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2023-09-20 22:20:53 +03:00
scratch/main> builtins.merge
2023-09-20 22:20:53 +03:00
## A type param cannot have conflicting kind constraints within a single decl
conflicting constraints on the kind of `a` in a product
unique type T a = T a (a Nat)
conflicting constraints on the kind of `a` in a sum
unique type T a
= Star a
| StarStar (a Nat)
## Kinds are inferred by decl component
Successfully infer `a` in `Ping a` to be of kind `* -> *` by
inspecting its component-mate `Pong`.
unique type Ping a = Ping Pong
unique type Pong = Pong (Ping Optional)
Catch the conflict on the kind of `a` in `Ping a`. `Ping` restricts
`a` to `*`, whereas `Pong` restricts `a` to `* -> *`.
unique type Ping a = Ping a Pong
unique type Pong = Pong (Ping Optional)
Successful example between mutually recursive type and ability
unique type Ping a = Ping (a Nat -> {Pong Nat} ())
unique ability Pong a where
pong : Ping Optional -> ()
Catch conflict between mutually recursive type and ability
unique type Ping a = Ping (a -> {Pong Nat} ())
unique ability Pong a where
pong : Ping Optional -> ()
Consistent instantiation of `T`'s `a` parameter in `S`
unique type T a = T a
unique type S = S (T Nat)
2023-10-30 16:56:05 +03:00
Delay kind defaulting until all components are processed. Here `S`
constrains the kind of `T`'s `a` parameter, although `S` is not in
the same component as `T`.
2023-10-27 17:37:08 +03:00
unique type T a = T
unique type S = S (T Optional)
2023-09-20 22:20:53 +03:00
Catch invalid instantiation of `T`'s `a` parameter in `S`
unique type T a = T a
unique type S = S (T Optional)
## Checking annotations
Catch kind error in type annotation
test : Nat Nat
test = 0
Catch kind error in annotation example 2
test : Optional -> ()
test _ = ()
Catch kind error in annotation example 3
unique type T a = T (a Nat)
test : T Nat -> ()
test _ = ()
Catch kind error in scoped type variable annotation
unique type StarStar a = StarStar (a Nat)
unique type Star a = Star a
test : StarStar a -> ()
test _ =
buggo : Star a
buggo = bug ""
## Effect/type mismatch
Effects appearing where types are expected
unique ability Foo where
foo : ()
test : Foo -> ()
test _ = ()
Types appearing where effects are expected
test : {Nat} ()
test _ = ()
## Cyclic kinds
unique type T a = T (a a)
2023-09-21 20:49:30 +03:00
unique type T a b = T (a b) (b a)
unique type Ping a = Ping (a Pong)
unique type Pong a = Pong (a Ping)