cleanup, withoutAbilityCheckForExact

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2019-04-10 23:10:48 -04:00
parent d0133afd35
commit 01774b09dd

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@ -539,6 +539,19 @@ getEffectDeclarations = fromMEnv effectDecls
getAbilities :: M v loc [Type v loc]
getAbilities = fromMEnv abilities
:: (Ord loc, Var v) => Type v loc -> M v loc a -> M v loc a
withoutAbilityCheckForExact skip m = M go
go e = runM m $ e { abilityCheckMask = tweak (abilityCheckMask e) }
tweak mask t = do
skip <- applyM skip
t <- applyM t
if t == skip then do
traceM $ "skipped: " <> show t
pure False
else mask t
-- run `m` without doing ability checks on requests which match `ambient0`
-- are a subtype of `ambient0`.
withoutAbilityCheckFor :: (Ord loc, Var v) => Type v loc -> M v loc a -> M v loc a
@ -785,12 +798,10 @@ synthesize e = scope (InSynthesize e) $
v1 : _ ->
scope (InVectorApp (ABT.annotation v1)) $ synthesizeApps ft v
go (Term.Let1Top' top binding e) | Set.null (ABT.freeVars binding) = do
traceM $ "top level closed definition " <> show (ABT.variable e)
-- special case when it is definitely safe to generalize - binding contains
-- no free variables, i.e. `let id x = x in ...`
abilities <- getAbilities
t <- synthesizeClosed' abilities binding
traceM $ "inferred type " <> TP.pretty' (Just 80) mempty t
when top $ noteTopLevelType e binding t
v' <- ABT.freshen e freshenVar
-- note: `Ann' (Ref' _) t` synthesizes to `t`
@ -1069,10 +1080,7 @@ annotateLetRecBindings isTop letrec =
existentializeArrows :: Var v => Type v loc -> M v loc (Type v loc)
existentializeArrows t = do
traceM ""
traceM $ "before: " <> TP.pretty' (Just 90) mempty t
t <- Type.existentializeArrows (extendExistentialTV "𝛆") t
traceM $ "after: " <> TP.pretty' (Just 90) mempty t
pure t
ungeneralize :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Type v loc -> M v loc (Type v loc)