Merge branch 'trunk' into structural-kw#2251

This commit is contained in:
rlmark 2021-08-24 20:46:57 -07:00
commit 0b2053ae8f
14 changed files with 360 additions and 223 deletions

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@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ builtinTypesSrc =
, B' "Tls.Cipher" CT.Data, Rename' "Tls.Cipher" "io2.Tls.Cipher"
, B' "TVar" CT.Data, Rename' "TVar" "io2.TVar"
, B' "STM" CT.Effect, Rename' "STM" "io2.STM"
, B' "Ref" CT.Data
, B' "Scope" CT.Effect
-- rename these to "builtin" later, when builtin means intrinsic as opposed to
@ -465,6 +467,14 @@ builtinsSrc =
, B "unsafe.coerceAbilities" $
forall4 "a" "b" "e1" "e2" $ \a b e1 e2 ->
(a --> Type.effect1 () e1 b) --> (a --> Type.effect1 () e2 b)
, B "" . forall2 "r" "g" $ \r g ->
(forall1 "s" $ \s -> unit --> Type.effect () [scopet s, g] r) --> Type.effect1 () g r
, B "Scope.ref" . forall2 "a" "s" $ \a s ->
a --> Type.effect1 () (scopet s) (reft (Type.effects () [scopet s]) a)
, B "" . forall2 "a" "g" $ \a g ->
reft g a --> Type.effect1 () g a
, B "Ref.write" . forall2 "a" "g" $ \a g ->
reft g a --> a --> Type.effect1 () g unit
] ++
-- avoid name conflicts with Universal == < > <= >=
[ Rename (t <> "." <> old) (t <> "." <> new)
@ -576,6 +586,8 @@ ioBuiltins =
, ("IO.delay.impl.v3", nat --> iof unit)
, ("IO.kill.impl.v3", threadId --> iof unit)
, ("IO.ref", forall1 "a" $ \a ->
a --> io (reft (Type.effects () [Type.builtinIO ()]) a))
, ("Tls.newClient.impl.v3", tlsClientConfig --> socket --> iof tls)
, ("Tls.newServer.impl.v3", tlsServerConfig --> socket --> iof tls)
, ("Tls.handshake.impl.v3", tls --> iof unit)
@ -648,6 +660,15 @@ forall1 name body =
a = Var.named name
in Type.forall () a (body $ Type.var () a)
:: Var v => Text -> Text -> (Type v -> Type v -> Type v) -> Type v
forall2 na nb body = Type.foralls () [a,b] (body ta tb)
a = Var.named na
b = Var.named nb
ta = Type.var () a
tb = Type.var () b
:: Var v
=> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text
@ -694,6 +715,12 @@ failure = DD.failureType ()
eithert :: Var v => Type v -> Type v -> Type v
eithert l r = DD.eitherType () `app` l `app` r
scopet :: Var v => Type v -> Type v
scopet s = Type.scopeType () `app` s
reft :: Var v => Type v -> Type v -> Type v
reft s a = Type.refType () `app` s `app` a
socket, threadId, handle, unit :: Var v => Type v
socket = Type.socket ()
threadId = Type.threadId ()

