Improve some TDNR and local type generalization behavior

This commit is contained in:
Dan Doel 2024-01-25 10:34:44 -05:00
parent f991abe291
commit 1810f4f83b

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@ -218,6 +218,15 @@ mapErrors f r = case r of
CompilerBug bug es is -> CompilerBug bug (f <$> es) is
s@(Success _ _) -> s
-- Allows modifying the stored notes in a scoped way.
-- This is based on the `pass` function in e.g. Control.Monad.Writer
adjustResultNotes ::
Result v loc (a, InfoNote v loc -> InfoNote v loc) ->
Result v loc a
adjustResultNotes (Success notes (r, f)) = Success (fmap f notes) r
adjustResultNotes (TypeError e i) = TypeError e i
adjustResultNotes (CompilerBug c e i) = CompilerBug c e i
data PatternMatchCoverageCheckAndKindInferenceSwitch
= PatternMatchCoverageCheckAndKindInferenceSwitch'Enabled
| PatternMatchCoverageCheckAndKindInferenceSwitch'Disabled
@ -251,6 +260,15 @@ liftTotalM (MT m) = MT $ \ppe pmcSwitch datas effects env -> case m ppe pmcSwitc
Left bug -> CompilerBug bug mempty mempty
Right a -> Success mempty a
-- Allows modifying the stored notes in a scoped way.
-- This is based on the `pass` function in e.g. Control.Monad.Writer
adjustNotes ::
M v loc (a, InfoNote v loc -> InfoNote v loc) -> M v loc a
adjustNotes (MT m) = MT $ \ppe pmcSwitch datas effects env ->
adjustResultNotes (twiddle <$> m ppe pmcSwitch datas effects env)
twiddle ((a, c), b) = ((a, b), c)
-- errorNote :: Cause v loc -> M v loc ()
-- errorNote = liftResult . errorNote
@ -338,6 +356,27 @@ data InfoNote v loc
topLevelComponent :: (Var v) => [(v, Type.Type v loc, RedundantTypeAnnotation)] -> InfoNote v loc
topLevelComponent = TopLevelComponent . fmap (over _2 removeSyntheticTypeVars)
-- Given a list of Elements that are going to be discarded from a
-- context, substitutes the informataion into the solved blank types
-- of an InfoNote. This should give better TDNR results, because it
-- allows the stored solutions to incorporate information from later
-- in the type checking process, instead of it being entirely reliant
-- on information in the local scope of the reference to be resolved.
-- Note: this does not take any care to abstract over the variables
-- stored in the notes, so it is _heavily_ reliant on the fact that we
-- never reuse variable names/numberings in the typechecker. If this
-- becomes untrue, then we need to revisit this and instead properly
-- generalize types stored in the notes.
substituteSolved ::
(Var v, Ord loc) =>
[Element v loc] ->
InfoNote v loc ->
InfoNote v loc
substituteSolved ctx (SolvedBlank b v t) =
SolvedBlank b v (applyCtx ctx t)
substituteSolved _ i = i
-- The typechecker generates synthetic type variables as part of type inference.
-- This function converts these synthetic type variables to regular named type
-- variables guaranteed to not collide with any other type variables.
@ -434,8 +473,7 @@ data Info v loc = Info
solvedExistentials :: Map v (Monotype v loc), -- `v` is solved to some monotype
universalVars :: Set v, -- set of universals seen so far
termVarAnnotations :: Map v (Type v loc),
allVars :: Set v, -- all variables seen so far
previouslyTypecheckedVars :: Set v -- term vars already typechecked
allVars :: Set v -- all variables seen so far
-- | The empty context
@ -472,11 +510,24 @@ retract0 e (Context ctx) = case focusAt (\(e', _) -> e' == e) ctx of
-- of `body` and the discarded context (not including the marker), respectively.
