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# tests for IO / MVar
Tests for IO builtins which wired to foreign haskell calls.
## Setup
You can skip the section which is just needed to make the transcript self-contained.
TempDirs/autoCleaned is an ability/hanlder which allows you to easily
create a scratch directory which will automatically get cleaned up.
use .builtin.io2 Failure
filter: (a -> Boolean) -> [a] -> [a]
filter f all =
go acc = cases
a +: as -> if (f a) then go (cons a acc) as else go acc as
[] -> acc
go [] all
ability Exception e where raise : e ->{Exception e} a
toException : Either e a ->{Exception e} a
toException = cases
Left e -> raise e
Right a -> a
Exception.toEither.handler : Request {Exception e} a -> Either e a
Exception.toEither.handler = cases
{ a } -> Right a
{raise e -> _} -> Left e
Exception.toEither : '{g, Exception e} a ->{g} Either e a
Exception.toEither a = handle !a with Exception.toEither.handler
isNone = cases
Some _ -> false
None -> true
-- An ability that facilitates creating temoporary directories that can be
-- automatically cleaned up
ability TempDirs where
newTempDir: Text -> Either Failure Text
removeDir: Text -> Either Failure ()
-- A handler for TempDirs which cleans up temporary directories
-- This will be useful for IO tests which need to interact with
-- the filesystem
autoCleaned.handler: '{io2.IO} (Request {TempDirs} r -> r)
autoCleaned.handler _ =
remover : [Text] -> {io2.IO} ()
remover = cases
a +: as -> removeDirectory a
remover as
[] -> ()
go : [Text] -> {io2.IO} Request {TempDirs} r -> r
go dirs = cases
{ a } -> remover dirs
{ TempDirs.newTempDir prefix -> k } ->
dir = createTempDirectory prefix
match dir with
Right dir' -> handle k dir with go (dir' +: dirs)
Left _ -> handle k dir with go dirs
{ TempDirs.removeDir dir -> k } ->
handle k (removeDirectory dir) with go (filter (d -> not (d == dir)) dirs)
go []
autoCleaned: '{io2.IO, TempDirs} r -> r
autoCleaned comp = handle !comp with !autoCleaned.handler
ability Stream a where
emit: a -> ()
Stream.toList.handler : Request {Stream a} r -> [a]
Stream.toList.handler =
go : [a] -> Request {Stream a} r -> [a]
go acc = cases
{ Stream.emit a -> k } -> handle !k with go (acc :+ a)
{ _ } -> acc
go []
Stream.toList : '{Stream a} r -> [a]
Stream.toList s = handle !s with toList.handler
Stream.collect.handler : Request {Stream a} r -> ([a],r)
Stream.collect.handler =
go : [a] -> Request {Stream a} r -> ([a],r)
go acc = cases
{ Stream.emit a -> k } -> handle !k with go (acc :+ a)
{ r } -> (acc, r)
go []
Stream.collect : '{e, Stream a} r -> {e} ([a],r)
Stream.collect s =
handle !s with Stream.collect.handler
stdout = IO.stdHandle StdErr
printText : Text -> {io2.IO} Either Failure ()
printText t = putBytes stdout (toUtf8 t)
expect : Text -> (a -> a -> Boolean) -> a -> a -> {Stream Result} ()
expect msg compare expected actual = if compare expected actual then emit (Ok msg) else emit (Fail msg)
expectU : Text -> a -> a -> {Stream Result} ()
expectU msg expected actual = expect msg (==) expected actual
check: Text -> Boolean -> {Stream Result} ()
check msg test = if test then emit (Ok msg) else emit (Fail msg)
-- Run tests which might fail, might create temporary directores and Stream out
-- results, returns the Results and the result of the test
evalTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO, TempDirs} a -> ([Result], Either Failure a)
evalTest a = handle
(handle !a with Exception.toEither.handler)
with Stream.collect.handler)
with !autoCleaned.handler
-- Run tests which might fail, might create temporary directores and Stream out
-- results, but ignore the produced value and only return the test Results
runTest: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO, TempDirs} a -> [Result]
runTest t = match evalTest t with
(results, Right _) -> results
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
## Who watches the watchers?
First lets do some basic testing of our test harness to make sure its
testAutoClean : '{io2.IO}[Result]
testAutoClean _ =
go: '{Stream Result, Exception Failure, io2.IO, TempDirs} Text
go _ =
dir = toException (newTempDir "autoclean")
check "our temporary directory should exist" (toException (isDirectory dir))
match evalTest go with
(results, Left (Failure _ t)) -> results :+ (Fail t)
(results, Right dir) ->
match isDirectory dir with
Right b -> if b
then results :+ (Fail "our temporary directory should no longer exist")
else results :+ (Ok "our temporary directory should no longer exist")
Left (Failure _ t) -> results :+ (Fail t)
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
testAutoClean : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
testAutoClean : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> io.test testAutoClean
New test results:
◉ testAutoClean our temporary directory should exist
◉ testAutoClean our temporary directory should no longer exist
✅ 2 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view testAutoClean to view the source of a test.