View File

@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ import Network.Simple.TCP as SYS
import Network.TLS as TLS
import Network.TLS.Extra.Cipher as Cipher
import Data.IORef as SYS
( IORef
, newIORef
, readIORef
, writeIORef
import System.IO as SYS
( IOMode(..)
, openFile
@ -672,6 +678,12 @@ poly'coerce = unop0 0 $ \[x] -> TVar x
jumpk :: Var v => SuperNormal v
jumpk = binop0 0 $ \[k,a] -> TKon k [a]
scope'run :: Var v => SuperNormal v
= unop0 1 $ \[e, un]
-> TLetD un BX (TCon Ty.unitRef 0 [])
$ TApp (FVar e) [un]
fork'comp :: Var v => SuperNormal v
= Lambda [BX]
@ -1417,6 +1429,8 @@ builtinLookup
, ("IO.forkComp.v2", fork'comp)
, ("", scope'run)
, ("Code.isMissing", code'missing)
, ("Code.cache_", code'cache)
, ("Code.lookup", code'lookup)
@ -1620,6 +1634,7 @@ declareForeigns = do
declareForeign "MVar.tryRead.impl.v3" boxToEFMBox
. mkForeignIOF $ \(mv :: MVar Closure) -> tryReadMVar mv
declareForeign "Char.toText" (wordDirect Ty.charRef) . mkForeign $
\(ch :: Char) -> pure (Text.singleton ch)
@ -1679,6 +1694,19 @@ declareForeigns = do
declareForeign "STM.retry" unitDirect . mkForeign
$ \() -> unsafeSTMToIO STM.retry :: IO Closure
-- Scope and Ref stuff
declareForeign "Scope.ref" boxDirect
. mkForeign $ \(c :: Closure) -> newIORef c
declareForeign "IO.ref" boxDirect
. mkForeign $ \(c :: Closure) -> newIORef c
declareForeign "" boxDirect . mkForeign $
\(r :: IORef Closure) -> readIORef r
declareForeign "Ref.write" boxBoxTo0 . mkForeign $
\(r :: IORef Closure, c :: Closure) -> writeIORef r c
defaultSupported :: TLS.Supported
defaultSupported = def { TLS.supportedCiphers = Cipher.ciphersuite_strong }

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ module Unison.Runtime.Foreign
) where
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, MVar)
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import Data.Tagged (Tagged(..))
import Network.Socket (Socket)
@ -47,6 +48,8 @@ ref2eq r
-- Note: MVar equality is just reference equality, so it shouldn't
-- matter what type the MVar holds.
| r == Ty.mvarRef = Just $ promote ((==) @(MVar ()))
-- Ditto
| r == Ty.refRef = Just $ promote ((==) @(IORef ()))
| otherwise = Nothing
ref2cmp :: Reference -> Maybe (a -> b -> Ordering)

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Control.Concurrent.MVar (MVar)
import Control.Concurrent.STM (TVar)
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.IORef (IORef)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (POSIXTime)
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ import System.IO (BufferMode(..), SeekMode, Handle, IOMode)
import Unison.Util.Bytes (Bytes)
import Unison.Reference (Reference)
import Unison.Type (mvarRef, tvarRef, typeLinkRef)
import Unison.Type (mvarRef, tvarRef, typeLinkRef, refRef)
import Unison.Symbol (Symbol)
import Unison.Runtime.ANF (SuperGroup, Mem(..), Value, internalBug)
@ -348,6 +349,10 @@ instance ForeignConvention (TVar Closure) where
readForeign = readForeignAs (unwrapForeign . marshalToForeign)
writeForeign = writeForeignAs (Foreign . Wrap tvarRef)
instance ForeignConvention (IORef Closure) where
readForeign = readForeignAs (unwrapForeign . marshalToForeign)
writeForeign = writeForeignAs (Foreign . Wrap refRef)
instance ForeignConvention (SuperGroup Symbol) where
readForeign = readForeignBuiltin
writeForeign = writeForeignBuiltin

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ packages:
- codebase2/util-term
#compiler-check: match-exact
resolver: lts-17.15
resolver: lts-18.7
- github: unisonweb/configurator

View File

@ -227,6 +227,10 @@ filePathRef = Reference.Builtin "FilePath"
threadIdRef = Reference.Builtin "ThreadId"
socketRef = Reference.Builtin "Socket"
scopeRef, refRef :: Reference
scopeRef = Reference.Builtin "Scope"
refRef = Reference.Builtin "Ref"
mvarRef, tvarRef :: Reference
mvarRef = Reference.Builtin "MVar"
tvarRef = Reference.Builtin "TVar"
@ -298,6 +302,12 @@ threadId a = ref a threadIdRef
builtinIO :: Ord v => a -> Type v a
builtinIO a = ref a builtinIORef
scopeType :: Ord v => a -> Type v a
scopeType a = ref a scopeRef
refType :: Ord v => a -> Type v a
refType a = ref a refRef
socket :: Ord v => a -> Type v a
socket a = ref a socketRef

