node and shared tests now passing with new parser, also changed precedence of effect blocks to allow them to be used in operator expressions like foo <| do Remote { ... }

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2016-12-13 12:07:43 -05:00
parent cea5e8c9d2
commit 059d8f14fd
7 changed files with 185 additions and 214 deletions

View File

@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ lambda :: Assertion
lambda = testTermString "x -> x"
letBinding :: Assertion
letBinding = testTermString "let x = 42; x + 1;;"
letBinding = testTermString "let { x = 42; x + 1 }"
letRec :: Assertion
letRec = testTermString "let rec x = x + 1; x;;"
letRec = testTermString "let rec { x = x + 1; x }"
vec :: Assertion
vec = testTermString "[\"a\", \"b\", \"c\"]"

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ unsafeRun p s s0 = case run p s s0 of
Left e -> error e
string :: String -> Parser s String
string = Parsec.string
string s = attempt (Parsec.string s) <|> fail ("expected '" ++ s ++ "'")
takeLine :: String -> String
takeLine = Prelude.takeWhile (/= '\n')

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ parser = L.spaced (P.attempt $ P.string "let") *> L.laidout (L.spaced (P.attempt
type V = Symbol View.DFO
type TermV = Term V
parse' :: P.Parser (PS.S V) a -> String -> Either String a
parse' p input = p input PS.s0
-- parse' :: P.Parser (PS.S V) a -> String -> Either String a
-- parse' p input = p input PS.s0
-- parse :: P.Parser (PS.S V) TermV -> String -> Either String TermV
-- parse p input = p input PS.s0
@ -24,20 +24,10 @@ parse' p input = p input PS.s0
parse :: P.Parser (PS.S V) [(V,TermV)] -> String -> Either String [(V, TermV)]
parse p input = p input PS.s0
input' = unlines
[ "let "
, " a = 23"
, " x : Number"
, " x = 2"
, " x + 1" ]
-- input = "let { x = 1 ; x }"
input = "(do Remote { pure 42 } )"
-- input = "let\n x = 1\n x"
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "unison-src/base.u"
input <- readFile "unison-src/extra.u"
-- let p = E.term
let p = E.moduleBindings
case parse p input of
Left err -> putStrLn err

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ term :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Term v)
term = term2
term2 :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Term v)
term2 = lam term2 <|> effectBlock <|> term3
term2 = lam term2 <|> term3
term3 :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Term v)
term3 = do
@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ infixApp = chainl1 term4 (f <$> infixVar)
f op lhs rhs = Term.apps (Term.var op) [lhs,rhs]
term4 :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Term v)
term4 = f <$> some term5
term4 = effectBlock <|> term5
term5 :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Term v)
term5 = f <$> some termLeaf
f (func:args) = Term.apps func args
f [] = error "'some' shouldn't produce an empty list"
term5 :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Term v)
term5 = termLeaf
termLeaf :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Term v)
termLeaf =
asum [hashLit, prefixTerm, lit, tupleOrParenthesized term, blank, vector term]
@ -182,11 +182,10 @@ vector :: Ord v => Parser (S v) (Term v) -> Parser (S v) (Term v)
vector p = (Term.builtin "Vector.force") . Term.vector <$> (lbracket *> elements <* rbracket)
