixExePath, nixBuildExePath)
--TODO: Make this module resilient to random exceptions
--TODO: Don't hardcode this
@ -47,17 +65,21 @@ obeliskSourceWithBranch branch = ThunkSource_GitHub $ GitHubSource
{ _gitHubSource_owner = "obsidiansystems"
, _gitHubSource_repo = "obelisk"
, _gitHubSource_branch = Just branch
, _gitHubSource_private = False
data InitSource
= InitSource_Default
| InitSource_Branch (Name Branch)
| InitSource_Symlink FilePath
deriving Show
= InitSource_Default
| InitSource_Branch (Name Branch)
| InitSource_Symlink FilePath
deriving Show
obeliskDirName :: FilePath
obeliskDirName = ".obelisk"
-- | Path to obelisk directory in given path
toObeliskDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
toObeliskDir p = p </> ".obelisk"
toObeliskDir p = p </> obeliskDirName
-- | Path to impl file in given path
toImplDir :: FilePath -> FilePath
@ -114,15 +136,16 @@ initProject source force = withSystemTempDirectory "ob-init" $ \tmpDir -> do
findProjectObeliskCommand :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
findProjectObeliskCommand target = do
myUid <- liftIO getRealUserID
processUmask <- liftIO getUmask
targetStat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus target
(result, insecurePaths) <- flip runStateT [] $ walkToProjectRoot target targetStat myUid >>= \case
(result, insecurePaths) <- flip runStateT [] $ walkToProjectRoot target targetStat processUmask myUid >>= \case
Nothing -> pure Nothing
Just projectRoot -> liftIO (doesDirectoryExist $ toImplDir projectRoot) >>= \case
False -> do
putLog Warning $ "Found obelisk directory in " <> T.pack projectRoot <> " but the implementation (impl) file is missing"
pure Nothing
True -> do
walkToImplDir projectRoot myUid -- For security check
walkToImplDir projectRoot myUid processUmask -- For security check
return $ Just projectRoot
case (result, insecurePaths) of
(Just projDir, []) -> do
@ -133,17 +156,37 @@ findProjectObeliskCommand target = do
putLog Error $ T.unlines
[ "Error: Found a project at " <> T.pack (normalise projDir) <> ", but had to traverse one or more insecure directories to get there:"
, T.unlines $ fmap (T.pack . normalise) insecurePaths
, "Please ensure that all of these directories are owned by you and are not writable by anyone else."
, "Please ensure that all of these directories are owned by you, not world-writable, and no more group-writable than permitted by your umask."
return Nothing
-- | Get the umask for the Obelisk process.
-- Because of
-- we have to set the
-- umask to read it. We are using 'withMVarMasked' to guarantee that setting and
-- reading isn't interrupted by any exception or interleaved with another thread.
getUmask :: IO FileMode
getUmask = withMVarMasked globalUmaskLock $ \() -> do
initialMask <- setFileCreationMask safeUmask
void (setFileCreationMask initialMask)
pure initialMask
safeUmask :: FileMode
safeUmask = CMode 0o22
{-# NOINLINE globalUmaskLock #-}
globalUmaskLock :: MVar ()
globalUmaskLock = unsafePerformIO (newMVar ())
-- | Get the FilePath to the containing project directory, if there is one
findProjectRoot :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
findProjectRoot target = do
myUid <- liftIO getRealUserID
targetStat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus target
(result, _) <- liftIO $ runStateT (walkToProjectRoot target targetStat myUid) []
return result
umask <- liftIO getUmask
(result, _) <- liftIO $ runStateT (walkToProjectRoot target targetStat umask myUid) []
return $ makeRelative "." <$> result
withProjectRoot :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> (FilePath -> m a) -> m a
withProjectRoot target f = findProjectRoot target >>= \case
@ -155,15 +198,15 @@ withProjectRoot target f = findProjectRoot target >>= \case
-- traversed in the process. Return the project root directory, if found.
:: (MonadState [FilePath] m, MonadIO m)
=> FilePath -> FileStatus -> UserID -> m (Maybe FilePath)
walkToProjectRoot this thisStat myUid = liftIO (doesDirectoryExist this) >>= \case
=> FilePath -> FileStatus -> FileMode -> UserID -> m (Maybe FilePath)
walkToProjectRoot this thisStat desiredUmask myUid = liftIO (doesDirectoryExist this) >>= \case
-- It's not a directory, so it can't be a project
False -> do
let dir = takeDirectory this
dirStat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus dir
walkToProjectRoot dir dirStat myUid
walkToProjectRoot dir dirStat desiredUmask myUid
True -> do
when (not $ isWritableOnlyBy thisStat myUid) $ modify (this:)
when (not $ isWellOwnedAndWellPermissioned thisStat myUid desiredUmask) $ modify (this:)
liftIO (doesDirectoryExist $ toObeliskDir this) >>= \case
True -> return $ Just this
False -> do
@ -173,47 +216,114 @@ walkToProjectRoot this thisStat myUid = liftIO (doesDirectoryExist this) >>= \ca
isSameFileAs = (==) `on` fileIdentity
if thisStat `isSameFileAs` nextStat
then return Nothing -- Found a cycle; probably hit root directory
else walkToProjectRoot next nextStat myUid
else walkToProjectRoot next nextStat desiredUmask myUid
-- | Walk from the given project root directory to its Obelisk implementation
-- directory, accumulating potentially insecure directories that were traversed
-- in the process.
walkToImplDir :: (MonadState [FilePath] m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> UserID -> m ()
walkToImplDir projectRoot myUid = do
walkToImplDir :: (MonadState [FilePath] m, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> UserID -> FileMode -> m ()
walkToImplDir projectRoot myUid umask = do
let obDir = toObeliskDir projectRoot
obDirStat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus obDir
when (not $ isWritableOnlyBy obDirStat myUid) $ modify (obDir:)
when (not $ isWellOwnedAndWellPermissioned obDirStat myUid umask) $ modify (obDir:)
let implThunk = obDir </> "impl"
implThunkStat <- liftIO $ getFileStatus implThunk
when (not $ isWritableOnlyBy implThunkStat myUid) $ modify (implThunk:)
when (not $ isWellOwnedAndWellPermissioned implThunkStat myUid umask) $ modify (implThunk:)
--TODO: Is there a better way to ask if anyone else can write things?
--E.g. what about ACLs?
-- | Check to see if directory is only writable by a user whose User ID matches the second argument provided
isWritableOnlyBy :: FileStatus -> UserID -> Bool
isWritableOnlyBy s uid = fileOwner s == uid && fileMode s .&. 0o22 == 0
-- | Check to see if directory is writable by a user whose User ID matches the
-- second argument provided, and if the fact that other people can write to that
-- directory is in accordance with the umask of the system, passed as the third
-- argument.
isWellOwnedAndWellPermissioned :: FileStatus -> UserID -> FileMode -> Bool
isWellOwnedAndWellPermissioned s uid umask = isOwnedBy s uid && filePermissionIsSafe s umask
-- | Run a command in the given shell for the current project
inProjectShell :: MonadObelisk m => String -> String -> m ()
inProjectShell shellName command = withProjectRoot "." $ \root ->
projectShell root True shellName command
isOwnedBy :: FileStatus -> UserID -> Bool
isOwnedBy s uid = fileOwner s == uid
inImpureProjectShell :: MonadObelisk m => String -> String -> m ()
inImpureProjectShell shellName command = withProjectRoot "." $ \root ->
projectShell root False shellName command
-- | Check to see if a directory respect the umask, but check explicitly that
-- it's not world writable in any case.
filePermissionIsSafe :: FileStatus -> FileMode -> Bool
filePermissionIsSafe s umask = not fileWorldWritable && fileGroupWritable <= umaskGroupWritable
fileWorldWritable = fileMode s .&. 0o002 == 0o002
fileGroupWritable = fileMode s .&. 0o020 == 0o020
umaskGroupWritable = umask .&. 0o020 == 0
projectShell :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> Bool -> String -> String -> m ()
-- | Nix syntax requires relative paths to be prefixed by @./@ or
-- @../@. This will make a 'FilePath' that can be embedded in a Nix
-- expression.
toNixPath :: FilePath -> FilePath
toNixPath root | "/" `isInfixOf` root = root
| otherwise = "./" <> root
nixShellRunConfig :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> Bool -> Maybe String -> m NixShellConfig
nixShellRunConfig root isPure command = do
nixpkgsPath <- fmap T.strip $ readProcessAndLogStderr Debug $ setCwd (Just root) $
proc nixExePath ["eval", "(import .obelisk/impl {}).nixpkgs.path"]
nixRemote <- liftIO $ lookupEnv "NIX_REMOTE"
pure $ def
& nixShellConfig_pure .~ isPure
& nixShellConfig_common . nixCmdConfig_target .~ (def & target_path .~ Nothing)
& nixShellConfig_run .~ (command <&> \c -> mconcat
[ "export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=", T.unpack nixpkgsPath, "; "
, maybe "" (\v -> "export NIX_REMOTE=" <> v <> "; ") nixRemote
, c
nixShellRunProc :: NixShellConfig -> ProcessSpec
nixShellRunProc cfg = setDelegateCtlc True $ proc "nix-shell" $ runNixShellConfig cfg
nixShellWithPkgs :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> Map Text FilePath -> Maybe String -> m ()
nixShellWithPkgs root isPure chdirToRoot packageNamesAndPaths command = do
packageNamesAndAbsPaths <- liftIO $ for packageNamesAndPaths makeAbsolute
defShellConfig <- nixShellRunConfig root isPure command
let setCwd_ = if chdirToRoot then setCwd (Just root) else id
(_, _, _, ph) <- createProcess_ "nixShellWithPkgs" $ setCwd_ $ nixShellRunProc $ defShellConfig
& nixShellConfig_common . nixCmdConfig_target . target_expr ?~
"{root, pkgs}: ((import root {}).passthru.__unstable__.self.extend (_: _: {\
\shellPackages = builtins.fromJSON pkgs;\
& nixShellConfig_common . nixCmdConfig_args .~
[ rawArg "root" $ toNixPath $ if chdirToRoot then "." else root
, strArg "pkgs" (T.unpack $ decodeUtf8 $ BSL.toStrict $ Json.encode packageNamesAndAbsPaths)
void $ waitForProcess ph
nixShellWithHoogle :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> Bool -> String -> Maybe String -> m ()
nixShellWithHoogle root isPure shell' command = do
defShellConfig <- nixShellRunConfig root isPure command
(_, _, _, ph) <- createProcess_ "nixShellWithHoogle" $ setCwd (Just root) $ nixShellRunProc $ defShellConfig
& nixShellConfig_common . nixCmdConfig_target . target_expr ?~
"{shell}: ((import ./. {}).passthru.__unstable__.self.extend (_: super: {\
\userSettings = super.userSettings // { withHoogle = true; };\
& nixShellConfig_common . nixCmdConfig_args .~ [ strArg "shell" shell' ]
void $ waitForProcess ph
projectShell :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> Bool -> String -> Maybe String -> m ()
projectShell root isPure shellName command = do
(_, _, _, ph) <- createProcess_ "runNixShellAttr" $ setCtlc $ setCwd (Just root) $ proc "nix-shell" $
[ "--pure" | isPure ] <>
[ "-A"
, "shells." <> shellName
, "--run", command
void $ liftIO $ waitForProcess ph
defShellConfig <- nixShellRunConfig root isPure command
(_, _, _, ph) <- createProcess_ "runNixShellAttr" $ setCwd (Just root) $ nixShellRunProc $ defShellConfig
& nixShellConfig_common . nixCmdConfig_target . target_path ?~ "default.nix"
& nixShellConfig_common . nixCmdConfig_target . target_attr ?~ ("shells." <> shellName)
void $ waitForProcess ph
setCtlc :: CreateProcess -> CreateProcess
setCtlc cfg = cfg { delegate_ctlc = True }
setCwd :: Maybe FilePath -> CreateProcess -> CreateProcess
setCwd fp cfg = cfg { cwd = fp }
findProjectAssets :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m Text
findProjectAssets root = do
isDerivation <- readProcessAndLogStderr Debug $ setCwd (Just root) $
proc nixExePath
[ "eval"
, "(let a = import ./. {}; in toString (a.reflex.nixpkgs.lib.isDerivation a.passthru.staticFilesImpure))"
, "--raw"
-- `--raw` is not available with old nix-instantiate. It drops quotation
-- marks and trailing newline, so is very convenient for shelling out.
-- Check whether the impure static files are a derivation (and so must be built)
if isDerivation == "1"
then fmap T.strip $ readProcessAndLogStderr Debug $ setCwd (Just root) $ -- Strip whitespace here because nix-build has no --raw option
proc nixBuildExePath
[ "--no-out-link"
, "-E", "(import ./. {}).passthru.staticFilesImpure"
else readProcessAndLogStderr Debug $ setCwd (Just root) $
proc nixExePath ["eval", "-f", ".", "passthru.staticFilesImpure", "--raw"]

View File

@ -3,164 +3,329 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Obelisk.Command.Run where
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Exception (Exception, bracket)
import Control.Lens (ifor, (.~), (&))
import Control.Monad (filterM, unless, void)
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadIO)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Foldable (for_, toList)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor(..))
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parsec (parseGenericPackageDescription)
import Distribution.Parsec.ParseResult (runParseResult)
import Distribution.Pretty
import qualified Distribution.System as Dist
import Distribution.Types.BuildInfo
import Distribution.Types.CondTree
import Distribution.Types.GenericPackageDescription
import Distribution.Types.Library
import Distribution.Utils.Generic
import Hpack.Config
import Hpack.Render
import Hpack.Yaml
import qualified Distribution.Parsec.Common as Dist
import qualified Hpack.Config as Hpack
import qualified Hpack.Render as Hpack
import qualified Hpack.Yaml as Hpack
import Language.Haskell.Extension
import Network.Socket hiding (Debug)
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getExecutablePath)
import System.FilePath
import System.Process (proc)
import qualified System.Info
import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Obelisk.App (MonadObelisk, ObeliskT)
import Obelisk.CliApp
( CliT (..), HasCliConfig, Severity (..)
, callCommand, failWith, getCliConfig, putLog
, readProcessAndLogStderr, runCli)
import Obelisk.Command.Project (inProjectShell, withProjectRoot)
import Obelisk.App (MonadObelisk)
import Obelisk.CliApp (
Severity (..),
import Obelisk.Command.Nix
import Obelisk.Command.Project (nixShellWithPkgs, toImplDir, withProjectRoot, findProjectAssets)
import Obelisk.Command.Thunk (attrCacheFileName)
import Obelisk.Command.Utils (findExePath, ghcidExePath)
data CabalPackageInfo = CabalPackageInfo
{ _cabalPackageInfo_packageRoot :: FilePath
{ _cabalPackageInfo_packageFile :: FilePath
, _cabalPackageInfo_packageName :: T.Text
, _cabalPackageInfo_packageRoot :: FilePath
, _cabalPackageInfo_buildable :: Bool
, _cabalPackageInfo_sourceDirs :: NE.NonEmpty FilePath
-- ^ List of hs src dirs of the library component
, _cabalPackageInfo_defaultExtensions :: [Extension]
-- ^ List of globally enable extensions of the library component
, _cabalPackageInfo_defaultLanguage :: Maybe Language
-- ^ List of globally set languages of the library component
, _cabalPackageInfo_compilerOptions :: [(CompilerFlavor, [String])]
-- ^ List of compiler-specific options (e.g., the "ghc-options" field of the cabal file)
-- NOTE: `run` is not polymorphic like the rest because we use StaticPtr to invoke it.
run :: ObeliskT IO ()
run = do
pkgs <- getLocalPkgs
withGhciScript pkgs $ \dotGhciPath -> do
-- | Used to signal to obelisk that it's being invoked as a preprocessor
preprocessorIdentifier :: String
preprocessorIdentifier = "__preprocessor-apply-packages"
:: MonadObelisk m
=> String
-> [String]
-> m ()
profile profileBasePattern rtsFlags = withProjectRoot "." $ \root -> do
putLog Debug "Using profiled build of project."
outPath <- withSpinner "Building profiled executable" $
fmap (T.unpack . T.strip) $ readProcessAndLogStderr Debug $ setCwd (Just root) $ nixCmdProc $
NixCmd_Build $ def
& nixBuildConfig_outLink .~ OutLink_None
& nixCmdConfig_target .~ Target
{ _target_path = Just "."
, _target_attr = Just "__unstable__.profiledObRun"
, _target_expr = Nothing
assets <- findProjectAssets root
putLog Debug $ "Assets impurely loaded from: " <> assets
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
let profileBaseName = formatTime defaultTimeLocale profileBasePattern time
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory $ root </> profileBaseName
putLog Debug $ "Storing profiled data under base name of " <> T.pack (root </> profileBaseName)
freePort <- getFreePort
(_, _, _, ph) <- createProcess_ "runProfExe" $ setCwd (Just root) $ setDelegateCtlc True $ proc (outPath </> "bin" </> "ob-run") $
[ show freePort
, T.unpack assets
, profileBaseName
, "+RTS"
, "-po" <> profileBaseName
] <> rtsFlags
<> [ "-RTS" ]
void $ waitForProcess ph
:: MonadObelisk m
=> m ()
run = withProjectRoot "." $ \root -> do
pkgs <- fmap toList . parsePackagesOrFail =<< getLocalPkgs root
withGhciScript pkgs root $ \dotGhciPath -> do
freePort <- getFreePort
assets <- withProjectRoot "." $ \root ->
-- `--raw` is not available with old nix-instantiate. It drops quotation
-- marks and trailing newline, so is very convenient for shelling out.
readProcessAndLogStderr Debug $
proc "nix" ["eval", "-f", root, "passthru.staticFilesImpure", "--raw"]
assets <- findProjectAssets root
putLog Debug $ "Assets impurely loaded from: " <> assets
runGhcid dotGhciPath $ Just $ unwords
[ "run"
runGhcid root True dotGhciPath pkgs $ Just $ unwords
[ ""
, show freePort
, "(runServeAsset " ++ show assets ++ ")"
, "(Obelisk.Run.runServeAsset " ++ show assets ++ ")"
, "Backend.backend"
, "Frontend.frontend"
runRepl :: MonadObelisk m => m ()
runRepl = do
pkgs <- getLocalPkgs
withGhciScript pkgs $ \dotGhciPath -> do
runGhciRepl dotGhciPath
runRepl = withProjectRoot "." $ \root -> do
pkgs <- fmap toList . parsePackagesOrFail =<< getLocalPkgs root
withGhciScript pkgs "." $ \dotGhciPath ->
runGhciRepl root pkgs dotGhciPath
runWatch :: MonadObelisk m => m ()
runWatch = do
pkgs <- getLocalPkgs
withGhciScript pkgs $ \dotGhciPath -> runGhcid dotGhciPath Nothing
runWatch = withProjectRoot "." $ \root -> do
pkgs <- fmap toList . parsePackagesOrFail =<< getLocalPkgs root
withGhciScript pkgs root $ \dotGhciPath ->
runGhcid root True dotGhciPath pkgs Nothing
-- | Relative paths to local packages of an obelisk project
-- TODO a way to query this
getLocalPkgs :: Applicative f => f [FilePath]
getLocalPkgs = pure ["backend", "common", "frontend"]
-- | Relative paths to local packages of an obelisk project.
-- These are a combination of the obelisk predefined local packages,
-- and any packages that the user has set with the @packages@ argument
-- to the Nix @project@ function.
getLocalPkgs :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m [FilePath]
getLocalPkgs root = do
obeliskPaths <- runFind ["-L", root, "-name", ".obelisk", "-type", "d"]
-- We do not want to find packages that are embedded inside other obelisk projects, unless that
-- obelisk project is our own.
let exclusions = filter (/= root) $ map takeDirectory obeliskPaths
fmap (map (makeRelative ".")) $ runFind $
["-L", root, "(", "-name", "*.cabal", "-o", "-name", Hpack.packageConfig, ")", "-a", "-type", "f"]
<> concat [["-not", "-path", p </> "*"] | p <- (toImplDir "*" </> attrCacheFileName) : exclusions]
runFind args = do
(_exitCode, out, err) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode $ proc findExePath args
putLog Debug $ T.strip $ T.pack err
pure $ map T.unpack $ T.lines $ T.strip $ T.pack out
data GuessPackageFileError = GuessPackageFileError_Ambiguous [FilePath] | GuessPackageFileError_NotFound
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Exception GuessPackageFileError
newtype HPackFilePath = HPackFilePath { unHPackFilePath :: FilePath } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype CabalFilePath = CabalFilePath { unCabalFilePath :: FilePath } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Given a directory, try to guess what the appropriate @.cabal@ or @package.yaml@ file is for the package.
:: (MonadIO m)
=> FilePath -- ^ Directory or path to search for cabal package
-> m (Either GuessPackageFileError (Either CabalFilePath HPackFilePath))
guessCabalPackageFile pkg = do
liftIO (doesDirectoryExist pkg) >>= \case
False -> case cabalOrHpackFile pkg of
(Just hpack@(Right _)) -> pure $ Right hpack
(Just cabal@(Left (CabalFilePath cabalFilePath))) -> do
-- If the cabal file has a sibling hpack file, we use that instead
-- since running hpack often generates a sibling cabal file
let possibleHpackSibling = takeDirectory cabalFilePath </> Hpack.packageConfig
hasHpackSibling <- liftIO $ doesFileExist possibleHpackSibling
pure $ Right $ if hasHpackSibling then Right (HPackFilePath possibleHpackSibling) else cabal
Nothing -> pure $ Left GuessPackageFileError_NotFound
True -> do
candidates <- liftIO $
filterM (doesFileExist . either unCabalFilePath unHPackFilePath)
=<< mapMaybe (cabalOrHpackFile . (pkg </>)) <$> listDirectory pkg
pure $ case partitionEithers candidates of
([hpack], _) -> Right $ Left hpack
([], [cabal]) -> Right $ Right cabal
([], []) -> Left GuessPackageFileError_NotFound
(hpacks, cabals) -> Left $ GuessPackageFileError_Ambiguous $ coerce hpacks <> coerce cabals
cabalOrHpackFile :: FilePath -> Maybe (Either CabalFilePath HPackFilePath)
cabalOrHpackFile = \case
x | takeExtension x == ".cabal" -> Just (Left $ CabalFilePath x)
| takeFileName x == Hpack.packageConfig -> Just (Right $ HPackFilePath x)
| otherwise -> Nothing
-- | Parses the cabal package in a given directory.
-- This automatically figures out which .cabal file or package.yaml (hpack) file to use in the given directory.
:: (MonadObelisk m)
=> FilePath -- ^ package directory
:: MonadObelisk m
=> FilePath -- ^ Package directory
-> m (Maybe CabalPackageInfo)
parseCabalPackage dir = do
let cabalFp = dir </> (takeBaseName dir <> ".cabal")
hpackFp = dir </> "package.yaml"
hasCabal <- liftIO $ doesFileExist cabalFp
hasHpack <- liftIO $ doesFileExist hpackFp
parseCabalPackage dir = parseCabalPackage' dir >>= \case
Left err -> Nothing <$ putLog Error err
Right (warnings, pkgInfo) -> do
for_ warnings $ putLog Warning . T.pack . show
pure $ Just pkgInfo
mCabalContents <- if hasCabal
then Just <$> liftIO (readUTF8File cabalFp)
else if hasHpack
then do
let decodeOptions = DecodeOptions hpackFp Nothing decodeYaml
liftIO (readPackageConfig decodeOptions) >>= \case
Left err -> do
putLog Error $ T.pack $ "Failed to parse " <> hpackFp <> ": " <> err
return Nothing
Right (DecodeResult hpackPackage _ _) -> do
return $ Just $ renderPackage [] hpackPackage
else return Nothing
-- | Like 'parseCabalPackage' but returns errors and warnings directly so as to avoid 'MonadObelisk'.
:: (MonadIO m)
=> FilePath -- ^ Package directory
-> m (Either T.Text ([Dist.PWarning], CabalPackageInfo))
parseCabalPackage' pkg = runExceptT $ do
(cabalContents, packageFile, packageName) <- guessCabalPackageFile pkg >>= \case
Left GuessPackageFileError_NotFound -> throwError $ "No .cabal or package.yaml file found in " <> T.pack pkg
Left (GuessPackageFileError_Ambiguous _) -> throwError $ "Unable to determine which .cabal file to use in " <> T.pack pkg
Right (Left (CabalFilePath file)) -> (, file, takeBaseName file) <$> liftIO (readUTF8File file)
Right (Right (HPackFilePath file)) -> do
decodeOptions = Hpack.DecodeOptions (Hpack.ProgramName "ob") file Nothing Hpack.decodeYaml
liftIO (Hpack.readPackageConfig decodeOptions) >>= \case
Left err -> throwError $ T.pack $ "Failed to parse " <> file <> ": " <> err
Right (Hpack.DecodeResult hpackPackage _ _ _) -> pure (Hpack.renderPackage [] hpackPackage, file, Hpack.packageName hpackPackage)
fmap join $ forM mCabalContents $ \cabalContents -> do
let (warnings, result) = runParseResult $ parseGenericPackageDescription $
toUTF8BS $ cabalContents
mapM_ (putLog Warning) $ fmap (T.pack . show) warnings
case result of
Right gpkg -> do
return $ do
(_, lib) <- simplifyCondTree (const $ pure True) <$> condLibrary gpkg
pure $ CabalPackageInfo
{ _cabalPackageInfo_packageRoot = takeDirectory cabalFp
, _cabalPackageInfo_sourceDirs =
fromMaybe (pure ".") $ NE.nonEmpty $ hsSourceDirs $ libBuildInfo lib
, _cabalPackageInfo_defaultExtensions =
defaultExtensions $ libBuildInfo lib
Left (_, errors) -> do
putLog Error $ T.pack $ "Failed to parse " <> cabalFp <> ":"
mapM_ (putLog Error) $ fmap (T.pack . show) errors
return Nothing
(warnings, result) = runParseResult $ parseGenericPackageDescription $ toUTF8BS cabalContents
osConfVar = case System.Info.os of
"linux" -> Just Dist.Linux
"darwin" -> Just Dist.OSX
_ -> trace "Unrecgonized System.Info.os" Nothing
archConfVar = Just Dist.X86_64 -- TODO: Actually infer this
evalConfVar v = Right $ case v of
OS osVar -> Just osVar == osConfVar
Arch archVar -> Just archVar == archConfVar
Impl GHC _ -> True -- TODO: Actually check version range
_ -> False
case condLibrary <$> result of
Right (Just condLib) -> do
let (_, lib) = simplifyCondTree evalConfVar condLib
pure $ (warnings,) $ CabalPackageInfo
{ _cabalPackageInfo_packageName = T.pack packageName
, _cabalPackageInfo_packageFile = packageFile
, _cabalPackageInfo_packageRoot = takeDirectory packageFile
, _cabalPackageInfo_buildable = buildable $ libBuildInfo lib
, _cabalPackageInfo_sourceDirs =
fromMaybe (pure ".") $ NE.nonEmpty $ hsSourceDirs $ libBuildInfo lib
, _cabalPackageInfo_defaultExtensions =
defaultExtensions $ libBuildInfo lib
, _cabalPackageInfo_defaultLanguage =
defaultLanguage $ libBuildInfo lib
, _cabalPackageInfo_compilerOptions = options $ libBuildInfo lib
Right Nothing -> throwError "Haskell package has no library component"
Left (_, errors) ->
throwError $ T.pack $ "Failed to parse " <> packageFile <> ":\n" <> unlines (map show errors)
withUTF8FileContentsM :: (MonadIO m, HasCliConfig e m) => FilePath -> (ByteString -> CliT e IO a) -> m a
withUTF8FileContentsM fp f = do
c <- getCliConfig
liftIO $ withUTF8FileContents fp $ runCli c . f . toUTF8BS
parsePackagesOrFail :: MonadObelisk m => [FilePath] -> m (NE.NonEmpty CabalPackageInfo)
parsePackagesOrFail dirs = do
(pkgDirErrs, packageInfos') <- fmap partitionEithers $ for dirs $ \dir -> do
flip fmap (parseCabalPackage dir) $ \case
Just packageInfo
| _cabalPackageInfo_buildable packageInfo -> Right packageInfo
_ -> Left dir
let packagesByName = Map.fromListWith (<>) [(_cabalPackageInfo_packageName p, p NE.:| []) | p <- packageInfos']
unambiguous <- ifor packagesByName $ \packageName ps -> case ps of
p NE.:| [] -> pure p -- No ambiguity here
p NE.:| _ -> do
putLog Warning $ T.pack $
"Packages named '" <> T.unpack packageName <> "' appear in " <> show (length ps) <> " different locations: "
<> intercalate ", " (map _cabalPackageInfo_packageFile $ toList ps)
<> "; Picking " <> _cabalPackageInfo_packageFile p
pure p
packageInfos <- case NE.nonEmpty $ toList unambiguous of
Nothing -> failWith $ T.pack $ "No valid, buildable packages found in " <> intercalate ", " dirs
Just xs -> pure xs
unless (null pkgDirErrs) $
putLog Warning $ T.pack $ "Failed to find buildable packages in " <> intercalate ", " pkgDirErrs
pure packageInfos
packageInfoToNamePathMap :: [CabalPackageInfo] -> Map Text FilePath
packageInfoToNamePathMap = Map.fromList . map (_cabalPackageInfo_packageName &&& _cabalPackageInfo_packageRoot)
-- | Create ghci configuration to load the given packages
:: MonadObelisk m
=> [FilePath] -- ^ List of packages to load into ghci
-> (FilePath -> m ()) -- ^ Action to run with the path to generated temporory .ghci
=> [CabalPackageInfo] -- ^ List of packages to load into ghci
-> FilePath -- ^ All paths written to the .ghci file will be relative to this path
-> (FilePath -> m ()) -- ^ Action to run with the path to generated temporary .ghci
-> m ()
withGhciScript pkgs f = do
(pkgDirErrs, packageInfos) <- fmap partitionEithers $ forM pkgs $ \pkg -> do
flip fmap (parseCabalPackage pkg) $ \case
Nothing -> Left pkg
Just packageInfo -> Right packageInfo
when (null packageInfos) $
failWith $ T.pack $ "No valid pkgs found in " <> intercalate ", " pkgs
unless (null pkgDirErrs) $
putLog Warning $ T.pack $ "Failed to find pkgs in " <> intercalate ", " pkgDirErrs
let extensions = packageInfos >>= _cabalPackageInfo_defaultExtensions
extensionsLine = if extensions == mempty
then ""
else ":set " <> intercalate " " ((("-X" <>) . prettyShow) <$> extensions)
dotGhci = unlines $
[ ":set -i" <> intercalate ":" (packageInfos >>= rootedSourceDirs)
, extensionsLine
, ":load Backend Frontend"
, "import Obelisk.Run"
, "import qualified Frontend"
, "import qualified Backend"
withGhciScript packageInfos pathBase f = do
selfExe <- liftIO getExecutablePath
packageNames = Set.fromList $ map _cabalPackageInfo_packageName packageInfos
modulesToLoad = mconcat
[ [ "Obelisk.Run" | "obelisk-run" `Set.member` packageNames ]
, [ "Backend" | "backend" `Set.member` packageNames ]
, [ "Frontend" | "frontend" `Set.member` packageNames ]
dotGhci = unlines
-- TODO: Shell escape
[ ":set -F -pgmF " <> selfExe <> " -optF " <> preprocessorIdentifier <> " " <> unwords (map (("-optF " <>) . makeRelative pathBase . _cabalPackageInfo_packageFile) packageInfos)
, ":set -i" <> intercalate ":" (packageInfos >>= rootedSourceDirs)
, if null modulesToLoad then "" else ":load " <> unwords modulesToLoad
, "import qualified Obelisk.Run"
, "import qualified Frontend"
, "import qualified Backend" ]
withSystemTempDirectory "ob-ghci" $ \fp -> do
let dotGhciPath = fp </> ".ghci"
liftIO $ writeFile dotGhciPath dotGhci
@ -168,31 +333,52 @@ withGhciScript pkgs f = do
rootedSourceDirs pkg = NE.toList $
(_cabalPackageInfo_packageRoot pkg </>) <$> _cabalPackageInfo_sourceDirs pkg
makeRelative pathBase . (_cabalPackageInfo_packageRoot pkg </>) <$> _cabalPackageInfo_sourceDirs pkg
-- | Run ghci repl
:: MonadObelisk m
=> FilePath -- ^ Path to .ghci
=> FilePath -- ^ Path to project root
-> [CabalPackageInfo]
-> FilePath -- ^ Path to .ghci
-> m ()
runGhciRepl dotGhci = inProjectShell "ghc" $ unwords $ "ghci" : ["-no-user-package-db", "-ghci-script", dotGhci]
runGhciRepl root packages dotGhci =
-- NOTE: We do *not* want to use $(staticWhich "ghci") here because we need the
-- ghc that is provided by the shell in the user's project.
nixShellWithPkgs root True False (packageInfoToNamePathMap packages) $ Just $ "ghci " <> makeBaseGhciOptions dotGhci -- TODO: Shell escape
-- | Run ghcid
:: MonadObelisk m
=> FilePath -- ^ Path to .ghci
=> FilePath -- ^ Path to project root
-> Bool -- ^ Should we chdir to root when running this process?
-> FilePath -- ^ Path to .ghci
-> [CabalPackageInfo]
-> Maybe String -- ^ Optional command to run at every reload
-> m ()
runGhcid dotGhci mcmd = callCommand $ unwords $ "ghcid" : opts
runGhcid root chdirToRoot dotGhci packages mcmd =
nixShellWithPkgs root True chdirToRoot (packageInfoToNamePathMap packages) (Just $ unwords $ ghcidExePath : opts) -- TODO: Shell escape
opts =
[ "-W"
--TODO: The decision of whether to use -fwarn-redundant-constraints should probably be made by the user
, "--command='ghci -Wall -ignore-dot-ghci -fwarn-redundant-constraints -no-user-package-db -ghci-script " <> dotGhci <> "' "
, "--reload=config"
, "--command='ghci -ignore-dot-ghci " <> makeBaseGhciOptions dotGhci <> "' "
, "--outputfile=ghcid-output.txt"
] <> testCmd
testCmd = maybeToList (flip fmap mcmd $ \cmd -> "--test='" <> cmd <> "'")
] <> map (\x -> "--reload='" <> x <> "'") reloadFiles
<> map (\x -> "--restart='" <> x <> "'") restartFiles
<> testCmd
testCmd = maybeToList (flip fmap mcmd $ \cmd -> "--test='" <> cmd <> "'") -- TODO: Shell escape
adjustRoot x = if chdirToRoot then makeRelative root x else x
reloadFiles = map adjustRoot [root </> "config"]
restartFiles = map (adjustRoot . _cabalPackageInfo_packageFile) packages
makeBaseGhciOptions :: FilePath -> String
makeBaseGhciOptions dotGhci =
[ "-no-user-package-db"
, "-package-env -"
, "-ghci-script " <> dotGhci
getFreePort :: MonadIO m => m PortNumber
getFreePort = liftIO $ withSocketsDo $ do