View File

@ -226,229 +226,236 @@ Let's try it!
182. io2.IO.putBytes.impl : Handle
-> Bytes
->{IO} Either Failure ()
183. io2.IO.removeDirectory.impl : Text
183. io2.IO.ref : a ->{IO} Ref {IO} a
184. io2.IO.removeDirectory.impl : Text
->{IO} Either Failure ()
184. io2.IO.removeFile.impl : Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
185. io2.IO.renameDirectory.impl : Text
185. io2.IO.removeFile.impl : Text ->{IO} Either Failure ()
186. io2.IO.renameDirectory.impl : Text
-> Text
->{IO} Either Failure ()
186. io2.IO.renameFile.impl : Text
187. io2.IO.renameFile.impl : Text
-> Text
->{IO} Either Failure ()
187. io2.IO.seekHandle.impl : Handle
188. io2.IO.seekHandle.impl : Handle
-> SeekMode
-> Int
->{IO} Either Failure ()
188. io2.IO.serverSocket.impl : Optional Text
189. io2.IO.serverSocket.impl : Optional Text
-> Text
->{IO} Either Failure Socket
189. io2.IO.setBuffering.impl : Handle
190. io2.IO.setBuffering.impl : Handle
-> BufferMode
->{IO} Either Failure ()
190. io2.IO.setCurrentDirectory.impl : Text
191. io2.IO.setCurrentDirectory.impl : Text
->{IO} Either
Failure ()
191. io2.IO.socketAccept.impl : Socket
192. io2.IO.socketAccept.impl : Socket
->{IO} Either Failure Socket
192. io2.IO.socketPort.impl : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure Nat
193. io2.IO.socketReceive.impl : Socket
193. io2.IO.socketPort.impl : Socket ->{IO} Either Failure Nat
194. io2.IO.socketReceive.impl : Socket
-> Nat
->{IO} Either Failure Bytes
194. io2.IO.socketSend.impl : Socket
195. io2.IO.socketSend.impl : Socket
-> Bytes
->{IO} Either Failure ()
195. io2.IO.stdHandle : StdHandle -> Handle
196. io2.IO.systemTime.impl : '{IO} Either Failure Nat
197. unique type io2.IOError
198. io2.IOError.AlreadyExists : IOError
199. io2.IOError.EOF : IOError
200. io2.IOError.IllegalOperation : IOError
201. io2.IOError.NoSuchThing : IOError
202. io2.IOError.PermissionDenied : IOError
203. io2.IOError.ResourceBusy : IOError
204. io2.IOError.ResourceExhausted : IOError
205. io2.IOError.UserError : IOError
206. unique type io2.IOFailure
207. builtin type io2.MVar
208. io2.MVar.isEmpty : MVar a ->{IO} Boolean
209. : a ->{IO} MVar a
210. io2.MVar.newEmpty : '{IO} MVar a
211. io2.MVar.put.impl : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Either Failure ()
212. : MVar a ->{IO} Either Failure a
213. io2.MVar.swap.impl : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Either Failure a
214. io2.MVar.take.impl : MVar a ->{IO} Either Failure a
215. io2.MVar.tryPut.impl : MVar a
196. io2.IO.stdHandle : StdHandle -> Handle
197. io2.IO.systemTime.impl : '{IO} Either Failure Nat
198. unique type io2.IOError
199. io2.IOError.AlreadyExists : IOError
200. io2.IOError.EOF : IOError
201. io2.IOError.IllegalOperation : IOError
202. io2.IOError.NoSuchThing : IOError
203. io2.IOError.PermissionDenied : IOError
204. io2.IOError.ResourceBusy : IOError
205. io2.IOError.ResourceExhausted : IOError
206. io2.IOError.UserError : IOError
207. unique type io2.IOFailure
208. builtin type io2.MVar
209. io2.MVar.isEmpty : MVar a ->{IO} Boolean
210. : a ->{IO} MVar a
211. io2.MVar.newEmpty : '{IO} MVar a
212. io2.MVar.put.impl : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Either Failure ()
213. : MVar a ->{IO} Either Failure a
214. io2.MVar.swap.impl : MVar a -> a ->{IO} Either Failure a
215. io2.MVar.take.impl : MVar a ->{IO} Either Failure a
216. io2.MVar.tryPut.impl : MVar a
-> a
->{IO} Either Failure Boolean
216. io2.MVar.tryRead.impl : MVar a
217. io2.MVar.tryRead.impl : MVar a
->{IO} Either
Failure (Optional a)
217. io2.MVar.tryTake : MVar a ->{IO} Optional a
218. unique type io2.SeekMode
219. io2.SeekMode.AbsoluteSeek : SeekMode
220. io2.SeekMode.RelativeSeek : SeekMode
221. io2.SeekMode.SeekFromEnd : SeekMode
222. builtin type io2.Socket
223. unique type io2.StdHandle
224. io2.StdHandle.StdErr : StdHandle
225. io2.StdHandle.StdIn : StdHandle
226. io2.StdHandle.StdOut : StdHandle
227. builtin type io2.STM
228. io2.STM.atomically : '{STM} a ->{IO} a
229. io2.STM.retry : '{STM} a
230. builtin type io2.ThreadId
231. builtin type io2.Tls
