fix issue with tuple printing

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2023-07-20 17:32:29 -04:00
parent 48822e5e8e
commit 0a4448df36
3 changed files with 26 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -437,9 +437,13 @@ pretty0
`PP.hang` PP.spaced [x', fmt (S.TermReference DD.unitCtorRef) "()"]
(TupleTerm' xs, _) -> do
clist <- commaList xs
let comma = fmt S.DelimiterChar (l ", ") `PP.orElse` "\n, "
pelems <- traverse (fmap (PP.indentNAfterNewline 2) . goNormal 0) xs
let clist = PP.sep comma pelems
let tupleLink p = fmt (S.TypeReference DD.unitRef) p
pure $ (tupleLink "(" <> clist <> tupleLink ")")
let open = tupleLink "(" `PP.orElse` tupleLink "( "
let close = tupleLink ")" `PP.orElse` tupleLink " )"
pure $ (open <> clist <> close)
(App' f@(Builtin' "Any.Any") arg, _) ->
paren (p >= 10) <$> (PP.hang <$> goNormal 9 f <*> goNormal 10 arg)
(DD.Rewrites' rs, _) -> do
@ -548,10 +552,8 @@ pretty0
isDelay (Delay' _) = True
isDelay _ = False
sepList = sepList' (pretty0 (ac 0 Normal im doc))
sepList' f sep xs = fold . intersperse sep <$> traverse f xs
varList = runIdentity . sepList' (Identity . PP.text . PP.softbreak
commaList = sepList (fmt S.DelimiterChar (l ",") <> PP.softbreak)
printLet ::
Bool -> -- elideUnit

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@ -814,6 +814,11 @@ blah x =
thunk x = do x
test = do
blah !(thunk "This has to laksdjf alsdkfj alskdjf asdf be a long enough string to force a line break")
test2 =
@ -821,7 +826,7 @@ test = do
.> edit test
.> edit test test2
.> load roundtrip.u

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@ -2167,11 +2167,16 @@ thunk x = do x
test = do
blah !(thunk "This has to laksdjf alsdkfj alskdjf asdf be a long enough string to force a line break")
test2 =
.> edit test
.> edit test test2
@ -2184,6 +2189,12 @@ test = do
"This has to laksdjf alsdkfj alskdjf asdf be a long enough string to force a line break")
test2 : (Text, '{g} Bytes)
test2 =
( "adsf"
, '(toUtf8
"adsfsfdgsfdgsdfgsdfgsfdgsfdgsdgsgsgfsfgsgsfdgsgfsfdgsgfsfdgsdgsdfgsgf") )
You can edit them there, then do `update` to replace the
definitions currently in this namespace.
@ -2197,6 +2208,7 @@ test = do
⍟ These names already exist. You can `update` them to your
new definition:
test : 'Text
test : 'Text
test2 : (Text, '{g} Bytes)