Track position in parser state like an adult

This commit is contained in:
Runar Bjarnason 2018-07-19 17:03:00 -04:00
parent 9684e355af
commit 14c00213e3

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@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
module Unison.Parser2 where
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad (join, void)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, modify, put, evalStateT)
import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Maybe
@ -20,7 +21,11 @@ import qualified Unison.UnisonFile as UnisonFile
type PEnv = UnisonFile.CtorLookup
type Parser s a = ParsecT Text s ((->) PEnv) (L.Token a)
-- The parser needs to track the start and end position of the parsed object
-- in the input text.
type Ann = (L.Pos, L.Pos)
type Parser s a = StateT Ann (ParsecT Text s ((->) PEnv)) a
-- A parser of `Lexer.Input` streams.
type UnisonParser a = Parser Input a
@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ run' :: P.Stream s
-> String
-> PEnv
-> Either (Err s) a
run' p s name = fmap L.payload . runParserT p name s
run' p s name = runParserT (evalStateT p (L.Pos 0 0, L.Pos 0 0)) name s
run :: P.Stream s
=> Parser s a
@ -93,9 +98,21 @@ run :: P.Stream s
-> Either (Err s) a
run p s = run' p s ""
putStart :: P.Stream s => L.Token a -> Parser s ()
putStart (L.Token _ start _) = modify (\(_,e) -> (start, e))
putEnd :: P.Stream s => L.Token a -> Parser s ()
putEnd (L.Token _ _ end) = modify (\(s,_) -> (s, end))
putPos :: P.Stream s => L.Token a -> Parser s ()
putPos (L.Token _ start end) = put (start, end)
-- Virtual pattern match on a lexeme.
queryToken :: (L.Lexeme -> Maybe a) -> UnisonParser a
queryToken f = P.token go Nothing
queryToken f = do
t <- P.token go Nothing
putPos t
pure $ L.payload t
where go t@((f . L.payload) -> Just s) = Right $ fmap (const s) t
go x = Left (pure (P.Tokens (x:|[])), Set.empty)
@ -108,15 +125,18 @@ openBlock = queryToken getOpen
-- Match a particular lexeme exactly, and consume it.
matchToken :: L.Lexeme -> UnisonParser L.Lexeme
matchToken x = P.satisfy ((==) x . L.payload)
matchToken x = do
t <- P.satisfy ((==) x . L.payload)
putPos t
pure $ L.payload t
-- Consume a virtual semicolon
semi :: UnisonParser ()
semi = fmap (const ()) <$> matchToken L.Semi
semi = void $ matchToken L.Semi
-- Consume the end of a block
closeBlock :: UnisonParser ()
closeBlock = fmap (const ()) <$> matchToken L.Close
closeBlock = void $ matchToken L.Close
-- Parse an alphanumeric identifier
wordyId :: UnisonParser String
@ -141,8 +161,8 @@ parenthesized :: UnisonParser a -> UnisonParser a
parenthesized = P.between (reserved "(") (reserved ")")
sepBy :: (P.Stream s) => Parser s a -> Parser s b -> Parser s [b]
sepBy sep pb = sequenceA <$> P.sepBy pb sep
sepBy sep pb = P.sepBy pb sep
sepBy1 :: (P.Stream s) => Parser s a -> Parser s b -> Parser s [b]
sepBy1 sep pb = sequenceA <$> P.sepBy pb sep
sepBy1 sep pb = P.sepBy pb sep