232. builtin type io2.Tls.Cipher
233. builtin type io2.Tls.ClientConfig
234. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.certificates.set : [SignedCert]
218. io2.MVar.tryTake : MVar a ->{IO} Optional a
219. unique type io2.SeekMode
220. io2.SeekMode.AbsoluteSeek : SeekMode
221. io2.SeekMode.RelativeSeek : SeekMode
222. io2.SeekMode.SeekFromEnd : SeekMode
223. builtin type io2.Socket
224. unique type io2.StdHandle
225. io2.StdHandle.StdErr : StdHandle
226. io2.StdHandle.StdIn : StdHandle
227. io2.StdHandle.StdOut : StdHandle
228. builtin type io2.STM
229. io2.STM.atomically : '{STM} a ->{IO} a
230. io2.STM.retry : '{STM} a
231. builtin type io2.ThreadId
232. builtin type io2.Tls
233. builtin type io2.Tls.Cipher
234. builtin type io2.Tls.ClientConfig
235. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.certificates.set : [SignedCert]
-> ClientConfig
-> ClientConfig
235. io2.TLS.ClientConfig.ciphers.set : [Cipher]
236. io2.TLS.ClientConfig.ciphers.set : [Cipher]
-> ClientConfig
-> ClientConfig
236. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.default : Text
237. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.default : Text
-> Bytes
-> ClientConfig
237. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.versions.set : [Version]
238. io2.Tls.ClientConfig.versions.set : [Version]
-> ClientConfig
-> ClientConfig
238. io2.Tls.decodeCert.impl : Bytes
239. io2.Tls.decodeCert.impl : Bytes
-> Either Failure SignedCert
239. io2.Tls.decodePrivateKey : Bytes -> [PrivateKey]
240. io2.Tls.encodeCert : SignedCert -> Bytes
241. io2.Tls.encodePrivateKey : PrivateKey -> Bytes
242. io2.Tls.handshake.impl : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure ()
243. io2.Tls.newClient.impl : ClientConfig
240. io2.Tls.decodePrivateKey : Bytes -> [PrivateKey]
241. io2.Tls.encodeCert : SignedCert -> Bytes
242. io2.Tls.encodePrivateKey : PrivateKey -> Bytes
243. io2.Tls.handshake.impl : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure ()
244. io2.Tls.newClient.impl : ClientConfig
-> Socket
->{IO} Either Failure Tls
244. io2.Tls.newServer.impl : ServerConfig
245. io2.Tls.newServer.impl : ServerConfig
-> Socket
->{IO} Either Failure Tls
245. builtin type io2.Tls.PrivateKey
246. io2.Tls.receive.impl : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure Bytes
247. io2.Tls.send.impl : Tls -> Bytes ->{IO} Either Failure ()
248. builtin type io2.Tls.ServerConfig
249. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.certificates.set : [SignedCert]
246. builtin type io2.Tls.PrivateKey
247. io2.Tls.receive.impl : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure Bytes
248. io2.Tls.send.impl : Tls -> Bytes ->{IO} Either Failure ()
249. builtin type io2.Tls.ServerConfig
250. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.certificates.set : [SignedCert]
-> ServerConfig
-> ServerConfig
250. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.ciphers.set : [Cipher]
251. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.ciphers.set : [Cipher]
-> ServerConfig
-> ServerConfig
251. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.default : [SignedCert]
252. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.default : [SignedCert]
-> PrivateKey
-> ServerConfig
252. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.versions.set : [Version]
253. io2.Tls.ServerConfig.versions.set : [Version]
-> ServerConfig
-> ServerConfig
253. builtin type io2.Tls.SignedCert
254. io2.Tls.terminate.impl : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure ()
255. builtin type io2.Tls.Version
256. unique type io2.TlsFailure
257. builtin type io2.TVar
258. : a ->{STM} TVar a
259. io2.TVar.newIO : a ->{IO} TVar a
260. : TVar a ->{STM} a
261. io2.TVar.readIO : TVar a ->{IO} a
262. io2.TVar.swap : TVar a -> a ->{STM} a
263. io2.TVar.write : TVar a -> a ->{STM} ()
264. unique type IsPropagated
265. IsPropagated.IsPropagated : IsPropagated
266. unique type IsTest
267. IsTest.IsTest : IsTest
268. unique type Link
269. builtin type Link.Term
270. Link.Term : Term -> Link
271. builtin type Link.Type
272. Link.Type : Type -> Link