View File

@ -8,26 +8,31 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Obelisk.Command.Thunk
( ThunkPtr (..)
( GitHubSource (..)
, GitUri (..)
, ReadThunkError (..)
, ThunkConfig (..)
, ThunkData (..)
, ThunkPackConfig (..)
, ThunkPtr (..)
, ThunkRev (..)
, ThunkSource (..)
, ThunkData (..)
, ReadThunkError (..)
, GitHubSource (..)
, getThunkGitBranch
, getLatestRev
, updateThunkToLatest
, ThunkUpdateConfig (..)
, attrCacheFileName
, createThunk
, createThunkWithLatest
, getLatestRev
, getThunkGitBranch
, getThunkPtr
, gitUriToText
, nixBuildAttrWithCache
, nixBuildThunkAttrWithCache
, unpackThunk
, packThunk
, readThunk
, updateThunk
, getThunkPtr
, getThunkPtr'
, parseGitUri
, readThunk
, unpackThunk
, updateThunk
, updateThunkToLatest
, uriThunkPtr
) where
@ -43,6 +48,7 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
import Data.Default
import Data.Either.Combinators (fromRight', rightToMaybe)
import Data.Git.Ref (Ref)
@ -65,12 +71,12 @@ import GitHub
import GitHub.Data.Name
import Obelisk.Command.Nix
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Posix (getSymbolicLinkStatus, modificationTime)
import System.Process (proc)
import Text.URI
import qualified Text.URI as URI
import Obelisk.App (MonadObelisk)
import Obelisk.CliApp
@ -95,7 +101,7 @@ type NixSha256 = Text --TODO: Use a smart constructor and make this actually ver
-- | A specific revision of data; it may be available from multiple sources
data ThunkRev = ThunkRev
{ _thunkRev_commit :: Ref
{ _thunkRev_commit :: Ref Ref.SHA1
, _thunkRev_nixSha256 :: NixSha256
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
@ -112,37 +118,63 @@ data GitHubSource = GitHubSource
{ _gitHubSource_owner :: Name Owner
, _gitHubSource_repo :: Name Repo
, _gitHubSource_branch :: Maybe (Name Branch)
, _gitHubSource_private :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype GitUri = GitUri { unGitUri :: URI.URI } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
gitUriToText :: GitUri -> Text
gitUriToText (GitUri uri)
| (T.toLower . URI.unRText <$> URI.uriScheme uri) == Just "file"
, Just (_, path) <- URI.uriPath uri
= "/" <> T.intercalate "/" (map URI.unRText $ NonEmpty.toList path)
| otherwise = URI.render uri
data GitSource = GitSource
{ _gitSource_url :: URI
{ _gitSource_url :: GitUri
, _gitSource_branch :: Maybe (Name Branch)
, _gitSource_fetchSubmodules :: Bool
, _gitSource_private :: Bool
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
newtype ThunkConfig = ThunkConfig
{ _thunkConfig_private :: Maybe Bool
} deriving Show
data ThunkUpdateConfig = ThunkUpdateConfig
{ _thunkUpdateConfig_branch :: Maybe String
, _thunkUpdateConfig_config :: ThunkConfig
} deriving Show
data ThunkPackConfig = ThunkPackConfig
{ _thunkPackConfig_force :: Bool
, _thunkPackConfig_config :: ThunkConfig
} deriving Show
-- | Convert a GitHub source to a regular Git source. Assumes no submodules.
forgetGithub :: Bool -> GitHubSource -> GitSource
forgetGithub useSsh s = GitSource
{ _gitSource_url = URI
{ uriScheme = Just $ fromRight' $ mkScheme $ if useSsh then "ssh" else "https"
, uriAuthority = Right $ Authority
{ authUserInfo = UserInfo (fromRight' $ mkUsername "git") Nothing
{ _gitSource_url = GitUri $ URI.URI
{ URI.uriScheme = Just $ fromRight' $ URI.mkScheme $ if useSsh then "ssh" else "https"
, URI.uriAuthority = Right $ URI.Authority
{ URI.authUserInfo = URI.UserInfo (fromRight' $ URI.mkUsername "git") Nothing
<$ guard useSsh
, authHost = fromRight' $ mkHost ""
, authPort = Nothing
, URI.authHost = fromRight' $ URI.mkHost ""
, URI.authPort = Nothing
, uriPath = Just ( False
, fromRight' . mkPathPiece <$>
, URI.uriPath = Just ( False
, fromRight' . URI.mkPathPiece <$>
untagName (_gitHubSource_owner s)
:| [ untagName (_gitHubSource_repo s) <> ".git" ]
, uriQuery = []
, uriFragment = Nothing
, URI.uriQuery = []
, URI.uriFragment = Nothing
, _gitSource_branch = _gitHubSource_branch s
, _gitSource_fetchSubmodules = False
, _gitSource_private = _gitHubSource_private s
getThunkGitBranch :: ThunkPtr -> Maybe Text
@ -150,26 +182,26 @@ getThunkGitBranch (ThunkPtr _ src) = fmap untagName $ case src of
ThunkSource_GitHub s -> _gitHubSource_branch s
ThunkSource_Git s -> _gitSource_branch s
commitNameToRef :: Name Commit -> Ref
commitNameToRef :: Name Commit -> Ref Ref.SHA1
commitNameToRef (N c) = Ref.fromHex $ encodeUtf8 c
-- TODO: Use spinner here.
:: MonadObelisk m
=> URI
=> GitUri
-> m NixSha256
getNixSha256ForUriUnpacked uri =
withExitFailMessage ("nix-prefetch-url: Failed to determine sha256 hash of URL " <> render uri) $ do
withExitFailMessage ("nix-prefetch-url: Failed to determine sha256 hash of URL " <> gitUriToText uri) $ do
[hash] <- fmap T.lines $ readProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Debug) $
proc "nix-prefetch-url" ["--unpack" , "--type" , "sha256" , T.unpack $ render uri]
proc "nix-prefetch-url" ["--unpack", "--type", "sha256", T.unpack $ gitUriToText uri]
pure hash
nixPrefetchGit :: MonadObelisk m => URI -> Text -> Bool -> m NixSha256
nixPrefetchGit :: MonadObelisk m => GitUri -> Text -> Bool -> m NixSha256
nixPrefetchGit uri rev fetchSubmodules =
withExitFailMessage ("nix-prefetch-git: Failed to determine sha256 hash of Git repo " <> render uri <> " at " <> rev) $ do
withExitFailMessage ("nix-prefetch-git: Failed to determine sha256 hash of Git repo " <> gitUriToText uri <> " at " <> rev) $ do
out <- readProcessAndLogStderr Debug $
proc "nix-prefetch-git" $ filter (/="")
[ "--url", T.unpack $ render uri
[ "--url", T.unpack $ gitUriToText uri
, "--rev", T.unpack rev
, if fetchSubmodules then "--fetch-submodules" else ""
, "--quiet"
@ -200,6 +232,9 @@ readThunk thunkDir = do
False -> return $ return Nothing
False -> liftIO $ fmap ThunkData_Packed <$> readPackedThunk thunkDir
attrCacheFileName :: FilePath
attrCacheFileName = ".attr-cache"
data ThunkType = ThunkType
{ _thunkType_loader :: FilePath
, _thunkType_json :: FilePath
@ -212,7 +247,7 @@ gitHubThunkType :: ThunkType
gitHubThunkType = ThunkType
{ _thunkType_loader = "default.nix"
, _thunkType_json = "github.json"
, _thunkType_optional = Set.fromList [".attr-cache"]
, _thunkType_optional = Set.fromList [attrCacheFileName]
, _thunkType_loaderVersions = gitHubStandaloneLoaders
, _thunkType_parser = parseThunkPtr $ \v ->
ThunkSource_GitHub <$> parseGitHubSource v <|> ThunkSource_Git <$> parseGitSource v
@ -222,7 +257,7 @@ gitThunkType :: ThunkType
gitThunkType = ThunkType
{ _thunkType_loader = "default.nix"
, _thunkType_json = "git.json"
, _thunkType_optional = Set.fromList [".attr-cache"]
, _thunkType_optional = Set.fromList [attrCacheFileName]
, _thunkType_loaderVersions = plainGitStandaloneLoaders
, _thunkType_parser = parseThunkPtr $ fmap ThunkSource_Git . parseGitSource
@ -287,10 +322,12 @@ parseGitHubSource v = do
owner <- v Aeson..: "owner"
repo <- v Aeson..: "repo"
branch <- v Aeson..:! "branch"
private <- v Aeson..:? "private"
pure $ GitHubSource
{ _gitHubSource_owner = owner
, _gitHubSource_repo = repo
, _gitHubSource_branch = branch
, _gitHubSource_private = fromMaybe False private
parseGitSource :: Aeson.Object -> Aeson.Parser GitSource
@ -298,10 +335,12 @@ parseGitSource v = do
Just url <- parseGitUri <$> v Aeson..: "url"
branch <- v Aeson..:! "branch"
fetchSubmodules <- v Aeson..:! "fetchSubmodules"
private <- v Aeson..:? "private"
pure $ GitSource
{ _gitSource_url = url
, _gitSource_branch = branch
, _gitSource_fetchSubmodules = fromMaybe False fetchSubmodules
, _gitSource_private = fromMaybe False private
overwriteThunk :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> ThunkPtr -> m ()
@ -328,13 +367,15 @@ encodeThunkPtrData (ThunkPtr rev src) = case src of
, ("branch" .=) <$> _gitHubSource_branch s
, Just $ "rev" .= Ref.toHexString (_thunkRev_commit rev)
, Just $ "sha256" .= _thunkRev_nixSha256 rev
, Just $ "private" .= _gitHubSource_private s
ThunkSource_Git s -> encodePretty' plainGitCfg $ Aeson.object $ catMaybes
[ Just $ "url" .= render (_gitSource_url s)
[ Just $ "url" .= gitUriToText (_gitSource_url s)
, Just $ "rev" .= Ref.toHexString (_thunkRev_commit rev)
, ("branch" .=) <$> _gitSource_branch s
, Just $ "sha256" .= _thunkRev_nixSha256 rev
, Just $ "fetchSubmodules" .= _gitSource_fetchSubmodules s
, Just $ "private" .= _gitSource_private s
githubCfg = defConfig
@ -355,6 +396,7 @@ encodeThunkPtrData (ThunkPtr rev src) = case src of
[ "url"
, "rev"
, "sha256"
, "private"
, "fetchSubmodules"
] <> compare
, confTrailingNewline = True
@ -362,7 +404,7 @@ encodeThunkPtrData (ThunkPtr rev src) = case src of
createThunk :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> ThunkPtr -> m ()
createThunk target thunk = liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (target </> ".attr-cache")
createDirectoryIfMissing True (target </> attrCacheFileName)
T.writeFile (target </> "default.nix") (thunkPtrLoader thunk)
jsonFileName = case _thunkPtr_source thunk of
@ -378,8 +420,8 @@ createThunkWithLatest target s = do
, _thunkPtr_rev = rev
updateThunkToLatest :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> Maybe String -> m ()
updateThunkToLatest target mBranch = withSpinner' ("Updating thunk " <> T.pack target <> " to latest") (pure $ const $ "Thunk " <> T.pack target <> " updated to latest") $ do
updateThunkToLatest :: MonadObelisk m => ThunkUpdateConfig -> FilePath -> m ()
updateThunkToLatest (ThunkUpdateConfig mBranch thunkConfig) target = withSpinner' ("Updating thunk " <> T.pack target <> " to latest") (pure $ const $ "Thunk " <> T.pack target <> " updated to latest") $ do
checkThunkDirectory "ob thunk update directory cannot be '.'" target
-- check to see if thunk should be updated to a specific branch or just update it's current branch
case mBranch of
@ -391,7 +433,7 @@ updateThunkToLatest target mBranch = withSpinner' ("Updating thunk " <> T.pack t
ThunkData_Checkout _ -> failWith "cannot update an unpacked thunk"
let src = _thunkPtr_source ptr
rev <- getLatestRev src
overwriteThunk overwrite $ ThunkPtr
overwriteThunk overwrite $ modifyThunkPtrByConfig thunkConfig $ ThunkPtr
{ _thunkPtr_source = src
, _thunkPtr_rev = rev
@ -399,24 +441,25 @@ updateThunkToLatest target mBranch = withSpinner' ("Updating thunk " <> T.pack t
Left err -> failWith $ T.pack $ "thunk update: " <> show err
Right c -> case c of
ThunkData_Packed t -> case _thunkPtr_source t of
ThunkSource_Git tsg -> setThunk target tsg branch
ThunkSource_Git tsg -> setThunk thunkConfig target tsg branch
ThunkSource_GitHub tsgh -> do
let tsg = forgetGithub False tsgh
setThunk target tsg branch
ThunkData_Checkout _ -> failWith $ T.pack $ "thunk located at " <> (show target) <> " is unpacked. Use ob thunk pack on the desired directory and then try ob thunk update again."
setThunk thunkConfig target tsg branch
ThunkData_Checkout _ -> failWith $ T.pack $ "thunk located at " <> show target <> " is unpacked. Use ob thunk pack on the desired directory and then try ob thunk update again."
setThunk :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> GitSource -> String -> m ()
setThunk target gs branch = do
newThunkPtr <- uriThunkPtr (_gitSource_url gs) (Just $ T.pack branch) Nothing
setThunk :: MonadObelisk m => ThunkConfig -> FilePath -> GitSource -> String -> m ()
setThunk thunkConfig target gs branch = do
newThunkPtr <- uriThunkPtr (_gitSource_url gs) (_thunkConfig_private thunkConfig) (Just $ T.pack branch) Nothing
overwriteThunk target newThunkPtr
updateThunkToLatest target Nothing
updateThunkToLatest (ThunkUpdateConfig Nothing thunkConfig) target
-- | All recognized github standalone loaders, ordered from newest to oldest.
-- This tool will only ever produce the newest one when it writes a thunk.
gitHubStandaloneLoaders :: NonEmpty Text
gitHubStandaloneLoaders =
gitHubStandaloneLoaderV2 :|
gitHubStandaloneLoaderV4 :|
[ gitHubStandaloneLoaderV3
, gitHubStandaloneLoaderV2
, gitHubStandaloneLoaderV1
@ -456,10 +499,24 @@ gitHubStandaloneLoaderV3 = T.unlines
, "in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json)))"
gitHubStandaloneLoaderV4 :: Text
gitHubStandaloneLoaderV4 = T.unlines
, "let fetch = { private ? false, fetchSubmodules ? false, owner, repo, rev, sha256, ... }:"
, " if !fetchSubmodules && !private then builtins.fetchTarball {"
, " url = \"${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz\"; inherit sha256;"
, " } else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub {"
, " inherit owner repo rev sha256 fetchSubmodules private;"
, " };"
, "in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json)))"
plainGitStandaloneLoaders :: NonEmpty Text
plainGitStandaloneLoaders =
plainGitStandaloneLoaderV1 :|
[ plainGitStandaloneLoaderV2
plainGitStandaloneLoaderV4 :|
[ plainGitStandaloneLoaderV1
, plainGitStandaloneLoaderV2
, plainGitStandaloneLoaderV3
plainGitStandaloneLoaderV1 :: Text
@ -480,6 +537,41 @@ plainGitStandaloneLoaderV2 = T.unlines
, "in import (fetchGit (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./git.json)))"
-- This loader has a bug because @builtins.fetchGit@ is not given a @ref@
-- and will fail to find commits without this because it does shallow clones.
plainGitStandaloneLoaderV3 :: Text
plainGitStandaloneLoaderV3 = T.unlines
, "let fetch = {url, rev, ref ? null, sha256 ? null, fetchSubmodules ? false, private ? false, ...}:"
, " let realUrl = let firstChar = builtins.substring 0 1 url; in"
, " if firstChar == \"/\" then /. + url"
, " else if firstChar == \".\" then ./. + url"
, " else url;"
, " in if !fetchSubmodules && private then builtins.fetchGit {"
, " url = realUrl; inherit rev;"
, " } else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchgit {"
, " url = realUrl; inherit rev sha256;"
, " };"
, "in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./git.json)))"
plainGitStandaloneLoaderV4 :: Text
plainGitStandaloneLoaderV4 = T.unlines
, "let fetch = {url, rev, branch ? null, sha256 ? null, fetchSubmodules ? false, private ? false, ...}:"
, " let realUrl = let firstChar = builtins.substring 0 1 url; in"
, " if firstChar == \"/\" then /. + url"
, " else if firstChar == \".\" then ./. + url"
, " else url;"
, " in if !fetchSubmodules && private then builtins.fetchGit {"
, " url = realUrl; inherit rev;"
, " ${if branch == null then null else \"ref\"} = branch;"
, " } else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchgit {"
, " url = realUrl; inherit rev sha256;"
, " };"
, "in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./git.json)))"
thunkFileNames :: [FilePath]
thunkFileNames = ["default.nix", "github.json", "git.json"]
@ -506,7 +598,7 @@ nixBuildThunkAttrWithCache thunkDir attr = do
let cacheErrHandler e
| isDoesNotExistError e = return Nothing -- expected from a cache miss
| otherwise = putLog Error (T.pack $ displayException e) >> return Nothing
cacheDir = thunkDir </> ".attr-cache"
cacheDir = thunkDir </> attrCacheFileName
cachePath = cacheDir </> attr <.> "out"
latestChange <- liftIO $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing False cacheDir
@ -521,7 +613,7 @@ nixBuildThunkAttrWithCache thunkDir attr = do
Just c -> return c
Nothing -> do
putLog Warning $ T.pack $ mconcat [thunkDir, ": ", attr, " not cached, building ..."]
_ <- nixCmd $ NixCmd_Build$ def
_ <- nixCmd $ NixCmd_Build $ def
Lens.& nixBuildConfig_outLink Lens..~ OutLink_IndirectRoot cachePath
Lens.& nixCmdConfig_target Lens..~ Target
{ _target_path = Just thunkDir
@ -569,13 +661,13 @@ updateThunk p f = withSystemTempDirectory "obelisk-thunkptr-" $ \tmpDir -> do
Right (ThunkData_Packed _) -> do
let tmpThunk = tmpDir </> "thunk"
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $
proc "cp" ["-r", "-T", thunkDir, tmpThunk]
proc cp ["-r", "-T", thunkDir, tmpThunk]
return tmpThunk
Right _ -> failWith $ "Thunk is not packed"
Right _ -> failWith "Thunk is not packed"
updateThunkFromTmp p' = do
_ <- packThunk' True p'
_ <- packThunk' True (ThunkPackConfig False (ThunkConfig Nothing)) p'
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $
proc "cp" ["-r", "-T", p', p]
proc cp ["-r", "-T", p', p]
finalMsg :: Bool -> (a -> Text) -> Maybe (a -> Text)
finalMsg noTrail s = if noTrail then Nothing else Just s
@ -607,7 +699,7 @@ unpackThunk' noTrail thunkDir = checkThunkDirectory "Can't pack/unpack from with
let git = callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Notice) . gitProc tmpRepo
git $ [ "clone" ]
++ ("--recursive" <$ guard (_gitSource_fetchSubmodules s))
++ [ T.unpack $ render $ _gitSource_url s ]
++ [ T.unpack $ gitUriToText $ _gitSource_url s ]
++ do branch <- maybeToList $ _gitSource_branch s
[ "--branch", T.unpack $ untagName branch ]
git ["reset", "--hard", Ref.toHexString $ _thunkRev_commit $ _thunkPtr_rev tptr]
@ -616,35 +708,39 @@ unpackThunk' noTrail thunkDir = checkThunkDirectory "Can't pack/unpack from with
liftIO $ createDirectory obGitDir
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $
proc "cp" ["-r", "-T", thunkDir </> ".", obGitDir </> "orig-thunk"]
proc cp ["-r", "-T", thunkDir </> ".", obGitDir </> "orig-thunk"]
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $
proc "rm" ["-r", thunkDir]
callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $
proc "mv" ["-T", tmpRepo, thunkDir]
--TODO: add force mode to pack even if changes are present
--TODO: add a rollback mode to pack to the original thunk
packThunk :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m ThunkPtr
packThunk :: MonadObelisk m => ThunkPackConfig -> FilePath -> m ThunkPtr
packThunk = packThunk' False
packThunk' :: MonadObelisk m => Bool -> FilePath -> m ThunkPtr
packThunk' noTrail thunkDir = checkThunkDirectory "Can't pack/unpack from within the thunk directory" thunkDir >> readThunk thunkDir >>= \case
packThunk' :: MonadObelisk m => Bool -> ThunkPackConfig -> FilePath -> m ThunkPtr
packThunk' noTrail (ThunkPackConfig force thunkConfig) thunkDir = checkThunkDirectory "Can't pack/unpack from within the thunk directory" thunkDir >> readThunk thunkDir >>= \case
Left err -> failWith $ T.pack $ "thunk pack: " <> show err
Right (ThunkData_Packed _) -> failWith "pack: thunk is already packed"
Right (ThunkData_Checkout _) -> do
withSpinner' ("Packing thunk " <> T.pack thunkDir)
(finalMsg noTrail $ const $ "Packed thunk " <> T.pack thunkDir) $ do
thunkPtr <- getThunkPtr thunkDir
thunkPtr <- modifyThunkPtrByConfig thunkConfig <$> getThunkPtr (not force) thunkDir (_thunkConfig_private thunkConfig)
callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error) $ proc "rm" ["-rf", thunkDir]
liftIO $ createThunk thunkDir thunkPtr
pure thunkPtr
getThunkPtr :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m ThunkPtr
getThunkPtr = getThunkPtr' True
modifyThunkPtrByConfig :: ThunkConfig -> ThunkPtr -> ThunkPtr
modifyThunkPtrByConfig (ThunkConfig markPrivate') ptr = case markPrivate' of
Nothing -> ptr
Just markPrivate -> ptr { _thunkPtr_source = case _thunkPtr_source ptr of
ThunkSource_Git s -> ThunkSource_Git $ s { _gitSource_private = markPrivate }
ThunkSource_GitHub s -> ThunkSource_GitHub $ s { _gitHubSource_private = markPrivate }
getThunkPtr' :: forall m. MonadObelisk m => Bool -> FilePath -> m ThunkPtr
getThunkPtr' checkClean thunkDir = do
when checkClean $ ensureCleanGitRepo thunkDir True $
getThunkPtr :: forall m. MonadObelisk m => Bool -> FilePath -> Maybe Bool -> m ThunkPtr
getThunkPtr checkClean thunkDir mPrivate = do
when checkClean $ ensureCleanGitRepo thunkDir True
"thunk pack: thunk checkout contains unsaved modifications"
-- Check whether there are any stashes
@ -657,7 +753,7 @@ getThunkPtr' checkClean thunkDir = do
] ++ T.lines stashOutput
True -> return ()
-- Get current branch ``
-- Get current branch
(mCurrentBranch, mCurrentCommit) <- do
b <- listToMaybe
<$> T.lines
@ -666,7 +762,7 @@ getThunkPtr' checkClean thunkDir = do
<$> T.lines
<$> readGitProcess thunkDir ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]
case b of
(Just "HEAD") -> failWith $ T.unlines $
(Just "HEAD") -> failWith $ T.unlines
[ "thunk pack: You are in 'detached HEAD' state."
, "If you want to pack at the current ref \
\then please create a new branch with 'git checkout -b <new-branch-name>' and push this upstream."
@ -738,7 +834,7 @@ getThunkPtr' checkClean thunkDir = do
[ "thunk pack: Certain branches in the thunk have commits not yet pushed upstream:"
, ""
] ++
(flip map (Map.toList nonGood) $ \(branch, (upstream, (ahead, behind))) -> mconcat
flip map (Map.toList nonGood) (\(branch, (upstream, (ahead, behind))) -> mconcat
[" ", branch, " ahead: ", T.pack (show ahead), " behind: ", T.pack (show behind), " remote branch ", upstream]) ++
[ ""
, "Please push these upstream and try again. (Or just fetch, if they are somehow \
@ -746,7 +842,7 @@ getThunkPtr' checkClean thunkDir = do
-- We assume it's safe to pack the thunk at this point
putLog Informational $ "All changes safe in git remotes. OK to pack thunk."
putLog Informational "All changes safe in git remotes. OK to pack thunk."
let remote = maybe "origin" snd $ flip Map.lookup headUpstream =<< mCurrentBranch
@ -759,7 +855,7 @@ getThunkPtr' checkClean thunkDir = do
remoteUri <- case parseGitUri remoteUri' of
Nothing -> failWith $ "Could not identify git remote: " <> remoteUri'
Just uri -> pure uri
uriThunkPtr remoteUri mCurrentBranch mCurrentCommit
uriThunkPtr remoteUri mPrivate mCurrentBranch mCurrentCommit
-- | Get the latest revision available from the given source
getLatestRev :: MonadObelisk m => ThunkSource -> m ThunkRev
@ -778,18 +874,18 @@ getLatestRev os = do
-- performance. If that doesn't work (e.g. authentication issue), we fall back
-- on just doing things the normal way for git repos in general, and save it as
-- a regular git thunk.
uriThunkPtr :: MonadObelisk m => URI -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> m ThunkPtr
uriThunkPtr uri mbranch mcommit = do
uriThunkPtr :: MonadObelisk m => GitUri -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> m ThunkPtr
uriThunkPtr uri mPrivate mbranch mcommit = do
commit <- case mcommit of
Nothing -> gitGetCommitBranch uri mbranch >>= return . snd
(Just c) -> return c
(src, rev) <- case uriToThunkSource uri mbranch of
(src, rev) <- uriToThunkSource uri mPrivate mbranch >>= \case
ThunkSource_GitHub s -> do
rev <- runExceptT $ githubThunkRev s commit
case rev of
Right r -> pure (ThunkSource_GitHub s, r)
Left e -> do
putLog Warning $ "\
putLog Warning "\
\Failed to fetch archive from GitHub. This is probably a private repo. \
\Falling back on normal fetchgit. Original failure:"
errorToWarning e
@ -806,34 +902,66 @@ uriThunkPtr uri mbranch mcommit = do
-- If the thunk is a GitHub thunk and fails, we do *not* fall back like with
-- `uriThunkPtr`. Unlike a plain URL, a thunk src explicitly states which method
-- should be employed, and so we respect that.
uriToThunkSource :: URI -> Maybe Text -> ThunkSource
uriToThunkSource u
| Right uriAuth <- uriAuthority u
, Just scheme <- unRText <$> uriScheme u
uriToThunkSource :: MonadObelisk m => GitUri -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Text -> m ThunkSource
uriToThunkSource (GitUri u) mPrivate
| Right uriAuth <- URI.uriAuthority u
, Just scheme <- URI.unRText <$> URI.uriScheme u
, case scheme of
"ssh" -> uriAuth == Authority
{ authUserInfo = Just $ UserInfo (fromRight' $ mkUsername "git") Nothing
, authHost = fromRight' $ mkHost ""
, authPort = Nothing
"ssh" -> uriAuth == URI.Authority
{ URI.authUserInfo = Just $ URI.UserInfo (fromRight' $ URI.mkUsername "git") Nothing
, URI.authHost = fromRight' $ URI.mkHost ""
, URI.authPort = Nothing
s -> s `L.elem` [ "git", "https", "http" ] -- "http:" just redirects to "https:"
&& unRText (authHost uriAuth) == ""
, Just (_, owner :| [repoish]) <- uriPath u
= \mbranch -> ThunkSource_GitHub $ GitHubSource
{ _gitHubSource_owner = N $ unRText owner
, _gitHubSource_repo = N $ let
repoish' = unRText repoish
in case T.stripSuffix ".git" repoish' of
Just repo -> repo
Nothing -> repoish'
, _gitHubSource_branch = N <$> mbranch
&& URI.unRText (URI.authHost uriAuth) == ""
, Just (_, owner :| [repoish]) <- URI.uriPath u
= \mbranch -> do
isPrivate <- getIsPrivate
pure $ ThunkSource_GitHub $ GitHubSource
{ _gitHubSource_owner = N $ URI.unRText owner
, _gitHubSource_repo = N $ let
repoish' = URI.unRText repoish
in fromMaybe repoish' $ T.stripSuffix ".git" repoish'
, _gitHubSource_branch = N <$> mbranch
, _gitHubSource_private = isPrivate
| otherwise = \mbranch -> ThunkSource_Git $ GitSource
{ _gitSource_url = u
, _gitSource_branch = N <$> mbranch
, _gitSource_fetchSubmodules = False -- TODO: How do we determine if this should be true?
| otherwise = \mbranch -> do
isPrivate <- getIsPrivate
pure $ ThunkSource_Git $ GitSource
{ _gitSource_url = GitUri u
, _gitSource_branch = N <$> mbranch
, _gitSource_fetchSubmodules = False -- TODO: How do we determine if this should be true?
, _gitSource_private = isPrivate
getIsPrivate = maybe (guessGitRepoIsPrivate $ GitUri u) pure mPrivate
guessGitRepoIsPrivate :: MonadObelisk m => GitUri -> m Bool
guessGitRepoIsPrivate uri = flip fix urisToTry $ \loop -> \case
[] -> pure True
uriAttempt:xs -> do
result <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode $
isolateGitProc $
[ "ls-remote"
, "--quiet"
, "--exit-code"
, "--symref"
, T.unpack $ gitUriToText uriAttempt
case result of
(ExitSuccess, _, _) -> pure False -- Must be a public repo
_ -> loop xs
urisToTry = nubOrd $
-- Include the original URI if it isn't using SSH because SSH will certainly fail.
[uri | fmap URI.unRText (URI.uriScheme (unGitUri uri)) /= Just "ssh"] <>
[changeScheme "https" uri, changeScheme "http" uri]
changeScheme scheme (GitUri u) = GitUri $ u
{ URI.uriScheme = URI.mkScheme scheme
, URI.uriAuthority = (\x -> x { URI.authUserInfo = Nothing }) <$> URI.uriAuthority u
-- Funny signature indicates no effects depend on the optional branch name.
@ -845,19 +973,19 @@ githubThunkRev
githubThunkRev s commit = do
owner <- forcePP $ _gitHubSource_owner s
repo <- forcePP $ _gitHubSource_repo s
revTarball <- mkPathPiece $ commit <> ".tar.gz"
let archiveUri = URI
{ uriScheme = Just $ fromRight' $ mkScheme "https"
, uriAuthority = Right $ Authority
{ authUserInfo = Nothing
, authHost = fromRight' $ mkHost ""
, authPort = Nothing
revTarball <- URI.mkPathPiece $ commit <> ".tar.gz"
let archiveUri = GitUri $ URI.URI
{ URI.uriScheme = Just $ fromRight' $ URI.mkScheme "https"
, URI.uriAuthority = Right $ URI.Authority
{ URI.authUserInfo = Nothing
, URI.authHost = fromRight' $ URI.mkHost ""
, URI.authPort = Nothing
, uriPath = Just ( False
, owner :| [ repo, fromRight' $ mkPathPiece "archive", revTarball ]
, URI.uriPath = Just ( False
, owner :| [ repo, fromRight' $ URI.mkPathPiece "archive", revTarball ]
, uriQuery = []
, uriFragment = Nothing
, URI.uriQuery = []
, URI.uriFragment = Nothing
hash <- getNixSha256ForUriUnpacked archiveUri
putLog Debug $ "Nix sha256 is " <> hash
@ -866,8 +994,8 @@ githubThunkRev s commit = do
, _thunkRev_nixSha256 = hash
forcePP :: Name entity -> m (RText 'PathPiece)
forcePP = mkPathPiece . untagName
forcePP :: Name entity -> m (URI.RText 'URI.PathPiece)
forcePP = URI.mkPathPiece . untagName
:: MonadObelisk m
@ -876,11 +1004,11 @@ gitThunkRev
-> m ThunkRev
gitThunkRev s commit = do
let u = _gitSource_url s
protocols = ["https", "ssh", "git"]
Just scheme <- pure $ unRText <$> uriScheme u
protocols = ["file", "https", "ssh", "git"]
scheme = maybe "file" URI.unRText $ URI.uriScheme $ (\(GitUri x) -> x) u
unless (T.toLower scheme `elem` protocols) $
failWith $ "obelisk currently only supports "
<> T.intercalate ", " protocols <> " protocols for non-GitHub remotes"
<> T.intercalate ", " protocols <> " protocols for plain Git remotes"
hash <- nixPrefetchGit u commit $ _gitSource_fetchSubmodules s
putLog Informational $ "Nix sha256 is " <> hash
pure $ ThunkRev
@ -893,11 +1021,12 @@ gitThunkRev s commit = do
-- If the branch name is passed in, it is returned exactly as-is. If it is not
-- passed it, the default branch of the repo is used instead.
:: MonadObelisk m => URI -> Maybe Text -> m (Text, CommitId)
:: MonadObelisk m => GitUri -> Maybe Text -> m (Text, CommitId)
gitGetCommitBranch uri mbranch = withExitFailMessage ("Failure for git remote " <> uriMsg) $ do
(_, bothMaps) <- gitLsRemote
(T.unpack $ render uri)
(T.unpack $ gitUriToText uri)
(GitRef_Branch <$> mbranch)
branch <- case mbranch of
@ -913,18 +1042,21 @@ gitGetCommitBranch uri mbranch = withExitFailMessage ("Failure for git remote "
pure (branch, commit)
rethrowE = either failWith pure
uriMsg = render uri
uriMsg = gitUriToText uri
parseGitUri :: Text -> Maybe URI
parseGitUri x = parseAbsoluteURI x <|> parseSshShorthand x
parseGitUri :: Text -> Maybe GitUri
parseGitUri x = GitUri <$> (parseFileURI x <|> parseAbsoluteURI x <|> parseSshShorthand x)
parseAbsoluteURI :: Text -> Maybe URI
parseFileURI :: Text -> Maybe URI.URI
parseFileURI uri = if "/" `T.isPrefixOf` uri then parseAbsoluteURI ("file://" <> uri) else Nothing
parseAbsoluteURI :: Text -> Maybe URI.URI
parseAbsoluteURI uri = do
parsedUri <- mkURI uri
guard $ isPathAbsolute parsedUri
pure $ parsedUri
parsedUri <- URI.mkURI uri
guard $ URI.isPathAbsolute parsedUri
pure parsedUri
parseSshShorthand :: Text -> Maybe URI
parseSshShorthand :: Text -> Maybe URI.URI
parseSshShorthand uri = do
-- This is what git does to check that the remote
-- is not a local file path when parsing shorthand.
@ -937,4 +1069,4 @@ parseSshShorthand uri = do
-- This check is used to disambiguate a filepath containing a colon from shorthand
guard $ isNothing (T.findIndex (=='/') authAndHostname)
&& not (T.null colonAndPath)
mkURI properUri
URI.mkURI properUri

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | Hash a git repo or arbitrary directory using nix-hash.
module Obelisk.Command.Upgrade.Hash
( getDirectoryHash
, getHashAtGitRevision
) where
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process (cwd, proc)
import Obelisk.App (MonadObelisk)
import Obelisk.CliApp
import Obelisk.Command.Utils
import Obelisk.Migration
-- | Get the unique hash of the given directory
-- Excludes the following before computing the hash:
-- * the specified top-level files/ directories.
-- * .git directory
-- * untracked Git files
-- * ignored Git files
-- * empty directories
-- Uses the same predictive algorithm as that of Nix (`nix-hash`).
-- This function will do a full copy of the directory to a temporary location before
-- computing the hash. Because it will be deleting the files in exclude list, and
-- other files if the directory is a git repo, which needs to be done as `nix-hash`
-- doesn't support taking an excludes list.
getDirectoryHash :: MonadObelisk m => [FilePath] -> FilePath -> m Hash
getDirectoryHash excludes dir = withSystemTempDirectory "obelisk-hash-" $ \tmpDir -> do
withSpinnerNoTrail (T.pack $ "Copying " <> dir <> " to " <> tmpDir) $ do
runProc $ copyDir dir tmpDir
getDirectoryHashDestructive excludes tmpDir
getDirectoryHashDestructive :: MonadObelisk m => [FilePath] -> FilePath -> m Hash
getDirectoryHashDestructive excludes dir = do
liftIO (doesDirectoryExist $ dir </> ".git") >>= \case
True -> do
tidyUpGitWorkingCopy dir
withSpinnerNoTrail "Removing .git directory" $
liftIO $ removePathForcibly $ dir </> ".git"
False -> pure ()
withSpinnerNoTrail "Removing excluded paths" $ do
forM_ (fmap (dir </>) excludes) $
liftIO . removePathForcibly
nixHash dir
getHashAtGitRevision :: MonadObelisk m => [Text] -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> m [Hash]
getHashAtGitRevision revs excludes dir = withSystemTempDirectory "obelisk-hashrev-" $ \tmpDir -> do
withSpinnerNoTrail (T.pack $ "Copying " <> dir <> " to " <> tmpDir) $ do
runProc $ copyDir dir tmpDir
tidyUpGitWorkingCopy tmpDir
-- Discard changes to tracked files
runProcSilently $ gitProc tmpDir ["reset", "--hard"]
forM revs $ \rev -> do
runProcSilently $ gitProc tmpDir ["checkout", T.unpack rev]
-- Checking out an arbitrary revision can leave untracked files (from
-- previous revison) around, so tidy them up.
tidyUpGitWorkingCopy tmpDir
withFilesStashed tmpDir (excludes <> [".git"]) $
nixHash tmpDir
withFilesStashed base fs m = withSystemTempDirectory "obelisk-hashrev-stash-" $ \stashDir -> do
existingPaths <- fmap catMaybes $ forM fs $ \p -> do
liftIO (doesPathExist $ base </> p) >>= pure . bool Nothing (Just p)
forM_ existingPaths $ \p ->
liftIO $ renamePath (base </> p) (stashDir </> p)
result <- m
forM_ existingPaths $ \p ->
liftIO $ renamePath (stashDir </> p) (base </> p)
return result
nixHash :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m Hash
nixHash dir = withSpinnerNoTrail "Running `nix-hash`" $
readProc $ proc "nix-hash" [dir]
-- | Clean up the following files in the git working copy
-- * Paths ignored by .gitignore, and still present
-- * Untracked files (not added to git index)
-- * Any empty directories (these are not tracked by git)
-- Note that this leaves modified (staged or unstaged) files as they are.
tidyUpGitWorkingCopy :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> m ()
tidyUpGitWorkingCopy dir = withSpinnerNoTrail "Tidying up git working copy" $ do
ignored <- gitLsFiles dir ["--ignored", "--exclude-standard", "--others"]
untracked <- gitLsFiles dir ["--exclude-standard", "--others"]
putLog Debug $ "Ignored: " <> T.pack (show $ length ignored) <> " files."
putLog Debug $ "Untracked files:\n" <> T.unlines untracked
withSpinnerNoTrail "Removing untracked and ignored files" $ do
forM_ (fmap ((dir </>) . T.unpack) $ ignored <> untracked) $
liftIO . removePathForcibly
-- Empty directories won't be included in these lists. Git doesn't track them
-- So we must delete these separately.
runProc $ proc "find" [dir, "-depth", "-empty", "-type", "d", "-delete"]
gitLsFiles pwd opts = fmap T.lines $ readProc $
(proc "git" $ ["ls-files", "."] <> opts) { cwd = Just pwd }

