Merge pull request #247 from unisonweb/topic/haskell-runtime

Merge WIP on a Haskell-based Unison runtime
This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2018-09-14 15:43:49 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit 039bc8cf7f
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 351 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -104,6 +104,23 @@ bound' t = case out t of
Tm f -> Foldable.toList f >>= bound'
_ -> []
annotateBound' :: (Ord v, Functor f, Foldable f) => Term f v a0 -> Term f v [v]
annotateBound' t = go [] t where
go env t = case out t of
Abs v body -> abs' env v (go (v : env) body)
Cycle body -> cycle' env (go env body)
Tm f -> tm' env (go env <$> f)
Var v -> annotatedVar env v
-- Annotate the tree with the set of bound variables at each node.
annotateBound :: (Ord v, Foldable f, Functor f) => Term f v a -> Term f v (a, Set v)
annotateBound t = go Set.empty t where
go bound t = let a = (annotation t, bound) in case out t of
Var v -> annotatedVar a v
Cycle body -> cycle' a (go bound body)
Abs x body -> abs' a x (go (Set.insert x bound) body)
Tm body -> tm' a (go bound <$> body)
-- | Return the list of all variables bound by this ABT
bound :: (Ord v, Foldable f) => Term f v a -> Set v
bound t = Set.fromList (bound' t)
@ -323,15 +340,6 @@ rebuildUp' f (Term _ ann body) = case body of
Abs x e -> f $ abs' ann x (rebuildUp' f e)
Tm body -> f $ tm' ann (fmap (rebuildUp' f) body)
-- Annotate the tree with the set of bound variables at each node.
annotateBound :: (Ord v, Foldable f, Functor f) => Term f v a -> Term f v (a, Set v)
annotateBound t = go Set.empty t where
go bound t = let a = (annotation t, bound) in case out t of
Var v -> annotatedVar a v
Cycle body -> cycle' a (go bound body)
Abs x body -> abs' a x (go (Set.insert x bound) body)
Tm body -> tm' a (go bound <$> body)
freeVarAnnotations :: (Traversable f, Ord v) => Term f v a -> [(v, a)]
freeVarAnnotations t =
join . runIdentity $ foreachSubterm f (annotateBound t) where
@ -385,6 +393,16 @@ visitPure :: (Traversable f, Ord v)
=> (Term f v a -> Maybe (Term f v a)) -> Term f v a -> Term f v a
visitPure f = runIdentity . visit (fmap pure . f)
rewriteDown :: (Traversable f, Ord v)
=> (Term f v a -> Term f v a)
-> Term f v a
-> Term f v a
rewriteDown f t = let t' = f t in case out t' of
Var _ -> t'
Cycle body -> cycle' (annotation t) (rewriteDown f body)
Abs x e -> abs' (annotation t) x (rewriteDown f e)
Tm body -> tm' (annotation t) (rewriteDown f `fmap` body)
data Subst f v a =
Subst { freshen :: forall m v' . Monad m => (v -> m v') -> m v'
, bind :: Term f v a -> Term f v a

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@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
{-# Language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# Language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# Language StrictData #-}
{-# Language TupleSections #-}
{-# Language UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Unison.Runtime.Rt0 where
import Data.Functor
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word64)
import Data.List
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Term (AnnotatedTerm)
import qualified Unison.Builtin as B
import qualified Unison.ABT as ABT
import qualified Unison.Reference as R
import qualified Unison.Term as Term
type Arity = Int
type ConstructorId = Int
type Pos = Int
type ArgCount = Int
type Term v = AnnotatedTerm v ()
data V
= I Int64 | F Double | U Word64 | B Bool | T Text
| Lam Arity (Either R.Reference (Term Symbol)) IR
| Data R.Reference ConstructorId [V]
| Requested Req
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- Contains the effect ref and ctor id, the args, and the continuation
