mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 16:46:28 +03:00
compatiable with websockets 0.4
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,34 +3,24 @@ module Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets
( intercept
) where
import Network.Wai (Request, requestHeaders)
import Network.Wai (Request, requestHeaders, rawPathInfo, requestHeaders)
import Network.Socket (Socket)
import Data.Enumerator (Iteratee, Stream (Chunks), yield)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Enumerator (Iteratee)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Network.WebSockets (WebSockets, runWebSockets)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import Network.WebSockets (WebSockets, runWebSockets, RequestHttpPart(RequestHttpPart), Protocol)
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
import Network.Socket.Enumerator (iterSocket)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString, copyByteString)
import Data.CaseInsensitive (original)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toChunks)
intercept :: WebSockets ()
intercept :: Protocol p
=> (WS.Request -> WebSockets p ())
-> Request
-> Maybe (Socket -> Iteratee ByteString IO ())
intercept app req =
case lookup "upgrade" $ requestHeaders req of
Just "websocket" -> Just $ \socket -> do
-- put back the request in the buffer
yield () $ Chunks $ toChunks $ toLazyByteString reqBuilder
runWebSockets app (iterSocket socket)
Just s | S.map toLower s=="websocket" -> Just $ \socket -> do
runWebSockets req' app (iterSocket socket)
_ -> Nothing
reqBuilder =
copyByteString "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" `mappend` -- dummy value
foldr mappend (copyByteString "\r\n") headers
headers = map headerToBuilder $ requestHeaders req
headerToBuilder (k, v) =
copyByteString (original k)
`mappend` copyByteString ": "
`mappend` copyByteString v
`mappend` copyByteString "\r\n"
req' = RequestHttpPart (rawPathInfo req) (requestHeaders req)
@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
This is the Haskell implementation of the example for the WebSockets library. We
implement a simple multi-user chat program.
websockets example
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
This is the Haskell implementation of the example for the WebSockets library. We
implement a simple multi-user chat program. A live demo of the example is
available [here](http://jaspervdj.be/websockets-example). In order to understand
this example, keep the [reference](http://jaspervdj.be/websockets/reference)
nearby to check out the functions we use.
> {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell #-}
> import Data.Char (isPunctuation, isSpace)
> import Data.Monoid (mappend)
> import Data.Text (Text)
> import Control.Exception (fromException)
> import Control.Monad (forM_)
> import Control.Concurrent (MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar_, readMVar)
> import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
@ -19,9 +25,13 @@ implement a simple multi-user chat program.
> import Data.FileEmbed (embedDir)
We represent a client by his username and a 'WS.Sender'. We can use this sender
to asynchronously send 'Text' to the client later.
to asynchronously send 'Text' to the client later. Note that using `WS.Hybi00`
here does not imply that our server is only compatible with the `hybi-00`
version of the protocol, for more details on this, see the
> type Client = (Text, WS.Sender Text)
> type Client = (Text, WS.Sink WS.Hybi00)
The state kept on the server is simply a list of connected clients. We've added
an alias and some utility functions, so it will be easier to extend this state
@ -60,7 +70,7 @@ Send a message to all clients, and log it on stdout.
> broadcast :: Text -> ServerState -> IO ()
> broadcast message clients = do
> T.putStrLn message
> forM_ clients $ \(_, sender) -> sender WS.textData message
> forM_ clients $ \(_, sink) -> WS.sendSink sink $ WS.textData message
The main function first creates a new state for the server, then spawns the
actual server. For this purpose, we use the simple server provided by
@ -72,90 +82,87 @@ actual server. For this purpose, we use the simple server provided by
> state <- newMVar newServerState
> Warp.runSettings Warp.defaultSettings
> { Warp.settingsPort = 9160
> , Warp.settingsIntercept = WaiWS.intercept (webSocketsApp state)
> , Warp.settingsIntercept = WaiWS.intercept (application state)
> } staticApp
> staticApp = Static.staticApp Static.defaultFileServerSettings
> { Static.ssFolder = Static.embeddedLookup $ Static.toEmbedded $(embedDir "static")
> }
> webSocketsApp state = do
When a client connects, we accept the connection, regardless of the path.
When a client connects, we first obtain the request. Once we have that, we use
the 'WS.handshake' function to generate a response, which we finally send to the
> application :: MVar ServerState -> WS.Request -> WS.WebSockets WS.Hybi00 ()
> application state rq = do
> WS.acceptRequest rq
We use irrefutable pattern matches here because the server will spawn a thread
for each connection -- and a crashing thread does not effect the rest of the
program. For a real application, proper logging is appropriate.
