Added archive cleaning to the Octopod Server (#112)

* Force server environment fields on startup

* Added archive cleaning into the Octopod Server
This commit is contained in:
iko 2021-09-27 14:24:22 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent f231289fb9
commit b100a94d0a
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 75 additions and 93 deletions

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@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ runOcto = do
handleCleanup auth . coerce $ tName
Restore tName ->
handleRestore auth . coerce $ tName
CleanArchive ->
handleCleanArchive auth
GetActionLogs aId l -> handleGetActionInfo auth aId l
-- | Returns BaseUrl from 'OCTOPOD_URL' environment variable
@ -190,13 +188,6 @@ handleRestore auth dName = do
liftIO $
handleResponse (const $ pure ()) =<< runClientM (restoreH auth dName) clientEnv
-- | Handles the 'clean-archive' subcommand.
handleCleanArchive :: AuthContext AuthHeaderAuth -> ReaderT ClientEnv IO ()
handleCleanArchive auth = do
clientEnv <- ask
liftIO $
handleResponse (const $ pure ()) =<< runClientM (cleanArchiveH auth) clientEnv
-- | Handles the 'logs' subcommand.
handleGetActionInfo :: AuthContext AuthHeaderAuth -> ActionId -> LogOutput -> ReaderT ClientEnv IO ()
handleGetActionInfo auth aId l = do
@ -223,7 +214,6 @@ _statusH :: AuthContext AuthHeaderAuth -> DeploymentName -> ClientM CurrentDeplo
cleanupH :: AuthContext AuthHeaderAuth -> DeploymentName -> ClientM CommandResponse
restoreH :: AuthContext AuthHeaderAuth -> DeploymentName -> ClientM CommandResponse
getActionInfoH :: AuthContext AuthHeaderAuth -> ActionId -> ClientM ActionInfo
cleanArchiveH :: AuthContext AuthHeaderAuth -> ClientM CommandResponse
( listH
:<|> createH
:<|> archiveH
@ -234,8 +224,7 @@ cleanArchiveH :: AuthContext AuthHeaderAuth -> ClientM CommandResponse
:<|> cleanupH
:<|> restoreH
:<|> getActionInfoH
:<|> cleanArchiveH = pushArrowIntoServantAlt $ client (Proxy @PowerAPI)
:<|> getActionInfoH = pushArrowIntoServantAlt $ client (Proxy @PowerAPI)
type PushArrowIntoServantAlt a b = PushArrowIntoServantAlt' a b (CanPushArrow a)

View File

@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ data Args
{ -- | deployment name
name :: Text
| CleanArchive
| GetActionLogs ActionId LogOutput
deriving stock (Show)
@ -79,9 +78,6 @@ commandArgs =
<> command "info" (info infoArgs (progDesc "get the deployment info"))
<> command "cleanup" (info cleanupArgs (progDesc "cleanup the deployment"))
<> command "restore" (info restoreArgs (progDesc "restore the deployment"))
<> command
(info cleanupArchiveArgs (progDesc "cleanup all archived deployments"))
<> command
(info actionLogsArgs (progDesc "get deployment logs of a given action"))
@ -170,11 +166,6 @@ restoreArgs =
<$> strOption (long "name" <> short 'n' <> help "deployment name")
-- | Parses arguments of 'clean-archive' subcommand.
cleanupArchiveArgs :: Parser Args
cleanupArchiveArgs =
pure CleanArchive
actionLogsArgs :: Parser Args
actionLogsArgs =

View File

@ -42,9 +42,6 @@ type RestoreEndpoint c =
type GetActionInfoEndpoint =
"log" :> Capture "action_id" ActionId :> Get '[JSON] ActionInfo
type CleanArchiveEndpoint =
"clean_archive" :> Delete '[JSON] CommandResponse
type DeploymentAPI' c =
Auth '[AuthHeaderAuth] () :> "api" :> "v1"
:> ( "deployments"
@ -69,9 +66,6 @@ type DeploymentAPI' c =
:<|> GetActionInfoEndpoint
-- endpoint to get action logs
:<|> CleanArchiveEndpoint
-- endpoint to clean up resources of all archived deployments
-- according to the archive retention policy
data AuthHeaderAuth

