adopting simplified parseRequestLine based on #193.

This commit is contained in:
Kazu Yamamoto 2013-11-05 09:52:54 +09:00
parent 07fe172376
commit 15c6ea5382
2 changed files with 64 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.RequestHeader (parseHeaderLines) where
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B (unpack)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..), memchr)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, plusPtr, minusPtr, nullPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types
import Prelude hiding (lines)
import Control.Monad
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
@ -39,8 +43,8 @@ parseHeaderLines (firstLine:otherLines) = do
-- ("GET","/","",HTTP/1.1)
-- >>> parseRequestLine "POST /cgi/search.cgi?key=foo HTTP/1.0"
-- ("POST","/cgi/search.cgi","?key=foo",HTTP/1.0)
-- >>> parseRequestLine "GET /NoHTTPVersion"
-- *** Exception: BadFirstLine "GET /NoHTTPVersion"
-- >>> parseRequestLine "GET "
-- *** Exception: BadFirstLine "GET "
-- >>> parseRequestLine "GET /NotHTTP UNKNOWN/1.1"
-- *** Exception: NonHttp
parseRequestLine :: ByteString
@ -48,18 +52,61 @@ parseRequestLine :: ByteString
,ByteString -- Path
,ByteString -- Query
parseRequestLine requestLine = do
let (method,rest) = S.breakByte 32 requestLine -- ' '
(pathQuery,httpVer') = S.breakByte 32 (S.drop 1 rest) -- ' '
httpVer = S.drop 1 httpVer'
when (rest == "" || httpVer == "") $
throwIO $ BadFirstLine $ B.unpack requestLine
let (path,query) = S.breakByte 63 pathQuery -- '?'
(http,ver) = S.breakByte 47 httpVer -- '/'
when (http /= "HTTP") $ throwIO NonHttp
let hv | ver == "/1.1" = H.http11
| otherwise = H.http10
return $ (method,path,query,hv)
parseRequestLine requestLine@(PS fptr off len) = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
when (len < 14) $ throwIO baderr
let methodptr = ptr `plusPtr` off
limptr = methodptr `plusPtr` len
lim0 = fromIntegral len
pathptr0 <- memchr methodptr 32 lim0 -- ' '
when (pathptr0 == nullPtr || (limptr `minusPtr` pathptr0) < 11) $
throwIO baderr
let pathptr = pathptr0 `plusPtr` 1
lim1 = fromIntegral (limptr `minusPtr` pathptr0)
httpptr0 <- memchr pathptr 32 lim1 -- ' '
when (httpptr0 == nullPtr || (limptr `minusPtr` httpptr0) < 9) $
throwIO baderr
let httpptr = httpptr0 `plusPtr` 1
lim2 = fromIntegral (httpptr0 `minusPtr` pathptr)
checkHTTP httpptr
!hv <- httpVersion httpptr
queryptr <- memchr pathptr 63 lim2 -- '?'
let !method = bs ptr methodptr pathptr0
| queryptr == nullPtr = bs ptr pathptr httpptr0
| otherwise = bs ptr pathptr queryptr
| queryptr == nullPtr = S.empty
| otherwise = bs ptr queryptr httpptr0
return (method,path,query,hv)
baderr = BadFirstLine $ B.unpack requestLine
check :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Word8 -> IO ()
check p n w = do
w0 <- peek $ p `plusPtr` n
when (w0 /= w) $ throwIO NonHttp
checkHTTP httpptr = do
check httpptr 0 72 -- 'H'
check httpptr 1 84 -- 'T'
check httpptr 2 84 -- 'T'
check httpptr 3 80 -- 'P'
check httpptr 4 47 -- '/'
check httpptr 6 46 -- '.'
httpVersion httpptr = do
major <- peek $ httpptr `plusPtr` 5
minor <- peek $ httpptr `plusPtr` 7
if major == (49 :: Word8) && minor == (49 :: Word8) then
return H.http11
return H.http10
bs ptr p0 p1 = PS fptr o l
o = p0 `minusPtr` ptr
l = p1 `minusPtr` p0

View File

@ -203,40 +203,6 @@ spec = do
headers `shouldBe`
[ ("foo", "bar")
it "extra spaces in first line" $ do
iheaders <- I.newIORef []
let app req = do
liftIO $ I.writeIORef iheaders $ requestHeaders req
return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> do
handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
let input = S.concat
[ "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nfoo: bar\r\n\r\n"
hPutStr handle input
hFlush handle
hClose handle
threadDelay 1000
headers <- I.readIORef iheaders
headers `shouldBe`
[ ("foo", "bar")
it "spaces in http version" $ do
iversion <- I.newIORef $ error "Version not parsed"
let app req = do
liftIO $ I.writeIORef iversion $ httpVersion req
return $ responseLBS status200 [] ""
withApp defaultSettings app $ \port -> do
handle <- connectTo "" $ PortNumber $ fromIntegral port
let input = S.concat
[ "GET / HTTP\t/ 1 . 1 \r\nfoo: bar\r\n\r\n"
hPutStr handle input
hFlush handle
hClose handle
threadDelay 1000
version <- I.readIORef iversion
version `shouldBe` http11
describe "chunked bodies" $ do
it "works" $ do