Finished simplification of Term/Type/Context representation

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2013-12-13 21:08:04 -05:00
parent 30fb17317f
commit 0ecb0d2e03
7 changed files with 101 additions and 147 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Unison.Syntax.Term.Examples
import Unison.Syntax.Type as T
import Unison.Type.Context as C
expr :: Term () () (Var ())
expr :: Term () ()
expr = identity
main :: IO ()

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@ -6,49 +6,41 @@
module Unison.Syntax.Term where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Unison.Syntax.Var as V
import Unison.Syntax.DeBruijn as D
type ClosedTerm l t = forall v. Term l t (Var v)
-- | Terms with free variables in `v`, type annotations in `t`,
-- and literals in `k`.
data Term l t v
-- | Terms with literals in `l` and type annotations in `t`
data Term l t
= Var V.Var
| Lit l
| App (Term l t v) (Term l t v)
| Ann (Term l t v) t
| Lam (Term l t v)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
| App (Term l t) (Term l t)
| Ann (Term l t) t
| Lam (Term l t)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
abstract1 :: Eq v => v -> Term l t (Var v) -> Maybe (Term l t (Var v2))
abstract1 :: V.Var -> Term l t -> Maybe (Term l t)
abstract1 v = collect go where
go (V.Free v2) | v2 == v = Just (Var V.bound1)
go v2 | v2 == v = Just (Var V.bound1)
go _ = Nothing
abstract :: Eq v => v -> Term l t (Var v) -> ([v], Term l t (Var v))
abstract :: V.Var -> Term l t -> ([V.Var], Term l t)
abstract v = collect go where
go (V.Free v2) | v2 == v = ([], Var V.bound1)
go (V.Free v2) = ([v2], Var (V.Free v2))
go v2 | v2 == v = ([], Var V.bound1)
go v2 = ([v2], Var v2)
go x = ([], Var x)
ap1 :: Term l t (Var v) -> Term l t (Var v) -> Maybe (Term l t (Var v))
ap1 :: Term l t -> Term l t -> Maybe (Term l t)
ap1 (Lam body) t = Just (subst1 body t)
ap1 _ _ = Nothing
bound1 :: Term l t (Var v)
bound1 :: Term l t
bound1 = Var V.bound1
closed :: Term l t v -> Maybe (Term l t v2)
closed = traverse (const Nothing)
collect :: Applicative f
=> (v -> f (Term l t v2))
-> Term l t v
-> f (Term l t v2)
=> (V.Var -> f (Term l t))
-> Term l t
-> f (Term l t)
collect f = go where
go e = case e of
Var v -> f v
@ -57,19 +49,20 @@ collect f = go where
Ann e' t -> Ann <$> go e' <*> pure t
Lam body -> Lam <$> go body
lam1 :: (forall v . Term l t v -> Term l t v) -> Term l t (Var v2)
lam1 f = Lam . fromJust . abstract1 () . f $ Var (Free ())
lam1 :: (Term l t -> Term l t) -> Term l t
lam1 f = let v = V.decr . V.decr $ V.bound1 -- unused
in Lam . fromJust . abstract1 v . f $ Var v
-- subst1 f x
subst1 :: Term l t (Var v) -> Term l t (Var v) -> Term l t (Var v)
subst1 :: Term l t -> Term l t -> Term l t
subst1 = go D.bound1 where
go ind body e = case body of
Var (Bound i) | i == ind -> e
Var v | v == ind -> e
Var _ -> body
Lit _ -> body
App f arg -> App (go ind f e) (go ind arg e)
Ann body' t -> Ann (go ind body' e) t
Lam body' -> Lam (go (D.succ ind) body' e)
vars :: Term l t v -> [v]
vars = toList
vars :: Term l t -> [V.Var]
vars e = getConst $ collect (\v -> Const [v]) e

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@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ module Unison.Syntax.Term.Examples where
import Unison.Syntax.Term
identity :: ClosedTerm k t
identity :: Term l t
identity = lam1 $ \x -> x

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@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import qualified Unison.Syntax.Kind as K
-- constructor is private not exported
data Monotype l c = Monotype { getPolytype :: Type l c }
deriving instance (Eq l, Eq c) => Eq (Monotype l c)