-- which expects the result at the top of the stack
data Req = Req R.Reference ConstructorId [V] IR
deriving (Eq,Show)
data IR
= Var Pos
| AddI Pos Pos | SubI Pos Pos | MultI Pos Pos | DivI Pos Pos
| AddU Pos Pos | SubU Pos Pos | MultU Pos Pos | DivU Pos Pos
| AddF Pos Pos | SubF Pos Pos | MultF Pos Pos | DivF Pos Pos
| Let IR IR
| LetRec [IR] IR
| V V
-- | Apply IR [Pos] -- fully saturated function call
| DynamicApply Pos [Pos] -- call to unknown function
| Construct R.Reference Int [Pos]
| Request R.Reference Int [Pos]
| Handle Pos IR
| If Pos IR IR
| And Pos IR
| Or Pos IR
deriving (Eq,Show)
type Machine = [V] -- a stack of values
push :: V -> Machine -> Machine
push = (:)
pushes :: [V] -> Machine -> Machine
pushes s m = reverse s <> m
at :: Int -> Machine -> V
at i m = m !! i
ati :: Int -> Machine -> Int64
ati i m = case at i m of
I i -> i
_ -> error "type error"
atu :: Int -> Machine -> Word64
atu i m = case at i m of
U i -> i
_ -> error "type error"
atf :: Int -> Machine -> Double
atf i m = case at i m of
F i -> i
_ -> error "type error"
atb :: Int -> Machine -> Bool
atb i m = case at i m of
B b -> b
_ -> error "type error"
att :: Int -> Machine -> Text
att i m = case at i m of
T t -> t
_ -> error "type error"
appendCont :: Req -> IR -> Req
appendCont (Req r cid args k) k2 = Req r cid args (Let k k2)
data Result = RRequest Req | RMatchFail | RDone V deriving (Show)
done :: V -> Result
done = RDone
run :: (R.Reference -> V) -> IR -> Machine -> Result
run env = go where
go ir m = case ir of
If c t f -> if atb c m then go t m else go f m
And i j -> case at i m of
b@(B False) -> done b
_ -> go j m
Or i j -> case at i m of
b@(B True) -> done b
_ -> go j m
Let b body -> case go b m of
RRequest req -> RRequest (req `appendCont` body)
RDone v -> go body (v : m)
e -> error $ show e
LetRec bs body ->
let m' = pushes bs' m
g (RDone a) = a
g e = error ("bindings in a let rec must not have effects " ++ show e)
bs' = map (\ir -> g $ go ir m') bs
in go body m'
-- Apply body args -> go body (map (`at` m) args `pushes` m)
DynamicApply fnPos args -> call (at fnPos m) args m
Request r cid args -> RRequest (Req r cid ((`at` m) <$> args) (Var 0))
Handle handler body -> case go body m of
RRequest req -> call (at handler m) [0] (Requested req `push` m)
r -> r
ir -> done $ case ir of
Var i -> at i m
V v -> v
Construct r cid args -> Data r cid ((`at` m) <$> args)
AddI i j -> I (ati i m + ati j m)
SubI i j -> I (ati i m - ati j m)
MultI i j -> I (ati i m * ati j m)
DivI i j -> I (ati i m `div` ati j m)
AddF i j -> F (atf i m + atf j m)
SubF i j -> F (atf i m - atf j m)
MultF i j -> F (atf i m * atf j m)
DivF i j -> F (atf i m / atf j m)
AddU i j -> U (atu i m + atu j m)
SubU i j -> U (atu i m - atu j m)
MultU i j -> U (atu i m * atu j m)
DivU i j -> U (atu i m `div` atu j m)
_ -> error "should be caught by above cases"
call :: V -> [Pos] -> Machine -> Result
call (Lam arity term body) args m = let nargs = length args in
case nargs of
_ | nargs == arity -> go body (map (`at` m) args `pushes` m)
_ | nargs > arity ->
case go body (map (`at` m) (take arity args) `pushes` m) of
RRequest req -> RRequest $ req `appendCont` error "todo"
RDone fn' -> call fn' (drop arity args) m
e -> error $ "type error, tried to apply: " ++ show e
-- nargs < arity
_ -> case term of
Right (Term.LamsNamed' vs body) -> done $ Lam (arity - nargs) (Right lam) (compile env lam)
lam = Term.lam'() (drop nargs vs) $
ABT.substs (vs `zip` (map decompile . reverse . take nargs $ m)) body
Left _builtin -> error "todo - handle partial application of builtins by forming closure"
_ -> error "type error"
call _ _ _ = error "type error"
decompile :: V -> Term Symbol
decompile v = case v of
I n -> Term.int64 () n