lbracket = token (char '[')
elements = sepBy comma p
elements = sepBy comma (L.withoutLayout "vector element" p)
comma = token (char ',')
rbracket = token (char ']')
let_ :: Var v => Parser (S v) (Term v)
let_ = join $ fixup <$> (let_ *> optional rec_) <*> L.laidout (many alias *> bindingOrTerm)
@ -257,9 +256,8 @@ alias :: Var v => Parser (S v) ()
alias = do
_ <- token (string "alias")
(fn:params) <- some (Var.named . Text.pack <$> wordyId keywords)
_ <- token (string "=")
body <- TypeParser.type_
_ <- token (char '=')
body <- L.block TypeParser.type_
TypeParser.Aliases s <- get
let s' = (fn, apply)
apply args | length args <= length params = ABT.substs (params `zip` args) body

View File

@ -2,97 +2,87 @@
-- to pick which nodes are responsible for which keys. See:
DIndex.Replication-Factor = 1;
DIndex.Timeout = Duration.seconds 10;
DIndex.Max-Timeout = Duration.seconds 500;
DIndex.Replication-Factor = 1
DIndex.Timeout = Duration.seconds 10
DIndex.Max-Timeout = Duration.seconds 500
alias DIndex k v = Index Node (Index k v);
alias DIndex k v = Index Node (Index k v)
DIndex.empty : ∀ k v . Remote (DIndex k v);
DIndex.empty = Index.empty;
DIndex.empty : ∀ k v . Remote (DIndex k v)
DIndex.empty = Index.empty
-- Pick the nodes responsible for a key, using HRW hashing
DIndex.nodesForKey : ∀ k v . k -> DIndex k v -> Remote (Vector Node);
DIndex.nodesForKey : ∀ k v . k -> DIndex k v -> Remote (Vector Node)
DIndex.nodesForKey k ind = do Remote
nodes := Index.keys ind;
hashes := Remote.traverse (node -> hash! (node, k)) nodes;
nodes := Index.keys ind
hashes := Remote.traverse (node -> hash! (node, k)) nodes
(nodes `` hashes)
|> Vector.sort-by Hash.Order 2nd
|> Vector.take DIndex.Replication-Factor
|> 1st
|> pure;;
|> Vector.sort-by Hash.Order 2nd
|> Vector.take DIndex.Replication-Factor
|> 1st
|> pure
DIndex.lookup : ∀ k v . k -> DIndex k v -> Remote (Optional v);
DIndex.lookup : ∀ k v . k -> DIndex k v -> Remote (Optional v)
DIndex.lookup k ind = do Remote
nodes := DIndex.nodesForKey k ind;
localLookup = node -> (do Remote
nind := Index.lookup node ind;
nodes := DIndex.nodesForKey k ind
localLookup = node -> do Remote
nind := Index.lookup node ind
-- on slim chance that a Node is removed from the cluster just before
-- we do the lookup, it gets treated like a timeout
Optional.fold ( (const None) (Remote.sleep DIndex.Timeout))
(Index.lookup k)
-- todo: use Remote.quorum here
Remote.race DIndex.Timeout <| localLookup nodes;;
Remote.race DIndex.Timeout <| localLookup nodes
DIndex.insert : ∀ k v . k -> v -> DIndex k v -> Remote Unit;
DIndex.insert : ∀ k v . k -> v -> DIndex k v -> Remote Unit
DIndex.insert k v ind = do Remote
nodes := DIndex.nodesForKey k ind;
localInsert = node -> (do Remote
nind := Index.lookup node ind;
nodes := DIndex.nodesForKey k ind
localInsert = node -> do Remote
nind := Index.lookup node ind
Optional.fold ( (const Unit) (Remote.sleep DIndex.Timeout))
(Index.insert k v)
Remote.race DIndex.Timeout <| localInsert nodes;;
Remote.race DIndex.Timeout <| localInsert nodes
DIndex.join : ∀ k v . DIndex k v -> Remote Unit;
DIndex.join : ∀ k v . DIndex k v -> Remote Unit
DIndex.join ind = do Remote
here :=;
localInd := Index.empty;
Index.insert here localInd ind;;
here :=
localInd := Index.empty
Index.insert here localInd ind
DIndex.indicesForKey : ∀ k v . k -> DIndex k v -> Remote (Vector (Index k v));
DIndex.indicesForKey : ∀ k v . k -> DIndex k v -> Remote (Vector (Index k v))
DIndex.indicesForKey k ind = do Remote
nodes := DIndex.nodesForKey k ind;
indices := Remote.traverse (node -> Index.lookup node ind) nodes;
pure (Optional.somes indices);;
nodes := DIndex.nodesForKey k ind
indices := Remote.traverse (node -> Index.lookup node ind) nodes
pure (Optional.somes indices)
DIndex.rebalance : ∀ k v . k -> DIndex k v -> Remote Unit;
DIndex.rebalance : ∀ k v . k -> DIndex k v -> Remote Unit
DIndex.rebalance k ind = do Remote
indices := DIndex.indicesForKey k ind;
t = DIndex.Timeout;
results := Remote.parallel-traverse DIndex.Max-Timeout (Index.lookup k `and-then` Remote.timeout t) indices;
resultsHashes := Remote.traverse hash! results;
uh := hash! None;
hd = uh `Optional.get-or` 0 resultsHashes;
eq = h1 h2 -> Hash.erase h1 ==_Hash Hash.erase h2;
indices := DIndex.indicesForKey k ind
t = DIndex.Timeout
results := Remote.parallel-traverse DIndex.Max-Timeout (Index.lookup k `and-then` Remote.timeout t) indices
resultsHashes := Remote.traverse hash! results
uh := hash! None
hd = uh `Optional.get-or` 0 resultsHashes
eq = h1 h2 -> Hash.erase h1 ==_Hash Hash.erase h2
if Vector.all? (eq hd) resultsHashes
-- all results matched, we're good
then pure Unit
-- not all results matched, reinsert
else (do Remote
ov := DIndex.lookup k ind;
else do Remote
ov := DIndex.lookup k ind
Optional.fold (pure Unit)
(v -> DIndex.insert k v ind)
DIndex.leave : ∀ k v . Node -> DIndex k v -> Remote Unit;
DIndex.leave : ∀ k v . Node -> DIndex k v -> Remote Unit
DIndex.leave node ind = do Remote
local-ind := Index.lookup node ind;
Index.delete node ind;
local-ind := Index.lookup node ind
Index.delete node ind
(pure Unit)
(local-ind -> do Remote
(local-ind -> do Remote {
keys := Index.keys local-ind;
Remote.fork <| Remote.traverse (k -> DIndex.rebalance k ind) keys;;)
Remote.fork <| Remote.traverse (k -> DIndex.rebalance k ind) keys })

View File

@ -1,84 +1,83 @@
Index.empty : ∀ k v . Remote (Index k v);
Index.empty = Index.empty#;
Index.empty : ∀ k v . Remote (Index k v)
Index.empty = Index.empty#
Index.keys : ∀ k v . Index k v -> Remote (Vector k);
Index.keys = Index.from-unsafe Index.keys#;
Index.keys : ∀ k v . Index k v -> Remote (Vector k)
Index.keys = Index.from-unsafe Index.keys#
Index.1st-key : ∀ k v . Index k v -> Remote (Optional k);
Index.1st-key = Index.from-unsafe Index.1st-key#;
Index.1st-key : ∀ k v . Index k v -> Remote (Optional k)
Index.1st-key = Index.from-unsafe Index.1st-key#
Index.increment : ∀ k v . k -> Index k v -> Remote (Optional k);
Index.increment k = Index.from-unsafe (Index.increment# k);
Index.increment : ∀ k v . k -> Index k v -> Remote (Optional k)
Index.increment k = Index.from-unsafe (Index.increment# k)
Index.lookup : ∀ k v . k -> Index k v -> Remote (Optional v);
Index.lookup k = Index.from-unsafe (Index.lookup# k);
Index.lookup : ∀ k v . k -> Index k v -> Remote (Optional v)
Index.lookup k = Index.from-unsafe (Index.lookup# k)
Index.lookup-or : ∀ k v . v -> k -> Index k v -> Remote v;
Index.lookup-or : ∀ k v . v -> k -> Index k v -> Remote v
Index.lookup-or v k ind = (Optional.get-or v) (Index.lookup k ind); (Optional.get-or v) (Index.lookup k ind)