deriving instance (Ord l, Ord c) => Ord (Monotype l c)
deriving instance (Show l, Show c) => Show (Monotype l c)
-- | Types with constraints `c`, free variables in `v` and kind annotations in `k`
data Type l c

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@ -6,25 +6,18 @@
module Unison.Syntax.Var where
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Traversable
import Unison.Syntax.DeBruijn
type Var = DeBruijn
succ :: Var -> Var
succ (DeBruijn i) = DeBruijn (i + 1)
succ v = v
decr :: Var -> Var
decr (DeBruijn i) = DeBruijn (i - 1)
decr v = v
minv :: Var -> Var -> Var
minv (DeBruijn i) (DeBruijn j) = DeBruijn (min i j)
minv b@(DeBruijn i) _ = b
minv _ b@(DeBruijn i) = b
minv b _ = b
bound1 :: Var
bound1 = DeBruijn 1

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@ -21,121 +21,117 @@ import Unison.Type.Note
-- will be positive, so we don't generally need to worry about
-- getting accidental collisions when applying a context to
-- a type
data Context sa a v = Context v [Element sa a v]
data Context l c = Context V.Var [Element l c]
type TContext l c k v =
Context (Monotype l c k (V.Var v)) (Type l c k (V.Var v)) (V.Var v)
empty :: Context l c
empty = Context bound0 []
empty :: Context sa a (Var v)
empty = Context (Bound (DeBruijn 0)) []
bound0 = V.decr V.bound1
context :: Ord v => [Element sa a (Var v)] -> Context sa a (Var v)
context xs = let ctx = reverse xs
v = fromMaybe (Bound (DeBruijn 0)) (currentVar ctx)
in Context v ctx
context :: [Element l c] -> Context l c
context xs =
let ctx = reverse xs
v = fromMaybe bound0 (currentVar ctx)
in Context v ctx
append :: Context sa a (Var v) -> Context sa a (Var v) -> Context sa a (Var v)
append :: Context l c -> Context l c -> Context l c
append (Context n1 ctx1) (Context n2 ctx2) =
let n12 = V.minv n1 n2
in Context n12 (ctx2 ++ ctx1)
fresh :: TContext l c k v -> Var v
fresh :: Context l c -> V.Var
fresh (Context n _) = V.decr n
fresh3 :: TContext l c k v -> (Var v, Var v, Var v)
fresh3 :: Context l c -> (V.Var, V.Var, V.Var)
fresh3 (Context n _) = (a,b,c) where
a = V.decr n
b = fresh' a
c = fresh' b
fresh' :: Var v -> Var v
fresh' :: V.Var -> V.Var
fresh' = V.decr
-- | Add an element onto the end of this `Context`
extend :: Ord v => Element sa a (Var v) -> Context sa a (Var v) -> Context sa a (Var v)
extend :: Element l c -> Context l c -> Context l c
extend e ctx = ctx `append` context [e]
-- | Extend this `Context` with a single universally quantified variable,
-- guaranteed to be fresh
extendUniversal :: Context sa a (Var v) -> (Var v, Context sa a (Var v))
extendUniversal :: Context l c -> (V.Var, Context l c)
extendUniversal (Context n ctx) =
let v = V.decr n in (v, Context v (E.Universal n : ctx))
-- | Extend this `Context` with a single existentially quantified variable,
-- guaranteed to be fresh
extendExistential :: Context sa a (Var v) -> (Var v, Context sa a (Var v))
extendExistential :: Context l c -> (V.Var, Context l c)
extendExistential (Context n ctx) =
let v = V.decr n in (v, Context v (E.Universal n : ctx))
-- | Extend this `Context` with a marker variable, guaranteed to be fresh
extendMarker :: Context sa a (Var v)
-> (Var v, Context sa a (Var v))
extendMarker :: Context l c -> (V.Var, Context l c)
extendMarker (Context n ctx) =
let v = V.decr n in (v, Context v ([E.Existential v, E.Marker v] ++ ctx))
retract :: Ord v
=> Element sa a (Var v)
-> Context sa a (Var v)
-> Context sa a (Var v)
-- | Delete up to and including the given `Element`
retract :: Element l c -> Context l c -> Context l c
retract m (Context _ ctx) =
let ctx' = tail (dropWhile (go m) ctx)
n' = fromMaybe (Bound (DeBruijn 0))