U n -> Term.uint64 () n
F n -> Term.float () n
B b -> Term.boolean () b
T t -> Term.text () t
Lam _ f _ -> case f of Left r -> Term.ref() r; Right f -> f
Data r cid args -> Term.apps' (Term.constructor() r cid) (toList $ fmap decompile args)
Requested (Req r cid args _) ->
let req = Term.apps (Term.request() r cid) (((),) . decompile <$> args)
in req
compile :: (R.Reference -> V) -> Term Symbol -> IR
compile env = compile0 env []
compile0 :: (R.Reference -> V) -> [Symbol] -> Term Symbol -> IR
compile0 env bound t = go ((++ bound) <$> ABT.annotateBound' (Term.anf t)) where
go t = case t of
Term.LamsNamed' vs body
| ABT.isClosed t -> V (Lam (length vs) (Right $ void t) (go body))
| otherwise -> let
fvs = toList $ ABT.freeVars t
lifted = Term.lam'() (fvs ++ vs) (void body)
in compile0 env (ABT.annotation t) (Term.apps' lifted (Term.var() <$> fvs))
Term.And' x y -> And (ind t x) (go y)
Term.Or' x y -> Or (ind t x) (go y)
Term.If' cond ifT ifF -> If (ind t cond) (go ifT) (go ifF)
Term.Int64' n -> V (I n)
Term.UInt64' n -> V (U n)
Term.Float' n -> V (F n)
Term.Boolean' b -> V (B b)
Term.Text' t -> V (T t)
Term.Ref' r -> V (env r)
Term.Var' v -> maybe (unknown v) Var $ elemIndex v (ABT.annotation t)
Term.Let1Named' _ b body -> Let (go b) (go body)
Term.LetRecNamed' bs body -> LetRec (go . snd <$> bs) (go body)
Term.Constructor' r cid -> V (Data r cid mempty)
Term.Apps' f args -> case f of
Term.Ref' r -> Let (V (env r)) (DynamicApply 0 ((+1) . ind t <$> args))
Term.Request' r cid -> Request r cid (ind t <$> args)
Term.Constructor' r cid -> Construct r cid (ind t <$> args)
_ -> DynamicApply (ind t f) (map (ind t) args) where
Term.Handle' h body -> Handle (ind t h) (go body)
Term.Ann' e _ -> go e
_ -> error $ "TODO - don't know how to compile " ++ show t
unknown v = error $ "free variable during compilation: " ++ show v
ind t (Term.Var' v) = case elemIndex v (ABT.annotation t) of
Nothing -> error $ "free variable during compilation: " ++ show v
Just i -> i
ind _ e = error $ "ANF should eliminate any non-var arguments to apply " ++ show e
normalize :: (R.Reference -> V) -> AnnotatedTerm Symbol a -> Term Symbol
normalize env t =
let v = case run env (compile env $ Term.unannotate t) [] of
RRequest e -> Requested e
RDone a -> a
e -> error $ show e
in decompile v
parseAndNormalize :: (R.Reference -> V) -> String -> Term Symbol
parseAndNormalize env s = normalize env (Term.unannotate $ s)
parseANF :: String -> Term Symbol
parseANF s = Term.anf . Term.unannotate $ s

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@ -6,12 +6,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Unison.Term where
import Prelude hiding (and,or)
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as Writer
import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_, toList)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.List (foldl')
@ -139,6 +142,21 @@ typeMap f t = go t where
-- otherwise we'd have to manually match on every non-`Ann` ctor
ABT.Tm ts -> unsafeCoerce $ ABT.Tm (fmap go ts)
unannotate :: vt at ap v a . Ord v => AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> Term' vt v
unannotate t = go t where
go :: AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> Term' vt v
go (ABT.out -> ABT.Abs v body) = ABT.abs v (go body)
go (ABT.out -> ABT.Cycle body) = ABT.cycle (go body)
go (ABT.Var' v) = ABT.var v
go (ABT.Tm' f) =
case go <$> f of
Ann e t -> (Ann e (void t))
Match scrutinee branches ->
let unann (MatchCase pat guard body) = MatchCase (void pat) guard body
in (Match scrutinee (unann <$> branches))
f' -> (unsafeCoerce f')
go _ = error "unpossible"
wrapV :: Ord v => AnnotatedTerm v a -> AnnotatedTerm (ABT.V v) a
wrapV = vmap ABT.Bound
