tests passing again after disabling namespace blocks, but still haven't switched on the new destructuring bind syntax

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2020-09-27 21:20:50 -04:00
parent 333b040c09
commit 0a81eaf992
2 changed files with 243 additions and 245 deletions

View File

@ -212,200 +212,6 @@ unique[d4597403ec40fd4fbee57c62b8096f9c3d382dff01f20108546fe3530a927e86] type
unique[e1d94401fde8b2546d6dfc54e93f11e6a9285a7ea765d3255da19122a42715d3] type
io.Socket = Socket Text
-- Builtin handles: standard in, out, error
use io Error Mode Handle IO Socket ThreadId HostName FilePath EpochTime BufferMode SeekMode ServiceName
use io.Handle
io.stdin : Handle
io.stdin = Handle "stdin"
io.stdout : Handle
io.stdout = Handle "stdout"
io.stderr : Handle
io.stderr = Handle "stderr"
-- Throw an I/O error on the left as an effect in `IO`
io.rethrow : (Either Error a) -> {IO} a
io.rethrow x = match x with
Either.Left e -> io.IO.throw e
Either.Right a -> a
-- Print a line to the standard output
io.printLine : Text ->{IO} ()
io.printLine t =
io.putText stdout t
io.putText stdout "\n"
-- Read a line from the standard input
io.readLine : '{IO} Text
io.readLine = '(io.getLine stdin)
-- Built-ins
-- Open a named file in the given mode, yielding an open file handle
io.openFile : io.FilePath -> io.Mode ->{IO} Handle
io.openFile f m = io.rethrow (io.IO.openFile_ f m)
-- Close an open file handle
io.closeFile : Handle ->{IO} ()
io.closeFile f = io.rethrow (io.IO.closeFile_ f)
-- Check whether a file handle has reached the end of the file
io.isFileEOF : Handle ->{IO} Boolean
io.isFileEOF h = io.rethrow (io.IO.isFileEOF_ h)
-- Check whether a file handle is open
io.isFileOpen : Handle ->{IO} Boolean
io.isFileOpen h = io.rethrow (io.IO.isFileOpen_ h)
-- Get a line of text from a text file handle
io.getLine : Handle ->{IO} Text
io.getLine h = io.rethrow (io.IO.getLine_ h)
-- Get the entire contents of a file as a single block of text
io.getText : Handle ->{IO} Text
io.getText h = io.rethrow (io.IO.getText_ h)
-- Write some text to a file
io.putText : Handle -> Text ->{IO} ()
io.putText h t = io.rethrow (io.IO.putText_ h t)
-- Get epoch system time
io.systemTime : '{IO} io.EpochTime
io.systemTime = '(io.rethrow (io.IO.systemTime_))
-- Does the file handle support `seek`?