(currentVar ctx') -- ok to recycle our variable supply
n' = fromMaybe bound0 (currentVar ctx') -- ok to recycle our variable supply
go (Marker v) (Marker v2) | v == v2 = False
go (E.Universal v) (E.Universal v2) | v == v2 = False
go (E.Existential v) (E.Existential v2) | v == v2 = False
go _ _ = True
in Context n' ctx'
universals :: Context sa a v -> [v]
universals :: Context l c -> [V.Var]
universals (Context _ ctx) = [v | E.Universal v <- ctx]
markers :: Context sa a v -> [v]
markers :: Context l c -> [V.Var]
markers (Context _ ctx) = [v | Marker v <- ctx]
existentials :: Context sa a v -> [v]
existentials :: Context l c -> [V.Var]
existentials (Context _ ctx) = ctx >>= go where
go (E.Existential v) = [v]
go (E.Solved v _) = [v]
go _ = []
solved :: Context sa a v -> [(v, sa)]
solved :: Context l c -> [(V.Var, Monotype l c)]
solved (Context _ ctx) = [(v, sa) | Solved v sa <- ctx]
unsolved :: Context sa a v -> [v]
unsolved :: Context l c -> [V.Var]
unsolved (Context _ ctx) = [v | E.Existential v <- ctx]
replace :: Ord v => TElement l c k v -> TContext l c k v -> TContext l c k v -> TContext l c k v
replace :: Element l c -> Context l c -> Context l c -> Context l c
replace e focus ctx = let (l,r) = breakAt e ctx in l `append` focus `append` r
breakAt :: Ord v => TElement l c k v -> TContext l c k v -> (TContext l c k v, TContext l c k v)
breakAt :: Element l c -> Context l c -> (Context l c, Context l c)
breakAt m (Context _ xs) =
let (r, l) = break (=== m) xs
in (context (drop 1 l), context r)
-- | ordered Γ α β = True <=> Γ[α^][β^]
ordered :: Ord v => TContext l c k v -> V.Var v -> V.Var v -> Bool
ordered :: Context l c -> V.Var -> V.Var -> Bool
ordered ctx v v2 = v `elem` existentials (retract (E.Existential v2) ctx)
-- | solve (ΓL,α^,ΓR) α τ = (ΓL,α = τ,ΓR)
-- If the given existential variable exists in the context,
-- we solve it to the given monotype, otherwise return `Nothing`
solve :: Ord v => TContext l c k v -> V.Var v -> Monotype l c k (V.Var v) -> Maybe (TContext l c k v)
solve :: Context l c -> V.Var -> Monotype l c -> Maybe (Context l c)
solve ctx v t | wellformedType ctxL (getPolytype t) = Just ctx'
| otherwise = Nothing
where (ctxL,ctxR) = breakAt (E.Existential v) ctx
ctx' = ctxL `append` context [E.Solved v t] `append` ctxR
bindings :: Context sa a v -> [(v, a)]
bindings :: Context l c -> [(V.Var, Type l c)]
bindings (Context _ ctx) = [(v,a) | E.Ann v a <- ctx]
lookupType :: Eq v => Context sa a v -> v -> Maybe a
lookupType :: Context l c -> V.Var -> Maybe (Type l c)
lookupType ctx v = lookup v (bindings ctx)
vars :: Context sa a v -> [v]
vars :: Context l c -> [V.Var]
vars = fmap fst . bindings
allVars :: [Element sa a v] -> [v]
allVars :: [Element l c] -> [V.Var]
allVars ctx = ctx >>= go where
go (E.Solved v _) = [v]
go (E.Ann v _) = [v]
@ -145,12 +141,12 @@ allVars ctx = ctx >>= go where
-- TODO: I suspect this can get away with just examining first few elements
-- perhaps up to first marker
currentVar :: Ord v => [Element sa a v] -> Maybe v
currentVar :: [Element l c] -> Maybe V.Var
currentVar ctx | L.null ctx = Nothing
currentVar ctx | otherwise = Just $ minimum (allVars ctx)
-- | Check that the type is well formed wrt the given `Context`
wellformedType :: Eq v => Context sa a (V.Var v) -> Type l c k (V.Var v) -> Bool
wellformedType :: Context l c -> Type l c -> Bool
wellformedType c t = case t of
T.Unit _ -> True
T.Universal v -> v `elem` universals c
@ -167,7 +163,7 @@ wellformedType c t = case t of
-- mentioned in either `Ann` or `Solved` elements must be
-- wellformed with respect to the prefix of the context
-- leading up to these elements.
