fixed up and doc'd underapply case

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2019-02-25 15:57:36 -05:00
parent 72a5446159
commit 1217fe37f4

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@ -451,17 +451,23 @@ run env ir = do
else do
argvs <- for args $ \arg -> at size arg m
case underapply of
-- previousArgs = [mostRecentlyApplied, ..., firstApplied]
Specialize lam@(Term.LamsNamed' vs body) previousArgs -> do
nowArgs = reverse (vs `zip` argvs) ++ previousArgs
nowArgs' = (second Just <$> nowArgs)
vsRemaining = drop (length nowArgs) vs
vsRemaining' = (,Nothing) <$> vsRemaining
-- todo: is this right??
compiled = compile0 env (reverse vsRemaining' ++ nowArgs') body
done $ Lam (arity - nargs) (Specialize lam nowArgs) compiled
Specialize e previousArgs -> error $ "can't underapply a non-lambda: " <> show e <> " " <> show previousArgs
-- Example 1:
-- f = x y z p -> x - y - z - p
-- f' = f 1 2 -- Specialize f [2, 1] -- each arg is pushed onto top
-- f'' = f' 3 -- Specialize f [3, 2, 1]
-- f'' 4 -- should be the same thing as `f 1 2 3 4`
-- pushedArgs = [mostRecentlyApplied, ..., firstApplied]
Specialize lam@(Term.LamsNamed' vs body) pushedArgs -> let
pushedArgs' :: [ (SymbolC, Value)] -- head is the latest argument
pushedArgs' = reverse (drop (length pushedArgs) vs `zip` argvs) ++ pushedArgs
vsRemaining = drop (length pushedArgs') vs
compiled = compile0 env
(reverse (fmap (,Nothing) vsRemaining) ++
fmap (second Just) pushedArgs')
in done $ Lam (arity - nargs) (Specialize lam pushedArgs') compiled
Specialize e pushedArgs -> error $ "can't underapply a non-lambda: " <> show e <> " " <> show pushedArgs
FormClosure tm previousArgs ->
done $ Lam (arity - nargs)
(FormClosure tm (reverse argvs ++ previousArgs))