## Basic File Functions
### Creating/Deleting/Renaming Directories
Tests: createDirectory,
testCreateRename : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testCreateRename _ =
test = 'let
tempDir = toException (newTempDir "fileio")
fooDir = tempDir ++ "/foo"
barDir = tempDir ++ "/bar"
toException let createDirectory fooDir
check "create a foo directory" (toException (isDirectory fooDir))
check "directory should exist" (toException (fileExists fooDir))
toException let renameDirectory fooDir barDir
check "foo should no longer exist" (not (toException (fileExists fooDir)))
check "directory should no longer exist" (not (toException (fileExists fooDir)))
check "bar should now exist" (toException (fileExists barDir))
bazDir = barDir ++ "/baz"
toException let createDirectory bazDir
toException let removeDirectory barDir
check "removeDirectory works recursively" (not (toException (isDirectory barDir)))
check "removeDirectory works recursively" (not (toException (isDirectory bazDir)))
runTest test
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
testCreateRename : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
testCreateRename : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> io.test testCreateRename
New test results:
◉ testCreateRename create a foo directory
◉ testCreateRename directory should exist
◉ testCreateRename foo should no longer exist
◉ testCreateRename directory should no longer exist
◉ testCreateRename bar should now exist
◉ testCreateRename removeDirectory works recursively
◉ testCreateRename removeDirectory works recursively
✅ 7 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view testCreateRename to view the source of a test.
### Opening / Closing files
Tests: openFile
testOpenClose : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testOpenClose _ =
test = 'let
tempDir = toException (newTempDir "seek")
fooFile = tempDir ++ "/foo"
handle1 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Write)
check "file should be open" (toException (isFileOpen handle1))
toException (closeFile handle1)
check "file should be closed" (not (toException (isFileOpen handle1)))
runTest test
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
testOpenClose : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
testOpenClose : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> io.test testOpenClose
New test results:
◉ testOpenClose file should be open
◉ testOpenClose file should be closed
✅ 2 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view testOpenClose to view the source of a test.
### Seeking in open files
Tests: openFile
testSeek : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testSeek _ =
test = 'let
tempDir = toException (newTempDir "seek")
fooFile = tempDir ++ "/foo"
handle1 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Write)
putBytes handle1 (toUtf8 "12345678")
closeFile handle1
handle3 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Read)
check "readable file should be seekable" (toException (isSeekable handle3))
check "shouldn't be the EOF" (not (toException (isFileEOF handle3)))
expectU "we should be at position 0" +0 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
toException (seekHandle handle3 AbsoluteSeek +1)
expectU "we should be at position 1" +1 (toException (handlePosition handle3))
bytes3a = toException (getBytes handle3 1000)
text3a = toException (Text.fromUtf8 bytes3a)
expectU "should be able to read our temporary file after seeking" "2345678" text3a
closeFile handle3
runTest test
testAppend : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testAppend _ =
test = 'let
tempDir = toException (newTempDir "openFile")
fooFile = tempDir ++ "/foo"
handle1 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Write)
putBytes handle1 (toUtf8 "test1")
closeFile handle1
handle2 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Append)
putBytes handle2 (toUtf8 "test2")
expectU "we should be at position 4" +4 (toException (handlePosition handle2))
check "which is the EOF" (toException (isFileEOF handle2))
closeFile handle2
handle3 = toException (openFile fooFile FileMode.Read)
bytes3 = toException (getBytes handle3 1000)
text3 = toException (Text.fromUtf8 bytes3)
expectU "should be able to read our temporary file" "test1test2" text3
closeFile handle3
runTest test
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
testAppend : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testSeek : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
testAppend : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testSeek : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> io.test testSeek
New test results:
◉ testSeek readable file should be seekable
◉ testSeek shouldn't be the EOF
✅ 2 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view testSeek to view the source of a test.
.> io.test testAppend
New test results:
😶 No tests available.
### SystemTime
testSystemTime : '{io2.IO} [Result]
testSystemTime _ =
test = 'let
t = toException !io2.IO.systemTime
check "systemTime should be sane" ((t > 1600000000) && (t > 2000000000))
runTest test
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
testSystemTime : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
testSystemTime : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> io.test testSystemTime
New test results:
◉ testSystemTime systemTime should be sane
✅ 1 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view testSystemTime to view the source of a test.
## MVars
MVars are threadsafe mutable locations which at any time may or may not
contain a signle typed value. They are a building block on which many
concurrency primitives can be built that allow multiple threads to
synchronize and share data.
testMvars: '{io2.IO}[Result]
testMvars _ =
test = 'let
test = "test"
test2 = "test2"
ma = MVar.new test
check "ma should not be empty" (not (isEmpty ma))
test' = toException (take ma)
expectU "should reap what you sow" test test'
check "ma should be empty" (isEmpty ma)
toException (put ma test)
test'' = toException (swap ma test2)
expectU "swap returns old contents" test test''
test''' = toException (swap ma test)
expectU "swap returns old contents" test2 test'''
ma2 = !MVar.newEmpty
check "tryTake should succeed when not empty" (not (isNone (tryTake ma)))
check "tryTake should not succeed when empty" (isNone (tryTake ma))
check "ma2 should be empty" (isEmpty ma2)
check "tryTake should fail when empty" (isNone (tryTake ma2))
runTest test
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
testMvars : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
testMvars : '{io2.IO} [Result]
.> io.test testMvars
New test results:
◉ testMvars ma should not be empty
◉ testMvars should reap what you sow
◉ testMvars ma should be empty
◉ testMvars swap returns old contents
◉ testMvars swap returns old contents
◉ testMvars tryTake should succeed when not empty
◉ testMvars tryTake should not succeed when empty
◉ testMvars ma2 should be empty
◉ testMvars tryTake should fail when empty
✅ 9 test(s) passing
Tip: Use view testMvars to view the source of a test.