wellformed :: Eq v => TContext l c k v -> Bool
wellformed :: Context l c -> Bool
wellformed ctx = all go (zipTail ctx) where
go (E.Universal v, ctx') = v `notElem` universals ctx'
go (E.Existential v, ctx') = v `notElem` existentials ctx'
@ -175,15 +171,12 @@ wellformed ctx = all go (zipTail ctx) where
go (E.Ann v t, ctx') = v `notElem` vars ctx' && wellformedType ctx' t
go (Marker v, ctx') = v `notElem` vars ctx' && v `notElem` existentials ctx'
zipTail :: Context sa a v -> [(Element sa a v, Context sa a v)]
zipTail :: Context l c -> [(Element l c, Context l c)]
zipTail (Context n ctx) = zip ctx (map (Context n) $ tail (tails ctx))
-- invariant is that both input types will have been fully freshened
-- before being passed to apply
apply :: Eq v
=> Context (Monotype l c k v) a v
-> Type l c k v
-> Type l c k v
apply :: Context l c -> Type l c -> Type l c
apply ctx t = case t of
T.Universal _ -> t
T.Unit _ -> t
@ -196,11 +189,7 @@ apply ctx t = case t of
-- | `subtype ctx t1 t2` returns successfully if `t1` is a subtype of `t2`.
-- This may have the effect of altering the context.
subtype :: (Eq l, Ord v)
=> TContext l c k v
-> Type l c k (V.Var v)
-> Type l c k (V.Var v)
-> Either Note (TContext l c k v)
subtype :: Eq l => Context l c -> Type l c -> Type l c -> Either Note (Context l c)
subtype ctx = go where -- Rules from figure 9
go (Unit l) (Unit l2) | l == l2 = pure ctx -- `Unit`
go t1@(T.Universal v1) t2@(T.Universal v2) -- `Var`
@ -231,11 +220,7 @@ subtype ctx = go where -- Rules from figure 9
-- | Instantiate the given existential such that it is
-- a subtype of the given type, updating the context
-- in the process.
instantiateL :: Ord v
=> TContext l c k v
-> Var v
-> Type l c k (V.Var v)
-> Either Note (TContext l c k v)
instantiateL :: Context l c -> V.Var -> Type l c -> Either Note (Context l c)
instantiateL ctx v t = case monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
Just ctx' -> pure ctx' -- InstLSolve
Nothing -> case t of
@ -260,11 +245,7 @@ instantiateL ctx v t = case monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
-- | Instantiate the given existential such that it is
-- a subtype of the given type, updating the context
-- in the process.
instantiateR :: Ord v
=> TContext l c k v
-> Type l c k (V.Var v)
-> Var v
-> Either Note (TContext l c k v)
instantiateR :: Context l c -> Type l c -> V.Var -> Either Note (Context l c)
instantiateR ctx t v = case monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
Just ctx' -> pure ctx' -- InstRSolve
Nothing -> case t of
@ -291,12 +272,12 @@ instantiateR ctx t v = case monotype t >>= solve ctx v of
-- | Check that under the given context, `e` has type `t`,
-- updating the context in the process. Parameterized on
-- a function for synthesizing the type of a literal, `l`.
check :: (Ord v, Eq k, Eq l')
check :: Eq l'
=> (l -> l')
-> TContext l' c k v
-> Term l (Type l' c k (V.Var v)) (V.Var v)
-> Type l' c k (V.Var v)
-> Either Note (TContext l' c k v)
-> Context l' c
-> Term l (Type l' c)
-> Type l' c
-> Either Note (Context l' c)
check synthLit ctx e t | wellformedType ctx t = go e t where
go (Term.Lit l) (T.Unit l') | synthLit l == l' = pure ctx -- 1I
go _ (T.Forall x body) = -- ForallI
@ -316,11 +297,11 @@ check _ _ _ _ = Left $ note "type not well formed wrt context"
-- | Synthesize the type of the given term, updating the context
-- in the process. Parameterized on a function for synthesizing
-- the type of a literal, `l`.
synthesize :: (Ord v, Eq k, Eq l')
synthesize :: Eq l'
=> (l -> l')
-> TContext l' c k v
-> Term l (Type l' c k (V.Var v)) (V.Var v)
-> Either Note (Type l' c k (V.Var v), TContext l' c k v)
-> Context l' c
-> Term l (Type l' c)
-> Either Note (Type l' c, Context l' c)
synthesize synthLit ctx e = go e where
go (Term.Var v) = case lookupType ctx v of -- Var
Nothing -> Left $ note "type not in scope"
@ -352,12 +333,12 @@ synthesize synthLit ctx e = go e where
-- | Synthesize the type of the given term, `arg` given that a function of
-- the given type `ft` is being applied to `arg`. Update the conext in
-- the process.