View File

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Obelisk.Command.Utils where
import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
@ -20,18 +21,31 @@ import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Void (Void)
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath)
import System.Environment (getExecutablePath)
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import qualified System.Process as P
import System.Which (staticWhich)
import Text.Megaparsec as MP
import Text.Megaparsec.Char as MP
import Obelisk.App (MonadObelisk)
import Obelisk.CliApp
getObeliskExe :: IO FilePath
getObeliskExe = getExecutablePath >>= canonicalizePath
cp :: FilePath
cp = $(staticWhich "cp")
ghcidExePath :: FilePath
ghcidExePath = $(staticWhich "ghcid")
findExePath :: FilePath
findExePath = $(staticWhich "find")
nixExePath :: FilePath
nixExePath = $(staticWhich "nix")
nixBuildExePath :: FilePath
nixBuildExePath = $(staticWhich "nix-build")
jreKeyToolPath :: FilePath
jreKeyToolPath = $(staticWhich "keytool")
-- Check whether the working directory is clean
checkGitCleanStatus :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> Bool -> m Bool
@ -61,20 +75,31 @@ initGit repo = do
git ["add", "."]
git ["commit", "-m", "Initial commit."]
gitProcNoRepo :: [String] -> P.CreateProcess
gitProcNoRepo = P.proc "git"
gitProcNoRepo :: [String] -> ProcessSpec
gitProcNoRepo args = setEnvOverride (M.singleton "GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT" "0" <>) $ proc "git" args
gitProc :: FilePath -> [String] -> P.CreateProcess
gitProc :: FilePath -> [String] -> ProcessSpec
gitProc repo = gitProcNoRepo . runGitInDir
runGitInDir args' = case filter (not . null) args' of
args@("clone":_) -> args <> [repo]
args -> ["-C", repo] <> args
-- | Recursively copy a directory using `cp -a`
copyDir :: FilePath -> FilePath -> P.CreateProcess
isolateGitProc :: ProcessSpec -> ProcessSpec
isolateGitProc = setEnvOverride (overrides <>)
overrides = M.fromList
[ ("HOME", "/dev/null")
, ("GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT", "0") -- git 2.3+
, ("GIT_ASKPASS", "echo") -- pre git 2.3 to just use empty password
, ("GIT_SSH_COMMAND", "ssh -o PreferredAuthentications password -o PubkeyAuthentication no -o GSSAPIAuthentication no")
-- | Recursively copy a directory using `cp -a` -- TODO: Should use -rT instead of -a
copyDir :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ProcessSpec
copyDir src dest =
(P.proc "cp" ["-a", ".", dest]) { P.cwd = Just src }
setCwd (Just src) $ proc cp ["-a", ".", dest] -- TODO: This will break if dest is relative since we change cwd
readGitProcess :: MonadObelisk m => FilePath -> [String] -> m Text
readGitProcess repo = readProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Notice) . gitProc repo
@ -87,15 +112,15 @@ processToShellString cmd args = unwords $ map quoteAndEscape (cmd : args)
where quoteAndEscape x = T.unpack $ "'" <> T.replace "'" "'\''" (T.pack x) <> "'"
-- | A simpler wrapper for CliApp's most used process function with sensible defaults.
runProc :: MonadObelisk m => P.CreateProcess -> m ()
runProc :: MonadObelisk m => ProcessSpec -> m ()
runProc = callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error)
-- | Like runProc, but all output goes to Debug logging level
runProcSilently :: MonadObelisk m => P.CreateProcess -> m ()
runProcSilently :: MonadObelisk m => ProcessSpec -> m ()
runProcSilently = callProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Debug)
-- | A simpler wrapper for CliApp's readProcessAndLogStderr with sensible defaults.
readProc :: MonadObelisk m => P.CreateProcess -> m Text
readProc :: MonadObelisk m => ProcessSpec -> m Text
readProc = readProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Error)
tshow :: Show a => a -> Text
@ -129,13 +154,13 @@ gitLsRemote repository mRef mBranch = do
(exitCode, out, _err) <- case mBranch of
Nothing -> readCreateProcessWithExitCode $ gitProcNoRepo $
["ls-remote", "--exit-code", "--symref", repository]
++ (maybeToList $ T.unpack . showGitRef <$> mRef)
Just branchName -> readCreateProcessWithExitCode $ gitProcNoRepo $
++ maybeToList (T.unpack . showGitRef <$> mRef)
Just branchName -> readCreateProcessWithExitCode $ gitProcNoRepo
["ls-remote", "--exit-code", repository, branchName]
let t = T.pack out
maps <- case MP.runParser parseLsRemote "" t of
Left err -> failWith $ T.pack $ MP.parseErrorPretty' t err
Right table -> pure $ bimap M.fromList M.fromList $ partitionEithers $ table
Left err -> failWith $ T.pack $ MP.errorBundlePretty err
Right table -> pure $ bimap M.fromList M.fromList $ partitionEithers table
putLog Debug $ "git ls-remote maps: " <> T.pack (show maps)
pure (exitCode, maps)

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import System.FilePath ((<.>), (</>))
import qualified System.Info
import System.Process (proc)
import Obelisk.App (MonadObelisk, getObeliskUserStateDir)
import Obelisk.CliApp
@ -156,7 +155,8 @@ testLinuxBuild stateDir
| System.Info.os == "linux" = failWith "Using the docker builder is not necessary on linux."
| otherwise = do
(exitCode, _stdout, stderr) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode $ proc "nix-build"
[ "-E", "(import <nixpkgs> { system = \"x86_64-linux\"; }).writeText \"test\" builtins.currentTime"
[ "--no-out-link"
, "-E", "(import <nixpkgs> { system = \"x86_64-linux\"; }).writeText \"test\" builtins.currentTime"
, "--builders", nixBuildersArgString stateDir
unless (exitCode == ExitSuccess) $ do

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# platform.
{ lib
, runCommand
, cleanHaskellSource
, obeliskCleanSource
@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ let
haskellPackage = self: self.callPackage (cleanHaskellSource ./lookup) {};
haskellOverlay = self: super: {
obelisk-executable-config-lookup = self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-executable-config-lookup" (obeliskCleanSource ./lookup) {};
platforms = {
android = {
# Inject the given config directory into an android assets folder
@ -34,7 +37,7 @@ in
inject = injectConfig;
web = {
inject = self: self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-executable-config-inject" (cleanHaskellSource ./inject) {};
inject = self: self.callCabal2nix "obelisk-executable-config-inject" (obeliskCleanSource ./inject) {};

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ library

View File

@ -2,50 +2,24 @@
module Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Inject where
import Control.Monad (mapM_)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Reflex.Dom.Core hiding (value)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-- | Produces a @<script>@ tag containing the contents of the config item,
-- rendered as a 'ByteString'.
inject :: FilePath -> IO ByteString
inject key = do
value <- T.readFile key
fmap snd $ renderStatic $ injectPure (T.pack key) value
-- | Produces a @<script>@ tag with an @id@ attribute containing the key and
-- whose value is the provided configuration
injectPure :: DomBuilder t m => Text -> Text -> m ()
-- whose value is the provided configuration, encoded in base64.
injectPure :: DomBuilder t m => Text -> ByteString -> m ()
injectPure key value =
let attrs = ("type" =: "text/plain" <> "id" =: ("config-" <> key))
in elAttr "script" attrs $ text value
let attrs = ("type" =: "text/plain" <> "data-obelisk-executable-config-inject-key" =: key <> "data-hydration-skip" =: "")
in elAttr "script" attrs $ text (T.decodeUtf8 (B64.encode value))
-- | Scans the "common" and "frontend" configuration folders and produces
-- injectable @<script>@ tags containing the configuration keys (filepaths) and
-- values.
injectExecutableConfigs :: (MonadIO m, DomBuilder t m) => m ()
injectExecutableConfigs = do
cfgC <- getConfigs "config/common"
cfgF <- getConfigs "config/frontend"
mapM_ (uncurry injectPure) (cfgC <> cfgF)
getConfigs :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> m [(Text, Text)]
getConfigs fp = liftIO $ do
dir <- doesDirectoryExist fp
if dir
then do
ps <- listDirectory fp
fmap concat $ mapM (\p -> getConfigs $ fp </> p) ps
else do
file <- doesFileExist fp
if file
then do
f <- T.readFile fp
return [(T.pack fp, f)]
else return []
-- | Produces injectable @<script>@ tags containing the configuration keys
-- (filepaths) and values.
injectExecutableConfigs :: (MonadIO m, DomBuilder t m) => Map Text ByteString -> m ()
injectExecutableConfigs = mapM_ (uncurry injectPure) . Map.toList

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
{ hostPlatform, ghc
, mkDerivation, base, bytestring, filepath, stdenv, text, transformers
, android-activity ? null, jsaddle-wkwebview ? null, ghcjs-dom ? null
let isAndroid = hostPlatform.libc == "bionic";
isIOS = hostPlatform.isDarwin && hostPlatform.isAarch64;
isGhcjs = ghc.isGhcjs or false;
in mkDerivation {
pname = "obelisk-executable-config";
version = "0.1";
src = ./.;
libraryHaskellDepends = [
base bytestring filepath text transformers
] ++ (if isAndroid then [
] else if isIOS then [
] else if isGhcjs then [
] else [
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
name: obelisk-executable-config-lookup
version: 0.1.1
cabal-version: >= 1.2
build-type: Simple
exposed-modules: Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup, Obelisk.Configs
if os(ios)
hs-source-dirs: src-ios, src
other-modules: Obelisk.Configs.Internal.Directory
build-depends: jsaddle-wkwebview
build-depends: directory
if os(linux-android)
hs-source-dirs: src-android, src
c-sources: cbits/ExecutableConfig.c
other-modules: Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Internal.AssetManager
build-depends: android-activity
ld-options: -landroid
if impl(ghcjs)
hs-source-dirs: src-ghcjs, src
build-depends: ghcjs-dom
hs-source-dirs: src-other, src
other-modules: Obelisk.Configs.Internal.Directory
build-depends: directory
ghc-options: -Wall

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
name: obelisk-executable-config
version: 0.1.1
cabal-version: >= 1.2
build-type: Simple
exposed-modules: Obelisk.ExecutableConfig
if os(ios)
hs-source-dirs: src-ios
build-depends: jsaddle-wkwebview
if os(linux-android)
hs-source-dirs: src-android
c-sources: cbits/ExecutableConfig.c
other-modules: Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Internal.AssetManager
build-depends: android-activity
ld-options: -landroid
if impl(ghcjs)
hs-source-dirs: src-ghcjs
build-depends: ghcjs-dom
hs-source-dirs: src

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
module Obelisk.ExecutableConfig (get) where
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Foreign.C.String (withCString)
import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr)
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
import Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Internal.AssetManager
get :: Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
get name = bracket getAssets freeAssetManager $ \mgrObj -> do
mgr <- assetManagerFromJava mgrObj
let open = do
a <- withCString (T.unpack name) $ \fn ->
assetManager_open mgr fn 3
return $ if unAAsset a == nullPtr
then Nothing
else Just a
close = mapM_ asset_close
bracket open close $ mapM $ \asset -> do
b <- asset_getBuffer asset
l <- asset_getLength asset
fmap T.decodeUtf8 $ BS.packCStringLen (b, fromIntegral l)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup where
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Foreign.C.String (withCString)
import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr)
import Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Internal.AssetManager
getFromMgr :: AAssetManager -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe ByteString)
getFromMgr mgr name = do
let open = do
a <- BS.useAsCString name $ \fn ->
assetManager_open mgr fn 3
return $ if unAAsset a == nullPtr
then Nothing
else Just a
close = mapM_ asset_close
bracket open close $ mapM $ \asset -> do
b <- asset_getBuffer asset
l <- asset_getLength asset
BS.packCStringLen (b, fromIntegral l)
getConfigs :: IO (Map Text ByteString)
getConfigs = fmap (Map.mapKeys T.decodeUtf8) $ bracket getAssets freeAssetManager $ \mgrObj -> do
mgr <- assetManagerFromJava mgrObj
let openDir = do
d <- withCString "config.files" $ \fn ->
assetManager_open mgr fn 3
return $ if unAAsset d == nullPtr
then Nothing
else Just d
closeDir = mapM_ asset_close
configPaths <- bracket openDir closeDir $ \case
Just asset -> do
b <- asset_getBuffer asset
l <- asset_getLength asset
lines0 <$> BS.packCStringLen (b, fromIntegral l)
Nothing -> error "could not open configuration manifest 'config.files'"
result <- fmap Map.fromList $ forM configPaths $ \fp ->
getFromMgr mgr ("config/" <> fp) >>= \case
Just v -> return (fp, v)
Nothing -> error $ "Config present in config.files but not in assets: " <> show fp
putStrLn $ "getConfigs: found " <> show result
pure result
lines0 :: BS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString]
lines0 ps
| BS.null ps = []
| otherwise = case BS.elemIndex 0 ps of
Nothing -> [ps]
Just n -> BS.take n ps : lines0 (BS.drop (n+1) ps)

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Obelisk.ExecutableConfig where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHCJS.DOM
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import GHCJS.DOM.Element
import GHCJS.DOM.NonElementParentNode
get :: Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
get item = runMaybeT $ do
doc <- MaybeT currentDocument
e <- MaybeT $ getElementById doc $ "config-" <> item
getInnerHTML e

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Traversable (for)
import GHCJS.DOM
import GHCJS.DOM.Document (getHead)
import GHCJS.DOM.DOMStringMap (get)
import GHCJS.DOM.Element (getInnerHTML)
import GHCJS.DOM.HTMLElement (HTMLElement(HTMLElement), getDataset)
import GHCJS.DOM.NodeList (IsNodeList, item, getLength)
import GHCJS.DOM.ParentNode (querySelectorAll)
import GHCJS.DOM.Types (MonadJSM, Node(Node), castTo)
getConfigs :: IO (Map Text ByteString)
getConfigs = do
Just doc <- currentDocument
Just hd <- getHead doc
nodes <- nodeListNodes =<< querySelectorAll hd ("[data-obelisk-executable-config-inject-key]" :: Text)
fmap Map.fromList $ for nodes $ \node -> do
e <- castTo HTMLElement node >>= \case
Nothing -> error "Found node with data attribute obelisk-executable-config-inject-key that is not an HTMLElement."
Just htmlE -> return htmlE
dataset <- getDataset e
-- the key is camelCased:
<$> get dataset ("obeliskExecutableConfigInjectKey" :: Text)
<*> (fmap decodeOrFail (getInnerHTML e))
decodeOrFail x = case B64.decode (T.encodeUtf8 x) of
Left e -> error ("Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup.getConfigs: error when decoding base64: " ++ e)
Right x' -> x'
-- | Collect all nodes in the node list.
-- TODO: this and the version in obelisk-frontend should be
-- upstreamed to jsaddle.
nodeListNodes :: (IsNodeList l, MonadJSM m) => l -> m [Node]
nodeListNodes es = do
len <- getLength es
-- Warning! len is unsigned. If the NodeList is empty, we must avoid
-- accidentally traversing over [0..maxBound::Word]
nodes <- traverse (item es) $ if len == 0 then [] else [0..len-1]
pure $ catMaybes nodes

View File

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
module Obelisk.ExecutableConfig (get) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.WKWebView
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
import System.IO.Error
get :: Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
get name = fmap join $ mainBundleResourcePath >>= \mp -> forM mp $ \p ->
catchDoesNotExist $ T.readFile $ T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 p) </> T.unpack name
catchDoesNotExist :: IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
catchDoesNotExist f = catchJust doesNotExist (Just <$> f) $ const $ return Nothing
doesNotExist e = if isDoesNotExistError e then Just () else Nothing

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.WKWebView
import System.FilePath.Posix
import Obelisk.Configs.Internal.Directory
getConfigs :: IO (Map Text ByteString)
getConfigs = mainBundleResourcePath >>= \case
Nothing -> error "Could not get bundle resource path."
Just p -> getConfigsFromDirectory $ T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 p) </> "config"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup where
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Obelisk.Configs.Internal.Directory (getConfigsFromDirectory)
getConfigs :: IO (Map Text ByteString)
getConfigs = getConfigsFromDirectory "config"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Obelisk.Configs
( HasConfigs(..)
, ConfigsT
, runConfigsT
, mapConfigsT
, getTextConfig
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Reflex
import Reflex.Host.Class
import Reflex.Dom
#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (MonadJSM)
class Monad m => HasConfigs m where
getConfigs :: m (Map Text ByteString)
default getConfigs :: (HasConfigs m', m ~ t m', MonadTrans t) => m (Map Text ByteString)
getConfigs = lift getConfigs
getConfig :: Text -> m (Maybe ByteString)
getConfig k = do
configs <- getConfigs
return $ Map.lookup k configs
instance Monad m => HasConfigs (ConfigsT m) where
getConfigs = ConfigsT ask
getTextConfig :: HasConfigs m => Text -> m (Maybe Text)
getTextConfig k = fmap T.decodeUtf8 <$> getConfig k
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (BehaviorWriterT t w m)
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (DynamicWriterT t w m)
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (EventWriterT t w m)
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (PostBuildT t m)
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (QueryT t q m)
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (ReaderT r m)
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (RequesterT t request response m)
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (StaticDomBuilderT t m)
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (TriggerEventT t m)
newtype ConfigsT m a = ConfigsT { unConfigsT :: ReaderT (Map Text ByteString) m a }
( Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadPlus
, Alternative
, MonadFix
, MonadIO
, MonadBase m'
, MonadBaseControl m'
, MonadRef
, MonadTrans
, DomBuilder t
, MonadHold t
, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t
, MonadSample t
, NotReady t
, PostBuild t
, TriggerEvent t
, HasDocument
, DomRenderHook t
, HasJSContext
, HasJS js
#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS
, MonadJSM
instance PerformEvent t m => PerformEvent t (ConfigsT m) where
type Performable (ConfigsT m) = ConfigsT (Performable m)
performEvent e = ConfigsT $ ReaderT $ \configs ->
performEvent $ runConfigsT configs <$> e
performEvent_ e = ConfigsT $ ReaderT $ \configs ->
performEvent_ $ runConfigsT configs <$> e
instance Adjustable t m => Adjustable t (ConfigsT m) where
runWithReplace a e = ConfigsT $ runWithReplace (unConfigsT a) (unConfigsT <$> e)
traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust f m e = ConfigsT $ traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust (\k v -> unConfigsT $ f k v) m e
traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust f m e = ConfigsT $ traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust (\k v -> unConfigsT $ f k v) m e
traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove f m e = ConfigsT $ traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove (\k v -> unConfigsT $ f k v) m e
instance Prerender js t m => Prerender js t (ConfigsT m) where
type Client (ConfigsT m) = ConfigsT (Client m)
prerender server client = ConfigsT $ ReaderT $ \configs ->
prerender (runConfigsT configs server) (runConfigsT configs client)
instance PrimMonad m => PrimMonad (ConfigsT m) where
type PrimState (ConfigsT m) = PrimState m
primitive = lift . primitive
:: Map Text ByteString
-> ConfigsT m a
-> m a
runConfigsT cs child = runReaderT (unConfigsT child) cs
:: (forall x. m x -> n x)
-> ConfigsT m a
-> ConfigsT n a
mapConfigsT f (ConfigsT x) = ConfigsT $ mapReaderT f x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Obelisk.Configs.Internal.Directory where
import Control.Monad
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath.Posix
getConfigsFromDirectory :: FilePath -> IO (Map Text ByteString)
getConfigsFromDirectory base = doesDirectoryExist base >>= \case
True -> do
ps <- listDirectory base
fmap mconcat $ forM ps $ \p -> do
subdirConfigs <- getConfigsFromDirectory $ base </> p
pure $ Map.mapKeys (T.pack . (p </>) . T.unpack) subdirConfigs
False -> doesFileExist base >>= \case
True -> Map.singleton "" <$> BS.readFile base
False -> pure mempty

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
module Obelisk.ExecutableConfig (get) where
import Control.Exception
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.IO as T
import System.FilePath.Posix ((</>))
import System.IO.Error
get :: Text -> IO (Maybe Text)
get path = do
let doesNotExist = \e -> if isDoesNotExistError e then Just () else Nothing
catchJust doesNotExist (fmap Just $ T.readFile $ T.unpack path) (\_ -> pure Nothing)

View File

@ -7,10 +7,15 @@ library
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base,
@ -18,5 +23,7 @@ library
exposed-modules: Obelisk.Frontend
ghc-options: -Wall

