Implementing Pcbt fuseable traversals

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Paul Chiusano 2015-12-15 14:58:37 -05:00
parent 82013b035b
commit 16db535018
3 changed files with 108 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
{-# Language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# Language DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# Language DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# Language ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# Language GADTs #-}
{-# Language Rank2Types #-}
module Unison.Runtime.Pcbt where
import Control.Monad
import qualified Unison.Runtime.Vector as V
data Labels p a = Labels { path :: p, maxPath :: p, hit :: Maybe a }
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
type IsBin = Bool
-- | A binary tree along with a set of labels attached to each node in the tree
data Pcbt m p a = Pcbt
{ structure :: [Bool] -> m IsBin
, labels :: [Bool] -> m (Labels p a) }
type Traversal m p a b r = Free (Instruction m p a b) r
data Instruction m p a b r where
Effect :: m x -> Instruction m p a b x
IsLeaf :: Instruction m p a b Bool
Ask :: Instruction m p a b (Labels p a)
Skip :: Instruction m p a b ()
Continue :: Instruction m p a b ()
Emit :: b -> Instruction m p a b ()
run :: Monad m
=> Traversal m p a b r
-> V.Vector Bool
-> V.Vector b
-> Pcbt m p a
-> m (V.Vector b)
run f cursor acc t = case f of
Pure _ -> pure acc
Bind req k -> case req of
Effect m -> m >>= (\x -> run (k x) cursor acc t)
Ask -> labels t (V.toList cursor) >>= \ls -> run (k ls) cursor acc t
IsLeaf -> structure t (V.toList cursor) >>= \isLeaf -> run (k isLeaf) cursor acc t
Emit b -> run (k ()) cursor (acc `V.snoc` b) t
Continue -> do
cursor <- advance cursor
maybe (pure acc) (\cursor -> run (k ()) cursor acc t) cursor
advance i = structure t (V.toList i) >>= \isLeaf -> case isLeaf of
False -> pure (Just (i `V.snoc` False))
True -> pure (incr i)
Skip -> maybe (pure acc) (\cursor -> run (k ()) cursor acc t) (incr cursor)
incr :: V.Vector Bool -> Maybe (V.Vector Bool)
incr i = case V.dropRightWhile id i of
i | V.isEmpty i -> Nothing
| otherwise -> Just (V.init i `V.snoc` True)
data Free f a
= Pure a
| forall x . Bind (f x) (x -> Free f a)
instance Functor (Free f) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (Free f) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (Free f) where
return = Pure
Bind x f >>= g = Bind x ((g =<<) . f)
Pure x >>= f = f x
eval :: f a -> Free f a
eval a = Bind a pure
translate :: (forall a . f a -> g a) -> Free f a -> Free g a
translate _ (Pure a) = Pure a
translate u (Bind x f) = Bind (u x) (translate u . f)
interpret :: Monad f => Free f a -> f a
interpret (Bind x f) = x >>= (interpret . f)
interpret (Pure a) = return a

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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
module Unison.Runtime.Vector where
import Data.List hiding (length)
import Prelude hiding (length)
import Data.List hiding (init,length)
import Prelude hiding (init,length)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
arity :: Int
arity = 128
arity = 64
data Vector a =
Vector { length :: !Int, hd :: !(V.Vector a), tl :: (Vector (V.Vector a)), buf :: !(V.Vector a) }
@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ data Vector a =
empty :: Vector a
empty = Vector 0 V.empty empty V.empty
isEmpty :: Vector a -> Bool
isEmpty v = length v == 0
snoc :: Vector a -> a -> Vector a
snoc (Vector n hd tl buf) a =
case buf `V.snoc` a of
@ -27,6 +30,21 @@ unsafeIndex (Vector _ hd tl buf) i = case i of
_ -> case (i - V.length hd) `divMod` arity of
(bucket,offset) -> tl `unsafeIndex` bucket `V.unsafeIndex` offset
unsafeLast :: Vector a -> a
unsafeLast v = unsafeIndex v (length v - 1)
-- | Drop the last element from this vector. Returns itself if empty.
init :: Vector a -> Vector a
init v@(Vector n hd tl buf) = case V.null buf of
False -> Vector (n-1) hd tl (V.init buf)
_ | n == V.length hd -> Vector (n-1) V.empty tl (V.init hd)
_ | n == 0 -> v
_ -> Vector (n-1) hd (init tl) (V.init (unsafeLast tl))
dropRightWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> Vector a -> Vector a
dropRightWhile f v | isEmpty v || not (f (unsafeLast v)) = v
dropRightWhile f v = dropRightWhile f (init v)
toList :: Vector a -> [a]
toList v = map (unsafeIndex v) [0 .. length v - 1]
@ -44,6 +62,7 @@ instance Ord a => Ord (Vector a) where
instance Monoid (Vector a) where
mempty = empty
mappend (Vector 0 _ _ _) v2 = v2
mappend v1@(Vector n1 hd1 tl1 buf1) v2@(Vector n2 hd2 tl2 buf2) =
if V.null buf1 then Vector (n1+n2) hd1 (tl1 `snoc` hd2 `mappend` tl2) buf2
else foldl' snoc v1 (toList v2)

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ library