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2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
2024-06-25 21:16:51 +03:00
scratch/main> builtins.merge lib.builtins
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
List.adjacentPairs : [a] -> [(a, a)]
List.adjacentPairs as =
go xs acc =
match xs with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
[x, y] ++ t -> go t (acc :+ (x, y))
_ -> acc
go as []
List.all : (a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> Boolean
List.all p xs =
match xs with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
[] -> true
x +: xs -> (p x) && (List.all p xs)
List.any : (a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> Boolean
List.any p xs =
match xs with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
[] -> false
x +: xs -> (p x) || (List.any p xs)
List.chunk : Nat -> [a] -> [[a]]
List.chunk n as =
go acc rest =
match splitAt n rest with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
(c, []) -> acc :+ c
(c, cs) -> go (acc :+ c) cs
go [] as
List.chunksOf : Nat -> [a] -> [[a]]
List.chunksOf n text =
go acc text =
p = splitAt n text
match p with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
([], _) -> acc
(a, b) -> go (acc :+ a) b
go [] text
List.dropWhile : (a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]
List.dropWhile p xs =
match xs with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
i +: l -> if p i then List.dropWhile p l else xs
_ -> []
List.first : [a] -> Optional a
List.first a = List.at 0 a
List.init : [a] -> Optional [a]
List.init as =
match as with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
[] -> None
as :+ _ -> Some as
List.intersperse : a -> [a] -> [a]
List.intersperse a as =
go acc as =
match as with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
[] -> acc
[x] -> acc :+ x
x +: xs -> go (acc :+ x :+ a) xs
go [] as
List.isEmpty : [a] -> Boolean
List.isEmpty as = List.size as == 0
List.last : [a] -> Optional a
List.last as =
match as with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
[] -> None
_ :+ a -> Some a
List.replicate : Nat -> a -> [a]
List.replicate n a =
go n acc = if n == 0 then acc else go (Nat.drop n 1) (a +: acc)
go n []
List.splitAt : Nat -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
List.splitAt n as = (List.take n as, List.drop n as)
List.tail : [a] -> Optional [a]
List.tail as =
match as with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
[] -> None
_ +: as -> Some as
List.takeWhile : (a ->{𝕖} Boolean) -> [a] ->{𝕖} [a]
List.takeWhile p xs =
go xs acc =
match xs with
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
x +: xs -> if p x then go xs (acc :+ x) else acc
_ -> acc
go xs []
2024-06-25 21:16:51 +03:00
scratch/main> add
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
The `alias.many` command can be used to copy definitions from the current namespace into your curated one.
2020-02-14 03:01:42 +03:00
The names that will be used in the target namespace are the names you specify, relative to the current namespace:
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
scratch/main> help alias.many
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
alias.many (or copy)
`alias.many <relative1> [relative2...] <namespace>` creates aliases `relative1`, `relative2`, ...
in the namespace `namespace`.
`alias.many foo.foo bar.bar .quux` creates aliases `.quux.foo.foo` and `.quux.bar.bar`.
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
Let's try it!
2024-06-25 21:16:51 +03:00
scratch/main> alias.many List.adjacentPairs List.all List.any List.chunk List.chunksOf List.dropWhile List.first List.init List.intersperse List.isEmpty List.last List.replicate List.splitAt List.tail List.takeWhile mylib
scratch/main> find-in mylib
2020-02-14 02:57:17 +03:00
Thanks, `alias.many`!