io.isSeekable : Handle -> {IO} Boolean
io.isSeekable h = io.rethrow (io.IO.isSeekable_ h)
-- Seek to a position in a file handle
io.seek : Handle -> io.SeekMode -> Int ->{IO} ()
io.seek h m i = io.rethrow (io.IO.seek_ h m i)
-- Ask for the position of a file handle
io.position : Handle ->{IO} Int
io.position h = io.rethrow (io.IO.position_ h)
-- Get the buffer mode of a file handle
io.getBuffering : Handle ->{IO} (Optional BufferMode)
io.getBuffering h = io.rethrow (io.IO.getBuffering_ h)
-- Set the buffer mode for a file handle
io.setBuffering : Handle -> Optional BufferMode ->{IO} ()
io.setBuffering h bm = io.rethrow (io.IO.setBuffering_ h bm)
-- Get the path to a temporary directory managed by the operating system
io.getTemporaryDirectory : '{IO} FilePath
io.getTemporaryDirectory = '(io.rethrow (io.IO.getTemporaryDirectory_))
-- Get the current working directory
io.getCurrentDirectory : '{IO} FilePath
io.getCurrentDirectory = '(io.rethrow (io.IO.getCurrentDirectory_))
-- Set the current working directory
io.setCurrentDirectory : FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.setCurrentDirectory d = io.rethrow (io.IO.setCurrentDirectory_ d)
-- List the contents of a directory
io.directoryContents : FilePath -> {IO} [FilePath]
io.directoryContents d = io.rethrow (io.IO.directoryContents_ d)
-- Check if a path exists
io.fileExists : FilePath -> {IO} Boolean
io.fileExists d = io.rethrow (io.IO.fileExists_ d)
-- Check if a path is a directory
io.isDirectory : FilePath -> {IO} Boolean
io.isDirectory d = io.rethrow (io.IO.isDirectory_ d)
-- Create a directory at the given path, including parent directories
io.createDirectory : FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.createDirectory d = io.rethrow (io.IO.createDirectory_ d)
-- Remove the directory at the given path
io.removeDirectory : FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.removeDirectory d = io.rethrow (io.IO.removeDirectory_ d)
-- Move a directory from one path to another
io.renameDirectory : FilePath -> FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.renameDirectory from to = io.rethrow (io.IO.renameDirectory_ from to)
-- Remove a file from the file system
io.removeFile : FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.removeFile d = io.rethrow (io.IO.removeFile_ d)
-- Move a file from one path to another
io.renameFile : FilePath -> FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.renameFile from to = io.rethrow (io.IO.renameFile_ from to)
-- Get the timestamp of a file
io.getFileTimestamp : io.FilePath -> {IO} io.EpochTime
io.getFileTimestamp d = io.rethrow (io.IO.getFileTimestamp_ d)
-- Get the size of a file in bytes
io.getFileSize : io.FilePath -> {IO} Nat
io.getFileSize d = io.rethrow (io.IO.getFileSize_ d)
-- Create a socket bound to the given local port/service.
-- If a hostname is not given, this will use any available host.
io.serverSocket : Optional HostName -> io.ServiceName -> {IO} Socket
io.serverSocket host service = io.rethrow (io.IO.serverSocket_ host service)
-- Start listening for connections on the given socket.
io.listen : Socket -> {IO} ()
io.listen s = io.rethrow (io.IO.listen_ s)
-- Create a socket connected to the given remote address.
io.clientSocket : HostName -> io.ServiceName -> {IO} Socket
io.clientSocket host service = io.rethrow (io.IO.clientSocket_ host service)
-- Close a socket and all connections to it.
io.closeSocket : Socket -> {IO} ()
io.closeSocket s = io.rethrow (io.IO.closeSocket_ s)
-- Accept a connection on a socket.
-- Returns a socket that can send and receive data on a new connection
io.accept : Socket -> {IO} Socket
io.accept s = io.rethrow (io.IO.accept_ s)
-- Send some bytes to a socket.
io.send : Socket -> Bytes -> {IO} ()
io.send s bs = io.rethrow (io.IO.send_ s bs)
-- Read the specified number of bytes from a socket.
io.receive : Socket -> Nat ->{IO} (Optional Bytes)
io.receive s n = io.rethrow (io.IO.receive_ s n)
-- Fork a new thread.
io.fork : '{IO} a -> {IO} ThreadId
io.fork a = io.rethrow (io.IO.fork_ a)
-- Kill a running thread.
io.kill : ThreadId -> {IO} ()
io.kill t = io.rethrow (io.IO.kill_ t)
-- Suspend the current thread for a number of microseconds.
io.delay : Nat -> {IO} ()
io.delay n = io.rethrow (io.IO.delay_ n)
-- Safely acquire and release a resource
io.bracket : '{IO} a -> (a ->{IO} b) -> (a ->{IO} c) -> {IO} c
io.bracket acquire release what = io.rethrow (io.IO.bracket_ acquire release what)
-- Run the given computation, and if it throws an error
-- handle the error with the given handler.