View File

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
@ -13,39 +16,55 @@ module Obelisk.Frontend
( ObeliskWidget
, Frontend (..)
, runFrontend
, runFrontendWithConfigsAndCurrentRoute
, renderFrontendHtml
, removeHTMLConfigs
, FrontendMode (..)
, FrontendWidgetT
, module Obelisk.Frontend.Cookie
) where
import Prelude hiding ((.))
import Control.Category
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..), runMaybeT)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHCJS.DOM hiding (bracket, catch)
import GHCJS.DOM.Document
import GHCJS.DOM.Node
import qualified GHCJS.DOM as DOM
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as DOM
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (JSM)
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.History as DOM
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Window as DOM
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (MonadJSM, JSM, jsNull)
import GHCJS.DOM (currentDocument)
import "ghcjs-dom" GHCJS.DOM.Document (getHead)
import GHCJS.DOM.Node (Node, removeChild_)
import GHCJS.DOM.NodeList (IsNodeList, item, getLength)
import GHCJS.DOM.ParentNode (querySelectorAll)
import Obelisk.Frontend.Cookie
import Obelisk.Route.Frontend
import Reflex.Dom.Core
import Reflex.Host.Class
import qualified Reflex.TriggerEvent.Base as TriggerEvent
import Obelisk.Configs
import Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Inject (injectExecutableConfigs)
import qualified Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup as Lookup
import Web.Cookie
import Debug.Trace
makePrisms ''Sum
type ObeliskWidget t x route m =
type ObeliskWidget js t route m =
( DomBuilder t m
, MonadFix m
, MonadHold t m
@ -53,8 +72,6 @@ type ObeliskWidget t x route m =
, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t m
, PostBuild t m
, PerformEvent t m
, MonadIO m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
, TriggerEvent t m
, HasDocument m
, MonadRef m
@ -63,106 +80,175 @@ type ObeliskWidget t x route m =
, Ref (Performable m) ~ Ref IO
, MonadFix (Performable m)
, PrimMonad m
, Prerender x m
, SetRoute t route m
, Prerender js t m
, PrebuildAgnostic t route m
, PrebuildAgnostic t route (Client m)
, HasConfigs m
, HasCookies m
, MonadIO (Performable m)
type PrebuildAgnostic t route m =
( SetRoute t route m
, RouteToUrl route m
, MonadFix m
, HasConfigs m
, HasConfigs (Performable m)
data Frontend route = Frontend
{ _frontend_head :: !(forall t m x. ObeliskWidget t x route m => RoutedT t route m ())
, _frontend_body :: !(forall t m x. ObeliskWidget t x route m => RoutedT t route m ())
{ _frontend_head :: !(forall js t m. ObeliskWidget js t route m => RoutedT t route m ())
, _frontend_body :: !(forall js t m. ObeliskWidget js t route m => RoutedT t route m ())
type Widget' x = ImmediateDomBuilderT DomTimeline (DomCoreWidget x)
baseTag :: forall route js t m. ObeliskWidget js t route m => RoutedT t route m ()
baseTag = elAttr "base" ("href" =: "/") blank --TODO: Figure out the base URL from the routes
-- | A widget that isn't attached to any particular part of the DOM hierarchy
type FloatingWidget x = TriggerEventT DomTimeline (DomCoreWidget x)
removeHTMLConfigs :: JSM ()
removeHTMLConfigs = void $ runMaybeT $ do
doc <- MaybeT currentDocument
hd <- MaybeT $ getHead doc
es <- nodeListNodes =<< querySelectorAll hd ("[data-obelisk-executable-config-inject-key]" :: Text)
for_ es $ removeChild_ hd
type DomCoreWidget x = PostBuildT DomTimeline (WithJSContextSingleton x (PerformEventT DomTimeline DomHost))
-- | Collect all nodes in the node list.
-- TODO: this and the version in exe-config/ghcjs/lookup should be
-- upstreamed to jsaddle.
nodeListNodes :: (IsNodeList l, MonadJSM m) => l -> m [Node]
nodeListNodes es = do
len <- getLength es
-- Warning! len is unsigned. If the NodeList is empty, we must avoid
-- accidentally traversing over [0..maxBound::Word]
nodes <- traverse (item es) $ if len == 0 then [] else [0..len-1]
pure $ catMaybes nodes
--TODO: Rename
{-# INLINABLE attachWidget''' #-}
:: (EventChannel -> PerformEventT DomTimeline DomHost (IORef (Maybe (EventTrigger DomTimeline ()))))
-> IO ()
attachWidget''' w = runDomHost $ do
events <- liftIO newChan
(postBuildTriggerRef, fc@(FireCommand fire)) <- hostPerformEventT $ w events
mPostBuildTrigger <- readRef postBuildTriggerRef
forM_ mPostBuildTrigger $ \postBuildTrigger -> fire [postBuildTrigger :=> Identity ()] $ return ()
liftIO $ processAsyncEvents events fc
setInitialRoute :: Bool -> JSM ()
setInitialRoute useHash = do
traceM "setInitialRoute"
window <- DOM.currentWindowUnchecked
initialLocation <- DOM.getLocation window
initialUri <- getLocationUri initialLocation
history <- DOM.getHistory window
DOM.replaceState history jsNull ("" :: Text) $ Just $
show $ setAdaptedUriPath useHash "/" initialUri
--TODO: This is a collection of random stuff; we should make it make some more sense and then upstream to reflex-dom-core
:: ( (forall c. Widget' () c -> FloatingWidget () c) -- "Append to head"
-> (forall c. Widget' () c -> FloatingWidget () c) -- "Append to body"
-> FloatingWidget () ()
data FrontendMode = FrontendMode
{ _frontendMode_hydrate :: Bool
-- ^ There is already a rendering of the DOM in place; hydrate it rather
-- than building new DOM
, _frontendMode_adjustRoute :: Bool
-- ^ The page can't use regular routes, so encode routes into the hash
-- instead
-- | Run the frontend, setting the initial route to "/" on platforms where no
-- route exists ambiently in the context (e.g. anything but web).
-- Selects FrontendMode based on platform; this doesn't work for jsaddle-warp
:: forall backendRoute route
. Encoder Identity Identity (R (FullRoute backendRoute route)) PageName
-> Frontend (R route)
-> JSM ()
runWithHeadAndBody app = withJSContextSingletonMono $ \jsSing -> do
globalDoc <- currentDocumentUnchecked
headFragment <- createDocumentFragment globalDoc
bodyFragment <- createDocumentFragment globalDoc
unreadyChildren <- liftIO $ newIORef 0
let commit = do
headElement <- getHeadUnchecked globalDoc
bodyElement <- getBodyUnchecked globalDoc
void $ inAnimationFrame' $ \_ -> do
replaceElementContents headElement headFragment
replaceElementContents bodyElement bodyFragment
liftIO $ attachWidget''' $ \events -> flip runWithJSContextSingleton jsSing $ do
(postBuild, postBuildTriggerRef) <- newEventWithTriggerRef
let appendImmediateDom :: DOM.DocumentFragment -> Widget' () c -> FloatingWidget () c
appendImmediateDom df w = do
events' <- TriggerEvent.askEvents
lift $ do
doc <- getOwnerDocumentUnchecked df
let builderEnv = ImmediateDomBuilderEnv
{ _immediateDomBuilderEnv_document = doc
, _immediateDomBuilderEnv_parent = toNode df
, _immediateDomBuilderEnv_unreadyChildren = unreadyChildren
, _immediateDomBuilderEnv_commitAction = commit
runImmediateDomBuilderT w builderEnv events'
flip runPostBuildT postBuild $ flip runTriggerEventT events $ app (appendImmediateDom headFragment) (appendImmediateDom bodyFragment)
liftIO (readIORef unreadyChildren) >>= \case
0 -> DOM.liftJSM commit
_ -> return ()
return postBuildTriggerRef
runFrontend :: forall backendRoute route. Encoder Identity Identity (R (Sum backendRoute (ObeliskRoute route))) PageName -> Frontend (R route) -> JSM ()
runFrontend validFullEncoder frontend = do
let ve = validFullEncoder . hoistParse errorLeft (prismEncoder (rPrism $ _InR . _ObeliskRoute_App))
let mode = FrontendMode
{ _frontendMode_hydrate =
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
, _frontendMode_adjustRoute =
#ifdef ghcjs_HOST_OS
configs <- liftIO Lookup.getConfigs
when (_frontendMode_hydrate mode) removeHTMLConfigs
-- There's no fundamental reason that adjustRoute needs to control setting the
-- initial route and *also* the useHash parameter; that's why these are
-- separate here. However, currently, they are always the same.
when (_frontendMode_adjustRoute mode) $ do
setInitialRoute $ _frontendMode_adjustRoute mode
runFrontendWithConfigsAndCurrentRoute mode configs validFullEncoder frontend
:: forall backendRoute frontendRoute
. FrontendMode
-> Map Text ByteString
-> Encoder Identity Identity (R (FullRoute backendRoute frontendRoute)) PageName
-> Frontend (R frontendRoute)
-> JSM ()
runFrontendWithConfigsAndCurrentRoute mode configs validFullEncoder frontend = do
let ve = validFullEncoder . hoistParse errorLeft (prismEncoder (rPrism $ _FullRoute_Frontend . _ObeliskRoute_App))
errorLeft = \case
Left _ -> error "runFrontend: Unexpected non-app ObeliskRoute reached the frontend. This shouldn't happen."
Right x -> Identity x
:: ( TriggerEvent t m
, PerformEvent t m
, MonadHold t m
w :: ( RawDocument (DomBuilderSpace (HydrationDomBuilderT s DomTimeline m)) ~ DOM.Document
, Ref (Performable m) ~ Ref IO
, Ref m ~ Ref IO
, DomBuilder DomTimeline (HydrationDomBuilderT s DomTimeline m)
, MonadHold DomTimeline m
, MonadRef m
, MonadRef (Performable m)
, MonadReflexCreateTrigger DomTimeline m
, PerformEvent DomTimeline m
, PostBuild DomTimeline m
, PrimMonad m
, MonadSample DomTimeline (Performable m)
, DOM.MonadJSM m
, DOM.MonadJSM (Performable m)
, MonadFix m
, MonadFix (Client (HydrationDomBuilderT s DomTimeline m))
, MonadFix (Performable m)
, MonadFix m
, Prerender js DomTimeline (HydrationDomBuilderT s DomTimeline m)
, MonadIO (Performable m)
=> RoutedT t (R route) (SetRouteT t (R route) (RouteToUrlT (R route) m)) a
-> m a
runMyRouteViewT = runRouteViewT ve
runWithHeadAndBody $ \appendHead appendBody -> runMyRouteViewT $ do
mapRoutedT (mapSetRouteT (mapRouteToUrlT appendHead)) $ _frontend_head frontend
mapRoutedT (mapSetRouteT (mapRouteToUrlT appendBody)) $ _frontend_body frontend
=> (forall c. HydrationDomBuilderT s DomTimeline m c -> FloatingWidget () c)
-> (forall c. HydrationDomBuilderT s DomTimeline m c -> FloatingWidget () c)
-> FloatingWidget () ()
w appendHead appendBody = do
rec switchover <- runRouteViewT ve switchover (_frontendMode_adjustRoute mode) $ do
(switchover'', fire) <- newTriggerEvent
mapRoutedT (mapSetRouteT (mapRouteToUrlT (appendHead . runConfigsT configs))) $ do
-- The order here is important - baseTag has to be before headWidget!
_frontend_head frontend
mapRoutedT (mapSetRouteT (mapRouteToUrlT (appendBody . runConfigsT configs))) $ do
_frontend_body frontend
switchover' <- case _frontendMode_hydrate mode of
True -> lift $ lift $ lift $ lift $ HydrationDomBuilderT $ asks _hydrationDomBuilderEnv_switchover
False -> getPostBuild
performEvent_ $ liftIO (fire ()) <$ switchover'
pure switchover''
pure ()
if _frontendMode_hydrate mode
then runHydrationWidgetWithHeadAndBody (pure ()) w
else runImmediateWidgetWithHeadAndBody w
type FrontendWidgetT r = RoutedT DomTimeline r (SetRouteT DomTimeline r (RouteToUrlT r (ConfigsT (CookiesT (HydratableT (PostBuildT DomTimeline (StaticDomBuilderT DomTimeline (PerformEventT DomTimeline DomHost))))))))
:: (t ~ DomTimeline)
=> (r' -> Text)
:: MonadIO m
=> Map Text ByteString
-> Cookies
-> (r -> Text)
-> r
-> RoutedT t r (SetRouteT t r' (RouteToUrlT r' (PostBuildT DomTimeline (StaticDomBuilderT DomTimeline (PerformEventT DomTimeline DomHost))))) ()
-> RoutedT t r (SetRouteT t r' (RouteToUrlT r' (PostBuildT DomTimeline (StaticDomBuilderT DomTimeline (PerformEventT DomTimeline DomHost))))) ()
-> IO ByteString
renderFrontendHtml urlEnc route headWidget bodyWidget = do
-> Frontend r
-> FrontendWidgetT r ()
-> FrontendWidgetT r ()
-> m ByteString
renderFrontendHtml configs cookies urlEnc route frontend headExtra bodyExtra = do
--TODO: We should probably have a "NullEventWriterT" or a frozen reflex timeline
html <- fmap snd $ renderStatic $ fmap fst $ flip runRouteToUrlT urlEnc $ runSetRouteT $ flip runRoutedT (pure route) $
html <- fmap snd $ liftIO $ renderStatic $ runHydratableT $ fmap fst $ runCookiesT cookies $ runConfigsT configs $ flip runRouteToUrlT urlEnc $ runSetRouteT $ flip runRoutedT (pure route) $
el "html" $ do
el "head" headWidget
el "body" bodyWidget
el "head" $ do
injectExecutableConfigs configs
_frontend_head frontend
el "body" $ do
_frontend_body frontend
return $ "<!DOCTYPE html>" <> html

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Obelisk.Frontend.Cookie where
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import Reflex
import Reflex.Host.Class
import Reflex.Dom.Core
import "ghcjs-dom" GHCJS.DOM.Document (getCookie, Document)
import GHCJS.DOM.Types (MonadJSM)
import Web.Cookie
import Obelisk.Configs
import Obelisk.Route.Frontend
class Monad m => HasCookies m where
askCookies :: m Cookies
default askCookies :: (HasCookies m', m ~ t m', MonadTrans t) => m Cookies
askCookies = lift askCookies
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (BehaviorWriterT t w m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (DynamicWriterT t w m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (EventWriterT t w m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (PostBuildT t m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (QueryT t q m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (ReaderT r m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (RequesterT t request response m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (RouteToUrlT t m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (SetRouteT t r m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (StaticDomBuilderT t m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (TriggerEventT t m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (RoutedT t r m)
instance HasCookies m => HasCookies (ConfigsT m)
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (CookiesT m)
newtype CookiesT m a = CookiesT { unCookiesT :: ReaderT Cookies m a }
( Functor
, Applicative
, DomBuilder t
, Monad
, MonadFix
, MonadHold t
, MonadIO
#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS
, MonadJSM
, MonadRef
, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t
, MonadSample t
, MonadTrans
, NotReady t
, PerformEvent t
, PostBuild t
, Prerender js t
, TriggerEvent t
, HasDocument
instance Adjustable t m => Adjustable t (CookiesT m) where
runWithReplace a e = CookiesT $ runWithReplace (unCookiesT a) (unCookiesT <$> e)
traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust f m e = CookiesT $ traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjust (\k v -> unCookiesT $ f k v) m e
traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust f m e = CookiesT $ traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust (\k v -> unCookiesT $ f k v) m e
traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove f m e = CookiesT $ traverseDMapWithKeyWithAdjustWithMove (\k v -> unCookiesT $ f k v) m e
instance PrimMonad m => PrimMonad (CookiesT m) where
type PrimState (CookiesT m) = PrimState m
primitive = lift . primitive
:: Cookies
-> CookiesT m a
-> m a
runCookiesT cs child = runReaderT (unCookiesT child) cs
instance Monad m => HasCookies (CookiesT m) where
askCookies = CookiesT ask
:: (forall x. m x -> n x)
-> CookiesT m a
-> CookiesT n a
mapCookiesT f (CookiesT x) = CookiesT $ mapReaderT f x
instance (MonadJSM m, RawDocument (DomBuilderSpace (HydrationDomBuilderT s t m)) ~ Document) => HasCookies (HydrationDomBuilderT s t m) where
askCookies = fmap (parseCookies . encodeUtf8) $ getCookie =<< askDocument

View File

@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ build-type: Simple
hs-source-dirs: src
build-depends: base,
@ -21,15 +23,18 @@ library
exposed-modules: Obelisk.Route

View File

@ -12,12 +12,18 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Obelisk.Route
( R
, (:.)
, (?/)
, hoistR
, pattern (:.)
, pattern (:/)
, PageName
, PathQuery
@ -40,6 +46,9 @@ module Obelisk.Route
, checkEnum1EncoderFunc
, unitEncoder
, pathOnlyEncoder
, addPathSegmentEncoder
, pathParamEncoder
, pathLiteralEncoder
, singletonListEncoder
, unpackTextEncoder
, prefixTextEncoder
@ -60,10 +69,15 @@ module Obelisk.Route
, shadowEncoder
, prismEncoder
, rPrism
, _R
, obeliskRouteEncoder
, obeliskRouteSegment
, pageNameEncoder
, handleEncoder
, FullRoute (..)
, _FullRoute_Frontend
, _FullRoute_Backend
, mkFullRouteEncoder
, ObeliskRoute (..)
, _ObeliskRoute_App
, _ObeliskRoute_Resource
@ -78,6 +92,19 @@ module Obelisk.Route
, void1Encoder
, pathSegmentsTextEncoder
, queryParametersTextEncoder
, renderObeliskRoute
, renderBackendRoute
, renderFrontendRoute
, readShowEncoder
, integralEncoder
, pathSegmentEncoder
, queryOnlyEncoder
, Decoder(..)
, dmapEncoder
, fieldMapEncoder
, pathFieldEncoder
, jsonEncoder
, byteStringsToPageName
) where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
@ -88,8 +115,32 @@ import qualified Control.Categorical.Functor as Cat
import Control.Categorical.Bifunctor
import Control.Category.Associative
import Control.Category.Monoidal
import Control.Lens (Identity (..), Prism', makePrisms, itraverse, imap, prism, (^.), re, matching, (^?), _Just, _Nothing, Iso', from, view, Wrapped (..))
import Control.Category.Braided
import Control.Lens
( Identity (..)
, (^.)
, (^?)
, _Just
, _Nothing
, Cons(..)
, from
, imap
, iso
, Iso'
, itraverse
, makePrisms
, Prism'
, prism'
, re
, view
, Wrapped (..)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Writer (execWriter, tell)
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as State
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import Data.Dependent.Map (DMap)
import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DMap
@ -106,16 +157,19 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Some (Some)
import qualified Data.Some as Some
import Data.Some.Universe.Orphans ()
import Data.Some (Some(Some))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Universe
import Data.Universe.Some
import Network.HTTP.Types.URI
import qualified Numeric.Lens
import Obelisk.Route.TH
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Data.Tabulation
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
-- Design goals:
-- No start-up time on the frontend (not yet met)
@ -141,13 +195,64 @@ import Text.Read (readMaybe)
type R f = DSum f Identity --TODO: Better name
infixr 5 :/
-- | Convenience builder for an 'R' using 'Identity' for the functor.
pattern (:/) :: f a -> a -> R f
pattern a :/ b = a :=> Identity b
{-# COMPLETE (:/) #-}
infixr 5 :/
-- | Like '(:/)' but adds a 'Just' wrapper around the right-hand side.
(?/) :: f (Maybe a) -> a -> R f
r ?/ a = r :/ Just a
infixr 5 ?/
mapSome :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> Some f -> Some g
mapSome f (Some.This a) = Some.This $ f a
mapSome f (Some a) = Some $ f a
hoistR :: (forall x. f x -> g x) -> R f -> R g
hoistR f (x :=> Identity y) = f x :/ y
-- Dealing with pairs (i.e. non-dependently-typed subroutes/paths)
infixr 5 :.
type (:.) = (,)
{-# COMPLETE (:.) #-}
pattern (:.) :: a -> b -> a :. b
pattern a :. b = (a, b)
:: ( Applicative check
, MonadError Text parse
=> Encoder check parse (Text, PageName) PageName
addPathSegmentEncoder = unsafeMkEncoder $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \(ph, (pt, q)) -> (ph : pt, q)
, _encoderImpl_decode = \(p, q) -> case p of
[] -> throwError "Expected a path segment"
ph : pt -> pure (ph, (pt, q))
:: forall check parse item rest.
( Applicative check
, MonadError Text parse
=> Encoder check parse item Text
-> Encoder check parse rest PageName
