use . Nat now works to give .Nat the local name Nat, also simplified use statement parser

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2019-07-02 20:18:11 -04:00
parent 19104a43de
commit 0b1ace1c92
10 changed files with 26 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -263,6 +263,11 @@ matchToken x = P.satisfy ((==) x . L.payload)
dot :: Var v => P v (L.Token L.Lexeme)
dot = matchToken (L.SymbolyId ".")
dotId :: Var v => P v (L.Token String)
dotId = queryToken go where
go (L.SymbolyId ".") = Just "."
go _ = Nothing
-- Consume a virtual semicolon
semi :: Var v => P v (L.Token ())
semi = fmap (const ()) <$> matchToken L.Semi

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@ -334,24 +334,14 @@ block s = block' False s (openBlockWith s) closeBlock
importp :: Var v => P v [(v, v)]
importp = do
let name = Var.nameds . L.payload <$> (wordyId <|> symbolyId)
namesp = many name
_ <- reserved "use"
e <- (Left <$> wordyId) <|> (Right <$> symbolyId)
case e of
Left w -> do
more <- (False <$ P.try (lookAhead semi)) <|> pure True
case more of
True -> do
i <- (Var.nameds . L.payload $ w) <$ optional dot
names <- namesp <|> (pure <$> name)
pure [ (n, Var.joinDot i n) | n <- names ]
False ->
let (_, n) = L.splitWordy (L.payload w)
in pure [ (Var.nameds n, Var.nameds $ L.payload w) ]
Right o ->
let (_, op) = L.splitSymboly (L.payload o)
in pure [ (Var.nameds op, Var.nameds $ L.payload o) ]
prefix <- wordyId <|> dotId
suffixes <- some (wordyId <|> symbolyId) P.<?> "one or more identifiers"
pure $ do
let v = Var.nameds (L.payload prefix)
s <- suffixes
let suffix = Var.nameds . L.payload $ s
pure (suffix, Var.joinDot v suffix)
--module Monoid where
-- -- we replace all the binding names with Monoid.op, and

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@ -135,7 +135,9 @@ nameds :: Var v => String -> v
nameds s = named (Text.pack s)
joinDot :: Var v => v -> v -> v
joinDot v v2 = named (name v `mappend` "." `mappend` name v2)
joinDot prefix v2 =
if name prefix == "." then named (name prefix `mappend` name v2)
else named (name prefix `mappend` "." `mappend` name v2)
freshes :: Var v => Set v -> [v] -> [v]
freshes _ [] = []

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@ -218,7 +218,6 @@ test = scope "termprinter" . tests $
\ else c"
, tc_diff_rtt True "if foo\n\
\ use bar\n\
\ and true true\n\
\ 12\n\

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@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ sort lte a =
Node.increment : Node -> Node
Node.increment n =
use Node.Node -- the constructor
use Node Node -- the constructor
case n of Node n -> Node (n + 1)
> Remote.runLocal '(dsort (<) [3,2,1,1,2,3,9182,1,2,34,1,23])

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@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ halve as =
Node.increment : Node -> Node
Node.increment n =
use Node.Node -- the constructor
use Node Node -- the constructor
case n of Node n -> Node (n + 1)
> Remote.runLocal '(dsort2 (<) [3,2,1,1,2,3,9182,1,2,34,1,23])

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
use . Int -- imports `.Int` from root path and gives it the local name `Int`
-- This brings `None` into scope unqualified
use Optional.None
use Optional None
-- '.' is optional, this brings `None` and `Some` into
-- scope unqualified
@ -7,12 +9,12 @@ use Optional None Some
-- Can import operators this way also
-- no need to put them in parens
use Nat.+
use Nat +
-- Later imports shadow earlier ones
use Nat - * /
use Nat. drop *
use Nat . drop
use Nat drop *
use Nat drop
-- use Int + -- this would cause type error below!
> case Some (100 + 200 / 3 * 2) of

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@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ sort lte a =
Node.increment : Node -> Node
Node.increment n =
use Node.Node -- the constructor
use Node Node -- the constructor
case n of Node n -> Node (n + 1)
> Remote.runLocal '(dsort (<) [3,2,1,1,2,3,9182,1,2,34,1,23])

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
type Board = Board Nat Nat Nat
use Board.Board
use Board Board
-- uncommenting these gives errors from NPE to array index out of bounds -1, -2
-- x = 1

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ type P = X | O | E
type Board = Board P P P P P P P P P
use Board.Board
use Board Board
use P O X E
whatevs a b c = a