We log some information here: in particular, we are interested in the protocol
version our client is using (for debugging purposes).
> Just rq <- WS.receiveRequest
> let Right rsp = WS.handshake rq
> WS.sendResponse rsp
> WS.getVersion >>= liftIO . putStrLn . ("Client version: " ++)
If we want to be able to send data to this client later, from another thread, we
obtain a sender. We will add this to the server state later.
obtain a sink. We will add this to the server state later.
> sender <- WS.getSender
> sink <- WS.getSink
When a client is succesfully connected, we read the first message. This should
be in the format of "Hi, I am Jasper", where Jasper is the requested username.
> msg <- WS.receiveData
> clients <- liftIO $ readMVar state
> case msg of
> Nothing -> return ()
> Just m
> msg <- WS.receiveData
> clients <- liftIO $ readMVar state
> case msg of
Check that the first message has the right format
> | not (prefix `T.isPrefixOf` m) ->
> WS.sendTextData ("Wrong announcement" :: Text)
> _ | not (prefix `T.isPrefixOf` msg) ->
> WS.sendTextData ("Wrong announcement" :: Text)
Check the validity of the username
> | any ($ fst client)
> [T.null, T.any isPunctuation, T.any isSpace] ->
> WS.sendTextData ("Name cannot " `mappend`
> "contain punctuation or whitespace, and " `mappend`
> "cannot be empty" :: Text)
> | any ($ fst client)
> [T.null, T.any isPunctuation, T.any isSpace] ->
> WS.sendTextData ("Name cannot " `mappend`
> "contain punctuation or whitespace, and " `mappend`
> "cannot be empty" :: Text)
Check that the given username is not already taken
> | clientExists client clients ->
> WS.sendTextData ("User already exists" :: Text)
> | clientExists client clients ->
> WS.sendTextData ("User already exists" :: Text)
All is right!
> | otherwise -> do
> | otherwise -> do
We send a "Welcome!", according to our own little protocol. We add the client to
the list and broadcast the fact that he has joined. Then, we give control to the
'talk' function.
> liftIO $ modifyMVar_ state $ \s -> do
> let s' = addClient client s
> sender WS.textData $ "Welcome! Users: " `mappend`
> T.intercalate ", " (map fst s)
> broadcast (fst client `mappend` " joined") s'
> return s'
> talk state client
> where
> prefix = "Hi! I am "
> client = (T.drop (T.length prefix) m, sender)
> liftIO $ modifyMVar_ state $ \s -> do
> let s' = addClient client s
> WS.sendSink sink $ WS.textData $
> "Welcome! Users: " `mappend`
> T.intercalate ", " (map fst s)
> broadcast (fst client `mappend` " joined") s'
> return s'
> talk state client
> where
> prefix = "Hi! I am "
> client = (T.drop (T.length prefix) msg, sink)
The talk function continues to read messages from a single client until he
disconnects. All messages are broadcasted to the other clients.
> talk :: MVar ServerState -> Client -> WS.WebSockets ()
> talk state client@(user, _) = do
> talk :: WS.Protocol p => MVar ServerState -> Client -> WS.WebSockets p ()
> talk state client@(user, _) = flip WS.catchWsError catchDisconnect $ do
> msg <- WS.receiveData
> case msg of
> Nothing -> liftIO $ modifyMVar_ state $ \s -> do
> liftIO $ readMVar state >>= broadcast
> (user `mappend` ": " `mappend` msg)
> talk state client
> where
> catchDisconnect e = case fromException e of
> Just WS.ConnectionClosed -> liftIO $ modifyMVar_ state $ \s -> do
> let s' = removeClient client s
> broadcast (user `mappend` " disconnected") s'
> return s'
> Just m -> do
> liftIO $ readMVar state >>= broadcast
> (user `mappend` ": " `mappend` m)
> talk state client
> _ -> return ()
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: wai-websockets
Version: 0.4.0
Version: 0.5.0
Synopsis: Provide a bridge betweeen WAI and the websockets package.
License: BSD3
License-file: LICENSE
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Library
, blaze-builder >= && < 0.4
, case-insensitive >= 0.2 && < 0.4
, network >= 2.2 && < 2.4
, websockets >= 0.3 && < 0.4
, websockets >= 0.4 && < 0.5
Exposed-modules: Network.Wai.Handler.WebSockets
ghc-options: -Wall
Reference in New Issue
Block a user