Index.delete : ∀ k v . k -> Index k v -> Remote Unit;
Index.delete k = Index.from-unsafe (Index.delete# k);
Index.delete : ∀ k v . k -> Index k v -> Remote Unit
Index.delete k = Index.from-unsafe (Index.delete# k)
Index.insert : ∀ k v . k -> v -> Index k v -> Remote Unit;
Index.insert k v = Index.from-unsafe (Index.insert# k v);
Index.insert : ∀ k v . k -> v -> Index k v -> Remote Unit
Index.insert k v = Index.from-unsafe (Index.insert# k v)
Index.inserts : ∀ k v . Vector (k,v) -> Index k v -> Remote Unit;
Index.inserts : ∀ k v . Vector (k,v) -> Index k v -> Remote Unit
Index.inserts vs ind = (const Unit) <|
Remote.traverse (kv -> Index.insert (1st kv) (2nd kv) ind) vs;
Remote.traverse (kv -> Index.insert (1st kv) (2nd kv) ind) vs
Index.from-unsafe : ∀ k v r . (Text -> r) -> Index k v -> Remote r;
Index.from-unsafe : ∀ k v r . (Text -> r) -> Index k v -> Remote r
Index.from-unsafe f ind = let
p = Index.representation# ind; f ( (1st p) (2nd p));;
p = Index.representation# ind f ( (1st p) (2nd p))
alias IndexedTraversal k v =
( Remote (Optional k) -- first key
, k -> Remote (Optional v) -- lookup the value for a key
, k -> Remote (Optional k)); -- increment a key
, k -> Remote (Optional k)) -- increment a key
IndexedTraversal.1st-key : ∀ k v . IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional k);
IndexedTraversal.1st-key t = 1st t;
IndexedTraversal.1st-key : ∀ k v . IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional k)
IndexedTraversal.1st-key t = 1st t
IndexedTraversal.lookup : ∀ k v . k -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional v);
IndexedTraversal.lookup k t = 2nd t k;
IndexedTraversal.lookup : ∀ k v . k -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional v)
IndexedTraversal.lookup k t = 2nd t k
-- | Returns the smallest key in the traversal which is > the provided key.
IndexedTraversal.increment : ∀ k v . k -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional k);
IndexedTraversal.increment k t = 3rd t k;
IndexedTraversal.increment : ∀ k v . k -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional k)
IndexedTraversal.increment k t = 3rd t k
-- | Returns the smallest key in the traversal which is >= the provided key.
IndexedTraversal.ceiling : ∀ k v . k -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional k);
IndexedTraversal.ceiling : ∀ k v . k -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional k)
IndexedTraversal.ceiling k t =
IndexedTraversal.lookup k t |> Remote.bind (
Optional.fold (IndexedTraversal.increment k t) (const (pure <| Some k))
-- | Returns the smallest key existing in both traversals which is >= the provided key
IndexedTraversal.ceiling-both : ∀ k v . k -> IndexedTraversal k v -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional k);
IndexedTraversal.ceiling-both : ∀ k v . k -> IndexedTraversal k v -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional k)
IndexedTraversal.ceiling-both k t1 t2 =
IndexedTraversal.ceiling k t1 |>
Remote.bind (Optional.fold (Remote.pure None) (k -> IndexedTraversal.ceiling k t2));
Remote.bind (Optional.fold (Remote.pure None) (k -> IndexedTraversal.ceiling k t2))
Index.traversal : ∀ k v . Index k v -> IndexedTraversal (k, Hash k) v;
Index.traversal : ∀ k v . Index k v -> IndexedTraversal (k, Hash k) v
Index.traversal ind = let
add-hash = (k -> (k, hash# k));
add-hash = (k -> (k, hash# k))
( Index.1st-key ind |> add-hash
, k -> Index.lookup (1st k) ind
, k -> Index.increment (1st k) ind |> add-hash
IndexedTraversal.empty : ∀ k v . IndexedTraversal k v;
IndexedTraversal.empty : ∀ k v . IndexedTraversal k v
IndexedTraversal.empty =
(Remote.pure None, const (Remote.pure None), const (Remote.pure None));
(Remote.pure None, const (Remote.pure None), const (Remote.pure None))
IndexedTraversal.intersect : ∀ k v . Order k
-> IndexedTraversal k v
-> IndexedTraversal k v
-> IndexedTraversal k v;
-> IndexedTraversal k v
IndexedTraversal.intersect o t1 t2 = let rec
align-key k1 k2 = Optional.get-or (Remote.pure None) <| Optional.map2
(k1 k2 -> o k1 k2 |> Comparison.fold
@ -90,39 +89,38 @@ IndexedTraversal.intersect o t1 t2 = let rec
(IndexedTraversal.ceiling k1 t2 |> Remote.bind (k2 -> align-key (Some k1) k2))
k1 k2
1st-key = Remote.map2' align-key (1st t1) (1st t2);
lookup k = 2nd t1 k |> Remote.bind (Optional.fold (Remote.pure None) (a -> 2nd t2 k));
increment k = Remote.map2' align-key (3rd t1 k) (3rd t2 k);
(1st-key, lookup, increment);;
IndexedTraversal.1st-entry : ∀ k v . IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional (k, v));
IndexedTraversal.1st-entry t = IndexedTraversal.entry-at (1st t) t;
1st-key = Remote.map2' align-key (1st t1) (1st t2)
lookup k = 2nd t1 k |> Remote.bind (Optional.fold (Remote.pure None) (a -> 2nd t2 k))
increment k = Remote.map2' align-key (3rd t1 k) (3rd t2 k)
(1st-key, lookup, increment)
IndexedTraversal.1st-entry : ∀ k v . IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional (k, v))
IndexedTraversal.1st-entry t = IndexedTraversal.entry-at (1st t) t
IndexedTraversal.entry-at : ∀ k v .
Remote (Optional k) -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional (k, v));
Remote (Optional k) -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Optional (k, v))
IndexedTraversal.entry-at k t = do Remote
k := k;
v := Optional.fold (pure None) (2nd t) k;
pure (Optional.map2 (k v -> (k,v)) k v);;
k := k
v := Optional.fold (pure None) (2nd t) k
pure (Optional.map2 (k v -> (k,v)) k v)
IndexedTraversal.take : ∀ k v . Number -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Vector (k,v));
IndexedTraversal.take : ∀ k v . Number -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Vector (k,v))
IndexedTraversal.take n t =
Remote.unfold (t, n) (tn -> let
Remote.unfold (t, n) (tn -> let {
t = 1st tn;
n = 2nd tn;
step e = (e, (set-1st (IndexedTraversal.increment (1st e) t) t, n - 1));
if n <=_Number 0 then Remote.pure None
else IndexedTraversal.1st-entry t |> ( step);;
else IndexedTraversal.1st-entry t |> ( step)
IndexedTraversal.take-keys : ∀ k v . Number -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Vector k);
IndexedTraversal.take-keys n t = IndexedTraversal.take n t |> ( 1st);
IndexedTraversal.take-keys : ∀ k v . Number -> IndexedTraversal k v -> Remote (Vector k)
IndexedTraversal.take-keys n t = IndexedTraversal.take n t |> ( 1st)
Http.get-url : Text -> Remote (Either Text Text);
Http.get-url url = Http.get-url# (Remote.pure url);
Http.get-url : Text -> Remote (Either Text Text)
Http.get-url url = Http.get-url# (Remote.pure url)
hash! : ∀ a . a -> Remote (Hash a);
hash! a = hash# (Remote.pure a);
hash! : ∀ a . a -> Remote (Hash a)
hash! a = hash# (Remote.pure a)

View File

@ -1,76 +1,73 @@
alias DIndex k v = Index Node (Index k v);
alias Set v = Index v Unit;
alias DIndex k v = Index Node (Index k v)
alias Set v = Index v Unit
-- Maps keywords to set of page content hashes with that keyword
alias SearchIndex = DIndex Text (Set (Hash Text));
alias SearchIndex = DIndex Text (Set (Hash Text))
-- Maps page hash to canonical Url for that hash
alias CanonicalUrls = DIndex (Hash Text) Text;
alias CanonicalUrls = DIndex (Hash Text) Text
-- Maps page hash to a short, plain text exerpt from that page
alias Excerpts = DIndex (Hash Text) Text;
alias Excerpts = DIndex (Hash Text) Text
-- Using the search index, returns the list of page hashes (up to limit)
-- whose content contains all the keywords of the query
search : Number -> Vector Text -> SearchIndex
-> Remote (Vector (Hash Text));
-> Remote (Vector (Hash Text))
search limit query ind = do Remote
url-sets := Remote.traverse (k -> DIndex.lookup k ind) query;
url-sets = Index.traversal (Optional.somes url-sets);
merge = IndexedTraversal.intersect ( Hash.Order);
urls = Optional.get-or IndexedTraversal.empty <| Vector.fold-balanced1 merge url-sets;
urls := IndexedTraversal.take-keys limit urls;
pure ( 1st urls);;
url-sets := Remote.traverse (k -> DIndex.lookup k ind) query
url-sets = Index.traversal (Optional.somes url-sets)
merge = IndexedTraversal.intersect ( Hash.Order)
urls = Optional.get-or IndexedTraversal.empty <| Vector.fold-balanced1 merge url-sets
urls := IndexedTraversal.take-keys limit urls
pure ( 1st urls)
-- Plain-text formating of a set of results
format-results : Vector (Hash Text) -> CanonicalUrls -> Excerpts -> Remote Text;
format-results : Vector (Hash Text) -> CanonicalUrls -> Excerpts -> Remote Text
format-results hs urls excerpts = do Remote
urls := Optional.somes <| Remote.traverse (h -> DIndex.lookup h urls) hs;
excerpts := Optional.somes <| Remote.traverse (h -> DIndex.lookup h excerpts) hs;
fmt = p -> Text.join [1st p, Text.newline, 2nd p, Text.newline, "***", Text.newline];
pure <| Text.join ( fmt (urls `` excerpts));;
urls := Optional.somes <| Remote.traverse (h -> DIndex.lookup h urls) hs
excerpts := Optional.somes <| Remote.traverse (h -> DIndex.lookup h excerpts) hs
fmt = p -> Text.join [1st p, Text.newline, 2nd p, Text.newline, "***", Text.newline]
pure <| Text.join ( fmt (urls `` excerpts))
trim-to-host : Text -> Text;
trim-to-host : Text -> Text
trim-to-host url = Optional.get-or url <| do Optional
host := Uri.parse-authority url;
scheme := Uri.parse-scheme url;
pure (Text.concatenate scheme ("//" `Text.concatenate` host));;
host := Uri.parse-authority url
scheme := Uri.parse-scheme url
pure (Text.concatenate scheme ("//" `Text.concatenate` host))
-- | Convert url (possibly relative to parent) to an absolute url
resolve-url : Text -> Text -> Text;
resolve-url : Text -> Text -> Text
resolve-url parent child =
if Text.take 1 child ==_Text "/" then
Text.concatenate (trim-to-host parent) child
else if (Text.take 5 child ==_Text "http:") `or` (Text.take 6 child ==_Text "https:") then
else Text.join [parent, if Text.ends-with "/" parent then "" else "/", child]
