UI tweaks

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2015-03-05 16:05:28 -05:00
parent a3f7c4a180
commit 10de494ecd

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@ -184,8 +184,17 @@ filteredCompletions model =
filteredInvalidCompletions : Model -> List (Term,Element)
filteredInvalidCompletions model =
let search = Maybe.withDefault "" (Maybe.map (.input >> .string) (model.explorer))
check lit = case model.localInfo of
Nothing -> False
Just t -> Term.checkLiteral lit t.admissible
lits = case model.literal of
Nothing -> []
Just lit ->
if not (check lit)
then [(explorerInput model, Term.Lit lit, renderExplorerEntry model (Term.Lit lit))]
else []
in List.filter (\(k,_,_) -> String.contains (String.trim search) k)
(keyedSearchNonmatches model)
(lits ++ keyedSearchNonmatches model)
|> List.map (\(_,e,l) -> (e,l))
allowApplication : Model -> Bool
@ -353,7 +362,8 @@ setSearchbox sink origin modifier content model =
then content
else { content | string <- String.dropRight 2 content.string }
_ -> content
model' = { model | explorer <- Explorer.setInput content' model.explorer }
model' = { model | explorer <- Explorer.setInput content' model.explorer
, literal <- Nothing }
trimArg scope model =
{ model | scope <- Just (Scope.scope (Path.trimArg scope.focus)) }
@ -490,11 +500,12 @@ refreshExplorer searchbox model = case model.localInfo of
then Layout.element <|
Styles.explorerCells () (List.map (Layout.embed ()) invalidCompletions)
else Element.empty
above = Element.flow Element.down
above = Element.flow Element.down <|
[ above0
, Element.spacer 1 10
, Styles.menuSeparator (Element.widthOf above0 `max` Element.widthOf below)
, Element.spacer 1 5 ]
, Element.spacer 1 10 ] ++
(if below == Element.empty then [Element.empty]
else [ Styles.menuSeparator (Element.widthOf above0 `max` Element.widthOf below)
, Element.spacer 1 5 ])
explorer' : Explorer.Model
explorer' = model.explorer |> Maybe.map (\e ->