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-- | A common problem is the desire to have an action run at a scheduled
-- interval, but only if it is needed. For example, instead of having
-- every web request result in a new @getCurrentTime@ call, we'd like to
-- have a single worker thread run every second, updating an @IORef@.
-- However, if the request frequency is less than once per second, this is
-- a pessimization, and worse, kills idle GC.
-- This library allows you to define actions which will either be
-- performed by a dedicated thread or, in times of low volume, will be
-- executed by the calling thread.
module Control.AutoUpdate (
-- * Type
, defaultUpdateSettings
-- * Accessors
, updateFreq
, updateSpawnThreshold
, updateAction
-- * Creation
, mkAutoUpdate
) where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, readMVar,
takeMVar, tryPutMVar)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch, throw, mask_, try)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
-- | Default value for creating an @UpdateSettings@.
-- Since 0.1.0
defaultUpdateSettings :: UpdateSettings ()
defaultUpdateSettings = UpdateSettings
{ updateFreq = 1000000
, updateSpawnThreshold = 3
, updateAction = return ()
-- | Settings to control how values are updated.
-- This should be constructed using @defaultUpdateSettings@ and record
-- update syntax, e.g.:
-- @
-- let set = defaultUpdateSettings { updateAction = getCurrentTime }
-- @
-- Since 0.1.0
data UpdateSettings a = UpdateSettings
{ updateFreq :: Int
-- ^ Microseconds between update calls. Same considerations as
-- @threadDelay@ apply.
-- Default: 1 second (1000000)
-- Since 0.1.0
, updateSpawnThreshold :: Int
-- ^ NOTE: This value no longer has any effect, since worker threads are
-- dedicated instead of spawned on demand.
-- Previously, this determined: How many times the data must be requested
-- before we decide to spawn a dedicated thread.
-- Default: 3
-- Since 0.1.0
, updateAction :: IO a
-- ^ Action to be performed to get the current value.
-- Default: does nothing.
-- Since 0.1.0
-- | Generate an action which will either read from an automatically
-- updated value, or run the update action in the current thread.
-- Since 0.1.0
mkAutoUpdate :: UpdateSettings a -> IO (IO a)
mkAutoUpdate us = do
-- A baton to tell the worker thread to generate a new value.
needsRunning <- newEmptyMVar
-- The initial response variable. Response variables allow the requesting
-- thread to block until a value is generated by the worker thread.
responseVar0 <- newEmptyMVar
-- The current value, if available. We start off with a Left value
-- indicating no value is available, and the above-created responseVar0 to
-- give a variable to block on.
currRef <- newIORef $ Left responseVar0
-- This is used to set a value in the currRef variable when the worker
-- thread exits. In reality, that value should never be used, since the
-- worker thread exiting only occurs if an async exception is thrown, which
-- should only occur if there are no references to needsRunning left.
-- However, this handler will make error messages much clearer if there's a
-- bug in the implementation.
let fillRefOnExit f = do
eres <- try f
case eres of
Left e -> writeIORef currRef $ error $
"Control.AutoUpdate.mkAutoUpdate: worker thread exited with exception: "
++ show (e :: SomeException)
Right () -> writeIORef currRef $ error $
"Control.AutoUpdate.mkAutoUpdate: worker thread exited normally, "
++ "which should be impossible due to usage of infinite loop"
-- fork the worker thread immediately. Note that we mask async exceptions,
-- but *not* in an uninterruptible manner. This will allow a
-- BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar exception to still be thrown, which will take
-- down this thread when all references to the returned function are
-- garbage collected, and therefore there is no thread that can fill the
-- needsRunning MVar.
-- Note that since we throw away the ThreadId of this new thread and never
-- calls myThreadId, normal async exceptions can never be thrown to it,
-- only RTS exceptions.
mask_ $ void $ forkIO $ fillRefOnExit $ do
-- This infinite loop makes up out worker thread. It takes an a
-- responseVar value where the next value should be putMVar'ed to for
-- the benefit of any requesters currently blocked on it.
let loop responseVar = do
-- block until a value is actually needed
takeMVar needsRunning
-- new value requested, so run the updateAction
a <- catchSome $ updateAction us
-- we got a new value, update currRef and lastValue
writeIORef currRef $ Right a
putMVar responseVar a
-- delay until we're needed again
threadDelay $ updateFreq us
-- delay's over. create a new response variable and set currRef
-- to use it, so that the next requester will block on that
-- variable. Then loop again with the updated response
-- variable.
responseVar' <- newEmptyMVar
writeIORef currRef $ Left responseVar'
loop responseVar'
-- Kick off the loop, with the initial responseVar0 variable.
loop responseVar0
return $ do
mval <- readIORef currRef
case mval of
Left responseVar -> do
-- no current value, force the worker thread to run...
void $ tryPutMVar needsRunning ()
-- and block for the result from the worker
readMVar responseVar
-- we have a current value, use it
Right val -> return val
-- | Turn a runtime exception into an impure exception, so that all @IO@
-- actions will complete successfully. This simply defers the exception until
-- the value is forced.
catchSome :: IO a -> IO a
catchSome act = Control.Exception.catch act $ \e -> return $ throw (e :: SomeException)