-> Encoder check parse (item :. rest) PageName
pathParamEncoder itemUnchecked restUnchecked = addPathSegmentEncoder . bimap itemUnchecked restUnchecked
:: ( Applicative check
, MonadError Text parse
=> Text
-> Encoder check parse a PageName
-> Encoder check parse a PageName
pathLiteralEncoder t e = addPathSegmentEncoder . bimap (unitEncoder t) e . coidl
-- Encoder fundamentals
@ -182,7 +287,7 @@ decode e x = runIdentity (tryDecode e x)
tryDecode :: Encoder Identity parse decoded encoded -> encoded -> parse decoded
tryDecode (Encoder (Identity impl)) x = _encoderImpl_decode impl x
-- | Similar to 'decode' above, once an encoder has been checked so that its check monad is Identity, it
-- | Similar to 'decode', once an encoder has been checked so that its check monad is Identity, it
-- can be used to actually encode by using this. Note that while there's no constraint on the parse monad here,
-- one should usually be applying decode and encode to the same 'Encoder'
encode :: Encoder Identity parse decoded encoded -> decoded -> encoded
@ -232,6 +337,10 @@ instance Monad parse => Bifunctor (,) (EncoderImpl parse) (EncoderImpl parse) (E
, _encoderImpl_decode = \(a, b) -> liftA2 (,) (_encoderImpl_decode f a) (_encoderImpl_decode g b)
instance (Monad parse, Applicative check) => Braided (Encoder check parse) (,) where
braid = isoEncoder (iso swap swap)
instance (Applicative check, Monad parse) => PFunctor (,) (Encoder check parse) (Encoder check parse) where
first f = bimap f id
instance (Applicative check, Monad parse) => QFunctor (,) (Encoder check parse) (Encoder check parse) where
@ -245,6 +354,34 @@ instance (Traversable f, Monad parse) => Cat.Functor f (EncoderImpl parse) (Enco
, _encoderImpl_decode = traverse $ _encoderImpl_decode ve
instance Monad parse => PFunctor Either (EncoderImpl parse) (EncoderImpl parse) where
first f = bimap f id
instance Monad parse => QFunctor Either (EncoderImpl parse) (EncoderImpl parse) where
second g = bimap id g
instance Monad parse => Bifunctor Either (EncoderImpl parse) (EncoderImpl parse) (EncoderImpl parse) where
bimap f g = EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_encode = bimap (_encoderImpl_encode f) (_encoderImpl_encode g)
, _encoderImpl_decode = \case
Left a -> Left <$> _encoderImpl_decode f a
Right b -> Right <$> _encoderImpl_decode g b
instance (Monad parse, Applicative check) => QFunctor Either (Encoder check parse) (Encoder check parse) where
second g = bimap id g
instance (Monad parse, Applicative check) => PFunctor Either (Encoder check parse) (Encoder check parse) where
first f = bimap f id
instance (Monad parse, Applicative check) => Bifunctor Either (Encoder check parse) (Encoder check parse) (Encoder check parse) where
bimap f g = Encoder $ liftA2 bimap (unEncoder f) (unEncoder g)
instance (Applicative check, Monad parse) => Associative (Encoder check parse) Either where
associate = isoEncoder (iso (associate @(->) @Either) disassociate)
disassociate = isoEncoder (iso disassociate associate)
instance (Monad parse, Applicative check) => Braided (Encoder check parse) Either where
braid = isoEncoder (iso swap swap)
instance (Traversable f, Monad check, Monad parse) => Cat.Functor f (Encoder check parse) (Encoder check parse) where
fmap e = Encoder $ do
ve <- unEncoder e
@ -332,14 +469,14 @@ maybeEncoder f g = shadowEncoder f g . maybeToEitherEncoder
justEncoder :: (Applicative check, MonadError Text parse) => Encoder check parse a (Maybe a)
justEncoder = prismEncoder _Just
-- |
-- | Encode () to 'Nothing'.
nothingEncoder :: (Applicative check, MonadError Text parse) => Encoder check parse () (Maybe a)
nothingEncoder = prismEncoder _Nothing
someConstEncoder :: (Applicative check, Applicative parse) => Encoder check parse (Some (Const a)) a
someConstEncoder = unsafeMkEncoder $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \(Some.This (Const a)) -> a
, _encoderImpl_decode = pure . Some.This . Const
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \(Some (Const a)) -> a
, _encoderImpl_decode = pure . Some . Const
-- | WARNING: This is only safe if the Show and Read instances for 'a' are
@ -367,7 +504,7 @@ checkEnum1EncoderFunc
-> check (EncoderFunc check' parse p r)
checkEnum1EncoderFunc f = do
(encoderImpls :: DMap p (Flip (EncoderImpl parse) r)) <- DMap.fromList <$>
traverse (\(Some.This p) -> (p :=>) . Flip <$> unEncoder (f p)) universe
traverse (\(Some p) -> (p :=>) . Flip <$> unEncoder (f p)) universe
pure $ EncoderFunc $ \p -> unsafeMkEncoder . unFlip $
DMap.findWithDefault (error "checkEnum1EncoderFunc: EncoderImpl not found (should be impossible)") p encoderImpls
@ -422,11 +559,12 @@ chainEncoder cons this rest = Encoder $ do
pure $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_decode = \v -> do
(here, following) <- _encoderImpl_decode consValid v
Some.This r <- _encoderImpl_decode thisValid here
(r :/) <$> _encoderImpl_decode (runIdentity . unEncoder $ rest r) following
_encoderImpl_decode thisValid here >>= \case
Some r ->
(r :/) <$> _encoderImpl_decode (runIdentity . unEncoder $ rest r) following
, _encoderImpl_encode = \(r :/ s) ->
_encoderImpl_encode consValid
( _encoderImpl_encode thisValid $ Some.This r
( _encoderImpl_encode thisValid $ Some r
, _encoderImpl_encode (runIdentity . unEncoder $ rest r) s)
@ -493,7 +631,7 @@ enum1Encoder
, Show r
=> (forall a. p a -> r) -> Encoder check parse (Some p) r
enum1Encoder f = enumEncoder $ \(Some.This p) -> f p
enum1Encoder f = enumEncoder $ \(Some p) -> f p
-- | Encode an enumerable, bounded type. WARNING: Don't use this on types that
-- have a large number of values - it will use a lot of memory.
@ -536,13 +674,10 @@ pathOnlyEncoderIgnoringQuery = unsafeMkEncoder $ EncoderImpl
pathOnlyEncoder :: (Applicative check, MonadError Text parse) => Encoder check parse [Text] PageName
pathOnlyEncoder = unsafeMkEncoder $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_decode = \(path, query) ->
if query == mempty
then pure path
else throwError "pathOnlyEncoderImpl: query was provided"
, _encoderImpl_encode = \path -> (path, mempty)
pathOnlyEncoder = second (unitEncoder mempty) . coidr
queryOnlyEncoder :: (Applicative check, MonadError Text parse) => Encoder check parse (Map Text (Maybe Text)) PageName
queryOnlyEncoder = first (unitEncoder []) . coidl
singletonListEncoder :: (Applicative check, MonadError Text parse) => Encoder check parse a [a]
singletonListEncoder = unsafeMkEncoder $ EncoderImpl
@ -585,10 +720,10 @@ queryParametersTextEncoder = Encoder $ pure $ EncoderImpl
in (urlDecodeText True k, urlDecodeText True <$> mv)
urlEncodeText :: Bool -> Text -> Text
urlEncodeText q = decodeUtf8 . urlEncode q . encodeUtf8
urlEncodeText q = T.decodeUtf8 . urlEncode q . T.encodeUtf8
urlDecodeText :: Bool -> Text -> Text
urlDecodeText q = decodeUtf8 . urlDecode q . encodeUtf8
urlDecodeText q = T.decodeUtf8 . urlDecode q . T.encodeUtf8
listToNonEmptyEncoder :: (Applicative check, Applicative parse, Monoid a, Eq a) => Encoder check parse [a] (NonEmpty a)
listToNonEmptyEncoder = Encoder $ pure $ EncoderImpl
@ -646,10 +781,47 @@ joinPairTextEncoder = Encoder . \case
_ -> return (kt, T.drop (T.length separator) vt)
--TODO: Rewrite this by composing the given prism with a lens on the first element of the DSum
-- Or, more likely, the user can compose it themselves
rPrism :: forall f g. (forall a. Prism' (f a) (g a)) -> Prism' (R f) (R g)
rPrism p = prism (\(g :/ x) -> g ^. re p :/ x) (\(f :/ x) -> bimap (:/ x) (:/ x) $ matching p f)
-- This slight generalization of 'rPrism' happens to be enough to write all our
-- prism combinators so far.
:: forall f f' g
. (forall a. Prism' (f a) (f' a))
-> Prism' (DSum f g) (DSum f' g)
dSumPrism p = prism'
(\(f' :=> x) -> f' ^. re p :=> x)
(\(f :=> x) -> (:=> x) <$> (f ^? p))
-- already in obelisk
:: forall f f'
. (forall a. Prism' (f a) (f' a))
-> Prism' (R f) (R f')
rPrism p = dSumPrism p
:: forall f g a
. (forall b. Prism' (f b) (a :~: b))
-> Prism' (DSum f g) (g a)
dSumPrism' p = dSumPrism p . iso (\(Refl :=> b) -> b) (Refl :=>)
:: GEq f
=> f a
-> Prism' (DSum f g) (g a)
dSumGEqPrism variant = dSumPrism' $ prism' (\Refl -> variant) (\x -> geq variant x)
-- | Given a 'tag :: f a', make a prism for 'R f'. This generalizes the usual
-- prisms for a sum type (the ones that 'mkPrisms' would make), just as 'R'
-- generalized a usual sum type.
-- [This is given the '_R' name of the "cannonical" prism not because it is the
-- most general, but because it seems the most useful for routes, and 'R' itself
-- trades generality for route-specificity.]
:: GEq f
=> f a
-> Prism' (R f) a
_R variant = dSumGEqPrism variant . iso runIdentity Identity
-- | An encoder that only works on the items available via the prism. An error will be thrown in the parse monad
-- if the prism doesn't match.
@ -693,6 +865,45 @@ handleEncoder recover e = Encoder $ do
-- Actual obelisk route info
-- | The typical full route type comprising all of an Obelisk application's routes.
-- Parameterised by the top level GADTs that define backend and frontend routes, respectively.
data FullRoute :: (* -> *) -> (* -> *) -> * -> * where
FullRoute_Backend :: br a -> FullRoute br fr a
FullRoute_Frontend :: ObeliskRoute fr a -> FullRoute br fr a
instance (GShow br, GShow fr) => GShow (FullRoute br fr) where
gshowsPrec p = \case
FullRoute_Backend x -> showParen (p > 10) (showString "FullRoute_Backend " . gshowsPrec 11 x)
FullRoute_Frontend x -> showParen (p > 10) (showString "FullRoute_Frontend " . gshowsPrec 11 x)
instance (GEq br, GEq fr) => GEq (FullRoute br fr) where
geq (FullRoute_Backend x) (FullRoute_Backend y) = geq x y
geq (FullRoute_Frontend x) (FullRoute_Frontend y) = geq x y
geq _ _ = Nothing
instance (GCompare br, GCompare fr) => GCompare (FullRoute br fr) where
gcompare (FullRoute_Backend _) (FullRoute_Frontend _) = GLT
gcompare (FullRoute_Frontend _) (FullRoute_Backend _) = GGT
gcompare (FullRoute_Backend x) (FullRoute_Backend y) = gcompare x y
gcompare (FullRoute_Frontend x) (FullRoute_Frontend y) = gcompare x y
instance (UniverseSome br, UniverseSome fr) => UniverseSome (FullRoute br fr) where
universeSome = [Some (FullRoute_Backend x) | Some x <- universeSome]
++ [Some (FullRoute_Frontend x) | Some x <- universeSome]
-- | Build the typical top level application route encoder from a route for handling 404's,
-- and segment encoders for backend and frontend routes.
:: (GCompare br, GCompare fr, GShow br, GShow fr, UniverseSome br, UniverseSome fr)
=> R (FullRoute br fr) -- ^ 404 handler
-> (forall a. br a -> SegmentResult (Either Text) (Either Text) a) -- ^ How to encode a single backend route segment
-> (forall a. fr a -> SegmentResult (Either Text) (Either Text) a) -- ^ How to encode a single frontend route segment
-> Encoder (Either Text) Identity (R (FullRoute br fr)) PageName
mkFullRouteEncoder missing backendSegment frontendSegment = handleEncoder (const missing) $
pathComponentEncoder $ \case
FullRoute_Backend backendRoute -> backendSegment backendRoute
FullRoute_Frontend obeliskRoute -> obeliskRouteSegment obeliskRoute frontendSegment
-- | A type which can represent Obelisk-specific resource routes, in addition to application specific routes which serve your
-- frontend.
data ObeliskRoute :: (* -> *) -> * -> * where
@ -700,9 +911,11 @@ data ObeliskRoute :: (* -> *) -> * -> * where
ObeliskRoute_App :: f a -> ObeliskRoute f a
ObeliskRoute_Resource :: ResourceRoute a -> ObeliskRoute f a
instance Universe (Some f) => Universe (Some (ObeliskRoute f)) where
universe = fmap (\(Some.This x) -> Some.This (ObeliskRoute_App x)) universe
++ fmap (\(Some.This x) -> Some.This (ObeliskRoute_Resource x)) universe
instance UniverseSome f => UniverseSome (ObeliskRoute f) where
universeSome = concat
[ (\(Some x) -> Some (ObeliskRoute_App x)) <$> universe
, (\(Some x) -> Some (ObeliskRoute_Resource x)) <$> universe
instance GEq f => GEq (ObeliskRoute f) where
geq (ObeliskRoute_App x) (ObeliskRoute_App y) = geq x y
@ -790,12 +1003,12 @@ indexOnlyRouteEncoder = pathComponentEncoder indexOnlyRouteSegment
someSumEncoder :: (Applicative check, Applicative parse) => Encoder check parse (Some (Sum a b)) (Either (Some a) (Some b))
someSumEncoder = Encoder $ pure $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \(Some.This t) -> case t of
InL l -> Left $ Some.This l
InR r -> Right $ Some.This r
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \(Some t) -> case t of
InL l -> Left $ Some l
InR r -> Right $ Some r
, _encoderImpl_decode = pure . \case
Left (Some.This l) -> Some.This (InL l)
Right (Some.This r) -> Some.This (InR r)
Left (Some l) -> Some (InL l)
Right (Some r) -> Some (InR r)
data Void1 :: * -> * where {}
@ -806,7 +1019,7 @@ instance Universe (Some Void1) where
void1Encoder :: (Applicative check, MonadError Text parse) => Encoder check parse (Some Void1) a
void1Encoder = Encoder $ pure $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \case
Some.This f -> case f of {}
Some f -> case f of {}
, _encoderImpl_decode = \_ -> throwError "void1Encoder: can't decode anything"
@ -820,8 +1033,150 @@ concat <$> mapM deriveRouteComponent
makePrisms ''ObeliskRoute
makePrisms ''FullRoute
deriveGEq ''Void1
deriveGCompare ''Void1
-- | Given a backend route and a checked route encoder, render the route (path
-- and query string). See 'checkEncoder' for how to produce a checked encoder.
:: forall br a.
Encoder Identity Identity (R (FullRoute br a)) PageName
-> R br
-> Text
renderBackendRoute enc = renderObeliskRoute enc . hoistR FullRoute_Backend
-- | Renders a frontend route with the supplied checked encoder
:: forall a fr.
Encoder Identity Identity (R (FullRoute a fr)) PageName
-> R fr
-> Text
renderFrontendRoute enc = renderObeliskRoute enc . hoistR (FullRoute_Frontend . ObeliskRoute_App)
-- | Renders a route of the form typically found in an Obelisk project
:: forall a b.
Encoder Identity Identity (R (FullRoute a b)) PageName
-> R (FullRoute a b)
-> Text
renderObeliskRoute e r =
let enc :: Encoder Identity (Either Text) (R (FullRoute a b)) PathQuery
enc = (pageNameEncoder . hoistParse (pure . runIdentity) e)
in (T.pack . uncurry (<>)) $ encode enc r
readShowEncoder :: (MonadError Text parse, Read a, Show a, Applicative check) => Encoder check parse a PageName
readShowEncoder = singlePathSegmentEncoder . unsafeTshowEncoder
integralEncoder :: (MonadError Text parse, Applicative check, Integral a) => Encoder check parse a Integer
integralEncoder = prismEncoder (Numeric.Lens.integral)
pathSegmentEncoder :: (MonadError Text parse, Applicative check, Cons as as a a) =>
Encoder check parse (a, (as, b)) (as, b)
pathSegmentEncoder = first (prismEncoder _Cons) . disassociate
newtype Decoder check parse b a = Decoder { toEncoder :: Encoder check parse a b }
dmapEncoder :: forall check parse k k' v.
( Monad check
, MonadError Text parse
, Universe (Some k')
, Ord k
, GCompare k'
, GShow k'
=> Encoder check parse (Some k') k
-> (forall v'. k' v' -> Encoder check parse v' v)
-> Encoder check parse (DMap k' Identity) (Map k v)
dmapEncoder keyEncoder' valueEncoderFor = unsafeEncoder $ do
keyEncoder :: Encoder Identity parse (Some k') k <- checkEncoder keyEncoder'
valueDecoders :: DMap k' (Decoder Identity parse v) <- fmap DMap.fromList . forM universe $ \(Some (k' :: k' t)) -> do
ve :: Encoder Identity parse t v <- checkEncoder (valueEncoderFor k')
return $ (k' :: k' t) :=> (Decoder ve :: Decoder Identity parse v t)
let keyError k = "dmapEncoder: key `" <> k <> "' was missing from the Universe instance for its type."
return $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \dm -> Map.fromList $ do
((k' :: k' t) :=> Identity v') <- DMap.toList dm
return ( encode keyEncoder (Some k')
, encode (toEncoder (DMap.findWithDefault (error . keyError $ gshow k') k' valueDecoders)) v'
, _encoderImpl_decode = \m -> fmap DMap.fromList . forM (Map.toList m) $ \(k,v) -> do
tryDecode keyEncoder k >>= \case
Some (k' :: k' t) -> case DMap.lookup k' valueDecoders of
Nothing -> throwError . T.pack . keyError $ gshow k'
Just (Decoder e) -> do
v' <- tryDecode e v
return (k' :=> Identity v')
fieldMapEncoder :: forall check parse r.
( Applicative check
, MonadError Text parse
, HasFields r
, Universe (Some (Field r))
, GShow (Field r)
, GCompare (Field r)
=> Encoder check parse r (DMap (Field r) Identity)
fieldMapEncoder = unsafeEncoder $ do
pure $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \r -> DMap.fromList [ f :=> Identity (indexField r f) | Some f <- universe ]
, _encoderImpl_decode = \dm -> tabulateFieldsA $ \f -> do
case DMap.lookup f dm of
Nothing -> throwError $ "fieldMapEncoder: Couldn't find key for `" <> T.pack (gshow f) <> "' in DMap."
Just (Identity v) -> return v
-- this is in base 4.12 (GHC 8.6);
newtype Ap f a = Ap {getAp :: f a}
instance (Applicative f, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Ap f a) where
Ap x <> Ap y = Ap (liftA2 (<>) x y)
instance (Applicative f, Monoid a) => Monoid (Ap f a) where
mappend = (<>)
mempty = Ap (pure mempty)
pathFieldEncoder :: forall a p check parse . (HasFields a, Monad check, MonadError Text parse, GCompare (Field a)) => (forall x. Field a x -> Encoder check parse x p) -> Encoder check parse (a, [p]) [p]
pathFieldEncoder fieldEncoder = unsafeEncoder $ do
fieldEncoderPureMap :: DMap.DMap (Field a) (Decoder Identity parse p) <- getAp $ getConst $ tabulateFieldsA @a $ \f -> Const (Ap $ fmap (DMap.singleton f . Decoder) $ (checkEncoder @Identity) $ fieldEncoder f)
let fieldEncoderPure :: forall x. Field a x -> Encoder Identity parse x p
fieldEncoderPure f = toEncoder (DMap.findWithDefault (error "bad") f fieldEncoderPureMap)
pure $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \(x, rest) -> execWriter $ do
_ <- traverseWithField (\f x_i -> tell (pure $ encode (fieldEncoderPure f) x_i) *> pure x_i) x
tell rest
, _encoderImpl_decode = State.runStateT $ tabulateFieldsA $ \f -> State.get >>= \case
[] -> throwError $ T.pack "not enough path components"
p:ps -> do
State.put ps
lift $ tryDecode (fieldEncoderPure f) p
-- | Use ToJSON/FromJSON to encode to Text. The correctness of this encoder is dependent on the encoding being injective and round-tripping correctly.
jsonEncoder :: forall check parse r.
( ToJSON r
, FromJSON r
, Applicative check
, MonadError Text parse
=> Encoder check parse r Text
jsonEncoder = unsafeEncoder $ do
pure $ EncoderImpl
{ _encoderImpl_encode = \r -> T.decodeUtf8 . BSL.toStrict $ Aeson.encode r
, _encoderImpl_decode = \t -> case Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict $ T.encodeUtf8 t of
Left err -> throwError ("jsonEncoder: " <> T.pack err)
Right x -> return x
-- Useful for app server integration.
-- p must not start with slashes
byteStringsToPageName :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> PageName
byteStringsToPageName p q =
let pageNameEncoder' :: Encoder Identity Identity PageName (String, String)
pageNameEncoder' = bimap
(unpackTextEncoder . pathSegmentsTextEncoder . listToNonEmptyEncoder)
(unpackTextEncoder . queryParametersTextEncoder . toListMapEncoder)
in decode pageNameEncoder' (T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 p), T.unpack (T.decodeUtf8 q))
--TODO: decodeURIComponent as appropriate

