Alexey Uimanov d71f750b21 relax base upper constraint (#6456)
* Update: update base deps for all pkgs
2021-10-06 18:55:15 +05:00

104 lines
3.6 KiB

cabal-version: 2.4
name: random-token
synopsis: Implementation of random token generation and parsing
author: typeable.io
maintainer: s9gf4ult@gmail.com
license-file: LICENSE
category: Web
build-type: Simple
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall
exposed-modules: Random.Token
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5
, QuickCheck
, aeson
, base64-bytestring
, bytestring
, cryptonite
, deepseq
, http-api-data
, text
if !impl(ghcjs)
build-depends: postgresql-simple
default-language: Haskell2010
default-extensions: CPP
, ConstraintKinds
, DataKinds
, DeriveFoldable
, DeriveFunctor
, DeriveGeneric
, DeriveTraversable
, DuplicateRecordFields
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, FunctionalDependencies
, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
, LambdaCase
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, MultiWayIf
, NumDecimals
, OverloadedStrings
, PolyKinds
, QuasiQuotes
, RankNTypes
, RecordWildCards
, RoleAnnotations
, ScopedTypeVariables
, StandaloneDeriving
, TemplateHaskell
, TupleSections
, TypeApplications
, TypeFamilies
, TypeOperators
, UndecidableInstances
, ViewPatterns
test-suite spec
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: spec
main-is: Test.hs
other-modules: TokenSpec
default-language: Haskell2010
build-depends: base >= 4.10 && < 5
, hspec
, random-token
build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover
ghc-options: -Wall
"-with-rtsopts=-N -A64m -qb0 -n4m -T -I1"
ghc-prof-options: -fprof-auto
default-extensions: ConstraintKinds
, DataKinds
, DeriveFoldable
, DeriveFunctor
, DeriveGeneric
, DeriveTraversable
, DuplicateRecordFields
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, FunctionalDependencies
, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
, LambdaCase
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, MultiWayIf
, NumDecimals
, OverloadedStrings
, PolyKinds
, QuasiQuotes
, RankNTypes
, RecordWildCards
, ScopedTypeVariables
, StandaloneDeriving
, TemplateHaskell
, TupleSections
, TypeApplications
, TypeFamilies
, TypeOperators
, UndecidableInstances
, ViewPatterns