crawl : Number -> SearchIndex -> CanonicalUrls -> Excerpts -> Text -> Remote Unit;
crawl : Number -> SearchIndex -> CanonicalUrls -> Excerpts -> Text -> Remote Unit
crawl depth ind visited excerpts url = let rec
insert url keyword = do Remote
url-set := DIndex.lookup keyword ind;
url-set := DIndex.lookup keyword ind
(do Remote
(do Remote {
url-set := Index.empty;
DIndex.insert keyword url-set ind;
insert url keyword;;)
insert url keyword
(Index.insert url Unit)
go depth url =
if depth <=_Number 0 then Remote.pure Unit
else do Remote
page := (Debug.log "indexing url" url) (Http.get-url url);
page = Either.fold (err -> Debug.log "error fetching" (url, err) "") identity page;
page-hash := hash! page;
h := DIndex.lookup page-hash visited;
page := (Debug.log "indexing url" url) (Http.get-url url)
page = Either.fold (err -> Debug.log "error fetching" (url, err) "") identity page
page-hash := hash! page
h := DIndex.lookup page-hash visited
(do Remote
(do Remote {
page-text = Html.plain-text page;
keywords = Text.words page-text
|> Text.lowercase
@ -88,39 +85,37 @@ let
Debug.log "finished indexing" url <| DIndex.insert page-hash url visited;
-- recurse
Remote.traverse (go (depth - 1)) links;
pure Unit;;)
pure Unit
(x -> Remote.pure (Debug.log "already visited" url Unit))
go depth url;;
go depth url
do Remote
n := Remote.spawn;
Remote.transfer n;
n := Remote.spawn
Remote.transfer n
-- Build DIndex for index state and for crawler state
ind := DIndex.empty;
visited := DIndex.empty;
excerpts := DIndex.empty;
ind-nodes := Remote.replicate 3 Remote.spawn;
visited-nodes := Remote.replicate 3 Remote.spawn;
excerpts-nodes := Remote.replicate 3 Remote.spawn;
Remote.traverse (n ->' n (DIndex.join ind)) ind-nodes;
Remote.traverse (n ->' n (DIndex.join visited)) visited-nodes;
Remote.traverse (n ->' n (DIndex.join excerpts)) excerpts-nodes;
ind := DIndex.empty
visited := DIndex.empty
excerpts := DIndex.empty
ind-nodes := Remote.replicate 3 Remote.spawn
visited-nodes := Remote.replicate 3 Remote.spawn
excerpts-nodes := Remote.replicate 3 Remote.spawn
Remote.traverse (n ->' n (DIndex.join ind)) ind-nodes
Remote.traverse (n ->' n (DIndex.join visited)) visited-nodes
Remote.traverse (n ->' n (DIndex.join excerpts)) excerpts-nodes
-- Kick off multiple crawlers
Remote.fork <| crawl 5 ind visited excerpts "";
Remote.fork <| crawl 5 ind visited excerpts "";
Remote.fork <| crawl 5 ind visited excerpts "";
Remote.fork <| crawl 5 ind visited excerpts ""
Remote.fork <| crawl 5 ind visited excerpts ""
Remote.fork <| crawl 5 ind visited excerpts ""
-- Wait a while for crawlers to index a bunch of pages, then do query
u = "waiting 2 minutes for indexing before issuing queries..." Unit;
Remote.sleep (Duration.seconds 120);
u = "done waiting for indexing, getting results" Unit;
results := search 10 ["design", "unison", "programming"] ind;
results := format-results results visited excerpts;
pure <| Debug.log results Unit results;;
-- pure <| "results" results;;
u = "waiting 2 minutes for indexing before issuing queries..." Unit
Remote.sleep (Duration.seconds 120)
u = "done waiting for indexing, getting results" Unit
results := search 10 ["design", "unison", "programming"] ind
results := format-results results visited excerpts
pure <| Debug.log results Unit results
-- pure <| "results" results