From eea51284d1b1a82dfa0a5d648057255ecca474dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chris Penner Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2022 11:54:12 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Add ability to hide ucm commands until we're ready to release them. --- .../src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPattern.hs | 4 + .../src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs | 265 ++++++++++++------ 2 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-) diff --git a/unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPattern.hs b/unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPattern.hs index f8a7f6516..098d47666 100644 --- a/unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPattern.hs +++ b/unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPattern.hs @@ -23,9 +23,13 @@ data IsOptional | OnePlus -- 1 or more, at the end deriving (Show, Eq) +data Visibility = Hidden | Visible + deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) + data InputPattern = InputPattern { patternName :: String, aliases :: [String], + visibility :: Visibility, -- Allow hiding certain commands when debugging or work-in-progress argTypes :: [(IsOptional, ArgumentType)], help :: P.Pretty CT.ColorText, parse :: [String] -> Either (P.Pretty CT.ColorText) Input diff --git a/unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs b/unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs index 2dc62edc2..22ccb871d 100644 --- a/unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs +++ b/unison-cli/src/Unison/CommandLine/InputPatterns.hs @@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ mergeBuiltins = InputPattern "builtins.merge" [] + I.Visible [] "Adds the builtins to `builtins.` in the current namespace (excluding `io` and misc)." (const . pure $ Input.MergeBuiltinsI) @@ -96,6 +97,7 @@ mergeIOBuiltins = InputPattern "builtins.mergeio" [] + I.Visible [] "Adds all the builtins to `builtins.` in the current namespace, including `io` and misc." (const . pure $ Input.MergeIOBuiltinsI) @@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ updateBuiltins = InputPattern "builtins.update" [] + I.Visible [] ( "Adds all the builtins that are missing from this namespace, " <> "and deprecate the ones that don't exist in this version of Unison." @@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ todo = InputPattern "todo" [] + I.Visible [(Optional, patchArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ( makeExample' todo, @@ -147,6 +151,7 @@ load = InputPattern "load" [] + I.Visible [(Optional, noCompletions)] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ( makeExample' load, @@ -168,6 +173,7 @@ add = InputPattern "add" [] + I.Visible [(ZeroPlus, noCompletions)] ( "`add` adds to the codebase all the definitions from the most recently " <> "typechecked file." @@ -179,6 +185,7 @@ previewAdd = InputPattern "add.preview" [] + I.Visible [(ZeroPlus, noCompletions)] ( "`add.preview` previews additions to the codebase from the most recently " <> "typechecked file. This command only displays cached typechecking " @@ -192,6 +199,7 @@ updateNoPatch = InputPattern "update.nopatch" ["un"] + I.Visible [(ZeroPlus, noCompletions)] ( P.wrap ( makeExample' updateNoPatch @@ -225,6 +233,7 @@ update = InputPattern "update" [] + I.Visible [(Optional, patchArg), (ZeroPlus, noCompletions)] ( P.wrap ( makeExample' update @@ -268,6 +277,7 @@ previewUpdate = InputPattern "update.preview" [] + I.Visible [(ZeroPlus, noCompletions)] ( "`update.preview` previews updates to the codebase from the most " <> "recently typechecked file. This command only displays cached " @@ -281,6 +291,7 @@ patch = InputPattern "patch" [] + I.Visible [(Required, patchArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.wrap $ makeExample' patch @@ -307,6 +318,7 @@ view = InputPattern "view" [] + I.Visible [(ZeroPlus, definitionQueryArg)] ( P.lines [ "`view foo` prints