-- catch : '{IO} a -> (Error ->{IO} a) ->{IO} a
-- catch c h =
-- k io = match io with
-- { IO.throw e } -> h e
-- x -> x
-- handle k in c
-- IO Modes from the Haskell API
type io.Mode = Read | Write | Append | ReadWrite
-- IO error types from the Haskell API
unique[bb57f367a3740d4a1608b9e0eee14fd744ec9e368f1529550cb436ef56c0b268] type
@ -451,90 +257,96 @@ unique[ee4ff0bda526b0513e4c7b7387b39811ce57938ddb31a77fdb0ff00ee2717c33] type
unique[a38186de35c9fcd29d2b359b2148f9f890732413d91575af39d025fcded67e89] type
io.ThreadId = ThreadId Text
-- IO Modes from the Haskell API
type io.Mode = Read | Write | Append | ReadWrite
use io IO
use io.Handle
ability io.IO where
-- Basic file IO
openFile_ : FilePath -> Mode -> (Either Error Handle)
closeFile_ : Handle -> (Either Error ())
isFileEOF_ : Handle -> (Either Error Boolean)
isFileOpen_ : Handle -> (Either Error Boolean)
openFile_ : io.FilePath -> io.Mode -> (Either io.Error io.Handle)
closeFile_ : io.Handle -> (Either io.Error ())
isFileEOF_ : io.Handle -> (Either io.Error Boolean)
isFileOpen_ : io.Handle -> (Either io.Error Boolean)
-- Text input and output
--getChar : Handle -> Char
getLine_ : Handle -> (Either Error Text)
--getChar : io.Handle -> Char
getLine_ : io.Handle -> (Either io.Error Text)
-- Get the entire contents of the file as text
getText_ : Handle -> (Either Error Text)
-- putChar : Handle -> Char -> ()
putText_ : Handle -> Text -> (Either Error ())
getText_ : io.Handle -> (Either io.Error Text)
-- putChar : io.Handle -> Char -> ()
putText_ : io.Handle -> Text -> (Either io.Error ())
-- Throw an error as an `io.IO` effect
throw : Error -> a
throw : io.Error -> a
-- File positioning
isSeekable_ : Handle -> (Either Error Boolean)
seek_ : Handle -> io.SeekMode -> Int -> (Either Error ())
position_ : Handle -> (Either Error Int)
isSeekable_ : io.Handle -> (Either io.Error Boolean)
seek_ : io.Handle -> io.SeekMode -> Int -> (Either io.Error ())
position_ : io.Handle -> (Either io.Error Int)
-- File buffering
getBuffering_ : Handle -> Either Error (Optional io.BufferMode)
setBuffering_ : Handle -> Optional io.BufferMode -> (Either Error ())
getBuffering_ : io.Handle -> Either io.Error (Optional io.BufferMode)
setBuffering_ : io.Handle -> Optional io.BufferMode -> (Either io.Error ())
-- Should we expose mutable arrays for byte buffering?
-- Inclined to say no, although that sounds a lot like
-- a decision to just be slow.
-- We'll need a byte buffer manipulation library in that case.