273. builtin type List
274. List.++ : [a] -> [a] -> [a]
275. List.+: : a -> [a] -> [a]
276. List.:+ : [a] -> a -> [a]
277. : Nat -> [a] -> Optional a
278. List.cons : a -> [a] -> [a]
279. List.drop : Nat -> [a] -> [a]
280. List.empty : [a]
281. List.size : [a] -> Nat
282. List.snoc : [a] -> a -> [a]
283. List.take : Nat -> [a] -> [a]
284. metadata.isPropagated : IsPropagated
285. metadata.isTest : IsTest
286. builtin type Nat
287. Nat.* : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
288. Nat.+ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
289. Nat./ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
290. Nat.and : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
291. Nat.complement : Nat -> Nat
292. Nat.drop : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
293. Nat.eq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
294. Nat.fromText : Text -> Optional Nat
295. : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
296. Nat.gteq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
297. Nat.increment : Nat -> Nat
298. Nat.isEven : Nat -> Boolean
299. Nat.isOdd : Nat -> Boolean
300. Nat.leadingZeros : Nat -> Nat
301. : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
302. Nat.lteq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
303. Nat.mod : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
304. Nat.or : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
305. Nat.popCount : Nat -> Nat
306. Nat.pow : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
307. Nat.shiftLeft : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
308. Nat.shiftRight : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
309. Nat.sub : Nat -> Nat -> Int
310. Nat.toFloat : Nat -> Float
311. Nat.toInt : Nat -> Int
312. Nat.toText : Nat -> Text
313. Nat.trailingZeros : Nat -> Nat
314. Nat.xor : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
315. structural type Optional a
316. Optional.None : Optional a
317. Optional.Some : a -> Optional a
318. builtin type Request
319. structural type SeqView a b
320. SeqView.VElem : a -> b -> SeqView a b
321. SeqView.VEmpty : SeqView a b
322. unique type Test.Result
323. Test.Result.Fail : Text -> Result
324. Test.Result.Ok : Text -> Result
325. builtin type Text
326. Text.!= : Text -> Text -> Boolean
327. Text.++ : Text -> Text -> Text
328. Text.drop : Nat -> Text -> Text
329. Text.empty : Text
330. Text.eq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
331. Text.fromCharList : [Char] -> Text
332. Text.fromUtf8.impl : Bytes -> Either Failure Text
333. : Text -> Text -> Boolean
334. Text.gteq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
335. : Text -> Text -> Boolean
336. Text.lteq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
337. Text.repeat : Nat -> Text -> Text
338. Text.size : Text -> Nat
339. Text.take : Nat -> Text -> Text
340. Text.toCharList : Text -> [Char]
341. Text.toUtf8 : Text -> Bytes
342. Text.uncons : Text -> Optional (Char, Text)
343. Text.unsnoc : Text -> Optional (Text, Char)
344. todo : a -> b
345. structural type Tuple a b
346. Tuple.Cons : a -> b -> Tuple a b
347. structural type Unit
348. Unit.Unit : ()
349. Universal.< : a -> a -> Boolean
350. Universal.<= : a -> a -> Boolean
351. Universal.== : a -> a -> Boolean
352. Universal.> : a -> a -> Boolean
353. Universal.>= : a -> a -> Boolean
354. : a -> a -> Int
355. unsafe.coerceAbilities : (a ->{e1} b) -> a ->{e2} b
356. builtin type Value
357. Value.dependencies : Value -> [Term]
358. Value.deserialize : Bytes -> Either Text Value
359. Value.load : Value ->{IO} Either [Term] a
360. Value.serialize : Value -> Bytes
361. Value.value : a -> Value
254. builtin type io2.Tls.SignedCert
255. io2.Tls.terminate.impl : Tls ->{IO} Either Failure ()
256. builtin type io2.Tls.Version
257. unique type io2.TlsFailure
258. builtin type io2.TVar
259. : a ->{STM} TVar a
260. io2.TVar.newIO : a ->{IO} TVar a
261. : TVar a ->{STM} a
262. io2.TVar.readIO : TVar a ->{IO} a
263. io2.TVar.swap : TVar a -> a ->{STM} a
264. io2.TVar.write : TVar a -> a ->{STM} ()
265. unique type IsPropagated
266. IsPropagated.IsPropagated : IsPropagated
267. unique type IsTest
268. IsTest.IsTest : IsTest
269. unique type Link
270. builtin type Link.Term
271. Link.Term : Term -> Link
272. builtin type Link.Type
273. Link.Type : Type -> Link
274. builtin type List
275. List.++ : [a] -> [a] -> [a]
276. List.+: : a -> [a] -> [a]
277. List.:+ : [a] -> a -> [a]
278. : Nat -> [a] -> Optional a
279. List.cons : a -> [a] -> [a]
280. List.drop : Nat -> [a] -> [a]
281. List.empty : [a]
282. List.size : [a] -> Nat
283. List.snoc : [a] -> a -> [a]
284. List.take : Nat -> [a] -> [a]
285. metadata.isPropagated : IsPropagated
286. metadata.isTest : IsTest
287. builtin type Nat
288. Nat.* : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
289. Nat.+ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
290. Nat./ : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
291. Nat.and : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
292. Nat.complement : Nat -> Nat
293. Nat.drop : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
294. Nat.eq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
295. Nat.fromText : Text -> Optional Nat
296. : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
297. Nat.gteq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
298. Nat.increment : Nat -> Nat
299. Nat.isEven : Nat -> Boolean
300. Nat.isOdd : Nat -> Boolean
301. Nat.leadingZeros : Nat -> Nat
302. : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
303. Nat.lteq : Nat -> Nat -> Boolean
304. Nat.mod : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
305. Nat.or : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
306. Nat.popCount : Nat -> Nat
307. Nat.pow : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
308. Nat.shiftLeft : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
309. Nat.shiftRight : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
310. Nat.sub : Nat -> Nat -> Int
311. Nat.toFloat : Nat -> Float
312. Nat.toInt : Nat -> Int
313. Nat.toText : Nat -> Text
314. Nat.trailingZeros : Nat -> Nat
315. Nat.xor : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
316. structural type Optional a
317. Optional.None : Optional a
318. Optional.Some : a -> Optional a
319. builtin type Ref
320. : Ref g a ->{g} a
321. Ref.write : Ref g a -> a ->{g} ()
322. builtin type Request
323. builtin type Scope
324. Scope.ref : a ->{Scope s} Ref {Scope s} a
325. : (∀ s. '{g, Scope s} r) ->{g} r
326. structural type SeqView a b
327. SeqView.VElem : a -> b -> SeqView a b
328. SeqView.VEmpty : SeqView a b
329. unique type Test.Result
330. Test.Result.Fail : Text -> Result
331. Test.Result.Ok : Text -> Result
332. builtin type Text
333. Text.!= : Text -> Text -> Boolean
334. Text.++ : Text -> Text -> Text
335. Text.drop : Nat -> Text -> Text
336. Text.empty : Text
337. Text.eq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
338. Text.fromCharList : [Char] -> Text
339. Text.fromUtf8.impl : Bytes -> Either Failure Text
340. : Text -> Text -> Boolean
341. Text.gteq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
342. : Text -> Text -> Boolean
343. Text.lteq : Text -> Text -> Boolean
344. Text.repeat : Nat -> Text -> Text
345. Text.size : Text -> Nat
346. Text.take : Nat -> Text -> Text
347. Text.toCharList : Text -> [Char]
348. Text.toUtf8 : Text -> Bytes
349. Text.uncons : Text -> Optional (Char, Text)
350. Text.unsnoc : Text -> Optional (Text, Char)
351. todo : a -> b
352. structural type Tuple a b
353. Tuple.Cons : a -> b -> Tuple a b
354. structural type Unit
355. Unit.Unit : ()
356. Universal.< : a -> a -> Boolean
357. Universal.<= : a -> a -> Boolean
358. Universal.== : a -> a -> Boolean
359. Universal.> : a -> a -> Boolean
360. Universal.>= : a -> a -> Boolean
361. : a -> a -> Int
362. unsafe.coerceAbilities : (a ->{e1} b) -> a ->{e2} b
363. builtin type Value
364. Value.dependencies : Value -> [Term]
365. Value.deserialize : Bytes -> Either Text Value
366. Value.load : Value ->{IO} Either [Term] a
367. Value.serialize : Value -> Bytes
368. Value.value : a -> Value
.builtin> alias.many 94-104 .mylib

View File

@ -42,24 +42,28 @@ The `builtins.merge` command adds the known builtins to a `builtin` subnamespace
31. Nat/ (28 definitions)
32. Optional (type)
33. Optional/ (2 definitions)
34. Request (builtin type)
35. SeqView (type)
36. SeqView/ (2 definitions)
37. Test/ (3 definitions)
38. Text (builtin type)
39. Text/ (18 definitions)
40. Tuple (type)
41. Tuple/ (1 definition)
42. Unit (type)
43. Unit/ (1 definition)
44. Universal/ (6 definitions)
45. Value (builtin type)
46. Value/ (5 definitions)
47. bug (a -> b)
48. crypto/ (12 definitions)
49. io2/ (121 definitions)
50. metadata/ (2 definitions)
51. todo (a -> b)
52. unsafe/ (1 definition)
34. Ref (builtin type)
35. Ref/ (2 definitions)
36. Request (builtin type)
37. Scope (builtin type)
38. Scope/ (2 definitions)
39. SeqView (type)
40. SeqView/ (2 definitions)
41. Test/ (3 definitions)
42. Text (builtin type)
43. Text/ (18 definitions)
44. Tuple (type)
45. Tuple/ (1 definition)
46. Unit (type)
47. Unit/ (1 definition)
48. Universal/ (6 definitions)
49. Value (builtin type)
50. Value/ (5 definitions)
51. bug (a -> b)
52. crypto/ (12 definitions)
53. io2/ (122 definitions)
54. metadata/ (2 definitions)
55. todo (a -> b)
56. unsafe/ (1 definition)

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Technically, the definitions all exist, but they have no names. `builtins.merge`
.foo> ls
1. builtin/ (361 definitions)
1. builtin/ (368 definitions)
And for a limited time, you can get even more builtin goodies:
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ And for a limited time, you can get even more builtin goodies:
.foo> ls
1. builtin/ (529 definitions)
1. builtin/ (536 definitions)
More typically, you'd start out by pulling `base.