@ -279,6 +297,10 @@ vector' a es =' a (Vector es)
apps :: Ord v => AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> [(a, AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a)] -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
apps f = foldl' (\f (a,t) -> app a f t) f
apps' :: (Ord v, Semigroup a)
=> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> [AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a] -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
apps' f = foldl' (\f t -> app (ABT.annotation f <> ABT.annotation t) f t) f
iff :: Ord v => a -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
iff a cond t f =' a (If cond t f)
@ -342,6 +364,16 @@ let1 bindings e = foldr f e bindings
f ((ann,v),b) body =' ann (Let b (ABT.abs' ann v body))
let1' :: (Semigroup a, Ord v)
=> [(v, AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a)]
-> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
-> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
let1' bindings e = foldr f e bindings
ann = ABT.annotation
f (v,b) body =' a (Let b (ABT.abs' a v body)) where
a = ann b <> ann body
-- let1' :: Var v => [(Text, Term' vt v)] -> Term' vt v -> Term' vt v
-- let1' bs e = let1 [(ABT.v' name, b) | (name,b) <- bs ] e
@ -359,22 +391,22 @@ unLet t = fixup (go t) where
fixup bst = Just bst
-- | Satisfies `unLetRec (letRec bs e) == Just (bs, e)`
unLetRecNamed :: AnnotatedTerm' vt v a -> Maybe ([(v, AnnotatedTerm' vt v a)], AnnotatedTerm' vt v a)
unLetRecNamed :: AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> Maybe ([(v, AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a)], AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a)
unLetRecNamed (ABT.Cycle' vs (ABT.Tm' (LetRec bs e)))
| length vs == length vs = Just (zip vs bs, e)
unLetRecNamed _ = Nothing
unLetRec :: (Monad m, Var v)
=> AnnotatedTerm' vt v a
=> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a
-> Maybe ((v -> m v) ->
m ([(v, AnnotatedTerm' vt v a)], AnnotatedTerm' vt v a))
m ([(v, AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a)], AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a))
unLetRec (unLetRecNamed -> Just (bs, e)) = Just $ \freshen -> do
vs <- sequence [ freshen v | (v,_) <- bs ]
let sub = ABT.substsInheritAnnotation (map fst bs `zip` map ABT.var vs)
pure (vs `zip` [ sub b | (_,b) <- bs ], sub e)
unLetRec _ = Nothing
unApps :: AnnotatedTerm' vt v a -> Maybe (AnnotatedTerm' vt v a, [AnnotatedTerm' vt v a])
unApps :: AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> Maybe (AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a, [AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a])
unApps t = case go t [] of [] -> Nothing; f:args -> Just (f,args)
go (App' i o) acc = go i (o:acc)
@ -383,7 +415,7 @@ unApps t = case go t [] of [] -> Nothing; f:args -> Just (f,args)
pattern LamsNamed' vs body <- (unLams' -> Just (vs, body))
unLams' :: AnnotatedTerm' vt v a -> Maybe ([v], AnnotatedTerm' vt v a)
unLams' :: AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a -> Maybe ([v], AnnotatedTerm2 vt at ap v a)
unLams' (LamNamed' v body) = case unLams' body of
Nothing -> Just ([v], body)
Just (vs, body) -> Just (v:vs, body)
@ -444,6 +476,60 @@ betaReduce :: Var v => Term v -> Term v
betaReduce (App' (Lam' f) arg) = ABT.bind f arg
betaReduce e = e
anf :: vt at v a . (Semigroup a, Var v)
=> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at a v a -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at a v a
anf t = go t where
ann = ABT.annotation
isVar (Var' _) = True
isVar _ = False
isClosedLam t@(LamNamed' _ _) | Set.null (ABT.freeVars t) = True
isClosedLam _ = False
fixAp t f args =
args' = Map.fromList $ toVar =<< (args `zip` [0..])
