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.\" iamb(1) manual page
.\" This manual page is written using the mdoc(7) macros. For more
.\" information, see <https://manpages.bsd.lv/mdoc.html>.
.\" You can preview this file with:
.\" $ man ./docs/iamb.1
.Dd Mar 24, 2024
.Dt IAMB 1
.Nm iamb
.Nd a terminal-based client for Matrix for the Vim addict
.Op Fl hV
.Op Fl P Ar profile
.Op Fl C Ar dir
is a client for the Matrix communication protocol.
It provides a terminal user interface with familiar Vim keybindings, and
includes support for multiple profiles, threads, spaces, notifications,
reactions, custom keybindings, and more.
This manual page includes a quick rundown of the available commands in
.Nm .
For example usage and a full description of each one and its arguments, please
refer to the full documentation online.
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Fl P , Fl Fl profile
The profile to start
If this flag is not specified,
then it defaults to using
.Sy default_profile
.Xr iamb 5 ) .
.It Fl C , Fl Fl config-directory
Path to the directory the configuration file is located in.
.It Fl h , Fl Fl help
Show the help text and quit.
.It Fl V , Fl Fl version
Show the current
version and quit.
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Sy ":chats"
View a list of joined rooms and direct messages.
.It Sy ":dms"
View a list of direct messages.
.It Sy ":logout"
Log out of
.Nm .
.It Sy ":rooms"
View a list of joined rooms.
.It Sy ":spaces"
View a list of joined spaces.
.It Sy ":welcome"
View the startup Welcome window.
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Sy ":keys export [path] [passphrase]"
Export and encrypt keys to
.Pa path .
.It Sy ":keys import [path] [passphrase]"
Import and decrypt keys from
.Pa path .
.It Sy ":verify"
View a list of ongoing E2EE verifications.
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Sy ":download"
Download an attachment from the selected message.
.It Sy ":edit"
Edit the selected message.
.It Sy ":editor"
Open an external
to compose a message.
.It Sy ":open"
Download and then open an attachment, or open a link in a message.
.It Sy ":react [shortcode]"
React to the selected message with an Emoji.
.It Sy ":redact [reason]"
Redact the selected message.
.It Sy ":reply"
Reply to the selected message.
.It Sy ":unreact [shortcode]"
Remove your reaction from the selected message.
When no arguments are given, remove all of your reactions from the message.
.It Sy ":upload"
Upload an attachment and send it to the currently selected room.
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Sy ":create"
Create a new room.
.It Sy ":invite accept"
Accept an invitation to the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":invite reject"
Reject an invitation to the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":invite send [user]"
Send an invitation to a user to join the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":join [room]"
Join a room.
.It Sy ":leave"
Leave the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":members"
View a list of members of the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":room name set [name]"
Set the name of the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":room name unset"
Unset the name of the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":room tag set [tag]"
Add a tag to the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":room tag unset [tag]"
Remove a tag from the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":room topic set [topic]"
Set the topic of the currently focused room.
.It Sy ":room topic unset"
Unset the topic of the currently focused room.
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Sy ":horizontal [cmd]"
Change the behaviour of the given command to be horizontal.
.It Sy ":leftabove [cmd]"
Change the behaviour of the given command to open before the current window.
.It Sy ":only" , Sy ":on"
Quit all but one window in the current tab.
.It Sy ":quit" , Sy ":q"
Quit a window.
.It Sy ":quitall" , Sy ":qa"
Quit all windows in the current tab.
.It Sy ":resize"
Resize a window.
.It Sy ":rightbelow [cmd]"
Change the behaviour of the given command to open after the current window.
.It Sy ":split" , Sy ":sp"
Horizontally split a window.
.It Sy ":vertical [cmd]"
Change the layout of the following command to be vertical.
.It Sy ":vsplit" , Sy ":vsp"
Vertically split a window.
.Bl -tag -width Ds
.It Sy ":tab [cmd]"
Run a command that opens a window in a new tab.
.It Sy ":tabclose" , Sy ":tabc"
Close a tab.
.It Sy ":tabedit [room]" , Sy ":tabe"
Open a room in a new tab.
.It Sy ":tabrewind" , Sy ":tabr"
Go to the first tab.
.It Sy ":tablast" , Sy ":tabl"
Go to the last tab.
.It Sy ":tabnext" , Sy ":tabn"
Go to the next tab.
.It Sy ":tabonly" , Sy ":tabo"
Close all but one tab.
.It Sy ":tabprevious" , Sy ":tabp"
Go to the preview tab.
.Ss Example 1: Starting with a specific profile
To start with a profile named
.Sy personal
instead of the
.Sy default_profile
.Bd -literal -offset indent
$ iamb -P personal
.Ss Example 2: Using an alternate configuration directory
By default,
will use the XDG directories, but you may sometimes want to store
your configuration elsewhere.
.Bd -literal -offset indent
$ iamb -C ~/src/iamb-dev/dev-config/
Please report bugs in
or its manual pages at
.Lk https://github.com/ulyssa/iamb/issues
.Xr iamb 5
Extended documentation is available online at
.Lk https://iamb.chat