the definition of `foo`.", @@ -322,6 +334,7 @@ display = InputPattern "display" [] + I.Visible [(ZeroPlus, definitionQueryArg)] ( P.lines [ "`display foo` prints a rendered version of the term `foo`.", @@ -336,6 +349,7 @@ displayTo = InputPattern "" [] + I.Visible [(Required, noCompletions), (ZeroPlus, definitionQueryArg)] ( P.wrap $ makeExample displayTo ["", "foo"] @@ -352,6 +366,7 @@ docs = InputPattern "docs" [] + I.Visible [(ZeroPlus, definitionQueryArg)] ( P.lines [ "`docs foo` shows documentation for the definition `foo`.", @@ -365,6 +380,7 @@ api = InputPattern "api" [] + I.Visible [] "`api` provides details about the API." (const $ pure Input.ApiI) @@ -374,6 +390,7 @@ ui = InputPattern "ui" [] + I.Visible [] "`ui` opens the Codebase UI in the default browser." (const $ pure Input.UiI) @@ -383,6 +400,7 @@ undo = InputPattern "undo" [] + I.Visible [] "`undo` reverts the most recent change to the codebase." (const $ pure Input.UndoI) @@ -392,6 +410,7 @@ viewByPrefix = InputPattern "view.recursive" [] + I.Visible [(OnePlus, definitionQueryArg)] "`view.recursive Foo` prints the definitions of `Foo` and `Foo.blah`." ( fmap (Input.ShowDefinitionByPrefixI Input.ConsoleLocation) @@ -403,6 +422,7 @@ find = InputPattern "find" [] + I.Visible [(ZeroPlus, fuzzyDefinitionQueryArg)] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ("`find`", "lists all definitions in the current namespace."), @@ -423,6 +443,7 @@ findShallow = InputPattern "list" ["ls", "dir"] + I.Visible [(Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ("`list`", "lists definitions and namespaces at the current level of the current namespace."), @@ -443,6 +464,7 @@ findVerbose = InputPattern "find.verbose" ["list.verbose", "ls.verbose"] + I.Visible [(ZeroPlus, fuzzyDefinitionQueryArg)] ( "`find.verbose` searches for definitions like `find`, but includes hashes " <> "and aliases in the results." @@ -454,6 +476,7 @@ findPatch = InputPattern "find.patch" ["list.patch", "ls.patch"] + I.Visible [] ( P.wrapColumn2 [("`find.patch`", "lists all patches in the current namespace.")] @@ -465,6 +488,7 @@ renameTerm = InputPattern "move.term" ["rename.term"] + I.Visible [ (Required, exactDefinitionTermQueryArg), (Required, newNameArg) ] @@ -485,6 +509,7 @@ renameType = InputPattern "move.type" ["rename.type"] + I.Visible [ (Required, exactDefinitionTypeQueryArg), (Required, newNameArg) ] @@ -505,6 +530,7 @@ delete = InputPattern "delete" [] + I.Visible [(OnePlus, definitionQueryArg)] "`delete foo` removes the term or type name `foo` from the namespace." ( \case @@ -522,6 +548,7 @@ deleteTerm = InputPattern "delete.term" [] + I.Visible [(OnePlus, exactDefinitionTermQueryArg)] "`delete.term foo` removes the term name `foo` from the namespace." ( \case @@ -539,6 +566,7 @@ deleteType = InputPattern "delete.type" [] + I.Visible [(OnePlus, exactDefinitionTypeQueryArg)] "`delete.type foo` removes the type name `foo` from the namespace." ( \case @@ -562,6 +590,7 @@ deleteReplacement isTerm = InputPattern commandName [] + I.Visible [(Required, if isTerm then exactDefinitionTermQueryArg else exactDefinitionTypeQueryArg), (Optional, patchArg)] ( P.string $ commandName @@ -626,6 +655,7 @@ aliasTerm = InputPattern "alias.term" [] + I.Visible [(Required, exactDefinitionTermQueryArg), (Required, newNameArg)] "`alias.term foo bar` introduces `bar` with the same definition as `foo`." ( \case @@ -644,6 +674,7 @@ aliasType = InputPattern "alias.type" [] + I.Visible [(Required, exactDefinitionTypeQueryArg), (Required, newNameArg)] "`alias.type Foo Bar` introduces `Bar` with the same definition as `Foo`." ( \case @@ -662,6 +693,7 @@ aliasMany = InputPattern "alias.many" ["copy"] + I.Visible [(Required, definitionQueryArg), (OnePlus, exactDefinitionOrPathArg)] ( . P.lines $ [ P.wrap $ @@ -685,6 +717,7 @@ up = InputPattern "up" [] + I.Visible [] (P.wrapColumn2 [(makeExample up [], "move current path up one level")]) ( \case @@ -697,6 +730,7 @@ cd = InputPattern "namespace" ["cd", "j"] + I.Visible [(Required, namespaceArg)] ( P.lines [ "Moves your perspective to a different namespace.", @@ -732,6 +766,7 @@ back = InputPattern "back" ["popd"] + I.Visible [] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ( makeExample back [], @@ -749,6 +784,7 @@ deleteNamespace = InputPattern "delete.namespace" [] + I.Visible [(Required, namespaceArg)] "`delete.namespace ` deletes the namespace `foo`" (deleteNamespaceParser ( deleteNamespace) Input.Try) @@ -758,6 +794,7 @@ deleteNamespaceForce = InputPattern "delete.namespace.force" [] + I.Visible [(Required, namespaceArg)] ( "`delete.namespace.force ` deletes the namespace `foo`," <> "deletion will proceed even if other code depends on definitions in foo." @@ -782,6 +819,7 @@ deletePatch = InputPattern "delete.patch" [] + I.Visible [(Required, patchArg)] "`delete.patch ` deletes the patch `foo`" ( \case @@ -808,6 +846,7 @@ copyPatch = InputPattern "copy.patch" [] + I.Visible [(Required, patchArg), (Required, newNameArg)] "`copy.patch foo bar` copies the patch `foo` to `bar`." ( \case @@ -820,6 +859,7 @@ renamePatch = InputPattern "move.patch" ["rename.patch"] + I.Visible [(Required, patchArg), (Required, newNameArg)] "`move.patch foo bar` renames the patch `foo` to `bar`." ( \case @@ -832,6 +872,7 @@ renameBranch = InputPattern "move.namespace" ["rename.namespace"] + I.Visible [(Required, namespaceArg), (Required, newNameArg)] "`move.namespace foo bar` renames the path `bar` to `foo`." ( \case @@ -850,6 +891,7 @@ history = InputPattern "history" [] + I.Visible [(Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ (makeExample history [], "Shows the history of the current path."), @@ -873,6 +915,7 @@ forkLocal = InputPattern "fork" ["copy.namespace"] + I.Visible [ (Required, namespaceArg), (Required, newNameArg) ] @@ -890,6 +933,7 @@ resetRoot = InputPattern "reset-root" [] + I.Visible [(Required, namespaceArg)] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ( makeExample resetRoot [".foo"], @@ -930,6 +974,7 @@ pullImpl name verbosity pullMode addendum = do InputPattern name [] + I.Visible [(Optional, gitUrlArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.lines [ P.wrap @@ -975,6 +1020,7 @@ pullExhaustive = InputPattern "debug.pull-exhaustive" [] + I.Visible [(Required, gitUrlArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.lines [ P.wrap $ @@ -1003,6 +1049,7 @@ push = InputPattern "push" [] + I.Visible [(Required, gitUrlArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.lines [ P.wrap @@ -1043,6 +1090,7 @@ pushCreate = InputPattern "push.create" [] + I.Visible [(Required, gitUrlArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.lines [ P.wrap @@ -1083,6 +1131,7 @@ pushExhaustive = InputPattern "debug.push-exhaustive" [] + I.Visible [(Required, gitUrlArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.lines [ P.wrap $ @@ -1110,6 +1159,7 @@ createPullRequest = InputPattern "pull-request.create" ["pr.create"] + I.Visible [(Required, gitUrlArg), (Required, gitUrlArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( $ P.lines @@ -1139,6 +1189,7 @@ loadPullRequest = InputPattern "pull-request.load" ["pr.load"] + I.Visible [(Required, gitUrlArg), (Required, gitUrlArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.lines [ P.wrap $ @@ -1220,6 +1271,7 @@ squashMerge = InputPattern "merge.squash" ["squash"] + I.Visible [(Required, namespaceArg), (Required, namespaceArg)] ( P.wrap $ makeExample squashMerge ["src", "dest"] @@ -1241,6 +1293,7 @@ mergeLocal = InputPattern "merge" [] + I.Visible [ (Required, namespaceArg), (Optional, namespaceArg) ] @@ -1265,6 +1318,7 @@ diffNamespace = InputPattern "diff.namespace" [] + I.Visible [(Required, namespaceArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.column2 [ ( "`diff.namespace before after`", @@ -1293,6 +1347,7 @@ previewMergeLocal = InputPattern "merge.preview" [] + I.Visible [(Required, namespaceArg), (Optional, namespaceArg)] ( P.column2 [ ( "`merge.preview src`", @@ -1327,6 +1382,7 @@ replaceEdit f = self InputPattern "replace" [] + I.Visible [ (Required, definitionQueryArg), (Required, definitionQueryArg), (Optional, patchArg) @@ -1360,6 +1416,7 @@ viewReflog = InputPattern "reflog" [] + I.Visible [] "`reflog` lists the changes that have affected the root namespace" ( \case @@ -1374,6 +1431,7 @@ edit = InputPattern "edit" [] + I.Visible [(OnePlus, definitionQueryArg)] ( P.lines [ "`edit foo` prepends the definition of `foo` to the top of the most " @@ -1398,6 +1456,7 @@ helpTopics = InputPattern "help-topics" ["help-topic"] + I.Visible [(Optional, topicNameArg)] ("`help-topics` lists all topics and `help-topics ` shows an explanation of that topic.") ( \case @@ -1542,6 +1601,7 @@ help = InputPattern "help" ["?"] + I.Visible [(Optional, commandNameArg)] "`help` shows general help and `help ` shows help for one command." ( \case @@ -1550,7 +1610,7 @@ help = intercalateMap "\n\n" showPatternHelp - (sortOn I.patternName validInputs) + visibleInputs [isHelp -> Just msg] -> Left msg [cmd] -> case Map.lookup cmd commandsByName of Nothing -> Left . warn $ "I don't know of that command. Try `help`." @@ -1559,9 +1619,10 @@ help = ) where commandsByName = - Map.fromList - [ (n, i) | i <- validInputs, n <- I.patternName i : I.aliases i - ] + Map.fromList $ do + input@I.InputPattern {I.patternName, I.aliases} <- validInputs + name <- patternName : aliases + pure (name, input) isHelp s = Map.lookup s helpTopicsMap quit :: InputPattern @@ -1569,6 +1630,7 @@ quit = InputPattern "quit" ["exit", ":q"] + I.Visible [] "Exits the Unison command line interface." ( \case @@ -1581,6 +1643,7 @@ viewPatch = InputPattern "view.patch" [] + I.Visible [(Required, patchArg)] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ( makeExample' viewPatch, @@ -1604,6 +1667,7 @@ link = InputPattern "link" [] + I.Visible [(Required, definitionQueryArg), (OnePlus, definitionQueryArg)] ( fromString $ concat @@ -1629,6 +1693,7 @@ links = InputPattern "links" [] + I.Visible [(Required, definitionQueryArg), (Optional, definitionQueryArg)] ( P.column2 [ (makeExample links ["defn"], "shows all outgoing links from `defn`."), @@ -1650,6 +1715,7 @@ unlink = InputPattern "unlink" [""] + I.Visible [(Required, definitionQueryArg), (OnePlus, definitionQueryArg)] ( fromString $ concat @@ -1674,6 +1740,7 @@ names = InputPattern "names" [] + I.Visible [(Required, definitionQueryArg)] "`names foo` shows the hash and all known names for `foo`." ( \case @@ -1691,6 +1758,7 @@ dependents = InputPattern "dependents" [] + I.Visible [] "List the named dependents of the specified definition." ( \case @@ -1701,6 +1769,7 @@ dependencies = InputPattern "dependencies" [] + I.Visible [] "List the dependencies of the specified definition." ( \case @@ -1713,6 +1782,7 @@ namespaceDependencies = InputPattern "namespace.dependencies" [] + I.Visible [(Optional, namespaceArg)] "List the external dependencies of the specified namespace." ( \case @@ -1728,6 +1798,7 @@ debugNumberedArgs = InputPattern "debug.numberedArgs" [] + I.Visible [] "Dump the contents of the numbered args state." (const $ Right Input.DebugNumberedArgsI) @@ -1737,6 +1808,7 @@ debugFileHashes = InputPattern "debug.file" [] + I.Visible [] "View details about the most recent succesfully typechecked file." (const $ Right Input.DebugTypecheckedUnisonFileI) @@ -1746,6 +1818,7 @@ debugDumpNamespace = InputPattern "debug.dump-namespace" [] + I.Visible [(Required, noCompletions)] "Dump the namespace to a text file" (const $ Right Input.DebugDumpNamespacesI) @@ -1755,6 +1828,7 @@ debugDumpNamespaceSimple = InputPattern "debug.dump-namespace-simple" [] + I.Visible [(Required, noCompletions)] "Dump the namespace to a text file" (const $ Right Input.DebugDumpNamespaceSimpleI) @@ -1764,6 +1838,7 @@ debugClearWatchCache = InputPattern "debug.clear-cache" [] + I.Visible [(Required, noCompletions)] "Clear the watch expression cache" (const $ Right Input.DebugClearWatchI) @@ -1773,6 +1848,7 @@ test = InputPattern "test" [] + I.Visible [] "`test` runs unit tests for the current branch." (const $ pure $ Input.TestI True True) @@ -1782,6 +1858,7 @@ docsToHtml = InputPattern "" [] + I.Visible [] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ( "` ~/path/to/file/output`", @@ -1802,6 +1879,7 @@ execute = InputPattern "run" [] + I.Visible [(Required, exactDefinitionTermQueryArg), (ZeroPlus, noCompletions)] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ( "`run mymain args...