This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2016-08-23 22:02:08 -04:00
parent 33f83dcfeb
commit 1331400b1d
3 changed files with 26 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ makeBuiltins whnf =
Term.Vector' init -> Term.vector' (Vector.snoc init last)
init -> Term.ref r `` last `` init
op _ = fail "Vector.append unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a. a -> Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "append")
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . a -> Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "append")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.concatenate"
op [a,b] = do
ar <- whnf a
@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ makeBuiltins whnf =
(Term.Vector' a, Term.Vector' b) -> Term.vector' (a `mappend` b)
(a,b) -> Term.ref r `` a `` b
op _ = fail "Vector.concatenate unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a. Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "concatenate")
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a -> Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "concatenate")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.empty"
op [] = pure $ Term.vector mempty
op _ = fail "Vector.empty unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 0 op), unsafeParseType "forall a. Vector a", prefix "empty")
in (r, Just (I.Primop 0 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a", prefix "empty")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.range"
op [start,stop] = do
Term.Number' start <- whnf start
@ -295,7 +295,15 @@ makeBuiltins whnf =
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
pure $ if Vector.null vs then true else false
op _ = fail "Vector.empty? unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a. Vector a -> Boolean", prefix "empty?")
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a -> Boolean", prefix "empty?")
, let r = R.Builtin ""
op [v,v2] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
Term.Vector' vs2 <- whnf v2
pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.zipWith pair' vs vs2)
op _ = fail " unpossible"
typ = "∀ a b . Vector a -> Vector b -> Vector (a,b)"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.sort"
op [ord,f,v] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
@ -317,13 +325,13 @@ makeBuiltins whnf =
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
pure $ Term.num (fromIntegral $ Vector.length vs)
op _ = fail "Vector.size unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a. Vector a -> Number", prefix "Vector.size")
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a -> Number", prefix "Vector.size")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.reverse"
op [v] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
pure $ Term.vector' (Vector.reverse vs)
op _ = fail "Vector.reverse unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a. Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "Vector.reverse")
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "Vector.reverse")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.split"
op [v] = do
Term.Vector' vs <- whnf v
@ -332,7 +340,7 @@ makeBuiltins whnf =
False -> case Vector.splitAt (Vector.length vs `div` 2) vs of
(x,y) -> pair' (Term.vector' x) (Term.vector' y)
op _ = fail "Vector.split unpossible"
typ = "forall a. Vector a -> (Vector a, Vector a)"
typ = "forall a . Vector a -> (Vector a, Vector a)"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "Vector.split")
, let r = R.Builtin ""
op [n,vec] = do
@ -365,7 +373,8 @@ makeBuiltins whnf =
Term.Vector' vs -> Vector.foldM (\acc a -> whnf (f `Term.apps` [acc, a])) z vs
_ -> pure $ Term.ref r `` vec
op _ = fail "Vector.fold-left unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 3 op), unsafeParseType "forall a b. (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Vector a -> b", prefix "fold-left")
typ = "forall a b . (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Vector a -> b"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 3 op), unsafeParseType typ, prefix "fold-left")
, let r = R.Builtin ""
op [f,vec] = do
vecr <- whnf vec
@ -373,7 +382,7 @@ makeBuiltins whnf =
Term.Vector' vs -> Term.vector' (fmap ( f) vs)
_ -> Term.ref r `` vecr
op _ = fail " unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a b. (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b", prefix "map")
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a b . (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b", prefix "")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.prepend"
op [hd,tl] = do
tlr <- whnf tl
@ -381,11 +390,11 @@ makeBuiltins whnf =
Term.Vector' tl -> Term.vector' (Vector.cons hd tl)
tl -> Term.ref r `` hd `` tl
op _ = fail "Vector.prepend unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a. a -> Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "prepend")
in (r, Just (I.Primop 2 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . a -> Vector a -> Vector a", prefix "prepend")
, let r = R.Builtin "Vector.single"
op [hd] = pure $ Term.vector (pure hd)
op _ = fail "Vector.single unpossible"
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a. a -> Vector a", prefix "Vector.single")
in (r, Just (I.Primop 1 op), unsafeParseType "forall a . a -> Vector a", prefix "Vector.single")
-- type helpers

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@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ tests = withResource Common.node (\_ -> pure ()) $ \node ->
, t "Vector.range 0 0" "[]"
, t "Vector.fold-left (+) 0 (Vector.replicate 5 1)" "5"
, t "Vector.sort Number.Order identity [5,2,1,3,4]" "[1,2,3,4,5]"
, t "Vector.bind 2nd ( [1,2,3] [[1],[2],[3]])" "[1,2,3]"
, t "Optional.getOr 96 ( 1 [0,1,2,3,4])" "1"
, t "Vector.take 0 [1,2,3]" "[]"
, t "Vector.take 2 [1,2,3]" "[1,2]"

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@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ Vector.replicate n a = (const a) (Vector.range 0 n);
Remote.replicate : ∀ a . Number -> Remote a -> Remote (Vector a);
Remote.replicate n r = Remote.sequence (Vector.replicate n r);
Vector.bind : ∀ a b . (a -> Vector b) -> Vector a -> Vector b;
Vector.bind f v = Vector.fold-balanced Vector.concatenate Vector.empty ( f v);
Vector.pure = Vector.single;
Vector.fold-right : ∀ a b . (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Vector a -> b;
Vector.fold-right f z vs = Vector.fold-left (flip f) z (Vector.reverse vs);