-- Freshened `markerHint` is used to create the marker.
markThenRetract :: (Var v, Ord loc) => v -> M v loc a -> M v loc (a, [Element v loc])
markThenRetract markerHint body = do
v <- freshenVar markerHint
markThenRetract hint body =
markThenCallWithRetract hint \retract -> adjustNotes do
r <- body
ctx <- retract
pure ((r, ctx), substituteSolved ctx)
markThenRetract0 :: (Var v, Ord loc) => v -> M v loc a -> M v loc ()
markThenRetract0 markerHint body = () <$ markThenRetract markerHint body
markThenCallWithRetract ::
(Var v, Ord loc) =>
v ->
(M v loc [Element v loc] -> M v loc a) ->
M v loc a
markThenCallWithRetract hint k = do
v <- freshenVar hint
extendContext (Marker v)
a <- body
(a,) <$> doRetract (Marker v)
k (doRetract (Marker v))
doRetract :: (Var v, Ord loc) => Element v loc -> M v loc [Element v loc]
doRetract e = do
@ -498,9 +549,6 @@ markThenRetract markerHint body = do
setContext t
pure discarded
markThenRetract0 :: (Var v, Ord loc) => v -> M v loc a -> M v loc ()
markThenRetract0 markerHint body = () <$ markThenRetract markerHint body
-- unsolved' :: Context v loc -> [(B.Blank loc, v)]
-- unsolved' (Context ctx) = [(b,v) | (Existential b v, _) <- ctx]
@ -654,14 +702,6 @@ freshenTypeVar v =
in (Var.freshenId id (TypeVar.underlying v), e {freshId = id + 1})
isClosed :: (Var v) => Term v loc -> M v loc Bool
isClosed e = Set.null <$> freeVars e
freeVars :: (Var v) => Term v loc -> M v loc (Set v)
freeVars e = do
ctx <- getContext
pure $ ABT.freeVars e `Set.difference` previouslyTypecheckedVars (info ctx)
-- todo: do we want this to return a location for the aspect of the type that was not well formed
-- todo: or maybe a note / list of notes, or an M
@ -690,7 +730,7 @@ wellformedType c t = case t of
-- | Return the `Info` associated with the last element of the context, or the zero `Info`.
info :: (Ord v) => Context v loc -> Info v loc
info (Context []) = Info mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
info (Context []) = Info mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty
info (Context ((_, i) : _)) = i
-- | Add an element onto the end of this `Context`. Takes `O(log N)` time,
@ -699,19 +739,19 @@ info (Context ((_, i) : _)) = i
extend' :: (Var v) => Element v loc -> Context v loc -> Either (CompilerBug v loc) (Context v loc)
extend' e c@(Context ctx) = Context . (: ctx) . (e,) <$> i'
Info es ses us uas vs pvs = info c
Info es ses us uas vs = info c
-- see figure 7
i' = case e of
Var v -> case v of
-- UvarCtx - ensure no duplicates
TypeVar.Universal v ->
if Set.notMember v vs
then pure $ Info es ses (Set.insert v us) uas (Set.insert v vs) pvs
then pure $ Info es ses (Set.insert v us) uas (Set.insert v vs)
else crash $ "variable " <> show v <> " already defined in the context"
-- EvarCtx - ensure no duplicates, and that this existential is not solved earlier in context
TypeVar.Existential _ v ->
if Set.notMember v vs
then pure $ Info (Set.insert v es) ses us uas (Set.insert v vs) pvs
then pure $ Info (Set.insert v es) ses us uas (Set.insert v vs)
else crash $ "variable " <> show v <> " already defined in the context"
-- SolvedEvarCtx - ensure `v` is fresh, and the solution is well-formed wrt the context
Solved _ v sa@(Type.getPolytype -> t)
@ -719,7 +759,7 @@ extend' e c@(Context ctx) = Context . (: ctx) . (e,) <$> i'
| not (wellformedType c t) -> crash $ "type " <> show t <> " is not well-formed wrt the context"
| otherwise ->
pure $
Info (Set.insert v es) (Map.insert v sa ses) us uas (Set.insert v vs) pvs
Info (Set.insert v es) (Map.insert v sa ses) us uas (Set.insert v vs)
-- VarCtx - ensure `v` is fresh, and annotation is well-formed wrt the context
Ann v t
| Set.member v vs -> crash $ "variable " <> show v <> " already defined in the context"
@ -732,12 +772,11 @@ extend' e c@(Context ctx) = Context . (: ctx) . (e,) <$> i'
(Map.insert v t uas)
(Set.insert v vs)
((if Set.null (Type.freeVars t) then Set.insert v else id) pvs)
-- MarkerCtx - note that since a Marker is always the first mention of a variable, suffices to
-- just check that `v` is not previously mentioned
Marker v ->
if Set.notMember v vs
then pure $ Info es ses us uas (Set.insert v vs) pvs
then pure $ Info es ses us uas (Set.insert v vs)
else crash $ "marker variable " <> show v <> " already defined in the context"
crash reason = Left $ IllegalContextExtension c e reason
@ -1152,21 +1191,7 @@ synthesizeWanted tm@(Term.Request' r) =
fmap (wantRequest tm) . ungeneralize . Type.purifyArrows
=<< getEffectConstructorType r
synthesizeWanted (Term.Let1Top' top binding e) = do
isClosed <- isClosed binding
-- note: no need to freshen binding, it can't refer to v
((tb, wb), ctx2) <- markThenRetract Var.inferOther $ do
_ <- extendExistential Var.inferOther
synthesize binding
-- regardless of whether we generalize existentials, we'll need to
-- process the wanted abilities with respect to things falling out
-- of scope.