`", @@ -1823,6 +1901,7 @@ ioTest = InputPattern "io.test" [] + I.Visible [] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ( "`io.test mytest`", @@ -1841,6 +1920,7 @@ makeStandalone = InputPattern "compile" ["compile.output"] + I.Visible [(Required, exactDefinitionTermQueryArg), (Required, noCompletions)] ( P.wrapColumn2 [ ( "`compile main file`", @@ -1861,6 +1941,7 @@ createAuthor = InputPattern "" [] + I.Visible [(Required, noCompletions), (Required, noCompletions)] ( makeExample createAuthor ["alicecoder", "\"Alice McGee\""] <> "creates" @@ -1888,6 +1969,7 @@ gist = InputPattern "push.gist" ["gist"] + I.Visible [(Required, gitUrlArg)] ( P.lines [ "Publish the current namespace.", @@ -1908,93 +1990,98 @@ gist = validInputs :: [InputPattern] validInputs = - [ help, - helpTopics, - load, - add, - previewAdd, - update, - previewUpdate, - updateNoPatch, - delete, - forkLocal, - mergeLocal, - squashMerge, - previewMergeLocal, - diffNamespace, - names, - push, - pushCreate, - pull, - pullWithoutHistory, - pullSilent, - pushExhaustive, - pullExhaustive, - createPullRequest, - loadPullRequest, - cd, - up, - back, - deleteNamespace, - deleteNamespaceForce, - renameBranch, - deletePatch, - renamePatch, - copyPatch, - find, - findShallow, - findVerbose, - view, - display, - displayTo, - api, - ui, - docs, - docsToHtml, - findPatch, - viewPatch, - undo, - history, - edit, - renameTerm, - deleteTerm, - aliasTerm, - renameType, - deleteType, - aliasType, - aliasMany, - todo, - patch, - link, - unlink, - links, - createAuthor, - replace, - deleteTermReplacement, - deleteTypeReplacement, - test, - ioTest, - execute, - viewReflog, - resetRoot, - quit, - updateBuiltins, - makeStandalone, - mergeBuiltins, - mergeIOBuiltins, - dependents, - dependencies, - namespaceDependencies, - debugNumberedArgs, - debugFileHashes, - debugDumpNamespace, - debugDumpNamespaceSimple, - debugClearWatchCache, - gist - ] + sortOn + I.patternName + [ help, + helpTopics, + load, + add, + previewAdd, + update, + previewUpdate, + updateNoPatch, + delete, + forkLocal, + mergeLocal, + squashMerge, + previewMergeLocal, + diffNamespace, + names, + push, + pushCreate, + pull, + pullWithoutHistory, + pullSilent, + pushExhaustive, + pullExhaustive, + createPullRequest, + loadPullRequest, + cd, + up, + back, + deleteNamespace, + deleteNamespaceForce, + renameBranch, + deletePatch, + renamePatch, + copyPatch, + find, + findShallow, + findVerbose, + view, + display, + displayTo, + api, + ui, + docs, + docsToHtml, + findPatch, + viewPatch, + undo, + history, + edit, + renameTerm, + deleteTerm, + aliasTerm, + renameType, + deleteType, + aliasType, + aliasMany, + todo, + patch, + link, + unlink, + links, + createAuthor, + replace, + deleteTermReplacement, + deleteTypeReplacement, + test, + ioTest, + execute, + viewReflog, + resetRoot, + quit, + updateBuiltins, + makeStandalone, + mergeBuiltins, + mergeIOBuiltins, + dependents, + dependencies, + namespaceDependencies, + debugNumberedArgs, + debugFileHashes, + debugDumpNamespace, + debugDumpNamespaceSimple, + debugClearWatchCache, + gist + ] + +visibleInputs :: [InputPattern] +visibleInputs = filter ((== I.Visible) . I.visibility) validInputs commandNames :: [String] -commandNames = validInputs >>= \i -> I.patternName i : I.aliases i +commandNames = visibleInputs >>= \i -> I.patternName i : I.aliases i commandNameArg :: ArgumentType commandNameArg =