Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/trunk' into fix/wal-flush

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2021-06-02 23:23:06 -05:00
commit 05549aef1b
2 changed files with 100 additions and 56 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
module Unison.Codebase.Init where
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Unison.Codebase (Codebase, CodebasePath)
import qualified Unison.Codebase as Codebase
@ -13,7 +12,6 @@ import qualified Unison.PrettyTerminal as PT
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import qualified Unison.Util.Pretty as P
import UnliftIO.Directory (canonicalizePath)
import UnliftIO.Environment (getProgName)
type Pretty = P.Pretty P.ColorText
@ -49,36 +47,6 @@ createCodebase cbInit path = do
-- * compatibility stuff
-- | load an existing codebase or exit.
getCodebaseOrExit :: MonadIO m => Init m v a -> Maybe CodebasePath -> m (m (), Codebase m v a)
getCodebaseOrExit init mdir = do
dir <- Codebase.getCodebaseDir mdir
openCodebase init dir >>= \case
Left _e -> liftIO do
progName <- getProgName
prettyDir <- P.string <$> canonicalizePath dir
PT.putPrettyLn' $ getNoCodebaseErrorMsg ((P.text . Text.pack) progName) prettyDir mdir
Right x -> pure x
getNoCodebaseErrorMsg :: IsString s => P.Pretty s -> P.Pretty s -> Maybe FilePath -> P.Pretty s
getNoCodebaseErrorMsg executable prettyDir mdir =
let secondLine =
case mdir of
Just dir ->
"Run `" <> executable <> " -codebase " <> fromString dir
<> " init` to create one, then try again!"
Nothing ->
"Run `" <> executable <> " init` to create one there,"
<> " then try again;"
<> " or `"
<> executable
<> " -codebase <dir>` to load a codebase from someplace else!"
in P.lines
[ "No codebase exists in " <> prettyDir <> ".",
-- previously: initCodebaseOrExit :: CodebasePath -> m (m (), Codebase m v a)
-- previously: FileCodebase.initCodebase :: CodebasePath -> m (m (), Codebase m v a)
openNewUcmCodebaseOrExit :: MonadIO m => Init m Symbol Ann -> CodebasePath -> m (m (), Codebase m Symbol Ann)

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import Data.Configurator.Types (Config)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified GHC.Conc
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive)
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, getCurrentDirectory, removeDirectoryRecursive)
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
@ -139,6 +139,12 @@ installSignalHandlers = do
return ()
data CodebaseFormat = V1 | V2 deriving (Eq)
cbInitFor :: CodebaseFormat -> Codebase.Init IO Symbol Ann
cbInitFor = \case V1 -> FC.init; V2 -> SC.init
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
@ -153,11 +159,11 @@ main = do
let (mcodepath, restargs0) = case args of
"-codebase" : codepath : restargs -> (Just codepath, restargs)
_ -> (Nothing, args)
(fromMaybe True -> newCodebase, restargs) = case restargs0 of
"--new-codebase" : rest -> (Just True, rest)
"--old-codebase" : rest -> (Just False, rest)
(fromMaybe V2 -> cbFormat, restargs) = case restargs0 of
"--new-codebase" : rest -> (Just V2, rest)
"--old-codebase" : rest -> (Just V1, rest)
_ -> (Nothing, restargs0)
cbInit = if newCodebase then SC.init else FC.init
cbInit = case cbFormat of V1 -> FC.init; V2 -> SC.init
currentDir <- getCurrentDirectory
configFilePath <- getConfigFilePath mcodepath
config <-
@ -169,7 +175,7 @@ main = do
[help] | isFlag "help" help -> PT.putPrettyLn (usage progName)
["init"] -> Codebase.initCodebaseAndExit cbInit mcodepath
"run" : [mainName] -> do
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- Codebase.getCodebaseOrExit cbInit mcodepath
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
runtime <- RTI.startRuntime
execute theCodebase runtime mainName
@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ main = do
case e of
Left _ -> PT.putPrettyLn $ P.callout "⚠️" "I couldn't find that file or it is for some reason unreadable."