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSLC
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Conduit (ConduitT, yield)
import qualified Data.Csv as C
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor
import Data.Generics.Labels ()
@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
import System.Exit
import System.Log.FastLogger
import System.Posix.Signals (sigTERM)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Types
import Prelude hiding (lines, log, unlines, unwords)
@ -81,56 +83,54 @@ newtype AppM' a = AppM' {runAppM' :: forall m. AppMConstraints m => m a}
-- | Octopod Server state definition.
data AppState = AppState
{ -- | postgres pool
dbPool :: Pool Connection
dbPool :: !(Pool Connection)
, -- | logger
logger :: TimedFastLogger
logger :: !TimedFastLogger
, -- | channel for WS events for the frontend
eventSink :: TChan WSEvent
eventSink :: !(TChan WSEvent)
, -- | background workers counter
bgWorkersCounter :: IORef Int
bgWorkersCounter :: !(IORef Int)
, -- | flag of activating graceful shutdown
gracefulShutdownActivated :: IORef Bool
gracefulShutdownActivated :: !(IORef Bool)
, -- | semaphore for graceful shutdown
shutdownSem :: MVar ()
shutdownSem :: !(MVar ())
, -- | project name
projectName :: ProjectName
projectName :: !ProjectName
, -- | base domain
baseDomain :: Domain
baseDomain :: !Domain
, -- | namespace
namespace :: Namespace
, -- | archive retention
archiveRetention :: ArchiveRetention
namespace :: !Namespace
, -- | status update timeout
statusUpdateTimeout :: Timeout
statusUpdateTimeout :: !Timeout
, -- | creation command path
creationCommand :: Command
creationCommand :: !Command
, -- | update command path
updateCommand :: Command
updateCommand :: !Command
, -- | deletion command path
archiveCommand :: Command
archiveCommand :: !Command
, -- | checking command path
checkingCommand :: Command
checkingCommand :: !Command
, -- | cleanup command path
cleanupCommand :: Command
cleanupCommand :: !Command
, -- | archive checking command path
archiveCheckingCommand :: Command
archiveCheckingCommand :: !Command
, -- | tag checking command path
configCheckingCommand :: Command
, infoCommand :: Command
, notificationCommand :: Maybe Command
, deploymentOverridesCommand :: Command
, deploymentOverrideKeysCommand :: Command
, applicationOverridesCommand :: Command
, applicationOverrideKeysCommand :: Command
, unarchiveCommand :: Command
configCheckingCommand :: !Command
, infoCommand :: !Command
, notificationCommand :: !(Maybe Command)
, deploymentOverridesCommand :: !Command
, deploymentOverrideKeysCommand :: !Command
, applicationOverridesCommand :: !Command
, applicationOverrideKeysCommand :: !Command
, unarchiveCommand :: !Command
, -- | Deployments currently being processed which has not yet been
-- recorded in the database.
lockedDeployments :: LockedDeployments
, depOverridesCache :: CacheMap ServerError AppM' () (DefaultConfig 'DeploymentLevel)
, depOverrideKeysCache :: CacheMap ServerError AppM' () [Text]
, appOverridesCache :: CacheMap ServerError AppM' (Config 'DeploymentLevel) (DefaultConfig 'ApplicationLevel)
, appOverrideKeysCache :: CacheMap ServerError AppM' (Config 'DeploymentLevel) [Text]
, gitSha :: Text
lockedDeployments :: !LockedDeployments
, depOverridesCache :: !(CacheMap ServerError AppM' () (DefaultConfig 'DeploymentLevel))
, depOverrideKeysCache :: !(CacheMap ServerError AppM' () [Text])
, appOverridesCache :: !(CacheMap ServerError AppM' (Config 'DeploymentLevel) (DefaultConfig 'ApplicationLevel))
, appOverrideKeysCache :: !(CacheMap ServerError AppM' (Config 'DeploymentLevel) [Text])
, gitSha :: !Text
deriving stock (Generic)
@ -171,11 +171,12 @@ runOctopodServer sha = do
opts <- parseArgs
let a ?! e = a >>= maybe (die e) pure
getEnvOrDie eName = lookupEnv eName ?! (eName <> " is not set")
getEnvOrDieWith eName f = fmap (>>= f) (lookupEnv eName) ?! (eName <> " is not set")
projName <- coerce . pack <$> getEnvOrDie "PROJECT_NAME"
domain <- coerce . pack <$> getEnvOrDie "BASE_DOMAIN"
ns <- coerce . pack <$> getEnvOrDie "NAMESPACE"
archRetention <- ArchiveRetention . fromIntegral . read @Int <$> getEnvOrDie "ARCHIVE_RETENTION"
stUpdateTimeout <- Timeout . CalendarDiffTime 0 . fromIntegral . read @Int <$> getEnvOrDie "STATUS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT"
archRetention <- fromIntegral <$> getEnvOrDieWith "ARCHIVE_RETENTION" (readMaybe @Int)
stUpdateTimeout <- Timeout . CalendarDiffTime 0 . fromIntegral <$> getEnvOrDieWith "STATUS_UPDATE_TIMEOUT" (readMaybe @Int)
creationCmd <- Command . pack <$> getEnvOrDie "CREATION_COMMAND"
updateCmd <- Command . pack <$> getEnvOrDie "UPDATE_COMMAND"
archiveCmd <- Command . pack <$> getEnvOrDie "ARCHIVE_COMMAND"
@ -240,7 +241,6 @@ runOctopodServer sha = do
, projectName = projName
, baseDomain = domain
, namespace = ns
, archiveRetention = archRetention
, statusUpdateTimeout = stUpdateTimeout
, creationCommand = creationCmd
, updateCommand = updateCmd
@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ runOctopodServer sha = do
uiServerPort = unServerPort $ octopodUIPort opts
powerServerPort = unServerPort serverPort
wsServerPort = unServerPort $ octopodWSPort opts
void . L.fork $ flip runReaderT appSt $ runArchiveCleanup archRetention
powerApp' <- powerApp powerAuthorizationHeader appSt
(run uiServerPort app')
`race_` (run powerServerPort powerApp')
@ -277,6 +278,30 @@ runOctopodServer sha = do
`race_` (runStatusUpdater appSt)
`race_` (runShutdownHandler appSt)
runArchiveCleanup ::
forall m.
(MonadReader AppState m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
NominalDiffTime ->
m ()
runArchiveCleanup retention = do
isShuttingDown >>= \case
True -> pure ()
False -> do
cutoff <- liftBase getCurrentTime <&> addUTCTime (negate retention)
dNames <- runStatement $
select $ do
ds <- each deploymentSchema
where_ $ (ds ^. #status) `in_` (litExpr <$> archivedStatuses)
where_ $ ds ^. #archivedAt <. litExpr (Just cutoff)
pure $ ds ^. #name
for_ dNames $ \dName -> (>>= logLeft) . runExceptT $
runDeploymentBgWorker Nothing dName (pure ()) $ \() -> cleanupDeployment dName
threadDelayMicro (realToFrac $ retention / 10)
runArchiveCleanup retention
threadDelayMicro :: Micro -> m ()
threadDelayMicro (MkFixed i) = liftBase $ threadDelay (fromInteger i)
runTransaction ::
(MonadReader AppState m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
Transaction a ->
@ -378,7 +403,6 @@ powerServer (Authenticated ()) =
:<|> restoreH
:<|> getActionInfoH
:<|> cleanArchiveH
powerServer _ = throwAll err401
-- | Application with the WS API.
@ -965,25 +989,6 @@ deleteDeployment dName =
, returning = pure ()
-- | Handles the 'clean-archive' request.
cleanArchiveH :: AppM CommandResponse
cleanArchiveH = do
st <- ask
let archRetention = unArchiveRetention . archiveRetention $ st
cutoff <- liftBase getCurrentTime <&> addUTCTime (negate archRetention)
dNames <- runStatement $
select $ do
ds <- each deploymentSchema
where_ $ (ds ^. #status) `in_` (litExpr <$> archivedStatuses)
where_ $ ds ^. #archivedAt <. litExpr (Just cutoff)
pure $ ds ^. #name
runBgWorker . void $
for dNames $ \dName ->
runDeploymentBgWorker Nothing dName (pure ()) $ \() -> cleanupDeployment dName
pure Success
-- | Handles the 'restore' request.
restoreH :: DeploymentName -> AppM CommandResponse
restoreH dName = do
@ -1131,10 +1136,7 @@ runStatusUpdater state = do
forever $ do
currentTime <- liftBase getCurrentTime
let cutoff = addUTCTime (negate interval) currentTime
logLeft :: Either ServerError () -> IO ()
logLeft (Left err) = logErr . T.pack $ displayException err
logLeft (Right ()) = pure ()
(>>= logLeft) . runExceptT . flip runReaderT state $ do
flip runReaderT state . (>>= logLeft) . runExceptT $ do
rows' <- runStatement . select $ do
ds <- each deploymentSchema
where_ $ ds ^. #checkedAt <. litExpr cutoff
@ -1178,6 +1180,13 @@ runStatusUpdater state = do
when (Prelude.or updated) $ liftBase $ sendReloadEvent state
liftBase $ threadDelay 2000000
logLeft :: (MonadBase IO m, MonadReader AppState m, Exception e) => Either e () -> m ()
logLeft (Left err) = do
state <- ask
let logErr = liftBase . logWarning (logger state)
logErr . T.pack $ displayException err
logLeft (Right ()) = pure ()
-- | Returns the new deployment status.
statusTransition ::
ExitCode ->
@ -1207,12 +1216,16 @@ failureStatusType _ = GenericFailure
-- if graceful shutdown has been activated.
failIfGracefulShutdownActivated :: AppM ()
failIfGracefulShutdownActivated = do
gracefulShutdownAct <- gracefulShutdownActivated <$> ask
gracefulShutdown <- liftIO . readIORef $ gracefulShutdownAct
gracefulShutdown <- isShuttingDown
if gracefulShutdown
then throwError err405 {errBody = appError "Graceful shutdown activated"}
else pure ()
isShuttingDown :: (MonadReader AppState m, MonadBase IO m) => m Bool
isShuttingDown = do
gracefulShutdownAct <- gracefulShutdownActivated <$> ask
liftBase . readIORef $ gracefulShutdownAct
-- | Handles the graceful shutdown signal.
-- Sends a signal to the 'shutdownSem' semaphore
-- if the background worker counter is 0.

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module Types
Domain (..),
Namespace (..),
Command (..),
ArchiveRetention (..),
Timeout (..),
ControlScriptArgs (..),
@ -53,10 +52,6 @@ newtype Domain = Domain {unDomain :: Text}
newtype Namespace = Namespace {unNamespace :: Text}
deriving stock (Show)
-- | Archive retention.
newtype ArchiveRetention = ArchiveRetention {unArchiveRetention :: NominalDiffTime}
deriving stock (Show)
-- | Timeout.
newtype Timeout = Timeout {unTimeout :: CalendarDiffTime}
deriving stock (Show)