-- getBytes : Handle -> Nat -> Bytes
-- putBytes : Handle -> Bytes -> ()
-- getBytes : io.Handle -> Nat -> Bytes
-- putBytes : io.Handle -> Bytes -> ()
-- getBytes : Handle -> Nat -> ByteArray -> Nat
-- putBytes : Handle -> Nat -> ByteArray -> ()
-- getBytes : io.Handle -> Nat -> ByteArray -> Nat
-- putBytes : io.Handle -> Nat -> ByteArray -> ()
systemTime_ : (Either Error io.EpochTime)
systemTime_ : (Either io.Error io.EpochTime)
-- File system operations
getTemporaryDirectory_ : (Either Error io.FilePath)
getCurrentDirectory_ : (Either Error io.FilePath)
setCurrentDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> (Either Error ())
directoryContents_ : io.FilePath -> Either Error [io.FilePath]
fileExists_ : io.FilePath -> (Either Error Boolean)
isDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> (Either Error Boolean)
createDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> (Either Error ())
removeDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> (Either Error ())
renameDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> io.FilePath -> (Either Error ())
removeFile_ : io.FilePath -> (Either Error ())
renameFile_ : io.FilePath -> io.FilePath -> (Either Error ())
getFileTimestamp_ : io.FilePath -> (Either Error io.EpochTime)
getFileSize_ : io.FilePath -> (Either Error Nat)
getTemporaryDirectory_ : (Either io.Error io.FilePath)
getCurrentDirectory_ : (Either io.Error io.FilePath)
setCurrentDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error ())
directoryContents_ : io.FilePath -> Either io.Error [io.FilePath]
fileExists_ : io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error Boolean)
isDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error Boolean)
createDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error ())
removeDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error ())
renameDirectory_ : io.FilePath -> io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error ())
removeFile_ : io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error ())
renameFile_ : io.FilePath -> io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error ())
getFileTimestamp_ : io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error io.EpochTime)
getFileSize_ : io.FilePath -> (Either io.Error Nat)
-- Simple TCP Networking
-- Create a socket bound to the given local address.
-- If a hostname is not given, this will use any available host.
serverSocket_ : Optional HostName ->
ServiceName -> (Either Error Socket)
serverSocket_ : Optional io.HostName ->
io.ServiceName -> (Either io.Error io.Socket)
-- Start listening for connections
listen_ : Socket -> (Either Error ())
listen_ : io.Socket -> (Either io.Error ())
-- Create a socket connected to the given remote address
clientSocket_ : HostName ->
ServiceName -> (Either Error Socket)
clientSocket_ : io.HostName ->
io.ServiceName -> (Either io.Error io.Socket)
closeSocket_ : Socket -> (Either Error ())
closeSocket_ : io.Socket -> (Either io.Error ())
--socketToHandle : Socket -> Mode -> (Either Error Handle)
--handleToSocket : Handle -> (Either Error Socket)
--socketToHandle : Socket -> Mode -> (Either io.Error Handle)
--handleToSocket : Handle -> (Either io.Error Socket)
-- Accept a connection on a socket.
-- Returns a socket that can send and receive data on a new connection
accept_ : Socket -> (Either Error Socket)
accept_ : io.Socket -> (Either io.Error io.Socket)
-- Send some bytes to a socket.
send_ : Socket -> Bytes -> (Either Error ())
send_ : io.Socket -> Bytes -> (Either io.Error ())
-- Read the spefified number of bytes from the socket.
receive_ : Socket -> Nat -> (Either Error (Optional Bytes))
receive_ : io.Socket -> Nat -> (Either io.Error (Optional Bytes))
-- scatter/gather mode network I/O
-- sendMany : Socket -> [Bytes] -> Int
@ -542,15 +354,202 @@ ability io.IO where
-- Threading --
-- Fork a thread
fork_ : '{io.IO} a -> (Either Error ThreadId)
fork_ : '{io.IO} a -> (Either io.Error io.ThreadId)
-- Kill a running thread
kill_ : ThreadId -> (Either Error ())
kill_ : io.ThreadId -> (Either io.Error ())
-- Suspend the current thread for a number of microseconds.
