update pretty-printer to use multi-guard syntax and improve tests

This commit is contained in:
Paul Chiusano 2021-07-20 00:45:03 -04:00
parent f31f89085e
commit 168afdc0ee
4 changed files with 106 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -486,6 +486,16 @@ type MatchCase' ann tm = ([Pattern ann], Maybe tm, tm)
arity1Branches :: [MatchCase ann tm] -> [MatchCase' ann tm]
arity1Branches bs = [ ([pat], guard, body) | MatchCase pat guard body <- bs ]
groupCases :: Ord v => [MatchCase' () (Term3 v ann)]
-> [([Pattern ()], [v], [(Maybe (Term3 v ann), Term3 v ann)])]
groupCases ms = go0 ms where
go0 [] = []
go0 ms@((p1, _, AbsN' vs1 _) : _) = go2 (p1,vs1) [] ms
go2 (p0,vs0) acc [] = [(p0,vs0,reverse acc)]
go2 (p0, vs0) acc ms@((p1, g1, AbsN' vs body) : tl)
| p0 == p1 && vs == vs0 = go2 (p0, vs0) ((g1,body):acc) tl
| otherwise = (p0,vs0,reverse acc) : go0 ms
:: Var v
=> PrettyPrintEnv
@ -493,31 +503,46 @@ printCase
-> DocLiteralContext
-> [MatchCase' () (Term3 v PrintAnnotation)]
-> Pretty SyntaxText
printCase env im doc ms = PP.lines $ map each gridArrowsAligned where
printCase env im doc ms0 = PP.lines $ map each gridArrowsAligned where
ms = groupCases ms0
each (lhs, arrow, body) = PP.group $ (lhs <> arrow) `PP.hang` body
grid = go <$> ms
grid = go =<< ms
gridArrowsAligned = tidy <$> zip (PP.align' (f <$> grid)) grid where
f (a, b, _) = (a, Just b)
tidy ((a', b'), (_, _, c)) = (a', b', c)
go (pats, guard, (AbsN' vs body)) =
(lhs, arrow, (uses [pretty0 env (ac 0 Block im' doc) body]))
patLhs vs pats = case pats of
[pat] -> PP.group (fst (prettyPattern env (ac 0 Block im doc) (-1) vs pat))
pats -> PP.group . PP.sep ("," <> PP.softbreak) . (`evalState` vs) . for pats $ \pat -> do
vs <- State.get
let (p, rem) = prettyPattern env (ac 0 Block im doc) (-1) vs pat
State.put rem
pure p
arrow = fmt S.ControlKeyword "->"
goBody im' uses body = uses [pretty0 env (ac 0 Block im' doc) body]
printGuard (Just (ABT.AbsN' _ g)) =
-- strip off any Abs-chain around the guard, guard variables are rendered
-- like any other variable, ex: case Foo x y | x < y -> ...
PP.group $ PP.spaced [(fmt S.DelimiterChar " |"), pretty0 env (ac 2 Normal im doc) g]
printGuard Nothing = mempty
go (pats, vs, [(guard, body)]) =
[(lhs, arrow, goBody im' uses body)]
lhs = (case pats of
[pat] -> PP.group (fst (prettyPattern env (ac 0 Block im doc) (-1) vs pat))
pats -> PP.group . PP.sep ("," <> PP.softbreak) . (`evalState` vs) . for pats $ \pat -> do
vs <- State.get
let (p, rem) = prettyPattern env (ac 0 Block im doc) (-1) vs pat
State.put rem
pure p)
<> printGuard guard
arrow = fmt S.ControlKeyword "->"
printGuard (Just g') = let (_, g) = ABT.unabs g' in
-- strip off any Abs-chain around the guard, guard variables are rendered
-- like any other variable, ex: case Foo x y | x < y -> ...
PP.group $ PP.spaced [(fmt S.DelimiterChar " |"), pretty0 env (ac 2 Normal im doc) g]
printGuard Nothing = mempty
lhs = patLhs vs pats <> printGuard guard
(im', uses) = calcImports im body
go _ = (l "error", mempty, mempty)
go (pats, vs, unzip -> (guards, bodies)) =
(patLhs vs pats, mempty, mempty)
: zip3 (PP.indentN 2 . printGuard <$> guards)
(repeat arrow)
(printBody <$> bodies)
printGuard Nothing = (fmt S.DelimiterChar " |") <> fmt S.ControlKeyword " otherwise"
printGuard (Just (ABT.AbsN' _ g)) =
PP.group $ PP.spaced [(fmt S.DelimiterChar " |"), pretty0 env (ac 2 Normal im doc) g]
printBody b = let (im', uses) = calcImports im b
in goBody im' uses b
{- Render a binding, producing output of the form
@ -1069,7 +1094,6 @@ immediateChildBlockTerms = \case
_ -> []
doCase (MatchCase _ _ (AbsN' _ body)) = [body]
doCase _ = error "bad match" []
doLet (v, Ann' tm _) = doLet (v, tm)
doLet (v, LamsNamedOpt' _ body) = if isBlank $ Var.nameStr v
then []

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@ -1 +1 @@
("byebye", "byebye", 1, 10)
("byebye", "byebye", 1, 10, 0)

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@ -87,3 +87,22 @@ blorf = cases
> blah F F
> blorf T F
## Patterns with multiple guards
merge3 : [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge3 = cases
[], ys -> ys
xs, [] -> xs
h +: t, h2 +: t2
| h <= h2 -> h +: merge3 t (h2 +: t2)
| otherwise -> h2 +: merge3 (h +: t) t2
.> add
.> view merge3

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@ -160,3 +160,45 @@ blorf = cases
## Patterns with multiple guards
merge3 : [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge3 = cases
[], ys -> ys
xs, [] -> xs
h +: t, h2 +: t2
| h <= h2 -> h +: merge3 t (h2 +: t2)
| otherwise -> h2 +: merge3 (h +: t) t2
I found and typechecked these definitions in scratch.u. If you
do an `add` or `update`, here's how your codebase would
⍟ These new definitions are ok to `add`:
merge3 : [a] -> [a] -> [a]
.> add
⍟ I've added these definitions:
merge3 : [a] -> [a] -> [a]
.> view merge3
merge3 : [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge3 = cases
[], ys -> ys
xs, [] -> xs
h +: t, h2 +: t2
| h <= h2 -> h +: merge3 t (h2 +: t2)
| otherwise -> h2 +: merge3 (h +: t) t2