View File

@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ We can also delete the fork if we're done with it. (Don't worry, it's still in t
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
- Deletes:
+ Adds / updates:
@ -129,26 +129,26 @@ We can also delete the fork if we're done with it. (Don't worry, it's still in t
Original name New name(s)
feature1.y master.y
+ Adds / updates:
> Moves:
Original name New name
x master.x
+ Adds / updates:
#u474t1parv (start of history)
#2f9h2uhlk9 (start of history)
To resurrect an old version of a namespace, you can learn its hash via the `history` command, then use `fork #namespacehash .newname`.

View File

@ -59,16 +59,16 @@ y = 2
most recent, along with the command that got us there. Try:
`fork 2 .old`
`fork #no7ag5futf .old` to make an old namespace
`fork #3n9h2vkhe3 .old` to make an old namespace
accessible again,
`reset-root #no7ag5futf` to reset the root namespace and
`reset-root #3n9h2vkhe3` to reset the root namespace and
its history to that of the
specified namespace.
1. #m3jpo289fj : add
2. #no7ag5futf : add
3. #u474t1parv : builtins.merge
1. #vfl0sjr6kg : add
2. #3n9h2vkhe3 : add
3. #2f9h2uhlk9 : builtins.merge
4. #sjg2v58vn2 : (initial reflogged namespace)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
A short script to test mutable references with local scope.
.> builtins.mergeio
test = 'let
r = Scope.ref 0
Ref.write r 1
i = r
Ref.write r 2
j = r
Ref.write r 5
(i, j, r)
> test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
A short script to test mutable references with local scope.
test = 'let
r = Scope.ref 0
Ref.write r 1
i = r
Ref.write r 2
j = r
Ref.write r 5
(i, j, r)
> test
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
test : (Nat, Nat, Nat)
Now evaluating any watch expressions (lines starting with
`>`)... Ctrl+C cancels.
10 | > test
(1, 2, 5)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Let's look at some examples. We'll start with a namespace with just the builtins
#rmo1p21ibg (start of history)
#fhun4m3q9g (start of history)
.> fork builtin builtin2
@ -42,21 +42,21 @@ Now suppose we `fork` a copy of builtin, then rename `Nat.+` to `frobnicate`, th
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
> Moves:
Original name New name
Nat.frobnicate Nat.+
> Moves:
Original name New name
Nat.+ Nat.frobnicate
#rmo1p21ibg (start of history)
#fhun4m3q9g (start of history)
If we merge that back into `builtin`, we get that same chain of history:
@ -71,21 +71,21 @@ If we merge that back into `builtin`, we get that same chain of history:
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
> Moves:
Original name New name
Nat.frobnicate Nat.+
> Moves:
Original name New name
Nat.+ Nat.frobnicate
#rmo1p21ibg (start of history)
#fhun4m3q9g (start of history)
Let's try again, but using a `merge.squash` (or just `squash`) instead. The history will be unchanged:
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Let's try again, but using a `merge.squash` (or just `squash`) instead. The hist
#rmo1p21ibg (start of history)
#fhun4m3q9g (start of history)
The churn that happened in `mybuiltin` namespace ended up back in the same spot, so the squash merge of that namespace with our original namespace had no effect.
@ -485,13 +485,13 @@ This checks to see that squashing correctly preserves deletions:
Note: The most recent namespace hash is immediately below this
- Deletes:
Nat.* Nat.+
#rmo1p21ibg (start of history)
#fhun4m3q9g (start of history)
Notice that `Nat.+` and `Nat.*` are deleted by the squash, and we see them deleted in one atomic step in the history.