toVar (b, i) | isVar b = []
| otherwise = [(i, ABT.fresh t (Var.named . Text.pack $ "arg" ++ show i))]
argsANF = map toANF (args `zip` [0..])
toANF (b,i) = maybe b (var (ann b)) $ Map.lookup i args'
addLet (b,i) body = maybe body (\v -> let1' [(v,go b)] body) (Map.lookup i args')
in foldr addLet (apps' f argsANF) (args `zip` [(0::Int)..])
go :: AnnotatedTerm2 vt at a v a -> AnnotatedTerm2 vt at a v a
go (Apps' f@(LamsNamed' vs body) args) | isClosedLam f = ap vs body args where
ap vs body [] = lam' (ann f) vs body
ap (v:vs) body (arg:args) = let1' [(v,arg)] $ ap vs body args
ap [] _body _args = error "type error"
go t@(Apps' f args)
| isVar f = fixAp t f args
| otherwise = let fv' = ABT.fresh t (Var.named "f")
in let1' [(fv', anf f)] (fixAp t (var (ann f) fv') args)
go e@(Handle' h body)
| isVar h = handle (ann e) h (go body)
| otherwise = let h' = ABT.fresh e (Var.named "handler")
in let1' [(h', go h)] (handle (ann e) (var (ann h) h') (go body))
go e@(If' cond t f)
| isVar cond = iff (ann e) cond (go t) (go f)
| otherwise = let cond' = ABT.fresh e (Var.named "cond")
in let1' [(cond', anf cond)] (iff (ann e) (var (ann cond) cond') t f)
go e@(Match' scrutinee cases)
| isVar scrutinee = match (ann e) scrutinee (fmap go <$> cases)
| otherwise = let scrutinee' = ABT.fresh e (Var.named "scrutinee")
in let1' [(scrutinee', go scrutinee)] (match (ann e) (var (ann scrutinee) scrutinee') cases)
go e@(And' x y)
| isVar x = and (ann e) x (go y)
| otherwise =
let x' = ABT.fresh e (Var.named "argX")
in let1' [(x', anf x)] (and (ann e) (var (ann x) x') (go y))
go e@(Or' x y)
| isVar x = or (ann e) x (go y)
| otherwise =
let x' = ABT.fresh e (Var.named "argX")
in let1' [(x', go x)] (or (ann e) (var (ann x) x') (go y))
go e@(ABT.Tm' f) =' (ann e) (go <$> f)
go e@(ABT.Var' _) = e
go e@(ABT.out -> ABT.Cycle body) = ABT.cycle' (ann e) (go body)
go e@(ABT.out -> ABT.Abs v body) = ABT.abs' (ann e) v (go body)
go e = e
instance Var v => Hashable1 (F v a p) where
hash1 hashCycle hash e =

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@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ library