# Development guide ## Git flow `master` contains the latest "release version" only. All development should be done in the `develop` branch. Feature PRs are created to the `develop` branch and merged with all commits **squashed**. This leads to us having every commit in the `develop` branch corresponds to exactly one feature or bug fix. When a release is ready, the `develop` branch is merged into the `master` branch using **rebase and merge**. This makes the `master` branch have every commit be a feature or bug fix. Merging to master triggers a CI script that collects all commits since the last merge and creates a new release with a change log of all commits. ## Building ### Nix Installation Everything is built with [nix](https://nixos.org). To build the project you will need to install it. ```bash curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh ``` ### Nix cache #### Reflex platform cache To speedup initial project builds you will want to set up the Reflex Platform binary nix cache – append the following to `/etc/nix/nix.conf`: ``` binary-caches = https://cache.nixos.org https://nixcache.reflex-frp.org binary-cache-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= ryantrinkle.com-1:JJiAKaRv9mWgpVAz8dwewnZe0AzzEAzPkagE9SP5NWI= binary-caches-parallel-connections = 40 ``` #### Octopod cache The Octopod cache will also be useful to speed up builds: 1. Install [Cachix](https://cachix.org): ```bash nix-env -iA cachix -f https://cachix.org/api/v1/install ``` 2. Add cache: ```bash cachix use octopod ``` ## Development We have written a `Makefile` with common targets used during development. ### Building - `build-backend` – builds a release backend executable. - `build-octo-cli` – builds a release octo CLI executable. NOTE: this is not the octo CLI executable that is used for distribution but the dependencies are close enough for development purposes. - `build-frontend` – build the frontend release. ### Development For development, we have set up `ghcid` commands that rebuild the project every time you make a change. The targets should self-explanatory: - `ghcid-backend` - `ghcid-cli` - `ghcid-frontend` ### Frontend proxy The frontend should be accessed through a proxy. We have set up [caddy](https://caddyserver.com) configs to ease development. You will need place an `octopod-config.json` file at the root of the repository containing a [config](../../charts/octopod/templates/octopod-nginx-configmap.yaml#L15-L20). `app_auth` can be an arbitrary string – it will not affect anything when running locally. ### Stack For convenience, the repo currently also contains a `stack.yaml` that can be used for development. It is only used to build the macOS octo CLI release but supports building both octo CLI and the _Octopod Server_ in an environment close enough to the release environment to be useful during development if you prefer stack.