delay_ : Nat -> (Either Error ())
delay_ : Nat -> (Either io.Error ())
-- Safely acquire and release a resource
bracket_ : '{io.IO} a -> (a ->{io.IO} b) -> (a ->{io.IO} c) ->{io.IO} (Either Error c)
bracket_ : '{io.IO} a -> (a ->{io.IO} b) -> (a ->{io.IO} c) ->{io.IO} (Either io.Error c)
-- Builtin handles: standard in, out, error
io.stdin : io.Handle
io.stdin = Handle "stdin"
io.stdout : io.Handle
io.stdout = Handle "stdout"
io.stderr : io.Handle
io.stderr = Handle "stderr"
-- Throw an I/O error on the left as an effect in `IO`
io.rethrow : (Either io.Error a) -> {IO} a
io.rethrow x = match x with
Either.Left e -> io.IO.throw e
Either.Right a -> a
-- Print a line to the standard output
io.printLine : Text ->{IO} ()
io.printLine t =
io.putText stdout t
io.putText stdout "\n"
-- Read a line from the standard input
io.readLine : '{IO} Text
io.readLine = '(io.getLine stdin)
-- Built-ins
-- Open a named file in the given mode, yielding an open file handle
io.openFile : io.FilePath -> io.Mode ->{IO} io.Handle
io.openFile f m = io.rethrow (io.IO.openFile_ f m)
-- Close an open file handle
io.closeFile : io.Handle ->{IO} ()
io.closeFile f = io.rethrow (io.IO.closeFile_ f)
-- Check whether a file handle has reached the end of the file
io.isFileEOF : io.Handle ->{IO} Boolean
io.isFileEOF h = io.rethrow (io.IO.isFileEOF_ h)
-- Check whether a file handle is open
io.isFileOpen : io.Handle ->{IO} Boolean
io.isFileOpen h = io.rethrow (io.IO.isFileOpen_ h)
-- Get a line of text from a text file handle
io.getLine : io.Handle ->{IO} Text
io.getLine h = io.rethrow (io.IO.getLine_ h)
-- Get the entire contents of a file as a single block of text
io.getText : io.Handle ->{IO} Text
io.getText h = io.rethrow (io.IO.getText_ h)
-- Write some text to a file
io.putText : io.Handle -> Text ->{IO} ()
io.putText h t = io.rethrow (io.IO.putText_ h t)
-- Get epoch system time
io.systemTime : '{IO} io.EpochTime
io.systemTime = '(io.rethrow (io.IO.systemTime_))
-- Does the file handle support `seek`?
io.isSeekable : io.Handle -> {IO} Boolean
io.isSeekable h = io.rethrow (io.IO.isSeekable_ h)
-- Seek to a position in a file handle
io.seek : io.Handle -> io.SeekMode -> Int ->{IO} ()
io.seek h m i = io.rethrow (io.IO.seek_ h m i)
-- Ask for the position of a file handle
io.position : io.Handle ->{IO} Int
io.position h = io.rethrow (io.IO.position_ h)
-- Get the buffer mode of a file handle
io.getBuffering : io.Handle ->{IO} (Optional io.BufferMode)
io.getBuffering h = io.rethrow (io.IO.getBuffering_ h)
-- Set the buffer mode for a file handle
io.setBuffering : io.Handle -> Optional io.BufferMode ->{IO} ()
io.setBuffering h bm = io.rethrow (io.IO.setBuffering_ h bm)
-- Get the path to a temporary directory managed by the operating system
io.getTemporaryDirectory : '{IO} io.FilePath
io.getTemporaryDirectory = '(io.rethrow (io.IO.getTemporaryDirectory_))
-- Get the current working directory
io.getCurrentDirectory : '{IO} io.FilePath
io.getCurrentDirectory = '(io.rethrow (io.IO.getCurrentDirectory_))
-- Set the current working directory
io.setCurrentDirectory : io.FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.setCurrentDirectory d = io.rethrow (io.IO.setCurrentDirectory_ d)
-- List the contents of a directory
io.directoryContents : io.FilePath -> {IO} [io.FilePath]
io.directoryContents d = io.rethrow (io.IO.directoryContents_ d)
-- Check if a path exists
io.fileExists : io.FilePath -> {IO} Boolean
io.fileExists d = io.rethrow (io.IO.fileExists_ d)