Right contents -> do
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- Codebase.getCodebaseOrExit cbInit mcodepath
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
let fileEvent = Input.UnisonFileChanged (Text.pack file) contents
launch currentDir config theCodebase [Left fileEvent, Right $ Input.ExecuteI mainName, Right Input.QuitI]
@ -187,7 +193,7 @@ main = do
case e of
Left _ -> PT.putPrettyLn $ P.callout "⚠️" "I had trouble reading this input."
Right contents -> do
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- Codebase.getCodebaseOrExit cbInit mcodepath
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
let fileEvent = Input.UnisonFileChanged (Text.pack "<standard input>") contents
currentDir config theCodebase
@ -195,16 +201,16 @@ main = do
"transcript" : args' ->
case args' of
"-save-codebase" : transcripts -> runTranscripts cbInit False True mcodepath transcripts
_ -> runTranscripts cbInit False False mcodepath args'
"-save-codebase" : transcripts -> runTranscripts cbFormat False True mcodepath transcripts
_ -> runTranscripts cbFormat False False mcodepath args'
"transcript.fork" : args' ->
case args' of
"-save-codebase" : transcripts -> runTranscripts cbInit True True mcodepath transcripts
_ -> runTranscripts cbInit True False mcodepath args'
"-save-codebase" : transcripts -> runTranscripts cbFormat True True mcodepath transcripts
_ -> runTranscripts cbFormat True False mcodepath args'
["upgrade-codebase"] -> upgradeCodebase mcodepath
args -> do
let headless = listToMaybe args == Just "headless"
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- Codebase.getCodebaseOrExit cbInit mcodepath
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath
Server.start theCodebase $ \token port -> do
let url =
"" <> show port <> "/" <> URI.encode (unpack token)
@ -243,12 +249,12 @@ upgradeCodebase mcodepath =
<> "but there's no rush. You can access the old codebase again by passing the"
<> P.backticked "--old-codebase" <> "flag at startup."
prepareTranscriptDir :: Codebase.Init IO Symbol Ann -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> IO FilePath
prepareTranscriptDir cbInit inFork mcodepath = do
prepareTranscriptDir :: CodebaseFormat -> Bool -> Maybe FilePath -> IO FilePath
prepareTranscriptDir cbFormat inFork mcodepath = do
tmp <- Temp.getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory >>= (`Temp.createTempDirectory` "transcript")
let cbInit = cbInitFor cbFormat
if inFork then
Codebase.getCodebaseOrExit cbInit mcodepath >> do
getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mcodepath >> do
path <- Codebase.getCodebaseDir mcodepath
PT.putPrettyLn $ P.lines [
P.wrap "Transcript will be run on a copy of the codebase at: ", "",
@ -261,12 +267,12 @@ prepareTranscriptDir cbInit inFork mcodepath = do
pure tmp
:: Codebase.Init IO Symbol Ann
:: CodebaseFormat
-> Maybe FilePath
-> FilePath
-> [String]
-> IO Bool
runTranscripts' cbInit mcodepath transcriptDir args = do
runTranscripts' codebaseFormat mcodepath transcriptDir args = do
currentDir <- getCurrentDirectory
case args of
args@(_:_) -> do
@ -281,7 +287,7 @@ runTranscripts' cbInit mcodepath transcriptDir args = do
P.indentN 2 $ P.string err])
Right stanzas -> do
configFilePath <- getConfigFilePath mcodepath