View File

@ -3,17 +3,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
@ -33,9 +31,14 @@ module Obelisk.Route.Frontend
, mapRoutedT
, subRoute
, subRoute_
, subPairRoute
, subPairRoute_
, maybeRoute
, maybeRoute_
, maybeRouted
, eitherRoute
, eitherRoute_
, eitherRouted
, runRouteViewT
, SetRouteT(..)
, SetRoute(..)
@ -46,6 +49,10 @@ module Obelisk.Route.Frontend
, runRouteToUrlT
, mapRouteToUrlT
, routeLink
, routeLinkDynAttr
, dynRouteLink
, adaptedUriPath
, setAdaptedUriPath
) where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
@ -53,23 +60,24 @@ import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Obelisk.Route
import Control.Category (Category (..), (.))
import Control.Category.Cartesian
import Control.Category.Cartesian ((&&&))
import Control.Lens hiding (Bifunctor, bimap, universe, element)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Ref
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Constraint (Dict (..))
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import Data.GADT.Compare
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Misc
import Reflex.Class
import Reflex.Host.Class
import Reflex.PostBuild.Class
@ -82,34 +90,47 @@ import Reflex.Dom.Builder.Class
import Data.Type.Coercion
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle --TODO: Get rid of this - other platforms can also be routed
import Reflex.Dom.Core
import qualified GHCJS.DOM as DOM
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as DOM
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Window as Window
import Network.URI
#if defined(ios_HOST_OS)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.List as L
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Obelisk.Configs
infixr 5 :~
pattern (:~) :: Reflex t => f a -> Dynamic t a -> DSum f (Compose (Dynamic t) Identity)
pattern a :~ b <- a :=> (coerceDynamic . getCompose -> b)
class Routed t r m | m -> t r where
askRoute :: m (Dynamic t r)
default askRoute :: (Monad m', MonadTrans f, Routed t r m', m ~ f m') => m (Dynamic t r)
askRoute = lift askRoute
instance Monad m => Routed t r (RoutedT t r m) where
askRoute = RoutedT ask
instance (Monad m, Routed t r m) => Routed t r (ReaderT r' m)
newtype RoutedT t r m a = RoutedT { unRoutedT :: ReaderT (Dynamic t r) m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadTrans, NotReady t, MonadHold t, MonadSample t, PostBuild t, TriggerEvent t, MonadIO, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t, HasDocument)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadTrans, NotReady t, MonadHold t, MonadSample t, PostBuild t, TriggerEvent t, MonadIO, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t, HasDocument, DomRenderHook t)
instance MonadReader r' m => MonadReader r' (RoutedT t r m) where
ask = lift ask
local = mapRoutedT . local
instance HasJSContext m => HasJSContext (RoutedT t r m) where
type JSContextPhantom (RoutedT t r m) = JSContextPhantom m
askJSContext = lift askJSContext
instance Prerender js m => Prerender js (RoutedT t r m) where
prerenderClientDict = fmap (\Dict -> Dict) (prerenderClientDict :: Maybe (Dict (PrerenderClientConstraint js m)))
instance (Prerender js t m, Monad m) => Prerender js t (RoutedT t r m) where
type Client (RoutedT t r m) = RoutedT t r (Client m)
prerender server client = RoutedT $ do
r <- ask
lift $ prerender (runRoutedT server r) (runRoutedT client r)
instance Requester t m => Requester t (RoutedT t r m) where
type Request (RoutedT t r m) = Request m
@ -161,17 +182,20 @@ instance (Monad m, MonadQuery t vs m) => MonadQuery t vs (RoutedT t r m) where
askQueryResult = lift askQueryResult
queryIncremental = lift . queryIncremental
instance (Monad m, RouteToUrl r m) => RouteToUrl r (QueryT t q m) where
askRouteToUrl = lift askRouteToUrl
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (RoutedT t r m)
instance (Monad m, SetRoute t r m) => SetRoute t r (QueryT t q m) where
setRoute = lift . setRoute
modifyRoute = lift . modifyRoute
instance (Monad m, RouteToUrl r m) => RouteToUrl r (QueryT t q m)
instance (Monad m, SetRoute t r m) => SetRoute t r (QueryT t q m)
instance (Monad m, RouteToUrl r m) => RouteToUrl r (EventWriterT t w m)
instance (Monad m, SetRoute t r m) => SetRoute t r (EventWriterT t w m)
runRoutedT :: RoutedT t r m a -> Dynamic t r -> m a
runRoutedT = runReaderT . unRoutedT
mapRoutedT :: (m a -> n a) -> RoutedT t r m a -> RoutedT t r n a
mapRoutedT :: (m a -> n b) -> RoutedT t r m a -> RoutedT t r n b
mapRoutedT f = RoutedT . mapReaderT f . unRoutedT
withRoutedT :: (Dynamic t r -> Dynamic t r') -> RoutedT t r' m a -> RoutedT t r m a
@ -181,10 +205,18 @@ subRoute_ :: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, GEq r, Adjustable t m) => (forall a. r
subRoute_ f = factorRouted $ strictDynWidget_ $ \(c :=> r') -> do
runRoutedT (f c) r'
-- | Like 'subRoute_', but with a pair rather than an R
subPairRoute_ :: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, Eq a, Adjustable t m) => (a -> RoutedT t b m ()) -> RoutedT t (a, b) m ()
subPairRoute_ f = withRoutedT (fmap (\(a, b) -> Const2 a :/ b)) $ subRoute_ (\(Const2 a) -> f a)
subRoute :: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, GEq r, Adjustable t m) => (forall a. r a -> RoutedT t a m b) -> RoutedT t (R r) m (Dynamic t b)
subRoute f = factorRouted $ strictDynWidget $ \(c :=> r') -> do
runRoutedT (f c) r'
-- | Like 'subRoute_', but with a pair rather than an R
subPairRoute :: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, Eq a, Adjustable t m) => (a -> RoutedT t b m c) -> RoutedT t (a, b) m (Dynamic t c)
subPairRoute f = withRoutedT (fmap (\(a, b) -> Const2 a :/ b)) $ subRoute (\(Const2 a) -> f a)
maybeRoute_ :: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, Adjustable t m) => m () -> RoutedT t r m () -> RoutedT t (Maybe r) m ()
maybeRoute_ n j = maybeRouted $ strictDynWidget_ $ \case
Nothing -> n
@ -201,6 +233,20 @@ maybeRoute f = factorRouted $ strictDynWidget $ \(c :=> r') -> do
runRoutedT (f c) r'
:: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, Adjustable t m)
=> RoutedT t l m ()
-> RoutedT t r m ()
-> RoutedT t (Either l r) m ()
eitherRoute_ l r = eitherRouted $ strictDynWidget_ $ either (runRoutedT l) (runRoutedT r)
:: (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, Adjustable t m)
=> RoutedT t l m a
-> RoutedT t r m a
-> RoutedT t (Either l r) m (Dynamic t a)
eitherRoute l r = eitherRouted $ strictDynWidget $ either (runRoutedT l) (runRoutedT r)
dsumValueCoercion :: Coercion f g -> Coercion (DSum k f) (DSum k g)
dsumValueCoercion Coercion = Coercion
@ -217,6 +263,9 @@ maybeRouted r = RoutedT $ ReaderT $ \d -> do
d' <- maybeDyn d
runRoutedT r d'
eitherRouted :: (Reflex t, MonadFix m, MonadHold t m) => RoutedT t (Either (Dynamic t a) (Dynamic t b)) m c -> RoutedT t (Either a b) m c
eitherRouted r = RoutedT $ ReaderT $ runRoutedT r <=< eitherDyn
-- | WARNING: The input 'Dynamic' must be fully constructed when this is run
strictDynWidget :: (MonadSample t m, MonadHold t m, Adjustable t m) => (a -> m b) -> RoutedT t a m (Dynamic t b)
strictDynWidget f = RoutedT $ ReaderT $ \r -> do
@ -231,7 +280,7 @@ strictDynWidget_ f = RoutedT $ ReaderT $ \r -> do
pure ()
newtype SetRouteT t r m a = SetRouteT { unSetRouteT :: EventWriterT t (Endo r) m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadTrans, MonadIO, NotReady t, MonadHold t, MonadSample t, PostBuild t, TriggerEvent t, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t, HasDocument)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadTrans, MonadIO, NotReady t, MonadHold t, MonadSample t, PostBuild t, TriggerEvent t, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t, HasDocument, DomRenderHook t)
instance (MonadFix m, MonadHold t m, DomBuilder t m) => DomBuilder t (SetRouteT t r m) where
type DomBuilderSpace (SetRouteT t r m) = DomBuilderSpace m
@ -253,16 +302,26 @@ runSetRouteT = runEventWriterT . unSetRouteT
class Reflex t => SetRoute t r m | m -> t r where
setRoute :: Event t r -> m ()
modifyRoute :: Event t (r -> r) -> m ()
default modifyRoute :: (Monad m', MonadTrans f, SetRoute t r m', m ~ f m') => Event t (r -> r) -> m ()
modifyRoute = lift . modifyRoute
setRoute = modifyRoute . fmap const
instance (Reflex t, Monad m) => SetRoute t r (SetRouteT t r m) where
modifyRoute = SetRouteT . tellEvent . fmap Endo
instance (Monad m, SetRoute t r m) => SetRoute t r (RoutedT t r' m) where
modifyRoute = lift . modifyRoute
instance (Monad m, SetRoute t r m) => SetRoute t r (RoutedT t r' m)
instance Prerender js m => Prerender js (SetRouteT t r m) where
prerenderClientDict = fmap (\Dict -> Dict) (prerenderClientDict :: Maybe (Dict (PrerenderClientConstraint js m)))
instance (Monad m, SetRoute t r m) => SetRoute t r (ReaderT r' m)
instance (PerformEvent t m, Prerender js t m, Monad m, Reflex t) => Prerender js t (SetRouteT t r m) where
type Client (SetRouteT t r m) = SetRouteT t r (Client m)
prerender server client = do
d <- lift $ prerender (runSetRouteT server) (runSetRouteT client)
let (a, r) = splitDynPure d
-- Must be prompt here
SetRouteT . tellEvent $ switchPromptlyDyn r
pure a
instance Requester t m => Requester t (SetRouteT t r m) where
type Request (SetRouteT t r m) = Request m
@ -270,6 +329,8 @@ instance Requester t m => Requester t (SetRouteT t r m) where
requesting = SetRouteT . requesting
requesting_ = SetRouteT . requesting_
instance (Monad m, SetRoute t r m) => SetRoute t r (RequesterT t req rsp m)
#ifndef ghcjs_HOST_OS
deriving instance MonadJSM m => MonadJSM (SetRouteT t r m)
@ -293,6 +354,8 @@ instance PrimMonad m => PrimMonad (SetRouteT t r m ) where
type PrimState (SetRouteT t r m) = PrimState m
primitive = lift . primitive
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (SetRouteT t r m)
instance (MonadHold t m, Adjustable t m) => Adjustable t (SetRouteT t r m) where
runWithReplace a0 a' = SetRouteT $ runWithReplace (coerce a0) $ coerceEvent a'
traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust f a0 a' = SetRouteT $ traverseIntMapWithKeyWithAdjust (coerce f) (coerce a0) $ coerce a'
@ -306,9 +369,11 @@ instance (Monad m, MonadQuery t vs m) => MonadQuery t vs (SetRouteT t r m) where
class RouteToUrl r m | m -> r where
askRouteToUrl :: m (r -> Text)
default askRouteToUrl :: (Monad m', MonadTrans f, RouteToUrl r m', m ~ f m') => m (r -> Text)
askRouteToUrl = lift askRouteToUrl
newtype RouteToUrlT r m a = RouteToUrlT { unRouteToUrlT :: ReaderT (r -> Text) m a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadTrans, NotReady t, MonadHold t, MonadSample t, PostBuild t, TriggerEvent t, MonadIO, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t, HasDocument)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadFix, MonadTrans, NotReady t, MonadHold t, MonadSample t, PostBuild t, TriggerEvent t, MonadIO, MonadReflexCreateTrigger t, HasDocument, DomRenderHook t)
:: RouteToUrlT r m a
@ -323,17 +388,22 @@ instance Monad m => RouteToUrl r (RouteToUrlT r m) where
askRouteToUrl = RouteToUrlT ask
instance (Monad m, RouteToUrl r m) => RouteToUrl r (SetRouteT t r' m) where
askRouteToUrl = lift askRouteToUrl
instance (Monad m, RouteToUrl r m) => RouteToUrl r (RoutedT t r' m) where
askRouteToUrl = lift askRouteToUrl
instance (Monad m, RouteToUrl r m) => RouteToUrl r (ReaderT r' m) where
instance (Monad m, RouteToUrl r m) => RouteToUrl r (RequesterT t req rsp m)
instance HasJSContext m => HasJSContext (RouteToUrlT r m) where
type JSContextPhantom (RouteToUrlT r m) = JSContextPhantom m
askJSContext = lift askJSContext
instance Prerender js m => Prerender js (RouteToUrlT r m) where
prerenderClientDict = fmap (\Dict -> Dict) (prerenderClientDict :: Maybe (Dict (PrerenderClientConstraint js m)))
instance (Prerender js t m, Monad m) => Prerender js t (RouteToUrlT r m) where
type Client (RouteToUrlT r m) = RouteToUrlT r (Client m)
prerender server client = do
r <- RouteToUrlT ask
lift $ prerender (runRouteToUrlT server r) (runRouteToUrlT client r)
instance Requester t m => Requester t (RouteToUrlT r m) where
type Request (RouteToUrlT r m) = Request m
@ -383,6 +453,8 @@ instance (Monad m, MonadQuery t vs m) => MonadQuery t vs (RouteToUrlT r m) where
askQueryResult = lift askQueryResult
queryIncremental = lift . queryIncremental
instance HasConfigs m => HasConfigs (RouteToUrlT t m)
:: forall t m r a.
( TriggerEvent t m
@ -393,16 +465,20 @@ runRouteViewT
, MonadFix m
=> (Encoder Identity Identity r PageName)
--TODO: Get rid of the switchover and useHash arguments
-- useHash can probably be baked into the encoder
-> Event t () -- ^ Switchover event, nothing is done until this event fires. Used to prevent incorrect DOM expectations at hydration switchover time
-> Bool
-> RoutedT t r (SetRouteT t r (RouteToUrlT r m)) a
-> m a
runRouteViewT routeEncoder a = do
rec historyState <- manageHistory $ HistoryCommand_PushState <$> setState
runRouteViewT routeEncoder switchover useHash a = do
rec historyState <- manageHistory' switchover $ HistoryCommand_PushState <$> setState
let theEncoder = pageNameEncoder . hoistParse (pure . runIdentity) routeEncoder
-- NB: The can only fail if the uriPath doesn't begin with a '/' or if the uriQuery
-- is nonempty, but begins with a character that isn't '?'. Since we don't expect
-- this ever to happen, we'll just handle it by failing completely with 'error'.
route :: Dynamic t r
route = fmap (errorLeft . tryDecode theEncoder . (adaptedUriPath &&& uriQuery) . _historyItem_uri) historyState
route = fmap (errorLeft . tryDecode theEncoder . (adaptedUriPath useHash &&& uriQuery) . _historyItem_uri) historyState
errorLeft (Left e) = error (T.unpack e)
errorLeft (Right x) = x
@ -423,7 +499,7 @@ runRouteViewT routeEncoder a = do
-- we can change this function later to accommodate.
-- See:
, _historyStateUpdate_title = ""
, _historyStateUpdate_uri = Just $ setAdaptedUriPath newPath $ (_historyItem_uri currentHistoryState)
, _historyStateUpdate_uri = Just $ setAdaptedUriPath useHash newPath $ (_historyItem_uri currentHistoryState)
{ uriQuery = newQuery
@ -433,42 +509,141 @@ runRouteViewT routeEncoder a = do
-- | A link widget that, when clicked, sets the route to the provided route. In non-javascript
-- contexts, this widget falls back to using @href@s to control navigation
:: forall t m a route.
:: forall t m a route js.
( DomBuilder t m
, RouteToUrl (R route) m
, SetRoute t (R route) m
, RouteToUrl route m
, SetRoute t route m
, Prerender js t m
=> R route -- ^ Target route
=> route -- ^ Target route
-> m a -- ^ Child widget
-> m a
routeLink r w = do
(e, a) <- routeLinkImpl r w
scrollToTop e
return a
-- | Raw implementation of 'routeLink'. Does not scroll to the top of the page on clicks.
:: forall t m a route.
( DomBuilder t m
, RouteToUrl route m
, SetRoute t route m
=> route -- ^ Target route
-> m a -- ^ Child widget
-> m (Event t (), a)
routeLinkImpl r w = do
enc <- askRouteToUrl
let cfg = (def :: ElementConfig EventResult t (DomBuilderSpace m))
& elementConfig_eventSpec %~ addEventSpecFlags (Proxy :: Proxy (DomBuilderSpace m)) Click (\_ -> preventDefault)
& elementConfig_initialAttributes .~ "href" =: enc r
(e, a) <- element "a" cfg w
setRoute $ r <$ domEvent Click e
return (domEvent Click e, a)
scrollToTop :: forall m t js. (Prerender js t m, Monad m) => Event t () -> m ()
scrollToTop e = prerender_ blank $ performEvent_ $ ffor e $ \_ -> liftJSM $ DOM.currentWindow >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just win -> Window.scrollTo win 0 0
-- | Like 'routeLinkDynAttr' but without custom attributes.
:: forall t m a route js.
( DomBuilder t m
, PostBuild t m
, RouteToUrl route m
, SetRoute t route m
, Prerender js t m
=> Dynamic t route -- ^ Target route
-> m a -- ^ Child widget
-> m a
dynRouteLink r w = do
(e, a) <- dynRouteLinkImpl r w
scrollToTop e
return a
-- | Raw implementation of 'dynRouteLink'. Does not scroll to the top of the page on clicks.
:: forall t m a route.
( DomBuilder t m
, PostBuild t m
, RouteToUrl route m
, SetRoute t route m
=> Dynamic t route -- ^ Target route
-> m a -- ^ Child widget
-> m (Event t (), a)
dynRouteLinkImpl dr w = do
enc <- askRouteToUrl
er <- dynamicAttributesToModifyAttributes $ ("href" =:) . enc <$> dr
let cfg = (def :: ElementConfig EventResult t (DomBuilderSpace m))
& elementConfig_eventSpec %~ addEventSpecFlags (Proxy :: Proxy (DomBuilderSpace m)) Click (\_ -> preventDefault)
& elementConfig_modifyAttributes .~ er
(e, a) <- element "a" cfg w
let clk = domEvent Click e
setRoute $ tag (current dr) clk
return (clk, a)
-- | An @a@-tag link widget that, when clicked, sets the route to current value of the
-- provided dynamic route. In non-JavaScript contexts the value of the dynamic post
-- build is used so the link still works like 'routeLink'.
:: forall t m a route js.
( DomBuilder t m
, PostBuild t m
, RouteToUrl (R route) m
, SetRoute t (R route) m
, Prerender js t m
=> Dynamic t (Map AttributeName Text) -- ^ Attributes for @a@ element. Note that if @href@ is present it will be ignored
-> Dynamic t (R route) -- ^ Target route
-> m a -- ^ Child widget of the @a@ element
-> m a
routeLinkDynAttr dAttr dr w = do
(e, a) <- routeLinkDynAttrImpl dAttr dr w
scrollToTop e
return a
-- | Raw implementation of 'routeLinkDynAttr'. Does not scroll to the top of the page on clicks.
:: forall t m a route.
( DomBuilder t m
, PostBuild t m
, RouteToUrl (R route) m
, SetRoute t (R route) m
=> Dynamic t (Map AttributeName Text) -- ^ Attributes for @a@ element. Note that if @href@ is present it will be ignored
-> Dynamic t (R route) -- ^ Target route
-> m a -- ^ Child widget of the @a@ element
-> m (Event t (), a)
routeLinkDynAttrImpl dAttr dr w = do
enc <- askRouteToUrl
er <- dynamicAttributesToModifyAttributes $ zipDynWith (<>) (("href" =:) . enc <$> dr) dAttr
let cfg = (def :: ElementConfig EventResult t (DomBuilderSpace m))
& elementConfig_eventSpec %~ addEventSpecFlags (Proxy :: Proxy (DomBuilderSpace m)) Click (\_ -> preventDefault)
& elementConfig_modifyAttributes .~ er
(e, a) <- element "a" cfg w
let clk = domEvent Click e
setRoute $ tag (current dr) clk
return (clk, a)
-- On ios due to sandboxing when loading the page from a file adapt the
-- path to be based on the hash.
adaptedUriPath :: URI -> String
#if defined(ios_HOST_OS)
adaptedUriPath = hashToPath . uriFragment
adaptedUriPath :: Bool -> URI -> String
adaptedUriPath = \case
True -> hashToPath . uriFragment
False -> uriPath
hashToPath :: String -> String
hashToPath = ('/' :) . fromMaybe "" . L.stripPrefix "#"
adaptedUriPath = uriPath
setAdaptedUriPath :: String -> URI -> URI
#if defined(ios_HOST_OS)
setAdaptedUriPath s u = u { uriFragment = pathToHash s }
setAdaptedUriPath :: Bool -> String -> URI -> URI
setAdaptedUriPath useHash s u = case useHash of
True -> u { uriFragment = pathToHash s }
False -> u { uriPath = s }
pathToHash :: String -> String
pathToHash = ('#' :) . fromMaybe "" . L.stripPrefix "/"
setAdaptedUriPath s u = u { uriPath = s }
hashToPath :: String -> String
hashToPath = ('/' :) . fromMaybe "" . L.stripPrefix "#"

View File

@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
module Obelisk.Route.TH (deriveRouteComponent) where
import Data.Constraint.Extras.TH
import Data.GADT.Show.TH
import Data.GADT.Compare.TH
import Data.Universe.TH
import Data.Universe.Some.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH
-- | Derive all the typeclasses needed for a RouteComponent type. The argument should be the name of a type of kind @k -> *@
@ -11,8 +12,6 @@ deriveRouteComponent x = concat <$> traverse ($ x)
[ deriveGShow
, deriveGEq
, deriveGCompare
, deriveShowTagIdentity
, deriveEqTagIdentity
, deriveOrdTagIdentity
, deriveSomeUniverse
, deriveUniverseSome
, deriveArgDict

View File

@ -10,9 +10,12 @@ library
, base
, bytestring
, containers
, cookie
, dependent-sum
, dependent-sum-template
, ghcjs-dom
, HsOpenSSL
, http-client
, http-reverse-proxy
, http-types
@ -24,8 +27,7 @@ library
, network
, obelisk-asset-serve-snap
, obelisk-backend
, obelisk-executable-config
, obelisk-executable-config-inject
, obelisk-executable-config-lookup
, obelisk-frontend
, obelisk-route
, process
@ -35,11 +37,17 @@ library
, snap-core
, streaming-commons
, text
, time
, universe
, utf8-string
, wai
, wai-websockets
, warp
, warp-tls
, websockets
ghc-options: -Wall -fwarn-redundant-constraints
if os(linux)
build-depends: which

View File

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- Due to instance HasJS x (EventWriterT t w m)
@ -25,17 +25,22 @@ import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens ((%~), (^?), _Just, _Right)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as BSUTF8
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Data.List (uncons)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Streaming.Network (bindPortTCP)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime, addUTCTime)
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Run (syncPoint)
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.WebSockets
import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager, defaultManagerSettings, newManager)
@ -45,29 +50,36 @@ import Network.Socket
import Network.Wai (Application)
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Network.Wai.Handler.WarpTLS
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Internal (settingsHost, settingsPort)
import Network.WebSockets (ConnectionOptions)
import Network.WebSockets.Connection (defaultConnectionOptions)
import qualified Obelisk.Asset.Serve.Snap as Snap
import Obelisk.ExecutableConfig (get)
import Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Inject (injectExecutableConfigs)
import Obelisk.Backend
import Obelisk.Frontend
import Obelisk.Route.Frontend
import qualified OpenSSL.PEM as PEM
import qualified OpenSSL.RSA as RSA
import qualified OpenSSL.X509 as X509
import qualified OpenSSL.X509.Request as X509Request
import Reflex.Dom.Core
import Snap.Core (Snap)
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import System.Process
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import Text.URI (URI)
import qualified Text.URI as URI
import Text.URI.Lens
import Obelisk.Backend
import Web.Cookie
import qualified System.Which
:: Int -- ^ Port to run the backend
-> ([Text] -> Snap ()) -- ^ Static asset handler
-> Backend fullRoute frontendRoute -- ^ Backend
-> Backend backendRoute frontendRoute -- ^ Backend
-> Frontend (R frontendRoute) -- ^ Frontend
-> IO ()
run port serveStaticAsset backend frontend = do
@ -77,82 +89,126 @@ run port serveStaticAsset backend frontend = do
case checkEncoder $ _backend_routeEncoder backend of
Left e -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "backend error:\n" <> T.unpack e
Right validFullEncoder -> do
backendTid <- forkIO $ handle handleBackendErr $ withArgs ["--quiet", "--port", show port] $ do
_backend_run backend $ \serveRoute -> do
runSnapWithCommandLineArgs $ do
publicConfigs <- getPublicConfigs
backendTid <- forkIO $ handle handleBackendErr $ withArgs ["--quiet", "--port", show port] $
_backend_run backend $ \serveRoute ->
runSnapWithCommandLineArgs $
getRouteWith validFullEncoder >>= \case
Identity r -> case r of
InL backendRoute :=> Identity a -> serveRoute $ backendRoute :/ a
InR obeliskRoute :=> Identity a ->
serveDefaultObeliskApp (mkRouteToUrl validFullEncoder) serveStaticAsset frontend $ obeliskRoute :/ a
FullRoute_Backend backendRoute :/ a -> serveRoute $ backendRoute :/ a
FullRoute_Frontend obeliskRoute :/ a ->
serveDefaultObeliskApp appRouteToUrl (($ allJsUrl) <$> defaultGhcjsWidgets) serveStaticAsset frontend publicConfigs $ obeliskRoute :/ a
appRouteToUrl (k :/ v) = renderObeliskRoute validFullEncoder (FullRoute_Frontend (ObeliskRoute_App k) :/ v)
allJsUrl = renderAllJsPath validFullEncoder
let conf = defRunConfig { _runConfig_redirectPort = port }
runWidget conf frontend validFullEncoder `finally` killThread backendTid
runWidget conf publicConfigs frontend validFullEncoder `finally` killThread backendTid
-- Convenience wrapper to handle path segments for 'Snap.serveAsset'
runServeAsset :: FilePath -> [Text] -> Snap ()
runServeAsset rootPath = Snap.serveAsset "" rootPath . T.unpack . T.intercalate "/"
getConfigRoute :: IO (Maybe URI)
getConfigRoute = get "config/common/route" >>= \case
Just r -> case URI.mkURI $ T.strip r of
Just route -> pure $ Just route
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ "Route is invalid: " <> show r
pure Nothing
Nothing -> pure Nothing
getConfigRoute :: Map Text ByteString -> Either Text URI
getConfigRoute configs = case Map.lookup "common/route" configs of
Just r ->
let stripped = T.strip (T.decodeUtf8 r)
in case URI.mkURI stripped of
Just route -> Right route
Nothing -> Left $ "Couldn't parse route as URI; value read was: " <> T.pack (show stripped)
Nothing -> Left $ "Couldn't find config file common/route; it should contain the site's canonical root URI" <> T.pack (show $ Map.keys configs)
defAppUri :: URI
defAppUri = fromMaybe (error "defAppUri") $ URI.mkURI ""
runWidget :: RunConfig -> Frontend (R route) -> Encoder Identity Identity (R (Sum backendRoute (ObeliskRoute route))) PageName -> IO ()
runWidget conf frontend validFullEncoder = do
uri <- fromMaybe defAppUri <$> getConfigRoute
:: RunConfig
-> Map Text ByteString
-> Frontend (R frontendRoute)
-> Encoder Identity Identity (R (FullRoute backendRoute frontendRoute)) PageName
-> IO ()
runWidget conf configs frontend validFullEncoder = do
uri <- either (fail . T.unpack) pure $ getConfigRoute configs
let port = fromIntegral $ fromMaybe 80 $ uri ^? uriAuthority . _Right . authPort . _Just
redirectHost = _runConfig_redirectHost conf
redirectPort = _runConfig_redirectPort conf
beforeMainLoop = do
putStrLn $ "Frontend running on " <> T.unpack (URI.render uri)
settings = setBeforeMainLoop beforeMainLoop (setPort port (setTimeout 3600 defaultSettings))
-- Providing TLS here will also incidentally provide it to proxied requests to the backend.
prepareRunner = case uri ^? uriScheme . _Just . unRText of
Just "https" -> do
-- Generate a private key and self-signed certificate for TLS
privateKey <- RSA.generateRSAKey' 2048 3
certRequest <- X509Request.newX509Req
_ <- X509Request.setPublicKey certRequest privateKey
_ <- X509Request.signX509Req certRequest privateKey Nothing
cert <- X509.newX509 >>= X509Request.makeX509FromReq certRequest
_ <- X509.setPublicKey cert privateKey
now <- getCurrentTime
_ <- X509.setNotBefore cert $ addUTCTime (-1) now
_ <- X509.setNotAfter cert $ addUTCTime (365 * 24 * 60 * 60) now
_ <- X509.signX509 cert privateKey Nothing
certByteString <- BSUTF8.fromString <$> PEM.writeX509 cert
privateKeyByteString <- BSUTF8.fromString <$> PEM.writePKCS8PrivateKey privateKey Nothing
return $ runTLSSocket (tlsSettingsMemory certByteString privateKeyByteString)
_ -> return runSettingsSocket
runner <- prepareRunner
(bindPortTCPRetry settings (logPortBindErr port) (_runConfig_retryTimeout conf))
(\skt -> do
man <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
app <- obeliskApp defaultConnectionOptions frontend validFullEncoder uri $ fallbackProxy redirectHost redirectPort man
runSettingsSocket settings skt app)
app <- obeliskApp configs defaultConnectionOptions frontend validFullEncoder uri $ fallbackProxy redirectHost redirectPort man
runner settings skt app)
:: forall route backendRoute. ConnectionOptions
-> Frontend (R route)
-> Encoder Identity Identity (R (Sum backendRoute (ObeliskRoute route))) PageName
:: forall frontendRoute backendRoute
. Map Text ByteString
-> ConnectionOptions
-> Frontend (R frontendRoute)
-> Encoder Identity Identity (R (FullRoute backendRoute frontendRoute)) PageName
-> URI
-> Application
-> IO Application
obeliskApp opts frontend validFullEncoder uri backend = do
let entryPoint = do
runFrontend validFullEncoder frontend
obeliskApp configs opts frontend validFullEncoder uri backend = do
let mode = FrontendMode
{ _frontendMode_hydrate = True
, _frontendMode_adjustRoute = False
entryPoint = do
runFrontendWithConfigsAndCurrentRoute mode configs validFullEncoder frontend
jsaddlePath <- URI.mkPathPiece "jsaddle"
let jsaddleUri = BSLC.fromStrict $ URI.renderBs $ uri & uriPath %~ (<>[jsaddlePath])
Right (jsaddleWarpRouteValidEncoder :: Encoder Identity (Either Text) (R JSaddleWarpRoute) PageName) <- return $ checkEncoder jsaddleWarpRouteEncoder
jsaddle <- jsaddleWithAppOr opts entryPoint $ \_ sendResponse -> sendResponse $ W.responseLBS H.status500 [("Content-Type", "text/plain")] "obeliskApp: jsaddle got a bad URL"
return $ \req sendResponse -> case tryDecode validFullEncoder (W.pathInfo req, mempty) of --TODO: Query strings
return $ \req sendResponse -> case tryDecode validFullEncoder $ byteStringsToPageName (BS.dropWhile (== (fromIntegral $ fromEnum '/')) $ W.rawPathInfo req) (BS.drop 1 $ W.rawQueryString req) of
Identity r -> case r of
InR (ObeliskRoute_Resource ResourceRoute_JSaddleWarp) :=> Identity jsaddleRoute -> case jsaddleRoute of
FullRoute_Frontend (ObeliskRoute_Resource ResourceRoute_JSaddleWarp) :/ jsaddleRoute -> case jsaddleRoute of
JSaddleWarpRoute_JavaScript :/ () -> sendResponse $ W.responseLBS H.status200 [("Content-Type", "application/javascript")] $ jsaddleJs' (Just jsaddleUri) False
_ -> flip jsaddle sendResponse $ req
{ W.pathInfo = fst $ encode jsaddleWarpRouteValidEncoder jsaddleRoute
InR (ObeliskRoute_App appRouteComponent) :=> Identity appRouteRest -> do
html <- renderJsaddleFrontend (mkRouteToUrl validFullEncoder) (appRouteComponent :/ appRouteRest) frontend
FullRoute_Frontend (ObeliskRoute_App appRouteComponent) :/ appRouteRest -> do
let cookies = maybe [] parseCookies $ lookup (fromString "Cookie") (W.requestHeaders req)
routeToUrl (k :/ v) = renderObeliskRoute validFullEncoder $ FullRoute_Frontend (ObeliskRoute_App k) :/ v
html <- renderJsaddleFrontend configs cookies routeToUrl (appRouteComponent :/ appRouteRest) frontend
sendResponse $ W.responseLBS H.status200 [("Content-Type", staticRenderContentType)] $ BSLC.fromStrict html
_ -> backend req sendResponse
renderJsaddleFrontend :: (route -> Text) -> route -> Frontend route -> IO ByteString
renderJsaddleFrontend urlEnc r f =
:: Map Text ByteString
-> Cookies
-> (route -> Text)
-> route
-> Frontend route
-> IO ByteString
renderJsaddleFrontend configs cookies urlEnc r f =
let jsaddleScript = elAttr "script" ("src" =: "/jsaddle/jsaddle.js") blank
jsaddlePreload = elAttr "link" ("rel" =: "preload" <> "as" =: "script" <> "href" =: "/jsaddle/jsaddle.js") blank
in renderFrontendHtml urlEnc r (_frontend_head f >> injectExecutableConfigs >> jsaddlePreload) (_frontend_body f >> jsaddleScript)
in renderFrontendHtml configs cookies urlEnc r f jsaddlePreload jsaddleScript
-- | like 'bindPortTCP' but reconnects on exception
bindPortTCPRetry :: Settings
@ -169,17 +225,22 @@ logPortBindErr p e = getProcessIdForPort p >>= \case
Nothing -> putStrLn $ "runWidget: " <> show e
Just pid -> putStrLn $ unwords [ "Port", show p, "is being used by process ID", show pid <> ".", "Please kill that process or change the port in config/common/route."]
ssPath :: Maybe String
ssPath =
Just $(System.Which.staticWhich "ss")
getProcessIdForPort :: Int -> IO (Maybe Int)
getProcessIdForPort port = do
-- First check if 'ss' is available
(c, _, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode "which" ["ss"] mempty
case c of
ExitSuccess -> do
xs <- lines <$> readProcess "ss" ["-lptn", "sport = " <> show port] mempty
case uncons xs of
Just (_, x:_) -> return $ A.maybeResult $ A.parse parseSsPid $ BSC.pack x
_ -> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
getProcessIdForPort port = case ssPath of
Just ss -> do
xs <- lines <$> readProcess ss ["-lptn", "sport = " <> show port] mempty
case uncons xs of
Just (_, x:_) -> return $ A.maybeResult $ A.parse parseSsPid $ BSC.pack x
_ -> return Nothing
_ -> return Nothing
parseSsPid :: A.Parser Int
parseSsPid = do

View File

@ -11,15 +11,17 @@ library
, containers
, directory
, filepath
, hspec
, http-client
, http-types
, HUnit
, obelisk-cliapp
, obelisk-run
, process
, network
, shelly
, obelisk-executable-config-lookup
, obelisk-run
, which
, process
, shelly >= 1.9.0
, temporary
, text