-- Check if a path is a directory
io.isDirectory : io.FilePath -> {IO} Boolean
io.isDirectory d = io.rethrow (io.IO.isDirectory_ d)
-- Create a directory at the given path, including parent directories
io.createDirectory : io.FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.createDirectory d = io.rethrow (io.IO.createDirectory_ d)
-- Remove the directory at the given path
io.removeDirectory : io.FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.removeDirectory d = io.rethrow (io.IO.removeDirectory_ d)
-- Move a directory from one path to another
io.renameDirectory : io.FilePath -> io.FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.renameDirectory from to = io.rethrow (io.IO.renameDirectory_ from to)
-- Remove a file from the file system
io.removeFile : io.FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.removeFile d = io.rethrow (io.IO.removeFile_ d)
-- Move a file from one path to another
io.renameFile : io.FilePath -> io.FilePath -> {IO} ()
io.renameFile from to = io.rethrow (io.IO.renameFile_ from to)
-- Get the timestamp of a file
io.getFileTimestamp : io.FilePath -> {IO} io.EpochTime
io.getFileTimestamp d = io.rethrow (io.IO.getFileTimestamp_ d)
-- Get the size of a file in bytes
io.getFileSize : io.FilePath -> {IO} Nat
io.getFileSize d = io.rethrow (io.IO.getFileSize_ d)
-- Create a socket bound to the given local port/service.
-- If a hostname is not given, this will use any available host.
io.serverSocket : Optional io.HostName -> io.ServiceName -> {IO} io.Socket
io.serverSocket host service = io.rethrow (io.IO.serverSocket_ host service)
-- Start listening for connections on the given socket.
io.listen : io.Socket -> {IO} ()
io.listen s = io.rethrow (io.IO.listen_ s)
-- Create a socket connected to the given remote address.
io.clientSocket : io.HostName -> io.ServiceName -> {IO} io.Socket
io.clientSocket host service = io.rethrow (io.IO.clientSocket_ host service)
-- Close a socket and all connections to it.
io.closeSocket : io.Socket -> {IO} ()
io.closeSocket s = io.rethrow (io.IO.closeSocket_ s)
-- Accept a connection on a socket.
-- Returns a socket that can send and receive data on a new connection
io.accept : io.Socket -> {IO} io.Socket
io.accept s = io.rethrow (io.IO.accept_ s)
-- Send some bytes to a socket.
io.send : io.Socket -> Bytes -> {IO} ()
io.send s bs = io.rethrow (io.IO.send_ s bs)
-- Read the specified number of bytes from a socket.
io.receive : io.Socket -> Nat ->{IO} (Optional Bytes)
io.receive s n = io.rethrow (io.IO.receive_ s n)
-- Fork a new thread.
io.fork : '{IO} a -> {IO} io.ThreadId
io.fork a = io.rethrow (io.IO.fork_ a)
-- Kill a running thread.
io.kill : io.ThreadId -> {IO} ()
io.kill t = io.rethrow (io.IO.kill_ t)
-- Suspend the current thread for a number of microseconds.
io.delay : Nat -> {IO} ()
io.delay n = io.rethrow (io.IO.delay_ n)
-- Safely acquire and release a resource
io.bracket : '{IO} a -> (a ->{IO} b) -> (a ->{IO} c) -> {IO} c
io.bracket acquire release what = io.rethrow (io.IO.bracket_ acquire release what)
-- Run the given computation, and if it throws an error
-- handle the error with the given handler.
-- catch : '{IO} a -> (Error ->{IO} a) ->{IO} a
-- catch c h =
-- k io = match io with
-- { IO.throw e } -> h e
-- x -> x
-- handle k in c

View File

@ -264,9 +264,8 @@ test = scope "termprinter" $ tests
\ true && true\n\
\ 12\n\
\ namespace baz where\n\
\ f : Int -> Int\n\
\ f x = x\n\
\ baz.f : Int -> Int\n\
\ baz.f x = x\n\
\ 13"
"if foo then\n\
\ true && true\n\