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- Codebase.getCodebaseOrExit cbInit $ Just transcriptDir
(closeCodebase, theCodebase) <- getCodebaseOrExit codebaseFormat $ Just transcriptDir
mdOut <- transcriptDir configFilePath stanzas theCodebase
let out = currentDir FP.</>
@ -299,17 +305,17 @@ runTranscripts' cbInit mcodepath transcriptDir args = do
pure False
:: Codebase.Init IO Symbol Ann
:: CodebaseFormat
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> Maybe FilePath
-> [String]
-> IO ()
runTranscripts cbInit inFork keepTemp mcodepath args = do
runTranscripts cbFormat inFork keepTemp mcodepath args = do
progName <- getProgName
transcriptDir <- prepareTranscriptDir cbInit inFork mcodepath
transcriptDir <- prepareTranscriptDir cbFormat inFork mcodepath
completed <-
runTranscripts' cbInit (Just transcriptDir) transcriptDir args
runTranscripts' cbFormat (Just transcriptDir) transcriptDir args
when completed $ do
unless keepTemp $ removeDirectoryRecursive transcriptDir
when keepTemp $ PT.putPrettyLn $
@ -358,3 +364,73 @@ getConfigFilePath mcodepath = (FP.</> ".unisonConfig") <$> Codebase.getCodebaseD
defaultBaseLib :: Maybe RemoteNamespace
defaultBaseLib = rightMay $
runParser VP.defaultBaseLib "version" (Text.pack Version.gitDescribe)
-- | load an existing codebase or exit.
getCodebaseOrExit :: CodebaseFormat -> Maybe Codebase.CodebasePath -> IO (IO (), Codebase.Codebase IO Symbol Ann)
getCodebaseOrExit cbFormat mdir = do
let cbInit = cbInitFor cbFormat
dir <- Codebase.getCodebaseDir mdir
Codebase.openCodebase cbInit dir >>= \case
Left _errRequestedVersion -> do
sayNoCodebase = noCodebaseMsg <$> prettyExe <*> prettyDir <*> pure (fmap P.string mdir)
suggestUpgrade = suggestUpgradeMessage <$> prettyExe <*> prettyDir <*> pure (fmap P.string mdir)
prettyExe = P.text . Text.pack <$> getProgName
prettyDir = P.string <$> canonicalizePath dir
PT.putPrettyLn' =<< case cbFormat of
V1 -> sayNoCodebase
V2 -> Codebase.openCodebase FC.init dir >>= \case
Left _errV1 -> sayNoCodebase
Right (cleanup, _) -> do cleanup; suggestUpgrade
Right x -> pure x
noCodebaseMsg :: _
noCodebaseMsg executable prettyDir mdir =
let secondLine =
case mdir of
Just dir ->
"Run `" <> executable <> " -codebase " <> dir
<> " init` to create one, then try again!"
Nothing ->
"Run `" <> executable <> " init` to create one there,"
<> " then try again;"
<> " or `"
<> executable
<> " -codebase <dir>` to load a codebase from someplace else!"
in P.lines
[ "No codebase exists in " <> prettyDir <> ".",
suggestUpgradeMessage exec resolvedDir specifiedDir =
( P.wrap
<$> [ "I looked for a" <> prettyFmt V2 <> " codebase in " <> P.backticked' resolvedDir ","
<> "but found only a"
<> prettyFmt V1
<> "codebase there.",
"You can use:"
<> P.newline
<> P.bulleted
( P.wrap
<$> [ P.backticked (P.wrap $ exec <> maybe mempty ("-codebase" <>) specifiedDir <> "upgrade-codebase")
<> "to update it to"
<> (prettyFmt V2 <> ","),
P.backticked (P.wrap $ exec <> maybe mempty ("-codebase" <>) specifiedDir <> "init")
<> "to create a new"
<> prettyFmt V2
<> "codebase alongside it, or",
P.backticked (P.wrap $ exec <> "-codebase <dir>")
<> "to load a"
<> prettyFmt V2
<> "codebase from elsewhere."
prettyFmt :: IsString s => CodebaseFormat -> P.Pretty s
prettyFmt = \case V1 -> "v1"; V2 -> "v2"