View File

@ -1,39 +1,43 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Obelisk.SelfTest where
import Control.Exception (bracket, throw)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (bracket, throw, try)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import qualified Network.Socket as Socket
import Shelly
import System.Directory (withCurrentDirectory, getDirectoryContents)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, withCurrentDirectory, getDirectoryContents)
import System.Environment
import System.Exit (ExitCode (..))
import System.Info
import System.IO (Handle, hClose)
import System.FilePath (addTrailingPathSeparator)
import qualified System.Info
import System.IO (Handle, hClose, hIsEOF, hGetContents)
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode, CreateProcess(cwd), readCreateProcessWithExitCode, proc)
import System.Process (readProcessWithExitCode)
import System.Which (staticWhich)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit.Base
import Obelisk.CliApp hiding (runCli, readCreateProcessWithExitCode)
import qualified Obelisk.CliApp as CliApp
import Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup (getConfigs)
import Obelisk.Run (getConfigRoute)
data ObRunState
@ -42,24 +46,47 @@ data ObRunState
| ObRunState_BackendStarted
deriving (Eq, Show)
doubleQuotes :: (IsString a, Semigroup a) => a -> a
doubleQuotes s = "\"" <> s <> "\""
cpPath :: FilePath
cpPath = $(staticWhich "cp")
cabalPath :: FilePath
cabalPath = $(staticWhich "cabal")
gitPath :: FilePath
gitPath = $(staticWhich "git")
chownPath :: FilePath
chownPath = $(staticWhich "chown")
chmodPath :: FilePath
chmodPath = $(staticWhich "chmod")
whoamiPath :: FilePath
whoamiPath = $(staticWhich "whoami")
nixBuildPath :: FilePath
nixBuildPath = $(staticWhich "nix-build")
lnPath :: FilePath
lnPath = $(staticWhich "ln")
rmPath :: FilePath
rmPath = $(staticWhich "rm")
rsyncPath :: FilePath
rsyncPath = $(staticWhich "rsync")
gitUserConfig :: [Text]
gitUserConfig = ["-c", " Selftest", "-c", ""]
commit :: Text -> Sh ()
commit msg = void $ run "git"
[ "commit"
commit msg = void $ run gitPath $ gitUserConfig <> [ "commit"
, "--no-gpg-sign"
, "--allow-empty"
, "-m"
, doubleQuotes msg
, msg
-- TODO replace Void and stop using loosely typed synchronous exceptions
runCli :: MonadIO m => CliT Void IO a -> m a
runCli f = liftIO $ do
c <- newCliConfig Notice False False (\case {})
CliApp.runCli c f
tshow :: Show a => a -> Text
tshow = T.pack . show
@ -67,194 +94,294 @@ tshow = T.pack . show
shellyOb :: MonadIO m => (Sh a -> Sh a) -> Sh a -> m a
shellyOb f obTest = shelly $ f obTest
-- Set "ob" in a single place so it can be replaced with a
-- link to obelisk in the nix store in the future,
-- and avoid PATH hacking before calling this script.
ob :: FilePath
ob = "ob"
augmentWithVerbosity :: (String -> [Text] -> a) -> String -> Bool -> [Text] -> a
augmentWithVerbosity runner executable isVerbose args = runner executable $ (if isVerbose then ("-v" :) else id) args
-- | Copies a git repo to a new location and "resets" the git history to include
-- exactly one commit with all files added. It then restricts writing and reading
-- for group and user to make the repo ideal for being a valid git remote for thunks.
-- Using this allows dirty repos to be used as git remotes during the test since 'git clone'ing
-- a dirty repo will not include the uncommitted changes.
copyForGitRemote :: Bool -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
copyForGitRemote isVerbose origDir copyDir = shelly $ bool silently verbosely isVerbose $ do
setenv "HOME" "/dev/null"
run_ rsyncPath
[ "-r", "--no-perms", "--no-owner", "--no-group", "--exclude", ".git"
, toTextIgnore (addTrailingPathSeparator origDir), toTextIgnore copyDir
git ["init"]
git ["config", "", "SelfTest"]
git ["config", "", "self@test"]
git ["add", "--all"]
git ["commit", "-m", "Copy repo"]
run_ chmodPath ["-R", "u-w,g-rw,o-rw", toTextIgnore copyDir] -- Freeze this state
git args = run_ gitPath $ ["-C", toTextIgnore copyDir] <> args
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Note: you can pass hspec arguments as well, eg: `-m <pattern>`
isVerbose <- (elem "-v") <$> getArgs
isVerbose <- elem "-v" <$> getArgs
unless isVerbose $
putStrLn "Tests may take longer to run if there are unbuilt derivations: use -v for verbose output"
let verbosity = bool silently verbosely isVerbose
obeliskImpl <- fromString <$> getEnv "OBELISK_IMPL"
obeliskImplDirtyReadOnly <- getCurrentDirectory
httpManager <- HTTP.newManager HTTP.defaultManagerSettings
[p0, p1, p2, p3] <- liftIO $ getFreePorts 4
withSystemTempDirectory "initCache" $ \initCache -> do
-- Setup the ob init cache
void . shellyOb verbosity $ chdir (fromString initCache) $ do
run_ "ob" ["init"]
run_ "git" ["init"]
hspec $ parallel $ do
let shelly_ = void . shellyOb verbosity
inTmp :: (Shelly.FilePath -> Sh a) -> IO ()
inTmp f = withTmp (chdir <*> f)
withSystemTempDirectory "obelisk-repo-git-remote" $ \copyDir -> do
copyForGitRemote isVerbose obeliskImplDirtyReadOnly copyDir
main' isVerbose httpManager copyDir
withTmp f = shelly_ . withSystemTempDirectory "test" $ f . fromString
main' :: Bool -> HTTP.Manager -> FilePath -> IO ()
main' isVerbose httpManager obeliskRepoReadOnly = withInitCache $ \initCache -> hspec $ parallel $ do
inTmpObInit' dirname f = inTmp' dirname $ \dir -> do
run_ cpPath ["-rT", fromString initCache, toTextIgnore dir]
f dir
inTmpObInit = inTmpObInit' defaultTmpDirName
inTmpObInit f = inTmp $ \dir -> do
run_ "cp" ["-a", fromString $ initCache <> "/.", toTextIgnore dir]
f dir
-- To be used in tests that change the obelisk impl directory
inTmpObInitWithImplCopy f = inTmpObInit $ \dir ->
withObeliskImplClean $ \(fromString -> implClean) -> do
run_ rmPath [thunk]
run_ lnPath ["-s", implClean, thunk]
f dir
assertRevEQ a b = liftIO . assertEqual "" "" =<< diff a b
assertRevNE a b = liftIO . assertBool "" . (/= "") =<< diff a b
describe "ob init" $ parallel $ do
it "works with default impl" $ inTmp $ \_ -> runOb ["init"]
it "works with master branch impl" $ inTmp $ \_ -> runOb ["init", "--branch", "master"]
it "works with symlink" $ inTmp $ \_ -> runOb ["init", "--symlink", toTextIgnore obeliskRepoReadOnly]
it "doesn't silently overwrite existing files" $ inTmp $ \_ -> do
let p force = errExit False $ do
run_ ob $ "--no-handoff" : "-v" : "init" : ["--force"|force]
(== 0) <$> lastExitCode
revParseHead = T.strip <$> run "git" ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]
True <- p False
False <- p False
True <- p True
pure ()
commitAll = do
run_ "git" ["add", "."]
commit "checkpoint"
it "doesn't create anything when given an invalid impl" $ inTmp $ \tmp -> do
void $ errExit False $ runOb ["init", "--symlink", "/dev/null"]
ls tmp >>= liftIO . assertEqual "" []
thunk = ".obelisk/impl"
update = run "ob" ["thunk", "update", thunk] >> commitAll
pack = run "ob" ["thunk", "pack", thunk] >> commitAll
unpack = run "ob" ["thunk", "unpack", thunk] >> commitAll
it "produces a valid route config" $ inTmpObInit $ \tmp -> liftIO $
withCurrentDirectory (T.unpack $ toTextIgnore tmp) $ do
configs <- getConfigs
return (either (const Nothing) Just $ getConfigRoute configs) `shouldNotReturn` Nothing
diff a b = run "git" ["diff", a, b]
-- These tests fail with "Could not find module 'Obelisk.Generated.Static'"
-- when not run by 'nix-build --attr selftest'
describe "ob run" $ {- NOT parallel $ -} do
it "works in root directory" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> testObRunInDir' Nothing httpManager
it "works in sub directory" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> testObRunInDir' (Just "frontend") httpManager
describe "ob init" $ parallel $ do
it "works with default impl" $ inTmp $ \_ -> run "ob" ["init"]
it "works with master branch impl" $ inTmp $ \_ -> run "ob" ["init", "--branch", "master"]
it "works with symlink" $ inTmp $ \_ -> run "ob" ["init", "--symlink", obeliskImpl]
it "doesn't silently overwrite existing files" $ withSystemTempDirectory "ob-init" $ \dir -> do
let p force = (proc "ob" $ "--no-handoff" : "init" : if force then ["--force"] else []) { cwd = Just dir }
(ExitSuccess, _, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode (p False) ""
(ExitFailure _, _, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode (p False) ""
(ExitSuccess, _, _) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode (p True) ""
pure ()
describe "obelisk project" $ parallel $ do
it "can build obelisk command" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> nixBuild ["-A", "command" , toTextIgnore obeliskRepoReadOnly]
it "can build obelisk skeleton" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> nixBuild ["-A", "skeleton", toTextIgnore obeliskRepoReadOnly]
it "can build obelisk shell" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> nixBuild ["-A", "shell", toTextIgnore obeliskRepoReadOnly]
it "can build everything" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> nixBuild [toTextIgnore obeliskRepoReadOnly]
it "doesn't create anything when given an invalid impl" $ inTmp $ \tmp -> do
void $ errExit False $ run "ob" ["init", "--symlink", "/dev/null"]
ls tmp >>= liftIO . assertEqual "" []
describe "blank initialized project" $ parallel $ do
it "produces a valid route config" $ inTmpObInit $ \tmp -> do
liftIO $ withCurrentDirectory (T.unpack $ toTextIgnore tmp) $ getConfigRoute `shouldNotReturn` Nothing
it "can build ghc.backend" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> nixBuild ["-A", "ghc.backend"]
it "can build ghcjs.frontend" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> nixBuild ["-A", "ghcjs.frontend"]
-- These tests fail with "Could not find module 'Obelisk.Generated.Static'"
-- when not run by 'nix-build --attr selftest'
describe "ob run" $ parallel $ do
it "works in root directory" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> do
testObRunInDir p0 p1 Nothing httpManager
it "works in sub directory" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> do
testObRunInDir p2 p3 (Just "frontend") httpManager
if System.Info.os == "darwin"
then it "can build ios" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> nixBuild ["-A", "ios.frontend"]
else it "can build android after accepting license" $ inTmpObInit $ \dir -> do
let defaultNixPath = dir </> ("default.nix" :: FilePath)
writefile defaultNixPath
=<< T.replace
"# config.android_sdk.accept_license = false;"
"config.android_sdk.accept_license = true;"
<$> readfile defaultNixPath
nixBuild ["-A", "android.frontend"]
describe "obelisk project" $ parallel $ do
it "can build obelisk command" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> run "nix-build" ["-A", "command" , obeliskImpl]
it "can build obelisk skeleton" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> run "nix-build" ["-A", "skeleton", obeliskImpl]
it "can build obelisk shell" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> run "nix-build" ["-A", "shell", obeliskImpl]
-- See
-- it "can build everything" $ shelly_ $ run "nix-build" [obeliskImpl]
forM_ ["ghc", "ghcjs"] $ \compiler -> do
shellName = "shells." <> compiler
inShell cmd' = run_ "nix-shell" ["default.nix", "-A", fromString shellName, "--run", cmd']
it ("can enter " <> shellName) $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> inShell "exit"
-- NOTE: We override the temporary directory name because cabal has a bug preventing new-build from working
-- in a path that has unicode characters.
it ("can build in " <> shellName) $ inTmpObInit' "test" $ \_ -> inShell $
T.pack cabalPath <> " --version; " <> T.pack cabalPath <> " new-build --" <> T.pack compiler <> " all"
describe "blank initialized project" $ parallel $ do
it "has idempotent thunk update" $ inTmpObInitWithImplCopy $ \_ -> do
_ <- pack
u <- update
uu <- update
assertRevEQ u uu
it "can build ghc.backend" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> do
run "nix-build" ["--no-out-link", "-A", "ghc.backend"]
it "can build ghcjs.frontend" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> do
run "nix-build" ["--no-out-link", "-A", "ghcjs.frontend"]
describe "ob thunk pack/unpack" $ parallel $ do
it "has thunk pack and unpack inverses" $ inTmpObInitWithImplCopy $ \_ -> do
if os == "darwin"
then it "can build ios" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> run "nix-build" ["--no-out-link", "-A", "ios.frontend" ]
else it "can build android" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> run "nix-build" ["--no-out-link", "-A", "android.frontend"]
_ <- pack
e <- commitAll
eu <- unpack
eup <- pack
eupu <- unpack
_ <- pack
forM_ ["ghc", "ghcjs"] $ \compiler -> do
shell = "shells." <> compiler
inShell cmd' = run "nix-shell" ["-A", fromString shell, "--run", cmd']
it ("can enter " <> shell) $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> inShell "exit"
it ("can build in " <> shell) $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> inShell $ "cabal new-build --" <> fromString compiler <> " all"
assertRevEQ e eup
assertRevEQ eu eupu
assertRevNE e eu
it "can build reflex project" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> do
run "nix-build" []
it "unpacks the correct branch" $ withTmp $ \dir -> do
let branch = "master"
run_ gitPath ["clone", "", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", branch]
runOb_ ["thunk", "pack", toTextIgnore dir]
runOb_ ["thunk", "unpack", toTextIgnore dir]
branch' <- chdir dir $ run gitPath ["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]
liftIO $ assertEqual "" branch (T.strip branch')
it "has idempotent thunk update" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> do
u <- update
uu <- update
assertRevEQ u uu
it "can pack and unpack plain git repos" $
shelly_ $ withSystemTempDirectory "git-repo" $ \dir -> do
let repo = toTextIgnore $ dir </> ("repo" :: FilePath)
run_ gitPath ["clone", "", repo]
origHash <- chdir (fromText repo) revParseHead
describe "ob thunk pack/unpack" $ parallel $ do
it "has thunk pack and unpack inverses" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> do
runOb_ ["thunk", "pack", repo]
packedFiles <- Set.fromList <$> ls (fromText repo)
liftIO $ assertEqual "" packedFiles $ Set.fromList $ (repo </>) <$>
["default.nix", "github.json", ".attr-cache" :: FilePath]
e <- commitAll
eu <- unpack
eup <- pack
eupu <- unpack
_ <- pack
runOb_ ["thunk", "unpack", repo]
chdir (fromText repo) $ do
unpackHash <- revParseHead
assertRevEQ origHash unpackHash
assertRevEQ e eup
assertRevEQ eu eupu
assertRevNE e eu
testThunkPack' $ fromText repo
it "unpacks the correct branch" $ withTmp $ \dir -> do
let branch = "master"
run_ "git" ["clone", "", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", branch]
run_ "ob" ["thunk", "pack", toTextIgnore dir]
run_ "ob" ["thunk", "unpack", toTextIgnore dir]
branch' <- chdir dir $ run "git" ["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]
liftIO $ assertEqual "" branch (T.strip branch')
it "aborts thunk pack when there are uncommitted files" $ inTmpObInitWithImplCopy $ \dir -> do
testThunkPack' (dir </> thunk)
it "can pack and unpack plain git repos" $ do
shelly_ $ withSystemTempDirectory "git-repo" $ \dir -> do
let repo = toTextIgnore $ dir </> ("repo" :: String)
run_ "git" ["clone", "", repo]
origHash <- chdir (fromText repo) revParseHead
describe "ob thunk update --branch" $ parallel $ do
it "can change a thunk to the latest version of a desired branch" $ withTmp $ \dir -> do
let branch1 = "master"
branch2 = "develop"
run_ gitPath ["clone", "", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", branch1]
runOb_ ["thunk" , "pack", toTextIgnore dir]
runOb_ ["thunk", "update", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", branch2]
run_ "ob" ["thunk", "pack", repo]
packedFiles <- Set.fromList <$> ls (fromText repo)
liftIO $ assertEqual "" packedFiles $ Set.fromList $ (repo </>) <$>
["default.nix", "github.json", ".attr-cache" :: String]
it "doesn't create anything when given an invalid branch" $ withTmp $ \dir -> do
let checkDir dir' = liftIO $ getDirectoryContents $ T.unpack $ toTextIgnore dir'
run_ gitPath ["clone", "", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", "master"]
runOb_ ["thunk" , "pack", toTextIgnore dir]
startingContents <- checkDir dir
void $ errExit False $ runOb ["thunk", "update", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", "dumble-palooza"]
checkDir dir >>= liftIO . assertEqual "" startingContents
run_ "ob" ["thunk", "unpack", repo]
chdir (fromText repo) $ do
unpackHash <- revParseHead
assertRevEQ origHash unpackHash
describe "ob hoogle" $ {- NOT parallel -} do
it "starts a hoogle server on the given port" $ inTmpObInit $ \_ -> do
[p0] <- liftIO $ getFreePorts 1
maskExitSuccess $ runHandle "ob" ["hoogle", "--port", T.pack (show p0)] $ \stdout -> flip fix Nothing $ \loop -> \case
Nothing -> do -- Still waiting for initial signal that the server has started
ln <- liftIO $ T.hGetLine stdout
let search = "Server starting on port " <> T.pack (show p0)
case search `T.isInfixOf` ln of
False -> loop Nothing -- keep waiting
True -> loop $ Just 10
Just (n :: Int) -> do -- Server has started and we have n attempts left
let req uri = liftIO $ try @HTTP.HttpException $ HTTP.parseRequest uri >>= flip HTTP.httpLbs httpManager
req ("" <> show p0) >>= \case
Right r | HTTP.responseStatus r == HTTP.ok200 -> exit 0
e -> if n <= 0
then errorExit $ "Request to hoogle server failed: " <> T.pack (show e)
else liftIO (threadDelay (1*10^(6 :: Int))) *> loop (Just $ n - 1)
verbosity = bool silently verbosely isVerbose
nixBuild args = run nixBuildPath ("--no-out-link" : args)
testThunkPack $ fromText repo
runOb_ = augmentWithVerbosity run_ ob isVerbose
runOb = augmentWithVerbosity run ob isVerbose
testObRunInDir' = augmentWithVerbosity testObRunInDir ob isVerbose ["run"]
testThunkPack' = augmentWithVerbosity testThunkPack ob isVerbose []
it "aborts thunk pack when there are uncommitted files" $ inTmpObInit $ \dir -> do
void $ unpack
testThunkPack (dir </> thunk)
withObeliskImplClean f =
withSystemTempDirectory "obelisk-impl-clean" $ \obeliskImpl -> do
void . shellyOb verbosity $ chdir obeliskImpl $ do
dirtyFiles <- T.strip <$> run gitPath ["-C", toTextIgnore obeliskRepoReadOnly, "diff", "--stat"]
() <- when (dirtyFiles /= "") $ error "SelfTest does not work correctly with dirty obelisk repos as remote"
run_ gitPath ["clone", "file://" <> toTextIgnore obeliskRepoReadOnly, toTextIgnore obeliskImpl]
f obeliskImpl
describe "ob thunk update --branch" $ parallel $ do
it "can change a thunk to the latest version of a desired branch" $ withTmp $ \dir -> do
let branch1 = "master"
branch2 = "develop"
run_ "git" ["clone", "", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", branch1]
run_ "ob" ["thunk" , "pack", toTextIgnore dir]
run_ "ob" ["thunk", "update", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", branch2]
withInitCache f =
withSystemTempDirectory "init Cache λ" $ \initCache -> do
-- Setup the ob init cache
void . shellyOb verbosity $ chdir initCache $ do
runOb_ ["init", "--symlink", toTextIgnore obeliskRepoReadOnly]
run_ gitPath ["init"]
it "doesn't create anything when given an invalid branch" $ withTmp $ \dir -> do
let checkDir dir' = liftIO $ getDirectoryContents $ T.unpack $ toTextIgnore dir'
run_ "git" ["clone", "", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", "master"]
run_ "ob" ["thunk" , "pack", toTextIgnore dir]
startingContents <- checkDir dir
void $ errExit False $ run "ob" ["thunk", "update", toTextIgnore dir, "--branch", "dumble-palooza"]
checkDir dir >>= liftIO . assertEqual "" startingContents
f initCache
shelly_ = void . shellyOb verbosity
defaultTmpDirName = "test λ"
inTmp' :: FilePath -> (FilePath -> Sh a) -> IO ()
inTmp' dirname f = withTmp' dirname (chdir <*> f)
inTmp = inTmp' defaultTmpDirName
withTmp' dirname f = shelly_ . withSystemTempDirectory dirname $ f . fromString
withTmp = withTmp' defaultTmpDirName
assertRevEQ a b = liftIO . assertEqual "" "" =<< diff a b
assertRevNE a b = liftIO . assertBool "" . (/= "") =<< diff a b
revParseHead = T.strip <$> run gitPath ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]
commitAll = do
run_ gitPath ["add", "."]
commit "checkpoint"
thunk = ".obelisk/impl"
update = runOb ["thunk", "update", thunk] *> commitAll
pack = runOb ["thunk", "pack", thunk] *> commitAll
unpack = runOb ["thunk", "unpack", thunk] *> commitAll
diff a b = run gitPath ["diff", a, b]
maskExitSuccess :: Sh () -> Sh ()
maskExitSuccess = handle_sh (\case ExitSuccess -> pure (); e -> throw e)
-- | Run `ob run` in the given directory (maximum of one level deep)
testObRunInDir :: Socket.PortNumber -> Socket.PortNumber -> Maybe Shelly.FilePath -> HTTP.Manager -> Sh ()
testObRunInDir p0 p1 mdir httpManager = handle_sh (\case ExitSuccess -> pure (); e -> throw e) $ do
testObRunInDir :: String -> [Text] -> Maybe FilePath -> HTTP.Manager -> Sh ()
testObRunInDir executable extraArgs mdir httpManager = maskExitSuccess $ do
[p0, p1] <- liftIO $ getFreePorts 2
let uri p = "http://localhost:" <> T.pack (show p) <> "/" -- trailing slash required for comparison
writefile "config/common/route" $ uri p0
maybe id chdir mdir $ runHandle "ob" ["run"] $ \stdout -> do
firstUri <- handleObRunStdout httpManager stdout
maybe id chdir mdir $ runHandles executable extraArgs [] $ \_stdin stdout stderr -> do
firstUri <- handleObRunStdout httpManager stdout stderr
let newUri = uri p1
when (firstUri == newUri) $ errorExit $
"Startup URI (" <> firstUri <> ") is the same as test URI (" <> newUri <> ")"
maybe id (\_ -> chdir "..") mdir $ alterRouteTo newUri stdout
runningUri <- handleObRunStdout httpManager stdout
runningUri <- handleObRunStdout httpManager stdout stderr
if runningUri /= newUri
then errorExit $ "Reloading failed: expected " <> newUri <> " but got " <> runningUri
else exit 0
testThunkPack :: Shelly.FilePath -> Sh ()
testThunkPack path' = withTempFile (T.unpack $ toTextIgnore path') "test-file" $ \file handle -> do
let pack' = readProcessWithExitCode "ob" ["thunk", "pack", T.unpack $ toTextIgnore path'] ""
testThunkPack :: String -> [Text] -> FilePath -> Sh ()
testThunkPack executable args path' = withTempFile (T.unpack $ toTextIgnore path') "test-file" $ \file handle -> do
let pack' = readProcessWithExitCode executable (T.unpack <$> ["thunk", "pack", toTextIgnore path'] ++ args) ""
ensureThunkPackFails q = liftIO $ pack' >>= \case
(code, out, err)
| code == ExitSuccess -> fail "ob thunk pack succeeded when it should have failed"
| code == ExitSuccess -> fail $ "ob thunk pack succeeded when it should have failed with error '" <> show q <> "'"
| q `T.isInfixOf` T.pack (out <> err) -> pure ()
| otherwise -> fail $ "ob thunk pack failed for an unexpected reason: " <> show out <> "\nstderr: " <> err
git = chdir path' . run "git"
| otherwise -> fail $ "ob thunk pack failed for an unexpected reason, expecting '" <> show q <> "', received: " <> show out <> "\nstderr: " <> err
git = chdir path' . run gitPath
-- Untracked files
ensureThunkPackFails "Untracked files"
void $ git ["add", T.pack file]
@ -267,7 +394,7 @@ testThunkPack path' = withTempFile (T.unpack $ toTextIgnore path') "test-file" $
liftIO $ T.hPutStrLn handle "test file" >> hClose handle
ensureThunkPackFails "modified"
-- Existing stashes
void $ git ["stash"]
void $ git $ gitUserConfig <> [ "stash" ]
ensureThunkPackFails "has stashes"
-- | Blocks until a non-empty line is available
@ -288,9 +415,12 @@ alterRouteTo uri stdout = do
"Reloading failed: " <> T.pack (show t)
-- | Handle stdout of `ob run`: check that the frontend and backend servers are started correctly
handleObRunStdout :: HTTP.Manager -> Handle -> Sh Text
handleObRunStdout httpManager stdout = flip fix (ObRunState_Init, []) $ \loop (state, msgs) -> do
liftIO (T.hGetLine stdout) >>= \t -> case state of
handleObRunStdout :: HTTP.Manager -> Handle -> Handle -> Sh Text
handleObRunStdout httpManager stdout stderr = flip fix (ObRunState_Init, []) $ \loop (state, msgs) -> do
isEOF <- liftIO $ hIsEOF stdout
if isEOF
then handleObRunError msgs
else liftIO (T.hGetLine stdout) >>= \t -> case state of
| "Running test..." `T.isPrefixOf` t -> loop (ObRunState_BackendStarted, msgs)
@ -302,8 +432,12 @@ handleObRunStdout httpManager stdout = flip fix (ObRunState_Init, []) $ \loop (s
obRunCheck httpManager stdout uri
pure uri
| not (T.null t) -> errorExit $ "Started: " <> t -- If theres any other output here, startup failed
_ | "Failed" `T.isPrefixOf` t -> errorExit $ "ob run failed: " <> T.unlines (reverse $ t : msgs)
_ | "Failed" `T.isPrefixOf` t -> handleObRunError (t : msgs)
| otherwise -> loop (state, t : msgs)
handleObRunError msgs = do
stderrContent <- liftIO $ hGetContents stderr
errorExit $ "ob run failed: " <> T.unlines (reverse msgs) <> " stderr: " <> T.pack stderrContent
-- | Make requests to frontend/backend servers to check they are working properly
obRunCheck :: HTTP.Manager -> Handle -> Text -> Sh ()

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name: obelisk-snap-extras
version: 0.1
synopsys: Extra functionality for Snap that should be considered for upstreaming
synopsis: Extra functionality for Snap that should be considered for upstreaming
license: BSD3
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.2

View File

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
module Obelisk.Snap.Extras
( cachePermanently
, doNotCache
, ensureSecure
, serveFileIfExists
, serveFileIfExistsAs
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import Snap.Core
import Snap.Util.FileServe

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# Revision history for tabulation
## -- 2019-05-24
* First version. Basically carve out this library as a place for the HasFields class.

lib/tabulation/LICENSE Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Copyright (c) 2019, Cale Gibbard
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Cale Gibbard nor the names of other
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More