wb <- substAndDefaultWanted wb ctx2
-- If the binding has no free variables, we generalize over its
-- existentials
tbinding <-
if isClosed
then pure $ generalizeExistentials ctx2 tb
else applyM . applyCtx ctx2 $ tb
(tbinding, wb) <- synthesizeBinding binding
v' <- ABT.freshen e freshenVar
when (Var.isAction (ABT.variable e)) $
-- enforce that actions in a block have type ()
@ -1311,6 +1336,67 @@ synthesizeWanted e
l = loc e
synthesizeWanted _e = compilerCrash PatternMatchFailure
-- | Synthesizes a type for a local binding, for use in synthesizing
-- or checking `Let1` expressions. There is a bit of wrapping around
-- the call to `synthesize` to attempt to generalize certain
-- definitions.
-- We want to generalize self-contained definitions when possible, so
-- that things like:
-- id x = x
-- id ()
-- id "hello"
-- will work. However, note that just checking that the definition is
-- self contained is insufficient, because:
-- r = IO.ref '(bug "whatever")
-- is self-contained (in the free variable sense), but would yield a
-- polymorphic reference. So, I think it is also necessary to check
-- that the binding has no wanted abilities. This automatically covers
-- the local function definitions we want.
-- ---
-- The current strategy for generalization is a bit sophisticated as
-- well. We want to generalize local definitions when possible.
-- However, when doing type directed name resolution, we _don't_ want
-- to generalize over variables that will help us figure out which
-- selection to make.
-- So, when we _do_ generalize, we first partition the discarded
-- context into the portion that is involved in TDNR solutions, and
-- the portion that isn't. We generalize the variables that aren't
-- involved in TDNR, and re-push the variables that are, so that they
-- can be refined later. This is a bit unusual for the algorithm we
-- use, but it seems like it should be safe.
synthesizeBinding ::
(Var v) =>
(Ord loc) =>
Term v loc ->
M v loc (Type v loc, Wanted v loc)
synthesizeBinding binding = do
markThenCallWithRetract Var.inferOther \retract -> do
(tb, wb) <- synthesize binding
if not (null wb)
then (,wb) <$> applyM tb
else do
ctx <- retract
let erecs = [ v | Existential B.Recorded{} v <- ctx ]
srecs =
[ v
| Solved B.Recorded {} _ sa <- ctx
, TypeVar.Existential _ v <-
Set.toList . ABT.freeVars . applyCtx ctx $ Type.getPolytype sa ]
keep = Set.fromList (erecs ++ srecs)
p (Existential _ v) = v `Set.member` keep
p _ = False
(repush, discard) = partition p ctx
appendContext repush
pure $ (generalizeExistentials discard tb, [])
getDataConstructorsAtType :: forall v loc. (Ord loc, Var v) => Type v loc -> M v loc (EnumeratedConstructors (TypeVar v loc) v loc)
getDataConstructorsAtType t0 = do
dataConstructors <- getDataConstructors t0
@ -2308,9 +2394,9 @@ checkWanted want (Term.Lam' body) (Type.Arrow'' i es o) = do
checkWithAbilities es body o
pure want
checkWanted want (Term.Let1' binding m) t = do
v <- ABT.freshen m freshenVar
(tbinding, wbinding) <- synthesize binding
(tbinding, wbinding) <- synthesizeBinding binding
want <- coalesceWanted wbinding want
v <- ABT.freshen m freshenVar
markThenRetractWanted v $ do
when (Var.isAction (ABT.variable m)) $
-- enforce that actions in a block have type ()