synthesizeApp :: (Ord v, Eq k, Eq l')
synthesizeApp :: Eq l'
=> (l -> l')
-> TContext l' c k v
-> Type l' c k (V.Var v)
-> Term l (Type l' c k (V.Var v)) (V.Var v)
-> Either Note (Type l' c k (V.Var v), TContext l' c k v)
-> Context l' c
-> Type l' c
-> Term l (Type l' c)
-> Either Note (Type l' c, Context l' c)
synthesizeApp synthLit ctx ft arg = go ft where
go (T.Forall x body) = let x' = fresh ctx -- Forall1App
in synthesizeApp synthLit

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@ -11,63 +11,48 @@ import Control.Lens
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Type as T
import qualified Unison.Syntax.Var as V
-- | Elements of an algorithmic context, indexed by the `T` kind,
-- which indicates whether the context contains unsolved existentials.
-- An `Element Complete` cannot be `Existential`.
-- The `sa` type parameter is the type of solved existentials (a `Monotype`)
-- and the `a` type parameter is the type of other annotations (a `Polytype`).
data Element sa a v where
Universal :: v -> Element sa a v -- | ^ `v` is universally quantified
Existential :: v -> Element sa a v -- | ^ `v` existential and unsolved
Solved :: v -> sa -> Element sa a v -- | ^ `v` is solved to some monotype, `sa`
Ann :: v -> a -> Element sa a v -- | ^ `v` has type `a`, which may be quantified
Marker :: v -> Element sa a v -- | ^ used for scoping somehow
-- | Elements of an algorithmic context
data Element l c where
Universal :: V.Var -> Element l c -- | ^ `v` is universally quantified
Existential :: V.Var -> Element l c -- | ^ `v` existential and unsolved
Solved :: V.Var -> T.Monotype l c -> Element l c -- | ^ `v` is solved to some monotype
Ann :: V.Var -> T.Type l c -> Element l c -- | ^ `v` has type `a`, which may be quantified
Marker :: V.Var -> Element l c -- | ^ used for scoping
instance Functor (Element sa a) where
fmap f e = case e of
Universal v -> Universal (f v)
Existential v -> Existential (f v)
Solved v sa -> Solved (f v) sa
Ann v a -> Ann (f v) a
Marker v -> Marker (f v)
(===) :: Eq v => TElement l c k v -> TElement l c k v -> Bool
(===) :: Element l c -> Element l c -> Bool
Existential v === Existential v2 | v == v2 = True
Universal v === Universal v2 | v == v2 = True
Marker v === Marker v2 | v == v2 = True
Universal v === Universal v2 | v == v2 = True
Marker v === Marker v2 | v == v2 = True
_ === _ = False
(!==) :: Eq v => TElement l c k v -> TElement l c k v -> Bool
(!==) :: Element l c -> Element l c -> Bool
e1 !== e2 = not (e1 === e2)
type TElement l c k v =
Element (T.Monotype l c k (V.Var v)) (T.Type l c k (V.Var v)) (V.Var v)
_Universal :: Simple Prism (Element sa a v) v
_Universal :: Simple Prism (Element l c) V.Var
_Universal = prism Universal go where
go (Universal v) = Right v
go e = Left e
_Existential :: Simple Prism (Element sa a v) v
_Existential :: Simple Prism (Element l c) V.Var
_Existential = prism Existential go where
go (Existential v) = Right v
go e = Left e
_Solved :: Simple Prism (Element sa a v) (v, sa)
_Solved :: Simple Prism (Element l c) (V.Var, T.Monotype l c)
_Solved = prism (uncurry Solved) go where
go (Solved v t) = Right (v, t)
go e = Left e
_Ann :: Simple Prism (Element sa a v) (v, a)
_Ann :: Simple Prism (Element l c) (V.Var, T.Type l c)
_Ann = prism (uncurry Ann) go where
go (Ann v t) = Right (v, t)
go e = Left e
_Marker :: Simple Prism (Element sa a v) v
_Marker :: Simple Prism (Element l c) V.Var
_Marker = prism Marker go where
go (Marker v) = Right v
go e = Left e
deriving instance (Eq sa, Eq a, Eq v) => Eq (Element sa a v)
deriving instance (Show sa, Show a, Show v) => Show (Element sa a v)
deriving instance (Ord sa, Ord a, Ord v) => Ord (Element sa a v)
deriving instance (Show l, Show c) => Show (Element l c)
deriving instance (Ord l, Ord c) => Ord (Element l c)
deriving instance (Eq l, Eq c) => Eq (Element l c)